Bealtaine Festival 2018 - South Dublin County Council

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May 1, 2018 - name Bealtaine comes from the ancient ... working relationships between our partner ..... Count your life
Bealtaine Festival 2018

1st May – 31st May SouthDublinCountyCouncil sdublincoco


Mayor’s Introduction

Réamhrá an Mhéara

Mayor’s Introduction

“I am delighted to introduce the Bealtaine Festival Brochure and I would like to acknowledge and thank all participating agencies and organisations throughout the County. I encourage everyone to get involved in the planned activities and to help make the Bealtaine Festival a success”.

Tá an-áthas orm bróisiúr Fhéile na Bealtaine a chur i láthair agus ba mhaith liom aitheantas agus buíochas a thabhairt do na gníomhaireachtaí agus na heagraíochtaí rannpháirteacha go léir ar fud an Chontae. Ba mhaith liom gach duine a spreagadh le bheith rannpháirteach sna himeachtaí atá beartaithe agus bheinn buíoch as aon chúnamh a bheadh le fáil ionas go n-éireodh go breá le Féile na Bealtaine.


Mayor Paul Gogarty

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Chief Executive’s Message

We believe that the month of May belongs to the Bealtaine festival, celebrating creativity as we age! The Bealtaine Festival gives everyone the opportunity to discover a new talent or find a new way to use an old skill. It is an opening to make new friends and connect with your community. The name Bealtaine comes from the ancient Celtic festival of that name celebrating springtime, freshness and renewal. South Dublin County Council has organised a number of events during the month to celebrate this festival and has produced this programme to advertise the wide variety of events and activities that are planned for the festival. In South Dublin County the number of people age 65 and over is 23,053 and is


Chief Executive’s Message

rising. Our aging population offers both challenges and opportunities to South Dublin County. In South Dublin we have developed useful links and working relationships between our partner agencies and services providers. We have established the Age Friendly County Alliance and Tús Nua Older Persons Forum. It raises more awareness of issues affecting older persons and allows us to put the necessary structures in place to address this. South Dublin County is fully committed to being an Age Friendly County. The Bealtaine Festival improves the quality of life of older people by promoting their greater participation in various aspects of life. In 2017 we had over 5,000 participants in the festival.


I commend all the events being organised to celebrate this special month.

Daniel McLoughlin Chief Executive

1st May – 31st May

To celebrate Bealtaine 2018 the Social Inclusion Unit invites you to let Bealtaine be part of your life

Use your imagination to submit an entry to show how creative you are. Include any of the following: Crafts, Poetry, Painting, Music, Baking, Sports, Writing and Dance

Closing date for entries: Friday 18 May 2018 Lots of prizes to be won. Prizes will be vouchers. First Prize: €50 | Second Prize: €30 Third Prize: €20 | Plus Runner Up Prizes If further information is required please contact: Donna O Reilly, Social Inclusion Unit, Housing, Social and Community Development Department T: 01 414 9270 or 086 185 0656 E: [email protected] Visit our website at SouthDublinCountyCouncil sdublincoco


Coffee Morning

Coffee Mornings We are hosting a series of coffee mornings in a number of community centres in South County Dublin to mark the start of the festival. This is an opportunity for older persons to visit their local centre and see what activities and events are available to them. See participating centres below.

Tuesday 1 May

Wednesday 2 May

11.00 am – 1.00 pm Young at Heart, Devine Mercy Parish, Balgaddy Road, Lucan

11.00 am – 1.00 pm Carline Centre, Lynch’s Lane, Balgaddy, Lucan, Co. Dublin

Marie McKiernan 087 202 7864

Olivia Keaveney 01 624 9965

Tuesday 1 May

Wednesday 2 May

11.00 am – 1.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 & 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght

11.00 am – 1.00 pm Glenasmole Community Centre, Glenasmole

Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Tuesday 1 May 2.30 pm Ronanstown Womens CDP, Clondalkin Vivienne Glanville 01 457 6587 7 

Angela McCann 087 216 0952

Wednesday 2 May 11.00 am Rathcoole Community Centre, 84 Main Street, Rathcoole Tricia O’Halloran 01 504 5000

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Coffee Mornings (Continued)

Thursday 3 May

Tuesday 8 May

11.00 am, R.A.M.S. St Finian’s Community Centre, Newcastle

11.00 am – 1.00 pm Palmerstown Community & Youth Centre, Palmerstown Matt Dowling Shopping Centre, Kennelsfort 01 458 9007 or 086 844 3820 Road, Palmerstown

Friday 4 May

Declan Baird 01 616 6981

10.00 am – 1.00 pm, Belgard Heights Community Centre, 24 Belgard Road, Kingswood

Wednesday 9 May

John Sexton or Dermot O’ Flanagan 087 257 5696 or 086 835 6239

Monday 7 May Time TBC, 180th Lucan South Scout Group, Bush Centre, Balgaddy, Lucan Sheena Crothy 087 145 7080

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Mark Twain


11.00 am – 1.00 pm, The Park Community Centre, Ballycragh Tony Cooney 01 462 0042

Wednesday 9 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Jobstown Community Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Robert Conlon 01 452 1871

Wednesday 9 May 11.00 am, Brittas Community Centre, Brittas Michelle Whelan 085 882 5911

