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Our ancestors Adam and Eve gave us a lesson. for the forbidden fruits not to ... COMPANY. Social Science ... Base Protoc
Base Protocol of The Space©




Grand Abstract: Protocol (Base Protocol of The Space) include space work projects and working methods. The protocol was prepared for the launch of space for life in a national federation in each nation to develop its own set of groups. National group will send to a candidate of their choice to international development groups. There is no president of the international group. The studies will be evaluated by all the nations will be implemented. Development of national and international rules and procedures will from teams according to the protocol. To be used as optional methods like policies, rules, method, etc will developed by for nations of protocol. Protocol will initiate the important issues below: • Life in Space • Trading Space Warning • Space Disasters and Measures • Training Space for Future Generations • Space Products • Space Articles • Space Products and Articles Transfer • Space Economy Warning: Neighbor's garden to steal fruit similar to the theft of trade. Copyright to sell the fruits belong to the owner. Some fruits ripen after the sale. After the sale of some fruits that start with the fruit trade. Because the fruit trade from the fruit tree planting to be come the core of fruit. However, in some rare fruits are grown in some areas. Even though some of the fruits grown in the wrong place could damage the region. Some fruits may also take damage from the habitats. Our ancestors Adam and Eve gave us a lesson for the forbidden fruits not to steal. And of course, maybe one day take warning by, will produce our own fruit. All sub-structure of space of parent energy / child energy / DNA / RNA for not serve a trick. If you do play the game down your nation because if you play the parent / DNA energy you change your child / RNA energy. If you eat changed energy may not be able to return. If have been barren of products of nature, then been to eat this products to infertile. There is no steal god mechanism.

Ferdi Tekin 08.12.2011


This protocol is for all nations. The registration number IEE/1379, 24.01.2012. For use in the national pay. All right reserved.

Base Protocol of The Space©

Base Project of The Space (Theoretical Transformation Practical Transformation) Introduction: The overall objective of the project "brings together multiple fields (interdisciplinary) or university-industry (sectoral) envisages cooperation in the control mechanism and motives". Create the next generation of life in space, and when necessary to survive in space. Scope and Protocol Base: • Developing new production techniques and to obtain new results. • During and after production to obtain maximum performance. • With minimum loss of manpower during production to. • To achieve minimum time loss during production. • Control during production to create. • Intersectoral transfers. • Vertical transitions between sectors. • In the context of the entire production process to execute a certain quality. • Minimal use of special raw materials. • To prevent pollution of the environment for production and manufacturing to create awareness. • To share information between sectors and products. • Between universities and industry to share information. • The structure of the natural environment to work in groups to achieve positive. • Defeat the manpower for space style product and production. • Project activities and products will not be used maliciously. Requirements: Create the next generation of life in space, and when necessary to live in survive space. The new discipline required for them to develop a bit more discipline to create and be enclosed. This new discipline is in attached to appendix (Page 5) on this document. Organizational Chart: 1. International Group (International members from nations) 2. National Coordination and Motivation Group 3. Regular Organization 3.1 Universities 3.2 Companies (Long time) 3.3 Companies (Short time) 4. Irregular Group (After space products complete) 5. Project Publications 5.1 Grand Articles (Space style articles like base principle of the space) 5.2 Master Articles (Modified or changed from grand articles) 5.3 Normal Articles (Alike part of base principle of the space) 5.4 Reports 5.5 Comparisons Ferdi Tekin 08.12.2011


This protocol is for all nations. The registration number IEE/1379, 24.01.2012. For use in the national pay. All right reserved.

