basionym of the threatened endemic Limonium calcarae

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basionym of the threatened endemic Limonium calcarae. Angelo Troia,1 Amedeo Alberto Falci2 & Salvatore Pasta3. 1 Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie ...
Troia & al. • Typification of the name Statice calcarae

TAXON 67 (3) • June 2018: 611–613

Typification of the name Statice calcarae (Plumbaginaceae), basionym of the threatened endemic Limonium calcarae Angelo Troia,1 Amedeo Alberto Falci2 & Salvatore Pasta3 1 Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche, Chimiche e Farmaceutiche, Sezione di Botanica e Ecologia Vegetale, Università degli Studi di Palermo, via Archirafi 38, 90123 Palermo, Italy 2 Via Libertà 200, 93100 Caltanissetta, Italy 3 Department of Biology, Unit of Ecology and Evolution, University of Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 10, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland Author for correspondence: Angelo Troia, [email protected] DOI Abstract  Limonium calcarae (basionym Statice calcarae), a rare diploid species endemic to Sicily, is one of the few members of the genus that occurs in the inland areas of the island. According to IUCN criteria, it has been assessed as critically endangered but recent data on its distribution, demography and threats affecting its populations are lacking. A lectotype is designated, preserved at PAL, and isolectotypes have been traced and verified in other European herbaria. Keywords  badlands; conservation; endemic species; Mediterranean; nomenclature; taxonomy

INTRODUCTION Limonium calcarae (Tod. ex Janka) Pignatti is a diploid species (2n = 2x = 18: Brullo & Pavone, 1981), endemic to the Island of Sicily in Italy (Pignatti, 1982; Domina, 2011). It is one of the few Sicilian members of the genus that occurs in inland areas, far from the coasts and salt-spray influence where the other species usually grow (Brullo & Pavone, 1981; Brullo & al., 2013). The species is restricted to few sites on clayey badlands and marl outcrops (Troia & Ilardi, 2002; Brullo & al., 2013; and personal observations of the authors). Reports by Pignatti (1972, 1982) from gypsum-rich soils and outcrops were based on incorrect interpretation of the substrate. It is a rare and threatened species, assessed as EN (Endangered) in the last Sicilian Red List (Raimondo & al., 2011) and CR (Critically Endangered) in the last Italian Red List (Rossi & al., 2013). The conservation importance of the species is illustrated by its inclusion in general strategic works such as the global IUCN Red List (Walter & Gillet, 1998) and more recently the Consolidated list of Bern Convention listed species (Heywood & Culham, 2009). As part of ongoing research focused on threatened species (Troia & Lansdown, 2016; Geraci & al., 2017; Gianguzzi & al., 2017; Pasta & al., 2017), the authors undertook investigations in order to update the knowledge on the distribution of L. calcarae and perform a better assessment of its extinction risk, according to IUCN criteria and categories. As a first step, we present here the results regarding the typification of the name.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Our study is based on the analysis of relevant literature and examination of herbarium specimens. We studied material housed in PAL and FI; in addition, we looked for material

in several online herbaria databases, finding digital images available online from several herbaria (including BM, CAT, G, JE, P), and asked colleagues to verify the presence of selected specimens in other herbaria (BP, CL). The International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (McNeill & al., 2012) was followed for the selection of the type.

RESULTS Statice calcarae was first reported by Gussone (1827) from two localities (“Serradifalco and Caltanissetta a Terrapilata”). Gussone did not recognize that those populations were ascribable to a new, endemic species, and instead assigned them to S. dichotoma Cav., a name based on plants from the central Iberian Peninsula (Ferrer-Gallego & al., 2013). The two localities from which the species was reported were the only ones known for more than 150 years, until the recent reports of two new populations made by Gianguzzi (1993) and Troia & Ilardi (2002) respectively. In later 19th century Italian national Floras, the plants assigned to S. dichotoma by Gussone were treated as belonging to other widespread and common species, namely S. oleaefolia Sibth. & Smith (Bertoloni, 1838) and S. virgata Willd. (Caruel, 1889). The name “Statice calcarae Tod.” was first published in 1869 as a nomen nudum (Todaro, 1869). The epithet “calcarae” was dedicated to the collector of the material that Todaro distributed in his exsiccata, Pietro Calcara (1819–1854). Calcara was a highly regarded Sicilian naturalist who published many important contributions on the natural history of the island resulting from his explorations of several circum-Sicilian islets and inland areas (Lancia, 1854). Agostino Todaro (1818–1892), botanist in Palermo, probably planned to formally describe S. calcarae in his “Enumeratio

