A 2D-Barcode Based Mobile Advertising Solution Jerry Zeyu Gao, Hema Veeraragavathatham, and Shailashree Savanur Computer Engineering Department, San Jose State University Contact email:
[email protected]
Abstract Today, the use of mobile devices is increasing rapidly to provide various benefits to its end user. As a result, mobilecommerce has evolved at a very fast rate and causes a big impact to our lives. Since digital barcodes have been used extensively in traditional commerce, such as supply-chain and payment,, new barcode-based solutions are needed in mobile commerce in advertising, payment, and product validation. This paper proposes a new mobile advertising solution based on two-dimensional (2D) barcodes. This reports our design and implementation using DataMatrix 2D barcode technology. With this solution, merchants and manufactures, as well as advertising vendors can post and transfer barcode-based advertisements on mobile devices of end users. Keywords: mobile advertising, mobile advertising system, mobile commerce, wireless commerce, and 2D barcodes.
1. Introduction As the widely deployment of modern wireless networks and mobile technologies, there is a significant increase in the number of mobile device users, which creates a very strong demand for emerging mobile commerce applications and services. In recent years, there is a tremendous increase of the number of mobile users and their usage of wireless networks and wireless internet. According the November Issue of Wireless Design & Development Asia in 2007, wireless networks are deployed in 224 countries in the world. Informa Telecoms & Media reveals that worldwide mobile subscriptions will hit 3.3 billion—equivalent to 50 percent of the global. Mobile advertising is an important subject in mobilecommerce. It has received much more attention in today‘s advertising and commerce world. Informa Telecoms & Media predicts that wireless advertising revenue will grow in the next 5 years from $871 million in 2006 to over $11 billion annually by 2011. Hence, mobile devices have become the new frontier and hot targets for advertisers. As indicated in [17], various barcodes have been used in the past decades as a very effective means in many traditional e-commerce systems, supply-chain management, retail sale-and-buy, as well as tracking and monitoring of products and goods. Considering the limitations of onedimensional barcodes, more researchers and people begin to pay their attentions to 2D barcodes due to the advantages in data capacity. This paper extends our mobile advertising solution using 2D barcode technology to support encoding & decoding, post and management barcode-based mobile
advertisements for advertisers, mobile service carriers and publishers. The Barcode Based Mobile Advertising System proposed in this paper is a solution which could play a vital role in promoting finished goods over the mobile platform by using the 2D barcode as the primary source for advertisements. This system facilitates advertisers to design their product advertisement (ad) and supply it to a mobile ad publisher to generate and publish a 2D barcode ad for the advertisement. The mobile customers can view and decode these 2D-barcode ads on mobile phones. They can also obtain 2d barcode ads from magazines or posters by using a camera-enabled mobile phone. If the ad is a promotion, then they can redeem it at the store by scanning the barcode using a barcode reader at the checkout counter. This paper is structured as follows. The following section reviews the background of digital barcode technologies and discusses related work in mobile advertising. Section 3 describes the Barcode Based Mobile Advertising System, including its architecture, functions, and technologies. Section 4 describes the implemented workflow processes for advertisers, publishers, venders for mobile advertising. Section 5 presents the application examples of the implemented system for system users, including mobile access clients and online access clients. Finally, Section 6 presents the conclusion and the future research direction.
