Benefits changes - Carers Network

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1 Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015 ... about. You can find out more by coming along to one of ou
Did you know that… … the Care Act and the Children and Families Act work together to strengthen the recognition of carers that support children and young people with disabilities? The new legislation entitles carers and the people they care for to an assessment of their needs regardless of their income or the level of social care support they receive. This assessment will identify how the full care and support needs of a disabled child affect their carer and should lead to the provision of a holistic package of support for the child and their family. The local authority are currently developing their systems to deliver these assessments and we will be update you with more details soon. If you need support as a carer of a disabled child, you can contact your child’s social worker or the Disabled Children’s Team on 020 8753 3321. Parents Active also offer support through their Parents Forum, which meets on Tuesdays (term time only), 10am – 12pm, at the Masbro Brook Green Family Centre, W6 7BJ. You can contact them on 020 8748 5168 or email [email protected]

Benefits changes

The Carers Small Grants in Hammersmith & Fulham are still open to applications!

From 6 April a number of national benefits changed – Carers Allowance is one of the benefits that increases each year in line with inflation, as measured by the Consumer Prices Index. So Carers Allowance has now increased from £61.35 to £62.10. The Carer’s Allowance earnings threshold for those in paid work has increased from £102 to £110. This means that a carer working 16 hours a week at the national minimum wage will now have earnings below the threshold. So some carers will be able to claim both Carers’ Allowance and meet the requirement to be in full time work for Working Tax Credits

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Spring/Summer Edition 2015


Our offices are open: 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday

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Phone: 020 7386 9417 

Registered charity No. 1097723  Company No. 4712756


1  Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015

Latest news

YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED the Care Act for carers in Hammersmith & Fulham

On 1st April the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham made some changes to local services for carers to be in line with the new Care Act. Below Carers Network sets out the basic changes you need to know about. You can find out more by coming along to one of our peer support groups or visiting our website: Q  What is the Care Act? The Care Act replaces most law regarding carers and people being cared for. It outlines the way local authorities should carry out Carer’s Assessments; how local authorities should determine who is eligible for support; and how local authorities should charge for both residential care and community care. Q  Do carers have any new rights? Yes. From April 2015 all carers are entitled to a Carer’s Assessment where you appear to have needs. This is different to the previous situation where carers had to show you provide ‘regular and substantial’ care before you were entitled to a Carer’s Assessment. Q  Have Carers Assessments changed? Yes. Carer’s assessments have changed to be more focused on the outcome you want to achieve as a carer. The assessment looks at your overall needs and how caring has an impact on all areas of your life. The assessment includes a support plan in which you identify the areas where you want to take action or get support. Q  Who will carry out my Carers Assessment? The assessment can be completed either with your local authority or with Carers Network. If the person you care for is already known to social services and has a care plan you should ask the local authority to complete a Carers Assessment 0845 313 3935 otherwise please contact Carers Network to book an appointment for an assessment on 020 7386 9417. If you aren’t sure who you should approach, please call Carers Network and we will be able to advise you. Q  Will I have to pay for services provided to me as a carer? London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham do not currently charge carers for services. Local authorities now have the option of charging for any services provided to carers. However most local authorities don’t charge carers for services, including services which give them a break from caring. They recognise that charging carers for services is not in the interest of carers, the disabled person or the local authority. Q  How can I feed back or find out more on the changes in the Care Act? Carers Network will continue to be involved in refining and improving Carers Assessments and processes so please let us know your experience of the changes by writing to us or emailing us or by joining your local carers forum (contact Carers Network for details). You can feed back direct to the local authority 0845 313 3935. You can also find out more detailed information on the excellent People First website: money-and-legal/care-act-2014

Have your say Hammersmith & Fulham Carers Forum is your opportunity to have your say on the issues and to feed into our events and our newsletter. Contact our Hammersmith office for more details.

Hammersmith & Fulham Carers Forum A new formal group to enable carers to have a stronger voice and influence local systems, supported by Carers Network. This group will aim to help you: • Have your say on local issues for Carers • Inform the Tri- Borough Carers Partnership Board • Help Carers Network plan future events and activities

Next meeting will be held on 24 July 2015, 1pm-3pm. Bishop Creighton House, Lillie Road, London, SW6 7PH Please ring to register your interest on: 020 7386 9417

Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015 2

Latest news and services for carers

You said, we did

Over the past four months Carers Network has run a series of social and information events for carers: Carers Rights Day, two Christmas parties and a Care Act event. We asked for your feedback on each of these events and we will use this to improve future events for carers in the borough. Here’s what you told us about these events and the actions we plan to take:

You said

We did

We had a great turn out of carers for Carers Rights Day and you told us you found the information useful. Some of you asked for a larger venue next time because of the noise and for us to make the times of talks clearly visible.

