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Mar 12, 2013 - rafenib or sunitinib. Methods Anti-proliferative (MTT assay) and cell sig- naling (Western blot) effects of rapamycin analogs. (1–20 lM) and ...
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol (2013) 71:1297–1307 DOI 10.1007/s00280-013-2129-6


Benchmarking effects of mTOR, PI3K, and dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitors in hepatocellular and renal cell carcinoma models developing resistance to sunitinib and sorafenib Maria Serova • Armand de Gramont • Annemilaı¨ Tijeras-Raballand • Ce´lia Dos Santos • Maria Eugenia Riveiro • Khemaies Slimane • Sandrine Faivre Eric Raymond

Received: 20 November 2012 / Accepted: 20 February 2013 / Published online: 12 March 2013 Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract Purpose To evaluate first-generation rapamycin analogs (everolimus, temsirolimus, and rapamycin) and secondgeneration drugs inhibiting mTOR kinase (AZD-8055), PI3K (BKM-120) or both (BEZ-235 and GDC-0980) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cells characterized for acquired resistance to sorafenib or sunitinib. Methods Anti-proliferative (MTT assay) and cell signaling (Western blot) effects of rapamycin analogs (1–20 lM) and second-generation drugs (0.03–20.0 lM) were assessed in human HCC SK-HEP1, RCC 786-0, and sorafenib- (SK-Sora) or sunitinib-resistant (786-Suni) cells. Results In SK-HEP1 cells displaying high PTEN and Bcl2 expression, rapamycin analogs had poor anti-proliferative effects. However, SK-Sora cells were more

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00280-013-2129-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. M. Serova  A. de Gramont  A. Tijeras-Raballand  C. Dos Santos AAREC Filia Research, 1 place Paul Verlaine, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France

sensitive to rapamycin analogs (C1 lM) than SK-HEP1 cells. In 786-0 cells, lacking PTEN and Bcl2 expression, C1 lM rapamycin analogs blocked mTORC1 signaling, transiently activated Akt, and inhibited cell proliferation. Protracted sunitinib exposure in 786-Suni cells yielded an increase in p27 expression and a decreased sensitivity to rapamycin analogs, although mTORC1 function could be inhibited with rapamycin analogs. Second-generation drugs induced more potent growth inhibition than rapamycin analogs at concentrations [0.03 lM in parental cells, SKSora, and 786-Suni cells. Growth inhibitory concentrations of these new drugs also blocked mTORC1 downstream targets. Conclusions Rapamycin analogs inhibited mTORC1 downstream targets and yielded anti-proliferative effects in HCC and RCC cells. Second-generation drugs also appeared to be potent inhibitors of mTORC1 signaling; however, they appeared to be far more potent in inhibiting cellular proliferation in parental HCC and RCC cells and in cells developing resistance to sorafenib or sunitinib. Keywords Kidney cancer  mTOR inhibitor Resistance  VEGFr tyrosine kinase inhibitor  Angiogenesis

Introduction M. Serova  A. Tijeras-Raballand  C. Dos Santos  M. E. Riveiro  S. Faivre  E. Raymond (&) INSERM U728 and Department of Medical Oncology, Beaujon University Hospital (AP-HP–PRES Paris 7 Diderot), 100 bd du Ge´ne´ral Leclerc, 92110 Clichy, France e-mail: [email protected] K. Slimane Novartis Pharma S.A.S., 2 et 4, rue Lionel Terray, 92506 Rueil-Malmaison, France