Coffee Morning

Friday 11 May

Monday 14 May

10.30 am – 1.00 pm Oasis, Liscarne Centre, Rowlagh, Clondalkin

11.00 am – 12.00 pm, Monday Club, Church Immaculate Conception, Clondalkin

Martina McStay 01 626 2679

Kathleen Ryder 086 404 1255

Friday 11 May

Tuesday 15 May

11.00 am St Kevins Family Resource Centre, Kilnamanagh

10.30 am – 12.30 pm Quarryvale Community Centre, Greenfort Gardens, Quarryvale,

Grainne Begley 01 462 7149

David Graham 01 623 3417

Monday 14 May

Tuesday 15 May

11.00 am – 1.00 pm Killinarden Community Centre, Killinarden, Tallaght

12.00 pm – 2.00 pm, Bawnogue Youth and Community Centre, Bawnogue Road, Bawnogue

Ann Rooney or Hilda Hamilton Dolores Byrne 087 995 7412 01 457 6734

Monday 14 May

Wednesday 16 May

10.00 am – 1.00 pm Womens Together Tallaght Network, Brookfield, Tallaght

12.00 pm – 2.00 pm Clondalkin/ Lucan Womens Centre, 2 Tor an Ri Lane, Lucan

Sinead Mahon 01 462 7741

Rita Harte 087 699 8385


Coffee Morning

Coffee Mornings (Continued)

Thursday 17 May

Monday 21 May

11.00 am, Four Districts Day Care, Main Street, Rathcoole

11.00 am – 1.00 pm, St Ronans Community Centre, Deansrath

Rachel Brennan 01 458 0339 or 087 699 8385

Bernie Peacock 01 457 8211 or 085 164 4506

Friday 18 May

Tuesday 22 May

11.00 am – 1.00 pm 11.00 am – 1.00 pm, Firhouse Fettercairn Community Centre, Mens Shed, Firhouse Fettercairn, Tallaght Community Centre, Ballycullen Avenue, Firhouse Shea LeStrange 086 677 5078 Ray Cleary 086 100 6303

Friday 18 May

Thursday 24 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm, Knockmitten Community 11.00 am, Neilstown Centre, Knockmitten, Clondalkin Community Centre, Neilstown Shopping Centre, Neilstown David Cuadra Road, Clondalkin 01 411 5111 Marie Duffy 01 457 5943 Monday 21 May

11.00 am – 1.00 pm, Newcastle Ladys Club, St Finians Hall, Main Street, Newcastle Marian Gargan 086 350 4540 11 

Thursday 24 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm, St. Michael’s House, Templeogue Angelina Stewart or Debbie Doyle, 01 490 0936

Coffee Morning

Coffee Mornings (Continued)

Thursday 24 May

Wednesday 30 May

11.00 am – 1.00 pm, St Aengus Community Centre, Tymon North Road, Balrothery

10.30 am – 12.30 pm Firhouse Community Centre, Ballycullen Avenue, Firhouse

Carol Montgomery 01 452 7247

Deirdre Kearns 01 451 4455

Thursday 24 May

Thursday 31 May

11.00 am, Trustus Day Care 11.00 am – 1.00 pm, Clondalkin Centre, Whitestown Way, Tallaght Community Healthy Living, Clondalkin Bernice McGuire 01 468 5500 Anne Troy 01 457 0665 or 087 213 1854

Tuesday 29 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm, Quarryvale Family Resource Centre, Shancastle Avenue, Quarryvale, Susan Collins 01 626 9151

Wednesday 30 May

Thursday 31 May 11.00 am, Cheeverstown House, Castletymon Hub, St. Aengus Community Centre, Tymon North Road, Balrothery Hilda Fitzgerald 01 452 7247

11.00 am – 1.00 pm, Lucan East ETNS, St. Finians Old School, Main Street, Newcastle

Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.

Sinead Gunning 086 170 1972

Robert Browning


Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. Sophia Loren

Beginners’ Internet Class Tuesday 1 May 9.45 am – 11.15 am Lucan Library, Supervalu Shopping Centre, Lucan Beginners Internet Class meets every Tuesday. 01 621 6422


IPAD and Tablet Course with Digitise the Nation Tuesday 1 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght Learn how to make the most of your IPAD or tablet with this 5 week course. Topics covered include: how to get online, using search engines, using email and online services, online shopping, Skype and video calling, online government services, and staying safe online. Course takes place every Tuesday in May. Booking essential. 01 462 0073

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events


Love, Light, Laughter

Tuesday 1 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght

Tuesday 1 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Ballyroan Library, Rathfarnham

Introduction to the art of crochet - a handicraft in which yarn is made up into a textured fabric by means of a hooked needle. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

In an informal atmosphere. Love – Light – Laughter promises an enjoyable and relaxing session. Facilitated by an experienced practitioner, this workshop will include colour therapy (balancing the Chakras), guided meditation, ambient music, exploring angelic guidance, crystal healing, gentle yet energetic exercises and more. Maria Finn or Donna O’Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060


Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) IPAD and Tablet Course with Digitise the Nation Tuesday 1 May 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght

Intermediate Internet Class Tuesday 1 May 11.15 am – 12.45 pm Lucan Library, Supervalu Shopping Centre, Lucan

Learn how to make the most of your IPAD or tablet with this 5 week course. Topics covered include: how to get online, using search engines, using email and online services, online shopping, Skype and video calling, online government services, and staying safe online. Course takes place every Tuesday in May. Booking essential. 01 462 0073

Intermediate Internet class meets every Tuesday. 01 621 6422

You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing. George Bernard Shaw


Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Whist Drive Tuesday 1 May 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way, Old Bawn Cathy Purdy 01 414 9270


Gardening and Floristry Course Wednesday 2 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Sean Walsh Park, Old Bawn, Tallaght Demonstration on how to create colourful hanging baskets. Participants will also learn the correct method of maintaining them to last all summer long.