Base Protocol of The Space©

Space Angels Federation of Earth (SAFE) INTERNATIONAL GROUPS Ba ol

se of Th Protoco l e Sp ace


OTHER NATIONAL GROUPS rt on po ris Re a e t mp icl uc o r t od t C t A P r uc uc od rod P


Gr Ma and No st er Arti rm A cle al rt ic R Co epo Artic le mp rt le ar iso n

toc Pro pace e s Ba The S of

UNIVERSITY COMPANY GROUPS Social Science Support GROUPS for Space Work Space Angels Triangle

Conclusion: Space environment to ensure the formation of the products needed to create life. Difficult production to produce products to be provided for space life. Sample Results: 1 Energy • Theory: To obtain energy from carbon dioxide • Practice: Creating a system of energy from carbon dioxide • Fields will be on: Alternative energy source 2 Energy • Theory: Gravity energy to obtain • Practice: Resist gravity vehicles • Fields will be on: Car moving mechanism 3 Electronics • Theory: Learning a chipset that can • Practice: Learning chips (chipset) to produce • Fields will be on: The brain and memory of the robot 4 Mechanical + Electronic • Theory: Self-producing robots • Practice: Robots mechanism can self-producing • Fields will be on: Biomechanical robots Ferdi Tekin 08.12.2011


This protocol is for all nations. The registration number IEE/1379, 24.01.2012. For use in the national pay. All right reserved.

Base Protocol of The Space©

* 5 Compound (Biomechanics) • Theory: Self-generating energy and self-producing robots that can • Practice: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th the use of practical information in a short time and produce their own energy-producing formation of the robots. • Space fields will be on: Space will be used in place of the people working. ⁂ OBOTALL * 6 Composite (Anti-Biomechanics) • Practice: Anti-robot production (which produces its own energy and self-producing destruction of the robot). • Theory: Existing building information (* 5) In reviewing the anti-robot to reveal the features that should be. • Fields will be on: To destroy the robot 5. part.


SPACE ANGELS FEDERATION of EARTH ⁂ OBOTALL: This logo is magic logo of the space vehicle. 3D moving mechanizm also contain. Part of OBOT is needed generate for OBOTALL. Each OBOT does different jop/work also. The best alternative mechanism of action. This logo is also the basic narrative structure is designed for space. The first priority task, oball activation of the satellites of Saturn and Jupiter. The second task, move from meteors and asteroids that contain water ice to Moon and Mars. Mevolumetic and Fevolumetic of oball activated regions begin to cultivate lively. Mars will occur for the tectonic layer by asteroids, accelerate the formation of minerals by water pressure by ice meteors, layer plate under the dissolved carbon dioxide will be provided by obzorbe, located above the water with the up silicate layer is formed by dissolving oxygen. Water-based atmospheric events will be started. Abzorbed carbon dioxide is converted crystallic, solidic, liquidic, gasic states energy then used with control to use (C, H, and O compounds). Ferdi Tekin 08.12.2011


This protocol is for all nations. The registration number IEE/1379, 24.01.2012. For use in the national pay. All right reserved.

Base Protocol of The Space©

Appendix BASE PROTOCOL OF THE SPACE..........................................................................1 Base Project of The Space...................................................................................2 A. Base Principle of The Space............................................................................6 B. Space Age.......................................................................................................7 C. Earth – Milkyway Cluster Center Reciprocal Influence...................................10 D. Earth – Solar System Reciprocal Influence....................................................11 E. RI Mapping Method (coordinates of map was prepared as an example).......12 F. Naming Method.............................................................................................15 G. U Language Character Method (for common space language).....................16 H. Natural Resemblance of Space (basic balance)............................................17 I. RI Importance to Life and Advantage/Disadvantage......................................18 J. RI for Biological Exchange (sample RI value for human in space) .................19 K. Basic Quant XY Mathematical Totals and Rates............................................20 L. Basic Quant Equation Sets.............................................................................26

Ferdi Tekin 08.12.2011


This protocol is for all nations. The registration number IEE/1379, 24.01.2012. For use in the national pay. All right reserved.

Base Protocol of The Space©

A. Base Principle of The Space The name of the formula is “Base Principle of The Space”. This principle contains close to 100 sub-formula, and is also basic narrative space structure.

