Bhardwaj, B.R., Bhatnagar, A. and Wahi, S. (2013) Influence of sector and size of
business in motivating women entrepreneurship: A study in emerging market ...
Details of Publications: International Refereed Journals: Bhardwaj, B.R., Wahi, S., Deshmukh, A.R. (2013) Contribution of ICT for Stimulating Cyber Entrepreneurship: A Model of Financial Inclusion, Review of Business and Technology Research, USA, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2013, pg-97-104, ISSN 1941-9414. Bhardwaj, B.R., Bhatnagar, A. and Wahi, S. (2013) Influence of sector and size of business in motivating women entrepreneurship: A study in emerging market context, International Journal of Business and Globalization, Sept issue, Inderscience Publisher, UK (forthcoming). Bhardwaj, B.R., Bhatnagar, A. and Malhotra, A. (2013) Impact of Education and Training on Performance of Women Entrepreneurs: A Study in Emerging Market Context, Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship, Emerald Journal, UK, August (forthcoming). Bhardwaj, B.R. and Juneja, S. and Deshmukh, A.R. (2013) Contribution of ICT for stimulating cyber entrepreneurship: A model of financial inclusion, International Journal of Research in Business & Technology, Special Edition 2013, ISSN No.2291-2118. Bhardwaj, B.R. and Aarushi Malhotra (2013) Green Banking Strategies: Sustainability through Corporate Entrepreneurship, Greener Journal of Businesses and Management Studies, Vol. 3(4) pp. 180-193. ISSN: 2276-7827. Bhatnagar, Ashima, Bhardwaj, B.R., Gupta, S., (2013) Women ecopreneurship: A case study from emerging country, Greener Journal of Business and Management Studies, Vol. 3(2), pp. 091-098, January 2013, ISSN: 2276-7827. Bhatnagar A. and Bhardwaj, B.R. (2013) Problems of Indian women entrepreneurs, International Greener Journal, (forthcoming). ISSN 2276 7827. Bhardwaj, B.R., Mangal, V. (Ann) and Lai, Kee-hung (2013) Impact of Green Policy on Ecologically Sustainable Organization: A Study in Emerging Market Context, Accepted for publication in International Journal of Global Business Competitiveness, Vol.7, No 1, pp 33 45. Bhardwaj, B.R., Sushil, (2012) Corporate Entrepreneurship: Assessing CEAI Scale for Emerging Markets, Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship, 4(1), 70-89. (Citation: 5) Bhatnagar, Ashima, Bhardwaj, B.R., Gupta, Shikha, (2012) Challenges faced by Women Entrepreneurs, 'Opinion'- International Journal of Business Management. Bhardwaj, B.R., Sushil, Momaya, K. (2011) Encouraging Corporate Entrepreneurship: The Transformation of India’s XYZ, Strategic Direction, 27 (6), 19-21. (Citation: 5) Bhardwaj, B.R., Sushil, Momaya, K. (2011) Case Studies of Social
Entrepreneurship in Indian Context: SAP-LAP Learning Critical Success Factors, International Journal of Economics Management and Engineering (IJEME), Volume 2 Issue 2/3, pp. 231 – 251. (Citation: 6) Bhardwaj, B.R., Jain, S.K., Ault, S. (2011) Impact of Intelligence Dissemination on New Business Creation, Singapore Management Review, 33(2), 2011. Bhardwaj, B.R., Sushil, & K. Momaya (2011). Drivers and Enablers of Corporate Entrepreneurship: Case of a Software Giant from India. Journal of Management Development, 30(2):187 – 205. Bhardwaj, B. R., Jain, S. K., Sushil, and Momaya, K. (2007) Model of corporate entrepreneurship: Application of structural equation modeling (interactive paper), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 27(21), Article 8, Babson Park: MA, Babson College Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies. (Citation: 131) Bhardwaj, B.R., Sushil, Momaya, K. (2007) Corporate Entrepreneurship: Application of Moderator Method, Singapore Management Review, 29(1), 47-58. Bhardwaj, B.R., Sushil, Jain, S.K. (2006) Internal Drivers of Corporate Entrepreneurship, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Babson Park: MA, Babson College Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies. (Citation: 52) National Refereed Journal: Bhardwaj, B.R., Bhatnagar, A. and Wahi, S. (2013) The determinants of institutional parameters for enhancing entrepreneurial environment in Indian context: A model for sustainable growth, International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives, Pezzottaite Journals, Volume: 2, Number: 1, January-March’ 2013, Page No.93-100; ISSN (P):2319-9059, (O):2319-9067. (forthcoming) Bhardwaj, B.R. (2013) Drivers of Sustainability: Concept and Models, International Journal of Research, July 2013 issue (forthcoming). ISSN 2231-6124.
