Kartenlehre (Kartennetze): Leipzig, B.G.. Teubner, 59 p. [2nd ed., 1951, 64 p.] 156. Balthasart, M., 1935, L'emploi de l
Bibliography of Map Projections Editors of first edition: John P. Snyder*and Harry Steward *Editor of revisions
1st edition: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1856, 1988 2nd edition: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1856, 1997 Also two on-line editions installed at Ohio State University, 1994, 1996 under supervision of Eric John Miller and Duane F. Marble
First printed edition by USGS, 1988 On-line editions at Ohio State University, 1994, 1996 Second printed edition, by USGS, 1997 This edition is printed using Word 6.0 for Windows 3.1 and using the following True Type fonts: Times New Roman, Century Gothic, Symbol, Cyrillic, and /HHGV%LW (XUR(DVW, (XUR1RUWK, (XUR:HVW, (XUR6RXWK, and ExtraChars 1.
PREFACE [Although Harry Steward has not participated in the revisions of this bibliography, he contributed in a major manner to the first edition and to this preface. Therefore, a separate preface has not been prepared for the revisions. The numbers and some comments in the original preface have been updated. − JPS.] The discipline of cartography has a rich and complex history and a lengthy literature to accompany it. Cartographers have not only made maps; they have written about them in great detail. One of the foremost of these topics has been that of map projections. The fascination, however, attendant upon the problems of getting “the round Earth on flat paper,” to use a title by Chamberlin (1947), has captured the imagination of many others beyond the realm of practical mapmaking. The writings of cartographers, surveyors, and geodesists are thus accompanied not only by those of geographers, mathematicians, engineers, astronomers, and other physical scientists, but also by contributions from political scientists, artists, sociologists, school teachers, architects, and a host of others. Amateurs and professionals alike have been involved. The result is a body of literature, covering theory and practice, description and criticism, commentary and advocacy, that can lay good claim to being the most extensively discussed subtopic within the confines of cartography. An accounting of the many articles written not only delineates the considerable extent of these outpourings but also indicates that there are many lines of research yet to be explored. It is to assist the pursuit of such research, rather than to compile a mere inventory, that this bibliography has been assembled. The work itself has its origins in the earlier concerns of both editors, one having an accumulation of references deriving from a decade or more of active research in projection theory and practice, the other with involvement in a previous bibliographic project and many years of interest in the literature of cartography. The present compilation is preceded by other bibliographies, but apart from the numerous brief attachments to papers and books these have, for the most part, been sections of larger, more general, works. Chief among these has been the Bibliography of Cartography
published by the Library of Congress in 1973 with a supplement in 1980 and an unpublished second supplement still in the process of assembly. Similar in significance are the nearannual listings of Bibliotheca Cartographica (1957-1972) and its successor, Bibliographia Cartographica (1974 to present), both published in Germany but compiled from international contributions. Additional valuable material has been derived from the published bibliography of the American Geographical Society, the periodic compilations of Geographisches Jahrbuch, the card index of the Royal Geographical Society in London, the annual listings of Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, the relevant sections of Geographical Abstracts and Geo-Abstracts, the French Bibliographie Géographique Internationale, the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, and the Russian publication, Referativnyy Zhurnal − Geografiya [+WDWKIQEG\VT HK\IN − 8WMXKIDE]]. Also of assistance have been the currentliterature sections of a number of journals such as The American Cartographer (now Cartography and Geographic Information Systems), The Cartographic Journal, The Geographical Journal, Kartographische Nachrichten and others, and dozens of minor sources which provided many contributions not captured by the major compilations. The editors’ intention has been to compile a bibliography that is the most comprehensive yet in its subject area. They are confident that with almost 3,000 entries they have done so (there were some 900 entries through the planned but abandoned supplement of the Bibliography of Cartography which comprise the most complete previous undertaking). Nevertheless, in the literal sense, they are well aware that this work is not complete. The nature of bibliographical work of such magnitude clearly prevents such an ideal from being attained; to check all journals, all references, all libraries, all sources, and all languages in an exhaustive manner is impossible without the provision of unlimited resources and time. The number of substantial references that have escaped, however, can be few. Others have been excluded deliberately on a basis of subjective evaluation, such as newspaper articles iii
of insignificance, reviews unless deemed to add important information, many of the computer programs, and many minor and routine accounts in, for example, geography, navigation, or engineering texts. A few unpublished papers are included if they have been significantly referenced elsewhere. This bibliography still contains articles of lesser significance, but there is usually something special about them, or they bear the recommendation of other workers in this field. Because of the interrelation of map projections with other disciplines, especially geography and mathematics, somewhat arbitrary lines of separation have been drawn by the editors. A prominent example is the field of conformal mapping, a branch of mathematics often used for the mapping of physical phenomena having nothing to do with the shape of the Earth or its graticule of meridians and parallels. Therefore, with a few exceptions, conformal mapping is included in this bibliography strictly in a geographical (or celestial) context. A very quick appreciation of the growth and form of the literature may be obtained by a simple breakdown of the figures involved (see tables 1, 2, and 3). The 2,996 citations listed herein (treated for simplicity with equal weighting of the primary listing only) represent some 28 languages which can be conveniently arranged in 4 arbitrary groups. Of the total, 2,544 (some 85 percent) come from an initial group of 4: English, German, Russian, French, and Chinese (table 1). Within these, English citations dominate, having over half the entries (1,249). German is a solid second with 636 (21 percent), while Russian and French follow, each with substantial totals, but having a combined figure less than that of German. The editors recognize that no matter how thoroughly these references have been sought without regard to geographical origin and date, there is a built-in bias tending to favor modern Western publications. This has been substantially overcome in the current printing, but it is still present, but it does not alter the qualitative aspect of the conclusions reached. The 446 remaining citations fall into some smaller groupings. Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, and Czech amount to 266 or some 9 percent of the overall total; a smaller number, 143, results from a group of 7 languages, ranging from Bulgarian with 28 entries to
Portuguese at 13. Lastly, there is a minor category of 11 languages totaling only 37 entries among them, while 6 bibliographies, not assigned to a particular language, complete the picture. English, however, has been broken down a little further into 684 of United States origin, 337 emanating from Great Britain, and 228 from miscellaneous other sources. These figures are based mainly on the national origin of the sources, such as the journals, assisted by some judicious interpretation on the part of the editors. They are meant to be no more than a general guide; writers publish outside their own country, English is used commonly as an international medium, some changes in nationality have been noted, and there is the general difficulty of identifying the native home of every individual. They are useful, however, along with the other language totals in seeing how the subject of map projections has varied worldwide over time. The chronology is summarized in tables 2 and 3 and needs only a few additional remarks. The earliest reference in the bibliography is to the classical work of Ptolemy, which is circa 150 A.D. and has been translated from the original Greek via Arabic and Latin to many modern European languages. There then occurs the familiar literature gap of the Dark Ages, marked only by the ca. 1265 work of Roger Bacon, before the scattered writings of the Renaissance period appear. There are only 51 references, in 8 languages, before 1800, and it is somewhat of a surprise to find that only 19 are in Latin, the common language of classically based European scholarship. Similarly unexpected is the appearance of 3 citations in Swedish in the 1700s. English, German, and French lead the way with little difference among them in these early years, but it was German that pulled steadily ahead in the first decade of the 19th century. It retained this dominance throughout the 1800s, providing 131 out of 298 recorded entries; French at 72 and English at 60 made up most of the rest. French was steadily overtaken by English in the early 20th century, but it was German that continued to predominate until the cataclysm of the First World War. Germany recovered this leadership briefly during the 1930’s, but from 1940 the majority position has been occupied by the United States with, from 1950, an increasing iv
number of contributions from Russian sources. That the subject is healthy and thriving is indicated by the fact that over 2,000 of the entries in this bibliography have been published since 1960. Thanks are due to a number of people. Ronald Grim, bibliographer in the Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress, kindly made available his card-files being prepared for the second (unpublished) supplement of the Bibliography of Cartography. John D. Hill, Arthur H. Robinson, and Waldo R. Tobler took time to study the manuscript for the first edition, and we appreciate their suggested additions and corrections. The editors are grateful to reference librarians and facilities at the Library of Congress and at the libraries of the U.S. Geological Survey and of Clark University, and to Carlos B. Hagen. Additional translations have been provided by Karla Anderson, Yang Cheng, Andrew Grosz, Irena Kavalek, Ewa Katarzyna Raines, Nora Tamberg, and Paul Teleki. The editors especially thank Ann Yaeger and also Cynthia L. Sabatino and Joyce E. Yordy for their very considerable typing and formatting for the first edition. Ann Yaeger is supervising the printing of the second USGS edition, and the editor has undertaken the preparation on his computer of the entries with all the diacritical marks and now even Cyrillic equivalents. For this revision, 446 entries, including 182 Russian and Chinese, have been added to the 2,551 of the first edition, and entries have been renumbered. The editors appreciate entries supplied by Herbert W. Stoughton and Russian and Chinese entries added in connection with East-West book projects in cooperation with Lev. M. Bugayevskiy of MIIGAiK, and with Yang Qihe of Zhengzhou and Hu Yuju of
Wuhan, both of the People’s Republic of China, and with Yang Cheng, formerly of China, and now at Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Tennessee. Omissions still certainly abound. Occasionally listings in the source bibliographies were found to have errors; in other cases, errors undoubtedly remain undetected. Similarly, the editorial process itself may have produced additional mistakes and omissions; numerous errors have been corrected since the first edition. The editors, especially the first editor, accept all responsibility for remaining errors and would be grateful to users for any corrections, suggested amendments, and general comments. The standard U.S. Geological Survey format used will be self-evident. The treatment of language is English-oriented; the family name of an author is given first, followed by a comma, even if local convention is different. Russian, Bulgarian, and Greek are generally transliterated following American/British convention (especially that of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names). English equivalents of Chinese and Japanese are usually given instead of transliteration. The language of the paper is identified if it is either different from that of the title as shown in the citation, or if other than English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish. If the paper is in English, non-English abstracts are not listed. If the paper is not in English, but there is an English, French, German, and/or Russian abstract, the first available language of the four is listed. John P. Snyder Reston, Va. Harry Steward Worcester, Mass.
Table 1. – Language totals of references cited ___________________________________________________________________ Group I (over 100 each)
1a 1b 1c
English (U.S.) English (British) English (other) Total English
684 337 228 1,249
2 3 4 5
German Russian French Chinese Total (Group I)
636 343 192 124 2,544
Group II (31 to 100 each)
6 7 8 9 10
Italian Polish Hungarian Spanish Czech Total
78 62 52 42 32 266
Group III (11 to 30 each)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Bulgarian Dutch Japanese Latin Swedish Serbo-Croatian Portuguese Total
28 28 23 19 16 16 13 143
Group IV (1 to 10 each)
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Danish Norwegian Slovak Greek Romanian Turkish Afrikaans Finnish Latvian Albanian Mongolian Total
8 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 37 6
Overall total 2,996 (7 articles dual-language, but listed under principal language of author)
Table 2. – Chronological summary of references cited ________________________________________________________________________________ Language ________English__________ U.S.A. British Other Total German Russian French Chinese ItalianPolish HungarianSpanis CzechOther Total h s pre 1500 1500-99 1600-99 1700-24 1725-49 1750-74 1775-99
1 1 2 2 2 2
1 1 2 2 2 2
1 5 1
2 3 1 1 1
2 6 3 3 10
2 8 6 5 3 11 16
1800-09 1810-19 1820-29 1830-39 1840-49 1850-59 1860-69 1870-79 1880-89 1890-99
3 1 3 3 8 7 3
1 1 1 2 4 5 6 5 6
1 4 1 3 7 8 14 12 11
12 3 2 2 4 12 15 36 44
3 5 2 3 4 7 10 12 15 11
1 9 14
1 -
1 1
1 1 2 2
16 8 9 6 7 18 32 42 75 85
1900-09 1910-19 1920-29 1930-39 1940-49 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-
19 11 1 31 62 3 9 6 1 3 1 3 119 19 22 2 43 69 3 10 4 7 136 22 28 8 58 40 2 11 4 3 1 3 122 32 33 8 73 82 18 21 1 4 3 5 10 218 103 56 16 175 26 19 9 3 8 2 6 1 13 262 59 37 24 120 39 74 21 15 11 7 15 9 12 22 345 107 26 38 171 45 98 12 14 5 9 13 5 2 35 409 108 35 48 191 61 64 5 5 6 25 7 4 4 27 399 137 40 56 233 56 49 9 63 3 10 9 5 12 26 475 50 8 25 83 19 11 4 23 1 2 4 4 1 10 162 ______ ______ _____ _____ ______ ______ _____ _______ _____ ____ ______________ ____ ____ ______ _ _ _ _ 684 337 228 1,249 636 343 192 124 78 62 52 42 32 186* 2,996 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ *See breakdown in table 3.
Table 3. – Breakdown of “Others” in table 2 __________________________________________________________________________________ Language
pre 1870 1870-79 1880-89 1890-99 1900-09 1910-19 1920-29 1930-39 1940-49 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-
2 1 10 5 10 ________
11 192 33 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 5 4 1 8 1 5 6 3 4 3 _____ ________ ____ _______ _ 28 23 19 16
3 2 4 3 4 ____________
14 5 3 2 1 1 _________
___________________________________________________________________________________ Language
pre 1870 1870-79 1880-89 1890-99 1900-09 1910-19 1920-29 1930-39 1940-49 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-
1 2 4 1 _____
15 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 _________ _____ ____ ________ _____ _ _ _ 5 5 4 4 3
Romanian Turkis h
1 1 2 ________ _____ _ 2 2
2 ______
25 1 2 2 3 7 3 10 13 20 32 25 25 10 _____
___________________________________________________________________________________ 1
1826 1265:1; 1500-99:6; 1600-99:2; 1750-74:2; 1775-99:8 3 1758, 1782, 1796 4 1686 5 A.D. 150 (Ptolemy) 2
178 Above total Albanian 1967 1 Mongolian 1966 1 Bibliographies 1955 1 1957 1 1967 1 1973 1 1974 1 1988 1 186 Total “Others”
CONTENTS Preface iii Abbreviations ix Serial publications and organizations serving as major sources of papers on map projections x Bibliography 1 Index 174
TABLES 1. Language totals of references cited vi 2. Chronological summary of references cited vii 3. Breakdown of “Others” in table 2 viii
ABBREVIATIONS Because of the great variety of journals and publishers listed, most are listed in full, except for obvious abbreviations, such as Amer. In some cases, particularly Russian, lengthy agency names are used several times and are abbreviated. The following are abbreviations used herein: EVM: electronno-vychislitel’naya mashina ['9 NWUQKM\\MBGV[EFNEQWNP\I] computing machine; commonly used in Russian for “computer”) GUGK: Glavnoye Upravleniye Geodezii i Kartografii [8(85 8NIG\MW 5IKQMXKIDEE] (Chief Administration of Geodesy and Cartography)
YILE\I] (electronic
MIIGAiK: Moskovskiy Institut Inzhenerov Geodezii, Aerofotos”yemki i Kartografii [9%%8)E5 9MFUMGFUET %\FQEQHQ %\W\WKMG 8WMOWSEE ) KMDMQMF@WYUE E 5IKQMXKIDEE] (Moscow Engineering Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photo Survey and Cartography) NIIGAiK: Novosibirskiy Institut Inzhenerov Geodezii, Aerofotos”yemki i Kartografii [ JKMWUZET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 117-120. [Russian. Variants of cylindrical projections.]