So at the H&F Care Act event in March we provided timed agendas for everyone. We will book our venues for Carers Rights Day earlier this year to ensure we have more space.

You told us you really enjoyed the food and atmosphere of the Christmas party. There were many compliments about the organisation and running of the event. You suggested some future activities: more trips out of London. Feedback from the Cumberland members’ party was excellent but many of you told us you did not like the ticket-draw as you wanted to attend with someone you knew.

So, we will not use the ticket-draw this year. We will fundraise to provide a Christmas party again this year, and will try to provide hot food if we raise enough money! We ran a trip to Bath in late January and plan to run another seaside trip in the summer.

You told us that that speakers and workshop leaders at the Care Act event (facilitated on behalf of H&F Council) needed to avoid being drawn into discussions of one person’s personal issues. You asked speakers to give ‘less waffle’ and more specific facts. You also asked for more time for discussion of issues.

So, we will provide chairs for each session in future to keep discussions on track. We are introducing the H&F Forum so carers have somewhere to discuss issues in more detail. We have fed back comments to speakers.

Mental Health Carers Support Group Breakfast Meetings

Carers Coffee Mornings now provided by HF Mencap For Carers of Adults with Learning Disabilities Please come along and meet other Carers at our Carers Coffee Mornings to share any issues / concerns and find out information relevant to you from Professionals and Parent/Carers. Where: HF Mencap, 65 Aspenlea Road, London, W6 8LH Time: 11 am to 1 pm (unless otherwise advised) When: Once a month on a Tuesday Next dates: 9 June, 7 July, 8 September, 6 October, 3 November, 8 December. 2016 dates: 12 January, 2 February, 1 March. For more information please contact: Valerie Brown on 020 8748 5168 [email protected]

Please note: The sessions at Bishop Creighton House are no longer running. The new support groups will be provided by Mind, The new group will take place on 3rd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 62 Blythe Road, London W14 0HB from 10am–12pm. • This group is open to anyone who cares for someone with a mental health problem living in the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham • The 3rd Tuesday’s meeting focuses on carers wellbeing • The 4th Tuesdays meeting focuses on education/ information from guest speakers such as pharmacists, psychiatrist, psychologists, psychotherapists, approved mental health practitioners, GPs and more • The group welcomes newcomers! • Or just turn up! Contact Nicole Rice for more information: 020 7471 0588 [email protected]

3  Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015

Latest news and events for carers

100th birthday

Marian Luke will be celebrating her 100th birthday on 4 June 2015–Marian Luke was born in Freetown Republic of Sierra Leone, West Africa where she attended Freetown Secondary School for girls. Marian worked in tapestry; ladies bags, hats and many school wares. Until September 2015 Marian attended the Nubian Life and Blind Aid Clubs, and despite being totally blind; Marian enjoyed her clubs. By Ivy Gray, Marians daughter and carer for the many years. Carers Network would like to send their birthday wishes to Marion for 4 June, and a thanks to Ivy who suggested we include this article in the newsletter.

Mr Kishin Navani (carer) and June Mascoll at last years Christmas party 2014 Most guests had a caracuture of themselves drawn during the festivities, staff included!

Goodbye Cecilia, welcome June

After four years working for Carers Network Cecilia Faduola is moving on. We want to say a big thank you to Cecilia for all her hard work on overseeing our events, our newsletters and Carers Week. June Mascoll will take over from Cecilia as our Communications and Engagement Officer. Many of you will have met June over the past year as she has been covering Cecilia’s maternity leave.

Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015 4

News & services for Hammersmith & Fulham carers

Carers Week Programme for Hammersmith carers

Carers Network is pleased to bring to you an exciting range of free activities and events to celebrate Carers Week. Take a look at what’s on offer for the week and contact us to reserve your place.

