For further information contact: Alan Poulter or David McMenemy on: 0141 548
3700. Or email:
. Beyond ECDL: advanced ICT ...
(Scottish Division)
The Graduate School of Informatics at the University of Strathclyde, and the Career Development Group (Scottish Division) present:
Beyond EC D L: advanced IC T skills for library and information professionals Areas covered: • •
ICT Troubleshooting Advanced Web-searching Multimedia and plug-ins Security Issues
While much training of information professionals relating to ICT has focused on gaining the ‘basics’ of application use, to be truly effective an understanding of more advanced concepts is necessary. Areas such as troubleshooting, working with multimedia types, and understanding issues relating to hardware and software security all have a direct impact on service delivery.
Based on content included in the M.Sc programme for Information and Library Studies, the course aims to build on participants’ existing experience with ICT.
Alan Poulter or David McMenemy on: 0141 548 3700 Or email:
For further information contact:
[email protected]
Venue: Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow The course leader will be Alan Poulter, author of several books on the Internet and web searching for library professionals . Currently a lecturer in the Graduate School, he teaches in the areas of ICT skills, web design, XML and information strategy.
Graduate School of Informatics Department of Computer and Information Sciences University of Strathclyde Livingstone Tower Richmond Street Glasgow G1 1XH Phone: 0141 548 3700 Fax: 0141 552 5330 Email:
[email protected]
No. of Places:
Please reserve me the following places on the Beyond ECDL course at a cost of £120 per place.
Method of Payment Invoice (Order Number must be given) ————————————————— Cheque/PO (Payable to: University of Strathclyde)
Total: Please print and return completed form to: Graduate School Office, Department of Computer and Information Sciences University of Strathclyde Livingstone Tower, Richmond Street Glasgow, G1 1XH Or Fax to: 0141 552 5330