bureaucrats and members of the general public were consulted. .... for secondary level, 1.16 for higher secondary level, and 0.78 for ... Bhutan Certificate for.
of Discrimination against Women. 44 th. CEDAW Session, 2009. Prepared by: Tarayana Foundation. Tarayana Centre, Chubachu
Basic education in Bhutan is defined as 11 years of education (primary + 4 years
of ... appear at the National Examinations at the end of class VIII, X and XII.
Jan 14, 2005 - This study is funded by Save the Children, Bhutan Program, the ...... training programme included heavy machinery operators, auto mechanics,.
capped mountains and friendly people. Physically isolated in its mountain fortress, this mystical Buddhist nation was cl
Feb 3, 2013 - to schools and educators in the State of Texas for their ... of educators and educator preparation program
VI VII P REFACE P REFACE Comprehensive Coverage Reviewers consistently state that Early Childhood Education Today is comprehensive. Seven core themes are integrated ...
Apr 9, 2017 - Call our travel specialists on 1300 363 302. BHUTAN. CHINA ..... LD. Day 2. Thimphu. Drive to Thimphu, cap
nized the need to build capacity in education and teaching, bringing in the best
educators to teach students and creating new pro- grams in information secu-.
weather delayed opening, it will be a 2-hour delayed opening. School start time and scheduled bus route start time would
learning needs as well as look to industry professionals or online learning consortiums for education delivery. With the
One of the major insights from the participants' responses in ... video collaboration, cloud software platforms and ....
Jul 2, 2016 - and use the latest technology, Bhutan's educational. system does not prepare its ..... BBC News, 17 June 2002, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/.
Bhutan. Updated version, July 2011. Principles and general objectives of
education ..... The guidelines are the result of a .... on the BHSEC examination
A scenic flight around the Himalayas, with views of Mount Everest and other peaks. ..... $5,100 Business-class upgrade f
56% of people arrested for drug abuse/dealing in Bhutan are students. 9. 91% of
... Basic education level in Bhutan require the completion of class 10. 12.
BHUTAN: EDUCATION TODAY 1 1. The Dzongkhag (District) with the highest illiteracy rate is Gasa (53.20%) 2. The Dzongkhag with the highest literacy rate is Thimphu (73.3%) 3. Samtse and Mongar have the highest female illiteracy rate (29.8%) 4. Samtse has the highest male illiteracy rate (20.4%) 5. The literacy rate for women in Bhutan is 48.7% 6. The overall literacy rate of Bhutan is 59.5% 7. 47% of population above 6 years never attended any form of schooling/institute 8. 56% of people arrested for drug abuse/dealing in Bhutan are students 9. 91% of people arrested for drug abuse/dealing in Bhutan are below the age of 26 years 10. Grade VII has the highest consistent repetition rate (ave. 10.7%) in Bhutan 11. Basic education level in Bhutan require the completion of class 10. 12. In the 9th Five Year Plan alone, around 10,000 students are expected to leave schools as illiterates without even finishing the first 5 years of schooling 13. Non-Formal Education (NFE) is a second chance to literacy for individuals who have missed out on the opportunity to attend formal schooling 14. There are 747 NFE centers in Bhutan with 13,829 learners 15. About 16,500 primary-age children were not enrolled in formal schools in 2007 16. Thimphu has the highest youth unemployment rate in the whole nation 17. EFA stands for “Education for All” 18. ECCE stands for “Early Childhood Care and Education” 19. ECCE refers to programs and services, which help optimize the growth and development of child from birth to age 8. 20. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) states that all individuals below the age of 18 is considered a child under the law (Article 1) 21. According to CRC, All State Parties should recognize the right of every child to Education (Article 28) 22. The second Millennium Development Goal (MDG) is to “Achieve Universal Primary Education” by 2015 23. The third MDG is to “Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women” by 2015 24. Only 33% of students studying under the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) institutes are girls 25. 82% of students in Bhutan receiving scholarship abroad are Boys.
The information listed was taken from: Population and Housing Census 2005 (National Statistics Bureau), General Statistics 2008 (Ministry of Education-MoE), Status Report on Drug Abuse in Bhutan, 2007 (Bhutan Narcotic Control Agency), Education Without Compromise, 2008 (Education Sector Review Commission, MoE), Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and EFA Mid-Decade Assessment (UNESCO)