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and renal cell carcinoma (RCC) have the sixth and fourteenth highest worldwide incidences of cancer, respectively, and mortality rates are high, especially for liver cancers, which represent the third leading cause of death from cancer [1, 2]. The introduction of targeted therapies dramatically changed the outcome of patients with metastatic HCC (mHCC) and RCC (mRCC)



by improving disease control and survival. The use of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor- and plateletderived growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitors (VEGFr-/PDGFr-TKIs) to treat patients with mHCC or mRCC has demonstrated survival benefits. Based on the results of phase II and III studies, the VEGFr-/PDGFr-TKI sorafenib was approved for use in mHCC [3], and sorafenib and the VEGFr-/PDGFr-TKI sunitinib were approved for use in mRCC [4–6]. However, most patients treated with VEGFr-/PDGFr-TKIs eventually develop resistance and experience disease progression. The PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway is involved in multiple cellular functions, including cell growth and proliferation, motility, survival, apoptosis, autophagy, and angiogenesis [7]. This pathway is frequently upregulated in human cancers, and because of its role in cellular response to hypoxia and energy depletion, it has been linked to angiogenesis and resistance of tumor cells to radiotherapy and chemotherapy [8, 9]. Although recent data suggest that the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway may be involved in the development of resistance to anti-VEGFr/anti-PDGFr therapy [10], mechanisms of acquired and de novo resistance to VEGFr-/PDGFr-TKIs are still largely unexplained. mTOR is a serine/threonine kinase that exists as two distinct protein complexes, mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) and mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2) [8]. mTORC1 (mTORRaptor-mLST8/GbL) is involved in rapamycin-sensitive temporal control of cell growth, and mTORC2 (mTORRictor-mLST8/GbL-mSIN1) is involved in rapamycininsensitive spatial control of cell growth. Inhibition of the mTOR complexes leads to decreased cell growth and proliferation, cellular metabolism, and angiogenesis. Rapamycin and rapamycin analogs, temsirolimus and everolimus, are anti-tumor agents that bind to FKBP12 (FK506 or tacrolimus-binding protein-12) and selectively inhibit mTORC1 without having any direct effects on mTORC2 [8]. The allosteric effects of rapamycin analogs on mTORC1 appear to be relatively similar [8]. Temsirolimus and everolimus are approved treatment options for patients with mRCC, although they are recommended for use in different settings and in different patient populations. Based on the results from the phase III ARCC study [11], current clinical guidelines recommend temsirolimus for use in treatment-naive patients with mRCC who are of poor prognosis [12–15]. Based on the results of the phase III RECORD-1 study [16], guidelines recommend everolimus for use in patients with mRCC whose disease progressed after VEGFr-/PDGFr-TKI therapy [12–15]. Everolimus is currently being evaluated as a second-line treatment option for patients with HCC who failed sorafenib therapy (EVOLVE-1; NCT01035229) [17]. Although rapamycin analogs share closely related chemical structures and bind mTOR at the same site, there are few


Cancer Chemother Pharmacol (2013) 71:1297–1307

data from direct comparisons of rapamycin analogs in human cancer models. Recent studies of the PI3K/Akt/ mTOR pathway have indicated that newer targeted agents currently in development may provide increased specificity and potency [18]. Although second-generation non-allosteric kinase inhibitors are less advanced in terms of development in patients with cancer, several drugs recently entered large clinical trials. Those compounds block the ATP-binding pockets of specific kinases along the PI3K/ Akt/mTOR pathway. Among those agents, BKM-120 displayed inhibitory activity on the PI3K blocking upstream in the mTOR pathway, AZD-8055 was shown to be a specific inhibitor of the mTOR kinase allowing inhibition of mTORC1 and mTORC2, and BEZ-235 and GDC-0980 were described as dual PI3K and mTOR kinase inhibitors (Fig. 1). In this study, the inhibitory activities of rapamycin analogs (everolimus, temsirolimus, and rapamycin), BKM120, AZD-8055, BEZ-235, and GDC-0980 were compared between parental and VEGFr-/PDGFr-TKI-resistant cancer cell models.