2. Background and Related Work 2.1. Mobile advertising and systems Mobile advertising provides a new direct way to increase the product sales and the awareness of products and services by communicating with prospective buyers through mobile devices. The basic mobile advertising concepts are discussed in [1][2], including the classification of mobile ads, business models, challenges and opportunities. Various communication methods for mobile advertising are discussed in [4], such as broadcasting (local and global), ad hoc networking, and dedicated connection: In addition, peer-to-peer based personalized advertisements can be sent to users using both push and pull modes. In the push model, the ads are sent to mobile users without being requested. However, in the pull mode, the ads are delivered to the mobile users only if they are requested. Based on our recent survey, there is a number of published papers addressing mobile advertising. Some of them focus on discussions about the effectiveness of mobile advertising. In [3], the authors draw the lessons learnt from analyzing the effectiveness of traditional advertising, in order to understand the same in mobile advertising. The authors consider a number of variables in order to develop
an empirically validated model to study advertising through mobile messaging. The comparison between mobile advertising on mobile devices and conventional advertising on PCs and other platforms are discussed in [1]. In [10], the authors discuss the categorization and objectives of mobile marketing by examining fifty-five case studies. They standardize mobile marketing into four types namely, information standard type (characterized by the instance information, for example, news and horoscopes), entertainment standard type (characterized by the instance entertainment, for example, music and games), raffle standard type (characterized by the instance raffle, for example, lottery tickets), and coupon standard type (characterized by the instance monetary incentive, for example, discounts and trial packs). In addition, there is a number of papers discussing the consumer‘ perspective and behaviors toward to mobile advertising and their acceptance [5][6][7]. In [9], the authors present a study and analysis of consumer behavior in order to investigate the impact of a preceding advertisement on the current one. Using an applied research methodology they carry out an empirical evaluation of the model based on the data collected from the consumers. In [8], the authors report a study to understand the response rates of consumers in Korea for the same service provider based on click rates of mobile advertisements, interviews, literature reviews for mobile advertisements. In [15], the author provides a deep insight into the advertising space and also their studies on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns for mobile phones. The author proposes a conceptual model based on the factors affecting the mobile industry and provides a discussion on the applicability of the model in the industry. Furthermore, there are a number of published papers reporting the systems and solutions for mobile advertising. They can be classified into the following groups: - Mobile coupon system [11], which issues and utilize mobile coupons (known as mCoupons) on mobile devices. The system uses Near Field Communication (NFC) technology for the client to extract the mCoupon from the issuer and interact with the target machine at the cashier‘s desk to cash-in the coupon. - Location-based advertising system. Bluetooth-Mobile Advertising system [12], known as B-MAD, which delivers permission-based, location-aware mobile advertisements using Bluetooth positioning and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push. In this system, the location of the end-user is identified using a Bluetooth Sensor. The Ad Server is responsible for looking up any undelivered advertisements for that location, and then it delivers the advertisements in the form of WAP Push messages. In addition, the authors in [14] analyze the key issues in the development of location-based advertisement for mobile ecommerce (Ad-me). They propose the architecture of a system that aims to deliver targeted advertisements based on locations. - Intelligent mobile advertising system [13], which proposes a complete system for both mobile marketing and advertising. It provides intelligent targeting rules and workflows to support the various types of users including
wireless service companies, advertisement publishers, and end-users by explaining the detailed workflows for these users. 2.2. Barcode technology for mobile advertising The concept of barcodes appeared decades ago. Traditionally, the barcodes stored data in the form of parallel lines in different widths, and they are known as 1demensional (1D) barcodes, and could only encode numbers [18]. In the past decade, various barcodes have been used as a very effective means in many traditional ecommerce systems, supply-chain management, retail saleand-buy, as well as tracking and monitoring of products and goods. The research for storing more data in barcodes led to the development of 2D barcodes that can store large amount of data in a small area to support information distribution and detection without accessing a database. But 2D barcodes require sophisticated devices for decoding, which was a challenge until recently. Today, with the advance of the image processing and multimedia capabilities of mobile devices, they can be used as portable barcode encoding and decoding devices. At the end of 1980s, two-dimensional (2D) barcodes appeared [19]. With a much larger data capacity, 2D barcodes become popularly used in different areas. PDF417, Micro PDF417, and DataMatrix are typical examples. In general, there are two types of 2D barcodes: a) stacked 2D barcodes, such as Code 49 and PDF417, and b) Matrix 2D barcodes, such as Data Matrix and QR Code. Some examples of common 2D barcodes are listed below.
Code 49
QR Code
PDF417 Data Matrix Figure 1 Four different Types of 2D Barcodes Compared with 1D barcodes which hold vary limited information data, 2D barcodes has a much larger capacity to hold more information data. For example, a 2D barcode can hold up to 3116 digitals, 2355 letters, and 1556 binary data. As indicated in [17], today many people believe digital barcodes provides an effective means for mobile commerce application systems due to the following reasons: Using digital barcodes provides a simple and inexpensive method to present diverse commerce data in mobile commerce, including product id and product information, advertisements, purchasing and payment information.
As more mobile digital cameras are deployed on mobile devices, using digital barcodes is becoming an effective way to reduce the mobile inputs from mobile users.
mobile advertising system for advertisement performance and reporting. Printing AD Publisher
2D Barcode AD Magazine 2D Barcode Captured by mobile camera
Figure 2 Interactions between a 2D barcode and a Mobile phone (Source:www.quickmark.com.tw) As shown in Figure 2, the authors in [17] review and discuss different mobile applications using 2D barcodes, in supply chain, mobile security, product identification and information tracking, As pointed out by [16], the author forecasts the future of mobile shopping in the Japanese market based on number technology trajectories with regards to speed of the network. They include 2D barcodes, mobile browsers, and the integration of mobile sites with other media, such as magazines, radio, and TV in the Japanese market.