84.___1982, [Variants of orthogonal circular projections for the presentation of hemispheres]: Vissa Geodeziya, v. 8, p. 60-64. [Bulgarian. English abstract in Geo Abstracts, 1984, no. 5, p. 341.]
77.___1975, Varianty azimutal’nykh proyektsiy, poluchennye putem obobshcheniya perspektivnykh azimutal’nykh proyektsiy s pozitivnym i negativnym izobrazhennem ['IKEI\QV ISEYHQINP\V> JKMWUZET
85.___1983, V’rkhu obshchata teoriya na ortogonalnite kr’govi proyektsii: Geodeziya, Kartografiya i Zemeustroystvo, v. 23, no. 6, p. 27-29. [Bulgarian. On the general theory of orthogonal circular projections.]
Kartografiya i Zemeustroystvo, v. 15, no. 4, p. 27-29. [Russian. Variants of azimuthal projections made by generalizing perspective azimuthal projections with positive and negative representations.]
86.___1984, Ortogonalni krugovi proyektsii s malki ploshchni deformachii: Geodeziya, Kartografiya i Zemeustroystvo, v. 24, no. 5, p. 21-25. [Bulgarian. Orthogonal circle projections with little area deformation.]
78.___1978, [A possibility of obtaining variations of non-orthogonal circular projections]: Glavn. Upravleniye po Geodeziya, Kartografiya i Kadastar, Izvestiya, no. 1-2, p. 17-21. [Bulgarian.]
87. Anesi, J., 1948, Aspectos graficos de la cartografia: Revista Geographica Americana, Oct. 88. Angel, Shlomo, and Hyman, G.M., 1972, Transformations and geographic theory: Geographical Analysis, v. 4, no. 4, p. 350-367. [Cartograms.]
79.___1978, [Blending perspective and nonperspective azimuthal projections and obtaining new variations of azimuthal projections]: Glavn. Upravleniye po Geodeziya, Kartografiya i Kadastar, Izvestiya, no. 6, p. 35-38. [Bulgarian.]
89. Angus-Leppan, P.V., 1968, Plane coordinate systems in surveying: Australian Surveyor, v. 22, no. 3, p. 185-197. 5
Müdürlügü, Harta dergisi özel yayini No. 1, 27 p. [Turkish. Gauss-Krüger or Transverse Mercator projection.]
Anliker, Ernst (See Bonacker and Anliker.) 90. Ansermet, Auguste, 1915, La ligne géodésique et le nouveau système de coordonnées: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 13, p. 176ff.
100. Araya Vergara, J.F., 1969, La proyección conica conforme de Lambert y los paralelos normales de Chile: Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografia, no. 137, p. 143-147. [Lambert Conformal Conic projection.]
91.___1923, Á propos du nouveau système de projection: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 21, p. 229ff.
Arcos y Miranda, Antonio los (See Cabrián Yusti and Arcos y Miranda.) Arden-Close, C.F. (See Close, C.F. Arden-.)
92.___1925, Du choix d’un système de projection: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 23, p. 145ff.
101. Armstrong, Terence, 1966, The Northern Hemisphere on a polar projection: Geographical Magazine, v. 39, no. 7, November, p. 540-541. [See also p. 493. Polar Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection.]
93.___1928, Le problème des projéctions au Congrès de Prague 1927: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 26, p. 73ff.
102. Arnold, G.C., 1984, The derivation of the mapping equations and distortion formulae for the Satellite Tracking map projections: Blacksburg, Va., Va. Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Master’s thesis.
94.___1931, Des projections à pôle déplacé: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 29, p. 72ff.
103. Arnold, K., 1954, Die Krümmung der Gauß-Krügerschen Gitternetzlinien in der Polyederprojektion: Vermessungstechnik, v. 2, no. 4, p. 71-73.
95.___1941, Quelques caractéristiques du Système de coordonnées Bonne: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 39, no. 7, p. 189-192.
104. Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1794, A companion to a map of the world: London, G. Bigg. [Relates to his Map of the world on a globular projection, exhibiting particularly the nautical researches of Capn. James Cook, with all the recent discoveries to the present time: London, 1794. Discusses al-BÇrÖnÇ (or Nicolosi) Globular projection.]
96.___1957, Les projections géodésiques conformes à variables non dissociées: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessung, Kulturtechnik und Photogrammetrie, v. 55, no. 6, p. 164-168. [French with German abstract.] 97.___1962, Le calcul des déformations dans le nouveau système suisse de projection conforme: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessung, Kulturtechnik und Photogrammetrie, v. 60, no. 1, p. 7-11.
105.___1825, Geometrical projection of maps: London. 106. Artamonov, G.V. [)KQIYM\MG 8 ' ], 1938, O vybore proyektsiy dlya shkol’nykh geograficheskikh kart [- GHMKW JKMWUZET ON] LUMNP\V> XWMXKIDE[WFUE> UIKQ*]: Geodezist, no. 11. [Russian. On selecting projections for school geography maps.]
98.___1967, Sur le choix d’un système de coordonnées géodésiques conformes: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessung, Photogrammetrie und Kulturtechnik, v. 65, no. 11, p. 349-354. [French with German abstract.]
Arthur, D.W.G. (See under Barton, B.A.) 99. Aran, Muhiddin, 1951, Gauss-Krüger projeksiyonu ve tatbikati: Ankara, Harta Genel 6
107. Ask, R.E., 1937, The construction of map projections by modern methods: Photogrammetric Engineering, v. 3, no. 4, p. 712.
115. Baar, E.J., 1947, The manipulation of projections for world maps: Geographical Review, v. 37, no. 1, p. 112-120. 116. Babinet, Jacques, 1859, Géographie nouvelle: mappemondes et cartes, système homalographique: Paris, Ernest Bourdin, 16 p. [Independent derivation of Mollweide projection.]
108. Asmus, J., 1879, Darstellung eines größten Kreises in Mercator-Projektion: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 7, p. 151-154. 109. Asplund, Lars, 1966, De geodetiska riksnäten: RAK-information, Meddelande B 9/1966, p. 1-9. [Swedish. The geodetic graticule in Sweden.]
117.___[1861], Planisphère Babinet, physique et politique. Projection homalographique de M. Babinet, in Atlas Universel de Géographie: Paris, E. Bourdin. [Same as Mollweide projection.]
110. Auernheimer, Arthur, 1979, Gitternetz und Planquadrat. Eine Einführung. 3. Jahrgangsstufe, Sachunterricht, Erdkunde: Ehrenwirth Grundschulmagazin, v. 6, no. 7, p. 9-12.
118. Bachan, G.S., 1973, Standard azimuthal projection: Cartography, v. 8, no. 1, p. 40. [New pseudoazimuthal projection.] 119. Bachmann, W.K., 1939, Projections conformes à double axe neutre: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 37, p. 89ff.
111. August, F., 1874, Ueber eine conforme Abbildung der Erde nach der epicycloidischen Projection: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, v. 9, p. 1-22. [His conformal projection of world bounded by two-cusped epicycloid.]
120.___1939, Le théorème de Tissot et les lignes de déformation: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 37, p. 253ff.
112. Averdunk, H., and Müller-Reinhard, J., 1914, Gerhard Mercator und die Geographen unter seinen Nachkommen: Petermanns Mitteilungen, Ergänzungsheft no. 182, 188 p. [Mercator projection and 1569 world map discussed, p. 65-75.]
121.___1952, Etude des projections conformes d’une surface quelconque sur un plan: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Sonderveröffentlichung No. 14, p. 15-32.
113. Avetyan, G.Kh. [)GWQ]I\ 8 ^ ], 1970, Nekotorye voprosy obshchey teorii ekvivalentnykh proyektsiy [ JKMWUZET*]: Novosibirsk Tekhn. Konferentsiya. Novosibirsk otd. Vses. Astronomo-Geodezich. o-va NIIGAiK. Tezisy Doklady, p. 63. [Russian. Some problems of the general theory of equivalent projections.]
122. Bacon, C.J., 1979, Choosing the projection for an atlas mapping of physical oceanographic data: Hydrographic Journal, v. 16, p. 21-28. [Abstract only in program, 4th National Oceanographic Symposium, Johannesburg and Capetown, South Africa, July 1979.] 123. Bacon, G.W., 1913, Map, chart, and geographical diagram: U.S. Patent 1,050,596, dated Jan. 14. [Mercator projection modified in polar regions to have finite points for poles.]
Avezac, d’ (See d’Avezac.) 114. Ayala Torales, Julio, 1946, Mapas isogónicos polares: Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman Serie de Geografia Matemática y Fisica no. 2, 21 p. [Polar isogonic maps.]
124. Bacon, Roger, ca. 1265-68, The opus majus, 2 v.: Translated by R.B. Burke, 1928: Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press. Reprinted New York, Russell and Russell, 1962. [Originally Latin. Includes his globular map projection.] 7
132. Baetsle, P.L., 1970, Optimalisation d’une représentation cartographique: Société Belge de Photogrammetrie, Bulletin trimestriel, p. 11-26.
125. Bácsatyai, László, 1993, Atszámítások a budapesti sztereografikus és az osztrák GaussKrüger (M34) vetületi rendszer között: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 45, no. 5, p. 284288. [Hungarian with German abstract. Conversion calculations from the Budapest Stereographic Projection System into the Austrian Gauss-Krüger One (M34).]
133.___1979, Nouvelles formules pour les représentations cylindriques conformes transverses de l’ellipsoïde: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 38, no. 4, p. 565574. [Transformation using an intermediate gaussian-curvature sphere for each point.]
126.___1993, EgyszerÓ összefüggések a budapesti sztereografikus rendszerrÍO a Gaussgömbre történÍ attéréshez: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 45, no. 3, p. 164-166. [Hungarian with German abstract. Simple formulas for conversion from the Budapest Stereographic Projection System onto the Gauss sphere.]
134. Bagrow, Leo, 1945, The origin of Ptolemy’s Geographia: Geografiska Annaler, v. 27, no. 3-4, p. 318-387. [See Supplementary notices: Imago Mundi, 1947, v. 4, p. 71-72.] 135. Bahn, Catherine, 1957, World aeronautical charts: Special Libraries Assn., Geography and Map Div., Bulletin, no. 29, p. 15-18. [Projection information.]
127. Baer, Ledolph, 1965, Pacific ocean wave forecasting: Lockheed Report No. LR 19354, 36 p.
136. Bailey, H.P., 1956, A grid formed of meridians and parallels for the comparison and measurement of area: Geographical Review, v. 46, no. 2, p. 239-245. [Parallels are spaced along meridians for equal intervals of area rather than equal degree intervals, regardless of projection.]
___ (See also Adamo, Baer, and Hosmer.) 128. Baer, Ledolph, et alia, 1966, The icosahedral gnomonic grid of the world ocean for wave studies: Lockheed Report No. LR 20457.
137.___1956, Two grid systems that divide the entire surface of the earth into quadrilaterals of equal area: Amer. Geophysical Union, Transactions, v. 37, no. 5, p. 628-635.
129. Baeschlin, C.F., 1911, Die neue Projektionsmethode der schweizerischen Landesvermessung: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 9, p. 165ff. [Also in French as Le nouveau système de projection de la mensuration cadastrale suisse (same issue), p. 194ff.]
138. Baily, Walter, 1886, A map of the world on Flamsteed’s projection: London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, series 5, v. 21, no. 132, p. 415-416. [Same as Sinusoidal projection.]
130.___1918, Einige Entwicklungen zur Bonne’schen Kartenprojektion: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 16, p. 193ff. [Some developments with respect to Bonne’s map projection.]
139. Bain, Iain, 1984, Will Arno Peters take over the world?: Geographical Magazine, v. 56, no. 7, p. 342-343. [Peters projection. See also editorial, p. 337.]
131.___1935, Untersuchung über das Verhältnis endlicher Flächen bei der winkeltreuen, schiefachsigen Zylinderprojektion: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 33, p. 109ff.
Baker, A.M. (See Green, Baker, Deeth, Nuzzo, and Faludi.) 140. Baker, Andrew, 1986, Computers bring map projections back to life: Geography, v. 71, pt. 4, p. 333-338. [Comments on Peters projection.]
141. Baker, J.G.P., 1986, The “Dinomic” world map projection: Cartographic Journal, v. 23, no. 1, p. 66-67. [Mercator projection 45° N. to 45° S.; interrupted modified Mercator poleward with pointed poles.]
of Gauss-Krüger Transverse Mercator projection.] 151. Balea, V., 1960, ConsideraÖii privind aplicarea sistemului de projecÖie Gause la intocmirea si editarea h»rÖii moderne a Ö»rii: Revista de Geodezie i Organizarea Teritoriului, v. 4, no. 1, p. 32-42. [Romanian with French abstract. Reflections on the use of the Gauss projection systems for the issuing of modern landmaps.]
142. Bakker, Ribeiro de, 1963, Representaçao dos circulos menores na carta de Mercator: Anais Hidrográficos, v. 21, p. 105-114. [Portuguese. Representation of small circles on Mercator charts.] Balcerzak, Jerzy (See Panasiuk, Balcerzak, and Gdowski.)
152. B»lgarska Akademiya Nauk, 1960-61, Tablica za izchislenie s»s smetachna mashina na geografski koordinati, meridianna konvergenciya i mashchab ot Gausovi koordinati v»rchu elipsoida na F.N. Krasovski za vsichki shirochini: Sofia, 136 p. [Bulgarian. Tables for intermediate calculation with calculating machine from geographic coordinates, meridian convergence and scale to Gaussian coordinates on the ellipsoid of F.N. Krasovskiy for all parallels of latitude.]
143. Balcerzak, Jerzy, and Panasiuk, Jan, 1983, Obliczanie wspórzÂdnych prostoktnych paskich Gaussa-Krügera w szerokiej strefie poudnikowej powierzchni elipsoidy: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 32, no. 4, p. 311-326. [Polish with English abstract. Calculation of GaussKrüger planar rectangular coordinates in a wide meridional zone of the ellipsoid surface.] 144. Balch, S.W., 1926, Map: U.S. Patent 1,610,413, dated Dec. 14. [Oblique Mercator and Gnomonic projections of ellipsoid projected onto special conformal sphere.]
