We use reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces to give the best approximation for Laguerretype Weierstrass transform. Estimates of extremal functions are also discussed. 1. Introduction We consider the partial differential operators D1 and D2 defined on K := [0, ∞[×R, by D1 :=
∂ , ∂t
∂2 2α + 1 ∂ ∂2 + x2 2 , D2 := 2 + ∂x x ∂x ∂t
(1.1) α > 0.
For α = n − 1, n ∈ N\{0}, the operator D2 is the radial part of the sub-Laplacian on the Heisenberg group Hn (see [2, 4]). These operators have gained considerable interest in various fields of mathematics (see [1, 4]). They give rise to generalizations of many two-variable analytic structures like the Laguerre-Fourier transform ᏲL , the Laguerre-convolution product, the dispersion and the Gaussian distributions (see [1, 2, 4]). In this paper, we consider the Laguerre-type Weierstrass transform Lr associated with D1 and D2 :
Lr f (x,t) :=
Er (x,t),(y,s) f (y, −s)dmα (y,s),
where Er , r > 0, is the generalized heat kernel given by Definition 2.8 later on and mα is the measure defined on K by dmα (y,s) :=
1 y 2α+1 d y ds. πΓ(α + 1)
Copyright © 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2005:17 (2005) 2757–2768 DOI: 10.1155/IJMMS.2005.2757
Laguerre-type Weierstrass transform
This integral transform which generalizes the standard Weierstrass transform (see [3, 5, 6]) solves the generalized heat equation
∆L u (x,t),r := D12 − D22 u (x,t),r =
∂ u (x,t),r ∂r
on K×]0, ∞[ with the initial condition u[(x,t),0] = f (x,t) on K, (see Proposition 2.11). Let L2α (K) be the space of square integrable functions on K with respect to the measure mα and let ·, ·2,mα be its inner product. For ν ∈ R, we consider the space Hαν (K) of functions f in L2α (K), such that the function [1 + λ2 (1 + m2 )]ν/2 ᏲL ( f ) is square integrable on Γ = R × N with respect to some measure γα , defined later in Section 2. The space Hαν (K) is a Hilbert space with the inner product
f ,g Hαν :=
1 + λ 2 1 + m2
ᏲL ( f )(λ,m)ᏲL (g)(λ,m)dγα (λ,m).
For µ > 0, by introducing the inner product f ,g µ = f ,g Hαν + Lr f ,Lr g 2,mα ,
we construct the Hilbert space Hµ (K) comprising elements of Hαν (K) . Next, we exhibit explicit reproducing kernels for Hαν (K) and Hµ (K). After that, we provide an explicit solution of the following problem. Given a function g in L2α (K). Let ν > (α + 2)/2 and µ > 0, we prove that the infimum of {µ f 2Hαν + g − Lr f 22,mα , f ∈ Hαν (K)} is attained at some ∗ , which is unique, called the extremal function. We also establish function denoted by fµ,g ∗ , that is, the estimate of the extremal function fµ,g ∗ f − f 2 ν −→ 0 µ,g Hα
as µ −→ 0,
when f ∈ Hαν (K) and g = Lr f . In the classical case [3, 6], the authors obtain analogous results by using the theory of reproducing kernels from the ideas of best approximations. Also the authors illustrated their numerical experiments by using computers. 2. The reproducing kernels We begin this section by recalling some results about harmonic analysis associated with the differential operators D1 and D2 . Next we exhibit the reproducing kernels of some Hilbert spaces associated to these operators. Notations 2.1. We denote the following. (i) K := [0, ∞[×R and Γ := R × N. p (ii) Lα (K), p ∈ [1, ∞], is the space of measurable functions f on K, such that f p,mα :=
f (x,t) p dmα (x,t)
f ∞,mα
1/ p
< ∞, p ∈ [1, ∞[,
:= ess sup f (x,t) < ∞, (x,t)∈K
where mα is the measure given by (1.3).
E. Jebbari and F. Soltani 2759 p
(iii) Lα (Γ), p ∈ [1, ∞], is the space of measurable functions g on Γ, such that g p,γα :=
g(λ,m) p dγα (λ,m)
g ∞,γα
1/ p
< ∞, p ∈ [1, ∞[,
:= ess sup g(λ,m) < ∞,
where γα is the positive measure defined on Γ by Γ
g(λ,m)dγα (λ,m) =
L(α) m (0)
g(λ,m)|λ|α+1 dλ.