3. 2D Barcode-Based Mobile Advertising (A) Barcode-Based Mobile Advertising Process Comparing with conventional advertising approaches, barcode-based advertising in mobile commerce provide three distinct advantages: Provide present diverse advertisements in small-sized barcodes with built-in rich marketing and product information for potential customers to access. Increase the convenience and efficiency of electronic commerce transactions in purchasing, payment, and delivery and pick-up for products with bar-coded IDs. Improve mobile user experience by reducing user inputs. Figure 3 shows the business process and workflow for barcode-based mobile advertising. As shown in Figure 3, there are two ways for advertisers to post barcode-based advertisements. In the first approach, 2D barcode ads are published in conventional media (such as posters and magazines) by publishers. End users discover and capture the 2D barcode ads using mobile devices with digital camera. Then, mobile client software allows them to access the contents of mobile ads by decoding the corresponding 2D barcodes. Then, they can follow-up for e-commerce transactions. In the second approach, 2D barcode ads are generated and posted by mobile ad publishers for advertisers on mobile sites. When end-users discover a 2D barcode ad, they can click and access the advertisement contents that decoded by mobile client software. Meanwhile, all of end users reactions and responses are tracked and processes by the
End User Access
Online Interface
Wireless Internet
Generate/ or Encode
Middleware Mobile AD Advertiser
Mobile AD Publisher 2D Barcode Advertising System
Figure 3 2D Barcode-Based Mobile Advertising Workflow AD Space Catalog
AD Space Trading
AD Space Scheduling
AD Space Fulfillment
AD Space Measurement AD Space Payment
Figure 4 A Workflow Process for AD Publishers (B) Advertising Workflow Based on [2], there are three types of workflows to support advertising activities. They are: a) the enterprise workflow The engineering process for mobile publishers consists six phases [1]: Ad Space Catalog: The publisher creates and maintains ad space catalogs. An ad space catalog
consists of a number of pages with ad spaces. Each ad space has its basic attributes, including it location, posting size, schedule, payment method, and current booking status. Ad Space Trading: The publisher tries to sale ad spaces to advertisers following a set of business rules. There User Interfaces for advertisers to select trading models. Ad Space Schedule: The publisher tries to create and update the deliver schedules for each ad space, based on the ad trading agreements. There are User Interfaces for advertisers to search, book, purchase and confirm ad schedules. Ad Space Fulfillment: The publisher delivers the ads, based on ad delivery schedule and targeting rules. Ad Space Measurement: The publisher monitors and collects ad delivery data used to measure the performance of the ads. Ad Space Payment: The publisher collects payment from advertisers after the ad is delivered, according to the ad delivery contract. Encoding Workflow
Decoding Workflow
Big chunk of Strings
Big Java Byte Arrays
Data String Partition
Partition of Big Java Byte Array
A String Set Java Byte Arrays
Creation of 2D Barcode Data Matrix
Convert each Byte Array into Barcode Images Barcode Set for Different Sub-Strings
Barcode Set for Different Byte Arrays
Barcode Conversion Into Java Byte Array
Decode each Barcode and recover the strings Java Byte Array
barcode framework based on the standard defined by the Information Technology-International Symbology Specification-Data Matrix (ISO/IEC 16022) [20]. The discussions about the basic algorithms are explained in [20]. The framework includes three basic components and one user interface as a barcode generation tool:
An Application Interface (API), which allows developers to use it as a reusable component for 2D barcode processing in barcode-based applications.
An encoding module, which includes two parts: data encoder and b) image generator. Data encoder performs data encoding functions. They are: a) generating encoded data in bit stream format, b) adding unprotected bit stream, c) calculating a header and a trailer, and appending them to the unprotected bit stream to produce protected bit stream, d) pattern randomization for extended security, and e) module placement to form the matrix using a special placement algorithm. Image generator includes the functions to create the 2D barcode image.
A decoding module, which provides the decoding process by the following two parts: a) image decoder, and b) data decoder. Image decoder recovers the binary matrix from the given 2D barcode image.