Materials and methods Materials Everolimus was supplied by Novartis. Everolimus was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at an appropriate concentration and was administered within 2 h. Temsirolimus and rapamycin were purchased from LC Laboratories (Woburn, MA, USA) and prepared according to the manufacturer’s direction. The mTOR kinase inhibitor AZD-8055, the dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitors BEZ-235 and GDC-0980, and the PI3K inhibitor BKM-120 were purchased from Selleck Chemicals (Houston, TX, USA). The

Fig. 1 Signaling pathways of mTOR inhibitors, PI3K- and mTOR kinase-specific inhibitors, and dual PI3K/mTOR kinase inhibitors

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PI3K/mTOR inhibitors were prepared in DMSO as 20-mmol/L stock solutions and stored at -20 °C. Cell lines Hepatocellular carcinoma SK-HEP1 and RCC 786-0 cell lines were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC; Rockville, MD, USA). SK-Sora and 786-Suni, variants of SK-HEP1 and 786-0 exposed to sorafenib or sunitinib, respectively, for more than 6 months, were developed in our laboratory. Cells were grown as monolayers in Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium supplemented with 10 % fetal calf serum (Invitrogen, Cergy-Pontoise, France), 2 mM glutamine, 100 units/mL penicillin, and 100 lg/mL streptomycin at 37 °C in a humidified 5 % CO2 atmosphere and regularly checked for absence of Mycoplasma by polymerase chain reaction (PCR; Stratagene, La Jolla, CA, USA). In vitro growth inhibition Parental and sorafenib- or sunitinib-resistant SK-HEP1 and 786-0 cells were exposed to 1, 5, 10, and 20 lM everolimus, temsirolimus, or rapamycin and assessed for inhibition of cellular proliferation after a 96-h exposure, using the MTT assay (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; Sigma, Saint-Quentin Fallavier, France). Parental and sunitinib- or sorafenib-resistant 786-0 and SKHEP1 cells were exposed to 0.03, 0.11, 0.33, 1, 5, 10, and 20 lM AZD-8055, BEZ-235, GDC-0980, and BKM-120 and assessed for inhibition of cellular proliferation after a 72-h exposure, using the MTT assay. In brief, cells were seeded at a density of 2 9 103 cells/well. After 48-h incubation with sunitinib or sorafenib and 24 h in drug-free medium after incubation, cells were incubated with 0.4 mg/ mL MTT. After incubation, formazan precipitates were dissolved in DMSO and absorbance was measured at 560 nm (Thermo, France). Wells with untreated cells or with drugcontaining medium without cells were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. MTT assay was performed daily to determine the number of viable cells in untreated control and drug-treated groups. Growth inhibition curves were plotted as a percentage of cells for each experimental condition. For sunitinib and sorafenib cytotoxicity, the MTT assay was performed after 48 h of drug exposure and 24 h of washout. Protein expression To evaluate factors potentially associated with everolimus and temsirolimus sensitivity, protein expression of p27, cyclin D1, Bcl2, actin, PTEN, p-Akt (Ser473), and totalAkt was assessed in our panel of cancer cell lines using


Western blot analysis. To evaluate effects on cellular signaling, protein expression of p-S6, p-4EBP1, p-Akt 473, total-Akt, p-GSK3b, p-PKCa, and GAPDH was assessed in parental and sunitinib- or sorafenib-resistant 786-0 and SKHEP1 cells after 5 and 24 h of exposure to first-generation mTOR inhibitors (everolimus, temsirolimus, or rapamycin) and second-generation drugs (AZD-8055, BEZ-235, GDC0980, and BKM-120) using Western blot analysis. Briefly, cells were lysed in buffer containing 50 mM HEPES (pH 7.6), 150 mM NaCl, 1 % Triton X-100, 2 mM sodium vanadate, 100 mM NaF, and 0.4 mg/mL phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. Equal amounts of protein (30 lg/lane) were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Membranes were blocked with 5 % milk in PBS/0.05 % Tween 20 and incubated with the primary antibody overnight at 4 °C. Membranes were then washed and incubated with the secondary antibody conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. Bands were visualized by using the enhanced chemiluminescence Western blotting detection system (Amersham, France). Densitometric analysis was performed under conditions that yielded a linear response. The following first antibodies were purchased from Cell Signaling (Saint-Quentin Yvelines, France): total-Akt, phospho-Akt (Ser473), phospho-GSK3 (Ser9), phospho-S6 ribosomal protein (Ser235/236), phospho-p70S6 kinase (Thr389), phospho-4E-BP1 (Ser65), p21 Waf1/Cip1, p27 Kip, PTEN, and GAPDH. Phospho-PKCa (Ser657) was purchased from Millipore (France). All antibodies were used at a 1:1,000 dilution. Statistical analysis Statistical analyses were performed and graphs were developed using Prism 5 software (GraphPad, San Diego, CA, USA). Experiments were performed three times, in duplicate. Means and standard deviations were compared using the Student’s t test (two-sided P value). In cell proliferation assays, data are represented according to controls normalized to 100 % in each experimental set.

