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AMA Leader Club No 274 Volume 113, Issue 7

The Mustang Minute

SAC Dates for July 

SAC Club Meeting July 11 Tinley Park VFW 172nd & Oak Park Ave. Tinley Park, IL. Dope Can Articles Deadline July 25 Dope Can Newsletter Published August 1

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Inside this Issue May Minutes


June Gooney Bird


June Show and Tell


Daily Plaza Exhibit


Raffle Restrictions?


July Calendar


Who’s the U-Boat Cap?


Labor Day Flyer


May Gooney Bird


May Raffle Winner


July Raffle Prize


Emergency Information


Officers and Instructors


Warbird Flyer


Event Calendar


Membership Form


Dope Can Editor: Phil Arnold [email protected]

The Heart of the Season!

Well it’s finally here, summer officially arrives tomorrow, June 21, and we’re beginning to see warmer and dryer temperatures as we get into the heart of the flying season. For a quick recap of the field work that’s been going on we are continuing to work on the field but it’s one of those things that takes time to see the effect. Within the past month, we have completed additional slit seeding with the volunteer help of Sam, Ron, Tom and Pete and a handful of others who’ve helped out. This work is never evident when you go out there and take a look, but it is happening. These things take time, and with the help of Mother Nature we’re beginning to see some young grass shoots beginning to pop up in the bare spots. So hopefully, if we keep getting rain every few days they should begin to fill in. I was out last Saturday, right after the field had been cut on Friday, and it was looking really nice. So to our field committee, keep up the good work. Regarding our new trees, you may have noticed a few are beginning to show some signs of stress and turning a little reddish/amber. They are still under the tree replacement warranty, so I’ve contacted the Forest Preserve to make them aware of the situation and to monitor them so if any do die we can have them replaced this fall. In addition as we said last year, this should have been the first wave of planting. I’m continuing to work on getting additional trees planted, hopefully this fall, around the heli area. As we’ve found, these things take time to funnel through the channels at that Forest Preserve. Regarding our new message board that we thought would be installed in May, I’m meeting with the Forest Preserve staff on June 29th to finalize the location. They’ve said that the rain earlier in the year got them behind on projects and they need to make sure the loca-

July 2013

By: Greg Stevens President

tion is dry enough to get their large auger truck in to bore the holes. They’ve assured me we’re on the list of projects and I’m guestimating right now we should see something by mid-July. If you weren’t at the June meeting we held our election for Vice President, Treasurer and Safety Officer (Planes). Both Bob Stroz and Dale Thome ran unopposed and easily walked away with the victory (everyone is intimidated by them I guess!) However, regarding our Safety Officer for planes, Jeff Wail lost out to Pete Dennis. So I would like to welcome Pete back to the Board and give a big thanks to Jeff for his service. Jeff has always been a great asset to the club and I’ve already contacted him on helping out in other endeavors. (He doesn’t know it yet but I have a list of things he can help on and stay involved). Thanks Jeff. As for past and upcoming events, we had 19 pilots sign up for our Memorial Day Float Fly. Unfortunately for me, this was the first one I’ve missed since joining the club. I wasn’t able to be there this year because I was at the Indy 500, with my daughter, watching a great race. I understand from those that did attend everyone had a good time. Our annual picnic is fast approaching and is scheduled for June 23rd . So far we have about 40 members signed up. The weather is looking good and hot and as always promises to be a fun event with a lot of flying and camaraderie. Also, coming up in July is our warbird event. We’ve begun getting the word out to the various hobby shops and other clubs so hopefully we’ll have a nice day and a lot of participant. Finally, you may have read in the AMA emails and magazine that they are having the first National Model Aviation Day and would like clubs to host an event where donations would go to the Wounded Warrior Project. National Model Aviation Day is scheduled for August 17th, so because we were scheduled to have our Cub Fun Fly August 4th, we are now moving it to this day to commemorate National Model Aviation Day. We’re still working (Continued on page 4)

Volume 113, Issue 7

Please support our Sponsors!

June 2013 Meeting Minutes Suburban Aero Club of Chicago Minutes of General Monthly Meeting June 13, 2013 Held at the VFW club in Tinley Park, Il. Greg Stevens, President Meeting called to order at : 7:10pm, by President Greg Stevens. There were 44 members present including one new member Ed Henschel. Reports by Committees or Officers:

1551 S. 94th Ave.. Orland Park, IL. 60462 Phone: 708.349.(TOYS)8697 Fax 708.349.4001 Website Email [email protected]

Secretary Minutes: By Greg Stevens acting Secretary in Sam’s absence. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Dale Thome and seconded by Ron Wegrzyn. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: By Dale Thome. A motion to accept the treasures report as read was made by Bob Haus, and seconded by Ron Wegrzyn. Motion Carried. Safety Officer (Planes): By Jeff Wail. Nothing to report. Jeff Wail not present.