1.1. Unstable Growth


Quantall F̑ F̆ MM ̑ ̆ K̆ Ma.(V ̑)

G̑ Ğ


B̑ N̆

S̑ S̆

P̆ P̑

W̆ W ̑R ̆



quant quant x


When x and y without direction

u q x

u q y

Jectall Sun Style Object VJECT



Oball F ̑F ̆ M ̆ M̑ G ̑G ̆ t Ma.(V ̑) K̑

Atomic Region MJECT


W̆ W̑ R̆ Ȓ


S̑ ES ̑ ̆ L ̑Ĕ


ob ob x

MJECT Atomic Region BJECT


u o x



Ferdi Tekin 08.12.2011


When x and y without direction


u o y

This protocol is for all nations. The registration number IEE/1379, 24.01.2012. For use in the national pay. All right reserved.

Base Protocol of The Space©

B. Space Age Space can think of as the formation of snowflake. Each one a different image of a snowflake, but has similar features to each of them the snow. Sometimes it can not complete the formation of snowflakes, sometimes the shape is distorted, or sometimes the shape is perfect. There is one base energy for the formation of the space, that is the energy of reciprocal influence (exchange energy, or caution, netation, transformation, mutation, and chaotion energy) energy. QUANTALL source (like known biological DNA) are the other energies and energy-wives. QUANTALL bond establishes to nothingness, then were seen outer energy region of QUANTALL in space. This region is expressed with the AIRALL. AIRALL regions are contain single energy (like known biological RNA) or formed includes new energy from couples. Universe side in space is expressed with the QUANTAIR. Universe (QUANTAIR) and nothingness are mixed into each other in after the AGE in space. There are twenty-one basic state of energy (energetic, gasic, halogenic, ametallic, acidic, liquidic (blue/orange), oilic (yellow/orange), milkic/grainic (white/grey(transformed






metalloidic, metallic, actinidic, lanthanidic, alkalic, ionic, mineralic, crystalic ) in space.



* Test

1. Age Space zero hour. Transition phase from the plurality of singularity. The beginning of the next ages. 1.1. Unstable Growth Stage of unstable growth of the space age. This phase of space to live in a future period of instability and unstable form the basis of format. 1.1.1. Mutation Growth phase, starting with unstable instability of the process to begin the process to form unstable atoms. Atomic particles formed under this stage. Different mutations of the hydrogen, xenon, bizmut, silisyum, galyum, germanyum, zirkonyum, and tungsten atom have been realized. Different subatomic particles of other atoms are mutated. Development The atoms mutated, mutation after they have been re-formatted the stage of formation. Unlike other atoms except hydrogen, xenon, bizmut, silisyum, galyum, germanyum, zirkonyum, and tungsten were mutated. The atoms themselves protons, neutrons, electrons, anti-proton, anti-electrons, anti-neutron particles has completed integrating the atom development process. However, continued instability in some cases that atoms be rebuilt or are taking place and also its different atoms developed. Distribution The atoms formed from the initial phase of growth momentum, acquired with the structural integrity could go into certain areas. Same atoms groups located in the same region because of groups of atoms coming from the same region. Aggregation Starting to the clustering to been in the same region of the atoms. Clustering of atoms are starting to behave like that the begining of the singular universe (space). As ancestor of the cluster formation begins with the shape and type of the nucleus. After * Test (for children): Place a small amount of water in a transparent bag. Close the mouth of the bag airtight and bag to remain inflated. Place in freezer bag in your hand without touching. After a while, don't touching your hand to freezer, taking the bag from freezer. Check the status of bag of the ice conditions (-23.5°C) in the room conditions (+25.5°C and 1 atm). Crystallic and energetic energy states of the cases that you have seen. For any case, deferring to update or experiment by holding renew for any case. Make a note of all the states taking into account the for all initial state. Never touch your hand in freezer. When remove your hands into freezer, you lose fingers, because your fingers is sticked in freezer. However, this experimental setup is very important for the understanding and development of the AGEs!!! With a slightly different application of this method, boiled seeds are sent to disaster areas. This method, unlike in the test is vacuumed air in bag. Cooking and eating time is shortened. While understanding the structure of this method, in space to create conditions for renewable/manual energies are used to organize food creation and creation time change with artificial influence. Can not be used for the development and implementation of techniques in the world trade. For example, the year the sun's influence on food/seed for energy exchange in a closed environment is created by hands/machines for only need for foods/seeds creation without any space objects. There is no for the formation of hormones or extra additive matter.