Results The direct effects of PI3K/mTOR inhibitors were studied in HCC and RCC cells developing resistance to sorafenib and sunitinib, respectively. Stepwise increases in sorafenib concentrations in SK-HEP1 HCC cells led to the development of SK-Sora cells, while continuous exposure of 786-0 RCC cells to sunitinib led to the development of 786-Suni cells. The half-maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) of sorafenib increased from 8.0 lM in parental HCC SK-HEP1 cells to 10.2 lM in sorafenib-resistant SK-Sora cells



(Fig. 2a). These differences were similar after 1 month of washout period, suggesting the non-reversibility of the resistance. Similarly, the IC50 of sunitinib increased from 5.0 lM in parental RCC 786-0 cells to 8.6 lM in sunitinibresistant 786-Suni cells (Fig. 2a). Baseline characteristics (drug-free conditions) of 786-0 and 786-Suni cells showed a lack of expression of PTEN and the anti-apoptotic protein, Bcl2 (Fig. 2b). Conversely, SK-HEP1 and SK-Sora cells showed high expression of PTEN and Bcl2, suggesting that the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway is inactivated in those HCC models. Few differences were observed between parental and TKI-resistant cells, the only consistent observation being that cells developing resistance to sorafenib or sunitinib displayed increased p27 expression (Fig. 2b). Of note, parental and resistant cell lines displayed similar proliferation rates in drug-free conditions. Effects of rapamycin analogs on parental, sunitinib-, and sorafenib-resistant cells Anti-proliferative effects of rapamycin analogs Rapamycin analogs primarily induced cytostatic effects characterized by inhibition of cell proliferation relative to Fig. 2 Characterization of sorafenib- and sunitinibresistant cell lines. Cytotoxicity of sorafenib and sunitinib at 48 h (a). Expression of several proteins implicated in mTOR inhibitor sensitivity (b)


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control over 4 days of exposure; cytotoxic effects were observed only at a high concentration (20 lM; i.e., a clinically poorly relevant concentration). In SK-HEP1 cells, the inhibitory effects of rapamycin analogs ranged from 25 to 50 % of control (Fig. 3a). Interestingly, SK-Sora cells showed higher sensitivity to all concentrations of everolimus, temsirolimus, and rapamycin than did SK-HEP1 cells. In SK-Sora cells, 1 lM everolimus, temsirolimus, and rapamycin yielded C50 % growth inhibition. In these series of experiments, temsirolimus displayed a significant growth inhibition over everolimus at 1 lM (P \ 0.05) and 10 lM (P \ 0.01) concentrations. However, there was no significant difference in growth inhibition of temsirolimus over everolimus at 5 or 20 lM concentrations, suggesting that these differences may not be relevant. In 786-0 cells, concentrations of 1–10 lM everolimus and temsirolimus induced 32 to 45 % cell growth inhibition (Fig. 3a). In 786-Suni cells, the inhibitory effects of everolimus and temsirolimus 1–10 lM on cell proliferation were slightly reduced (B30 %). In 786-0 cells, the highest concentration (20 lM) of everolimus and temsirolimus reduced cell numbers to less than baseline, which suggests that this concentration is cytotoxic; however, the difference

