Sensing) technologies, where ArcSDE and ArcGIS Server software are used to ... was built a Web server with a GIS management tools which ArcIMS is installed ...
Environmental Science and Technology 2012 (II)
DEVELOPMENT OF DATABASE FOR MARINE OIL POLLUTION STUDY Nguyen Kim Anh , Nguyen Dinh Duong (Institute of Geography, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
ABSTRACT: This paper provides a new methodology for developing database server for studying oil pollution in the sea. At the same time, the newly developed database that was developed for oil pollution study of Vietnam and East Sea will be useful to support the assessment and zoning oil pollution risk. The authors have developed the database based on GIS (Geographical Information System) and RS (Remote Sensing) technologies, where ArcSDE and ArcGIS Server software are used to accomplish the goals for building an open GIS database and which is able to sharing online data through web services. This word has meaningful for studying oil spill because, the oil spills will be updated continuously and the system will provide an overall of oil spill picture of this area. Then it can be easy to build oil spill density map and design the monitoring system for this area. By comparison between this system and other existing systems in the area, it can be clearly seen that there are two strong points of this system e.g.: the first thing, by IWS (Image Web Server) and ArcGIS Server software system which can be share fully two types of data format as vector and raster data which allows to transmit information to the related offices to solve urgent oil spills. The second thing is that it can be control sharing with many levels and the system allows as save or not save on server GIS through editing from users. INTRODUCTION As can be seen from real situation on the oceans are that oil pollution has begun more and more seriously, especially to Vietnamese marine and East Sea. In the last few years, Vietnamese marine have to face to many oil spills with difference scales and levels. Oil pollution has its own particularities which is different from other types of pollution. To detect the sources of oil pollution, it needs to have a monitoring system, which is able to detect oil spill from satellite images, then that information need to be determined and calculated in very short period to fulfil the need of the users. Combining the obtained information with other supported information such as winds, waves and coastal areas conditions, report etc. about oil spill can be created and sent to relational users. Based on this information, necessary actions will be to take to solve oil spills problem. Thus, in order to satisfy all requirements, it needs to have an efficient monitoring system in which a server database have to build for pollution detection, zoning and transmission of oil pollution forecasting. So far, there are many studies which have shown through several methodologies for developing the database system for studying oil pollution in the sea through which some of the related projects can be listed below.151 The first project is Oceanides by the European Commission Joint Research Centre. This project was built a Web server with a GIS management tools which ArcIMS is installed outside the firewall. The Web site includes several GIS functionalities such as Zooming, attribute query; Map combining and much more; Oracle database installed inside the firewall with ArcSDE for GIS capability communication by secure connection (but less flexibility). Oil spills data was built up for all European Seas Baltic Sea, North Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea from 2000 to 2005 with 17 650 oil spills collected by the end of the project. Additionally, many maps products such as sea depth (bathymetry); petroleum ports; ferry links; energy and other data, including political boundary; maritime boundaries; satellite image and
bath Oil spill density maps, which is available in pdf format in Oceanides website This system allows users to download and edit data online. Products from this project is the most perfect and up-to-date in the world, because it provides a rule
distributing of oil spills on seas belongs to the European countries. The second project that needs to mention is Cearac which was established by NOWPAP (China, Russia, Korea and Japan). One of the final goals of WG4 is to establish marine environmental monitoring systems by remote sensing in the NOWPAP region. Moreover, it is important to collect data and ISBN 9780976885344 ©2012 American Science Press
Environmental Science and Technology 2012 (II) information, including satellite images to forecast the development and behaviour of eutrophication and oil spill and then to disseminate data and information in the present conditions of eutrophication and oil spill and then forecasting the results quickly. However, the data and information about the marine environment collected by remote sensing are actually scattered in different organizations in the NOWPAP region. In order to share their usability to share existing research and development resources and also to understand the future trends in marine environmental monitoring by developing remote sensing information network system which integrates the scattered information. It is the basic work to be implemented. This organization was built a website where contain reports about oil spills happened in their seas where images and maps database were built. More detail information about this project can be seen on website: The third project is related to Kongsberg Company which is one of the most pioneers in building monitoring system of oil spills in