22nd LAK 2011, Heidelberg
BENTHIC FORAMINIFERAL BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF NORTHERN SOUTH AMERICA: PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES German PATARROYO-CAMARGO1, Pedro PATARROYO2 & Carlos SANCHEZ2 1: Departamento de Geociencias, Universidad EAFIT, Carrera 49 N.7 sur 50, Avenida Las Vegas, Medellín, Colombia:
[email protected] 2: Departamento de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Carrera. 30 N. 45-03, Bogotá, Colombia:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Benthic foraminifera in the Lower Cretaceous sediments had showed their importance as biostratigraphic tools because their worldwide distribution (e.g. Bettenstadt and Wicher 1955), similar stratigraphic positions (e.g. Bartenstein 1979) and their correlation with other stratigraphic tools (e.g. ammonites). The study of the sediments of Lower Cretaceous age in northern South America had allowed the description of important benthic foraminifera assemblages specifically in Trinidad (e.g. Bartenstein et al. 1957) and eastern Venezuela (Guillaume et al. 1972). However, the thick sedimentary sequences of western Venezuela and Colombia had been systematically discarded to foraminiferal studies, including regional works such as Bolli et al (1994) with few exceptions (e.g. Petters 1954; Rod and Maync 1954). This work illustrates new reports of the benthic foraminifera Epistomina caracolla joined of the ammonite genus Pseudohaploceras, Pedioceras, Nicklesia, Pulchellia and Karsteniceras in several localities in Colombia with an age designation of early Barremian. This new data allow us the discussion of the biostratigraphy based on benthic foraminifera and achieve us to illustrate a “state of art” of these schemes. Some interesting contradictions in the stratigraphic ranges of the foraminifera and the future “work to do” in the area are discussed too. Bartenstein, H. (1979): Worldwide zonation of the Lower Cretaceous using benthonic foraminifera, Newsletters on Stratigrigraphy, 7 (3):142-154. Bartenstein, H., Bettenstaedt, F. and Bolli, H.M. (1957): Die Foraminiferen der Unterkreide von Trinidad, B. W. I. Erster Teil: Cuche und Toco Formation, Eclogae geologicae Helveticae, 50 (1):5-56. Bettenstaedt, F., and Wicher, C.A. (1955): Stratigraphic correlation of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Cretaceous in the Tethys and Boreal by aid of microfossils (Germany), Proceedings Fourth World Petroleum Congress, section 1: 493-516. Bolli, H., Beckmann, J., and Saunders, J. (1994): Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the South Caribbean region. Cambridge University press Guillaume, H. A. Bolli, H. M. and Beckmann, J. P. (1972): Estratigrafía del Cretáceo Inferior en la Serranía del Interior, oriente de Venezuela, Memorias del IV Congreso Geológico Venezolano, vol. III, Boletín Geológico Ministerio de Minas 5: 1619-55. Petters, V. (1954): Typical foraminiferal horizons in the Lower Cretaceous of Colombia, S.A., Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Contributions, 112 (5):128-137. Rod, E. and Maync, W. (1951): Revision of Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of Venezuela, Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologist, 38:123-211.
Bartenstein & Bolli (1976)
Bolli et al (1994)
Trinidad vs NW Germany
Bartenstein (1985)
Serranía del Interior (Eastern Venezuela)
Modified from Guillaume et al (1972) and Bolli et al (1994)
Modified from Bolli et al (1994)
Bolli et al (1994)
Görög & Arnaud-Vanneau (1996)
Modified from Iturralde (2006)
A regional distribution?
Modified from Etayo et al (1976)
Modified from Etayo (1968)
Patarroyo (2000)
Patarroyo-Camargo et al (2009)
Epistomina mosquensis Uhlig (1883) Patarroyo-Camargo et al (2009)
Epistomina caracolla Roemer (1841)
Epistomina caracolla Bartenstein et al (1957)
Reports of Epistomina caracolla
Modified from Bartenstein (1974)
Modified from Patarroyo-Camargo et al (2009)
Modified from Etayo et al (1976) and Bürgl (1960)
Modified from Mercado (1999)
Modified from Etayo et al (1976)
Modified from Iturralde (2006)
Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in northern South America (Patarroyo-Camargo et al., 2009)
Radiolaria Dictyomitra?
