All our belt tensioner assemblies are original equipment quality for long life and
easy replacement. Refer to the .... Alt. & AC. 5808. 08. V6 3.2L TL. Serpentine
Belt Drive. 5584. 08. V6 3.5L TL ...... FORD. 97. V6 3.0L Aerostar. --. 96-95 V6 3.0
L Aerostar. 5886. 97-96 V6 4.0L Aerostar. 5898 ... 04-03 V8 5.4L E450 Super
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Illustrated Guide Automatic Belt Tensioners
OVER 100 million vehicles on the road today use a belt tensioner. Belt tensioners maintain constant tension on the belt to extend both belt and accessory drive bearing life. We offer a full product line covering most domestic and import vehicles. All our belt tensioner assemblies are original equipment quality for long life and easy replacement. Refer to the following application section for the correct belt tensioner assembly or replacement pulley for the tensioner. Notes: 1. Some engines have more than one tensioner. The pictorial guide is provided to assist in identifying the correct part. Do not attempt to select the tensioner only on the pictorial guide, as many tensioners look alike. Use the following application guide to select the correct part. 2. Many engines have both a belt tensioner and a separate idler pulley assembly. Refer to the Idler Pulley section following this section for those applications.
Tensioner 5536
Pulley 5971
Tensioner 5541
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5545
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5546
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5547
Pulley 5979
Tensioner 5548
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5549
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5550
Pulley 5979
Tensioner 5551
Pulley 5979
Tensioner 5554
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5555
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5556
Pulley 5975
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5558
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5560
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5561
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5562
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5563
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5564
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5565
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5566
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5567
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5568
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5570
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5572
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5573
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5574
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5575
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5557
Tensioner 5577
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5578
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5579
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5581
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5582
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5584
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5700
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5705
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5706
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5707
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5708
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5709
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5710
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5711
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5712
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5713
Pulley N/A
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5715
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5716
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5717
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5718
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5719
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5720
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5722
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5723
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5724
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5725
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5726
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5800
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5801
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5802
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5803
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5714
Tensioner 5804
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5805
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5806
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5807
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5808
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5809
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5810
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5811
Pulley 5972
Tensioner 5812
Pulley 5972
Tensioner 5813
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5814
Pulley 5968
Tensioner 5815
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5816
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5817
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5841
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5842
Pulley 5979
Pulley 5992
Tensioner 5844
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5845
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5846
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5847
Pulley 5979
Tensioner 5848
Pulley 5972
Tensioner 5849
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5850
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5851
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5852
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5853
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5854
Pulley 5969
Tensioner 5855
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5856
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5857
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5858
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5843
Tensioner 5859
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5860
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5861
Pulley 5992
Tensioner 5862
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5863
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5864
Pulley 5979
Tensioner 5865
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5866
Pulley 5968
Tensioner 5867
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5868
Pulley 5979
Tensioner 5869
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5870
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5871
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5872
Pulley 5969
Tensioner 5873
Pulley 5992
Tensioner 5874
Pulley 5969
Pulley 5969
Tensioner 5876
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5877
Pulley 5979
Tensioner 5878
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5879
Pulley 5979
Tensioner 5880
Pulley 5969
Tensioner 5881
Pulley 5992
Tensioner 5882
Pulley 5979
Tensioner 5883
Pulley 5979
Tensioner 5884
Pulley 5980
Tensioner 5885
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5886
Pulley 5979
Tensioner 5887
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5888
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5889
Pulley 5968
Tensioner 5890
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5875
Tensioner 5891
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5892
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5893
Pulley 5975
Tensioner 5894
Pulley 5992
Tensioner 5895
Pulley 5973
Tensioner 5896
Pulley 5992
Tensioner 5897
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5898
Pulley N/A
Tensioner 5899
Pulley 5968
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
V6 V6 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4
3.0L 3.2L 2.0L 2.0L 3.5L 3.5L 3.7L 3.7L 2.3L 3.5L 3.5L 3.7L 2.0L 3.5L 3.2L 3.2L 3.2L 3.5L 2.4L 2.4L
Alt. & AC Alt. & AC Canada, Base Model Canada, Type-S Alt. & AC Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive
Alt. & AC Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive
AM GENERAL 96-95 01-94
AUDI 07-06 06-02 01-97 09-05 01-96 06-02 09-05 09-08 04-00 01-96 95 04-02 09 08-05 06-04 05-01 98-94 09 07 02-00 06-00 06-04
BUICK 10 08-05 09-05
5808 5808 5712 5712 5584 5582 5584 5584 5712 5584 5584 5584 -5707 5584 5808 5584 5584 5712 --
V8 V8
5.7L Hummer 6.5L Hummer
5892 5882
V6 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6
3.2L 1.8L 1.8L 2.0L 2.8L 3.0L 3.2L 3.2L 2.7L 2.8L 2.8L 3.0L 3.0L 3.2L 4.2L 2.7L 2.8L 3.2L 3.6L 2.7L 1.8L 3.2L
--5849 -5562 ---5562 5562 5562 ----5562 5562 --5562 5852 --
A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A5 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A8 Allroad Quattro Cabriolet Q5 Q7 S4 TT TT
5.7L Mini Bird
V6 V6 V6
3.0L Allure 3.6L Allure 3.8L Allure
Fan, Alt. & A.P.
VIN 4AS026715 & After Serpentine Belt Drive
5897 Canada Canada Canada
BUICK (Cont’d) 96-94 92-87 89-87 05-94 93-92 91-89 88-86 90-88 87-86 10-08 10 08-05 09-05 05-00 99 98-96 95-92 91-89 87-86 88 88 08-06 09-06 09-06 05-99 98-95 94-91 95-91 05-96 95-91 07-04 07-04 07-04 91-88 88 89 96-94 90-89 93-91 96 95-92 91-90 04-00 99 98-97 87-86 04-97 05-02 07-06 06-04 93-92 91-88 87-86 99
L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L6 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6
2.2L 2.5L 2.8L 3.1L 3.3L 3.3L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.6L 3.0L 3.6L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 4.6L 4.6L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 4.2L 5.3L 5.3L 3.8L 2.8L 2.8L 3.1L 3.1L 3.1L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.4L 3.5L 3.6L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L
Century Century Century Century Century Century Century Electra Electra Enclave Lacrosse Lacrosse Lacrosse LeSabre LeSabre LeSabre LeSabre LeSabre LeSabre LeSabre LeSabre Lucerne Lucerne Lucerne Park Avenue Park Avenue Park Avenue Park Avenue Park Avenue Park Avenue Rainier Rainier Rainier Reatta Regal Regal Regal Regal Regal Regal Regal Regal Regal Regal Regal Regal Regal Rendezvous Rendezvous Rendezvous Riviera Riviera Riviera Riviera
Eng. VIN 3 Eng. VIN C Accessory Belt Drive W.P. Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive Alt. & P.S. W/ Supercharger Supercharger Belt Drive Supercharger Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive
Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive W/ Turbo Supercharger Belt Drive
Accessory Belt Drive
TENSIONER 5891 5889 5895 5895 5872 5724 5725 5880 5725 ---5803 5803 5579 5848 5874 5880 5725 5725 5880 5803 5847 5566 5803 5848 5874 5709 -5708 5547 5816 5843 5880 5895 5895 5895 5895 5895 5848 5874 5880 5803 5579 5848 -5726 5896 5896 -5874 5880 5725 5803
99-97 03-01 09-08 09-08 06-03 02-01 07 09-08 10-07 06 08 10-09 06-02 99-98 06-04 03-99 08 08 06-04 09
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
BUICK (Cont’d)
98-95 95 99-96 95 91 93-92 96-94 89 88 87 95 94-91 98-96 98-94 93-92 91-89 06-05 07-06
V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6
CADILLAC 88-87 92-90 89 93 92-91 92-90 01-97 88 87 07-05 07-05 04-03 10 09-04 09-04 05-04 05-04 07-06 07-06 87-85 90 89-88 05-95 94 05-95 95-91 10-06 10-06 87-86 90 89-88 94 02-95 93 02-95
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 5.0L 5.7L 5.7L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.3L 2.3L 2.4L 3.1L 3.3L 3.3L 3.5L 3.9L
Riviera Riviera Riviera Riviera Roadmaster Roadmaster Roadmaster Skyhawk Skyhawk Skyhawk Skylark Skylark Skylark Skylark Skylark Skylark Terraza Terraza
4.1L 4.5L 4.5L 4.6L 5.0L 5.7L 3.0L 2.8L 2.8L 2.8L 2.8L 3.2L 3.6L 3.6L 3.6L 5.7L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 4.1L 4.5L 4.5L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.9L 4.6L 4.6L 4.1L 4.5L 4.5L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L
Allante Allante Allante Allante Brougham Brougham Catera Cimarron Cimarron CTS CTS CTS CTS CTS CTS CTS CTS CTS CTS Deville Deville Deville Deville Deville Deville Deville DTS DTS Eldorado Eldorado Eldorado Eldorado Eldorado Eldorado Eldorado
DESCRIPTION Accessory Belt Drive Alt. & P.S. W/ Supercharger Supercharger Belt Drive Supercharger Belt Drive
Accessory Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Eng. VIN K Serpentine Belt Drive Eng. VIN K,M 2nd Design Alt. & AC 2nd Design
Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive AC W.P.
AC W.P. AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Accessory Belt Drive
Accessory Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive W.P. Accessory Belt Drive W.P.
Accessory Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive W.P.