Here L(α) m is the Laguerre polynomial of degree m and order α. Proposition 2.2 (see [4, page 135]). (i) The system D1 u = iλu, D2 u = −2|λ|(2m + α + 1)u, ∂u (0,t) = 0, ∂x
u(0,0) = 1,
∀ t ∈ R,
admits a unique solution ϕλ,m (x,t), (λ,m) ∈ Γ, given by
2 L(α) x2 m |λ|x iλt − | λ | , exp ϕλ,m (x,t) = 2 L(α) m (0)
(x,t) ∈ K.
(ii) For all (λ,m) ∈ Γ,
sup ϕλ,m (x,t) = 1.
The function ϕλ,m gives rise to an integral transform, called the Fourier-Laguerre transform on K, which is studied in [2, 4]. Definition 2.3. The Fourier-Laguerre transform ᏲL is defined on L1α (K) by
ᏲL ( f )(λ,m) :=
ϕ−λ,m (x,t) f (x,t)dmα (x,t),
(λ,m) ∈ Γ.
From Proposition 2.2(ii), the integral makes sense. The Fourier-Laguerre transform satisfies the following properties [2, 4]. Theorem 2.4. (i) Plancherel theorem. The Fourier-Laguerre transform ᏲL can be extended to an isometric isomorphism from L2α (K) onto L2α (Γ), denoted also by ᏲL . In particular, Ᏺ L ( f )
= f 2,mα ,
f ∈ L2α (K).
(ii) Inversion formula. Let f be in L1α (K) such that ᏲL ( f ) belongs to L1α (Γ), then
f (x,t) =
ᏲL ( f )(λ,m)ϕλ,m (x,t)dγα (λ,m),
a.e. (x,t) ∈ K.
Laguerre-type Weierstrass transform
Notations 2.5. We denote the following. (i) ᐃ(K) = { f ∈ L1α (K)/ᏲL ( f ) ∈ L1α (Γ)}. (ii) Hαν (K), ν ∈ R, is the space
Hαν (K) := f ∈ L2α (K)/ 1 + λ2 1 + m2
ᏲL ( f ) ∈ L2α (Γ) .
ᏲL ( f )(λ,m)ᏲL (g)(λ,m)dγα (λ,m)
The space Hαν (K) provided with the inner product f ,g Hαν :=
1 + λ 2 1 + m2
and the norm f 2Hαν = f , f Hαν is a Hilbert space. Proposition 2.6. For ν > (α + 2)/2, the Hilbert space Hαν (K) admits the reproducing kernel
α (x,t),(y,s) =
ϕλ,m (x,t)ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν dγα (λ,m), 1 + λ 2 1 + m2 Γ
that is, (i) for every (y,s) ∈ K, the function (x,t) → α [(x,t),(y,s)] ∈ Hαν (K); (ii) for every f ∈ Hαν (K) and (y,s) ∈ K,
f ,α ·,(y,s)
= f (y,s).
Proof. (i) Let (y,s) ∈ K. Since from Proposition 2.2(ii), the function (λ,m) −→
ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
belongs to L2α (Γ) for ν > (α + 2)/2, then from Theorem 2.4(i), there exists a function in L2α (K), which we denote by α [·,(y,s)], such that ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν . ᏲL α ·,(y,s) (λ,m) = 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
Let ΓN := [−N,N] × {0,1,...,N }. Then we have α ·,(y,s) = lim
N →∞ ΓN
ϕλ,m (·)ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν dγα (λ,m), 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
in the L2α (K) sense. So there exists a subsequence (N p ) p∈N , such that
α (x,t),(y,s) = lim
p→∞ ΓN p
ϕλ,m (x,t)ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν dγα (λ,m), 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
a.e. (x,t) ∈ K.
E. Jebbari and F. Soltani 2761 Let ϕλ,m (x,t)ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν 1ΓN p , gN p (λ,m) := 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
(λ,m) ∈ Γ.
Since ϕλ,m (x,t)ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν 1Γ lim gN p (λ,m) = 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
and from Proposition 2.2(ii),
gN (λ,m) ≤ p
1 + λ2
1 ν . 1 + m2
Then from the dominated convergence theorem, α [(x,t),(y,s)] is given by
α (x,t),(y,s) =
ϕλ,m (x,t)ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν dγα (λ,m). 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
(ii) Let f ∈ ᐃ(K) ∩ Hαν (K) and (y,s) ∈ K. From (2.11) and (2.15) and Theorem 2.4(ii), we have
f ,α ·,(y,s)
ᏲL ( f )(λ,m)ϕλ,m (y,s)dγα (λ,m) = f (y,s).