Choffatella decipiens
Epistomina caracolla
Ticinella sp. Orbitolina texana
San Isidro-Las Lajitas (Cundinamarca) Villa de Leyva (Boyacá)
Calizas del Guavio Formation
Aglutinated and planktic
Parra 2000
Ritoque Formation
Ballesteros and Nivia 1985
Punta Espada (Guajira)
Lower Yuruma Formation
Bürgl 1960
Tequendama area (Cundinamarca)
Trincheras Formation
Barremian-Early Aptian
Martínez and Vergara 1999
Ataco (Tolima)
Caballos Formation
Planktic and aglutinated
Vergara 1994
Pijao (Quindío)
Quebradagrande Complex
Late Aptian
Arévalo et al. 2001
San Félix (Caldas)
Abejorral Formation
Early Albian
Rodríguez and Rojas 1985
Manizales (Caldas)
Quebradagrande Complex
Middle Albian
Gómez-Cruz et al. 1995
Simití Formation (Colorada Creek) SW
Modified from Pindel Pindell & Kennan (2001), Etayo et al (1976), and Villamil (1999)
Quebradagrande Complex (Chamberí Quarry)
What´s next? • Re-sampling of locations from Maync (1949) and Petters (1954) • Sampling of more Barremian outcrops in Eastern Cordilleran (e.g. Santander) • Sampling of lower Cretaceous outcrops in Central Cordilleran (Quebradagrande Complex) • Sampling of lower Cretaceous outcrops in northern Guajira (Yuruma Group) • High resolution biostratigraphy? (e.g. isotopes)
References •
Trinidad Bartenstein, H. 1976. Foraminiferal zonation of the Lower Cretaceous in North West Germany and Trinidad, West Indies. An attempt, Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie,3:187-192. Bartenstein, H. 1985. Stratigraphic pattern of index foraminifera in the Lower Cretaceous of Trinidad, Newsletter on Stratigraphy, 14:110-117. Bartenstein, H., Bettenstaedt, F. & Bolli, H.M. 1957. Die Foraminiferen der Unterkreide von Trinidad, B. W. I. Erster Teil: Cuche und Toco Formation, Eclogae geologicae Helveticae, 50 (1):556. Bartenstein, H., and Bolli, H. M. 1977. The Foraminifera in the Lower Cretaceous of Trinidad, W.I. Part 4: Cuche Formation, upper part; Leupoldina protuberans Zone, Eclogae geologicae Helveticae, 70 (2):543-573. Bartenstein, H., and Bolli, H. M. 1986. The Foraminifera in the Lower Cretaceous of Trinidad. W.I. Part 5: Maridale Formation, upper part; Hedbergella rohri Zone, Eclogae geologicae Helveticae, 79 (3):945-999. Bolli, H.M. 1959. Planktonic foraminifera as index fossils in Trinidad, West Indies an their value for worldwide stratigraphic correlation. Eclogae geologicae Helveticae, 52 (2):627-637. Bolli, H.M. 1959. Planktonic foraminifera from the Cretaceous of Trinidad. Bull. Am. Paleontol., 39:257-277.
References •
Venezuela Crespo de Cabrera, S., Sliter, W, and Jarvis, I. 1999. Integrated foraminiferal biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy of the Querecual Formation (Cretaceous), Eastern Venezuela, Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 29 (4):487-499. Görög, A. and Arnaud-Vanneau, A. 1996. Lower Cretaceous Orbitolinas from Venezuela, Micropaleontology, 42 (1):65-78. Guillaume, H. A. Bolli, H. M. and Beckmann, J. P. 1972. Estratigrafía del Cretáceo Inferior en la Serranía del Interior, oriente de Venezuela, Memorias del IV Congreso Geológico Venezolano, vol. III, Boletín Geológico Ministerio de Minas 5: 1619-55. Rod, E. and Maync, W. 1951. Revision of Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of Venezuela, Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologist, 38:123-211.
References •
Colombia Arévalo, O.J., Mojica, J., and Patarroyo, P. 2001. Sedimentitas del Aptiano tardío al sur de Pijao, Quebrada La Maizena, Flanco occidental de la Cordillera Central, Departamento de Quindío, Colombia, Geología Colombiana, 26:29-43. Ballesteros, I., and Nivia, A. 1985. La Formación Ritoque: Registro sedimentario de una albufera de comienzos del Cretácico, cp. XIV, p. 1-17. In Etayo-Serna F., and Laverde, F., (eds.), Proyecto Cretácico. Publicación Geológica Especial de Ingeominas, 16. Bürgl, H. 1954. El Cretáceo inferior en los alrededores de Villa de Leyva y zonas próximas, Boletín Geológico, 2 (1):5-22. Bürgl, H. 1960. Geología de la Península de la Guajira, Boletín Geológico, 6 (1-3):129-168. Gómez-Cruz, A., Moreno, M., and Pardo, A. 1995. Edad y origen de Complejo metasedimentario de Aranzazu-Manizales en los alrededores de Manizales (Departamento de Caldas, Colombia), Geología Colombiana, 19:83–93. Parra, M. 2000. Estratigrafía y Petrografía del Cretácico Inferior en el Parque Natural Chingaza y la Cuenca Alta del Rio Guatiquía, Cundinamarca y Meta, Colombia. Unpublished MSc.Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Petters, V. 1954. Typical foraminiferal horizons in the Lower Cretaceous of Colombia, S.A., Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Contributions, 112 (5):128-137. Rodríguez, C., and Rojas, R. 1985. Estratigrafía y tectónica de la serie infracretácica en los alrededores de San Félix, Cordillera Central de Colombia, cp. XXI1–XXI21. In Etayo-Serna F., and Laverde, F., (eds.), Proyecto Cretácico. Publicación Geológica Especial de Ingeominas, 16. Vergara, L. 1994. Stratigraphic, Micropaleontologic and Organic Geochemical relations in the Cretaceous of the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia. Ph.D.Thesis, Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen, Germany.
References •
Caribbean Bartenstein, H. 1974. Lenticulina (Lenticulina) nodosa (Reus 1863) and its subspecies – worldwide index foraminifera in the Lower Cretaceous, Eclogae Geologicae Helveticae, 67 (3):539-562. Bettenstaedt, F., and Wicher, C.A. 1955. Stratigraphic correlation of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Cretaceous in the Tethys and Boreal by aid of microfossils (Germany), Proceedings Fourth World Petroleum Congress, section 1: 493-516. Bolli, H., Beckmann, J., and Saunders, J. 1994. Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the South Caribbean region. Cambridge University press. Maync, W. 1949. The foraminiferal genus Choffatella (Schlumberger) in the Lower Cretaceous (Urgonian) of the Caribbean Region (Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico and Florida), Eclogae geologicae Helveticae, 42 (2):529. Omaña-pulido, L. and Pantoja-Alor, J. 1998. Early Aptian benthic foraminífera from the Cajón Formation, Huetamo, Michoacán, SW México, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 15 (1):64-72. Scott, R.W. 1995. Cretaceous rudists of Guatemala, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 12 (2):294-306.