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Fig. 3 Anti-proliferative effects of everolimus, temsirolimus, and rapamycin in SK-HEP1 and SK-Sora HCC cells and 786-0 and 786-Suni RCC cells (a). Effects of 0.1 lM everolimus, temsirolimus, and rapamycin on cell signaling in SK-HEP1 and SK-Sora HCC cells and 786-0 and 786-Suni RCC cells (b). *P \ 0.05, **P \ 0.01, ***P \ 0.001

between the two agents was not significant. In 786-Suni cells the highest concentration (20 lM) of everolimus, but not temsirolimus, was apparently cytotoxic. Effects of rapamycin analogs on cellular signaling In SK-HEP1 and SK-Sora cells with high PTEN expression, exposure to rapamycin analogs induced a strong

inactivation of p-S6, but only minimal effects on p-4EBP1 levels compared with untreated controls (0) (Fig. 3b). In SK-HEP1 cells, rapamycin analogs reduced Ser473-Akt phosphorylation below baseline levels after 24 h. In SKSora cells, exposure to everolimus and temsirolimus transiently activated Akt after 5 h before returning to baseline values after 24 h. In SK-HEP1 cells, exposure to rapamycin analogs slightly increased baseline levels of GSK3b



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Fig. 4 Anti-proliferative effects of mTOR (AZD-8055), PI3K/mTOR (BEZ-235, GDC-0980), and PI3K (BKM-120) inhibitors in SK-HEP1 and SK-Sora HCC cells and 786-0 and 786-Suni RCC cells. *P \ 0.05, **P \ 0.01, ***P \ 0.001

and PKC-a phosphorylation; in this context, at 24 h everolimus appeared to be more effective in inhibiting this increased activity than temsirolimus or rapamycin. In SKSora cells, there was no clear variation in GSK3b and PKC-a phosphorylation (Fig. 3b) following exposure to rapamycin analogs. In 786-0 cells, 0.1 lM everolimus, temsirolimus, and rapamycin almost completely inhibited phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 K and clearly inhibited phosphorylation of 4EBP1 after C5 h of exposure (Fig. 3b). In 786-0 cells, 4EBP-1 phosphorylation (p-4EBP1) was slightly more effectively decreased after exposure to everolimus than to temsirolimus or rapamycin. Expression of pS6 and p4EBP1 was also reduced in 786-Suni cells exposed to rapamycin analogs. In 786-0 and 786-Suni cells, phosphorylation of Akt at Ser473 transiently increased after 5 h of exposure to everolimus and temsirolimus then decreased after 24 h in 786-0 cells, but not in 786-Suni cells. 786-0 and 786-Suni cells expressed almost undetectable levels of phosphorylated GSK3b at baseline; however, after an initial increase at 5 h and despite staying above baseline, the level decreased with everolimus and temsirolimus at 24 h in 786-0 cells and with temsirolimus in 786-Suni cells (possibly as a result of Akt activation). Whereas phosphoPKC-a, a target of mTORC2, decreased in 786-0 cells upon exposure to rapamycin analogs, no modification was


observed in 786-Suni cells. In summary, although rapamycin analogs appeared to be more potent inhibitors of 4-EBP1 and PKC-a in RCC cells than in HCC cells, everolimus and temsirolimus displayed similar effects on cellular signaling in sunitinib-sensitive versus sunitinibresistant cell lines or in sorafenib-sensitive versus sorafenib-resistant cell lines. Effects of second-generation mTOR, dual PI3K/mTOR, and PI3K inhibitors Anti-proliferative effects of second-generation PI3K/mTOR inhibitors The mTOR kinase inhibitor AZD-8055, the dual PI3K/ mTOR inhibitors BEZ-235 and GDC-0980, and the PI3K inhibitor BKM-120 at concentrations of 1–20 lM induced growth inhibition in SK-HEP1 cells, but were less effective in SK-Sora cells, in which 75 % growth inhibition was almost never reached (Fig. 4). All drugs at concentrations of 1–20 lM induced potent growth inhibition of 786-0 and 786-Suni cells with a 50 % growth inhibition at concentrations below 1 lM (Fig. 4). When compared together, the second-generation mTOR inhibitors appeared to have similar potency, inhibiting cell proliferation at sub-micromolar concentrations.