Figure 5 shows the implemented encoding procedure and decoding procedure, where multi-string encoding and decoding feature are implemented to support multiple segment Data Matrix Barcodes. Mobile User
Advertiser Publisher 2D-Barcode Framework
Mobile Client
Wireless Internet
WAP Wireless Gateway
Wireless Internet Server
Internet Server Middleware
A String Set Combine Bye Arrays Into A Big Byte Array Big Java Byte Array
Barcode Tool Concatenate them to form the original string Chunk
2D-Barcode Framework
Mobile AD Server
2D Barcode Generator
The original String Chunk
Figure 5 Encoding and Decoding for 2D Barcodes Barcode-Based Technology Solution: Since 2006, we started a project to develop a 2D barcode mobile processing solution to support our barcode-based mobile commerce solutions. Based on our literature survey and study about 2D barcodes, Data matrix symbology is a very popular technology and standard used in many applications. Hence, we selected and implemented a 2D
2D Barcodes
DB Server
AD Database
Figure 6 The Mobile Advertising System Architecture
4. A Barcode-Based Mobile AD Solution Since 2005, we have started the research project to create a wireless advertising system to support wireless service companies and publishers (or portals) to accept, deliver,
and present mobile ads for mobile advertisers. In 2008, we add the following two major features: Support, manage, post, and deliver 2D barcode-based mobile ads. Support, manage, and post location-based ads. Due to the limited space, this paper only talks about 2D barcode-based advertising solutions. Figure 6 shows the system infrastructure, in which WAPbased wireless internet is used to support the communications between mobile clients and mobile advertising server. The system supports three types of users: mobile advertisers, ad publishers, and mobile users. As shown in Figure 4, the system supports both online and mobile functional features. These function components are grouped in a 3-tier layers. Tier #1 – This is a client tier includes online user interface and mobile client interface software. Tier #2 – This is the application tier, which includes a set of function components and the necessary middleware, including wireless internet server, and internet server and related middleware. These functional components support both online and mobile advertising functions. Figure 7 shows the details. Tier #3 – This is a data store tier, which includes a mobile AD database program and a MySQL server. Online User Interface
Mobile Client Interface 2D Barcode Mobile Enabler
Online Feature
Mobile Features
Internet Comm. Component
Wireless Comm. Component
Online User Access Control
Mobile User Access Control
Ad Submission Manager
2D Barcode Framework
Ad Space Catalog Manager
Mobile Ad Delivery Manager
Ad Schedule Manager
Mobile Location Service
Ad Targeting Manager
Mobile Ad Tracker
Online Ad Tracker
Mobile Ad Measurement
Online Ad Performance Ad Payment Management
Mobile AD Database Access Components MySQLDatabase Server
Figure 7 Function Components in 3-Tier Layers As shown in Figure 7, the functional components in the mobile advertising server can be classified into two groups: (a) online functional features, and (b) mobile functional features. The online features include the following parts:
Ad Space Catalog Manager – It creates, updates, and maintains different types of ad spaces for a mobile publisher. Ad Schedule Manager – It creates, updates, and maintains different advertising schedules for mobile advertisers, including 2D barcode advertisements. Ad Submission Manager – It allows advertisers to submit and deliver mobile ads based on their selected ad templates, contents and spaces. The system provides a preview feature, which allows the advertisers to preview any mobile ads on a mobile emulator on a desktop (or laptop) computer. Ad Targeting Manager – This component is responsible to select mobile ads based on the pre-defined targeting rules and processes. In [Gao], we have explains the detailed decision rules and processes. Online Ad Tracker – This part allows advertisers to track the posted ads and customer reactions online. Online Ad Performance –It evaluates and measures posted ad performance based on different criteria (such as, adimpression, ad-click and ad-click-through) and generates different performance reports. Comparing the previous version of this Mobile AD system [13], we add four mobile components to supporting mobile advertising. They are listed below. 2D Barcode Framework – This component provides 2D barcode related functions and facilities using Data Matrix standard, including encoding and decoding functions. It is used as a basic component at the sever side for in the mobile advertising system. 2D Barcode Mobile Enabler – This is a barcode processing component for mobile client software, which supports decoding, barcode-based information retrieval, and user interactions with mobile users. Mobile Ad Delivery Manager – This component manages and delivers different types of barcode-based mobile advertisements. Mobile Ad Tracker – This function component provides a primitive tracking for mobile advertisements. It helps advertisers to check the current advertising process and posting status for a selected mobile ad. Mobile ad Measurement – This function component allows advertisers to access a simple ad performance report for their posted ads.
