Jan 13, 2017 - provided to principals, vice-principals, teachers and students by individuals or .... Society for Informa
BCPVPA Partnership Awards
eNews from the BCPVPA
In Leadership Opportunities this Short Course issue S4L & S4L 2
January 6, 2017
Kevin Reimer & educational leadership
Serving members by supporting effective leadership in education through representation, advocacy and leadership development.
Nominations now open for the
BCPVPA’s 2017 Partnership Awards
is now accepting nominations from Chapters for its annual Partnership Awards. The Awards recognize the valuable support provided to principals, vice-principals, teachers and students by individuals or groups who have, over an extended period of time, demonstrated strong support for public education creating a direct benefit for students. The winners last year were Yo Bro/Yo Girl Youth Initiative, (nominated by the Surrey PVPA); Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Friendship Centre (nominated by the Nanaimo/Ladysmith PVPA); Cumberland Community School Society, (nominated by the Comox Valley PVPA); Gwa’sala‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations, (nominated by the Vancouver Island North PVPA); and, John and Sandra Barth, (nominated by the Nechako Lakes PVPA). Nominations must be submitted by Friday, March 31, 2017. The Awards will be presented at the May 2017 Chapter Council meeting. Download a nomination form: http://bit.ly/BCPVPAPartnership2017 Read about last year’s recipients: http://bit.ly/1NNp0GW
Leadership Opportunities Abbotsford invites applications for anticipated openings as elementary, middle and secondary VPs. Apply by 12 pm, January 13. http://bit.ly/20ZOJOL
Kamloops/Thompson invites applications for Director of Instruction (curriculum/instruction/assessment). Apply by 4 pm, January 15. http://bit.ly/2gbNY7D Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows invites applications for its Principal and Vice-Principal cohort in anticipation of openings this year and next. Apply by 4 pm, January 20. http://bit.ly/2iJRzrK Sunshine Coast invites applications for Principals and Vice-Principals in anticipation of 2017-18 openings. Apply by 4:30 pm, January 27. http://bit.ly/2hXeAIL Chilliwack invites applications for Director of Human Resources. Apply by 11:30 pm, January 27. http://bit.ly/2hWhRtE BC School Superintendents Association invites applications for an .8 FTE executive director. http://bit.ly/2h23LoM
BCPVPA Group Rate Pacific Gateway Hotel BCPVPA members are offered a group rate at the Pacific Gateway Hotel in Richmond ($135 deluxe; $155 deluxe corporate, which includes one breakfast and parking). Both rates include free wifi and local calls. To check availablility log on to the hotel website (http://www.pacificgatewayhotel.com/), click check rates, and enter BCPA in the corporate/promotion code box. eNews 1
eNews from the BCPVPA January 6, 2017
encourages your participation. Email
[email protected]
Registration for Short Course, Super Vision for Learning 1 and 2 opens Friday, January 13 Mark your calendar • July 4 to 8
Short Course
Gain the knowledge, understanding, and connections you need to enhance your school leadership journey. Moral Stewardship • Instructional Leadership Relational Leadership • 0rganizational Leadership
Registration opens Friday, January 13 Active Members $1312.50 Non-Member $2100
Fees include all taxes.
Inspiration to Lead
Super Vision for Learning Level 1 2017/18 cohorts in Nelson, Kelowna and two (TBA) in Metro The BCPVPA’s 8-month learning experience in which supervision for learning, school improvement, and professional development are the key outcomes. Based on a peer coaching model, there are 5 days of program development over the course of 8 months and ongoing joint practice development with colleagues.
Super Vision For Learning Level 2 2017/18 Cohorts in Comox, Penticton, Vancouver
Learning Walks with an Instructional Framework
Know more
http:www.bcpvpa.bc.ca Principals and vice-principals who have completed Level I of the BCPVPA Super Vision for Learning program will deepen their knowledge of effective instructional practices and use various tools and processes for observing and analyzing instruction and planning next steps based on the analysis.
Registration opens Friday, January 13 Managers
[email protected] or
[email protected] Executive Assistant
[email protected]
Click to join the BCPVPA’s 3620+ followers on Twitter for short timely updates. eNews 2
eNews from the BCPVPA January 6, 2017
President Kevin Reimer sets his sights Follow on Twitter
Read the President’s blog
2016 — 2017 Board of Directors President Kevin Reimer (Comox Valley)
[email protected] Directors Brad Baker (North Vancouver)
[email protected] Susan Clough (Surrey)
[email protected] Steve Dalla Lana (Prince George)
[email protected]
Address, position,or school Let us know at
or most of you, this week signaled the beginning of a new year and a return to work. I hope that you had a restful and re-energizing holiday and feel ready to continue the important work that you do every day. For those who are away until January 9, I hope you enjoyed a re-balancing time away (and that you are not reading this until then). Today, I am particularly excited to share with you a BCPVPA resource to support school leaders around the province. As of today we are launching an ongoing series of articles we have entitled, Adminsight.