Strictly RC “Your Hobby Store Headquarters” 7713 W. Lawrence Norridge, IL (708) 456-9100


Safety Officer (Helis): By Mike Zubik. Discussed recent cut finger incident at field. Greg reiterated that field box should always be unlocked to gain access to first aid kit. Field: Discussion on what we have done at the field with seeding and fertilizing. Slit seeding is beginning to come in. Will look at doing a second fall fertilizing. Greg discussed the message board status. Recently talked to the Forest Preserve and has scheduled a meeting with Kathy on June 29th to decide on final location. They will then do a JULIE locate and have it installed probably by mid July. Past Events: Memorial Day Float Fly there

June Gooney Bird

Over 100 Ready to Fly ARF’s & Kits in stock 3819 W 127th St. 2 blocks east of Pulaski. The store is now twice as big! (708) 597-4197 “IF IT FLYS WE HAVE IT!”

Once again the Gooney Bird went to Bob Stroz for June. David Lee nominated Bob for flying his plane inverted with a radio set to fly helicopters. Apparently Bob had the role switch activated which really messed up his orientation of the plane. He zigged when he should have zagged and the plane ended up smacking the ground. Maybe this shows you have too many toys and you need to stick solely to helis.

By Greg Stevens

Page 2

were 19 pilots, brought in around $285.00 before expenses. Board will review lowering landing fee back to $10.00 instead of $15.00. Labor Day Float Fly will still be $15.00 this year. Live Healthy and Discover Nature event in Daley Plaza was held on June 11th. Ron, Bob V. and Dan attended. Good day, met with Toni Preckwinkle and Randall Arnold. Future Events: Friday Float flys are continuing. Next upcoming event is Saturday Float Fly, June 15th and picnic scheduled for June 23rd. Several other events coming up. See the DC for a list. Old Business: Last month a motion was made and seconded to only allow SAC members to purchase monthly raffle prizes. A vote was taken by all members present and was unanimously voted down. New Business: Voting took place for Vice President (Bob Stroz), Treasurer (Dale Thome) and Safety Officer – Planes (Jeff Wail and Pete Dennis). Winners were Bob Stroz-VP, Dale Thome, Treasurer and new Safety Officer – Planes, Pete Dennis. Gooney Bird: Dave Lee nominated Bob Stroz for flying his plane inverted and hitting the role up switch used for his helicopters and smacked the ground. Show and Tell: Several items shown by Tim Hladik, Mike Sula, Larry Andrews and Jack Gildroy. Raffle Winners: Wes Arrowsmith won the FW-190 and Bob Houchens won the Magnum XL engine. Meeting Adjourned at: 9:00 pm

Volume 113, Issue 7

June Show and Tell

By: Greg Stevens

Page 3

Mike Sula brought in his “Stelt” (at least that’s what it looks like on his show and tell form) to show the crowd. This is a homemade contraption designed and built exclusively by Mike. He classifies the Model Type as “Crazy” and I’d have to agree. This is a ducted fan model having more than 151 pounds of thrust. Believe me, it’s going to take every bit of it to get this model in the air, if not to even move it on the ground! The model is made of foam and weighs 20 pounds with a body length of 3’. As for the wingspan, Mike wrote down “none”. (I’m not sure but something seems to be missing here Mike!) The “plane” is equipped with a JR radio, 4 servos and two-6 cell batteries. Take a look at the close up photo of this plane and agree with me that it looks like a big grey dog. It really it does!!

Jack Gildroy brought in yet another show and tell item. This time it was a modified “Hydrofly” made by Megatech (Shown at left.) Jack rebuilt this model using two electric pusher motors powered by a 1300 mAH battery pack. He is using a Spektrum radio with 5 servos to control the plane. It’s constructed of foam with a 17 inch body length and 20 inch wingspan. Jack hasn’t flown this yet, but it should be interesting to see if it makes it off the ground.

Larry Andrews (shown at right) brought his new Hobby King Yak to show. It’s an all-electric plane foamy powered by a Suppo 1200 KJ motor and Turnigy, 3 cell, 1400mAH battery. He states the quality of the AFF is great and would recommend it to others.