the marine. This company has been building a perfect technical system for monitoring, detecting and warning oil spills where a modern database was built based on GIS and RS foundation and ArcSDE and Sensor WebGIS system were used. From this system, warning of oil spills will be sent to the related offices via messages, email and computer network system. Immediately, a report about oil spill will be created for necessary action. Further information can get from website: Turn back to the case of the oil spill study in Vietnamese sea, it worth to mention to OILSAS project of Dr. Nguyen Huu Nhan. The author has built Oil Spill Assistant software and database server system for oil spills warning at Khanh Hoa province in which the Phase 1 of the project started since 2004. The outcomes of this project are: software server system for managing oil spills and database in MapInfo format include layers about meteorological and hydrography for calculating and transmitting oil pollution forecast data. Project in national level named “Oil pollution on Vietnam and East sea”, with the number code KC.09.22/06-10 was done by Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duong and other staffs during the period from 2008 to 2010, where the authors have built a database supports for forecasting and zoning oil spills. A lot of SAR images were purchased and were used to combine with other information in GIS environment after that gave out confident assessment reports about oil spills. Project reached necessary goals; however, it still contains some weak points: The first weak point is the system could not share vector data, all most it just provided images data throughout IWS software. The second weak point is the right to access to the system; it is difficult to control in different levels. In summary, authors have not built a perfect methodology and conclusions yet. In this paper, the authors would like to discuss a better structure to provide out a new methodology to use and share better database was built. At the same time, the authors will introduce some results from study include database in ArcSDE environment and system sharing data via data sharing service and web application.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Data is collected from national project named: Oil pollution on Vietnam and East sea areas number code KC.09.22/06-10 which include the data is listed as follow: 110 SAR satellite images which cover ALOS PALSAR and ENVISAT ASAR; Data components of some data groups are: meteorological, hydrography, transportation, exploitation and processing of oil and gas, coastal development activities, damaged tankers sunk in the past and other support information. In order to conduct this study five methods are combined. The first step is the review of the literature to have rough ideas of previous researches. What they did and assess for the strong and weak points of existing systems and how to improve it. The second step is data collection, which to collect the data and set up the research funding, this step is popular for building GIS database. Once we have enough data, it needs to analysis and systematic such as assess the accuracy of the data what should use edit. GIS is major goal of this study, where personal geodatabase structure and other techniques will be used, especially using the analysis tools to assess oil spill and build density oil spill maps. Finally, remote sensing data will be used to get information about oil spills in the past and real time to have overviewed picture about oil spills on East Sea. Sometimes, it can be detected other information as: wind, wave, vessel, etc from satellite imagery, which is really useful for analysis and forecast oil spill.
Environmental Science and Technology 2012 (II) In addition to the implementation of goals outlined in the previous section, the choice of web GIS technology used is the other major goal of the research: utilize open source solutions rather than proprietary ones. The oil spill database application and sharing system was designed in the part as an attempt to significantly improve upon the user interfaces offered by other natural hazard web GIS system. Both systems are used as ArcServer and ArcSDE mapping software are from ESRI. Although intend to be comprehensive web applications, both are slow at displaying map features and are hindered with a somewhat dated user interface. Utilizing dynamic client-side web technologies such as Ajax combined with the popular Google Maps interface was deemed to be a desirable goal to make the oil spill easy to use, responsive, and appealing to look at. As can be seen from figure-1, separate layers were rebuilt and organized following structure of Personal Geodatabase in Geodatabase Server SQL Express in ArcSDE software. Where each group of information is feature dataset SDE and each layer in each group is feature class SDE. Next step, maps were edited and saved in *mxd format after that reports about oil spills will be created in *PDF format and link to oil spills and image in geotiff format with ID code. Group information that serves detecting oil spills early including: images data that the authors can extract information of oil spills and sometimes it allows restoring winds and stream flow directions where operation of vessels and drilling platform are available. Combining with the others supportive information such as maps of satellites orbits which are ALOS PALSAR, ENVISAT ASAR and RADARSAT. Finally, data about common oil spills characteristics: shape, colour, pattern, which are useful to reduce error in detecting oil spills with other information such as: rainfall, fishes oil, low winds and shadow.