153. BaliÉska, Krystyna, 1949, Uproszczone siatki kartograficzne dla Eurazji, Europy i ZSRR: Geografia w Szkole, v. 2, no. 1, p. 31-40. [Polish. Simplified cartographic grid for Eurasia, Europe, and the Soviet Union.]
145. Balchin, W.G.V., 1947, Air maps: Empire Survey Review, v. 9, no. 66, p. 138-147.
154. Balodis, Janis, 1936, Kartografija (Kartografisko projekciju teorija): Riga. [Latvian.]
146.___1947, Air transport and geography: London, Royal Geographical Society, 23 p. [Includes map projections.]
155. Balser, Ludwig, 1928, Einfuhrung in die Kartenlehre (Kartennetze): Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 59 p. [2nd ed., 1951, 64 p.]
147.___1954, The choice of map projections: Empire Survey Review, v. 12, no. 92, p. 263276.
156. Balthasart, M., 1935, L’emploi de la projection cylindrique équivalente dans l’enseignement de la géographie: Société Belge d’Études Géographiques, Bulletin, v. 5, no. 2, p. 269-272.
148.___1957, Map projections in history: Impulse, v. 2, p. 9-13. 149. Baldacci, Osvaldo, 1939, Metodo pratico di esercizi cartografici per il biennio di geografia del corso superiore dei R.R. Instituti nautici: Padova, CEDAM, Casa editrice dott. A. Milani, 55 p.
Bambach, R.K. (See Scotese, Bambach, Barton, van der Voo, and Ziegler.) 157. Bamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen, 1962, Die Österreichischen Meridianstreifen (Gauß-Krüger-Projektion)...: Vienna, 4th ed., Dienstvorschrift no. 8, 55 p.
150.___1951, Nota introduttiva alla lettura delle carte topografiche con costruzione Gauss-Boaga e con quadrettatura chilometrica: Società Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, series 8, v. 4, no. 1-2, p. 16-25. [Gauss-Boaga is slight variation
158. Banerjee, Bireswar, and Betal, H.R., 1965, Perspective on the nature of map projection: 9
Geographical Review of India, v. 27, no. 2, p. 72-84.
14th International Cartographic Conference, Budapest, p. 75-85. [Baranyi pseudocylindrical projections.]
159. Baptist, A.D., 1964, A little book on map projections: Kandy, Ceylon, Gunasena, 49 p.
168. Baranyi, János, and Karsay, Ferenc, 1971, AlakhÓbb világtérképvetületek: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 23, no. 2, p. 108-114. [Hungarian with German abstract. World map projections of greater conformity.]
160. Baranyi, János, 1968, A világvetületek és az alakhÓség: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 20, no. 4, p. 282-290. [Hungarian with German abstract. World projections and conformity.]
169.___1972, World map projections with better shape-keeping properties: Budapest, Földmérési Intézet, Hungarian Cartographical Studies 1972.
161.___1968, The problems of the representation of the globe on a plane with special reference to the preservation of the forms of continents: Budapest, Földmérési Intézet, Hungarian Cartographical Studies, p. 19-43. [New pseudocylindrical projections, with seven examples.]
170.___1976, Projections with a stressed center: Budapest, Földmérési Intézet, Hungarian Cartographical Studies 1976, p. 15-45.
162.___1970, Projection problems in school atlases: Budapest, Földmérési Intézet, Hungarian Cartographical Studies 1970, p. 519.
Baratova, V.F. (See Ziman and Baratova.) 171. Barbie du Bocage, J.D., and Lacroix, S.F., 1803, Notice historique et analytique sur la construction des cartes géographiques: France, Ministère de la guerre, Memorial topographique et militaire, Paris, v. 1, p. 11-49. [Also in Journal des Sciences Militaires, 1825, v. 1, p. 62-85.]
163.___1985, SzemléltetÍ földvetületek szerkesztése: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 37, no. 5, p. 340-346. [Hungarian with English abstract. Construction of illustrative map projections.]
172. Barbier, J.V., 1878, Atlas uniprojectionnel. Développement de la surface terrestre par zones coniques égales: Nancy, Berger-Lavrault & cie., 12 p. [Also see Société de Géographie, Bulletin, 1878, series 6, v. 16, Aug., p. 169-176.]
164.___1987, Konstruktion anschaulicher Erdabbildungen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 37, no. 1, p. 11-17. 165.___1990, Új alakhü vetületek a magyar atlaszokban: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 42, no. 6, p. 438-445. [Hungarian with English abstract. New form-true projections in Hungarian atlases.]
173.___1883, De l’emploi de la projection conique dans un atlas systématique uniprojectionnel: Société de Géographie de l’Est, Bulletin, v. 5, p. 396-406, 661-667.
___(See also Karsay and Baranyi.) 174. Barker, N., 1982, Ancient mariner’s projection: Times Literary Supplement, no. 4179, p. 471-472. [Portolan charts.]
166. Baranyi, János and Földi, Ervin, 1976, Megjegyzések egy új térképvetülethez: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 28, no. 5, p. 383-386. [Hungarian. Compares Robinson projection with Baranyi’s projections. In English as Remarks on a new projection: Budapest, Földmérési Intézet, Hungarian Cartographical Studies 1976, p. 7-13.]
175. Barnes, J.A., 1952, Simple method of constructing the oblique Stereographic projection: Surveying and Mapping, v. 12, no. 1, p. 30-31. 176. Bartel, Jürgen, 1965, Zur Gliederung und Benunnung von Kartennetzentwürfen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 15, no. 6, p. 212-217.
167. Baranyi, János, and Györffy, János, 1989, New form-true projections in Hungarian atlases: Hungarian Cartographical Studies, prepared for 10
ON] FMFQIGNW\E] UIKQ YEKI]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 109-112. [Russian. Translated to English as A criterion for evaluating the quality of cartographic projections used for world maps: Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing, 1988, v. 25, no. 1, p. 28-31.]
177. Barton, B.A., 1976, A note on the transformation of spherical coordinates: Amer. Cartographer, v. 3, no. 2, p. 161-168. [See also comments by Arthur, D.W.G., 1978, Orthogonal transformations: v. 5, no. 1, p. 72-74.] Barton, Colleen (See Scotese, Bambach, Barton, van der Voo, and Ziegler.)
186.___1987, Issledovaniye polikonicheskikh proyektsiy s polyarnymi liniyami dlya kart mira. Variant proyektsii [%FFNWOMGI\EW
178. Bartsch, Eckhard, 1983, Umbezifferung von Kartennetzen: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 108, no. 11, p. 471-478. [German with English abstract.]
JMNEUM\E[WFUE> JKMWUZET F JMN]K\VYE NE\E]YE ON] UIKQ YEKI*]: Moscow, MIIGAiK. [Russian. Research on polyconic projections with polar lines for world maps. A projection variant.]
179. Baschin, Otto, 1912, Teifenkarten der Ozeane in flächentreuer Projektion: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 40, no. 10, p. 537-541. [Ocean depth maps.]
187.___1992, Vozmozhnosti primeneniya proyektsii Lagranzha dlya kart mira ['MSYM\MFQE JKEYW\W\E] JKMWUZEE .IXKI\I ON] UIKQ YEJI]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 1, p. 96-100. [Russian. Possible applications of the Lagrange projection to world maps.]
Bäschlin, C.F. (See Baeschlin, C.F.) Bavolu, Ümit (See Hilliard, Bavolu, and Muehrcke.) 180. Bastien, J.B., 1887, Cours de projections et de perspective: Mons, H. Manceaux, 12 p.
188. Beck, Willi, 1957, Geländeformen, Reproduktion, topographische Karten und Karten-Abbildungen: Stuttgart, J.B. Metzlersche, 504 p.
181. Bathe, Joseph, 1915, Zur Geschichte der Tafeln der Meridionalteile: Göttingen and Berlin, Dissertation, 43 p. [History of tables of meridian parts. Also in Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, 1915, v. 43, no. 10, p. 425-440; no. 11, p. 482488; no. 12, p. 537-548.]
189. Beckenbach, E.F., 1952, Construction and applications of conformal maps: National Bureau of Standards, Institute of Numerical Analysis, Symposium, June 22-25, 1949, Los Angeles, Univ. of California (at) Los Angeles, Proceedings.
182. Batson, R.M., 1973, Cartographic products from the Mariner 9 mission: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 78, no. 20, p. 44244435. [Projections used for Mars.]
190. Bégat, Pierre, 1839, Traité de géodésie à l’usage des marine; ou méthodes et formules trigonométriques relatives au levé et à la construction des cartes hydrographiques: Paris, Imprimerie royale, 288 p.
183. Bauer, Hubert, 1942, Globes, maps and skyways: New York, Macmillan, 75 p. 184. Bause, Ewald, 1923, Kartenprojektion, in his Lexikon der Geographie, 2 v.: Brunswick and Hamburg, v. 1, p. 708-710.
191. Beguyer de Chancourtois, A.-E., 1874, Programme d’un système de géographie fondé sur l’usage des mesures décimales, d’un méridien 0g international, et des projections stéréographique et gnomonique: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 6, v. 8, Sept., p. 240-258.
185. Bayeva, Ye.Yu. ['IWGI 7 ! ], 1987, Kriterii otsenki dostoinstva kartograficheskikh proyektsiy, ispol’zuyemykh dlya sostavleniya kart mira [5KEQWKEE MZW\UE OMFQME\FQGI
192.___1874, Carte du globe en projection gnomique avec le réseau pentagonal superposé: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 6, v. 7, p. 291-297. [Dodecahedral globe.]
dlya sozdaniya sistemy topograficheskikh kart Respubliki Tunis [5 GMJKMFH M GVMKW
193.___1884, Programme raisonné d’un système de géographie fondé sur l’usage des mesures décimales, d’un méridien 0. grade international et des projections stéréographiques et gnomoniques...: Paris, Gauthier Villars, 70p.
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 136-142. [Russian. Choice of map projections for the production of topographic maps of Tunisia.]
201. Bencini, P., 1968, Sul calcolo di trasformazione delle coordinate dal sistema geocentrico al sistema geografico: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 27, no. 3, p. 357367. [Italian with English abstract. About the computation of transformation of coordinates from the geocentric system into the geographic system.]
194. Behrmann, Walter, 1909, Zur Kritik der flächentreuen Projektionen der ganzen Erde und einer Halbkugel: Sitzungberichte der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Matematisch-physikalische Klasse, v. 13, 48 p. [Equal-area projections for whole world and hemisphere.]
___(See also Trombetti and Bencini.) 195.___1910, Die beste bekannte flächentreue Projektion der ganzen Erde: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 56-2, no. 3, p. 141-144. [His Cylindrical Equal-Area projection with standard parallels at 30° N. and S.]
202. Bencker, H., 1951, Generalization of Mercator projection: International Hydrographic Review, v. 28, no. 1, p. 95-96. 203. Bennat, Heinz, and Sievers, Jörn, 1992, Bezugssysteme für Karten und digitale geographische Informationssysteme der Antarktis: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, series I, no. 107, p. 23-48.
196.___1919, Eine neue Projektion mit geradlinigen größten Kugelkreisen: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, no. 1/2, p. 86-87. [Two-Point Azimuthal projection. Includes comments on Immler (1919) and Thorade (1919).]
Bennat, Heinz (See also Sievers and Bennat.)
197. Beinecke, Hans-Dieter, 1983, Automationsgerechte KoordinatenTransformation für kleinmaßstäbige Kartennetzabbildungen mit Hilfe der Tensorrechnung: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 33, no. 2, p. 55-63.
204. Bensch, E., 1881, Die stereographische Projektion: Leipzig, Teubner. 205. Bentzen, B.E., 1919, Norges Geografiske Opmålings landkarter ogderes bruk: Christiania (Oslo), Utgit av Norges Geografiske Opmåling. [Norwegian.]
198.___1991, Untersuchung zur RobinsonAbbildung und Vorschlag ein analytischen Abbildungsvorschrift: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 41, no. 3, p. 85-94.
206. Benzing, A.G., 1975, Die Peters-Karte im Geographieunterricht: Erdkundelehrer, v. 15, no. 1, p. 1-2.
199. Belgium, Ministère des colonies, Cartographie et cadastre, 1950, Kadastrale conforme projectie van “Gauss.” Ellipsoïde van “Clarke” 1880: Brussels, 38 p. [Dutch. Gauss Conformal or Transverse Mercator projection for Clarke 1880 ellipsoid.]
207.___1976, Die Peters-Karte exemplarisch für Erdkarten in kartographischen Übungen: Freiburger Geographische Mitteilungen, no. 12, p. 125-131. 208.___1979-80, Gradfeldtabellen, Gradabteilungen, Meridian- und Parallelkreisbögen, Krümmungsradien aus dem
200. Ben Ammar, Salah Hamed a.o., 1990, K voprosu o vybore kartograficheskoy proyektsii 12
Kleinrechner: Geographisches Taschenbuch, p. 93-99.
219. Berry, R.M. and Bormanis, Valdis, 1970, Plane coordinate survey system for the Great Lakes based on the Hotine Orthomorphic projection: U.S. Lake Survey Misc. Paper 70-4, 16 p.
209. Benzing, A.G., and Kimmig, Martin, 1987, Das Kartengitter der topographischen Karten Frankreichs − Formelsammlung zur Koordinaten-Transformation: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 37, no. 6, p. 229-231.
220. Bertacchi, Cosmo, 1905, Quale forma ed estensione si daliba dare al l’insigna manlo delle proiezioni geografiche nelle scuole medie e nelle facoltà di lettere: Congresso Geografico Italiane, v. 2, p. 417-422.
210. Beresford, P.C., 1953, Map projections used in polar regions: Institute of Navigation, Journal, v. 6, no. 1, p. 29-37.
221. Berthon, ..., 1902, Une représentation du globe terrestre sur une projection étoilée à quatre branches: Bulletin Géographique Hist. et Descriptive, p. 282-284.
211. Berghaus, Hermann, 1858, Über H. James’ und J. Babinet’s Entwurfsarten für Planigloben: Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes’ Geographischer Anstalt ... von Dr. A. Petermann, v. 4, no. 2, p. 63-69.
Bertik, N.A. (See Konusova and Bertik.) 222. Bertin, Jacques, 1967, L’identification en situation les projections, in his Semiologie Graphique: Paris, Mouton, Gauthier-Villars, p. 287-295. [Book translated as Semiology of graphics, diagrams, networks, maps: Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1984, 415 p.]
212. Berkeley, L.M., 1925, Great circle sailing: New York, White Book Supply, 73 p. 213. Berls, N.J., 1987, A program for Transverse Mercator projections: Geobyte, v. 2, no. 1, p. 18-21. 214.___1987, A program for Lambert Conformal Conic projections: Geobyte, v. 2, no. 2, p. 26-29.
223. Bertschmann, S., 1935, Einfluß der Projektionsverzerrungen und der Höhenlage auf das Flächenmaß: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik: v. 33, p. 2ff.
215.___1987, A program for American Polyconic projections: Geobyte, v. 2, no. 3, p. 15-17.