5. Implementation and Application The 2D barcode advertising solution is application which demonstrates the use of the barcode ads in various types of ads namely, large banner, small banner, icon, text, image and video. Some of the screen layouts are as represented in Figure 8. The application is launched with a splash screen and a list displaying the various categories namely, Clothing and Apparel, Household Items, Personal Care, Electronics, Pet Care, and, Beverages. Each category has two to three advertisement links. These links navigate to forms which display ads on index or home pages of different mobile sites. The user should click on the View Ad button in order to view the decoded barcode. The user might have to view videos before viewing the decoded barcode ad and the ad contents.
the mobile devices. Because the customers chooses the categories in which they wish to receive barcode ads, there is no room for spamming the customer with unnecessary ads and ensures that the advertisers generate more targeted and informational ads. Implementation Technology The presented 2D barcode advertising solution was implemented using J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) for the web client and J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) for the mobile client. Netbeans IDE was used to develop the entire application. JSP pages were developed for the web client and CSS was used to provide uniform and elegant look for those pages. Sun Java wireless toolkit for Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) was used to develop the mobile application. Java Servlet and EJB technology were used to develop the business logic. JDBC was used to connect to a MySQL database.
Figure 8. Screen layouts for customer to view various barcode ads The system provides a means for the advertisers to plan and generate advertisements that belong to specific categories and subcategories. The advertiser also can choose a registered publisher and choose an ad template, ad space and ad schedule as posted by the publisher on his or her ad template catalog and ad space & schedule catalog. The advertiser changes the status of the barcode ad to ‗contract‘ as soon as he completes the design. At this point, the publisher receives the barcode ad and he encodes the same in order for the advertiser to view the encoded ad. Figure 9 shows the online user interface for a mobile ad advertiser to manage mobile ad categories. Figure 10 shows the system screen layout to generate a contract for mobile advertising. Figure 11 and 12 shows the online interface to allow ad publishers to list and view mobile ads, track mobile ads respectively. In addition, a mobile ad performance feature is implemented online to allow users to check the performance of mobile advertisements using an online interface. Figure 13 shows different samples of ad performance reports on the web. The successful implementation of the barcode based advertising system illustrates the fact that 2D barcode based advertisements can be delivered to devices with very small memory footprints. Encoding the advertisement into a barcode ensures that more ad content can be delivered to
Figure 9 A Screen Layout for Managing AD Categories
Figure 10 A Screen Layout to Generate A Contract
Figure 11 A Screen Layout for Publishers to List and View Mobile Barcode Ads
Figure 12. A Screen Layout to Track Information of Mobile Barcode Ads The encoding algorithm used by the Publisher was developed earlier at San Jose State University. The implementation of decoding of the Data Matrix barcode is currently based on an open source API, namely the ZXing Barcode Reader for Java ME which is a part of Google code. It is recommended that an in-house barcode reader be used in order to own the entire solution. The solution currently implements only text-based advertisements. It is recommended that multimedia based ads be supported in order to reach a wider range of customers.
Figure 13 Online Mobile AD Performance Reports
6. Conclusion and Future Work Today, mobile advertising is a hot popular topic in mcommerce research and business. As the advance of 2D barcode technologies, more barcode-based solutions and systems are needed in mobile commerce. This paper addresses this demand and reports our research efforts in building a 2D barcode-based mobile advertising solution for mobile advertisers and mobile users using modern mobile technology based on DataMatrix 2D barcode standard. Comparing other existing mobile advertising approaches and solutions, the proposed solution has the unique advantages in increasing mobile AD access experience due to the following reasons: Posting small-size 2D barcode-enabled ads on mobile devices allow mobile users to access and retrieve a rich set of information, including detailed product information in a supply-chain. Improve mobile commerce experience by reducing or eliminating mobile user inputs when they access mobile ads. Create a new digital channel to leverage the conventional advertising media (such as posters and magazines) with mobile advertising solutions. This paper reports our development effort and experience in building a new mobile advertising solution based on 2D barcodes. Initial prototype system and application experience suggests that this solution is feasible over wireless internet using current technologies in 2D barcode symbology and mobile J2ME. In addition, it has a very good potential in mobile commerce systems, such as mobile payment and mobile applications. For the future research direction, we plan to study, implement, and deploy 2D barcode-based mobile validation solution and tool to support merchants in product validation & check-out, product pick-up & delivery, invoice (or ticket) validation by mobile devices.
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