The assertion (ii) follows by the density of ᐃ(K) in L2α (K).
Definition 2.7. Let α ≥ 0. α , (x,t) ∈ K, for f ∈ L1α (K), by the (i) Define the Laguerre translation operators T(x,t) following. (a) If α = 0, α ( f )(y,s) := T(x,t)
1 2π
2π 0
f ∆1 (x, y,θ),s + t + xy sinθ dθ.
(b) If α > 0, α ( f )(y,s) := T(x,t)
α π
2π 1 0
f ∆r (x, y,θ),s + t + xyr sinθ r 1 − r 2
dr dθ.
Here and in what follows, ∆r (x, y,θ) = (x2 + y 2 + 2xyr cosθ)1/2 . (ii) The Laguerre convolution product ∗L of two functions f ,g ∈ L1α (K) is defined by
f ∗L g(x,t) :=
α T(x,t) ( f )(y,s)g(y, −s)dmα (y,s),
(x,t) ∈ K.
Laguerre-type Weierstrass transform
Definition 2.8. Let r > 0. Define
Ᏹr (x,t) :=
exp − rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ϕλ,m (x,t)dγα (λ,m).
The generalized heat kernel Er is given by
α Er (x,t),(y,s) := T(x,t) Ᏹr (y,s);
(x,t),(y,s) ∈ K.
Proposition 2.9. Let (x,t),(y,s) ∈ K, and r > 0. Then, the following exist. (i) The function Ᏹr solves the generalized heat equation ∆L Ᏹr =
∂ Ᏹr , ∂r
where ∆L is the operator given by (1.4). 2 2 (ii) Ᏺ L (Er [(x,t), ·])(λ,m) = exp(−rλ [1 + 4(2m + α + 1) ])ϕλ,m (x,t). (iii) K Er [(x,t),(y,s)]dmα (x,t) = 1. (iv) For fixed (y,s) ∈ K, the function u[(x,t),r] := Er [(x,t),(y,s)] solves the generalized heat equation:
∆L u (x,t),r =
∂ u (x,t),r . ∂r
Proof. The assertion (i) follows from Definition 2.8 and Proposition 2.2(i) by applying derivation theorem under the integral sign. (ii), (iii), and (iv) will be easily proved. Definition 2.10. The Laguerre-type Weierstrass transform is the integral operator given for f ∈ L2α (K) by
Lr f (x,t) := Ᏹr ∗L f (x,t) =
Er (x,t),(y,s) f (y, −s)dmα (y,s).
Proposition 2.11. (i) The integral transform Lr , r > 0, solves the generalized heat equation
∆L u (x,t),r =
∂ u (x,t),r , ∂r
on K×]0, ∞[ with the initial condition u[(x,t),0] = f (x,t) on K. (ii) The integral transform Lr , r > 0, is a bounded linear operator from Hαν (K), ν > (α + 2)/2, into L2α (K), and L r f
≤ cα (r) f Hαν ,
cα (r) :=
exp − rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 dγα (λ,m).
E. Jebbari and F. Soltani 2763 Proof. (i) This assertion follows from Definition 2.10 and Proposition 2.9(iv). (ii) Let f ∈ Hαν (K). Applying H¨older’s inequality, we get L r f
≤ Er (x,t), · ∞,mα f 2,mα .
From Theorem 2.4(ii) and Proposition 2.2(ii), we obtain
Er (x,t), ·
exp − rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 dγα (λ,m) := cα (r).
On the other hand, from Theorem 2.4(i), we see that f 2,mα ≤ f Hαν . which proves (ii). Definition 2.12. Let µ > 0. Define the Hilbert space Hµ (K) = Hµ,ν (K) with the norm square 2 f 2Hµ := µ f 2Hαν + Lr f 2,mα .
Proposition 2.13. For ν > (α + 2)/2, the Hilbert space Hµ (K) admits the following reproducing kernel:
Kµ (x,t),(y,s) =
1 + λ2
ϕλ,m (x,t)ϕ−λ,m (y,s)dγα (λ,m) ν . 1 + m2 + exp − 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2
Proof. (i) Let (y,s) ∈ K. In the same way as in the proof of Proposition 2.6(i), we can prove that the function (x,t) → Kµ [(x,t),(y,s)] belongs to L2α (K) and we have ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν . ᏲL Kµ ·,(y,s) (λ,m) = 2 2 µ 1+λ 1+m + exp − 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 (2.38)
On the other hand, since for (λ,m) ∈ Γ,
ᏲL Lr Kµ ·,(y,s)
= exp − rλ 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ᏲL Lr Kµ ·,(y,s) (λ,m), 2
then from Theorem 2.4(i), we obtain Lr Kµ ·,(y,s) 2 2,mα
2 = exp − 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ᏲL Kµ ·,(y,s) (λ,m) dγα (λ,m) Γ exp − 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 1 ν ≤ 2 dγα (λ,m) < ∞.