Wednesday 2 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Dominics Community Centre, Maria Finn or Donna O’Reilly 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060 Tallaght Introduction to computers and the internet. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770 17 

Seachtain na Sláinte agus na Folláine Health and Wellbeing Week

10th September to 15th September

A Week–long Event of Activities for Everyone!

Health and Wellbeing Mental Health Physical Activity For more information please contact Cathy Purdy, Interagency Co-ordinator Tel: 01 414 9270


South Dublin

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Maria Lane Choir Wednesday 2 May 11.00 am – 12.00 noon County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght Join us at the County Library, Tallaght as we celebrate Bealtaine with a choral service from the Maria Lane Choir. All welcome. 01 462 0073

Self Care Including Tai Chi Wednesday 2 May 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Self Care Programme including Tai Chi. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Health and Wellbeing Hobby Hub for Life (10 Week Wednesday 2 May Programme) 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm Wednesday 2 May 1.30 pm – 4.00 pm An Cosán, The Shanty Educational Project Ltd, Kiltalown Village Centre, Jobstown, Tallaght The purpose of the Health and Wellbeing for Life Programme is to increase participants health literacy and overall health. Caoimhe Kerins 01 462 8488


County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght Bring along your crafts and enjoy the company of other crafters in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Takes place every Wednesday. All welcome. 01 462 0073

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued)

Introduction to Reflexology Thursday 3 May 10.00 am – 11.30 am Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Reflexology is a very effective ancient art which works on the principle that there are points on the feet which correspond to each and every organ function and part of the body. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770


Introduction to Traditional Irish Music and Instruments Thursday 3 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Áras Chrónáin, Watery Lane, Clondalkin Introduction to and opportunity to hold and play the various traditional instruments. Demonstration of difference between jig, reel, hornpipe and polka. Brian O Gáibhín 01 457 4847

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Crafternoon Thursday 3 May 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm Lucan Library, Supervalu Shopping Centre Create a Felt Flower. No experience required. 01 621 6422

Chair Yoga Friday 4 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Lucan Library, Supervalu Shopping Centre Yoga from the comfort of your chair. 01 621 6422

Oh, the worst of all tragedies is not to die young, but to live until I am seventy-five and yet not ever truly to have lived. Martin Luther King Jr.


Go for Life Games – Flisk Friday 4 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Tallaght Leisure Centre, Fortunestown Way, Whitestown, Tallaght Alison Casserly or Paula Swayne 086 851 6669 or 086 829 2443

Love, Light, Laughter Friday 4 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght In an informal atmosphere. Love – Light – Laughter promises an enjoyable and relaxing session. Facilitated by an experienced practitioner, this workshop will include colour therapy (balancing the Chakras), guided meditation, ambient music, exploring angelic guidance, crystal healing, gentle yet energetic exercises and more. Maria Finn or Donna O’Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Prize Bingo Friday 4 May 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm, Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Crafternoon Saturday 5 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Clondalkin Library, Monastery Road, Clondalkin Come along to knit, sew and crochet, just drop in, no booking needed. Every Saturday. 01 459 3315

Taster Workshop for Clamour and Roar A Citizens Chorus Saturday 5 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Civic Theatre, Belgard Square East, Tallaght Veronica Coburn 087 979 0906 22 

Bealtaine Glass Craft Exhibition Tuesday 8 May, All day Palmerstown Library Digital Hub, Unit 11/12 Palmerstown Shopping Centre, Kennelsfort Road, Palmerstown Crafted glass pieces made by Palmerstown Community School Adult Glass Class, based on the Bealtaine theme. The exhibition runs until 31 May 2018. All Welcome. 01 467 8909

An Introduction to Yoga and Relaxation Tuesday 8 May 10.30 am – 11.30 am Áras Chrónáin, Watery Lane, Clondalkin Introduction to Yoga and Relaxation for people at all levels. Brian O Gáibhín 01 457 4847

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

I’ve always said that I will never let an old person into my body. That is, I don’t believe in ‘thinking’ old. Don’t program yourself to break down as you age with thoughts that decline is inevitable. Wayne Dyer


Love, Light, Laughter Tuesday 8 May 12.00 noon – 2.00 pm Clondalkin Library, Monastery Road, Clondalkin In an informal atmosphere. Love – Light – Laughter promises an enjoyable and relaxing session. Facilitated by an experienced practitioner, this workshop will include colour therapy (balancing the Chakras), guided meditation, ambient music, exploring angelic guidance, crystal healing, gentle yet energetic exercises and more. 01 459 3315