Adminsight is a series of helpful facts and research-based understandings to better support the educational leadership of principal and vice-principals around the province. The series is intended to provide clarification on issues of importance to school leaders. We have posted the first issue on our website and future issues will be posted monthly. Each Adminsight issue draws from current research and information from the rapidly changing world of public education. Based on a question posed by school leaders, each Adminsight issue attempts to provide a cohesive, research based response to that question. Adminsight is a single page document that provides concise, up-to-date information about issues of importance to school leaders. We encourage you as school leaders to read and share this information as you see fit. Feel free to take information from Adminsight articles to share with your parent community or your staff members. Adminsight issues are living documents that are intended to be updated as the research in the quickly changing landscape of public education shifts and changes. We encourage you to connect with us to provide suggestions for articles of interest to your colleagues as Adminsight continues to grow and evolve.
Darren Danyluk (Rocky Mountain)
[email protected] David DeRosa (Kootenay-Columbia)
[email protected] Tracy Godfrey (Vernon)
[email protected] Heidi Grant (Nechako Lakes)
[email protected]
Have a great weekend, Kevin
Brett Johnson (Greater Victoria)
[email protected] Lee Karpenko (Prince George)
[email protected] Carol-Ann Leidloff (Kootenay Lake)
[email protected] Brian Leonard (Coquitlam)
[email protected]
Visit the Adminsight area on our website: http://bit.ly/2hWhJ8k Download the first issue directly: http://bit.ly/BCPVPAAdminsight0117
eNews 3
Planning Ahead BCPVPA dates 2016-2017 All meetings are held at the Pacific Gateway Hotel in Richmond
(except Short Course)
• January 19-21 Contract seminar • February 24-25 Chapter Council • May 12 Issues Forum • May 12-13 Chapter Council (Partnership Awards presentation, election speeches) • July 4-8 Short Course at UBC
2017 January 13, Abbotsford, BC Learning Revolution: Preparing Students for the 21st Century Sir Ken Robinson is the guest speaker at Abbotsford Christian School’s “Educators’ Afternoon Event.” Tickets are $25 per person. Information/tickets: http://abbotsfordchristian.com/SirKen January 14, Langley, BC Courage and Curiosity Tedx Langley features more than a dozen speakers including Sandy Balascak, Savanna S. Flakes, and Tim Stephenson. Information soon: http://tedxlangleyed.com January 20-21, Victoria When Struggling Readers Thrive Dreams Come True This symposium for teachers, literacy leaders and principals and vice-principals features Dr. Tim Rasinski, Janet Mort and other speakers. Email:
[email protected] February 9, Burnaby, BC Learning Forward BC presents Connecting with Innovative Practices in Assessment and Reporting to Transofrm the Student Learning (4:30 to 7, $40 includes snacks and a light dinner to follow) Information: http://learningforwardbc.ca February 16-17, Vancouver, BC The 30th annual conference of the BC Alternate Education Society Will Richardson is the keynote speaker and sessions will be led by Melissa Redekop, Dzung X. Vo, Jeremy Church, Dr. Gordon Neufeld and more. Information: http://bcaea.com/conference.html Planning Ahead/a supplement to BCPVPA eNews/4
February 18, Vancouver, BC Reimagining Public Education Discourse in BC One of the four symposia developed by The Faculty of Education at SFU and its Centre for Educational Leadership and Policy. The final two symposia will be held in October 2017 and February 2018. Information: http://bit.ly/2bctevs February 21-22, Vancouver, BC Working with Families: Strategies for Engaging and Helping Information: http://bit.ly/2dL0NoY February 23-24, Richmond, BC Crosscurrents 2017 The annual conference of the Special Education Association of BC will feature Michelle Garcia Winner as the main speaker. Sessions will be led by Maureen Dockendorf, Sarah Kinsley, Kim Barthel and more. Information: http://www.seaofbc.ca/crosscurrents March 1, Vancouver, BC (Also March 6 in Victoria) Understanding Mental Illness in Children and Youth Information: http://bit.ly/2dL0NoY March 5-9, Austin, TX Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Information: http://www.aace.org/conf/ March 7-8, Vancouver, BC Motivating Changes: Strategies for Approaching Resistance Youth Information: http://bit.ly/2dL0NoY March 25-27, Anaheim, CA The annual conference of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Information: http://www.ascd.org/conferences.aspx March 29, Vancouver, BC Violence Threat Assessment: Planning and Response Information: http://bit.ly/2dL0NoY April 5-6, Vancouver Blending Boundaries: Leading Digital Disruption, Innovation and Equitable Learning Structured dialogue and networking, featuring Zoe Branigan-Pipe, the Navigate Team, Michael Furdyk, and Remi Kalir. Information: http://canelearn.net/symposium/ April 5-7, Toronto, ON The 6th annual summit on education technology strategies Information: http://www.educationtechnologysummit.com/ April 9-12, Banff, AB uLead 2017 Keynote presenters include Alberta’s Minister of Education, the Honourable David Eggen, New South Wales’ Minister of Education, the Honourable Adrian Picolli, Simon Breakspear, Carol Campbell (OISE), Gillian Hamilton (Glasgow) and talented educational leaders from around the world. Several additional Ministers of Education from around the world will also attend and participate in a panel discussion. Information: http://www.ulead.ca/uLead.html Planning Ahead/a supplement to BCPVPA eNews/5
Registration for Short Course, Super Vision for Learning 1 and 2 opens Friday, January 13 Mark your calendar • July 4 to 8
Short Course
Registration opens Friday, January 13
Gain the knowledge, understanding, and connections you need to enhance your school leadership journey.