1 + λ 2 1 + m2
(2.40) Therefore, we conclude that Kµ [·,(y,s)]2Hµ < ∞.
Laguerre-type Weierstrass transform
(ii) Let f ∈ ᐃ ∩ Hµ (K) and (y,s) ∈ K. Then
f ,Kµ ·,(y,s)
= µI1 + I2 ,
I1 = f ,Kµ ·,(y,s)
I2 = Lr f ,Lr Kµ ·,(y,s)
Hαν ,
2,mα .
From (2.38), we have
1 + λ2 1 + m2 ᏲL ( f )(λ,m)ϕλ,m (y,s)dγα (λ,m) ν . I1 = + exp − 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 Γ µ 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
From (2.39), (2.38), and Theorem 2.4(i), we have
exp − 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ᏲL ( f )(λ,m)ϕλ,m (y,s)dγα (λ,m) ν I2 = . µ 1 + λ2 1 + m2 + exp − 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 Γ
The relation (2.41) and Theorem 2.4(ii) imply that
f ,Kµ ·,(y,s)
= f (y,s).
The assertion (ii) follows also from the density of ᐃ(K) in L2α (K).
3. Extremal function for Laguerre-type Weierstrass transform In this section, we prove for a given function g ∈ L2α (K) that the infimum of {µ f 2Hαν + ∗ g − Lr f 22,mα , f ∈ Hαν (K)} is attained at some function denoted by fµ,g , which is unique, called the extremal function. We start with the following fundamental theorem (see [3, 6, 7]). Theorem 3.1. Let HK be a Hilbert space admitting the reproducing kernel K(p, q) on a set E and H a Hilbert space. Let L : HK → H be a bounded linear operator on HK into H. For µ > 0, introduce the inner product in HK and call it HKµ as
f1 , f2
= µ f1 , f2 HK + L f1 ,L f2 H .
Then, the following hold. (i) HKµ is the Hilbert space with the reproducing kernel Kµ (p, q) on E and satisfying the equation
K(·, q) = µI + L∗ L Kµ (·, q),
where L∗ is the adjoint operator of L : HK → H. (ii) For any µ > 0 and for any g ∈ H, the infimum inf
f ∈HK
µ f 2HK + L f − g 2H
E. Jebbari and F. Soltani 2765 ∗ ∈ HK and this extremal function is given by is attained by a unique function fµ,g
∗ (p) = g,LKµ (·, p) fµ,g
The main result of this paragraph can be stated now. Theorem 3.2. Let ν > (α + 2)/2. For any g ∈ L2α (K) and for any µ > 0, the infimum
inf ν µ f 2Hαν + g − Lr f 2,mα
f ∈Hα
∗ ∗ = fµ,ν,g and this extremal function is given by is attained by a unique function fµ,g ∗ fµ,g (x,t) =
g(y,s)Qµ (x,t),(y,s) dmα (y,s),
Qµ (x,t),(y,s) = Qµ,ν (x,t),(y,s)
exp − rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ϕλ,m (x,t)ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν dγα (λ,m). = + exp − 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 Γ µ 1 + λ 2 1 + m2 (3.7) Proof. By Proposition 2.13 and Theorem 3.1(ii), the infimum given by (3.5) is attained ∗ ∗ by a unique function fµ,g , and from (3.4), the extremal function fµ,g is represented by
∗ (y,s) = g,Lr Kµ ·,(y,s) fµ,g
2,mα ,
(y,s) ∈ K,
where Kµ is the kernel given by Proposition 2.13. Since for (x,t) ∈ K,
Lr f (x,t) =
exp − rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ᏲL ( f )(λ,m)ϕλ,m (x,t)dγα (λ,m),
and by (2.38), we obtain
Lr Kµ ·,(y,s) (x,t)
exp − rλ2 [1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ϕλ,m (x,t)ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν dγα (λ,m) = + exp − 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 Γ µ 1 + λ 2 1 + m2 = Qµ (x,t),(y,s) .