TENSIONER 5848 5709 -5708 5882 5882 5855 5891 5568 5568 5854 5854 5854 5895 5872 5724 5896 -5800 5801 5800 5847 5882 5882 5548 5895 5895 --5548 -------5800 5801 5800 5847 5847 5566 5801 5847 5566 5800 5801 5800 5847 5847 5847 5566
CADILLAC (Cont’d) 93-91 05-02 05-02 00-99 06-02 06-02 08-07 08-07 87-86 85 90 89-88 92-91 96-94 93 93 87-86 90 89-88 94 04-95 93 04-95 93-91 93 09-04 09-04 10-05 10-05
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6
4.9L 5.3L 5.3L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 6.2L 6.2L 4.1L 4.1L 4.5L 4.5L 4.9L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 4.1L 4.5L 4.5L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.9L 4.9L 3.6L 3.6L 3.6L 3.6L
Eldorado Escalade Escalade Escalade Escalade Escalade Escalade Escalade Fleetwood Fleetwood Fleetwood Fleetwood Fleetwood Fleetwood Fleetwood Fleetwood Seville Seville Seville Seville Seville Seville Seville Seville Sixty Special SRX SRX STS STS
V10 V10
6.8L Challenger 6.8L Crusader
CHEVROLET 90-87 05-96 95-90 89-87 95-90 89-87 08-02 08-02 08-07 08-07 06-02 06-02 08-04 89-87 96-92 91-90 94-91 89-87 96-94 92-90
L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6
2.5L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 5.3L 5.3L 6.0L 6.0L 8.1L 8.1L 1.6L 2.0L 2.2L 2.2L 2.3L 2.8L 3.1L 3.1L
Astro Astro Astro Astro Astro Astro Avalanche Avalanche Avalanche Avalanche Avalanche Avalanche Aveo Beretta Beretta Beretta Beretta Beretta Beretta Beretta
5801 5816 5843 5897 5816 5843 5816 5843 5800 5800 5801 5800 5801 5855 5882 5899 5800 5801 5800 5847 5847 5847 5566 5801 5801 -----
5867 5867
AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive W/ FWD
Serpentine Belt Drive W/ HD Cool. W/O HD Cool.
Accessory Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive W.P.
W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/O AC AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Alt. & AC
5856 5897 5893 5892 5894 5865 5816 5843 5816 5843 5706 5575 -5891 5890 5891 5854 5895 5895 5895
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
CHEVROLET (Cont’d) V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6
3.1L 4.3L 4.3L 2.5L 2.8L 4.3L 4.3L 5.7L 6.5L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 6.2L 6.5L 6.5L 7.4L 7.4L 7.4L 8.1L 6.6L 6.6L 6.6L 8.1L 8.1L 6.6L 6.6L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 2.8L 3.1L 3.4L 3.6L 3.8L
Beretta Blazer Blazer Blazer Compact Blazer Compact Blazer Compact Blazer Compact Blazer Full Size Blazer Full Size C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C4500 C4500 C4500 C4500 C4500 C5500 C5500 C5500 C5500 C5500 C5500 C6500 C6500 C6500 C7500 C7500 C7500 C8500 C8500 C8500 Camaro Camaro Camaro Camaro Camaro
Serpentine Belt Drive
W/ AC W/ Man. Trans. W/O AC
Serpentine Belt Drive W/O A.P. W/ AC
Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC W/ DOHC Eng. Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC Fan & Air Compr. Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC Air Compr. Fan & Air Compr. Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC Air Compr. Fan & Air Compr. Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC Air Compr. Fan & Air Compr. Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC
TENSIONER 5895 5897 5892 5856 5870 5892 5892 5892 5802 5897 5892 5892 5865 5865 5897 5892 5892 5865 5897 5892 5892 5865 5802 5882 5802 5857 5897 --5541 5541 5541 --5541 5541 -------------5899 5899 5855 -5579
CHEVROLET (Cont’d) 97-95 92-88 97-93 92-88 02-98 02-98 93-92 90-89 96-94 93-91 90-89 93-91 96-94 90-89 89-87 05-03 01-98 97-95 94-90 02 02 95 02-99 98-96 89-88 87 94-90 90-87 89 87 88 90 05-04 09-08 10-05 08-06 06-04 09-07 06-04 10-07 89-87 96-92 91-90 89-87 96-94 92-90 93 96 87-85 04-01 99-97 04-97 95-94 92
V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L5 L5 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
3.8L 5.0L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 5.0L 5.0L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 2.0L 2.2L 2.2L 2.2L 2.2L 2.2L 2.2L 2.3L 2.4L 2.4L 2.8L 2.8L 3.1L 2.5L 2.8L 2.8L 2.8L 3.1L 2.2L 2.0L 2.2L 2.4L 2.8L 2.9L 3.5L 3.7L 2.0L 2.2L 2.2L 2.8L 3.1L 3.1L 3.1L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L
Camaro Camaro Camaro Camaro Camaro Camaro Caprice Caprice Caprice Caprice Caprice Caprice Caprice Caprice Cavalier Cavalier Cavalier Cavalier Cavalier Cavalier Cavalier Cavalier Cavalier Cavalier Cavalier Cavalier Cavalier Celebrity Celebrity Celebrity Celebrity Celebrity Classic Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt Colorado Colorado Colorado Colorado Corsica Corsica Corsica Corsica Corsica Corsica Corsica Corvette Corvette Corvette Corvette Corvette Corvette Corvette
AC Accessory Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive
Eng. VIN 4 Eng. VIN F W/O Bracket
Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive
AC AC Accessory Belt Drive Eng. VIN P Eng. VIN P
TENSIONER 5848 5882 5855 5882 5565 5564 5882 5882 5855 5882 5882 5882 5855 5882 5891 5546 5812 5890 5891 5812 5546 5854 5705 5854 5895 5895 5895 5889 5895 5895 5895 5895 5546 5546 5546 5546 5547 5547 5547 5547 5891 5890 5891 5895 5895 5895 5895 --5565 5565 5563 ---
93 05-96 95 88-87 89-87 94-90 89-88 94-89 94 98-96 95-90 89-88 89 88 99-96 95-90 89-88 89-88 00-96 95-92 91-88 89-88 93-88 02-96 95-92 93-88 00-96 95-94 02-01 07-03 09 08 07-03 09-08 08-03 09 07-03 02-01 09-08 02-01 08-03 02-01 09-01 08-03 02-01 09-01 08-03 02-01 09-01 89-87 92-90 95-93 10 02-98
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
CHEVROLET (Cont’d) 93 93
V8 V8
5.7L Corvette 5.7L Corvette
07-05 07-05 09-08 09-08 09-06 09-06 06-04 10 10 09-05 09-08 10-96 08-03 08-03 02-96 08-03 08-03 02-96 08-03 08-03 02-96 09-06 00-96 02-01 98 97-96 95-92 91-87 96-92 91-87 98-96 95-92 91-87 95-92 91-87 98-97 88-87 88-87 96-92 91-89 96-92 91-89 98-94 96-92 91-88 98-97 10-08 10-06 10-06 05-00 10-06
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6
6.0L 6.0L 6.2L 6.2L 7.0L 7.0L 2.5L 2.4L 3.0L 3.4L 3.6L 4.3L 4.8L 4.8L 5.0L 5.3L 5.3L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 6.5L 6.6L 7.4L 8.1L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 6.5L 7.4L 7.4L 7.4L 2.0L 2.2L 2.4L 3.4L 3.5L
Corvette Corvette Corvette Corvette Corvette Corvette Epica Equinox Equinox Equinox Equinox Express Express Express Express Express Express Express Express Express Express Express Express Express G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van HHR HHR HHR Impala Impala
DESCRIPTION W/ Dual 105A. Alts. W/O Dual Sided V-Ribbed Belt; Eng. VIN P AC Accessory Belt Drive AC Accessory Belt Drive AC Accessory Belt Drive Canada
AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive W/O A.P.
W/ AC W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/O AC W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/O AC Serpentine Belt Drive W/ AC Serpentine Belt Drive W/O A.P. W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/O AC
Serpentine Belt Drive W/O A.P.
TENSIONER ---------5546 -5896 -5897 5816 5843 5897 5816 5843 5897 5816 5843 5882 5541 5897 -5897 5897 5893 5892 5894 5865 5897 5893 5892 5894 5865 5897 5892 5865 5893 5892 5894 5865 5882 5899 5857 5897 5546 5546 5546 5895 --
CHEVROLET (Cont’d) 03-00 05-04 05-04 10-06 96-94 95-94 93-87 92-90 01-94 92-91 93 90 97-91 99 98 95-90 96 95-92 08-04 10-08 99 98-97 03-97 09-07 06-04 10-08 07-06 99-95 05-00 97-95 07-06 03-00 99 98 05-04 05-04 06 07-04 99-96 99-97 96 99-96 94 95 99-98 97-96 98-96 95 02-98 88 03-98 97-94 93-87 93-87
V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 V8 L4 L4 L4 V6
3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.9L 5.7L 2.2L 2.5L 2.5L 3.1L 3.1L 3.1L 3.1L 3.4L 3.8L 3.8L 3.1L 3.4L 3.8L 2.2L 2.4L 2.4L 2.4L 3.1L 3.5L 3.5L 3.6L 3.9L 3.1L 3.4L 3.4L 3.5L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.9L 2.0L 4.3L 5.7L 5.7L 6.5L 6.5L 6.5L 7.4L 7.4L 6.5L 6.5L 1.8L 7.4L 2.2L 2.2L 2.5L 2.8L
Impala Impala Impala Impala Impala SS LLV (Postal Vehicle) LLV (Postal Vehicle) Lumina Lumina Lumina Lumina Lumina Lumina Lumina Lumina Lumina APV Lumina APV Lumina APV Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Malibu Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Optra P Series Van P Series Van P Series Van P Series Van P Series Van P Series Van P Series Van P Series Van P30 P30 Prizm R & V Series Pickup S Series Pickup S Series Pickup S Series Pickup S Series Pickup
Accessory Belt Drive Supercharger Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive
Accessory Belt Drive Supercharger Belt Drive Canada
Serpentine Belt Drive Exc. Motor Home W/Turbo; Exc. Motor Home Serpentine Belt Drive Exc. Motor Home W/Turbo Fan, Alt. & A.P.
