Basic Mountaineering Course 2012 - Nepal Mountaineering ...

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Website: / Email: training@nepalmountaineering. org. NEPAL MOUNTAINEERING ASSOCIATION. Basic Mountaineering ...

Basic Mountaineering Course2012 Application Form Name: …………………………………..………………………… Date of Birth: …………………………………………


Address: ……………………………………………………… Permanent: ………………………………………… Temporary: ………………………………………… Telephone no: ………………………………………… Email: ………………………………………… Qualification: ………………………………………… Language: ………………………………………… Experience: …………………………………………  Trekking  Mountaineering Training: a) ………………………………………… b) ………………………………………… c) …………………………………………… Date : ……………………

……………………….. Signature

Other necessary documents:  Passport size photo- 1 pc  Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate (Nepalese national) / Passport (for foreign national)  Recommendation Letter from Trekking Agency registered at NMA  Insurance (To be submitted after selection) Note: Last date of submission: 10 June 2012 upto 6:00pm / Name list will be published on 11 June at 11:00am Interview date: 12 & 13 June at 9:00 am Venue: NMA Secretariat, Naxal Training fee: Rs. 7,500 (Seven Thousand five hundred) / Result will be published on 14 June at 3:00pm P.T.O

Nepal Mountaineering Association / P.O. Box 1435, Naxal, Kathmandu, Nepal / Phone: 977-1-4434525, 4435442 / Fax: 977-1-4434578 Website: / Email: [email protected]

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(Basic Mountaineering Training - 2012)


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Guide Training Conducted by Nepal Academy of Tourism & Hotel Management (NATHM) NMA-PETZL Basic Introductory Mountaineering Training Conducted by PETZL Foundation of France and Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) Introductory Rock Climbing Course, First Aid Course, Basic Mountain Rescue Course, Hill Walking & Mountain Navigation Course Conducted by Nepal Mountaineering Instructors Association (NMIA) & NMA. Wilderness First Aid Course Conducted by NMIA, Kathmandu Environmental Education Project (KEEP), Alliance France and Other related organisation Above 8000 meters Summiteer Basic Mountaineering Training under Foreign Alpine Association (IFMGA member country)

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Nepal Mountaineering Association / P.O. Box 1435, Naxal, Kathmandu, Nepal / Phone: 977-1-4434525, 4435442 / Fax: 977-1-4434578 Website: / Email: [email protected]