Tuesday 8 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Whist Drive Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tuesday 8 May 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Tallaght Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Introduction to the art of Way, Old Bawn crochet - a handicraft in Cathy Purdy which yarn is made up into a 01 414 9270 textured fabric by means of a hooked needle. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770 23 

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Love, Light, Laughter Wednesday 9 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Lucan Library, Supervalu Shopping Centre, Lucan In an informal atmosphere. Love – Light – Laughter promises an enjoyable and relaxing session. Facilitated by Ballroom Dancing an experienced practitioner, Tuesday 8 May this workshop will include 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm colour therapy (balancing the Dominics Community Centre, Chakras), guided meditation, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, ambient music, exploring Tallaght angelic guidance, crystal healing, gentle yet energetic Introduction to Ballroom exercises and more. Dancing. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Tallaght Historical Society Talk Tuesday 8 May 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght Glendalough: The Ancient Church. A talk by Frank Tracy. All welcome. 01 460 0073 24 

01 621 6422

Computers Wednesday 9 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Introduction to computers and the internet. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Gardening and Floristry Course Wednesday 9 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Sean Walsh Park, Old Bawn, Tallaght Learn how to create a herb box, the correct way to maintain them and the medicinal benefits of using herbs. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Bealtaine Quiz Wednesday 9 May 11.00 am – 12.30 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght Come along to our Bealtaine Table Quiz and test your brain power and general knowledge skills! All welcome. 01 462 0073

Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind. Jackie Joyner-Kersee


Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Floristry Workshop Wednesday 9 May 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Demonstration on how to create a display and then create their own. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Flower Arranging Thursday 10 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Lucan Library, Supervalu Shopping Centre, Lucan

Memento Narratives: 1918 -2018. Mixed Media Collage on Canvas Thursday 10 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght No artistic skill required. All materials provided. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Open Activity Day Thursday 10 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Irish Wheelchair Association, Broadmeadows, Newcastle Road, Lucan

Create a special arrangement of seasonal flowers to take home. Hands on workshop with This is a great opportunity experienced floral artist. to learn more about the Irish Wheelchair Association and 01 621 6422 sample some of our activities such as boccia, pottery and You can’t help getting mosiac. Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be served. older, but you don’t

have to get old. George Burns


Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Weaving with Reuse Materials

Go for Life Games - Scidils

Thursday 10 May 11.00 am – 12.30 pm Ballyroan Library, Orchardstown Avenue, Rathfarnham

Friday 11 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Tallaght Leisure Centre, Fortunestown Way, Whitestown, Tallaght

Craft weaving workshop using reuseable materials. Booking essential through

Alison Casserly or Paula Swayne 086 851 6669 or 086 829 2443

01 494 1900

Introduction to Angels Thursday 10 May 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770 27 

Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young. Ben Franklin

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Guided Tour of Áras Chrónáin Georgian House and the Activities of Áras Chrónáin Ionad Cultúir Friday 11 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Áras Chrónáin, Watery Lane, Clondalkin A walk through time and history of the building and the growth of the Irish language in the Clondalkin Area. Brian O Gáibhín 01 457 4847

Adult Craft Class with Kim Jenkinson Friday 11 May 11.00 am – 12.30 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght

Lace making workshop and talk with Carmel Lyons Friday 11 May 11.00 am – 12.30 pm Clondalkin Library, Monastery Road, Clondalkin Talk on history of Irish lace including workshop on making lace and exhibition of same. Booking essential. 01 459 3315

The Prince and The Pauper Friday 11 May 12.00 noon and 8.00 pm Civic Theatre, Belgard Square East, Tallaght General Administration: Adult €22, Children and Concessions €16, Groups 10+ €15. Matinee: Adult €18, Children and Concessions €14, Group 10+ €12. Friday 12.00 noon show €8.

Want to learn a new craft? Join us at Tallaght Library for this fun, relaxing workshop. Booking 01 462 7477 on 01 462 0073


Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Read to Your Grandchild Saturday Saturday 12 May 11.30 am – 3.00 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght As part of Bealtaine we invite grandparents to come to the library to read to their grandchildren. We have lots of great story books and a comfortable space all ready for you. All welcome. 01 462 0073

Prize Bingo Friday 11 May 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

The Prince and The Pauper Saturday 12 May 3.00 pm and 8.00 pm Civic Theatre, Belgard Square East, Tallaght General Administration: Adult €22, Children and Concessions €16, Groups 10+ €15. Matinee: Adult €18, Children and Concessions €14, Group 10+ €12. 01 462 7477




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4:24 p.m.



South Dublin


















4:24 p.m.