Betal, H.R. (See Banerjee and Betal.) 216. Bernasconi, Carlo, 1953, Proiezioni cartografiche di carattere speciale: Geofisica Pura e Applicata, v. 24, p. 5-10.
224. Bhattacharji, J.C., 1964, A rapid machine computation method of conversion between Lambert grid and spherical coordinates: International Hydrographic Review, v. 41, no. 2, p. 53-62.
217. Berndt, H., and Oszvald, E., 1982, Rechnergestützte Bearbeitung kartographischer Netzentwürfe, dargestellt am Beispiel von Azimutalprojektionen: Wiss. Kolloq.: 25 Jahre Hochschulausbildung, Fachrichtung Kartographie, Dresden, 45 p.
Bibby, H.M. (See Reilly and Bibby.) 225. Bibliographia Cartographica, 1974-: Munich, K.G. Saur, v. 1-. [Section VB of each volume lists papers on map projections, chiefly for the previous year.]
218. Berry, R.M., 1972, Plane coordinate survey system for the Great Lakes: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Columbus, Ohio, Technical Sessions, ACSMASP Fall Convention, Proceedings, p. 163-176.
226. Bibliotheca Cartographica, 1957-1972: Bonn-Bad Godesberg, v. 1-30. [Section VB of each volume lists papers on map projections, chiefly for the previous year.]
___(See also Stoughton and Berry.)
227. Bieberbach, Ludwig, 1956, Einfuhrung in die konforme Abbildung: Berlin, W. de Gruyter. 13
[Earlier (4th) ed. translated by F. Steinhardt as Conformal mapping: New York, Chelsea Pub. Co., 1953, 234 p.]
as Projection quasi-stereographique de l’Institut Géographique Militaire de Pologne: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Geodesy Assn., 5th General Assembly, Lisbon, Sept. 17-25, 1933, Travaux, Rapports généraux, v. 12.]
228. Bieck, W., 1955, Ein Lehrmittel für den Unterricht in der Kartenprojektion: Zeitschrift für den Erdkunde − Unterricht, v. 7, p. 187.
237. Biernacki, Mieczysaw, 1955, Geometria róniczkowa: Warsaw, Pánstwowe Wydawn, 2nd ed. [Polish.]
229. Biernacki, Franciszek, 1949, Teoria odwzorowaÉ powierzchni dla geodetów i kartografów: Warsaw, Glówny Urzqd Pomiarów Kraju, Prace Geodezyjnego Instytuto NaukowoBadawczego, no. 4. [Polish. Translated into English as Theory of representation of surfaces for surveyors and cartographers: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1965.]
238. Biesheuvel, H., 1955, Maps and land use; an inaugural address delivered at Durban on Apr. 21, 1955: Natal, Univ. Press. 239. Bil, W.L., 1992, Sectie en projectie: Geodesia, v. 34, no. 10, p. 405-411. [Dutch with English abstract.]
230.___1973, Podstawy teorii odwzorowaÉ kartograficznych: Warsaw, 195 p. [Polish. Foundations of cartographic projection theory.]
240. Bilger, Burkhard, 1989, Plastic continents, rubber seas: Earthwatch, March, p. 12-13.
231.___1975, Odwzorowania izoperymetryczne: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 24, no. 1, p. 57-61. [Polish with English abstract. Isoperimetric projections.]
241. Bilibina, N.A. [ENEE\I < ) ], 1990, O poluchenii vidoizmenennykh variantov ravnougol’noy proyektsii V.V. Kavrayskogo [-
232. Biernacki, Franciszek, and Panasiuk, Jan, 1957, Projections obliques en cartographie: Presented to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, General Assembly, Toronto, Sept. 3-14.
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 157160. [Russian. The development of different variations of conformal projections by V.V. Kavrayskiy.]
233.___1957, Odwzorowania ukone w kartografii: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 6, no. 3, p. 151-160. [Polish with French abstract. Oblique projections in cartography.]
242. Birardi, Giuseppe, 1950, Rappresentazione di Gauss-Boaga e reticolate chilome-trico nella nuova cartografia italiana: Universo, v. 30, no. 5, p. 668-692. [Gauss-Boaga is slight variation on Gauss-Krüger Transverse Mercator projection.]
234.___1957, Projections obliques en cartographie: Warsaw, Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Comité de Géodésie, 11 p.
243. Birch, T.W., 1949, Maps, topographical and statistical: Oxford Univ. Press, 240 p. [2nd ed., 1964.]
235.___1958, Siatki kartograficzne ukone: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 7, no. 3, p. 149-161. [Polish with French abstract. Oblique projections.]
244. Birdseye, C.H., compiler, 1929, Formulas and tables for the construction of polyconic projections: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 809, 126 p.
236. Biernacki, Franciszek, and SomczÉyski, Jósef, 1932, Odwzorowanie quasistereograficzne Wojskowego Instytutu Geograficznego: Warsaw, Wojskowy Instytut Geog-raficzny, 35 p. + 139 tables. [Polish. Quasistereographic projections of the Military Institute of Geography. Translated into French
245. Birkin, F.J., 1956, Note on the Lambert and polar Stereographic projections: Empire Survey Review, v. 13, no. 102, p. 386-387.
246. Biro, Zoltan, 1988, Vetületek elöfordulási gyakorisága az atlaszkartográfiában, Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 40, no. 2, p. 133-134. [Hungarian. Frequency of map projections used in atlas cartography.]
v. 30, no. 5, p. 406-416. [Projections of a hemisphere.] 255.___1895, Über die Wahl der Projektionen für die Länderkarten der Hand- und Schulatlanten: Geographische Zeitschrift, v. 1, no. 9, p. 497-516.
247. Bjerknes, V., 1920, Sur les projections et les échelles à choisir pour les cartes géophysiques: Geografiska Annaler, v. 2, p. 112.
256.___1896, Über die Projektionen der Erdkarten: Geographische Zeitschrift, v. 2, no. 9, p. 495-511.
248. Blaha, Georges, 1974, Méthode de calcul des superficies: application pour l’île Anticosti: Québec, Ministère Des Terres et Forêts, Direction Générale, 69 p.
257.___1901, Was gehört aus der Projektionslehre auf die Schule?: Deutschen Geographentag, Verhandlungen, v. 13, p. 124130.
249. Blajda, Maria, 1986, O moszliwoci zastosowania odwzorowania Lamberta do opracowania map gospodarczych na obszarze Polski: Przegld Geologiczny, v. 58, no. 11-12, p. 22-24. [Polish. About the use of the Lambert projection in the preparation of economic maps of Poland.]
258.___1913, Die Kartenprojectionen in elementarer Behandlung: Düsseldorf, L. Schwann, 72 p. ___(See also under Netzhammer; Zöppritz, 1884, Die Projektionslehre....)
Blome, Richard (See under Varenius, Bernard.)
259. Boaga, Giovanni, 1948, Trattato di Geodesia e Topografia, con Elementi di Fotogrammetria Padova, CEDAM (Casa Editrice Dott. A. Milani), 2 v., 1202 p. [Describes Gauss-Boaga projection in v. 1, p. 556-568.]
250. Bludau, Alois, 1890, Die flächentreue Azimutprojektion von Lambert und ihre Verwendung bei Karten von Asien und Europa: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, v. 25, no. 4, p. 263-276. [Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection.]
260.___1947, Sulle carte geografiche: Universo, v. 27, no. 5, p. 569-612.
251.___1891, Die flächentreue transversale Kegel-Projektion für die Karte von Afrika: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, v. 26, no. 2, p. 145-158. [Transverse EqualArea Conic projection.]
261.___1959, Costruzioni geometrico-analitiche delle carte geografiche e loro classificazioni: Rivista del Catasto e dei Servizi Tecnici Erariali, new series, v. 14, no. 2, p. 89-101.
252.___1892, Die flächentreue AzimutProjektion Lamberts für die Karte von Afrika: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 38, no. 9, p. 214218. [Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection.]
262. Bocchio, F., 1969, Sui campi di curve superficiali a transformata geodetica nelle rappresentazioni cartografiche di tipo generale: Trieste, Ist. Geod. Geofis. 93, 5 p. Bocharov, A.Ye. (See Bugayevskiy and Bocharov.)
253.___1892, Flächentreue GradnetzProjektionen für die Karten von Süd- und NordAmerika und Australien: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, v. 27, no. 3, p. 221-247. [Equal-area projections.]
263. Bodemüller, Hellmut, 1934, Über die konforme Abbildung der Erdoberfläche mit günstigster Richtungs- und Längenreduktion für die Zwecke einer Landesvermessung: Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, v. 46, no. 28, p. 550-566; no. 29, p. 569-578; no. 30,
254.___1895, Zur Abbildung der Halbkugeln: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, 15
“sposoby [FJMFMV]” (methods) is “osnovy [MF\MGV]” (principles) and “EVM ['9]” is “ETsVM[:'9].” First paper is translated to English as Mathematical methods of deriving new cartographic projections of small-scale maps using an electronic computer: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1967, no. 4, p. 227-229.]
p. 585-593; no. 31, p. 601-607. [Also as Dissertation, 1934, Karlsruhe.] 264.___1944, Ellipsoidische Abbildungen von Rotations-Ellipsoiden mit Hilfe von Differentialformeln: Chefs des Kriegs-Kartenund Vermessungswesens, Mitteilungen, June, p. 291-339.
270.___1967, Automatized method for developing the cartographic projections of the small-scale maps: International Cartographic Assn., 3rd technical conference, Amsterdam, paper, 10 p.
265. Bogdanov, Ya.A. [MXOI\MG = ) ], 1957, Uproshchennyi priyem vychisleniya stadimetricheskoy setki na merkatorskoy karte [(JKMRW\\VE JKEWY GV[EFNW\E]
271.___1968, Izyskaniye proyektsiy kart Sovetskogo Soyuza dlya nachal’noy shkoly s ispol’zovaniyem EVM [%SVFUI\EW JKMWUZET
Inzhenerskoye Morskoye Uchilishche, Uchenye Zapiski, no. 6, p. 95-102. [Russian. Approximate method of calculating stadimetric grids on Mercator charts.]
UIKQ &MGWQFUMXM &MSI ON] \I[INP\MT LUMNV F EFJMNPSMGI\EWY '9]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 5, p. 53-58. [Russian. A survey of the projections for maps of the Soviet Union for the elementary school using electronic calculating machines.]
266. Boggs, S.W., 1929, A new equal-area projection for world maps: Geographical Journal, v. 73, no. 3, p. 241-245. [His Eumorphic projection, a pseudocylindrical combination of the Sinusoidal and Mollweide projections.]
272.___1969, Sposob izyskaniya proizvol’nykh proyektsiy melkomasshtabnykh kart [&JMFM
267.___1945, “This hemisphere”: Journal of Geography, v. 44, no. 9, p. 345-355. [Also issued as U.S. Dept. of State Bulletin, 1945, v. 12, no. 306, p. 845-850. Also separate reprint, 13 p.]
Nedra. [Russian. A method for developing arbitrary projections of small-scale charts.] 273.___1971, Approksimiruyushchiye funktsii dvukh peremennykh v matematicheskoy kartografii [)JJKMUFEYEKHREW DH\UZEE
___(See also under Geographical Journal, 1929.)
268. Boggs, S.W., and Lewis, D.C., 1945, Map projections: in The classification and cataloging of maps and atlases: New York, Special Libraries Assn., p. 81-91. [Library classification of map projections.]
[Russian. Approximation functions of two variables in mathematical cartography.] 274.___1972, Sposob izyskaniya proizvol’nykh proyektsiy melkomasshtabnykh[&JMFM
269. Boginskiy, V.M. [MXE\FUET ' 9 ], 1967, Matematicheskiye sposoby polucheniya novykh kartograficheskikh proyektsiy melkomasshtabnykh kart s ispol’zovaniyem EVM [9IQWYIQE[WFUEW FJMFMV JMNH[W\E]
[Russian. A method of creating arbitrary projections for small-scale maps.]
275.___1985, Proyektsii dlya sozdaniya originalov plastmassovykh globusov [*KMWUZEE
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 45-50. [Russian. Same title in Geodeziya i Kartografiya, 1967, no. 7, p. 64-68, except
52-55. [Russian. Projections for making plastic globe prototypes.]
ON] FMSOI\E] MKEXE\INMG JNIFQYIFFMGV> XNMHFMG]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 11, p.
276. Boginskiy, V.M. and Ginzburg, G.A. [8E\SHKX 8 ) ], 1971, Izyskaniye yedinoy proyektsii dlya kart dvukh materikov s ispol’zovaniyem EVM [%SVFUI\EW WOE\MT
transformation between adjacent coordinate systems of the Gauss-Krüger projection.] 284. Bolt, W.H., 1889, A point in great circle sailing [by gnomonic projection]: Nautical Magazine, v. 58, p. 104-105. [See also 1890, v. 59, p. 785-787.]
Kartografiya, no. 7, p. 54-60. [Russian. The search for a unified projection for the maps of two continents (North and South America) using a computer.]
285. Bolton, R.M., 1968, Programming of cartographic projection transformations, in Computer-assisted cartography: Association for Computing Machinery, 7th Annual Technical Symposium, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., May 16, 1968, p. 39-56.
277. Bohnstedt, Hans, 1932, Zur Darstellung der Erdkugeloberfläche: Petermanns Mitteilungen, Ergänzungsheft no. 214, p. 19-24.
286. Boltz, H., 1942-1943, Formeln und Tafeln zur numerischen (nicht logarithmischen) Berechnung Gauß-Krüger’schen Koordinaten aus den geographischen Koordinaten: Potsdam, Geodätisches Institut, Veröffentlichung, new series, 1942, no. 110; 1943, no. 111.
278. Bolliger, Jakob, 1964, Über Äquideformaten: Geographica Helvetica, v. 19, no. 1, p. 42-49. 279.___1965, Zur Flächenverzerrung der Kugelprojektion: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessung, Kulturtechnik und Photogrammetrie, v. 63, no. 10, p. 356-358.
287. Bomford, A.G., 1962, Transverse Mercator arc-to-chord and finite distance scale factor formulae: Empire Survey Review, v. 16, no. 125, p. 318-327. [See also comments by Vincenty, T., 1972 Survey Review, v. 21, no. 166, p. 386-387.]
280.___1967, Die Projektionen der schweizerischen Plan- und Kartenwerke: Winterthur, Switz., Druckerei Winterthur AG, 130 p. [Oblique Mercator of ellipsoid using double projection.]
288. Bonacker, Wilhelm, 1954, Gegen den Wirrwahr im Gebrauch kartographischer Begriffe und Konstanten: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 4, no. 3, p. 4-9.
281. Bolotov, A.P. [MNMQMG ) * ], 1855, Exposé de la projection de m. Gauss: St. Petersburg, Académie Impériale des Sciences Classe Physico-Mathématique, Bulletin, v. 13, no. 1, p. 1-13. [Gauss Conformal Transverse Mercator projection. Also in St. Petersburg, Académie Imperiale des Sciences Mélanges Mathématiques et Astronomiques Rirés du Bulletin Physico-Mathematique, 1859, v. 2, p. 84-101.]