FIGURE1.Workflow for the generation of Geodatabase for oil pollution study Group information that serves calculating and transmitting for forecasting oil spills information including: temperature of marine surface, conditions of meteorological environment, hydrography and properties of common different oil types. Group information that serves calculating of damage and creating sensitive oil spill maps including: coastal development economic and social activities, ecosystem areas tourism. 481
Environmental Science and Technology 2012 (II) Group information that serves zoning level according to difference sources including: data contain potentials that can bring out oil pollution such as: routes of transportation, field oils and exploitation and processing of oil and gas, coastal industrial, damaged tankers sunk in the past. Background of Group information including: baseline, coastline, and outline 250 miles, national boundary, exclusive economic zone. When the authors have already built geodatabase and need to take our GIS resources and make it available to others which are the maps, geodatabases and other tools that for others need for storing and using geographic information. ArcGIS Server gives us the advantages to take the GIS resources on our computer and make them available to a wider group of users throughout a network of computers. With ArcGIS server, the way we publish a GIS resources to others is throughout a service. In this study the authors have been using ArcGIS Server Manager belongs to ArcGIS Server dotnet 9.3 software to share GIS resources to users by the following two methods: The first method is that publishing GIS resources throughout tools as a service, users can connect to server computer throughout internet to use geodatabase. This level needs users have to install ArcGIS desktop software and they must to have password and username from manager. In additionally, the users need to have knowledge about GIS and know how to use ArcGIS software. The second method is that publishing GIS resources on the web application. This level does not need users have to know about GIS and how to use ArcGIS software just have some web browsers to open websites. Steps to share GIS resources can be summarized in a workflow as shown in figure 2 as below.
FIGURE2. Sharing system GIS resources for studying oil pollution on the sea RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on the methodology that was above mentioned and after that an open Personal Geodatabase SDE has been building with named: CSDL_tonghop. There are two types to access to the database system: the first way the users will have username and password to connect to geodatabase by 482
Environmental Science and Technology 2012 (II) GIS Server\Add ArcGIS Server tool to connect to the data on server GIS where users can use full data such as download, modify throughout publish services on ArcGIS Server manager. The second way is from other computers throughout web application, data has published on the web with tools such as: Editor, Print, and Query, Search and so on. The users can edit, update new data, download, etc. Especially, new oil spills data detected from satellite imagery will be updated to database through web application and the most important is the system can save or not save the new data which is updated from users through web application on server GIS. The work is very signification for studying about oil spill because from the oil spills will be updated continuously, the system will provide an overall of oil spill picture of this area, then we can build oil spill density map and design the monitoring system for this area. By comparison between this system and other existing systems in the area, it can be clearly seen that there are two strong points of this system e.g.: the first thing, by IWS (Image Web Server) and ArcGIS Server software system which can be share fully two types of data format as vector and raster data which allows to transmit information to the related offices to solve urgent oil spills. The second thing is that it can be control sharing with many levels and the system allows as save or not save on server GIS through editing from users.
FIGURE3. Personal Geodatabase SDE was built for studying oil pollution on the sea
FIGURE4. Oil spills and images satellite were published on a web application 483
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A service for sharing GIS database on ArcGIS server manager, system available in *mxd format is uploaded on that as a service. To have right to use data users need to have password and username from manager. Figure 4 below is a web service where oil spills were detected from images satellite and images satellite ALOS PALSAR and ENVISAT ASAR have been uploading. In this web users can download and edit data online with tools that were provided.
FIGURE5. Exploitation and processing of oil and gas and topographic data of Gebco CONCLUSIONS The results of this study provide a methodology to support the study on oil pollution in the sea. In addition to, geodatabase and sharing system were built and have significant meaning in combination between related offices to implement the goals such as raising quality of management, monitoring and detecting oil pollution. With a system, open personal geodatabase that allows users to be able a group or individual use. In the other hand, the sharing of GIS resources system on the web transmitted information about oil pollution to users and provides tools that can be modified the data online. The strong point of this system is by combination between Image Web Server and ArcGIS Server software to share two types of data format as raster and vector. In additionally, the system allows us to control and sharing in many levels. The system will be improved if the system is updated satellite images in real-time and the way to approaches methodologies to build database which compared with areas where contain conditions same as Vietnam and East sea. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to express thanks to authors who has conducted national project named oil pollution on Vietnam and East Sea that kindly provided data to support this study. At the same time, the authors would like to express sincere gratitude to the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development which funding for this study.
Environmental Science and Technology 2012 (II)
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Technologies and Marine Sciences for suitable development of society and economics Nguyen Huu Nhan. 2004. “Oil Spill Assistant system software and database server for oil spills warning at Khanh Hoa province of Vietnam”. Phase 1.