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Age Action Ireland Computer Classes Monday 14 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght This 5 week course for computer beginners starts on 14th May and runs until 18th June. Age Action Ireland 01 475 6989

Lucan Knitting Club Monday 14 May 10.30 am – 12.00 noon Lucan Library, Supervalu Shopping Centre, Lucan Lucan Knitting Club meets every Monday (except Bank Holidays). New members welcome. 01 621 6422

Gardening Skills Monday 14 May 11.00 am – 12.00 noon Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Three different ways to cover planting boxes, seed sowing and vegetables and herbs. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Crochet Monday 14 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Introduction to the art of crochet - a handicraft in which yarn is made up into a textured fabric by means of a hooked needle. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.  31 

John Lennon

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Flower Arranging Classes Tuesday 15 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Áras Rualach, Neilstown Road, Clondalkin Flower arranging class. Bernadette Beatley 01 623 0574

An Introduction to Yoga and Relaxation Tuesday 15 May 10.30 am – 11.30 am Áras Chrónáin, Watery Lane, Clondalkin Introduction to Yoga and Relaxation for people at all levels. Brian O Gáibhín 01 457 4847

If you associate enough with older people who do enjoy their lives, who are not stored away in any golden ghettos, you will gain a sense of continuity and of the possibility for a full life. Margaret Mead

A Fun Introduction and Lesson in the Irish Language Tuesday 15 May 10.30 am – 11.30 am Áras Chrónáin, Watery Lane, Clondalkin Participants will learn about the history, structure and richness of the Irish Language. Brian O Gáibhín 01 457 4847


Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Sports Taster Day Tuesday 15 May, 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Tallaght Leisure Centre, Fortunestown Way, Whitestown, Tallaght Interested in giving rugby, soccer, cricket or athletics a go? Come and join us for a morning of Sport in Tallaght Leisure Centre. Wear comfortable clothing and suitable footwear for activity. Open to all abilities and fitness levels. Alison Casserly or Paula Swayne, 086 851 6669 or 086 829 2443 33 

Memento Narratives: 1918 -2018. Mixed Media Collage on Canvas Tuesday 15 May, 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Rathcoole Community Centre, Main Street, Rathcoole No artistic skill required. All materials provided. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly, 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Fuss on the Bus: A play by Carnation Theatre Company Tuesday 15 May, 11.00 am – 1.00 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght Carnation Theatre presents Fuss on the Bus an interactive play. The specially constructed set will be in the form of a bus interior and the audience, as passengers, will come along for the ride. The conductor, complete with ticket machine, will keep everything in order, while handing out tickets containing special instructions for the audience. Comedy, drama, music, soundscapes, colourful costumes and sets. You don’t want to miss this bus. Booking essential. 01 462 0073

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Crochet Tuesday 15 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Introduction to the art of crochet - a handicraft in which yarn is made up into a textured fabric by means of a hooked needle. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

The wiser mind mourns less for what age takes away than what it leaves behind. William Wordsworth

Whist Drive Tuesday 15 May 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way, Old Bawn Cathy Purdy 01 414 9270

CLAMOUR & ROAR will be performed by a community chorus made up of people of all ages, 18 to 80, who live in the South Dublin County region. You don’t have to have any performance experience to take part. You don’t have to be able to act or sing. Perhaps you’ve never done anything like this before but if you want to take part we want you to stand shoulder to shoulder with the other brave souls who are up for an adventure. CLAMOUR & ROAR, developed and directed by Veronica Coburn, a playwright and theatre director who loves to work with people from all walks of life, will be performed in The Civic Theatre in Tallaght. If you like the sound of the CITIZEN’S CHORUS why don’t you come along to a taster workshop where you can meet the people involved and try your hand at singing and laughing and telling stories. There are two taster workshops on the following dates. May 5th

The Civic Theatre, Belgard Square East, Tallaght

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

May 19th

The Civic Theatre, Belgard Square East, Tallaght

2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

If you would like to sign up for one of the taster workshops or if you want to know more please email Veronica at [email protected] or contact her on 087 9790906. CLAMOUR & ROAR – A CITIZEN’S CHORUS is commissioned under IN CONTEXT 4 – IN OUR TIME, South Dublin County Council’s Public Art Programme for 2016 – 2019 under the Per Cent for Art Scheme. CLAMOUR & ROAR is also supported by The Civic Theatre and RUA RED.


Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Ballroom Dancing Tuesday 15 May 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Introduction to Ballroom Dancing. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Walking Football Wednesday 16 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon P and T Club, Kiltipper, Tallaght Jim Crawford 086 825 1165

Computers Wednesday 16 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Introduction to computers and the internet. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770 36 

Health and Wellbeing for 55+ in the Community Wednesday 16 May 9.45 am – 1.00 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght Information seminar on mental health, the importance of exercise for mind well-being and keeping the mind active and healthy. Booking is essential. Frank Price, 086 606 3683 or email [email protected]

E-Book and E-Magazine Workshop Wednesday 16 May 10.00 am – 11.00 am Palmerstown Library Digital Hub, Unit 11/12 Palmerstown Shopping Centre, Kennelsfort Road, Palmerstown Learn step-by-step how to download books and magazines. Booking recommended. 01 467 8909

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

The programme is overseen by South Dublin Age Friendly Alliance Group with the following objectives: • • •

To Improve the Health & Wellbeing of Older people in the County To increase participation in the social, economic and cultural life of the County Encourage effective partnerships between local statutory, private and voluntary organisations.