About Carers Network Carers Network was founded in 1991, and now helps more than 4,000 people in London who are providing unpaid care. Unlike employed care workers/assistants, the carers we support are unpaid and in many cases managing the demands of employment in addition to their caring responsibilities at home. We work within the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and Westminster; offering carers specialist

advice, information, emotional support, social activities and training and employment opportunities. We provide a tailored service to every carer; supporting them to identify their needs and empowering them to make informed choices for themselves and the person they care for. Our vision is a city where the role of unpaid carers is not just supported, but celebrated. We aim to: • Help carers make informed choices & support them to care

effectively and sustainably • Support carers to maintain a healthy family & social life alongside their caring role • Give carers access to the learning, leisure and employment opportunities they need • Ensure that the physical & emotional health of carers is protected and promoted Carers Network is funded by London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and Westminster to provide carers services.

Monday 8 June

Tuesday 9 June

Wednesday 10 June Thursday 11 June

Friday 12 June

Saturday 13 June

Houses of Parliament Guided Tour & Tea with Andy Slaughter MP Meeting Time: 9am 9.25am - 10.40am Booking Required

Carers Tea Party The Glasshouse Ravenscourt Park W6 0UA Meeting Time: 1.30pm 2pm -4pm Booking Required

Tour of Fulham Palace Gardens Bishop’s Avenue SW6 6EA Meeting Time: 1pm 1.30pm - 2.45pm Booking Required

Boat Trip On The Thames Westminster Pier SW1A 2JH Meeting Time: 10.15am Cruise Departs 11am Booking Required

Fun Day & Carers Stalls Old Oak Community Centre 76 Braybrook Road W12 0AP Time:TBC

Health & Information Day 65 Aspenlea Road Hammersmith W6 8LH 11am - 2pm Booking Required

Bookable activities operate on a first come first served basis and are only open to carers. Once registered, you will receive an email or letter in the post with details about each activity or event, including, maps, meeting times and ways to get there. A Carers Network member of staff will accompany you on all trips & tours. To reserve you place, please call Carers Network on 020 8960 3033 or email: [email protected]

Summer outing to Brighton (by popular demand) Wednesday 8th July. Please call 020 8960 3033 to book a space on the coach! Once all bookings have been taken, full details will be sent out to you before trip. So, once you’ve booked yourself on, just save the date! But please do let us know asap if you need to cancel at any time so that we can offer your place to someone else. Please note: Priority will be given to those who did not go on the Brighton trip last year, and we will be asking for a £5 deposit to secure your place.

Get involved… I’d like to invite any carers who are interested in helping out with ideas for our newsletter and events to get in touch with me. I would welcome your input so please send me an email at: [email protected] or give me a call on: 020 8960 3033 if you’re interested. Also, if you would like to help run the stall at the Old Oak Community Centre Fun Day on Saturday 13 June (time tbc), then please do let me know.

5  Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015

Hammersmith and Fulham Carers Network Support Group and Drop-in Calendar May 2015 ACTIVITY Carer advice Drop-in Learning Disability Carers Coffee Morning Carer Support Group

Carer Support Group Autism Carers Support Group–in partnership with NAS West London Carer Support Group Carer Advice Drop-in Carer Advice Drop-in

DATES & TIMES Every Tuesday 2:30pm–3pm 20 May 11:30am–1:30pm Every Wednesday 10:30am–12:30pm Support Worker 20 May 28 May 10am–12pm 29 May 11:30am–1:30pm Every Wednesday 2pm–4pm Every Thursday 3:30pm–4pm Every Friday 11am–11:45am

LOCATION Grove Neighbourhood

DATES & TIMES 1 & 15 June 3:30pm–5pm 2 June 11am–1pm 4 & 18 June 10am–12pm Every Tuesday 2:30pm–3pm Every Wednesday 10:30am–12:30pm Support Worker 3 & 17 June Every Wednesday 2pm–4pm Every Thursday 3:30pm–4pm Every Friday Friday 5 June cancelled 11am–11:45am 26 June 11:30am–13:30pm

LOCATION St Matthew’s Church

DATES & TIMES 6 & 20 July 3:30pm–5pm 31 July 11:30am–13:30pm

LOCATION St Matthew’s Church

Bishop Creighton House Percy Barton

The Bush Theatre Westbourne Grove Church Lala Brasserie Avonmore Library Bishop Creighton House

June 2015 ACTIVITY Carer Support Group Ex Carers Support Group Carer Support Group Carer Advice Drop-in Carer Support Group

Carer Support Group Carer Advice Drop-in Carer Advice Drop-in Autism Carers Support Group–in partnership with NAS West London

Bishop Creighton House The Bush Theatre Grove Neighbourhood Centre Percy Barton

Lala Brasserie Avonmore Library Bishop Creighton House Westbourne Grove Church–Small Hall