289. Bonacker, Wilhelm, and Anliker, Ernst, 1930, Heinrich Christian Albers, der Urheber der flächentreuen Kegelrumpfprojektion: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 76, no. 9-10, p. 238-240. 290.___1932, Donnus Nicolaus Germanus, sein Kartennetz, seine Ptolemäus-Rezensionen und Ausgaben zur Erinnerung an die 450. Weiderkehr des Ausgabejahres 1482 der Ulmer Ausgabe: Schweizerisches Gutenbergmuseum Zeitschrift für Buchdruck, Bibliophile- und Pressegeschichte, v. 18, no. 1, p. 19-48.
282. Bol’shaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, 1953, Kartograficheskiye proyektsii [5IKQMXKIDE[WFUEW JKMWUZEE]: Moscow, v. 20, p. 269-277. [Russian. Map projections. Also in 1973 ed., v. 11, p. 469-474.] 283. Bolt, Mladen, 1974, Transformacija koordinata izmedu susjednih koordina(n)tnih sistema Gauss-Krügerove projekcije: Geodetski List, v. 28, no. 1-3, p. 18-22. [Serbo-Croatian with English abstract. Coordinate
291. Bonifacino, Bartolomeo, 1966, Sulle più generali corrispondenze conformi delle rappresentazioni cilindriche oblique e caso particolare della rappresentazione di Gauss: Rivista del Catasto e dei Servizi Tecnici Erariali, new series, v. 21, no. 3-4, p. 133-139. 17
[On the most general conformal correspondencies of oblique cylindrical projections and the special case of the Gauss projection.]
300.___1969, Auswahl der günstigsten Projektion für die Weltkarte der Polargebiete im Maßstab 1:1 000 000 und 1:2 500 000: Technische Universität Dresden, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, v. 18, no. 2, p. 597-600.
292.___1966, Sull’ impiego della rappresentazione di Gauss per il calcolo sul piano di reti ellissoidiche di notevoli dimensioni: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 25, no. 1, p. 57-73.
301. Bordyukov, M.P. [MKOUMG 9 * ], 1967, Elektronnyy sposob transformirovaniya kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [NWUQKM\\VT
293. Bonnet, D., 1852, Sur la théorie mathématique des cartes géographiques: Journal de Mathématiques, v. 17, p. 301-340.
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 55-63. [Russian. Translated to English as Electronic method for transformation of cartographic projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1967, no. 4, p. 232-235.]
294. Boorman, J.M., 1877, Improvement in geometric blocks for mapping: U.S. Patent 185,889, dated Jan. 2. [Polyhedral map projection on solids with 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, and 37 faces.]
302.___1968, K voprosu o tochnosti transformirovaniya kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [5 GMJKMFH M QM[\MFQE
295. %RUÀL¾, Branko, 1955, Gauss-Krügerova projekcija; teorija i primena u driavnon premeru: Belgrade, Geografski Institut JNA, 201 p. [Serbo-Croatian. Gauss-Krüger projection.]
QKI\FDMKYEKMGI\E] UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 119-124. [Russian. Translated to English as Accuracy in transforming cartographic projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1968, no. 4, p. 266-268.]
296.___1955, MatematiÀka kartografija: Zagreb, TehniÀka Knjiga, 407 p. [SerboCroatian.]
Bormanis, Valdis (See Berry and Bormanis.) 297.___1958, Tablice za transformaciju koordinata izmedu susjednih koordinatnih sistema kud Gauss-Krügerov projekcije: Belgrade, Izdanje Savezne geodetske uprave, 55 p. [Serbo-Croatian with English abstract. Tables for coordinate transformation involving the Gauss-Krüger projection.]
303. Bormann, G.E., and Vozikis, E., 1982, Photographische Kartenumbildung mit dem Wild-AVIOPLAN OR1: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 32, no. 6, p. 201-206. [Essentially translated as Map projection transformation with digitally controlled differential rectifiers: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 1983, v. 49, no. 9, p. 1317-1323.]
298.___1960, Transformacija koordinata izmedu susjednih koordinatnih sistema kod Gauss-Krügerove projekcije: Geodetski List, v. 14, no. 10-12, p. 261-277. [Serbo-Croatian. Coordinate transformation between two adjacent coordinate systems of the Gauss-Krüger projection.]
304. Borodin, A.V. [MKMOE\ ) ' ], 1968, Sposob transformirovaniya izobrazheniy [&JMFM QKI\FDMKYEKMGI\E] ESMKIW\ET*]: USSR patent K1. 42 e, 10/04 (GO1c), no. 215 525; approved May 26, 1966; published June 4, 1968. [Russian. Tools for transformation of representations.]
299.___1962, The mathematical base (map projection of the International Map of the World on the millionth scale): Zagreb [Agram], Yugoslavia, Institute of Cartography and Map Reproduction, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Zagreb, 28 p.
Borsdorf, W. (See Schmid, W., and Borsdorf.)
305. Bortoluzzi, Giovanni, and Ligi, Marco, 1986, DIGMAP: a computer program for accurate acquisition by digitizer of geographical coordinates from conformal projections: Computers and Geosciences, v. 12, no. 2, p. 175-197.
316. Bourgonnier, C., 1933, Note au sujet d’une projection et d’un diagramme pour l’étude et le tracé du segment capable sphérique: Annales Hydrographiques, series 3, v. 12, p. 63-72. 317.___1933, Note sur les représentations orthodromiques de la sphère: Annales Hydrographiques, series 3, v. 12, p. 73-82.
306. Botley, F.V., 1949, A tetrahedral gnomonic projection: Geography, v. 34, pt. 3, p. 131-136.
318. Bowditch, Nathaniel, 1802ff, The new American practical navigator. [Revised many times, currently pub. as American practical navigator: Washington, Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center, Pub. No. 9. Recent editions have considerable discussion on map projections, e.g. 1966, esp. p. 69-92; 1977, v. 1, esp. p. 64-89.]
307.___1951, A new approach to world distribution maps: Geographical Journal, v. 117, pt. 2, p. 215-217. [Proposes Oblique-Gore cylindrical or azimuthal equal-area projections.] 308.___1951, A new use for the Plate Carrée projection: Geographical Review, v. 41, no. 4, p. 640-644. [Oblique Equidistant Cylindrical projection.]
319. Bowie, E.H., 1925, Daily world charts essential to progress in meteorology: Third Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, Proceedings.
309.___1951, Air routes of the world: Today and tomorrow: New Commonwealth, v. 22, no. 3, p. 169-172. [Shows Oblique-Gore cylindrical equal-area projection.]
320. Bowie, William, and Adams, O.S., 1919, Grid system for progressive maps in the United States: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec. Pub. 59, 227 p. [Using Polyconic projection.]
310.___1952, British and American world map projections from 1850-1950: Univ. of London, Master’s thesis in Geography, 262 p.
321. Bowring, B.R., 1976, Transformation from spatial to geographical coordinates: Survey Review, v. 23, no. 181, p. 323-327.
311.___1953, World air routes 1953: Aeroplane, v. 85, p. 733-734. [Gnomonic projection onto octahedron, then developed.]
322.___1986, The Lambert Conical Orthomorphic projection and computational stability: Bulletin Géodésique, v. 60, no. 4, p. 345-354. [Adaptation of formulas to permit use for Mercator and Polar Stereographic limits.]
312.___1954, Contracted equal-area projections: Geographical Journal, v. 120, pt. 1, p. 116-118. [Suggests slightly compressing equal-area pseudocylindrical projections, interrupted or not, in east-west direction.]
323.___1989, Transverse Mercator equations obtained from a spherical base: Survey Review, v. 30, no. 233, p. 125-133. [See also comments by Bragg, L.E., 1990, v. 30, no. 237, p. 357359.]
313.___1954, An octahedral gnomonic projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 12, no. 94, p. 379-381. 314.___1956, A map of world air routes: Geographical Journal, v. 122, pt. 3, p. 397-399. [Gnomonic projection onto octahedron, then developed.]
324.___1990, The Transverse Mercator projection − a solution by complex numbers: Survey Review, v. 30, no. 237, p. 325-342. 325.___1991, A projection of the world coastline: Survey Review, v. 31, no. 242, p. 226232. [Spherical Transverse Mercator projection adapted with two central meridians.]
315. Bourgeois, R. and Furtwängler, P., 1909, Kartographie: Enzyklopädie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, Leipzig, v. 6, pt. 1, p. 245-296. [Treatise on projections used by various governments.] 19
326. Bowyer, R. and German, G.A., 1959, A guide to map projection: London, John Murray, 43 p.
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, 189 p. [German with English abstract.] 337. Braun, Carl, 1867, Ueber zwei neue geographische Entwurfsarten: Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie, v. 10, no. 33, p. 259-263; no. 34, p. 269-272; no. 35, p. 276-278. [Presents stereographic perspective conic and two perspective cylindrical projections.]
327. Boyce, G.K., 1948, A letter of Mercator concerning his Ptolemy: Bibliographical Society of America, Papers, v. 42, p. 129-139. 328. Bradley, A.D., 1938, Mathematics of map projections and navigation: New York, the author, 103 p. [Map projections, p. 10-38.]
338. Brandenberger, Christoph, 1996, Verschiedene Aspekte und Projektionen für Weltkarten: Institut für Kartographie der Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, 179 p.
329.___1939, Maps and map projection: Amer. Mathematical Monthly, v. 46, no. 10, p. 650652. 330.___1941, Great-circle sailings: U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, v. 67, no. 456, p. 175178.
339. Brazier, H.H., 1951, A skew orthomorphic projection with particular reference to Malaya: Conference of British Commonwealth Survey Officers, London, 1947, Report of Proceedings, p. 42-62. [Oblique Mercator projection of ellipsoid.]
331.___1945, Azimuthal equidistant projection of the sphere: Amer. Mathematical Monthly, v. 52, no. 3, p. 148-151. 332.___1946, Equal-area projection on the icosahedron: Geographical Review, v. 36, no. 1, p. 101-104.
340. Breckman, Jack, 1962, The theory and use of B-charts: Radio Corp. of America, manuscript, 18 p. [Breckman projection for plotting Earth-orbiting satellite groundtracks.]
333. Bragg, L.E., 1986, Developing the conventional Transverse Mercator projection calculation method: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping – Amer. Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Annual Convention, Washington, Technical Papers, v. 1, p. 40-48.
341. Breton, R., 1983, Le canevas triangulaire: une représentation pratique du globe terrestre: Cahiers de Géographie du Québec, v. 27, no. 70, p. 99-103. [The triangular projection network: a practical representation of the globe.] 342. Bretterbauer, Kurt, 1989, Die trimetrische Projektion von W. Chamberlin, Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 39, no. 2, p. 51-55. [English abstract.]
___(See also under Bowring (1989).) 334. Brandenberger, A.J., 1959, Heading compatibility study: Columbus, Ohio State University, Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Report no. 8, 20 p. [Polyhedral projections.]
343.___1990, Ein Algorithmus zur massenaften Transformation österreichischer konformer koordinaten: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 40, no. 6, p. 229-231.
335.___1959, Preliminary report about polyhedral projections: Columbus, Ohio State University, Mapping and Charting Research Laboratory, Technical Paper No. (816)-1-284, 46 p.
344.___1994, Ein Berechnungsverfahren für die Robinson-Projektion: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 44, no. 6, p. 227-229. 345. Breusing, Arthur, 1892, Das Verebnen der Kugeloberfläche für Gradnetzentwürfe: Leipzig, H. Wagner & E. Debes, 71 p. [Presents azimuthal projection with radii at geometric
336. Brandenberger, C.G., 1985, Koordinatentransformation für digitale kartographische Daten mit Lagrange- und Spline-Interpolation: Institut für Kartographie, 20
means of those for Stereographic and Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projections.]
and Mapping, 1986 Fall Convention, Anchorage, Alaska, ACSM Technical Papers, p. 288-297.
346. Briesemeister, William, 1953, A new oblique equal-area projection: Geographical Review, v. 43, no. 2, p. 260-261. [His oblique aspect of Hammer projection, with axes 1.75 to 1 instead of 2 to 1.]
354. Brooks, W.D., and Roberts, C.E., Jr., 1976, An analysis of a modified van der Grinten equatorial arbitrary oval projection: Amer. Cartographer, v. 3, no. 2, p. 143-150. [Independent derivation of Van der Grinten III projection. See comment by Snyder, J.P., 1979, v. 6, no. 1, p. 81.]
347.___1959, A world equal-area projection for the future. The selection of the most suitable equal-area projection for the purpose of plotting world wide statistics in this present day of super speed, jet planes and intercontinental missiles: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, series 2, no. 3, p. 60-63. [Published separately, 1958: Chicago, Rand McNally, 4 p. Translated to German as Eine flächentreue Weltkarten-Projektion für die Zukunft: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, 1958, series 1, no. 7, p. 7274.]
355.___1986, A mathematical analysis and comparison of three circular world graticules: Cartographica, v. 23, no. 3, p. 28-41. [Van der Grinten I, Van der Grinten III (but called Brooks-Roberts Modified Van der Grinten), and incorrect version of Lagrange projection originated by Lambert. See comment by Snyder, J.P., 1987, v. 24, no. 3, p. 85.]
348.___1959, A new equal area projection for the future: Second International Cartographic Conference, Chicago, 1958, Proceedings: Verlag des Instituts für Angewandte Geodäsie, p. 60-63.
356. Brosche, Peter, 1983, Zur kartographischen Darstellung der Kontinentaldrift (Überlegungen für einen „Wegener-Atlas“): International Yearbook of Cartography, v. 23, p. 53-62. [German with English abstract. On the cartographic representation of continental drift.]
349. Brinker, D.M., 1990, Return of the Orthographic projection as the best choice for world maps: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, 1990, Annual Convention, v. 2, p. 6067.
357. Brown, B.H., 1935, Conformal and equiareal world maps: Amer. Mathematical Monthly, v. 42, no. 4, p. 212-223. [Generates a series of equal-area projections using straight lines and conic sections for graticules.]
350. Broekema, C., 1989, Notes on the history of map projections: Theatrum Orbis Librorum (Utrecht), p. 3-7.
358. Bruins, G.J., 1968, College map projections: Delft, Laboratory for Geodesy. 359. Brun, Robert, 1931, L’art des portulans et des cartes marines: Revue de l’Art Ancien et Moderne, v. 59, no. 325, p. 183-192. [Shows 1555 star projection in Le Testu’s atlas.]
351. Bromley, R.H., 1965, Mollweide modified: Professional Geographer, v. 17, no. 3, p. 24. [Mollweide vertically compressed to eliminate distortion at Equator.]