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To compare first- and second-generation inhibitors, we treated all cell lines with 1 lM everolimus, AZD-8055, BEZ-235, GDC-0980, and BKM-120 (supplementary Fig. 1). In all cell lines except SK-Sora, second-generation inhibitors displayed higher anti-proliferative effects than everolimus with at least 65 % inhibition at 1 lM compared with less than 40 % for everolimus (Fig. 2 and supplementary Fig. 1). Everolimus displayed more potent antiproliferative effects in SK-Sora cells than in parental SKHEP1 cells. In SK-Sora cells, everolimus and all secondgeneration drugs at 1 lM concentrations displayed similar anti-proliferative effects.


and had no effect on GSK3b and PKCa activity in 786-0 cells. In 786-Suni cells, despite a limited inhibition of Akt and GSK3b activities at 5 h, GDC-0980 displayed no effects on p-S6, p-Akt, p-4EBP1, GSK3b, and p-PKCa at 24 h. In summary, second-generation PI3K/mTOR inhibitors had signaling profiles independent of the sensitivity or resistance to sunitinib or sorafenib. However, these agents induced more potent inhibition of mTOR signaling in HCC than in RCC models.

Discussion Effects of second-generation PI3K/mTOR inhibitors on cellular signaling In SK-HEP1 and SK-Sora cells, AZD-8055, BEZ-235, and GDC-0980 had similar effects with a complete inhibition of S6 (excepted after 24 h of GDC-0980 in SK-Sora), p-4EBP1 and p-Akt levels, reduced p-GSK3b, and increased p-PKCa expression (Fig. 5a). These three inhibitors were more potent than everolimus on p-4EBP1 and p-Akt inhibition. The PI3K inhibitor BKM-120 also inhibited p-S6 and p-Akt levels although less efficiently at this concentration (0.1 lM). Whereas BKM-120 displayed late inhibition on p-4EBP1 and p-GSK3b expression in SK-HEP1, it displayed only early inhibition in SK-Sora cells. In both models, BKM-120 slightly increased PKCa activity. In 786-0 and 786-Suni cells, the mTOR kinase inhibitor AZD-8055 strongly inhibited phosphorylation of S6K and 4EBP1, but unlike everolimus, it also strongly inhibited phosphorylation of Akt at Ser473 after 5 h of exposure to 0.1–lM concentrations (Fig. 5b). AZD-8055 also increased GSK3b phosphorylation in 786-0 and 786-Suni cells at 24 h. In 786-0 cells, short exposure (5 h) to the PI3K inhibitor BKM-120 increased S6K and Akt, but not 4EBP1 phosphorylation, whereas longer exposure (24 h) decreased 4EBP1, but not p-S6K and p-Akt levels, compared with baseline. In 786-Suni cells, BKM-120 did not display specific inhibition toward p-S6K, p-Akt, or p-GSK3b protein expression, but slightly increased the activities of 4EBP1 and PKCa. The dual PI3K and mTOR kinase inhibitors BEZ-235 and GDC-0980 induced distinct effects on cellular signaling. In 786-0 cells, BEZ-235 potently decreased S6K and 4EBP1 activities, had limited effects on Akt phosphorylation, and increased GSK3b activity after 24 h of exposure. In 786-Suni cells, BEZ-235 had similar effects to those in 786-0 cells with a slightly less effective inhibition of p-4EBP1 and no significant increase in GSK3b activity at 24 h; no activity of BEZ-235 on PKC-a phosphorylation was observed in both RCC cell lines. GDC-0980 inhibited p-S6K, p-4EBP1, and p-Akt activities