July 2015 ACTIVITY Carer Support Group Autism Carers Support Group–in partnership with NAS West London

Westbourne Grove Church–Main Hall

Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015 6

July 2015 ACTIVITY Carer Advice Drop-in Carer Advice Drop-in

Carer Support Group Carer Advice Drop-in Carer Advice Drop-in Ex Carer Support Group Carer Support Group

DATES & TIMES Every Tuesday 2:30pm–3pm Every Wednesday 10:30am–12:30pm Support Worker 1 & 15 July Every Wednesday 2pm–4pm Every Thursday 3:30pm–4pm Every Friday 11am–11:45am 7 July 11am–1pm 2 & 16 July 10am–12pm

LOCATION Grove Neighbourhood Centre

DATES & TIMES 3 & 17 August 3:30pm–5pm 4 August 11am–1pm 6 & 20 August 10am–12pm Every Tuesday 2:30pm–3pm Every Wednesday 2pm–4pm Every Wednesday 10:30am–12:30pm Support Worker 5 & 19 Aug Every Thursday 3:30pm–4pm Every Friday 11am–11:45am 28 August 11:30am–13:30pm

LOCATION St Matthew’s Church

Percy Barton

Lala Brasserie Avonmore Library Bishop Creighton House Bishop Creighton House The Bush Theatre

August 2015 ACTIVITY Carer Support Group Ex Carers Support Group Carer Support Group Carer Advice Drop-in Carer Support Group Carer Support Group

Carer Advice Drop-in Carer Advice Drop-in Autism Carers Support Group–in partnership with NAS West London

PLEASE NOTE: Groups may be affected during Carers Week (8–12 June) So please do check with relevant group or location beforehand. • The Mental Health Carer Support Groups will now be provided by MIND (see page 2 for details) • Carers of Adults with Learning Disabilities Groups will be solely provided by Mencap, (see page 2 for details).

Bishop Creighton House The Bush Theatre Grove Neighbourhood Lala Brasserie Percy Barton

Avonmore Library Bishop Creighton House Westbourne Grove Church– Main Hall

*Groups will also not be running on Bank Holidays: 25 May & 31 August Venues: St Matthew’s Church, Wandsworth Bridge Road, Fulham, SW6 2TZ Grove Neighbourhood Centre, 7 Bradmore Park Road, W6 0DT Bishop Creighton House, 374–380 Lillie Road, SW6 7PH Percy Barton House, 33-35 Dawes Road, Fulham, SW6 7DT Lala Brasserie, 1 Blacks Road, Hammersmith, W6 9DT Avonmore Library, North End Crescent, W14 8TG The Bush Theatre, The Library Room, 7 Uxbridge Road, W12 8JL Westbourne Grove Church, Westbourne Grove, W11 2RW

7  Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015

News & services for Hammersmith & Fulham carers

NHS COMPLAINTS ADVOCACY Do you have a complaint about the NHS? Independent Free Advocacy NHS Complaints Advocates can help if you or someone you know has not had the care or treatment you expect to receive from your NHS services and you want to complain. An NHS complaint might include We are open Monday to Friday 9-5pm something that happened during care Textphone: 07860 022 939 or treatment provided by: NHS Complaints Advocacy • a hospital • VoiceAbifify, Mount Pleasant House, • your General Practitioner (GP) Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, • a dentist CBS ORN • a pharmacist • Helpline: 0300 330 5454 • an optician • [email protected] • an NHS funded care home

Children with Disabilities Teams The Children with Disabilities Teams work with children who have severe and permanent disabilities and/ or health conditions, by supporting families who may require additional help to meet their children's needs. For further information, please call: 020 8753 3321

Healthwatch Volunteering opportunities Healthwatch is always looking for volunteers to come onboard and help to make a difference to how our health and social care services are delivered in Hammersmith & Fulham. We currently have opportunities in the following areas: • Communications - Helps us with our website • Research - Help us gather information. • Dignity Champions – Help us carry out assessments of local health and care services.