Active Members $1312.50 Non-Member $2100
Moral Stewardship • Instructional Leadership
Fees include all taxes.
Relational Leadership • 0rganizational Leadership Inspiration to Lead
Super Vision for Learning Level 1 2017/18 cohorts in Nelson, Kelowna and two (TBA) in Metro The BCPVPA’s 8-month learning experience in which supervision for learning, school improvement, and professional development are the key outcomes. Based on a peer coaching model, there are 5 days of program development over the course of 8 months and ongoing joint practice development with colleagues.
Know more
Super Vision For Learning Level 2 2017/18 Cohorts in Comox, Penticton, Vancouver
Learning Walks with an Instructional Framework
http:www.bcpvpa.bc.ca Principals and vice-principals who have completed Level I of the BCPVPA Super Vision for Learning program will deepen their knowledge of effective instructional practices and use various tools and processes for observing and analyzing instruction and planning next steps based on the analysis.
Registration opens Friday, January 13 Managers
[email protected] or
[email protected] Executive Assistant
[email protected]
eNews — the every Friday electronic newsletter of the BCPVPA A weekly column by BCPVPA President Kevin Reimer Leadership Opportunities Every issue all year long
Planning Ahead
The BCPVPA’s guide to upcoming professional learning
Principals and vice-principals and the BCPVPA in the news
1st issue of the month
2nd issue of the month
Planning Ahead/a supplement to BCPVPA eNews/8
April 20-May 2, Saskatoon In the Land of Living Skies: Expanding Horizons in Education and the Law The annual conference of the Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education. Information: http://capsle.ca/ April 25-27, Toronto, ON Connect 2017 An annual conference to encourage the development of a community of passionate educators, technology experts, and leaders. Information: http://www.canconnected.com/ April 30-May 3, Vancouver, BC Facing Forward: Innovation, Action, Reflection The 2017 Canadian Evaluation Society’s Conference is designed to inspire evaluators to delve into the latest methods and approaches. Information: http://c2017.evaluationcanada.ca/ May 12, Richmond, BC BCPVPA Issues Forum Information: eNews and the BCPVPA website May 4-6, Richmond, BC The annual conference of the Early Childhood Educators of BC. Information: http://www.ecebc.ca May 23-26, Saskatoon, SK Growing Together: Cultivating the Change The annual conference of the Canadian Association of Principals has confirmed two speakers so far. Anthony Muhammad, a consultant who has previously served as a middle school teacher, assistant principal, and principal; and, George Couros, a Division Principal of Innovative Teaching and Learning with Parkland School Division, in Stony Plain, Alberta. Information: http://bit.ly/2eKtP4k June 21-23, Washington, DC EDMedia 2017 The world conference on educational media & technology. Information: http://www.aace.org/conf/ July 4-8, Vancouver, BC The BCPVPA’s 40th Annual Short Course at UBC. Leading Learning: Being, Knowing, Doing Gain the knowledge, understanding, and connections you need to enhance your school leadership journey Information: eNews and the BCPVPA website July 5-8, Whistler, BC Leading the Way Together. The BC School Trustees Assn, on behalf of the Canadian School Board Association (CSBA), is hosting the CSBA National Congress and Trustee Gathering on Aboriginal Education ‘to explore cohesive leadership which benefits all students in K-12 public education, and to connect with peers from across Canada. ‘ Registration: http://csba2017.ca/ Planning Ahead/a supplement to BCPVPA eNews/6
July 9-11, Philadelphia, PA Connecting Great Leaders Across All Levels. The first combined national conference of both the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Registration: https://www.principals.org/professional-learning/conferences/ June 21-23, Washington, DC EDMedia 2017 The world conference on educational media & technology. Information: http://www.aace.org/conf/
2018 March 26-30, Washington, DC Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Information: http://www.aace.org/conf/
Visit www.youtube.com/bcpvpavideos for Interviews, Aboriginal Education, Kindergarten, Standards & Coaching & other videos
Planning Ahead
is published in the first eNews of the month. Get listed: email information about your event to Richard Williams
[email protected] and we will publicize it as space allows. Planning Ahead/a supplement to BCPVPA eNews/7