360. Brunner, Kurt, 1981, Transformation des Karteninhalts durch Orthoprojektion: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 31, no. 5, p. 183-186. [Transformation of map contents by orthoprojection.]
352. Brönnimann, F., 1904, Das neue Projektionssystem der schweizerischen Landestopographie: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 2, p. 60ff.
361. Brunt, David, 1933, A form of projection suitable for a world weather map: Royal Meteorological Society, Quarterly Journal, v. 59, no. 252, p. 406-408. [Cahill’s Butterfly projection.]
353. Brooks, W.D., 1986, An algorithm for selected arcs of longitude on projections of the world: Amer. Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing – Amer. Congress on Surveying 21
[Danish. An “economic” map projection of Denmark.]
362. Bryan, G.S., 1940, Commercial oversea aviation routes: U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, v. 66, no. 452, p. 1427-1438. [Contains a series of gnomonic maps.]
373. Bugayevskiy, L.M. [HXIWGFUET . 9 ], 1967, Vychisleniye ravnougol’nykh proyektsiy na elektronno-vychislitel’noy mashine ['V[EFNW\EW KIG\MHXMNP\V> JKMWUZET \I
NWUQKM\\MBGV[EFNEQWNP\MT YILE\W]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 9, p. 65-71. [Russian. The calculation of conformal projections on a computer.]
363.___1942, Aeronautical charts: U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, v. 68, p. 349-356. 364.___1944, World maps: Scientific Monthly, October, p. 245-262. 365. Bu, Kongshu, 1957, Ditu touying xue: Taiwan, College of Survey, 296 p. [Chinese. Map projections.]
374.___1971, Problemy izyskaniya i ispol’zovaniya ravnougol’nykh i blizkikh k nim proyektsiy dlya tseloy kartografii i geodezii [*KMNWYV ESVFUI\E] E EFJMNPSMGI\E]
366. Buchanan, R., 1890, Treatise on the projection of the sphere, with precepts and tables for facilitating the orthographic and stereographic projections of any portion of the Earth’s surface: Washington, Gibson Bros. Buchar, Petr (See Hojovec and Buchar; Hojovec, Jokl, and Buchar.)
Dissertatsii, Moscow, 49 p. [Russian. Problems in creating and using conformal and nearly so projections for all of cartography and geodesy. Also in MIIGAiK, Avtoref. na Soisk. Uchen. Stepeni d-ra Tekhn. Nauk, 1971.]
367. Buchholz, Walter, 1980, Peters oder Winkel? Zur Wahl der Kartenabbildungen für die Hintergrundkarten im Fernsehen: [Graz], Akademische Verlagsanstalt, 8 leaves.
375.___1980, Vneshniye perspektivnye azimutal’nye kartograficheskiye proyektsii ellipsoida s pozitivnym izobrazheniyem ['\WL\EW JWKFJWUQEG\VW ISEYHQINP\VW
368. Buchwaldt, F., 1970, UTM projektioner: [Aarhus] Laboratoriet for Fysisk Geografi, Geografisk Institut, Aarhus Univ. [Danish. Universal Transverse Mercator projection.]
Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 85-92. [Russian. Translated to English as External perspective azimuthal cartographic projections of an ellipsoid with positive image (projections of cosmic photographs of the surfaces of heavenly bodies): Geodesy, Mapping and Photogrammetry, 1978, v. 20, no. 3, p. 169174.]
369.___1971, Kortprojektioner. Laerebog for topografelever: Copenhagen, Geodaetisk Institut, Topografisk Afdeling, 59 p. [Danish. Map projections.] 370.___1973, UTM-nettet. Universal Transverse Mercator Grid. Opbygning og anvendelse: Copenhagen, Geodaetisk Institut, 26 p. [Danish.]
376.___1980, Perspektivnye azimutal’nye kartograficheskiye proyektsii ellipsoida [*WKFJWUQEG\VW ISEYHQINP\VW
371.___1976, Den danske kortprojektionsystem 1934: Copenhagen, Dansk Kartografisk Selskab, 16 p. [Danish. The Danish map projection system 1934.]
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 76-81. [Russian. Perspective azimuthal cartographic projections of the ellipsoid.]
372. Buchwaldt, F.A., 1914, Danmarks “Økonomiske” Kortprojektion: Opmaalings-og Matrikulsvaesen, Tidsskrift, v. 7, p. 54-65.
377.___1982, Kriterii otsenki pri vybore kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [5KEQWKEE
JKMWUZET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
383.___1987, K voprosu o poluchenii proyektsiy Eylera [5 GMJKMFH M JMNH[W\EE JKMWUZET TNWKI]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 105-110. [Russian. Questions about obtaining the projections of Euler.]
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 92-96. [Russian. Criteria for the selection of cartographic projections.] 378.___1982, Proyektsiya Gaussa-Kryugera dlya shirokoy polosy [*KMWUZE] 8IHFFIB5KXWKI ON] LEKMUMT JMNMFV*]: Issledovaniye po Geodeziye Aerofotos”yemke i Kartografiye, p. 9-18. [Russian. The Gauss-Krüger projection for a wide belt.]
384.___1989, Polikonicheskiye proyektsii ellipsoida vrashcheniya s ortogonal’noy kartograficheskoy setkoy [*MNEUM\E[WFUEW
379.___1986, Polikonicheskiye ravnovelikiye proyektsii ellipsoida [*MNEUM\E[WFUEW KIG\MGWNEUEW JKMWUZEE NNEJFMEOI]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 103106. [Russian. Polyconic equal-area projections of the ellipsoid.]
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 140142. [Russian. Polyconic projections of the ellipsoid with orthogonal graticule.] 385.___1990, Polucheniye nailushikh ravnougol’nykh proyektsiy [*MNH[W\EW \IENHLE> KIG\MHXMNP\V> JKMWUZET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 126131. [Russian. The best conformal projections.]
380.___1986, Kartograficheskiye proyektsii ellipsoida, poluchayemye na osnove obobshcheniya metoda N.A. Urmayeva [5IKQMXKIDE[WFUEW JKMWUZEE NNEJFMEOI
JMNH[IWYVW \I MF\MGW MMRW\E] YWQMOI < ) (KYIWGI]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
386.___1992, K voprosu o razvitii matematicheskoy kartografii uchenymi MIIGAiK [5 GMJKMFH M KISGEQEE
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 121-128. [Russian. Ellipsoidal cartographic projections made on the basis of generalizing N. A. Urmayev’s method.]
YIQWYIQE[WFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE H[W\VYE 9%%8)E5]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 129-134. [Russian. The problem of the development of mathematical cartography in academic MIIGAiK.]
381.___1986, Proyektsiya P.L. Chebysheva dlya kartografirovaniya polyarnykh oblastey [*KMWUZE] * . ;WVLWGI ON] UIKQMXKIDEKMGI\E] JMN]K\V> MNIFQWT]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 102106. [Russian. A P.L. Chebyshev projection for mapping polar regions.]
___(See also Starostin, Vakhrameyeva, and Bugayevskiy; Vakhrameyeva, Bugayevskiy, and Kazakova.) 387. Bugayevskiy, L.M. and Bocharov, A.Ye. [M[IKMG ) 7 ], 1974, O primenenii asimmetrichnykh ravnougol’nykh proyektsiy dlya sozdaniya kart na obshirnye territorii [-
382.___1987, K voprosu o poluchenii izometricheskikh koordinat i ravnougol’noy tsilindricheskoy proyektsii trekhosnogo ellipsoida [5 GMJKMFH M JMNH[W\EE
NNEJFMEOI]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
p. 61-65. [Russian. Translated to English as The use of asymmetrical conformal projections for compiling maps of extensive territories: Geodesy, Mapping and Photogrammetry, 1974, v. 16, no. 3, p. 177-179.]
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, pp. 79-90. [Russian. Questions about obtaining isometric coordinates and a conformal cylindrical projection of the triaxial ellipsoid.]
388. Bugayevskiy, L.M., Deputatova, V.N. [/WJHQIQMGI ' < ], and Portnov, A.M. 23
[*MKQ\MG ) 9 ], 1984, Primeneniye metodov zonal’nosti i ekonomizatsii vychisleniy v matematicheskoy kartografii [*KEYW\W\EW
Tezisy Doklady. Vses. Soveshch. po Kartogr., pp. 19-20. [Russian. On basic problems and directions for developing cartographic theory.]
394.___1992, Kartograficheskiye proyektsii − spravochnoye posobiye [5IKQMXKIDE[WFUEW JKMWUZEE BB FJKIGM[\MW JMFMEW]: Moscow, Nedra, 293 p. [Russian. Cartographic projections − a reference manual. Translated to English and revised as Map projections − a reference manual, by Bugayevskiy and Snyder, J.P.: London, Taylor & Francis, 1995. See entry above.]
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 103107. [Russian. Application of zoning methods and economy of computations in mathematical cartography.] 389. Bugayevskiy, L.M., and Ivanov, A.G. [%GI\MG ) 8 ], 1971, O nekotorykh osnovakh preobrazovaniya i izyskaniya kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [- \WUMQMKV> MF\MGI>
395. Bugayevskiy, L.M., Volkov, N.M. ['MNUMG < 9 ], and Ginzburg, G.A. [8E\SHKX 8 ) ], 1976, Voprosy izyskaniya nailuchshikh kartograficheskikh proyektsiy ['MJKMFV
Trudy, no. 189, p. 64-78. [Russian. On some basic transformations and finding cartographic projections.]
ESVFUI\E] \IENH[LE> UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 85-91. [Russian. Problems of developing optimal cartographic projections.]
390. Bugayevskiy, L.M., and Portnov, A.M., 1984, Teoriya odinochnykh kosmicheskikh snimkov [1WMKE] MOE\M[\V> UMFYE[WFUE> F\EYUMG]: Moscow, Nedra. [Russian. The theory of single space photographs.]
396. Bugayevskiy, Yu.L. [HXIWGFUET ! . ], 1986, Peremenno-masshtabnye proyektsii dlya sozdaniya anamorfirovannykh tematicheskikh kart [*WKWYW\\MBYIFLQI\VW JKMWUZEE ON]
391. Bugayevskiy, L.M., and Slobodyanik, I.V. [&NMMO]\EU % ' ], 1985, Obobshchennaya ravnopromezhutochnaya vdol’ meridianov konicheskaya proyektsiya N.A. Urmayeva [-MRW\\I] KIG\MJKMYWHQM[\I] GOMNP
FMSOI\E] I\IYMKDEKMGI\\V> QWYIQE[WFUE> UIKQ]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 139-144. [Russian. Changing-scale projection in the production of anamorphthematic maps.]
YWKEOEI\MG UM\E[WFUI] JKMWUZE] < ) (KYIWGI]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 69-72. [Russian. The generalized equidistant (along meridians) conic projection of N.A. Urmayev.]
397.___1987, Variavalentnye proyektsii dlya anamorfirovannykh kart ['IKEIGINW\Q\VW JKMWUZEE ON] I\IYMKDEKMGI\\V> UIKQ]: Tr. konf. mol. uchenykh MIIGAiK, Moscow, Mar. 25-27, 1986, MIIGAiK, p. 20-26. [Russian. Varivalent projections for anamorphous maps.]
392. Bugayevskiy, L.M., and Snyder, J.P., 1995, Map projections − a reference manual: London, Taylor & Francis, 328 p. [An extensive revision in English of Bugayevskiy and Vakhrameyeva, 1992, Kartograficheskiye proyektsii.]
398.___1987, Variavalentnaya proyektsiya tipa psevdotsilindricheskoy dlya anamorfirovannykh kart ['IKEIGINW\Q\I] JKMWUZE] QEJI
393. Bugayevskiy, L.M., and Vakhrameyeva, L.A. ['I>KIYWWGI . ) ], 1987, Osnovnye zadachi i napravlennya razvitiya teorii kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [-F\MG\VW
Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 1, p. 100-107. [Russian. A varivalent projection of the pseudocylindrical type for anamorphic mapmaking.]
Kartogr. v epokhu NTR: Teoriya, metody, prakt. 24
399.___1989, [Cartographic projections for anamorphic maps]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy: 36-39. [Russian.]
projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 2, no. 11, p. 278-282. 408. Burroughs, C.A., 1989, Charles Sanders Peirce; Sesquicentennial International Congress: Portolan, no. 16, p. 9-12. [Peirce projection.]
400.___1990, Polucheniye nekotorykh novykh ravnovelikikh kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [*MNH[W\EW \WUMQMKV> \MGV> KIG\MGWNEUE> UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 141-149. [Russian. The development of some new equivalent projections.]
Bustamente, Octavio (See Sanchez and Bustamente.) 409. Butler & Co., E.H., [1871], The hemispheres in homolographic projections, in Mitchell, S.A., Mitchell’s New Outline Maps: Philadelphia, large series, no. 7.
___(See also Vakhrameyeva and Bugayevskiy.)
410. Byrd, W.O., 1948, Universal military grids and referencing systems: Columbus, Ohio State University, Mapping, Charting, and Reconaissance Laboratory, Technical Paper No. 11, Research Foundation Project No. 307, 15 p. + 2 appendices, 9 and 11 p., resp., by J.B. Schreiter. [Alternatives to UTM.]
401. Bunge, W.W., 1966, Theoretical geography: Lund, Sweden, Royal University of Lund, Dept. of Geography, 2nd ed., 289 p. [Cartograms and other spatial studies, espec. p. 38-71.] 402. Bürger, Kurt, 1930, Bemerkungen zur Untersuchung zweier Eckertscher Kartenentwürfe durch R. Schumann: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 76, no. 9-10, p. 237-238. [Two Eckert projections.]
411. C., J., 1943-44, Grid bearings and distances on the conical orthomorphic projection: Empire Survey Review, 1943, v. 7, no. 48, p. 68-79; 1944, no. 51, p. 211-221; no. 52, p. 248-254.
403. Burke, J.J., 1973, Stereographic projection of radar data in a netted radar system: U.S. Govt. Report AD-771-544/4, 59 p.
412. Cagnoli, Antonio, 1799, Della più esalta costruzione delle carte geografiche: Società Italiana, Memorie di Matematica e Fisica, v. 2, p. 658-664.
404. Burky, Charles, 1934-35, Un nouveau système de projection cartographique, projection de la sphère sur un polyédre de 32 faces, icosaédre tronqué par le dodecaédre, selon construction de M.O. Dallwigk, à Genève: Le Globe, Bulletin, v. 74, p. 30-33. [Projection of sphere onto truncated icosahedron.]
413. Cahill, B.J.S., 1909, An account of a new land map of the world: Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 25, no. 9, p. 449-469. [Butterfly Map.] 414.___1913, An account of a land map of the world on a new and original projection: Assn. of Engineering Societies, Journal, v. 61, no. 4, p. 153-207. [Butterfly Map.]
405. Burney, James, 1803, Remarks on the projection of charts and particularly on the degree of curvature proper to be given to the parallels of latitude, in his A chronological history of the discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean: London, v. 1, p. 385-391.