Ferdi Tekin 08.12.2011


This protocol is for all nations. The registration number IEE/1379, 24.01.2012. For use in the national pay. All right reserved.

Base Protocol of The Space© creation of the cluster center, than the clusters are formed small clusters or systems. The cluster center due to its own set of atom groups can create small objects, large objects, systems, and small clusters. Clusters to be linked to its center can hold small objects, large objects, systems, and smaller clusters. Neighbors clusters that are with each other tend to close or merge. Each cluster, small cluster, atomic region, systems, or objects is connected to the center of age. Closure Clusters in the case of clusters with phase singularity formation is trying to completing. After the clusters singularity transition complete, then will trying complete closure of the age center. 1.2. Stable Growth 1.2.1. Transformation Development Distribution Aggregation 1.3. Chaotion 2. Age 2.1. Stable Growth 2.1.1. Transformation Closure 3. Age 3.1. Stable Growth 3.1.1. Transformation Excellence 3.3. Unstable Growth 3.3.1. Mutation 4. Age 4.2. Chaotion 4.3. Unstable Growth 4.3.1. Mutation 5. Age 5.1. Stable Growth 5.1.1. Transformation Development Distribution Closure 5.2. Chaotion 6. Age 6.2. Caution 6.2.1. Netation Closure 7. Age 7.2. Stable Growth 7.2.1. Development Ferdi Tekin 08.12.2011


This protocol is for all nations. The registration number IEE/1379, 24.01.2012. For use in the national pay. All right reserved.

Base Protocol of The Space© Distribution Aggregation Closure 8. Age 8.2. Unstable Growth 8.2.1. Closure 9. Age 9.1. Stable Growth 9.1.1. Development Closure 9.2. Chaotion 10. Age 10.1. Unstable Srowth 10.1.1. Netation Distribution Aggregation Closure Excellence 11. Age 11.2. Chaotion 11.2.1. Mutation Development Excellence 11.3. Stable Growth 11.3.1. Transformation Development

Ferdi Tekin 08.12.2011


This protocol is for all nations. The registration number IEE/1379, 24.01.2012. For use in the national pay. All right reserved.

Base Protocol of The Space©

C. Earth – Milkyway Cluster Center Reciprocal Influence This energy exchange in space and is caution, netation, transformation, mutation, chaotion. This formula is one of the lower portion of the formula of Base Principle of the Space.

Milkyway Cluster


Clusall F̑ F̆ MM ̑ ̆ K̆ Ma.(V ̑)

G̑ Ğ


B̑ N̆



W ̑R ̆ Earth in Solar System



clus clus x


When x and y without direction


u x


u y

20,000 years ago 20,000 years ago, Earth - Cluster Center Reciprocal Influence: Extra energy at the poles per km ^ 2 = RI = (a * d) ^ 3 Now, Earth - Cluster Center Reciprocal Influence: Extra energy at the poles per km ^ 2 = (*1)(*2)RI = (200 * d) ^ 3 r1 = distance between the Sun and the Cluster Center 28,000 ly. r2 = 149,596,000 km distance between the Sun and the Earth. k = the Earth each year away from Sun (~ 15cm). a = century (century) for the Milkyway Cluster Center. d = Earth reciprocal influence value with the Earth and the Milkyway Cluster Center (1 / 100, 1 / 1000, 1 / 10000 sample values).

(*1) RI affects the entire object, not only the poles. (*2) RI Intervals: [RI≈0],[0