TENSIONER 5803 5803 5726 -5855 5556 5856 5889 5895 5895 5895 5895 5567 5579 5848 5895 5895 5874 5546 5546 5705 5854 5896 -5896 --5895 5895 5567 -5803 5579 5848 5803 5726 -5846 5897 5897 5897 5882 5882 5882 5897 5897 5882 5882 5578 5857 5811 5556 5856 5870
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
CHEVROLET (Cont’d) V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 L6 V8
4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.8L 4.8L 5.3L 5.3L 5.3L 5.3L 6.0L 6.0L 6.5L 6.6L 6.6L 8.1L 8.1L 5.3L 5.3L 6.0L 6.0L 5.3L 5.3L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 6.5L 6.5L 7.4L 7.4L 7.4L 7.4L 8.1L 8.1L 4.8L 4.8L 5.3L 5.3L 5.7L 5.7L 6.0L 6.2L 6.2L 6.5L 6.5L 5.0L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 2.0L 4.2L 5.3L
S Series Pickup S Series Pickup S Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup Silverado Series Pickup SSR SSR SSR SSR Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe Tiltmaster W4 Tiltmaster W4 Tiltmaster W4 Tiltmaster W4 Tracker Trailblazer Trailblazer
W/ AC AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Electric Assist, AC Electric Assist, Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
W/ AC AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Fan, Alt. & A.P. Serpentine Belt Drive W/O A.P. W/ AC AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Electric Assist, Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC
5897 5892 5892 5897 5816 5843 5816 5816 5843 5843 5816 5843 5882 5541 5864 5706 5575 5816 5843 5816 5843 5816 5843 5897 5892 5892 5816 5843 5882 5802 5857 5857 5897 -5706 5575 5816 5843 5816 5843 5897 5892 5843 5816 5843 5882 5802 ----5845 5547 5816
CHEVROLET (Cont’d) 09-06 09-06 10-09 06-05 08-06 09 05-99 98-97 03-00 07-04 07-04 03-00 07-03 07-03
V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
CHRYSLER 08-05 08-05 08-05 08-05 07 08-07 08 05-04 06 93-91 90 88 90-89 93-92 90 91 00 00 00 00 90 91 93-92 91 95-91 90 89-88 93-92 90 91 93-92 91 06-05 04 08-05 08-07 09-01 09-06 05
V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4
6.0L 6.0L 3.6L 3.5L 3.9L 3.9L 3.4L 3.4L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L
Trailblazer Trailblazer Traverse Uplander Uplander Uplander Venture Venture W3500 W3500 W3500 W4500 W4500 W4500
2.7L 3.5L 5.7L 6.1L 4.7L 5.7L 3.2L 3.2L 3.2L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.0L 3.0L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.8L 3.8L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.8L 3.8L 3.5L 3.5L 3.8L 4.0L 2.4L 2.4L 2.4L
300 300 300 300 Aspen Aspen Crossfire Crossfire Crossfire Daytona Daytona Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Lebaron Lebaron New Yorker New Yorker New Yorker New Yorker New Yorker New Yorker Pacifica Pacifica Pacifica Pacifica PT Cruiser Sebring Sebring
DESCRIPTION AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC AC Alt. & P.S. Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC AC Alt. & P.S.
Eng. VIN L Canada, Serpentine Belt Drive Canada, Serpentine Belt Drive Canada Canada, Serpentine Belt Drive Canada Canada Canada, Feb. 28, 1991 & Newer Grooved Smooth Grooved Smooth Feb. 28, 1991 & Newer Feb. 28, 1991 & Newer Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive
Feb. 28, 1991 & Newer Feb. 28, 1991 & Newer Oct. 11, 2003 & Newer
AC & P.S. W/Direct Fuel Inj.;W/O P.T.O.
TENSIONER 5816 5843 -5896 --5896 5895 -5816 5843 -5816 5843 5581 5581 5581 5581 5810 5720 N/A N/A N/A 5878 5876 5876 5876 5887 5887 5887 -5878 -5887 5887 5887 5887 5887 5878 5876 5876 5887 5887 5887 5887 5887 5581 5581 5581 -5545 ---
04-96 95-91 90-88 09-99 08-99 08-99 08-99 07-04 07-04 08-99 08-99 08-99 99 09-02 01 07-01 07-01 04-03 04-03 06-05 06-05 08-00 08-00 99-96 95-92 91-89 08-00 08-00 99-96 95-94 93-89 88 99-96 95-94 06-01 06-01 08-00 08-00 08-00 08-00 00-96 95 08 08 08 99-96 95 94-93 99 96-93 98-97 03-99 09-02 09-03
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
CHRYSLER (Cont’d) 09-07 09-07 91 90 90 09-08 07-01 92-91 00-96 93 90 00-96 93 09-08 07-01 00-94 00-94 09-08 01 03-02 00 00 03-01 00 00
V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6
V8 V8
V8 V8
DAEWOO 02-01 99 00 02-99
L4 L4 L4 L4
DODGE 09-08 09-08 09-08 03-92 03-92 03-93 08-07 08-07 08-07 07-05 04-01 00-96 95-91 90-87 00-96
L4 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6
2.7L 3.5L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 4.0L 2.4L 2.4L 3.0L 3.0L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L
Sebring Sebring TC Maserati TC Maserati Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Town & Country Van Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager
4.8L Bantam 5.7L Bantam
Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive
Grooved Grooved Mar. 1, 1990 & Newer Smooth Smooth
Grooved Smooth
Alt. & AC Grooved Smooth Grooved Smooth Alt. & W.P.
TENSIONER --5878 5876 5876 5581 5554 5887 --5887 5887 5887 5581 5554 -5887 ----5878 5554 -5887 5843 5897
7.3L Corbeil Ford 6.5L Corbeil GM/Chevrolet
5560 5882
2.2L 2.2L 2.2L 2.0L
Leganza Leganza Leganza Nubira
5846 5846 5846 5846
2.4L 2.7L 3.5L 3.9L 5.2L 5.9L 1.8L 2.0L 2.4L 2.4L 2.4L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L
Avenger Avenger Avenger B Series Van B Series Van B Series Van Caliber Caliber Caliber Caravan Caravan Caravan Caravan Caravan Caravan
W /7-Ribbed Belt
Alt. & AC Grooved Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Smooth
---5884 5884 5884 ------5878 5876 5878
DODGE (Cont’d) 07-01 92-91 00-93 90 00-93 99-96 99-96 08 08-06 08-06 08-06 07-06 93-89 93-92 93-92 93 07-04 03-92 09 07-00 99-92 03-98 93-91 90 07-04 99-98 07-00 00-98 08-04 03-98 93-91 90-88 93-90 00-96 95-92 89-87 00-96 09-08 07-01 92-91 00-93 90 00-93 09-08 07-01 00-94 00-94 09-08 09 09 08-05 08-05 08-05 08-06
V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V6 V6 V8 V8 L6 V6 V8 V8 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8
3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.8L 3.8L 6.1L 2.7L 3.5L 5.7L 6.1L 5.9L 3.9L 5.2L 5.9L 3.7L 3.9L 4.7L 4.7L 5.2L 5.9L 3.0L 3.0L 3.7L 3.9L 4.7L 5.2L 5.7L 5.9L 3.0L 3.0L 3.3L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 4.0L 2.4L 3.5L 2.7L 3.5L 5.7L 6.1L
Caravan Caravan Caravan Caravan Caravan Caravan Caravan Challenger Charger Charger Charger Charger D & W Series Pickup D & W Series Pickup D & W Series Pickup D & W Series Pickup Dakota Dakota Dakota Dakota Dakota Dakota Daytona Daytona Durango Durango Durango Durango Durango Durango Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Grand Caravan Journey Journey Magnum Magnum Magnum Magnum
Grooved Mar. 1, 1990 & Newer Smooth Grooved Smooth
Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Grooved Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Smooth
Grooved Mar. 1, 1990 & Newer Smooth
Grooved Smooth
TENSIONER 5554 5887 -5887 5887 -5887 5581 5581 5581 5581 5581 5844 5884 5884 5884 5810 5884 5810 5810 5884 5884 5878 5876 5810 5884 5810 5884 5720 5884 5878 5876 5887 -5878 5876 5878 5581 5554 5887 -5887 5887 5581 5554 -5887 ---5581 5581 5581 5581
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
DODGE (Cont’d)
97 V6 96-95 V6 97-96 V6 95-90 V6 92-91 L6 96-93 V8 92-91 V8 96-93 V8 92-91 V8 90-87 L6 90-87 V8 90-88 V8 00-98 L4 97-95 L4 00-95 V6 00-95 V6 09-00 V8 99-93 V8 92 V8 92 V8 96-87 L6 98-97 V10 98-97 V10 03-97 V6 03-97 V6 08-02 V8
3.0L 2.4L 3.7L 5.9L 5.9L 6.7L 8.0L 8.0L 3.7L 3.9L 4.7L 5.2L 5.7L 5.7L 5.9L 5.9L 5.9L 5.2L 5.9L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 2.7L 2.4L 2.4L 2.4L 8.0L
Mini Ram Van Neon Nitro Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ram Series Pickup Ramcharger Ramcharger Shadow Spirit Spirit Sprinter Stratus Stratus SX Viper
3.0L 3.0L 4.0L 4.0L 4.9L 5.0L 5.0L 5.8L 5.8L 4.9L 5.0L 5.8L 2.0L 2.0L 2.5L 2.5L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.9L 6.8L 6.8L 4.2L 4.2L 4.6L
Aerostar Aerostar Aerostar Aerostar Bronco Bronco Bronco Bronco Bronco Bronco Full Size Bronco Full Size Bronco Full Size Contour Contour Contour Contour Crown Victoria Crown Victoria Crown Victoria Crown Victoria E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van
Diesel Diesel Diesel Smooth W/O Calif. Emission System
Eng. VIN 5 Eng. VIN Z
Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Diesel W/ DOHC Eng. Canada
Serpentine Belt Drive W.P.
