Behaviour Management. Summary. 5 Key Stones ... Behaviour Management. Summary. Assemblies ... opportunity to engage. Off
Behaviour Management Summary
5 Key Stones Thatto Heath Community Primary follows the following 5 Keystones to outstanding behaviour. 1. Getting the class silent ready for instruction. Countdowns, eyes on me, 2. Setting the class to work.( TROGS) Time on task, resources, outcomes, groupings, stop signal. 3. Reflective questioning 4. Eliciting success criteria 5. Routines Entering the school Lines silent and straight . The children line up in alphabetical order Cloakroom Classes are not to go without their teacher. Tidy Entering the classroom Line up in alphabetical order outside of the room Meet and Greet Teacher and LSA to stand the classroom door, welcoming the children. EYFS/KS1- sit on the carpet. (Silence) KS2- Stand behind their chair. Wait to be told to sit. Moving around school Walk on the left Fantastic Walking - Walking tall, head up, chin up, chest out with a purposeful stride Praise, points Leaving a classroom Stand behind their chair Check under the table for dropped pens etc. Line up at the door in alphabetical order Escorted out End of the day Stand behind their chair KS1 and KS2 Check under the table for dropped pens etc. Line up at the door Escort the lines out
Behaviour Management Summary Assemblies Enter and leave in silence Teacher to stand alongside their class Member of the leadership team to welcome the children whilst waiting for the person who is leading the assembly Stand when the Headteacher enters the room Y1-Y6 Pupils
Pencil Cases No pencil cases on the tables. Only a small pencil case is allowed in the child’s tray and this should be discouraged. . Team Points Will be collected via our online points system and reported in assemblies and on our website. Phone calls home Positive notes home Good behaviour Rewarded through stickers, stamps and through points recorded on our online system. ‘Over and above’ letters home Reward children for going over and above. Golden Book is located outside the Headteacher’s office for staff to nominate pupils who have gone above and beyond. A letter will be send home and a small proize award in assembly. Always Child Party Each term the children with the highest behaviour points will be invited to a rea party with the Headteacher. Hot chocolate with the Headteacher Pupils to be invited based on logs of positive points. Mrs Ireland will identify the children. The criteria can include the highest point earners on specific days, the most improved, those who have shown kindness.
Behaviour Management Summary Consequences if our school rules are broken
The Stepped Approach
A reminder of the 3 rules, delivered privately wherever possible.
Class Chart points
Repeat reminders if reasonable adjustments are necessary.
Clear verbal caution delivered privately, wherever possible, making the child aware of their behaviour and clearly outlining the consequences if they continue. Use the phrase, ‘Think carefully about your next step.’
Last Chance
Speak to the child privately, wherever possible, giving them a final opportunity to engage. Offer a positive choice to do so and refer to previous examples of good behaviour.
Negative point to be logged.
Use the 30 second scripted intervention. Say ‘Stay behind for 2 minutes after class’ to this step or walk with you out onto the yard if the staff member is on playground duty. The 2 minutes is owed when the child has reached this step, it is not part of some future negotiation on behaviour. It cannot be removed, reduced or substituted.
Time Out
Time out of the classroom another class within the year group. With 1:1 if they have an allocated LSA. Time at the side of the field or playground if during a PE lesson. If during lunch or break the child can stand at the side of the yard. Time for the child to calm down, breathe, look at the situation from a different perspective and compose themselves.
Quick chat at break, on the yard or a more formal meeting.
Taken to internal isolation in the Reflection Room
If the situation escalates further. A member of SLT needs to be informed.
An additional negative point to be given.
Behaviour Management Summary Formal meeting with class teacher and 1:1 if the child has one.
Parent informed. Isolation report to be completed.
Immediate internal isolation in the Reflection Room
Physical aggression with intent. Damage to property. Bullying. Racial, homophobic incident.
Negative point to be logged.
Length of isolation to be decided by SLT. Parents to be informed.
Isolation in the Reflection Room at break or immediately if severe
Verbal aggression.
Formal meeting with class teacher and 1:1 if the child has one. Parent informed. Isolation report to be completed if half days or longer in isolation.
Isolation in the Reflection Room Break time, lunchtime
Next break or lunchtime after a serious issue breach of the school rules.
Negative point to be logged.
Fighting or hitting others. .
KS2- Impositions
If a child needs to catch up or payback time lost in learning. Work that must be completed that evening, countersigned by the parent/carer and returned first thing in the morning. Short pre-written note that can be stapled to the work with a space for a parent signature, a reminder about the time it needs to be delivered and an indication of the amount of work that must be completed.
Behaviour Management Summary Incidents of poor behaviour should be recorded via the online behaviour points system. LSAs, LTS, PPA staff can recorded behaviour points on the slips provided so they can be inputted. Information regarding any serious breaches of the school rules are to be passed to the office so they can inform the Headteacher. When to refer behaviour on to the Leadership Team
No improvement after speaking to parents. Exceptional circumstances racial, homophobic, physical – serious fight, injuries, unprovoked attack on another pupil. Repeated incidents.
Reflection Room ( Internal Isolation) This is a designated reflection from for internal isolation when a child needs time out of class and / needs to miss their break of lunchtime. This room is manned by the Learning Mentor or a member of the school leadership team. The child will reflect on which rule/s they have broken, work will be completed and some ‘Restorative Justice’ work will take place. Restorative Justice Thatto Heath Community Primary uses the restorative justice techniques. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
What happened? What were you thinking at the time? What have you thought since? How did that make people feel? Who has been affected? How have they been affected? What should we do to put things right? How can we do things differently in the future?