before sample - UCSF Career - University of California, San Francisco

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Match# 00000. Education. University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry, Doctor of Dental Surgery, June 201
BEFORE SAMPLE Thomas S. Eliot 203 Park Street, Berkeley, CA 94706 510-791-1840 [email protected] Match# 00000 Education University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry, Doctor of Dental Surgery, June 2010 University of California, Los Angeles, BS Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics, June 2005 Professional Experience Externship at Eastmont Wellness Center, Oakland, CA. 0/00-0/00. Provide pediatric dental services. Externship at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas. 0/00. Provided treatment for pediatric patients. Pediatric Observer at UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA. 0/00. Shadowed faculty and residents through different rotations. Pediatric Observer at UCSF School of Dentistry. 00/00-Present. Observe faculty and residents with patients and assisted residents. Pediatric Rotation at UCSF School of Dentistry, San Francisco, CA. 0/00-0/00. Provided treatment for pediatric patients. Dental Assistant at Children’s Dentistry, El Cerrito, CA. 0/00-0/00. Assisted dentist in pediatric dental care Research Research Assistant, Dept of Orofacial Sciences, UCSF. 11/00-Present. Dr. Francisco Ramos Gomez, DDS, MS, MPH. Prevention, Risk, Intervention, Management and Evaluation (PRIME). Compare caregiver intent to change and preferences of oral health practices for their children at the time of their assessment and at the 3-month follow-up visit. UCSF Summer Dental Student Fellowship Program. 0/00-00/00. Dr. Francisco Ramos-Gomez DDS, MS, MPH. Pediatric Caries Risk Assessment Utilization In A Community Clinic. Retrospectively analyzed the utilization and effect of a Caries Risk Assessment (CRA) questionnaire for children under age six. Extracurricular Activities Vice President/Treasurer/Historian/Journal Club Coordinator for Student Society of Pediatric Dentistry at UCSF. 0000-0000. Attended Dental School Associated Student Body meetings and at San Francisco Children's Dental Health Committee meetings; Recorded finances; Organized journal club meetings Orthodontic Journal Club at UCSF School of Dentistry, 0000-0000. Secretary for UCSF Associated Dental Students, San Francisco, CA. 0/00-0/00. Recorded minutes and involved in student body elections. Member of Associated Dental Students Leadership Council, San Francisco, CA. 0/00-0/00. Member of Faculty Liaison Committee, San Francisco, CA. 0/00-0/00. Attended meeting with deans Radiology Technician at UCSF School of Dentistry, San Francisco, CA. 0/00-Present. Maintained equipment

2 Co-Secretary for UCSF School of Dentistry 1st and 2nd Year Dental Class, San Francisco, CA. 0000-0000. Recorded minutes at meetings and wrote articles. Student Dental School Representative for UCSF Chinese Public Health Association (CHPSA), San Francisco, CA. 0/00-0/00. Involved in organizing and participating in cultural events. Psi Omega Philanthropy/Fundraising Chair, San Francisco, CA. 00/00-Present. Organized events for charities. Co-Chairperson for Community Dentistry School Visit, San Francisco, CA. 00/00. Helped to organize oral screenings at elementary school. Pre-Dental Health Fair Committee Chair at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. 00/00-00/00. Taught children proper oral hygiene and involved in fundraising. Volunteer Assistant/Provider (0000-Present), Student Volunteer Coordinator (0000), for UCSF Give Kids A Smile Day. Provided dental care for children. Recruited student volunteers. Organized training. Webmaster/Volunteer for UCSF Children’s Health Hut, San Francisco, CA. 0/00-0/00. Helped to organize and volunteered at community events. Maintained website and listserv. Assistant/Provider at the Native American Health Center, San Francisco, CA. 0/00-Present. Provided dental services. Provider for UCSF Community Dental Clinic, San Francisco, CA. 0/00- Present. Provided free dental treatment for homeless. Volunteer for ADEA Annual High School Outreach Conference, San Francisco, CA. 0000-Present. Participated in outreach event for high school students. Work Experience Pre-doctoral Lab Tutor, San Francisco. 0000-Present. Radiology Tutor, San Francisco, CA. 0000-Present. Honors and Awards UCSF Patient Centered Care. 0000 Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU) C. Craig Memorial Scholarship. 0000 UCSF ADEA Outstanding Student Volunteer/Member. 0000. UCLA Provost/Dean’s Honor List. 0000. California Governor’s Scholar Award. 0000. Presentations Pediatric Caries Risk Assessment in a Community Clinic, UCSF Research Day Poster Session, San Francisco CA. 00/0000 and World Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry, Chicago, IL. 0/00. Effectiveness of Er: YAG Laser Treatment For Cavity Preparation, UCLA School of Dentistry Undergraduate Pre-dental Poster Session. 0/00. Professional Affiliations ASDA, ADEA, AAPD, AGD, CDA, Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society Skills Spanish and Computers