This gives (3.6).
∗ Corollary 3.3. Let ν > (α + 2)/2. The extremal function fµ,g in (3.6) can be estimated as follows:
∗ 2 f
µ,g 2,mα
Mα 4µNα
2 +s2 )
g(y,s) 2 dmα (y,s),
Laguerre-type Weierstrass transform
Mα =
−(y 2 +s2 )
dγα (λ,m) ν Γ 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
Nα =
dmα (y,s),
Proof. Applying H¨older’s inequality to relation (3.6), we obtain
f (x,t) 2 ≤ Mα
2 +s2 )
g(y,s) 2 Qµ (x,t),(y,s) 2 dmα (y,s).
Thus, and from Fubini-Tonnelli theorem, we get ∗ 2 f
µ,g 2,mα
≤ Mα
2 +s2 )
g(y,s) 2 Qµ ·,(y,s) 2
2,mα dmα (y,s).
On the other hand from Theorem 2.4(i), we have
Qµ ·,(y,s) 2
ᏲL Qµ ·,(y,s) (λ,m) 2 dγα (λ,m).
But for (λ,m) ∈ Γ, we have
exp rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ϕ−λ,m (y,s) ν . ᏲL Qµ ·,(y,s) (λ,m) = 1 + µ 1 + λ2 1 + m2 exp 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 (3.16) Then the inequality (x + y)2 ≥ 4xy yields Qµ ·,(y,s) 2
1 4µ
1 ν dγα (λ,m). 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
From this inequality and (3.14), we deduce the result. Corollary 3.4. Let ν > (α + 2)/2, δ > 0 and g,gδ ∈ L2α (K) such that g − g δ
≤ δ.
Then, ∗ δ f − f∗ ν ≤ √ . µ,g µ,gδ Hα
2 µ
Proof. From (3.6) and Fubini’s theorem, we have for (λ,m) ∈ Γ,
ᏲL fµ,g
exp rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ᏲL (g)(λ,m) ν . (λ,m) = 1 + µ 1 + λ2 1 + m2 exp 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2
E. Jebbari and F. Soltani 2767 Hence
∗ ∗ ᏲL fµ,g − fµ,g (λ,m) = δ
exp rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ᏲL g − gδ (λ,m) ν . 1 + µ 1 + λ2 1 + m2 exp 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 (3.21)
Using the inequality (x + y)2 ≥ 4xy, we obtain
1 + λ 2 1 + m2
∗ ∗
ᏲL g − gδ (λ,m) 2 .
ᏲL fµ,g
≤ − fµ,g (λ,m) δ
Thus, and from Theorem 2.4(i), we obtain 2 1 ∗ ∗ Ᏺ L g − g δ 2 ≤ 1 g − g δ 2 , fµ,g − fµ,g ν≤ 2,γα 2,mα δ
which gives the desired result. Corollary 3.5. Let ν > (α + 2)/2, f ∈ Hαν (K), and g = Lr f . Then ∗ f − f 2 ν −→ 0 µ,g Hα
as µ −→ 0.
Proof. From (3.20), we have
ᏲL ( f )(λ,m) = exp rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ᏲL (g)(λ,m),
ᏲL fµ,g
exp rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ᏲL (g)(λ,m) ν . (λ,m) = 1 + µ 1 + λ2 1 + m2 exp 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2
Thus ᏲL
µ 1 + λ2 1 + m2 exp 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ᏲL (g)(λ,m) ν fµ,g − f (λ,m) = − . 1 + µ 1 + λ2 1 + m2 exp 2rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2 ∗
(3.26) Then we obtain ∗ f − f 2 ν = µ,g Hα
hµ,r,ν (λ,m) ᏲL (g)(λ,m) dγα (λ),
hµ,r,ν (λ,m) =
µ 2 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
1 + µ 1 + λ 2 1 + m2
exp 4rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2
ν 2
exp 4rλ2 1 + 4(2m + α + 1)2
Since lim hµ,r,ν (λ,m) = 0, µ→0
hµ,r,ν (λ,m) ≤ 1 + λ2 1 + m2 ν ,
we obtain the result from the dominated convergence theorem.
Laguerre-type Weierstrass transform
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E. Jebbari: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of El-Manar Tunis, 2092 Tunis, Tunisia E-mail address:
[email protected] F. Soltani: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of El-Manar Tunis, 2092 Tunis, Tunisia E-mail address:
[email protected]