Beyond Google: Integrating Chemical Information into the ...

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Beyond Google: Integrating Chemical. Information into the Undergraduate. Chemistry Curriculum. Marion Peters, Science & Engineering Library, UCLA ...
Beyond Google: Integrating Chemical Information into the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum!

Marion Peters, Science & Engineering Library, UCLA!

The Challenge! •  •  •  •  • 

Several hundred undergraduate students/quarter One chemistry librarian Multiple laboratory sections Many resources Varied sophistication – “level the playing field”

Itʼs Evolutionary! •  Program Growth / Sustainability – Fall 1998 Chem 30 L; 188 students – 10 sections ; 2-3 hours (in-class/student) – Fall 2009 Chem 30 AL (171), BL (89), CL (48); -308 students – 18 sections ; 5-6 hours (in-class)/student •  Course by course – Chem 30 AL, Fall 2001Chem 30 CL, Fall 2001Chem 30 BL, Spring 2003-

Practical Matters! •  •  •  •  • 

Faculty / staff changes New e-resources licensed Website migrations New screen displays Facilities / lab spaces

Science Learning Center! •  12,500 square foot instructional facility – 9 labs, 188 computers •  Established 1998 •  Integrate technology into the normal lecture schedule •  Supports courses for life and physical sciences •  Fall 2009 – 18 courses; 853 hours instruction; 3312 users; 34,219 logins

Orville L. Chapman Science Learning Center!

Integrated instruction! •  •  •  •  •  • 

Hands-on sessions – guided exercises Involve faculty, TAs, colleagues Group lecture – class time varies Pre-lab; post-lab assignments Sequential courses; different resources Website, 24/7

Sequential courses! •  •  •  •  •  • 

Chem 30 AL, Chem 30 BL, Chem 30 CL Basics New resources; some review Learning by doing Thought questions Working in pairs

Content: Chem 30AL! •  •  •  •  •  •  •  • 

Abbreviations for journals CHEMnetBASE; Merck Index Online  Citation Linker ; UC-eLinks Citing sources (books, journal articles, Web sites) Registry Numbers (CAS) Safety/MSDS sources Spectra compilations UCLA Library Catalog 

Lecture: Welcome to the wonderful world
 of chemical information ! Population


•  •  •  • 

•  •  •  •  •  • 

52 million+ compounds 61 million+ biosequences 23 million+ reactions 32 million+ documents

1 Million documents/year 10,000+ scientific journals patents from 60 countries technical reports conference proceedings books

Working in pairs!

Content: Chem 30 BL! •  •  •  •  •  •  • 

Organic Syntheses Reading comprehension Molecular formulas versus chemical names Built-in checks Related materials – tracking references Organic chemystery – journal abbreviations Student feedback -- phrasing questions

Guided exercises!

Content: Chem 30 CL! •  •  •  • 

CrossFire SciFinder Scholar Science of Synthesis Locating journal articles – assigned readings

Thought Question! Search for: Journal articles on the topic of EDTA in soil Exercise: Type edta and soil •  How many articles did Academic Search Complete find? _____ •  If you type edta in soil, how many articles are found? ____ •  If you type edta soil, how many articles are found? ______ *Thought Question* Why do the results vary?

Chemystery! •  E. Le Goff, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 84, 3786 (1962). Organic Chemystery or what is A., B., Ann, and Ber.? •  G. Wittig and E. Knauss, Ber., 91, 895 (1958). •  G. Wittig and H. F. Ebel, Ann., 650, 20 (1961).

Web Visibility! •  •  •  •  •  • 

Departmental / faculty pages Virtual Office Hours (course management system) Science Learning Center Google LibGuides, new 2010 Challenges – currency; Web site migrations

Assessment! Challenges


•  •  •  • 

•  •  •  • 

Logistics Distractions Retention Time

Observe users interactions Feedback for vendors Better than focus groups Fun /fame

Student Comment! •  “I’m a Chem 30 AL student and I just wanted to thank you for giving us a lecture on how to use some of the library resources and online databases. I knew that there was a lot of chemical data out there, but I just couldn’t figure out how to access it (I know how to use Google search pretty well, but Google doesn’t access those databases…). After doing the library workshop I feel much better about my ability to do literature searches…”

Resources! •  Instructional Resources Website 12451.cfm

•  “Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergraduates: the elements of information literacy”, •  Undergraduate Professional Education in Chemistry: ACS Guidelines and Evaluation Procedures for Bachelor’s Degree Programs, Section 7.2 Chemical Literature Skills committees/training/acsapproved/degreeprogram/WPCP_008491

•  Supplements to the ACS Guidelines -- Student Skills: Chemical Information Retrieval committees/training/acsapproved/degreeprogram/CTP_005584

The Cast! •  •  •  •  •  •  • 

Faculty - Drs. Bacher, Baur, Henary, Mouser, Pang, Russell Myriad Teaching Assistants Science Learning Center Staff Colleagues –Adams, Aponte, Jackson, Grassian, and others SEL Reference Desk Assistants Website assistance – Zeyen, Cabrera Thompson Webmaster – Dr. Kopelevich

Contact! • 

Marion Peters UCLA Science & Engineering Library [email protected]

Poster based on a Paper presented at (and included in the Sci/Mix Poster Session held during American Chemical Society Meeting): ACS Chemical Information Division (CINF) Spring 2010 ACS National Meeting San Francisco, CA (March 21-25) Chemical Information Bulletin Vol. 62(1) Spring 2010, Abstracts CINF 7: Beyond Google: Integrating chemical information into the undergraduate chemistry curriculum -- Audio/PowerPoint