The TKIs sunitinib and sorafenib are frequently used to treat patients with HCC and RCC, respectively. However, most patients will eventually become resistant to treatment and experience disease progression. Targeting the mTOR pathway is thus particularly relevant in tumors with certain mutations of the PI3K/Akt pathway, such as PTEN, or in tumors that have developed PI3K/ Akt pathway-dependent resistance to targeted therapy [19, 20]. In contrast, mTOR inhibition may not be relevant in tumors that have developed PI3K/Akt/mTORindependent survival mechanisms. In fact, expression level of the anti-apoptotic gene Bcl2 may predict resistance to mTOR inhibition [19]. Feedback loops may also be a mechanism of resistance to mTOR inhibitors. Inhibition of mTORC1 by rapamycin analogs has been shown to relieve a negative feedback loop through activation of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 and PI3K by p70S6K [21]. To date, no tumor has been shown to be completely dependent upon mTOR activity. Nonetheless, some tumors are highly dependent upon the activity of downstream effectors of mTOR, such as cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4). In these tumors, expression level of cyclin D1, CDK4, or their inhibitor p27 may serve as predictive biomarkers for mTOR inhibition [22], and identification of these biomarkers may optimize the potential benefit of targeted therapies [19]. To date, limited information is available on the effects of development of resistance to TKIs on the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways in cancer cells. In our study we showed no significant changes in PTEN, Bcl-2, cyclin D1/CDK4, and p-Akt expression between parental and either sunitinib- or sorafenib-resistant cells. However, higher levels of p27 expression in 786-Suni and SK-Sora cells than in parental cells were observed. Although high expression of p27, Bcl2, cyclin D1, p-Akt, and PTEN would have been expected to reduce sensitivity to rapamycin analogs, none of those parameters affected the sensitivity of our models either to rapamycin analogs or to PI3K/mTOR kinase inhibitors.



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Fig. 5 Effects of 0.1 lM mTOR (AZD-8055), PI3K/ mTOR (BEZ-235, GDC-0980), and PI3K (BKM-120) inhibitors on cell signaling of SK-HEP1 and SK-Sora HCC cells (a) and 786-0 and 786-Suni RCC cells (b)

Although limited experiments have been conducted to benchmark cross-resistance between mTOR inhibitors, similarities in chemical structures, mechanisms of action, affinity for the target, and overall spectrum of activity in laboratory experiments strongly suggest that currently developed agents are similar in many ways with the main difference being pharmacokinetic properties rather than anti-tumor potency [8]. In fact, the differences between mTOR inhibitors lie primarily in the modifications of their biochemical properties, inducing changes in terms of drug solubility and metabolism. As a result, temsirolimus was developed as a water-soluble intravenous compound, and everolimus, which displays low solubility, was formulated


for oral use [8, 23, 24]. In this study, we compared in vitro effects of everolimus and temsirolimus in RCC 786-0 cells and HCC SK-HEP1 cells sensitive or resistant to sunitinib or sorafenib, respectively. We observed that rapamycin analogs have similar effects on mTORC1 signaling, with no marked effects on mTORC2 signaling in parental and either sunitinib- or sorafenib-resistant models. We showed that in the RCC 786-0 model, only high concentrations (20 lM) of everolimus or temsirolimus were cytotoxic in the parental (everolimus and temsirolimus) and the sunitinib-resistant (everolimus) cell lines. In the HCC SK-HEP1 cells resistant to sorafenib, everolimus and temsirolimus inhibited cell proliferation at a concentration of 1 lM,

