Signature. Date. For Library Use Only: Type of Registration: ... form is being collected in accordance with the ESF Pers
Beacon Hill School Family Library Card Application Last Name First Name Email Address Child Name/s
Acceptance of Responsibility: - I will be responsible for all materials checked out on this card, including materials checked out by others with or without my consent, unless I have previously reported the loss of my card. - I will record any change of personal information (name, email, etc), immediately on the Gateway. - I will comply with all library rules and policies. - I understand that there will be charges for lost, damaged and stolen library materials. - I understand that the library provides access to a broad range of resources and that it is my responsibility to judge for myself and for my child/children what resources are appropriate for my/our personal use.
Signature Date For Library Use Only: Type of Registration: New Registration Lost Card Name Change (Former Name
Borrower has been issued card with barcode The information submitted on this form is being collected in accordance with the ESF Personal Data Handling Policy and its related Personal Information Collection Statements (“PICS”). A copy of the PICS can be found on the ESF web site ( by clicking on the “About ESF” tab.