Tim Hladik is shown at left with his newly-finished Global Raven. This is a beautiful plane covered with red, white, blue and black MonoKote. It’s all wood construction and powered by a SuperTigre 60 Bluehead engine. It has a 50.5 inch body length and 62.3 inch wingspan and is equipped with a Futaba radio with 5 servos. Tim says the quality of the kit is good, but would not recommend it for anyone new to the hobby. The kit uses a lot of plywood which makes the overall weight around 9 pounds and makes it very tail heavy.

Daily Plaza Exhibit

Volume 113, Issue 7

Page 4

by Ron Wegrzyn

SAC has been asked to participate in the Live Healthy Discover Nature event sponsored by the Cook County Forest Preserve District for the past few years and we have always participated. They supply a 15 X 15 tent that the CCFPD sets up, and this year we brought a Mosquito, a twin engine British airplane and my FlyZone Beaver DHC for display. Dan Pesek brought his Flight Simulator. Bob Van Huis came to help by talking to people and answering questions. You know, like “How high will it fly. How fast will it go? How far can you control it, and the famous “How much does it cost???” We also brought that 3 X 4 foot cork board with the “SAC IN THE NEWS PICTURES”. We passed out SAC Dope Cans and SAC info sheets and just hung around to talk to people. The event is held in front of the Daley Plaza. It starts at 10am and goes until 2pm. There are many organizations that have booths set up. There are fishermen, bicyclists, canoe folks, bird people, golfers, Friends of the Forest, just everyone that uses the Cook County Forest Preserves. Mr. Randall, the CCFPD Superintendent was there. I again thanked him for our beautiful field and the installation of the trees and blacktop walk way. We also had the pleasure of meeting with Board President, Ms. Toni Preckwinkle. This year Superintendent Randall escorted the Board President around to each booth to talk with the participants. A beautiful day and hopefully we’ll be invited again next year.

Ron with Toni Preckwinkle and Randall Arnold

SAC booth at Live Healthy Dicover Nature Event

you can’t do it.

(Mustang Minute Continued from page 1)

on the details, but we will be asking participants for donations to the Wounded Warrior Project as well as portions of the landing fee going to this project. We will get recognition and benefit from the AMA as a Leader’s Club for doing this. It’s important not only for the Wounded Warrior Project but also for the club. So, if you have any type of Cub, foamy or otherwise, bring it out. This will be a fun event so don’t be intimidated and think

Lastly, I’m encouraged that we are continuing to build our membership with new members signing up every month. There are still a few of you who haven’t paid and I don’t know if you’ve moved on, dropped out of the hobby or are just dead beats, but you know who you are. So if you are still flying at the field and haven’t paid, please pay up, it’s not fair to those of us who have paid.

July SAC Calendar Sun












5 Float Fly






11 SAC Meeting








19 Float Fly








27 Float Fly

28 Warbird Day







Volume 113, Issue 7

Who’s the U-Boat Captain?

We held our first Saturday float fly of the season on June 15th. As the day started out the weather called for rain and a mild wind out of the south and for those of you who’ve tried float flying from our lake, the wind coming out of the south isn’t a good thing. You’re basically heading the plane straight for you and taking off over the beach trying to gain enough altitude before you hit the beach or worse. Because of the threatening weather we ended up with a handful of flyers including one of our younger and enthusiastic members, Donovan Houlihan. I have to commend Donovan for riding his bicycle from his home, over two miles away, with his plane in hand and his transmitter in his backpack to attend the event. Way to go Donovan!! As it turned out, I spent a good part of the morning puttering my underpowered cub around the lake trying to get it off the water. Finally, I was able to break the surface and lift slowly into the air heading north. I executed a gentle left turn to bring it closer and everything seemed to be going fine. Then it happened, suddenly I had nothing! The plane kept in the left bank and I didn’t have any control. It began to heading out over the woods to the north and began coming down. Someone from beach yelled, “keep my transmitter up”, which I did. I briefly gained enough

By Greg Stevens

Page 5

control to head it back over the water, but it was too late. Luckily, the plane seemingly recovered and came down for what we thought was a fairly gentle landing seeing as I had no control. The plane went in the water not far from the trees, about 20 feet from the north shore. At this distance we could barely see the plane from our vantage point standing on the beach, but it looked like it was floating and not badly damaged. Because we knew we could out run Bob Van Huis and the recovery boat, Chris Baker and I took off on foot to see if we could retrieve it from shore. As we got closer we found that it was indeed floating, but not on its floats. The floats had ripped off the bottom and were floating about 20 feet away. If not for the wings keeping the, plane afloat the entire plane would be at the bottom of the lake. As it turned out, the plane sustained little damage and is easily repairable. I can’t say the same for the electronics. Actually, the receiver and battery seem to be working fine, but the servos seem to still be a little jittery. I wish I could say why this happened, but I can’t. It’s just one of the mysteries that everyone speculates as to why it happened, all I know is it wasn’t pilot error!! Oh well, the cub will live on to see another flight and if not, it makes a pretty good U-Boat.