Jun. 23, 1992 & Older Jun. 24, 1992 & Newer W/ AC W/O AC W/ AC W/O AC W/ AC
5876 5545 5810 5577 5844 5577 5549 5549 5810 5884 5810 5884 5581 5720 5884 5549 5884 5884 5884 5878 5878 5876 ---5545 --5886 5898 5866 5869 5877 5885 5877 5885 5869 5885 5885 5557 5815 5572 5805 5558 -5719 -5869 5867 -5862 -5710
FORD (Cont’d) 01-97 V8 09-97 V8 96-93 V8 92-87 V8 09-02 V8 01-97 V8 09-97 V8 96-93 V8 92-88 V8 92 V8 95 V8 94 V8 95 V8 97-96 V8 93 V8 93 V8 96-89 V8 89 V8 89 V8 09-06 V10 05-99 V10 09-99 V10 04-03 V8 08-06 V8 02 V8 01-00 V8 08-05 V8 07 V8 07
4.6L 4.6L 5.0L 5.0L 5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 5.8L 5.8L 7.3L 7.3L 7.3L 7.3L 7.3L 7.3L 7.3L 7.5L 5.8L 7.5L 6.8L 6.8L 6.8L 5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 6.0L
E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E Series Van E350 E350 E450 Super Duty E450 Super Duty E450 Super Duty E450 Super Duty E450 Super Duty E450 Super Duty E450 Super Duty E450 Super Duty E450 Super Duty
6.0L E450 Super Duty
06-03 V8 08 V8 03-02 V10 03-02 V10 04-01 L4 08 L4 06-05 L4 09 L4 08 V6 07-05 V6 04-02 V6 01 V6
6.0L 6.0L 6.8L 6.8L 2.0L 2.3L 2.3L 2.5L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L
E450 Super Duty E450 Super Duty E550 Super Duty E550 Super Duty Escape Escape Escape Escape Escape Escape Escape Escape
04-01 V6 96-91 L4 97 L4 02-98 L4 02-98 L4 05-02 V10 01-00 V10 05-02 V8 01-00 V8 05-03 V8
3.0L 1.9L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 6.8L 6.8L 5.4L 5.4L 6.0L
Escape Escort Escort Escort Escort Excursion Excursion Excursion Excursion Excursion
W/ Auto. Trans.;W/O Turbo W/O Damper On Tensioner W/O Direct Fuel Inj. W/O P.T.O. With Enclosed Spring Design With Visible Spring Design P.S.
W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/ AC W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC Diesel, Accessory Belt Drive, W/ Dual Alts. Diesel, Accessory Belt Drive, W/ Single Alt. Diesel, Fan, Alt., P.S. & AC Diesel, W/Single Alt. W/ AC W/O AC
Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive, Sept. 16 2001 & Newer W.P.
W/ DOHC Eng. W/ SOHC Eng. W/ AC W/ AC
TENSIONER 5867 -5877 5885 5710 5867 -5877 5885 5877 5881 5804 5804 5881 5804 5877 5860 5885 5860 5710 5867 -5710 5710 5710 5867 -5722 5574 5574 5574 5867 -5557 ---5713 5713 5555 5555 5805 5871 5841 5842 5841 5710 5867 5710 5867 5574
88-87 V6 05-03 L4 07 V6 08-03 L6 02-94 L6 09 L6 02-00 V10 99-94 V10 07-02 V6 01-94 V6 07-02 V8 01-94 V8 09 V8 08-03 V8 03-02 V8 01-97 V8 01-94 V8 93-92 V8 93 V8 94-92 V6 95-91 V6 90-89 V6 06-03 L5 06 L4 05 L4 05 L4 02-98 V10
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
FORD (Cont’d) 03-00 04 01-97 03-02 08-04 01-97 03-02 08-01 99-93 92-91 00 00 08-02 01-96 08-07 05-01 08-07 96-87 08-05 04-97 04-97 08-02 01-97 08-97 96-93 92-87 04-02
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V6 V6 V8 L6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
7.3L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 4.0L 4.0L 4.0L 4.0L 4.0L 4.6L 5.0L 4.0L 4.0L 4.6L 4.9L 4.2L 4.2L 4.2L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 5.0L 5.0L 5.4L
04-02 03-02
V8 V8
5.4L F Series Pickup 5.4L F Series Pickup
08-05 01-97 08-05 01-97 04 97-93 92-88 92 94
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 5.8L 5.8L 7.3L 7.3L
7.3L F Series Pickup
97-95 93 93 96-89 88 89-88 08 06-02 01-99 08-99 07-03
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V10 V10 V10 V10 V8
7.3L 7.3L 7.3L 7.5L 7.5L 7.5L 6.8L 6.8L 6.8L 6.8L 6.0L
Excursion Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer Explorer Sport Trac Explorer Sport Trac Explorer Sport Trac F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup
F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup
F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Series Pickup F Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty
W/ SOHC Eng. W/O.H.V. Eng.
Accessory Belt Drive, W/ AC ; W/O Supercharger Accessory Belt Drive, W/ Supercharger Accessory Belt Drive, W/O A.C.; W/O Supercharger W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/O AC W/O AC ;W/O Supercharger
W/O Damper On Tensioner;W/Direct Fuel Inj.;W/O P.T.O. W/O Damper On Tensioner;W/O Direct Fuel Inj. W/O P.T.O. With Enclosed Spring Design With Visible Spring Design P.S. W/ AC W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC Diesel, Fan, Alt., P.S. & AC
TENSIONER 5560 5710 5867 5710 5710 5867 5710 5863 5898 5866 5863 5898 5710 5814 5863 5863 5710 5869 5862 5862 -5710 5867 -5877 5885 5710 5867 -5710 5867 ---5877 5885 5877 5881 5804 5881 5804 5877 5860 5860 5860 5710 5710 5867 -5574
FORD (Cont’d) 09-08 09-08 03-99 08 06-02 01-99 08-99 07-03 09-08 09-08 04-99 06-03 04-00 06-03 04-00 07-05 09-07 06-05 06-05 03-00 04-00 05-03 06 07-04 07-04 07-05 09-06 09-01 06-05 84 85 04-03 93-87 93-87 04-94 04 08-05 82-81 09-05 02-00 99 97-96 03 04 95-94 93-86 84 82 79 85 09 92-90 92-90 08-01
V8 V8 V8 V10 V10 V10 V10 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 L4
6.4L 6.4L 7.3L 6.8L 6.8L 6.8L 6.8L 6.0L 6.4L 6.4L 7.3L 6.0L 7.3L 6.0L 7.3L 3.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.3L 2.3L 3.9L 4.2L 3.0L 3.0L 4.6L 5.4L 5.0L 5.0L 4.6L 2.3L 2.3L 3.8L 3.9L 4.0L 4.2L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.4L 3.0L 3.0L 2.3L
F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F450 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F550 Super Duty F650 Super Duty F650 Super Duty F750 Super Duty F750 Super Duty Five Hundred Focus Focus Focus Focus Focus Focus Focus Freestar Freestar Freestyle Fusion Grand Marquis GT Ltd Ltd Marauder Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Probe Probe Ranger
DESCRIPTION Accessory Belt Drive Alt. Belt Drive W/ AC W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC Diesel, Fan, Alt., P.S. & AC Accessory Belt Drive Alt. Belt Drive Diesel, Fan, Alt. & AC Diesel, Fan, Alt. & AC
Dec. 5, 2005 & Older Dec. 6, 2005 & Newer W/ DOHC Eng. W/ SOHC Eng. Dec. 5, 2005 & Older
Canada Accessory Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive W/O Fixed Mounting Stud Canada Serpentine Belt Drive W.P.
Accessory Belt Drive, W/O Supercharger W/ SOHC Eng.
W/O Fixed Mounting Stud Supercharger Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive W.P.
TENSIONER --5560 5710 5710 5867 -5574 --5560 -5560 -5560 5713 ---5557 5711 --5850 5850 5713 5713 5558 5710 5879 5879 5558 5858 5859 5873 5873 -5879 5710 5558 --5558 5558 5551 5879 ---5879 ---5817
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
FORD (Cont’d) L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V10 V10 V10 V10 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
2.3L 2.5L 3.0L 3.0L 4.0L 4.0L 4.0L 6.8L 6.8L 6.8L 6.8L 5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 6.0L 6.4L 6.4L 7.3L 7.3L 7.3L
7.3L Super Duty Pickup
95 V8 97-96 V8 93 V8 93 V8 97-89 V8 88 V8 96 L6 08-02 V10 01-97 V10 08-97 V10 03-01 V6 03-02 V6 09-08 V8 06 V8 04-03 V8 09-08 V8 06 V8 04-03 V8 09-02 V8 01-99 V8 97 V8 09-97 V8 96 V8 05-04 V8 07-06 V8 07-06 V8 08 V8 97-96 V8 96 V8 07-06 V6 04-01 V6
7.3L 7.3L 7.3L 7.3L 7.5L 7.5L 4.9L 6.8L 6.8L 6.8L 4.2L 4.2L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 5.8L 6.0L 6.0L 6.0L 6.0L 7.3L 7.5L 3.0L 3.0L
Ranger Ranger Ranger Ranger Ranger Ranger Ranger Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup
Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Super Duty Van Taurus Taurus
W/ AC W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive Alt. Belt Drive
W/O Damper On Tensioner;W/Direct Fuel Inj.;W/O P.T.O. W/O Damper On Tensioner;W/O Direct Fuel Inj. W/O Damper On Tensioner;W/O P.T.O. W/O P.T.O. With Enclosed Spring Design With Visible Spring Design P.S. W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/ AC W/O AC W/ AC W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/O AC W/O AC W/ AC W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive, W/ Dual Alts. Accessory Belt Drive, W/ Single Alt. W/ Single Alt. W/O P.T.O. P.S. Accessory Belt Drive W/12-Valve Eng.
