mapping and monitoring of damaged areas in industrial conveyor belt covers.
This enables maintenance engineers to plan service and repair in advance, and
Process Solutions Product Information Note
BeltAIS™ Cover Defect Monitoring System
Honeywell’s BeltAIS Cover Defect Monitoring System provides early detection, mapping and monitoring of damaged areas in industrial conveyor belt covers. This enables maintenance engineers to plan service and repair in advance, and extend the service life of the conveyor system. Conveyor systems are a critical part of a production process and the cost of unplanned conveyor downtime could easily be thousands of dollars per hour. Additionally, maintenance costs represent a significant part of the plant budget. Minimizing this process risk is critical to profitable operation. It is essential to maintain the conveyor belt cover to ensure the health and useful life of an industrial conveyor system. However, inspection of the belt covering is nearly impossible while the belt
BeltAIS™: Designed to Detect Belt Defects Honeywell’s BeltAIS™ (Belt Asset Inspection System) Cover Defect Monitoring System is designed to perform repeated defect analysis of a conveyor belts’ surface, helping to identify potential risk zones and assisting in degradation analysis, upon which further action can be initiated. The system provides:
is in service. The work is also time-consuming and often provides
• Positive detection of surface defects on conveyor belts
little opportunity for maintenance planning.
• Assessment data on the severity of surface defects
Operations in the mining, minerals and metals (MMM) industry,
• Defect statistics and location of defects along belt length
among others, need solutions allowing conveyor belts to be
• Easy modes of belt surface defect visualization
easily and quickly inspected without their removal from the
BeltAIS enables significant cost savings for end users through
process. By maintaining belts in a timely fashion, they can also
better planning and reduction of downtime, reduced replacement
prevent further damage, allow for better repair preparation, and
costs through timely belt replacement, minimization of over- or
reduce unnecessary shutdowns.
under-maintenance, avoidance of catastrophic belt failures, and reduction of monitoring labor costs.
Part of a Total Asset Health Monitoring Solution The BeltAIS Cover Defect Monitoring System integrates with existing Honeywell products and/or third-party systems as part of a total asset health monitoring solution. This includes the OneWireless™ Network (wireless system combining instruments and devices on a single redundant wireless mesh network), Equipment Health Monitor (temperature and wireless multiplexer), Field Advisor (software and tools to configure and manage the execution of field tasks by mobile workers), Digital Video Manager™ (video monitoring system that can be integrated into the control system for monitoring diverse operations) and Asset Manager™ (integrated health assessment dashboard).
BeltAIS™ Cover Defect Monitoring System
Powerful Video-based Inspection Tool
BeltAIS Cover Defect Monitoring features video-based inspection
The database can store information about multiple belts allowing
that is linked to robust analysis and decision support software.
for campaign analysis of many belts in an operation. Specific
The system detects a wide range of problems associated with the
information about each belt and camera is configured into the
surface of a conveyor belt, such as:
system together with the regions of interest. The ROI capability
• Tears
enables users to select the specific regions on the belt to be
• Edge tears
analyzed. This allows for compensation with respect to camera placement. The ROI can be any sized rectangle drawn within the
• Gouging
viewing window. There are three ROIs available, permitting
• Non-uniform wearing
individual analysis of the central region and the edges. Each ROI
• Splice problems and other defects
has a separately configurable sensitivity and the ROIs can
BeltAIS uses vision-based analysis through a Honeywell
purpose-built industrial hardened video camera. The camera is self-contained with an integrated light source and on-board processing and storage. If plant air is available, the camera is rated at temperatures up to 100°C. This design provides: • High-speed capability to freeze belt action and capture its cover condition (shutter speeds up to 1/10,000 per second and streaming 32 fps video) • High HD resolution images • Integrated lighting using pulsed LED to reduce heat • IP65 (NEMA 4) enclosure built for severe environments, with capability for air wipe and water washing
ROI and Sensitivity Configuration
Real Time Monitoring The real-time monitoring views allow the user to see live video of the selected conveyor and examine the defects as they are detected. The unique strip chart emphasizes sections of the belt High-speed, high-resolution camera built by Honeywell for harsh environments.
requiring examination.
In addition to leading-edge camera technology, BeltAIS Cover Defect Monitoring includes state-of-the-art image analysis and decision support software. The features of which include: • Different algorithms to detect cover defects • Automatic adaption to each particular belt • Region of Interest (ROI) analysis allowing selective detection of edge tears and load-bearing wear • Intelligent categorization of defects by intensity and location on the belt • Synthetic 3D imaging for better inspection of defects • Database and charts to track severity and changes over time • Powerful reporting and interfacing capabilities
Real-time analysis display
BeltAIS™ Cover Defect Monitoring System
The analysis window provides the ability to review, in detail,
The reporting framework provides graphing capabilities to
specific sections of the belt. Individual defects can be examined
examine belt health status over time.
in still pictures and the sections before and after the defect reviewed. Additionally, a zoom feature and pseudo 3D facility provides for close review of the defect to determine corrective actions required.
Graphical Window
Additionally, all analysis results together with images are stored in a powerful database for ease of retrieval through the report framework.
Real-time analysis
A surface defect which exists all along the length of the belt, detected by BeltAIS as MAJOR defect (may eventually lead to through-RIP all along the length) is zoomed into for pseudo 3D analysis
Report Framework
Further analysis can also be done by exporting the analysis results to Excel or other tools.
Benefits to Industrial Operations BeltAIS provides the tools to help you manage the health of your A long surface defect along the length of the belt
conveyor system assets. With visibility into the actual health
seen as a clear TROUGH region in the pseudo 3D
status of your conveyor belt cover, users from operations,
view generated by clicking on the 3D radio button in the analysis screen after zooming in to it as shown beside
maintenance, reliability and other departments will have a consistent understanding to properly execute maintenance plans. Improve conveyor belt maintenance, reduce downtime and
3D imaging
maintenance costs, and increase production efficiency and reliability with a package of solutions that provides the lowest total cost of ownership.
BeltAIS™ Cover Defect Monitoring System
Global Support from an Industry Leader
Honeywell can provide its products and services anywhere in the world. MMM production facilities might be in remote locations
Honeywell is a leading supplier of automation solutions to the
near raw materials or energy sources, but Honeywell has offices
Mining, Metals & Minerals (MMM) industries, with a worldwide
in most countries and regions backed by Global Centers of
presence and broad application experience. Honeywell systems
Excellence to provide timely and comprehensive support.
and solutions optimize production for a wide range of MMM Honeywell is a pioneer in process control, and today more than
operations from alumina through copper, coal and steel.
8,000 technicians use collective expertise to work for customers Our process automation solutions can help you reduce operating and maintenance costs, improve reliability, and increase
in 67 countries around the world. Our global development teams are driven to the highest standards to meet customer product
production efficiency. We also provide comprehensive pre- and
requirements for ease of use and maintenance.
post-sales support, as well as value-based solutions that help drive business success.
Honeywell also provides world-class customer support via our Global Technical Assistance Center (TAC).
For More Information Learn more about how Honeywell’s BeltAIS Cover Defect Monitoring System can improve your reliability and reduce costs, visit our website or contact your Honeywell account manager.
BeltAIS™ is a trademark of Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell Process Solutions Honeywell 1250 West Sam Houston Parkway South Houston, TX 77042 Honeywell House, Arlington Business Park Bracknell, Berkshire, England RG12 1EB Shanghai City Centre, 100 Junyi Road Shanghai, China 20051
PN-12-43-ENG October 2012 © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.