Bhardwaj, B.R. and Malhotra, A. (2013) Green Banking: A Sustainable Strategy for Financial Inclusion, Global Journal of Finance and Management, Vol 5 (4), ISSN 0975-6477, pg-5-8. Bhardwaj, B.R. (2012) Book Review on Cases in Management, edited by Dr. Venkat Subhramanium, Dr. Sachin S. Vernekar, Ms Preety Wadhwa, BVIMR, Management Edge, Vol. 5, No. 2, ISSN No. 0976-0431. Bhardwaj, B.R. (2012) Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Study of Manufacturing and Service Sectors, United World School of Business Journal, (forthcoming). Bhardwaj, B.R., Sushil, Momaya, K. (2007) Corporate Entrepreneurship Model: A
Source of Competitiveness,
Indian Management Review: Indian Institute of Management
Bangalore Journal, 131-145. Bhardwaj, B.R., Momaya, K. (2006) Role of Organizational Flexibility for Corporate Entrepreneurship: Case Study of FedEx, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 7(1&2), 39-47. Books /Chapters Published Bhardwaj, B.R. (2013) Strategy for Enhancing Sustainable Technopreneurship in Emerging Economies, chapter published in book on “Technopreneurship” by Francois Therin, Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia, Edgar Elgar Publications, UK (forthcoming). Bhardwaj, B.R. (2013) Women empowerment through women entrepreneurship: A model for financial upliftment of BPL population, Edgar Elgar Publications, UK (forthcoming). Bhardwaj, B.R. and Kamat, M. (2013) Women empowerment through SHGs and NGO: A study in Indian Context, Edgar Elgar Publications, UK (forthcoming). Bhardwaj, B.R., Lessons in Strategic Leadership: A case study (2013), chapter published in book edited by Dr. Nitin Nayak, and Jain, N., Mallick, S., published by Bharti Publications, forthcoming. Bhardwaj, B.R., Bhatnagar A., and Gandhi, S. (2013) Case study on women entrepreneurs of India, in the book edited by Dr. Meenakshi Gandhi, titled “Women empowerment” published by Excel Publications. Bhardwaj, B.R., Aarushi Malhotra, Bhatnagar A., Supreet Wahi (2013) Sustainability: A Key Driver of Innovation, chapter published in book edited by Dr. Nitin Nayak, R.K. Sharma, Tyagi, LK., Kumar, Atul, Tiwari, T. titled Innovative ways of Managing business In the post globalised era, Bharti Publications, Delhi, ISBN 978-93-81212-34-9. Bhatnagar A. and Bhardwaj, B.R. (2013) Sustainability through women entrepreneurship: A case study of wellness centre, publication in book titled “Exploring the soul of business” edited by Dr. Deepti Pathak, Excel Publications, pg- 218-223. Bhardwaj, B.R. (2013) Spirituality in Strategic Leadership: A Case Study of HDFC Bank, chapter published in a book edited by Veena Panjwani and V. Sharma, titled “Integrating spirituality in Transformational Leadership” by Jagran Institute of Management, Kanpur. Bhardwaj, B.R. (2012) Green Innovations for the Future Transport: SAP-LAP Framework of Analysis, chapter published in a book edited by Dr. Noopur Khosla, on Sustainable Development in India, Himalaya Publications, India.
Bhardwaj, B. R. (2010) Organizational Development and Change, Global Education Publications: New Delhi. S.S. Vernekar, S., Goel, S., & Bhardwaj, B.R. (2006) Marketing of Services-Strategies for Growth, Deep & Deep Publications: New Delhi.