• Outreach support Member – Help us promote our work at local events. • Patient Participant Group – Help your local GP practice. • Authorised Representatives – Help us shape our health and care services by attending committee meetings. If you would like to have an informal chat about any of the positions advertised above please feel free to contact Healthwatch on 020 8968 7049 or 0800 008 7455

Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015 8

News & services for Hammersmith & Fulham carers

Tri Borough Health Trainer Service Do you need support to look after your own health while caring for someone else? The London Health Trainer Service comprises of two valuable roles, Health Checkers and Health Trainers. Health Checkers carry out FREE NHS Health Checks for those aged 40 to 74, living in Hammersmith & Fulham who have not been diagnosed with a cardiovascular disease and have not had an NHS Health Check in the last 5 years. Health Trainers provide FREE one-to-one support, motivation and guidance to anyone over the age of 18 living in the Tri-Borough who want to help to improve their overall health and well-being. They can support you to eat more healthily, lose weight, increase physical activity, stop smoking and reduce your stress levels. To find out more about how a Health Trainer could help support you and to see if you are eligible for a FREE NHS Health Check: Call: 020 7371 5548 (option 3) or visit:

Would you like an opportunity to do some gardening? Hammersmith Community Garden’s Grow Well Project could be for you On Tuesdays, from 28th April – 14th July 2015 we will be running gardening volunteering programmes based at the glasshouses in Ravenscourt Park Grow Well includes: • Regular voluntary gardening sessions for adults • Fun, seasonal and varied activities throughout the year • Enjoyable trips and celebration events • Introduction to variety of local gardening sites • Support and guidance based on personal aims • Information on further volunteering opportunities Grow Well for Carers (Tuesdays 1pm–3pm) Our programme for carers runs for 12 weeks and includes a wide range of gardening related activities. The relaxed sessions allow carers to take a break from their caring responsibilities as well as to learn new skills and try new activities. Further opportunities to get involved are also available. Please contact Zoe on 07817 077 740 or [email protected] projects/grow-well/

9  Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015

News & services for Hammersmith & Fulham carers

Whether you want help or advice to sort out an issue in your life, or want to find new things to do, there are plenty of options in your local area. But it’s not always obvious how to find out more. The Care Act, which came into effect on 1st April 2015, makes it a duty for councils to provide better information and advice to local residents and to support them to lead healthy, active, independent lives.

The People First website aims to give you the information you need. Whether you need support in your home, want details of local accessible transport options, or want to take up yoga or learn French, it’s all on People First. The website is colourful and easy to use and aimed at adult residents in Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea and their carers, treating them as the experts on their own lives. It has three main sections – jargon-free easy to read information, a list of

agencies and organisations that can help residents, and a comprehensive list of local events and activities for everybody, whatever their interests. Although the website is funded by three local councils’ adult social care departments, it doesn’t look or feel like a council website. It’s a single point of reference for a wealth of ideas, information and things to do. Have a look at the website now at and please do feedback any comments, ideas or suggestions via the feedback buttons.

Mental Health Carers – influence your local NHS Trust Collaborative West Londons Forum is for all service users, patients, staff, friends and family of West London Mental Health Trust! They want to make a real difference to how patients experience the service and to hold the trust to account. They welcome mavericks, dreamers, planners, strategic thinkers, people with great ideas, complainants, the disenchanted, activists and all staff - anyone who is passionate and believes that dedicated people CAN and WILL make a difference. Just turn up!!

July 28

St Andrews Church, Mount Park Road, Ealing W5 2RS August 25 St Paul’s Church, Queen Caroline Street Hammersmith, W6 9PJ Time: 10am – 12.30pm Contact: jane@westlondoncollaborative

Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015 10

News & services for Hammersmith & Fulham carers

Homeshare Homeshare matches people who need an extra helping hand at home, with people looking for accommodation and willing to help. • Receive 40 hours support a month with house chores: cooking, shopping, hoovering, laundry, cleaning, gardening, etc. • Live-in support • Companionship & friendship • People helping people • Only £130.00 per month Visit:

Alzheimer’s Society Carers Support Group in Hammersmith and Fulham If you care for someone with dementia, and would like to talk about your experiences with others in a similar situation to you, come along to our peer support group. About your local peer support group Our carers support group meets every other Thursday at Alzheimer’s Society, 49 Queen Caroline Street W6 9QH from 10.30am–12pm. If you would like to know more, please contact our office on 020 8563 0001 or email: [email protected]

11 Network News Hammersmith & Fulham Spring/Summer 2015


Out of hours Carers can contact the council’s Care Management Team for any emergencies with the person they care for on: 020 8748 8588 Carers UK National Advice Line open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm 0808 808 7777 Please help us keep in touch With news and opportunites, by letting us know your mobile number and email address: 020 8960 3033 or [email protected] Let us know what you think? If you have a complaint, a compliment or any other feedback please write to us at our address or email [email protected] A full copy of our complaints policy and our customer service statement are available on our website or by post on request.