TENSIONER 5817 5817 -5886 5863 5898 5866 5710 5710 5867 -5710 5867 -5574 --5560 5877 5881
FORD (Cont’d) 05-01 94-93 91-89 04-01 05 88 95 00-96 92 00-96 95-88 94-92 91-88 88 88-87 87 97-96 95-89
V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6
3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.8L 2.3L 2.3L 2.3L 2.3L 2.3L 3.8L 3.8L
Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus Tempo Tempo Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird
3.8L Thunderbird
3.8L Thunderbird
95-89 05-02 97-94 93-91 88-86 84 83 85-83 00-95 03-99 98-95 03
V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 L4
3.8L 3.9L 4.6L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 3.0L 3.8L 3.8L 2.0L
Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird Windstar Windstar Windstar ZX2
V6 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
3.6L 5.7L 6.5L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L
Acadia B7 Series B7 Series C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup
5804 5881 5881 5804 5877 5860 5860 5869 5710 5867 -5862 -5710 5710 5710 ---5710 5867 5867 -5877 5574 5722 5574 5574 5881 5860 5886 5886
GMC 10-07 01 98 98-96 95-90 89-88 89-88 99-96 95-90 89-88 89-88 00-96 95-92 90 91 89-88
DESCRIPTION Accessory Belt Drive, W/ 24-Valve Eng. W /6-Ribbed Belt;W/O SHO Eng. W /6-Ribbed Belt;W/O SHO Eng. W.P. W/ 12-Valve Eng. W/ 12-Valve Eng. W/ 6-Ribbed Belt W/ DOHC Eng. W/O SHO Eng. W/O.H.V. Eng.
W/ 6-Ribbed Belt Pass. Side Serpentine Belt Drive W.P. W/ Supercharger; Attaches To AC Mounting Bracket; W/ 70mm Dia. Pulley W/ Supercharger; Attaches To AC Mounting Bracket; W/ 76.2mm Dia. Pulley W/ Supercharger; Attaches To Alt. Mounting Bracket W/O Supercharger
W/ Dual Sided V-Ribbed Belt; Eng. VIN P W/ Fixed Mounting Stud W/O Fixed Mounting Stud
Alt.W.P. & P.S.
TENSIONER 5555 5886 5875 5805 5886 5875 5886 5550 5875 5886 5861 5809 5883 5859 5858 5859 5873 --
-5873 5713 --5879 --5879 5886 5850 5861 5842 -5897 5882 5897 5892 5892 5865 5897 5892 5892 5865 5897 5892 5892 5892 5892
97-95 01-98 08-97 96-92 08-01 00-94 93-90 08 06-02 01-99 08-99 08-02 01-99 08-99 07-03 09-08 09-08 03-99 92 94
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
GMC (Cont’d) 89-88 93-88 02-96 95-92 93-88 00-96 95-94 02-01 08-03 09-08 07-03 09-08 08-03 09-08 07-03 02-01 09-08 02-01 06-04 09-07 06-04 10-07 09-02 09-03 09-03 96 95-92 91-87 96-92 91-87 95-92 91-87 95-92 91-87 88-87 88-87 96-92 91-89 96-92 91-89 96-94 96-92 91-88 01-96 95-92 05-02 88-87 89-87 91-88 91-89 99-96 99-97 96 99-96
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 L4 L5 L5 L6 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V8 V6 V8 V8 V8
5.7L 6.2L 6.5L 6.5L 7.4L 7.4L 7.4L 8.1L 6.6L 6.6L 8.1L 8.1L 6.6L 6.6L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 2.8L 2.9L 3.5L 3.7L 4.2L 5.3L 5.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 6.5L 7.4L 7.4L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 2.5L 2.8L 4.3L 5.7L 4.3L 5.7L 5.7L 6.5L
C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C & K Series Pickup C4500 C4500 C4500 C4500 C5500 C5500 C5500 C5500 C5500 C5500 Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon Envoy Envoy Envoy G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van G Series Van Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Compact Jimmy Compact Jimmy Compact Jimmy Full Size P Series Van P Series Van P Series Van P Series Van
Serpentine Belt Drive W/O A.P. W/ AC
Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC Fan & Air Compr. Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC
AC Serpentine Belt Drive W/ AC W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/O AC W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/O AC Serpentine Belt Drive W/ AC Serpentine Belt Drive W/O A.P. W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/O AC
Serpentine Belt Drive
TENSIONER 5865 5802 5882 5802 5857 5897 --5541 5541 --5541 5541 ----5547 5547 5547 5547 5547 5816 5843 5897 5893 5892 5894 5865 5893 5892 5894 5865 5892 5865 5893 5892 5894 5865 5882 5899 5857 5897 5892 5897 5856 5870 5892 5892 5897 5897 5897 5882
GMC (Cont’d) 94 95 99-98 97-96 98-96 95-94 88 90-87 90-87 90 89-88 90-87 05-96 95-90 89-87 95-90 89-87 09-96 08-03 08-03 02-96 08-03 08-03 02-96 08-03 08-03 02-96 09-06 00-96 02-01 09-99 08-99 08-99 08-99 07-04 07-04 08-99 08-99 08-99 08-07 08-07 99 09-02 01 07-01 07-01 03-98 97-94 93-91 93-91 04-96 95-91 99-96 95-92
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8
6.5L 6.5L 7.4L 7.4L 6.5L 6.5L 7.4L 2.5L 2.8L 4.3L 4.3L 2.5L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.3L 4.8L 4.8L 5.0L 5.3L 5.3L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 6.5L 6.6L 7.4L 8.1L 4.3L 4.8L 4.8L 5.3L 5.3L 5.3L 5.3L 6.0L 6.0L 6.2L 6.2L 6.5L 6.6L 6.6L 8.1L 8.1L 2.2L 2.2L 2.5L 2.8L 4.3L 4.3L 5.7L 5.7L
P Series Van P Series Van P Series Van P Series Van P3500 P3500 R & V Series Pickup S Series Pickup S Series Pickup S Series Pickup S Series Pickup Safari Safari Safari Safari Safari Safari Savana Savana Savana Savana Savana Savana Savana Savana Savana Savana Savana Savana Savana Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sierra Series Pickup Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Suburban Suburban
DESCRIPTION Exc. Motor Home W/Turbo; Exc. Motor Home Serpentine Belt Drive Exc. Motor Home W/Turbo; Exc. Motor Home Fan, Alt. & A.P.
W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/O AC AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive W/O A.P.
AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Electric Assist, AC Electric Assist, Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
AC Serpentine Belt Drive
TENSIONER 5882 5882 5897 5897 5882 5882 5857 5856 5870 5892 5892 5856 5897 5893 5892 5894 5865 5897 5816 5843 5897 5816 5843 5897 5816 5843 5882 5541 5897 -5897 5816 5843 5816 5816 5843 5843 5816 5843 5816 5843 5882 5541 5864 5706 5575 5811 5556 5856 5870 5897 5892 5897 5892
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
GMC (Cont’d) V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 L4 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
HONDA 08 09 07-03 07-03 02-98 09-06 06 05-02 09-06 09-02 08-03 06-05 04-02 01 00-99 07 02-98 07-05 04-03 08 07-06
L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6
5.7L 6.5L 6.5L 7.4L 7.4L 7.4L 7.4L 4.3L 2.4L 3.0L 4.3L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 4.8L 4.8L 5.3L 5.3L 5.7L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 6.0L 6.2L 6.2L 6.5L 6.5L 8.1L 8.1L
Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Syclone Terrain Terrain Typhoon W3500 W3500 W3500 W4500 W4500 W4500 Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon
2.4L 2.4L 2.4L 3.0L 3.0L 1.3L 1.8L 2.0L 2.0L 2.4L 2.4L 3.5L 3.5L 3.5L 3.5L 3.5L 3.2L 3.5L 3.5L 3.5L 3.5L
Accord Accord Accord Accord Accord Civic Civic Civic Civic CR-V Element Odyssey Odyssey Odyssey Odyssey Odyssey Passport Pilot Pilot Pilot Ridgeline
Fan, Alt. & A.P. Serpentine Belt Drive W/O A.P. W/ AC
Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC AC Alt. & P.S. Fan, Alt., P.S., & AC AC Alt. & P.S. AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
AC Electric Assist, Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Alt. & AC Electric Assist, Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Alt. & AC Alt. & AC Alt. & AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Alt. & AC Serpentine Belt Drive
TENSIONER 5892 5882 5802 5857 5857 5897 -5892 5546 -5892 -5816 5843 -5816 5843 5816 5843 5816 5843 5897 5892 5816 5843 5843 5816 5843 5882 5802 5706 5575 --5712 5584 5808 ---5712 5712 5712 5584 5715 5582 5808 5584 5707 5584 5582 5584 5584
HONDA (Cont’d) 09-08 03-00 08-07 05-04 09 06
V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4
HUMMER 04-02 06 07-03 07-03 08 08 06 09-07 08 09
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L5 L5 V8 L5
HYUNDAI 06-01 10-06 01-99 05-02 08-03 09-05
V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6
INFINITI 09-06 04-03 09-06 04-03 06-03 06-02 09-04
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
3.5L 2.0L 2.2L 2.2L 2.2L 2.2L
Ridgeline S2000 S2000 S2000 S2000 S2000
6.5L 6.6L 6.0L 6.0L 6.2L 6.2L 3.5L 3.7L 5.3L 3.7L
H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H2 H3 H3 H3 H3T
2.7L 2.4L 2.5L 2.7L 2.7L 2.7L
Santa Fe Sonata Sonata Sonata Tiburon Tucson
4.5L 4.5L 4.5L 4.5L 4.5L 4.5L 5.6L
M45 M45 M45 M45 Q45 Q45 QX56
DESCRIPTION Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive
AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive
ISUZU 00-98 00-98 08-03 06-03 06-03 04-02 00-98 97-96 00-97 06 08-07 06 08-07 04-95 07-03 07-03
V6 V6
4.5L CF500 4.5L CF600
L4 V6 L6 V8 V8 V6 L4 L4 V6 L4 L4 L5 L5 V8 V8 V8
2.2L 3.2L 4.2L 5.3L 5.3L 3.5L 2.2L 2.2L 4.3L 2.8L 2.9L 3.5L 3.7L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L
Amigo Amigo Ascender Ascender Ascender Axiom Hombre Hombre Hombre I-280 I-290 I-350 I-370 NPR NPR NPR
5584 -----5882 5541 5816 5843 5816 5843 5547 5547 5843 5547 5851 -5851 5851 5851 5851
P.S. P.S. Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive P.S. Serpentine Belt Drive
------5716 5574 5574
W/ AC AC Serpentine Belt Drive
AC Alt. & P.S.