Article history: Received: 22 Feb 2018 | returned for (first) revision: 2 Mar 2018 | (last) revision received: 5 Mar 2018 | accepted: 6 Mar 2018 | published: online fast track, 28 May 2018; in print and online issues, 6 Jul 2018 || Associate Editor: James C. Lendemer || © International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) 2018, all rights reserved

Version of Record


Troia & al. • Typification of the name Statice calcarae

TAXON 67 (3) • June 2018: 611–613

Florae Siculae”. However, that work remained unpublished, and apparently Todaro failed to ever validly publish this name. Todaro sent specimens of the plant to several colleagues, including to De Notaris in 1856 (as attested by a specimen in P, barcode P05148041, mnhn/p/p05148041). He also distributed many representatives of it as number 276 of the 3rd Century of his “Flora Sicula Exsiccata”, probably between 1864 and 1866 (cf. Schlechtendal, 1864; and a note in the label of FI002206: “bought from Todaro in 1866”): on the label associated to that material, Todaro cited “S. dichotoma Guss.” following his own name S. calcarae, indicating that he intended to describe the plants assigned by Gussone to S. dichotoma (i.e., S. dichotoma sensu Guss.) as a new taxon. Twenty years after Todaro’s 3rd Century of “Flora Sicula Exsiccata”, the Sicilian botanist Michele Lojacono-Pojero, in 1885 or 1886 (Aghababyan & al., 2012), distributed specimens under the name “Limonium calcarae Tod.” with the first century of his “Plantae Italicae Selectae”. However, the name was still not validly published by Lojacono-Pojero and in his monumental work Flora sicula he cited the name as “Statice calcarae Tod. ined.” (Lojacono Pojero, 1904–1907: 24). Instead, valid publication of S. calcarae was effected by Janka (1882) in his “Plumbagineae Europaeae”, published in the Hungarian journal Természetrajzi Füzetek, where the name was attributed to Todaro and the original material cited as “fl. sic. exs. 276”. The exsiccate was the only material cited in the protologue, and it was cited without any indication as to the herbarium in which the material Janka examined was housed. Surprisingly, despite the attention that this species has received in modern times, the name appears to never have been typified. Given Janka’s association with BP and CL (Stafleu & Cowan, 1979), we attempted to locate a specimen at those institutions, but were unsuccessful. As such, we here select the representative of the exsiccate housed in PAL as the lectotype because that is the institution where Todaro, the original author of the name, worked (Stafleu & Cowan, 1986). Limonium calcarae (Tod. ex Janka) Pignatti in Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 64(4): 364. 1971 ≡ Statice calcarae Tod. ex Janka in Természetrajzi Füz. 6: 175. 1882 ≡ Statice minuta var. calcarae (Tod. ex Janka) Fiori, Nuov. Fl. Italia 2: 232. 1926 – Lectotype (designated here): ITALY. Sicily. “In salsis argillosis a mari dissitis, Caltaniszetta [sic!] a Terrapilata”, Junio, Calcara, Todaro Flora Sicula Exsiccata n. 276 (PAL No. 57473!; isolectotypes: BM barcode BM000752186 [photo!], FI barcodes FI002204!, FI002205! & FI002206!, JE barcode JE00011774 [photo!]; and probably elsewhere). Note. – The (printed) labels of the lectotype PAL No. 57473 (​ =adv&id=67541) and of JE00011774 (http://herbarium.univie. are slightly different from the printed labels of the other types (BM000752186, FI002204, FI002206), reporting the correct word “exsiccata” (instead of “exiccata”) and the wrong ones “dicothema” (instead of “dichotoma”) and “Caltaniszetta” (instead of “Caltanissetta”). 612

AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS AT designed the research and drafted the manuscript; AAF and SP supplied additional data and observations; all the authors revised critically the text. — AT,

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Mihai Puşcaş (CL) and Zoltán Barina (BP) for having checked their herbaria for specimens of Limonium calcarae. Curators and staff of all consulted herbaria (BM, CAT, FI, G, JE, P, PAL), as well as three anonymous reviewers and the column editor, are also acknowledged.

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TAXON 67 (3) • June 2018: 611–613

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