Bengali 1102 Elementary Bengali II. Spring 2014 Syllabus. Course website: http:/
/ Class Hours: MW ...
Bengali 1102
Elementary Bengali II
Spring 2014 Syllabus
Course website: Class Hours: MW - 11:15-12:05 pm and TR 10:10-11:25 am Class Room: 184 Rockefeller Hall Instructor: Sreemati Mukherjee, email:
phone: (607) 255-0718
Texts: • Bengali Reading Packet printed by the Campus Book Store • Bengali Dictionary and Phrase Book by Hanne-Ruth Thompson, ISBN: 978-0-78181252-8, pub. Hippocrene Books, Inc. Course Objectives This course is designed for students who want an effective, comprehensive approach to learning Bengali that will enable them to make good progress in all four language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. At the completion of this second semester of the two semester course, students will be able to converse and interact in informal and formal situations, discuss and develop ideas on some cultural themes, give and receive directions and read and write simple text. Course Audience This course is designed for beginners who want an introduction to Bengali focusing on extensive use of the spoken language. Missing class You may be excused from a class for major religious holidays if you inform me in advance with a written note and your weekly grade can be made up. *Students having legitimate need to miss a quiz or test may make it up if their absence is made known and approved in advance of the absence. University Policy: Together with all the members of this Department, we respect and uphold University policies and regulations pertaining to racial or ethnic discrimination, sexual harassment, assistance available to handicapped, visually and/or hearing impaired students, the observance of religious holidays, and plagiarism. All students are advised to become familiar with the respective University regulations and are encouraged to bring any questions or concerns to our attention.
Academic Integrity A student’s submission of work for academic credit indicates that the work is the student’s own. All outside assistance should be acknowledged, and the student’s academic position truthfully reported at all times.
Bengali 1102
Elementary Bengali II
Spring 2014 Syllabus
Grading: There is no traditional sit-down final examination. There is no test. There are regular weekly assessments and there is a Midterm Assessment during the middle of the semester and a Final culminating end-of-semester Assessment in lieu of traditional examinations. * If one class attendance is missed in the week, or homework not handed in on time - that week’s grade will be forfeited. Unless otherwise told in class, homework has to be handed in and uploaded on line by Monday 9:00 am * two weeks – the weeks of Midterm assessment and Final assessment – do not have weekly grades
1. 7 WAL exercises (7x8) = 56 2. 12 weeks of class participation and home assignments (12x8) = 96 3. Mid semester assessment = 89 Oral (Reading, Narrating, responding to real-life situations, etc.) and Written 4. Final assessment =89 Oral (Reading, Narrating, responding to real-life situations, etc.) and Written Total = 330 Letter Grade:
A = 282-330 A- = 275-281
B+ = 262-274 B = 227-261 B- = 216-226
C+ = 204-215 C = 170-203 C- = 160-169
D+ = 150-159 D = 112 -149
Bengali 1102
Elementary Bengali II
Spring 2014 Syllabus
Note: In class you will be given the id and password to enter the course page and the discussion page web sites. 1. For WAL home assignments listen to the Bengali WAL lesson at (this does not work on the Firefox browser only) and record your work. You can do this on the LRC computers at the LRC Lab. This works best. But if you wish, you can do it on your personal computer. But before recording on your personal computer check your mike and make sure that the sound is clear. If the audio work is not clear you will not get marks for the exercise. 2. Record your oral homework on the software program “Audacity”, save it as mp3 file and upload it on the DISCUSSION PAGE of your course web site. You can download Audacity to your computer. It is free. 1.
Download Audacity at There are both Mac and PC compatible programs on this website
Open Audacity and record your answers by pressing the record button
3. 4.
You may pause
, replay
, or cut
parts of your recording as you see fit
When you are satisfied with your recording, press File and click on Export as MP3 or WAV
5. Save it in your desired folder and then upload this .WAV file or MP3 onto the Discussion Page
Bengali 1102
Elementary Bengali II
Spring 2014 Syllabus
This syllabus is flexible and changes may be made to tailor to the class’s progress Week 0 - Jan 22-23 Short week
Week 1 - Jan 27-30
Week 2 - Feb 3-6
1. Revision: Alphabets (sound) and Bengali বণর্মালা 2. Weather 3. Months and Seasons
Contd. 1. Alphabets (sound) and Bengali বণর্মালা 2. Weather 3. Months and Seasons Reading : রিববার িবেকেল, িচিড়়য়াখানা, কলকাতার কথা Reading & Writing : রিববার িবেকেল, িচিড়়য়াখানা, কলকাতার কথা Verb Tenses
WAL: 1 (alphabets), 2 (বণর্মালা), 19 (weather), 14 (months and seasons) WAL: 1 (alphabets), 2 (বণর্মালা), 19 (weather), 14 (months and seasons)
Verb Tenses Role Plays: Reading & Writing : নতু ন বািড়র েছেল
Role play situations are on the course page.
Festivals and Food
WAL: 10 (festivals), 12 (food)
Week 6 - Mar 3-6
Verb Tenses Role Plays: Reading & Writing : নতু ন বািড়র েছেল Narration
Role play situations are on the course page. Video clips for narration
Week 7 - Mar 10-13
Week 3 - Feb 10-13 February Break Feb 14-18 Week 4 - Feb 19-20 Short week
Week 5 - Feb 24-27
Week 8 - Mar 17-20
Week 9 - Mar 24-27
Verb Tenses Role Plays: Reading & Writing : নতু ন বািড়র েছেল
Narration (in the Past, Present, Future): Description:
Flora and Fauna of Bengal
Narration (in the Past, Present, Future): Description: Narration (in the Past, Present, Future): Description: Reading & Writing: টু নটু িন আর নািপেতর কথা আমােদর েছাট নদী
Spring Break Mar 28-Apr 6
Role play situations are on the course page.
WAL: 11 (flora & Fauna)
Bengali 1102
Elementary Bengali II
Week 10 - Apr 7-10
Numbers Telling the time
Reading & Writing: টু নটু িন আর নািপেতর কথা আমােদর েছাট নদী Week 11 - Apr 14-17
Bengali houses Role Plays:
Week 12 - Apr 21-24
Narration (in the Past, Present, Future): Description: Reading & Writing: িনেমর মত েতেতা, ঠাকুমার েছাটেবলা, েবাকা বুেড়া আর চালাক গাধা
Week 13 - Apr 28-May1
Reading & Writing: িনেমর মত েতেতা, ঠাকুমার েছাটেবলা, েবাকা বুেড়া আর চালাক গাধা
Week 14 - May 5-7 Short week
Spring 2014 Syllabus WAL: 15 (numbers)
Bengali 1102
Elementary Bengali II
Spring 2014 Syllabus