5846 5707 5547 5816 5843 5707 5811 5556 5897 5547 5547 5547 5547 -5816 5843
91-89 99-96 95-94 93-89 88 99-96 95-94 92-91 10 10 93-92 03-00 07-04 07-04 03-00 07-03 07-03 08-00 08-00 08-00 08-00 00-96 95-92 08-00 08 08-00 08-07 08-07 97-96 95-94 06-01 06-01
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
ISUZU (Cont’d) 94-91 03-98 92-91 04-98 04 91-90 02-98 89 01-99
V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6
3.1L 2.2L 3.1L 3.2L 3.5L 2.8L 3.5L 2.8L 3.5L
Pickup Rodeo Rodeo Rodeo Rodeo Trooper Trooper Trooper II Vehicross
V8 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8
4.0L 2.5L 3.0L 4.0L 4.0L 4.0L 4.2L
S-Type X-Type X-Type XJR XJR XKR XKR
V6 V8 V8 L4 L4 L6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 V6 L4 L4 L6 L4 L6
3.7L 4.7L 5.7L 2.0L 2.4L 4.0L 3.7L 4.7L 4.7L 5.2L 5.7L 5.9L 6.1L 5.2L 2.4L 3.7L 2.4L 2.4L 4.0L 2.4L 4.0L
Commander Commander Commander Compass Compass Grand Cherokee Grand Cherokee Grand Cherokee Grand Cherokee Grand Cherokee Grand Cherokee Grand Cherokee Grand Cherokee Grand Wagoneer Liberty Liberty Patriot TJ TJ Wrangler Wrangler
JAGUAR 02-00 05-02 05-02 03-98 03-98 02 03
07-06 07-06 09-06 09 07 04-99 07-05 09 07-99 98-93 09-05 98 09-06 93 05-02 07-02 08-07 06-03 06-00 06-03 06-00
09-08 01 06-02 09-08 01 06-02 09 09-05
L4 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 L4 V6
2.4L 2.5L 2.7L 2.4L 2.5L 2.7L 2.4L 2.7L
LAND ROVER 02-00 99 00-96
V8 V8 V8
Magentis Magentis Magentis Optima Optima Optima Rondo Sportage
4.0L Discovery 4.0L Discovery Series II 4.0L Range Rover
Accessory Belt Drive Supercharger Belt Drive
Canada Canada
Canada Canada Canada
TENSIONER -5846 -5707 5707 5870 5707 5870 5707 5713 5713 5713 ----5810 5810 5581 --5813 5810 5810 5810 5884 5581 5884 5581 5884 5554 5810 -5554 5813 5554 5813 -5851 5851 -5851 5851 -5851 5718 5718 5718
LAND ROVER (Cont’d) 02-96
LEXUS 09-07 05-93 00-98 07-01 09-03 09 08-06 10 02-01 08-06 00-98 06-01 07-98 10-07 00-92 00-98 09-02
4.6L Range Rover
V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V8 V8
3.5L 3.0L 4.0L 4.3L 4.7L 2.5L 2.5L 2.5L 3.0L 3.5L 4.0L 4.3L 4.7L 3.5L 3.0L 4.0L 4.3L
ES350 GS300 GS400 GS430 GX470 IS250 IS250 IS250C IS300 IS350 LS400 LS430 LX470 RX350 SC300 SC400 SC430
-5807 5806 5806 5806 ---5807 -5806 5806 5806 -5807 5806 5806
4.6L 5.4L 3.8L 4.6L 5.0L 5.0L 3.0L 3.9L 5.4L 5.4L 5.4L 5.0L 5.0L 4.6L 5.4L 5.4L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 5.0L 3.0L
Aviator Blackwood Continental Continental Continental Continental LS LS Mark LT Mark LT Mark LT Mark VII Mark VII Mark VIII Navigator Navigator Town Car Town Car Town Car Town Car Town Car Town Car Zephyr
2.0L 2.0L 2.3L 2.3L 2.3L 2.3L 2.3L 2.3L 3.0L
3 3 3 3 5 6 6 6 6
LINCOLN 05-03 02 94-88 02-95 87-86 85 05-00 06-00 08 06 08-06 92-86 85 98-93 09-02 01-98 07-00 99-93 91 92 92 85 06
V8 V8 V6 V8 V8 V8 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6
MAZDA 07 06-04 07-04 07 08-06 05-03 07-06 07-06 05-03
L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6
W/ Fixed Mounting Stud W/ Man. Trans. W/ Man. Trans. W/ Man. Trans.
W/O Fixed Mounting Stud
W/ AC W/ AC W/O AC W/O Fixed Mounting Stud
Jun. 23, 1992 & Older Jun. 24, 1992 & Newer AC W/O Fixed Mounting Stud
W/ Auto. Tensioner W/ Auto. Trans. W/ Auto. Trans. W/Turbo
W/O Turbo W/Turbo Accessory Belt Drive
5710 5710 5861 5573 5879 5879 5713 5713 5710 5710 -5879 5879 -5710 5867 5558 -5719 5719 -5879 5713 ----------
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
MAZDA (Cont’d) L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6
2.3L 2.3L 2.5L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 4.0L 4.0L 2.5L 3.0L 2.0L 4.0L 4.0L 2.0L 2.3L 2.3L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L
3.0L Tribute
B2300 Pickup B2300 Pickup B2500 Pickup B3000 Pickup B3000 Pickup B3000 Pickup B3000 Pickup B4000 Pickup B4000 Pickup MPV MPV MX-5 Miata Navajo Navajo Tribute Tribute Tribute Tribute Tribute Tribute Tribute
82 86 82 79 84-83 85-83 02-99 00 99 02-99 97-91 90-89
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6
4.2L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L 2.0L 2.5L 2.5L 2.5L 3.8L 3.8L
Capri Capri Capri Capri Capri Capri Cougar Cougar Cougar Cougar Cougar Cougar
3.8L Cougar
3.8L Cougar
90-89 97-94 93-91 88-86 85
V6 V8 V8 V8 V8
3.8L 4.6L 5.0L 5.0L 5.0L
Cougar Cougar Cougar Cougar Cougar
09-00 99-93 92 92 85
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 4.6L 5.0L
Grand Marquis Grand Marquis Grand Marquis Grand Marquis Grand Marquis
Canada Canada
AC & P.S. AC & P.S. W/ Man. Trans.
Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive, Sept. 16 2001 & Newer W.P. W/O Fixed Mounting Stud
W/ Fixed Mounting Stud W/O Fixed Mounting Stud Accessory Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive W.P. W/ Supercharger; Attaches To AC Mounting Bracket; W/ 70mm Dia. Pulley W/ Supercharger; Attaches To AC Mounting Bracket; W/ 76.2mm Dia. Pulley W/ Supercharger; Attaches To Alt. Mounting Bracket W/O Supercharger
Serpentine Belt Drive W/O Fixed Mounting Stud
Jun. 23, 1992 & Older Jun. 24, 1992 & Newer AC W/O Fixed Mounting Stud
5817 5817 5817 -5886 --5863 5898 5555 5555 -5898 5866 5557 --5713 5713 5555 5555 5805 5879 5879 ---5879 5557 5572 5572 5805 5873 --
-5873 --5879 5879 5558 -5719 -5879
MERCURY (Cont’d) 04-03 08 06-05 08 07-05 07-06 07-05 07-04 08-00 99-98 08-02 00-97 00-98 97-95 00-95 00-97 95 95-93 05-01 88 04-01 05-01 92-89 00-96 00-96 95-88 94-92 91-89 88 96-91 99-97
V8 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4
4.6L 2.3L 2.3L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 4.2L 4.0L 4.0L 4.6L 5.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.5L 2.5L 2.5L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.8L 2.3L 2.3L 2.3L 1.9L 2.0L
Marauder Mariner Mariner Mariner Mariner Milan Montego Monterey Van Mountaineer Mountaineer Mountaineer Mountaineer Mystique Mystique Mystique Mystique Mystique Sable Sable Sable Sable Sable Sable Sable Sable Sable Topaz Topaz Topaz Tracer Tracer
Accessory Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive W.P. W.P. Accessory Belt Drive, W/ 24-Valve Eng. Serpentine Belt Drive W/ 6-Ribbed Belt W.P. W/ 12-Valve Eng. W/ 6-Ribbed Belt W/ DOHC Eng. W/O.H.V. Eng.
Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive W/ 6-Ribbed Belt
5.7L SW
V6 V8
NISSAN 06-02 09-05 09-05 09-05 08 04 06-02 09-04 09-05
L4 V8 V6 V6 V8 V8 L4 V8 V6
3.7L Raider 4.7L Raider
5810 5810
2.5L 5.6L 4.0L 4.0L 5.6L 5.6L 2.5L 5.6L 4.0L
5714 5716 --5716 5716 5714 5716 --
OLDSMOBILE 95 94 93-92 98-96 98-94
L4 L4 L4 L4 V6
5558 --5713 5713 5713 5713 5850 5863 5898 5710 5814 5557 5815 5572 5805 5805 5886 5555 5875 5805 5886 5875 5550 5886 5861 5809 5883 5883 5871 5841 5897
MITSUBISHI 07-06 07-06
2.3L 2.3L 2.3L 2.4L 3.1L
Altima Armada Frontier Pathfinder Pathfinder Pathfinder Sentra Titan Xterra Achieva Achieva Achieva Achieva Achieva
Alt. & AC Alt. & AC 2nd Design
5854 5854 5854 5854 5895
08-01 97-95 01-98 07-98 96-94 08 97 08-01 00-94 01-00 06-02 08-06 94-93 92-91 04-01 08 06-05 08 06-05 04-02 01
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
OLDSMOBILE (Cont’d) 93-92 04-02 01-00 99 99 04-99 02-01 03-01 99-95 03-01 99-95 04-02 01-96 94-91 92-91 92 99-97 91 91-89 96-94 93 92-87 89-87 96-94 93-92 91-89 88-86 90 94 93-92 91-90 91 89-88 97-94 93-89 96-91 88 87-86 98-97 94-92 90-89 91 99 91 96-95 95 96 95 88-87 87 02-99 98 99 99
V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 L6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V6 L4 V6 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6
3.3L 2.2L 2.4L 2.4L 2.4L 3.4L 3.5L 4.0L 4.0L 4.0L 4.0L 4.2L 4.3L 4.3L 5.0L 5.7L 3.1L 2.3L 3.3L 2.2L 2.2L 2.5L 2.8L 3.1L 3.3L 3.3L 3.8L 2.5L 3.1L 3.3L 3.3L 2.3L 2.8L 3.1L 3.1L 3.4L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 2.0L 2.8L 3.5L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L
Achieva Alero Alero Alero Alero Alero Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Bravada Bravada Bravada Custom Cruiser Custom Cruiser Cutlass Cutlass Calais Cutlass Calais Cutlass Ciera Cutlass Ciera Cutlass Ciera Cutlass Ciera Cutlass Ciera Cutlass Ciera Cutlass Ciera Cutlass Ciera Cutlass Cruiser Cutlass Cruiser Cutlass Cruiser Cutlass Cruiser Cutlass Supreme Cutlass Supreme Cutlass Supreme Cutlass Supreme Cutlass Supreme Delta 88 Delta 88 Eighty Eight Eighty Eight Eighty Eight Eighty Eight Eighty Eight Eighty Eight Eighty Eight Eighty Eight Eighty Eight Eighty Eight Firenza Firenza Intrigue Intrigue Intrigue LSS
1st Design 2nd Design
Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive W.P. W.P.
Alt. & AC 2nd Design
Alt. & AC W/O Bracket Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive
1st Design 2nd Design 2nd Design Accessory Belt Drive Alt. & P.S. W/ Supercharger Supercharger Belt Drive Supercharger Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Eng. VIN K Serpentine Belt Drive
2nd Design Accessory Belt Drive
TENSIONER 5872 5546 5705 5854 5705 5896 5536 5847 5847 5566 5566 5547 5897 5892 5882 5882 5896 5854 5724 5891 5891 5889 5895 5895 5872 5724 5725 5889 5895 5872 5724 5854 5895 5895 5895 5567 5880 5725 5848 5874 5880 5874 5579 5880 5848 5709 -5708 5568 5895 5536 5848 5579 5579
OLDSMOBILE (Cont’d) 98-97 99-97 96 91-88 87-86 95 94-92 95-92 95-92 98-97 94 93-90 04-99 98-96 95-92 92 91-88 87-86
V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6
PLYMOUTH 95-91 90-89 00-96 95-92 89-87 00-96 95 92-91 00-96 94-93 90 00-96 94-93 95 98-97 98-97 99 96 94 99 96 94 94-92 00-96 95-91 90-87 00-96 92-91 00-93 00-93 98-97 98-97 99 96
V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6
3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.1L 3.1L 3.4L 3.4L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L
LSS LSS Ninety Eight Ninety Eight Ninety Eight Ninety Eight Ninety Eight Ninety Eight Ninety Eight Regency Silhouette Silhouette Silhouette Silhouette Silhouette Toronado Toronado Toronado
Accessory Belt Drive Supercharger Belt Drive
3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.0L 3.3L 3.3L 3.3L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L
Acclaim Acclaim Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Grand Voyager Sundance Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager Voyager
Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Grooved Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Smooth
Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive Alt. & P.S. W/ Supercharger Supercharger Belt Drive
Grooved Grooved Mar. 1, 1990 & Newer Smooth Smooth Canada, Grooved Canada, Smooth Grooved Grooved Grooved Smooth Smooth Smooth Serpentine Belt Drive Grooved Serpentine Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive Smooth Grooved Smooth Canada, Grooved Canada, Smooth Grooved Grooved
TENSIONER 5848 -5848 5880 5725 5848 5874 5709 5708 5848 5874 5895 5896 5895 5874 5874 5880 5725 5878 5876 -5878 5876 5878 5887 5887 --5887 5887 5887 5887 -5887 ---5887 5887 5887 5878 -5878 5876 5878 5887 -5887 -5887 ---
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
PLYMOUTH (Cont’d) 99 96
V6 V6
PONTIAC L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4
2.5L 2.8L 2.8L 2.8L 3.1L 3.4L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 4.6L 4.6L 2.8L 3.1L 3.4L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 5.0L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 2.2L 2.4L 2.4L 3.5L 3.5L 3.6L 3.9L 3.6L 6.0L 6.0L 6.2L 6.2L 2.0L 2.2L 2.3L 2.3L 2.3L 2.4L 2.4L 2.4L 2.4L
6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Aztek Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Bonneville Firebird Firebird Firebird Firebird Firebird Firebird Firebird Firebird Firebird Firebird Firebird Firebird G5 G5 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G8 G8 G8 G8 G8 Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am
Smooth Smooth
Serpentine Belt Drive
Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive Alt. & P.S. W/ Supercharger Supercharger Belt Drive Supercharger Belt Drive Serpentine Belt Drive W.P.
AC AC Accessory Belt Drive
AC Accessory Belt Drive AC Accessory Belt Drive Alt. & P.S.
Alt. & AC Alt. & AC 2nd Design
1st Design 2nd Design
TENSIONER 5887 5887 5889 5895 5895 5895 5895 5896 5803 5880 5725 5803 5579 5848 5874 5709 -5708 5847 5566 5899 5899 5855 5579 5848 -5882 5855 5882 5565 5565 5564 5546 5546 5546 -5896 -------5568 5546 5854 5854 5854 5705 5854 5854 5705
PONTIAC (Cont’d) 98-94 93-92 05-99 91 89-88 03-94 92-89 93 96-91 08 07-99 98-97 07-97 04 04 06-05 06-05 90-89 05-99 06-05 06 09-07 06-05 06 09-07 09-07 09-06 09-06 94-87 94-91 05-03 01-98 97-95 02 02 95 02-99 98-96 89-87 91-90 89 87 88 91-90 09-06 09-08 95-90 98-96 99 95-92 08-07 06-03 10-09 08-05
V6 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4
3.1L 3.3L 3.4L 2.3L 2.8L 3.1L 3.1L 3.1L 3.4L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 3.8L 5.7L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 2.0L 3.4L 3.5L 3.9L 3.9L 2.2L 2.4L 2.0L 2.0L 2.4L 2.4L 2.0L 3.1L 2.2L 2.2L 2.2L 2.2L 2.2L 2.3L 2.4L 2.4L 2.0L 2.2L 2.8L 2.8L 2.8L 3.1L 3.4L 3.6L 3.1L 3.4L 3.4L 3.8L 1.8L 1.8L 2.4L 1.6L
Grand Am Grand Am Grand Am Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix Grand Prix GTO GTO GTO GTO Lemans Montana Montana Montana Montana Pursuit Pursuit Solstice Solstice Solstice Solstice Sunbird Sunbird Sunfire Sunfire Sunfire Sunfire Sunfire Sunfire Sunfire Sunfire Tempest Tempest Tempest Tempest Tempest Tempest Torrent Torrent Trans Sport Trans Sport Trans Sport Trans Sport Vibe Vibe Vibe Wave
Alt. & AC W/O Bracket Serpentine Belt Drive
Accessory Belt Drive
Accessory Belt Drive Accessory Belt Drive Supercharger Belt Drive AC Accessory Belt Drive AC Accessory Belt Drive Alt. & P.S.
Canada Canada Canada Alt. & AC P.S. Alt. & AC P.S. Alt. & P.S.