Above Right: Donovan and float plane arrive under pedal power. Above Left: U-Boat hovers at periscope depth. Left: Sub tender returns U-Boat to the beach.

AMA Sanction 13-1709 Page 6

Volume 113, Issue 7

SAC LABOR DAY Float Fly August 31st 2013 8am -2pm

Twin Lakes- Oak Forest, Il. th 167 & cicero ave.

Bring family, friends, and floats $15.00 landing fee Big planes, small planes, boats, or helicopters Hamburgers / hotdogs and pop will be available AMA membership required to fly PRIZES TO BE ANNOUNCED AT A LATER DATE no charge for spectators Come on out and have some fun for additional information contact: Runway is limited to water Ron Wegrzyn cd, AMA 6410 (708) 478-8858 All aircraft will require flotation devices. more info at WWW.SAC-RC.ORG We will have a retrieval boat on site

AMA (AMA 13-1709) sanctioned event sponsored by suburban aeroclub of chicago WWW.SAC-RC.ORG

Volume 113, Issue 7

July Raffle Here’s a great choice for your prize!

Page 7

Great Planes Escapade Sport GP/EP 52 Inch Span ARF

And the usual other stuff

FLYING FIELD EMERGENCY INFORMATION Both sides of the pin box should be opened for access to frequency pins, first aid materials and fire extinguishers. Incident report forms are kept in the box. Reporting injuries and near misses allows us to investigate and determine what can be done to prevent re-occurrences Emergency information signs are posted at the field.

Ambulance Service Dial 911 and request help “at the flying field located on Cicero between Flossmoor and Vollmer Roads”

Advocate South Suburban Hospital 17800 Kedzie Ave Hazel Crest (708) 799-8000

Saint James Hospital 20201 Crawford Ave Olympia Fields (708) 747-4000

SAC Instructors (call for an appointment)

2012 SAC OFFICERS President

Greg Stevens


Ron Wegrzyn



Vice President

Bob Stroz


Mike Gulick



Safety Officer (Aircraft)

Pete Dennis


Dan Pesek



Safety Officer (Helicopters)

Mike Zubik


John Kallend




Sam Helmich


Robert Stroz




Dale Thome


Sam Helmich



Board Member

Ron Wegrzyn


Tim Agee



Volume 113, Issue 7

SAC 2013 Event Schedule

July Jul 5 Jul 13 Jul19 Jul 27 Jul 28

Float Fly (Friday) Friends of Forest Preserve (Rain Date) Float Fly (Friday) Float Fly (Saturday) Military Day

August Aug 2 Aug 4 Aug 10 Aug 16 Aug 24 Aug 31

Page 9

Float Fly (Friday) Cub Fly Dolphin Lake Float Fly Demonstration Float Fly (Friday) Electric Fun Fly Labor Day Float Fly (Saturday)

September Sep 6 Sep 8 Sep 20

Float Fly (Friday) Heli Fun Fly (Sunday) Float Fly (Friday)

October Oct 24


November Nov 10

Turkey Shoot

Don’t forget to buy tickets for the 2013 Grand Raffle Prize $1.00 each or $5.00 for six

Top Flight Gold Edition F4U Corsair ARF Wingspan: 62.5”

Power: .61-.65 two-stroke or .91-.95 fourstroke engine

Renew or Join for 2013! Fill out the application below and either mail or give it to Dale Thome. At the meetings Dale and Ron always have membership applications. Don’t forget your E-

Mail address! If you are new to the hobby or, if you’re thinking of getting in the air, this is a great way to start. SAC membership gives you access to a vast knowledge

of building and flying skill. Get your plane setup correctly and learn to fly through our instructor program!


$10 (under 18)

**Mailing Fee for Dope Can: $5

**Required only if you want paper copies of Dope Can newsletters mailed to you. Emailed copies and paper copies picked up at monthly meetings are provided free.

Name (Please print): ________________________________ AMA No.: ____________________ Date of Birth: ________________________

Email: ___________________________________

Are you a Veteran?: Complete the section below only if your information has changed since last year:


________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

Phone: (

) __________________

Please Note: The club roster including names, AMA numbers and contact information will be available to members in the password-protected section of the club website. If you wish any of your information excluded from that site, please indicate above by circling the identifier for the item(s). Example: Email: ____________

Bring this form to any monthly meeting, or mail to: Dale Thome, 21440 S. 78th Ave., Frankfort, IL 60423