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whereas a concentration of 20 lM was necessary to inhibit proliferation of parental cells. These results indicate that the inhibitory effects of everolimus and temsirolimus are similar, but could be tumor-type specific. Interestingly, all rapamycin analogs displayed higher anti-proliferative activity in sorafenib-resistant SK-Sora HCC cells than in the parental SK-HEP1 cells. These data suggest that HCC cells that develop resistance to sorafenib may remain sensitive to second-line treatment with rapamycin analogs. Moreover, we show that acquired resistance to sorafenib and sunitinib increased p-ERK expression (data not shown), suggesting activation of the MAPK pathway. Therefore, the increased sensitivity for rapamycin analogs observed in SK-Sora is different from previously described sorafenib/everolimus combinations, in which authors suggested that the additive inhibition was due to the concomitant inhibition of MAPK and mTOR pathways. To further investigate the effects of second-line therapies on the HCC and RCC models resistant to VEGFr inhibitors, it would be interesting to assess how cell lines with different genetic backgrounds respond to different drugs and drug combinations. In the current study, we demonstrated improved antiproliferative effects of AZD-8055, BKM-120, GDC-0980, and BEZ-235 over rapamycin analogs. In contrast to rapamycin analogs, these drugs did not display cytotoxic effects at 20 lM, but rather displayed a plateau of antiproliferative effects at concentrations between 1 and 5 lM. These novel drugs also displayed specific patterns of cell signaling inhibition that may be derived from their specific targets. AZD-8055 and BEZ-235 block mTORC1 and mTORC2, respectively, which could potentially result in a significant decrease in Akt phosphorylation [25]. Results of a preclinical study demonstrated that AZD-8055 inhibited phosphorylation of 70S6K and 4EBP1 (mTORC1 substrates) and phosphorylation of Akt (mTORC2 substrate) and displayed anti-proliferative activity in tumor cell lines and tumor inhibition and/or regression in several human tumor xenograft models [26]. In a mouse xenograft model of RCC, BEZ-235 demonstrated greater anti-tumor activity over rapamycin [27]. In addition, preclinical results demonstrated more complete suppression of Akt, Mnk-1, eIF4E, and 4EBP1 phosphorylation and cyclin D1 expression with BEZ-235 than with rapamycin [27]. The dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor, GDC-0980, has been shown to reduce phosphorylation of Akt in platelet-rich plasma of patients with advanced solid tumors [28]. Results of a preclinical study demonstrated that the selective PI3K inhibitor BKM-120 decreased Akt phosphorylation in human tumor cell lines and blocked VEGF-induced neovascularization in a mouse xenograft model of breast cancer [29]. In addition, these agents did not display feedback Akt activation. Interestingly, in our study, SK-


Sora cells were more sensitive to rapamycin analogs than to parental SK-HEP1 cells, whereas second-generation inhibitors were less potent. In contrast to rapamycin analogs, all second-generation inhibitors were very potent at inhibiting kinases other than mTOR. Inhibition of other kinases may counteract the effects of mTOR inhibition in SK-Sora cells due to inhibition of specific negative feedback loops. In our study, we showed that the activity of secondgeneration of PI3K/mTOR inhibitors was maintained in sunitinib- and sorafenib-resistant models. Furthermore, although the effects on cell signaling may differ from one agent to another, with respect to their specific targets, they were all more potent than everolimus (as a reference drug) at inhibiting S6, 4EBP1, and Akt in resistant models. These second-generation agents, AZD8055, BEZ-235, GDC-0980, and BKM-120, are currently in clinical development and demonstrating promising efficacy in a variety of tumor types [18, 25]. Thus, our data may provide insight into the use of PI3K/mTOR inhibitors in sorafenib- and sunitinib-resistant tumors. Interestingly, as previously published [30–33], combining everolimus, BEZ-235, and BKM-120 with sorafenib or sunitinib in HCC and RCC models displayed additive/ synergistic effects (data not shown). In summary, we have shown that first- and secondgeneration drugs inhibiting the mTOR pathway have antiproliferative effects in parental and sorafenib- or sunitinibresistant HCC and RCC cells. Second-generation agents demonstrated improved anti-proliferative effects over rapamycin analogs and were associated with inhibition of mTORC1 and mTORC2 targets, warranting further development in tumors developing resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Acknowledgments Editorial assistance in the preparation of this manuscript was provided by ApotheCom (Yardley, PA, USA) and was funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. This work was supported by Novartis (COMPTOR project), the Foundation Nelia and Amadeo Barleta (FNAB), and the Association d’Aide a` la Recherche et a` l’Enseignement en Cance´rologie (AAREC). Conflict of interest Eric Raymond and Sandrine Faivre are consultants for Novartis, Pfizer, and Bayer. Khemaies Slimane is a Novartis employee.

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