Eng. VIN 4 Eng. VIN F
Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada, Serpentine Belt Drive Canada
Eng. VIN 8 Canada
TENSIONER 5895 5872 5896 5854 5895 5895 5895 5895 5567 5803 5803 5848 5726 5565 5564 5565 5564 5568 5896 5896 --5546 5546 5546 -5546 -5568 5895 5546 5812 5890 5812 5546 5854 5705 5854 5891 5891 5895 5895 5895 5895 5896 -5895 5895 5896 5874 5578 5578 ---
91-87 89 87 88 91-88 05-01 05-04 91-89 88-87 03-00 99 98-95 94-92 95-92 03-96 95-92 05-04 05-04 89-87 92-90 95-93 02-98 97-95 89 92-88 97-93 92-88 02-01 99-98 02-98 09-07 08-07 10-06 10-07 06-05 09-07 09-06 09-08 09-08 09-08 09 09 89-87 05-02 95 94 93-91 01-00 98-96 99 99
3.8L Voyager 3.8L Voyager
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
09-04 02-99 03 03 02-99 09-06 09-99 03-99 09-05 09-05 09-05 09-08 09-08 98-94 94 98-94 97-94 98 97-95
L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 L4 V6 L6 V8 V8 V8 V8 L4 L4 L4 V6 L4 V6
2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.3L 2.8L 2.3L 3.0L 4.2L 5.3L 5.3L 6.0L 6.0L 2.0L 2.1L 2.3L 2.5L 2.3L 3.0L
9-3 9-3 9-3 9-3 9-3 9-3 9-5 9-5 9-7X 9-7X 9-7X 9-7X 9-7X 900 900 900 900 9000 9000
L4 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6
2.4L 3.5L 3.6L 2.2L 2.4L 2.2L 3.0L 3.6L 3.5L 3.9L 1.9L 2.0L 2.0L 2.4L 2.4L 2.2L 2.4L 3.0L 3.5L 3.5L 3.6L
Aura Aura Aura Ion Ion L-Series L-Series Outlook Relay Relay S-Series Sky Sky Sky Sky VUE VUE VUE VUE VUE VUE
L4 L4 L4 L4
2.4L 2.4L 2.4L 2.4L
2.0L 2.3L 4.0L 1.8L 2.0L 3.2L
Aerio Aerio Equator Esteem Forenza Grand Vitara
SATURN 10-08 08-07 10-07 07-03 07-06 04-00 05-00 09-07 06-05 07-06 02-91 09-07 09-07 09-07 09-07 07-02 09-08 03-02 09-08 07-04 09-08
SCION 07-05 08 09 08
SUZUKI 03-02 07-04 09 02-99 08-04 09
L4 L4 V6 L4 L4 V6
Eng. VIN K Eng. VIN S, Y
AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Alt. & AC P.S. Alt. & AC P.S.
Dec. 31, 2007 & Older
TENSIONER 5546 --5546 ---5548 5547 5816 5843 5816 5843 ---5548 -5548 5546 --5546 5546 5546 5548 -5896 -5888 5546 -5546 -5546 5546 5548 -5717 -5570 5570 -5570 5845 5845 -5845 5846 --
SUZUKI 08-05 98-96 08-04 09-07 06-04 04-99 09-07
L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 L4 V6
2.0L 1.8L 1.6L 2.0L 2.5L 2.0L 3.6L
THOMAS BUILT 05-04 05 04 94-93 94-93 01 06-05 06-05
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8
TOYOTA 09-03 09-03 09-05 09-07 06-02 10-07 05-00 08-07 04-98 06-05 09 09-07 07-01 09-08 07-98 08-07 06-03 09 05-00 03-01 08-04 09-06 09-01 09-07 08 07-02 98-94 93 09-05 10-05 09-05 09-00 09
V6 V8 V6 L4 L4 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 L4 V6 V8 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V8 V6 L4 L4 V6 V6 L4 V6 V6 V8 V6
4.8L 4.8L 4.8L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L
Minotour Minotour Minotour Minotour Minotour Minotour Minotour Minotour
4.0L 4.7L 3.5L 2.4L 2.4L 3.5L 1.8L 1.8L 1.8L 1.8L 2.4L 4.0L 2.4L 3.5L 4.7L 1.8L 1.8L 2.4L 1.8L 2.0L 2.4L 3.5L 4.7L 3.5L 2.4L 2.4L 3.0L 3.0L 2.7L 4.0L 4.0L 4.7L 3.5L
4 Runner 4 Runner Avalon Camry Camry Camry Celica Corolla Corolla Corolla Corolla FJ Cruiser Highlander Highlander Land Cruiser Matrix Matrix Matrix MR2 Spyder RAV4 RAV4 RAV4 Sequoia Sienna Solara Solara Supra Supra Tacoma Tacoma Tundra Tundra Venza
V10 V8
Reno Sidekick Swift SX4 Verona Vitara XL-7
6.8L Odyssey 6.6L Odyssey XL
Serpentine Belt Drive Canada
Serpentine Belt Drive
AC Alt. & W.P. Serpentine Belt Drive W/ AC W/O AC W/O AC ;W/ 130A. Alt. AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Eng. Designation 1ZZFE
Eng. Designation 1ZZFE
Eng. Designation 1ZZFE
Eng. Designation 2JZGE, 2JZGTE
TENSIONER 5846 5845 -5845 -5845 -5816 5843 5843 5893 5894 5897 5816 5843 -5806 --5570 -5578 5578 5578 5578 --5570 -5806 5578 5578 -5578 5570 5570 -5806 --5570 5807 5807 ---5806 -5867 5541
TENSIONER ASSEMBLIES Application Guide P.S................POWER STEERING P.T.O.............POWER TAKE OFF SOHC............SINGLE OVERHEAD CAM W.P...............WATER PUMP
TURTLE TOP (Cont’d) 05 05 98 98
V8 V8 V8 V8
6.0L 6.0L 5.4L 5.4L
VOLKSWAGEN L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L5 L5 V6 V6 V6 V6 L4 L4 L4 L4 V6 V6 V6 V8 V6
1.8L 1.9L 1.9L 2.0L 2.0L 2.8L 2.8L 1.8L 1.9L 1.9L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.8L 2.8L 2.8L 2.8L 3.2L 1.8L 1.9L 1.9L 1.9L 1.9L 1.9L 1.9L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.5L 2.5L 2.8L 2.8L 2.8L 2.8L 1.8L 2.0L 2.0L 2.0L 2.8L 2.8L 3.6L 4.2L 3.2L
Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle Cabrio Corrado Corrado Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Jetta Passat Passat Passat Passat Passat Passat Passat Phaeton Touareg
AC Serpentine Belt Drive W/ AC W/O AC
Diesel Diesel Alt. & AC Canada Diesel Diesel AC Alt. & AC Alt. & AC W/O Dual Sided V-Ribbed Belt Canada W/ AC ;W/Dual Sided V-Ribbed Belt W/O Turbo
W /6-Ribbed Belt;W/O SHO Eng. W/ 6-Ribbed Belt
Diesel Diesel Diesel, Eng. Designation BEW Diesel, Eng. Designation BRM Diesel, W/ Dual Sided V-Ribbed Belt Diesel, W/O Dual Sided V-Ribbed Belt AC Alt. & AC W/O Dual Sided V-Ribbed Belt W/ AC ;W/Dual Sided V-Ribbed Belt W/O Turbo AC Alt. & W.P.
Eng. Designation AFP Eng. Designation BDF Fan, Alt. & A.P. Alt. & AC Diesel, Alt. & P.S. Diesel, Alt. & P.S.,
TENSIONER 5816 5843 5867 -5852 -5561 5852 5853 5700 5700 5852 -5561 5852 5853 5853 5853 5852 5852 5852 -5700 5700 --5852 -5561 ---5561 5852 5853 5853 5852 5852 ---5700 5700 -5849 5853 --5562 5700 ----
VOLKSWAGEN (Cont’d) 07 06-04 09-08
V6 V8 V6
3.6L Touareg 4.2L Touareg 3.6L Touareg 2
WORKHORSE 02-00 06 06-04 05-04 06 03 04 02-00 06-05 06-05 04-00 02-99 01 06-02 06-02 02-00 06 06-04 06-04 04-00 06-05 06-05 04-00 02-00 03-01 05-04 03 03 07 08-07 08-07 07 08-07 08-07 08 08 07
V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6 V8 V8 V6 V8 V8 V8 V8 V6
4.3L 4.5L 4.8L 4.8L 4.8L 5.7L 5.7L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 6.5L 7.4L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 4.3L 4.5L 4.8L 4.8L 5.7L 6.0L 6.0L 6.5L 7.4L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 8.1L 4.5L 4.8L 4.8L 4.5L 4.8L 4.8L 6.0L 6.0L 4.5L
P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series P Series Chassis P Series Chassis P Series Chassis P Series Chassis P Series Chassis P Series Chassis P Series Chassis P Series Chassis P Series Chassis P Series Chassis P Series Chassis W22 W22 W42 W42 W42 W42 Chassis W42 Chassis W42 Chassis W42 Chassis W42 Chassis W62
AC Fan & Alt. Serpentine Belt Drive Fan, Alt. & A.P. Fan, Alt. & A.P. AC Fan & Alt.
W/ AC W/O AC Diesel AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
Serpentine Belt Drive W/ AC W/O AC AC Serpentine Belt Drive Diesel AC Serpentine Belt Drive AC Serpentine Belt Drive
5897 5574 5816 5843 5843 5897 5897 5897 5816 5843 5882 5897 5897 5897 -5897 5574 5816 5843 5897 5816 5843 5882 5897 5897 -5897 -5574 5816 5843 5574 5816 5843 5816 5843 5574
05-99 06-04 03-98 05-98 02-95 94-92 95 06-00 06-04 03-99 05-01 94-93 98-95 00-99 07 00-99 06 05-04 02-95 03 03 04 05-00 06 03-99 05 05 04 04 05-01 98-93 00-99 00-99 07 07-05 07-05 04-03 01-94 02 02 05-98 96-95 05 04 05-98 97-93 07-06 06-04 06-04
Spirit Spirit Van Terra Van Terra