Tus Nua (the older persons’ council) meet monthly in Tallaght Library for training and information sessions. Additional Supports for Older People from South Dublin County Council South Dublin County Council have a range of schemes that are free and accessible to older people in the County. Since 2016 we have delivered a Home Security Scheme providing replacement security locks for external doors and provided smoke alarms. This year we will introduce a Carbon Monoxide Alarm programme. For further information please contact Cathy Purdy, Interagency Co-ordinator, Housing Social and Community Department. Email: [email protected]

Tel: 01 414 9000 extension 3363

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Gardening and Floristry Course

Tour of the Round Tower in Clondalkin

Wednesday 16 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Sean Walsh Park, Old Bawn, Tallaght

Wednesday 16 May, 12.00 noon – 2.00 pm, The Round Tower, Tower Road, Clondalkin

Demonstration on how to create a summer floral display and learn how to condition fresh flowers and foliage. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Enjoy a tour of The Round Tower in Clondalkin, which was founded in the 7th Century by St Mochua and is one of only 4 reminding round towers in County Dublin. The experience incorporates an interactive visitor centre, public gardens, café, terraced dining area, exhibition and gallery spaces and shops. Refreshments will be served. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Self Care Including Tai Chi Wednesday 16 May, 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm, Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Self Care Programme including Tai Chi. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770 38 

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Holistic Therapy Session Thursday 17 May 9.00 am – 3.00 pm St. Michael’s House, Templeogue, Dublin 6 Booked out.

Chair Yoga/ Laughing Yoga Thursday 17 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght

Tea and Teach Thursday 17 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Digital Training Room, County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght These sessions are a fun and simple way for you to learn about the online world including Google and email, making the most of your smartphone, social media and online banking. Refreshments will be served. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Old age is an excellent time for outrage. My goal is to say or do at least one outrageous thing every week. Maggie Kuhn

Flower Arranging Workshop Thursday 17 May 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm An Cosán, The Shanty Educational Project Ltd, Kiltalown Village Centre, Jobstown, Tallaght Flower arranging workshop. Imelda Hanrattyy 01 462 8488


Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Tus Nua Morning of Song Friday 18 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm The Round Tower, Tower Road, Clondalkin Please come along and enjoy the joyful tones of some of the County’s amazing Choirs. Cathy Purdy 01 414 9270

Craft Class Friday 18 May 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm Clondalkin Library, Monastery Road, Clondalkin Craft class on quiling with Joan. Booking essential. 01 459 3315

Prize Bingo Friday 18 May, 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Taster Workshop for Clamour and Roar A Citizens Chorus Saturday 19 May 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Civic Theatre, Belgard Square East, Tallaght Veronica Coburn 087 979 0906

Twinkle Twinkle (Touched Theatre) Monday 21 May 10.00 am, 11.30 am and 2.30 pm Civic Theatre, Belgard Square East, Tallaght Bring the Grandchildren. Admission: Adult €7, Children €5 01 462 7477


Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Patrick Kavanagh, Fifty Years On Monday 21 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght You are invited to come along and share your favourite Kavanagh poem. Poem and Writer Eileen Casey (the recipient of a Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship) will give an introduction to Kavanaghs work and how, as an older poet, he enjoyed a renaissance in terms of success and inspiration. All are welcome for what promises to be an enjoyable session. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. Frank Lloyd Wright


Crochet Monday 21 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Introduction to the art of crochet - a handicraft in which yarn is made up into a textured fabric by means of a hooked needle. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Intergenerational Bingo Monday 21 May 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm, Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Gardening Skills Monday 21 May 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Three different ways to cover planting boxes, seed sowing and vegetables and herbs. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Memento Narratives. 1918 -2018. Mixed Media Collage on Canvas Tuesday 22 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Áras Rualach, Neilstown Road, Clondalkin No artistic skill required. All materials provided. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Tea and Teach Tuesday 22 May 10.30 am – 1.00 pm Meet in South Dublin County Council Headquarters, Tallaght These sessions are a fun and simple way for you to learn about the online world including Google and email, making the most of your smartphone, social media and online banking. Refreshments will be served. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060


Crochet Tuesday 22 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Introduction to the art of crochet - a handicraft in which yarn is made up into a textured fabric by means of a hooked needle. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Make your own garden decorations Tuesday 22 May 11.00 am -12.30 pm Ballyroan Library, Orchardstown Avenue, Rathfarnham Craft workshop creating garden decorations. Booking essential through 01 494 1900

Whist Drive Tuesday 22 May 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way, Old Bawn Cathy Purdy 01 414 9270

Chair Yoga/ Laughing Yoga

Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born. Albert Einstein

Tallaght Historical Society Talk Tuesday 22 May 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght The Dodder: History and Natural History. A talk by Christopher Moriarty. All welcome. 01 462 0073

Computers Wednesday 23 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght

Tuesday 22 May 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm, Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Introduction to computers and Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght the internet. Niamh Valentine Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770 01 459 0770 43 

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Memento Narratives - 1918 -2018. Mixed Media Collage on Canvas Wednesday 23 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Newcastle Community Hall, Main Street, Newcastle No artistic skill required. All materials provided. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Old Time Waltz and Afternoon Tea Wednesday 23 May 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm Áras Chrónáin, Watery Lane, Clondalkin

Open Activity Day Thursday 24 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Irish Wheelchair Association, Broadmeadows, Newcastle Road, Lucan

Introduction to Old Time Waltz This is a great opportunity dancing for people at all levels. to learn more about the Irish Wheelchair Association and Brian O Gáibhín sample some of our activities 01 457 4847 such as boccia, pottery and mosiac. Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be served. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060


Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) The Great Tallaght Bake Off Thursday 24 May 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght Calling all bakers! Can you bake marvellous meringues, scrumptious scones, fabulous fairy cakes or tantalising tarts? Enter the Great Tallaght Bake Off and put your baking skills to the test! All welcome. 01 462 0073

Quiz Night Thursday 24 May 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

The Good Father Thursday 24 May 8.15 pm Civic Theatre, Belgard Square East, Tallaght Admission: Adult €16, Concessions €14 01 462 7477

Go for Life Games Cornhole Friday 25 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Tallaght Leisure Centre, Fortunestown Way, Whitestown, Tallaght Alison Casserly or Paula Swayne 086 851 6669 or 086 829 2443 46 

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Flower Arranging Friday 25 May 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Ballyroan Library, Orchardstown Avenue, Rathfarnham

Memoir Writing Workshop Friday 25 May 11.00 am – 12.20 pm Clondalkin Library, Monastery Road, Clondalkin “What actually happened is only raw material; what the writer makes of what happened is all that matters.” Vivian GornickIn. This workshop will explore how to use your own life and experiences to create the stories you want to tell. Writing exercises and prompts are designed to get your creativity flowing in an inspiring and enjoyable way. The workshop is facilitated by Nicole Rourke, co-director of Big Smoke Writing Factory. It is suitable for writers at all levels. Booking essential. 01 459 3315 47 

Flower arranging workshop. Booking essential through 01 494 1900

Prize Bingo Friday 25 May 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln



Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Music Night Friday 25 May 8.00 pm – 12.00 am Belgard Community Centre, 24 Belgard Road, Kingswood, Tallaght Join us for a night of musical entertainment including a performance from the Belgard Seniors, local choir and Irish Dancers. Dermot O’Flanagan 086 835 6239

The Good Father Friday 25 May 8.15 pm Civic Theatre, Belgard Square East, Tallaght Admission: Adult €16, Concessions €14 01 462 7477

With age comes the inner, the higher life. Who would be forever young, to dwell always in externals? Elizabeth Cady Stanton

My Granny and Grandpa Storytime Saturday 26 May 3.00 pm – 3.30 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght To celebrate Bealtaine we are holding a special Granny and Grandpa themed storytime. All welcome. 01 462 0073

The Good Father Saturday 26 May 8.15 pm Civic Theatre, Belgard Square East, Tallaght Admission: Adult €16, Concessions €14 01 462 7477


Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued)

Love, Light, Laughter Crochet Monday 28 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm U3A, Ruah Pastoral Centre, Marian Road, Rathfarnham In an informal atmosphere. Love – Light – Laughter promises an enjoyable and relaxing session. Facilitated by an experienced practitioner, this workshop will include colour therapy (balancing the Chakras), guided meditation, ambient music, exploring angelic guidance, crystal healing, gentle yet energetic exercises and more. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060 50 

Monday 28 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 & 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Introduction to the art of crochet - a handicraft in which yarn is made up into a textured fabric by means of a hooked needle. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Love, Light, Laughter Monday 28 May 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm Fettercairn Community Centre, Fettercairn, Tallaght In an informal atmosphere. Love – Light – Laughter promises an enjoyable and relaxing session. Facilitated by an experienced practitioner, this workshop will include colour therapy (balancing the Chakras), guided meditation, ambient music, exploring angelic guidance, crystal healing, gentle yet energetic exercises and more. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Gardening Skills Monday 28 May 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 & 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Three different ways to cover planting boxes, seed sowing and vegetables and herbs. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770 51 

Getting old is a fascination thing. The older you get, the older you want to get. Keith Richards

Crochet Tuesday 29 May 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 & 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Introduction to the art of crochet - a handicraft in which yarn is made up into a textured fabric by means of a hooked needle. Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) An Introduction to Irish Céilí and Set Dancing Tuesday 29 May 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm Áras Chrónáin, Watery Lane, Clondalkin

Tea and Teach Tuesday 29 May 10.15 am – 1.00 pm Meet in South Dublin County Council Headquarters, Tallaght These sessions are a fun and simple way for you to learn about the online world including Google and email, making the most of your smartphone, social media and online banking. Refreshments will be served. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Introduction to Irish Céilí and some simple Set Dancing for people at all levels. Brian O Gáibhín 01 457 4847

Whist Drive Tuesday 29 May 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way, Old Bawn Cathy Purdy 01 414 9270

Chair Yoga/ Laughing Yoga Tuesday 29 May 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm, Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770


Women Writers and The Big House with Roslyn Hickey Join Roslyn Hickey to read these classic of Anglo-Irish literature Wednesday 9th May 7pm Part 1. Castle Rackrent by Maria Edgeworth Wednesday 23rd May 7pm Part 2. The Real Charlotte by Somerville and Ross Wednesday 6th June 7pm Part 3. The Last September by Elizabeth Bowen

Wednesday 20th June 7pm Part 4. Good Behaviour by Molly Keane

Participants are required to read the books beforehand. They can be ordered through your local library. Copies will also be available at the library in Stewarts. An optional trip to one of the Big Houses will be arranged as part of this series. Booking required by email [email protected] or phone.01 6518129

Significant Dates in the History of the Big House A talk by Terence Dooley To launch our Wednesday night series in May, Irish women writers and the Big House, we welcome Terence Dooley who will talk on the historical context of the Big Houses in Ireland. Terence is Associate Professor and Director for the Study of Irish Houses and Estates, NUI, Maynooth. All welcome to The Coach House, Old Lucan Road, Palmerstown on the 2nd May @ 7.30pm

Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Music Night

Tai Chi Workshop

Tuesday 29 May 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght

Thursday 31 May 9.00 am – 3.00 pm St. Michael’s House, Templeogue

Cabaret night to showcase local talent who avail of the centre.

