Our Next Production. Barefoot in the Park by Neil Simon. October 5, 12, 13*, 19,
25, 26. *Matinee - 3pm Curtain. Director: Steve Lemenille. Producer: Kay Macrae.
1000 North Avenue West, Westfield, NJ 07090
Keeping you up-to-date on our theater!
August, 2013
www.westfieldcommunityplayers.org Our Next Production
Barefoot in the Park by Neil Simon October 5, 12, 13*, 19, 25, 26
*Matinee - 3pm Curtain Director: Steve Lemenille Producer: Kay Macrae Stage Manager: Barbara Ruban Cast Kate Barron as Corie Brian Remo as Paul Zita Geoffroy-Heinz as Mrs. Banks Russ Ortiz as Victor Velasco Ken Webb as Telephone Man Special Guest as Delivery Man Upcoming Productions Regrets Only by Paul Rudnick Director: Maurice Moran Opens January 11, 2014 Butterflies Are Free by Leonard Gershe Director: Wanda Margani Opens March 8, 2014 A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams Director: Brian Remo Opens May 10, 2014
President's Corner Let me first congratulate and welcome our newest Board member, Brian Remo, as Secretary. Brian, no stranger to WCP, has been with us since his debut in Dial 'M' for Murder. He thas also appeared in A View from the Bridge, Abie's Irish Rose, The Glass Menagerie and Don't Dress for Dinner. Brian also directed Rehearsal for Murder for WCP which garnered an unprecedented 10 NJACT Perry Award Nominations! Brian will be directing A Streetcar Named Desire at WCP in May. Our season this year is lining up to be a wonderful and exciting one. In fact, many other community theater members have remarked to me, personally and in print, that our season of three comedies and a drama is awesome. As always, all of our productions are the product of our volunteer staff and casts. We cannot exist without their tireless efforts. To that end, WCP is always looking to expand our theatrical family. We would like to encourage you to become an active part of our productions. Whether you have experience or are a theater neophyte, there's a place for you, plus it's great fun! If you're interested, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Joyce Nowlin at
[email protected] or complete the Volunteer Form on our website at: www.westfieldcommunityplayers.org/WCPvfor m.html (President's Corner continues – next page)
At the Box Office Any Ticket Any Time Members can reserve tickets for all four shows in the 2013-2014 season at once or show by show in one of three ways: 1) Mail back the form received with the summer membership mailing; the reservation will be confirmed by phone or email. 2) Fill out the ticket form on the web site at: www.westfieldcommunityplayers.org/WCPmem tickets.html Your reservation will be confirmed by email.
President's Corner (continued) By now you should all have received our latest mailing which consisted of our season's brochure, Season Ticket Request form, Newsletter and Patron letter. Please draw your attention to the Patron letter. As mentioned in the letter, WCP has undergone some significant changes to our theater for your safety and comfort. These improvements could not have been made without your generosity and support. We would like you to continue your support of “your†theater by, once again, contributing. Contribution levels are:
Patron: $ 25.00 - $ 49.00 Angel's Circle: $ 50.00 - $ 99.00 Producer's Circle: $100.00 - $249.00 Director's Circle: $250.00 - $499.00 3) Call the Ticket Line 908-232-1221. Please say Benefactor's Circle: $500.00 - The sky's the and spell your name slowly and clearly and limit! leave your home phone number for You can contribute by remitting a check to: confirmation. State the number of tickets, the Community Players, and mailing it to: Westfield performance date and your seating preference. Community Players, 1000 North Avenue West, The order will be confirmed by phone. Westfield, NJ 07090. You may print out our Non-members can reserve tickets by either filling out the on-line form or calling the Ticket Line. Tickets can not be paid for on-line --- cash or check at pick-up ONLY. Single tickets are $20. Active duty military personnel discounted tickets available for all performances. Discounted student tickets ($10) are available for matinee performances only. All tickets will be held at the Box Office for pick-up before the performance. All seats are reserved. Reserved tickets may be exchanged free of charge, subject to availability. Please note that tickets not picked up 15 minutes before curtain may be subject to sale. You will be able to make another reservation for a remaining performance of the same show, if available. The box office is only open on performance nights. Tickets can be picked up beginning one hour before show time.
Patron contribution form by visiting: www.westfieldcommunityplayers.org/WCPpatro nsupport .html. We thank you for your support of our theater. Each donor will be recognized in our Playbill. Our Play-reading Committee, chaired by Drude Roessler, has already begun the task of selecting productions for next season. If you have a production that you'd like considered, please submit it to: info@westfieldcommunityplayers. WCP is always looking to expand our theatrical directors' slate. Should you know of anyone who'd like to direct for us, ask them to complete and submit an application by visiting www.westfieldcommunityplayers.org/WCPdirec tors.html Looking forward to meeting all of you at our theater. Steve Lemenille President
Check our website or the Ticket Line for up-todate information on ticket availability.
Perry Award Nominations Last season's outstanding production of {Proof} landed us two Perry Award Nominations. Our Active Duty Military Discounted Tickets Beginning this season, currently serving military President, Steve Lemenille, was nominated as personnel will be entitled to purchase tickets for Outstanding Director of a Play, and John Correll was nominated as Outstanding Featured Actor in themselves at half-price. a Play. Our Message Board Additionally, our Secretary, Brian Remo's Like to comment or offer suggestions about our production of Company, for Main Street Theater Company garnered two Perry nominations theatre? You can, you know. Visit our Message including Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Board (Forum). Here you have the opportunity for further updates as to what is going on at our Musical for our own Linda Correll. theatre, write reviews of the shows, offer ideas Handicapped Parking and suggestions as to how we can better serve you, our loyal members and subscribers. So give Handicapped parking at the theater is extremely limited. Please park in the American Legion it a look-see. You just might like it. What other parking lot after dropping off your handicapped community theatre makes you a part of it!? passengers and only ask for one of our limited To go to the Message Board, you can find it on handicapped parking spaces if the vehicle's driver our web page under the Menu item: Message is unable to walk. We appreciate your Board understanding and cooperation. Get to Know our Barefoot Cast If You Can't Attend If you want to learn about Who Is Who in our If you've made a reservation for your member Barefoot in the Park cast, you can visit their ticket and find yourself unable to attend, please theatrical biographical page on our website at: notify the Box Office as soon as you can so that www.westfieldcommunityplayers.org/WCP_bar other patrons may be able to attend the show. efootbios.html Our Website Peruse our fabulous website located at www.westfieldcommunityplayers.org for more information about our theater and for some fun entertainment. Email addresses wanted If you have an email address and are not receiving your WCP Newsletter by email, please send your email address to
[email protected] so that we can save postage costs. Volunteers Needed Why not volunteer to usher or sell raffle tickets on the night you attend or to house manage on a show night when you are not part of the audience? These are important, but unsung, tasks necessary for our efficient and safe operation.
To volunteer please contact Joyce Nowlin at
[email protected] or at (908)723-3614 or email us at
[email protected] Review Our Shows If you want to write a review of our productions, you may do so by visiting our web site and write your review of each show. Go to the particular web page of the show you attended and click on the link for WRITE YOUR REVIEW. Other sites for WCP News WCP can also be found on the following sites: Facebook Twitter Westfield Patch American Towns Click on these links to keep informed of our theatre goings on!! Newsletter Copy If you would like to include any information in the next issue of the Newsletter, please contact Don Mokrauer by phone at (908)233-9135, by fax at (908)233-5982 or by email at
[email protected].