415.___1913, Map of the world: U.S. Patent 1,054,276, dated Feb. 25. [Four northern and four southern octant lobes, symmetric about North Pole.]
406. Burnham, G.H., 1934, Map projections as a basis for maps: Journal of Geography, v. 33, no. 4, p. 142-147.
416.___1913, Geographical globe: U.S. Patent 1,081,207, dated Dec. 9. [Rubber ball cut into globe octants for use as globe or flat Butterfly Map.]
407. Burns, E.L.M., 1934, Point-to-point working for the conical orthomorphic
417.___1914, A new map of the world, comprehensive accurate projection of the globe on a flat surface: Engineering Magazine, v. 46, Jan., p. 583-586. [Butterfly Map.]
427. Calkoen, J.F.v.B., 1810, Nouvelle théorie de construction pour les mappemondes: Utrecht, Mortier, Covens & Zoon. 428. Camargo De Parada, Luis, 1973, Las ciencias cartográficas v el ordenador...El primero de ellos se refiere a los diferentes cálculos en la proyección U.T.M., haciendo un estudio previo de dicha proyección: Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Boletín de Información, no. 21, part 1, p. 25-44.
418.___[1914?], The Butterfly Map, the surface of the world shown on an eight-part decentralized projection: Oakland, Calif. 419.___1929, Projections for world maps: Monthly Weather Review, v. 57, no. 4, p. 128133. [Butterfly Map, world in eight conformal equilateral triangles, also nonconformal variant.]
Camm, G.L. (See Pye and Camm.) 429. Campbell, Eila, 1974, Verdict on the Vinland map: Geographical Magazine, v. 46, no. 7, p. 307-312. [Says form of Vinland map may be based on Aitoff projection.]
420.___1931, Daily synoptic charts from one base map: Amer. Assn. for the Advancement of Science, Pasadena meeting, June 1931. 421.___1934, A world map to end world maps: Geografiska Annaler, v. 16, no. 2-3, p. 97-108. [Butterfly Map.]
430. Campbell, John, 1984, Map projections: establishing the graticule, in his Introductory cartography: Englewood Cliffs, N.J., PrenticeHall, Inc., p. 31-79.
422.___1934, Static and dynamic world maps: Amer. Meteorological Society, Bulletin, v. 15, no. 11, p. 261-265.
Campbell, W.J. (See Ling, Rasmussen, and Campbell.) 431. Canters, Frank, 1989, New projections for world maps / a quantitative-perceptive approach: Cartographica, v. 26, no. 2, p. 53-71.
423.___1937, Die Schmetterlingskarte; das oktaedrische System der Projektion der Erdkugel: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 83, no. 5, p. 129-131. [Comments by Max EckertGreifendorff, p. 131-132.] [Gnomonic projection onto octahedron.]
432.___1991, Map projection in a GIS environment: International Cartographic Association, 15th Conference, Bournemouth, Eng., Sept. 23-Oct. 1, Proceedings, v. 2, p. 595604.
424.___1939, Progress of the Butterfly Map − the three variants: Architect and Engineer, v. 137, May, p. 47-49.
433. Canters, Frank, and Decleir, Hugo, 1989, The world in perspective − A directory of world map projections: Chichester, Eng., John Wiley and Sons., 181 p.
425.___1940, One base map in place of five: Monthly Weather Review, v. 68, no. 2, p. 41. [Eight conformal octants of globe as equilateral triangles joined as Butterfly Map.]
434. apek, Ruchard, 1986, Konstruktion der echten kartographischen Abbildungen in transversaler und in schiefachsiger Lage: Acta Universitatis Carolinae, v. 21, no. 1, p. 57-77.
___(See also under Marvin; under Coleclough (1932); under Brunt.) 426. Calderera, Gastono, 1910, Sulla classificazione delle proiezioni geografiche: Rivista Geografica Italiana, v. 17, no. 9, p. 473487. [Classification of projections.]
435.___1989, Konstruktion der konventionellen kartographischen Abbildungen in transversaler und schiefachsiger Lage: Acta Universitatis Carolinae, v. 24, no. 1, p. 53-66.
436. Capello, C.F., and Chionetti, M.L., 1958, Le proiezioni, in their Elementi i cartografia: Turin, v. 7, p. 31-63.
446. Caspari, C.E., 1905, Mappemonde circulaire; projection de M. Alphonse van den [sic] Grinten: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, v. 11, part 1, p. 58-60.
437. Caputo, Michele, 1956, Alcune considerazioni sulle serie delle rappresentazioni diretta ed inversa di una superficie di rotazione sul piano secondo Gauss: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 15, no. 4, p. 477-483. [Italian with English abstract.]
447. Castex, G.M., 1993, Frames of reference: The effects of ethnocentric map projections on professional practice: Social Work, v. 38, no. 6, p. 685-693.
438.___1956-57, Su alcuni problemi al contorno della teoria delle rappresentazioni conformi: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Atti, Classe Scienze Mat. Nat., v. 115.
448. Castillo, C.J. del, 1961 [1962], Aplicación practica de la proyección Mercator Transversal Universal (U.T.M.): Caracas. 449. Castner, H.W., 1971, An Ontario regional development atlas: Cartographica, Monograph no. 2, p. 77-84. [“Folded” projection to foreshorten northern Ontario.]
439.___1957, Scale error in Gaussian (U.T.M.) projection: Columbus, Ohio State University, Mapping and Charting Research Laboratory, Technical Memorandum No. 11, 13 p.
450. Cauvin, C., Schneider, C., and Cherrier, G., 1989, Cartographic transformations and the piezopleth maps method: Cartographic Journal, v. 26, no. 2, p. 96-104. [Cartograms.]
440. Carandell, Juan, 1934, La perspectiva estereográfica una materialización didáctica: Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Publicado en Roseñas Cientificas, v. 9, p. 101105.
451. Cayley, Arthur, 1875, On the Mercator’s projection of a skew hyperboloid of revolution: Messenger of Mathematics, series 2, v. 4, p. 1721.
441. Carder, D.W., 1962, Lunar charting on the scale 1:1,000,000: in Kopal, Z., and Mikhailov, Z.K., The Moon: London and New York, Academic Press, Symposium no. 14 of the International Astronomical Association, 1960, p. 117-129. [Map projections for lunar charting.]
452. Cebrián, Príamo, and Arcos y Miranda, Antonio los, 1895, Teoria general de las proyecciones geográficas y su applicación à la formación de un mapa de España: Madrid, Instituto Geográfico y Estadistico, 270 p.
442. Carlson, D.E., 1992, Measuring and modelling perceptual shape distortion on map projections: E. Lansing, Mich., Michigan State Univ., Master’s thesis.
453. Cerny, J.W., 1971, A computer program for azimuthal map transformations: Professional Geographer, v. 23, no. 2, p. 144-145.
443. Carpenter, J.C., 1948, Plane co-ordinates for highway maps: Military Engineer, v. 40, no. 276, p. 464-467.
454.___1972, Ontogenetic and phylogenetic perspectives on cartograms: Monadnock, v. 46, p. 47-52.
444. Carty, W.P., 1984, The new map makers: Americas, v. 36, no. 5, p. 24-25. [Peters, Gollege and Levine.]
455. Chagas, C.B., 1959, Teoria a prática do sistema UTM da projeção conforme de Gauss: Publicação especial, Rio de Janiero, Ministério da Guerra, Estado-Maior do Exército, Directoria do Serviço Geográfico, 76 p. [Portuguese. Gauss Conformal Transverse Mercator projection used for UTM.]
445. Carvalho da Costa, Antonio, 1686, Compendio geographico distribuido em tres tratados, o primeiro, da projecçam das Espheras em plano, construcçam dos mappas universaes, & particulares, & fabrica das cartas hydrographicas...: Lisbon, 150 p. [Portuguese.]
456. Chamberlin, Wellman, 1947, The round Earth on flat paper: map projections used by 27
cartographers: Washington, National Geographic Society, 126 p. Revised to add Chamberlin Trimetric projection, 1950, 126 p.
465.___1991, [On conformal space projection]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 20, no. 1, p. 36-45. [Chinese with English abstract.]
457.___1949, Projections, in A hypothetical map of North America (a panel discussion): Surveying and Mapping, v. 9, no. 4, p. 276-277.
466.___1992, On conformal projection maintaining a desired curve on the ellipsoid without distortion: ASPRS/ACSM (Amer. Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing / Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping), Summer Convention, Aug. 3-8, Washington, D.C., Technical Papers, v. 3, p. 294-303.
458. Champagne, R.H., and Giese, R.P., 1984, A guide to map projections: Houston, Texas, Shell Oil Co., 74 p. 459. Chebyshev, P.L. [;WVLWG * . ], 1856, Sur la construction des cartes géographiques: St. Petersburg, Académie Impériale des Sciences, Classe Physico-Mathématique, Bulletin, v. 14, p. 257-261. [Presents principles for minimumerror projections. Reprinted in Oeuvres de P.L. Tchebychef: New York, Chelsea Pub. Co., 1962, v. 1.]
467.___1996, The conformal space projection: Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, v. 23, no. 1, p. 37-50. [Relates his CSP projection to the Space Oblique Mercator projection.] 468. Chernuchin, L.S. [;WK\H[E\ . & ], 1966, Formuly i vspomogatel’nye tablitsy dlya ispol’zovaniya gorizontal’noy stereograficheskoy proyektsii (s sekushchey kartinnoy ploskostyu) pri kartografirovanii territoriy otdel’nykh respublik, krayev i oblastey [$MKYHNV E GFJMYMXIQWNP\VW QINEZV ON]
460.___1946, Chercheniye geograficheskikh kart [;WK[W\EW XWMXKIDE[WFUE> UIKQ], in Izbrannye matematicheskiye trudy [Selected mathematical works]: Moscow-Leningrad. [Russian. The drafting of geographic maps.]
Chen, Zi-tan (See Tobler and Chen.) 461. Cheng, Yang, 1985, [Complex function and conformal projection]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 14, no. 1, p. 51-60. [Chinese with English abstract.]
Sel’skokhoziaistvennyy Institut, Nauchnye Trudy, v. 56, p. 47-62. [Russian. Formulas and auxiliary tables for use in the Stereographic horizontal-projection (with the sphere intersecting the map plane) for the mapping of republics, regions, and provinces.]
462.___1989, On numerical method to develop conformal projections with special character: International Cartographic Association, 14th World Conference, Aug. 17-24, Budapest, Abstracts – Resumes, p. 622. [Abstract only.]
Cherrier, G. (See Cauvin, Schneider, and Cherrier.)
463.___1990, [On conformal projection maintaining the length of any desired curve on the earth ellipsoid true to scale]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 19, no. 2, p. 110119. [Chinese with English abstract.]
469. Chernyshev, A.V. [;WK\VLWG ) ' ], 1989, Kvaziravnougol’naya konicheskaya proyektsiya [5GISEKIG\MHXMNP\I] UM\E[WFUI] JKMWUZE]]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 8, p. 36-38. [Russian. A quasiconformal conic projection.]
464.___1990, [A study of conformal projection transformation by using finite element method] in Assn. of Chinese Surveyors and Cartographers, ed., [Collection of Outstanding Articles of National Young Surveyors and Cartographers], p. 112-119. [Chinese.]
Chiang, Tao-chang (See under Robinson (1960).) Chionetti, M.L. (See Capello and Chionetti.)
470. Chislov, P.A. [;EFNMG * ) ], 1969, Proyektsionnoye chercheniye. (Usheb posobiye) [*KMWUZEM\\MW [WK[W\EW (LW JMFMEW *]: Moscow. [Russian. Discusses Orthographic projection.]
480. Chuvikov, N.T. [;HGEUMG < 1 ], 1957, Preobrazovaniye ortogonal’nykh proyektsiy [*KWMKISMGI\EW MKQMXM\INP\V> JKMWUZET*]: Moscow, Sovetskaya Nauka, 172 p. [Russian. Orthogonal projection.]
471. Chizu (Map), Journal of Japan Cartographers Assn., 1975, Eckert’s projection: v. 13, no. 3, p. 41. [Japanese.]
481. Cimbálník, Milo, and Veverka, Bohuslav, 1992, Transformace mezi souÐadnicovými systémy v mapových dílech SFR: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 38, no. 10, p. 204-208. [Czech. Transformation between coordinate systems on maps of the CSFR.]
472. Chovitz, B.H., 1952, Classification of map projections in terms of the metric tensor to the second order: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 11, no. 4, p. 379-394.
482. Claire, C.N., 1968, State plane coordinates by automatic data processing: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Pub. 62-4, 68 p. [Projections used for each zone.]
473.___1954, Some applications of the classification of map projections in terms of the metric tensor to the second order: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 13, no. 1, p. 47-67. [English and Italian.]
___(See also Adams and Claire.) 483. Clark, Alexander, 1911, A world map on the sinusoidal net and its advantages: Geographical Teacher, v. 6, part 2, no. 30, p. 114-117.
474.___1956, A general formula for ellipsoidto-ellipsoid mapping: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 15, no. 1, p. 1-20. [English and Italian.]
484.___1911, Clark’s measurement map. A new world map on the sinusoidal curve projection (2nd ed.): Sheffield, Pawson & Brailsford.
475.___1978, Perspective projections in terms of the metric tensor to the second order: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 37, no. 2-3, p. 451-463.
485. Clark, R., 1977, Regional and world maps based on an octahedron: Classroom Geographer, Oct., p. 17-20.
476.___1979, A general theory of map projections: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 38, no. 3, p. 458-479.
486. Clarke, A.R., 1879, Geography − mathematical geography: Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th ed., v. 10, p. 197-210. [Same text, vol., and page nos. in 10th ed., 1902. For 11th to 14th ed., see Close and Clarke.]
___(See also under Stoughton and Berry.) 477. Christensen, A.H.J., 1992, The Chamberlin Trimetric projection: Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, v. 19, no. 2, p. 88-100.
___(See also Close and Clarke; James and Clarke.)
478. Chu, G.H.-Y., 1974, The rectangular grid in Chinese cartography: Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin, Master’s thesis.
487. Clarke, F.L., 1973, Zone to zone transformation on the transverse Mercator projection: Australian Surveyor, v. 25, no. 4, p. 293-302.
479. Churski, Zygmunt, and Galon, Rajmund, 1968, Siatki kartograficzne: ToruÉ, Uniwersytet Nikoaja Kopernika, 205 p. [Polish. Cartographic projections. 2nd ed., 1974. 3rd ed., 1982.]
488. Clendinning, J., 1939, Conformal representation: Empire Survey Review, v. 5, no. 31, p. 38-50.
489.___1942, The modified meridian distance in the conical orthomorphic projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 6, no. 43, p. 274-284.
projection with two standard parallels for Asia. Includes comments by A.R. Hinks.] 500.___1927, The transverse elliptical equalarea projection of the sphere, otherwise transverse Mollweide: London, Ordnance Survey, Professional papers, new series, no. 11, 6 p.