Angelina Stewart or Debbie Doyle 01 490 0936

Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770

Love, Light, Laughter

Computers Wednesday 30 May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Dominics Community Centre, 60 and 60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght

In an informal atmosphere. Love – Light – Laughter promises an enjoyable and relaxing session. Facilitated by an experienced practitioner, this workshop will include colour therapy (balancing the Chakras), guided meditation, ambient music, exploring angelic guidance, crystal healing, gentle yet energetic exercises and more.

Introduction to computers and the internet.

Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Niamh Valentine 01 459 0770 54 

Thursday 31 May 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Áras Chrónáin, Watery Lane, Clondalkin

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

Closing Ceremony Thursday 31 May 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm Red Cow Inn, Clondalkin Prize giving ceremony for winners of the Bealtaine Competition. This will be followed by a Tea Dance. Invitation only.

Movie Club: Picnic at Hanging Rock Thursday 31 May 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm County Library, Chamber Square, Tallaght

1975 film directed by Peter Weir. During a rural summer picnic, a few students and a teacher from an Australian Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270, 086 380 3060 or girls’ school vanish without a trace. Their absence frustrates 086 185 0656 and haunts the people left behind. All welcome. 01 462 0073


Bealtaine Festival 2018

Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events (Continued) Gardening and Floristry Course Wednesday 6 June 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Sean Walsh Park, Old Bawn, Tallaght Create beautiful corsages for all occasions using a range of flowers and foliage. Maria Finn or Donna O’ Reilly 01 414 9270 or 086 380 3060

Go for Life Games Saturday 9 June All Day Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Whitehall, A team will be selected for the Go for Life Games on 4th, 11th and 25th May to go forward to represent South Dublin in the National Go for Life Games Alison Casserly or Paula Swayne, 086 851 6669 or 086 829 24436

Love, Light, Laughter Friday 15 June 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Tus Nua Meeting, Seminar Room, County Library In an informal atmosphere. Love – Light – Laughter promises an enjoyable and relaxing session. Facilitated by an experienced practitioner, this workshop will include colour therapy (balancing the Chakras), guided meditation, ambient music, exploring angelic guidance, crystal healing, gentle yet energetic exercises and more. Cathy Purdy 01 414 9270

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. Henry Ford


Bealtaine Festival 2018 Events

PALs Training In partnership with Go For Life, South Dublin County Council Sports and Recreation Unit are running a series of workshops intended to provide information, ideas and skills to people who are interested in involving older people in physical activity. The participants become Physical Activity Leaders (known as PALs) who can lead members of their own groups or communities in short exercise routines, simple dances, fun games and recreational sports. This is an 8 week programme with the first 4 weeks starting on the 29 May. Tuesday 29 May Time: 10.00 am – 3.00 pm. Venue: Tallaght Leisure Centre, Fortunestown Way, Whitestown, Tallaght, Dublin 24. (Please note pre booking is essential) Contact: Paula Swayne or Alison Casserly, 086 851 6669 or 086 829 2443, Sports and Recreation Officers

Bealtaine Festival 2018


South Dublin County Council Enquires Housing, Social and Community Development Department Email

01 414 9270 [email protected]

Social Inclusion Unit Maria Finn, Social Inclusion Officer Donna O’Reilly

086 380 3060 086 185 0656

Sports and Recreation Alison Casserly Paula Swayne

086 851 6669 086 829 2443

Tús Nua Cathy Purdy

01 414 9000

Sport Partnership Thos McDermott

086 044 1071

South Dublin County Libraries Development Unit Email

01 459 7832 [email protected]

South Dublin County Council Liaison and Access Officer Selina Bonnie Email


01 414 9041 [email protected]


Community Development Team General

01 414 9000

Senior Community Officer Paul McAlerney

Ext: 3306

Tallaght South Area Team Jimmy Morrissey Niamh Carton Luke Collins Andrea Molloy

Ext: 3387 Ext: 3344 Ext: 3139 Ext: 4316

Tallaght Central, Rathfarnham,Templeogue and Terenure Area Team Ger Neill Deirdre Cleary Su Clarke

Ext: 3377 Ext: 3379 Ext: 3378

Clondalkin and Lucan Area Team Bernadette Kaluzny Valerie Brien Claire Morrissey Frank Price Ciaran Farrelly

Ext: 2340 Ext: 9246 Ext: 3382 Ext: 3318 Ext: 3380

South Dublin County Council Leisure Centres Tallaght Leisure Centre Clondalkin Leisure Centre Lucan Leisure Centre


01 452 3300 01 457 4858 01 624 1930