490. Clos-Arceduc, Albert, 1956 (1957), L’énigme des portulans; étude sur la projection et le mode de construction des cartes à rumbs du XIVe. et du XVe. siècle: Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, Section de Géographie, Bulletin, v. 69, p. 215-231.
501.___1927, Some new map projections: Geography, v. 14, part 2, no. 78, p. 101-110. [Discusses several recently published projections.]
491.___1958, Détermination de la projection d’une carte ancienne Paris: Paris, I.G.N., 7 p. 492.___1967, Les origines de la projection de Mercator: Louvain, Volume jubilaire offert à L.G. Polspoel, (Acta Geographica Lovanensia. 5), p. 21-29.
502.___1929, An oblique Mollweide projection of the sphere: Geographical Journal, v. 73, no. 3, p. 251-253. 503.___1930, The transverse elliptical equalarea projection of the sphere: 12th International Geographical Congress, Cambridge, Eng., 1928, Report of the Proceedings, p. 109-112. [Transverse Mollweide projection.]
493. Close, C.F., 1901, A sketch of the subject of map projections: London, H.M. Stationery Office, 39 p. [Reprinted 1904: London, Harrison, 40 p.] 494.___1905, Textbook of topographical and geographical surveying: London, H.M. Stationery Office, 288 p. [2nd ed., 1913, 412 p.; 3rd ed., 1925, 336 p. Includes discussion of projections.]
504.___1934, Recent British contributions to the study of map projections: Zbior prac. Recueil de Travaux dédié par la Société Géographique de Lwów a Eugenjusz Romer, p. 111-117. 505.___1934, A Doubly Equidistant projection of the sphere: Geographical Journal, v. 83, no. 2, p. 144-145.
495.___1908, Map projections: Geographical Teacher, v. 4, part 4, no. 20, p. 152-161. 496.___1910, Tables for the projection of graticules for maps on the scale of 1:1,000,000: Prepared by the Geographical Section of the General Staff. To be used as Appendix 12, Textbook of topographical surveying: London, Wyman.
506.___1935, Two-Point Azimuthal-Equidistant projection: Geographical Journal, v. 86, no. 5, p. 445-446. ___(See also Close, C.F. Arden-.) 507. Close, C.F. Arden-, 1938, A polarazimuthal retro-azimuthal projection: Geographical Journal, v. 92, no. 6, p. 536-537. [Formerly Close, C.F.]
497.___1921, Note on a Doubly-Equidistant projection: Geographical Journal, v. 57, no. 6, p. 446-448. 498.___1922, Note on two double, or two-point, map projections: Ordnance Survey, Professional papers, new series, no. 5, 8 p. [See review by Young, A.E., 1922, Two new map projections: Geographical Journal, v. 60, no. 4, p. 297-299.]
508.___1939, A combined cylindrical projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 5, no. 32, p. 66-67. [Arithmetic average of Mercator and Cylindrical Equal-Area projections.] 509.___1941, An oblique rectangular cylindrical projection: Geographical Journal, v. 97, no. 6, p. 349-350.
499.___1926, New War office maps of Africa and Asia: Geographical Journal, v. 68, no. 3, p. 253-257. [Modified IMW Polyconic projection for Africa and Lambert Conformal Conic 30
510.___1942, The map of the Pacific: Geographical Journal, v. 100, no. 2, p. 65-72. [With comments by A.J. Dilloway, G.T. McCaw, and A.R. Hinks. Several possible alternative projections.]
519.___1984, Map projections with freely variable aspects: Amer. Geophysical Union, Eos Transactions, v. 65, no. 34, p. 481-482. 520. Cohen, Jaques, 1962, Cálculo da projeção azimutal equidistante em computador digital: Anais Hidrográficos, v. 20, p. 87ff. [Portuguese. Calculation of the Azimuthal Equidistant projection on the digital computer.]
511.___1943, A combined projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 7, no. 49, p. 135-136. [A mean between Cylindrical Equal-Area projection and its transverse aspect.]
521. Colas, J.A., 1904, Map: U.S. Patent 752,957, dated Feb. 23. [Oval-shaped world map projection.]
512.___1947, Some curious map projections, in his Geographical byways and some other essays: London, E. Arnold, p. 68-88.
522. Cole, J.H., 1942, Map projections in practice: Giza (Orman), Egypt, Ministry of Finance, Survey of Egypt, Survey Paper no. 45, 43 p. [Supplement, 1943, 5 p.]
___(See also under Craig, J.I. (1910).) 513. Close, C.F., and Clarke, A.R., 1911, Map projections: Encyclopædia Britannica, 11th ed., v. 17, p. 653-663. [Same text, vol., and page nos. in 12th ed., 1922, and 13th ed., 1926. For 14th ed., 1929 (reprintings to 1960), text abridged and revised in v. 14, p. 846-851. For 15th ed., see Miller, O.M. (1962).]
523.___1943, The use of the conformal sphere for the construction of map projections: Giza (Orman), Egypt, Ministry of Finance, Survey of Egypt, Survey Paper no. 46, 32 p. 524. Coleclough, J.K., 1932, The ‘Butterfly’ map projection: Nature, v. 130, no. 3286, p. 635. [See corrections by Cahill, B.J.S.: no. 3295, p. 973-974.]
514. Close, C.F. Arden- and George, Frank, 1952, A forgotten pseudo-zenithal projection: Geographical Journal, v. 118, pt. 2, p. 237. [Wiechel projection.]
525. Coleclough, J.K., and Toy, H.S., 1926, Methods of making maps: Science Progress, no. 82, p. 292-306.
515. Coatpont, G.H.A.L. de, 1877, Propriétés et construction d’une carte des deux continents en projection azimutale équivalente: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 6, v. 13, Feb., p. 151-169. [Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection.]
526. Collignon, Édouard, 1865, Recherches sur la représentation plane de la surface du globe terrestre: École Polytechnique, Journal, v. 24, p. 125-132.
516.___1878, Analyse d’une carte représentant l’Asie et l’Europe en projection azimutale équivalente: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 6, v. 16, July, p. 5-17. [Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection.]
527. Collins, F.H., 1963, Co-ordinate transformation: Technical Report NAVTRADEVCEN 1907-7315, 192 p. [Abstract in U.S. Government-wide Research Reports, v. 39, no. 5, (suppl.) order no. AD-604 169. Study of computer transformation of map on one projection to another.]
517.___1894, Note, sur les projections des cartes géographiques. Exposé et application de la projection la moins dissemblable: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 7, v. 15, no. 4, p. 605-616.
528. Colvocoresses, A.P., 1959, Projection and horizontal reference system, in his A study of the needs and specifications for a national city mapping program: Columbus, Ohio State University, Dept. of Geodetic Science, p. 14-20.
518. Cogley, J.G., 1983, An analysis of the Miller oblated stereographic projection: Cartographica, v. 20, no. 3, p. 45-54.
529.___1965, A unified plane co-ordinate reference system: Columbus, Ohio State 31
University, Dept. of Geodetic Science, Doctoral dissertation, 161 p.
537. Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation, 1943, Maps and how to understand them: 2nd ed., 32 p.
530.___1969, A unified plane co-ordinate reference system: World Cartography, v. 9, p. 965. [Essentially a reprint of Colvocoresses (1965).]
538. Conzett, Rudolf, 1975, Kartenprojektionen und Computer: Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik, v. 73, no. 1, p. 82-84. [Conformal projections, especially Swiss Oblique Mercator.]
531.___1974, The map projection of the ERTS multispectral scanner: Amer. Society of Photogrammetry, 40th annual meeting, St. Louis, Mo., Papers, p. 607. [Abstract only. Space Oblique Mercator projection.]
539. Coordes, C., 1882, Kleines Lehrbuch der Landkarten-Projektion: Kassel, F. Kessler, 61 p. [Later ed., 1891, 86 p.]
532.___1974, Space Oblique Mercator: Photogrammetric Engineering, v. 40, no. 8, p. 921-926.
540. Cortesão, Armando, 1969, History of Portuguese cartography: Lisbon, Junta de Investigações do Ultramar, v. 1, p. 97-110. [Projections used in Ptolemy editions.]
533.___1975, Space Oblique Mercator − a new map projection of the Earth: International Society of Photogrammetry Commission III, Stuttgart, Sept. 2-6, 1974, Proceedings of the Symposium. Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, series B: Angewandte Geodäsie, no. 214, p. 259-265.
541. Costa, Luciano, 1978, Principi di cartografia tecnica: Genoa, Università di Genova, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Istituto di Trasporti, Cattedra di Topografia, Bozzi, 96 p. 542. Cotter, C.H., 1966, Map projections, in his The astronomical & mathematical foundations of geography: New York, American Elsevier, p. 172-233.
534.___1977, Planimetric mapping from spacecraft, in Uotila, U.A., ed., The changing world of geodetic science: Columbus, Ohio State University, Dept. of Geodetic Science, Report no. 250, p. 352-358. [Status of Space Oblique Mercator projection.]
543.___1977, The development of the mariner’s chart: International Hydrographic Review, v. 54, no. 1, p. 119-130. 544. Courtier,..., 1940-45 (1946), Exposé de la projection de Lambert: Annales Hydrographiques, series 3, v. 17, p. 101-114.
535.___1977, Map projection options for Landsat: Reston, Va., U.S. Geological Survey memo EC-50-Landsat, 4 p. [Compares UTM, Oblique Mercator, and Space Oblique Mercator projections.]
545. Cousin, J.A.J., 1777, 1778(?), De figura terrae commentatio, in K. Akademie gemeinnütziger wissenschaften zu Erfurt: Acta Academiae electoralis moguntinae scientiarum quae Erfurti est, ad annum, Erfurti, p. 209-216. [Latin.]
___(See also under Stoughton and Berry; under U.S. Geological Survey (1979).) Colwell, R.N. (See under Snyder (1982, Map projections for....).)
546. Cox, J.F., 1934, La géographie mathématique: Université de Bruxelles, Revue, v. 39, no. 3, p. 358-373.
536. Conn, C., 1960, The conversion of coordinates from the Cassini to the Transverse Mercator projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 15, no. 116, p. 274-277.
547.___1935, Représentation de la surface entière de la terre dans un triangle équilatéral: Académie Royale de Belgique, Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences, series 5, v. 21, no. 1, p. 6671. [Conformal projection of world within equilateral triangle.] 32
558. Cranenbroek, Joël van, 1994, Formulation standardisée de la représentation cartographique de Lambert en usage en Belgique par la definition d’un nouveau meridien central: Société Belge de Photogrammetrie Télédétection et Cartographie, Bulletin Trimestriel, no. 193/194, p. 111-125.
548.___1939, Projection meridienne equivalente de la sphère entière dans une circonference: Ciel et Terre, v. 55, p. 45-47. 549.___1946, The doubly equidistant projection: Bulletin Géodésique, new series, no. 2, p. 74-76. [Supplement with same name, 1951, no. 19, p. 57-60. Both papers in French.]
559. Craster, J.E.E., 1929, Some equal-area projections of the sphere: Geographical Journal, v. 74, no. 5, p. 471-474. [Presents pseudocylindrical projections, especially his parabolic. See also 1931, v. 78, p. 194-195.]
550.___1954, Notions sur les projections équivalentes; (canevas de cartes géographiques qui conservent les aires élémentaires): Brussels, Office de Publicité, Centre Belge de Navigation, Publications no. 13, 31 p.
560.___1934, Cylindrical map-projections: Empire Survey Review, v. 2, no. 14, p. 493-496.
551. Cox, J.F., and Jehle, H., 1948, Sur le choix d’un planisphère: Scientia, series 4, annus 34, v. 68, no. 7-8, p. 47-51.
561.___1938, Oblique Conical Orthomorphic projection for New Zealand: Geographical Journal, v. 92, no. 6, p. 537-538.
552. Craig, J.I., 1910, Map-projections (Technical lecture, 1909). The theory of mapprojections, with special reference to the projections used in the Survey Department: Cairo, Egypt, Ministry of Finance, Survey Dept., paper no. 13, 25 + 80 p. [Presents his “Mecca” retroazimuthal projection. See also review by Close, C.F., 1911: Geographical Journal, v. 37, no. 2, p. 208-209.]
562. Crépin Bourdier de Beauregard, P.E.E.A., 1912, ...Guide scientifique du géographeexplorateur: Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 250 p., chap. 5. 563. Crone, G.R., 1952, A new world map: Some significant features: New Commonwealth, v. 24, no. 13, p. 620-621. [Oblique Eckert V projection proposed by Andrews (1952, A new...).]
553.___1912, A class of map projections − retroazimuthal: British Association for the Advancement of Science, 81st Meeting, Portsmouth, 1911, Report, p. 448-449.
564. Csepregni, Szabolcz, and Soha, Gábor, 1983, Szabatos vetületi számitaok: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 35, no. 4, p. 247-257. [Hungarian with English abstract. Precise projection calculations.]
554. Craig, Thomas, 1880, Orthomorphic projection of an ellipsoid upon a sphere: Amer. Journal of Mathematics, v. 3, no. 2, p. 114-127.
565. Cueni, B., 1932, Die Flächenverzerrung der winkeltreuen, schiefachsigen Zylinderprojektion: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik: v. 30, p. 35ff.
555.___1882, A treatise on projections: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 247 p. [Also U.S. Dept. of Treasury, Document 61.] 556. Cramer, R.E., 1963, A workshop in essentials of cartography and mapping: Dubuque, Iowa, W.C. Brown, part II, Projections, p. 55-85.
566. Curie, J., 1900, Système de construction des cartes de Babinet et Sanson: Assn. Française pour l’Avancement des Sciences, 28th session, Boulogne-Sur-Mer, 1899, Compte Rendu: Paris, p. 73-86.
557. Crampton, Jeremy, 1994, Cartography’s defining moment: The Peters projection controversy, 1974-1990: Cartographica, v. 31, no. 4, p. 16-32.
567. Dahlberg, R.E., 1961, Maps without projections: Journal of Geography, v. 60, no. 5, p. 213-218. [Maps without graticules.] 33
568.___1962, Evolution of interrupted map projections: International Yearbook of Cartography, v. 2, p. 36-54. [Detailed history.]
579.___1911, Sur un problème posé par Lagrange: Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, series 2, v. 35, p. 28-30.
569.___1969, The elements of a map: Journal of Geography, v. 68, no. 9, p. 527-534.
580.___1911, Sur méthode de Tissot relative à la construction des cartes géographiques: Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, series 2, v. 35, p. 55-64.
570.___1994, Map projections: International Cartographic Association et al., Seminar on Digital Cartography and GIS, Bangkok, Proceedings, p. 167-192.
581. Dárdano, Achille, 1913, Cartografia elementare pratica, con figure nel testo e 4 tavole: Novara, Istituto Geografico de Agostini, 97 p.
571. Dähler, Thomas, 1975, Der schweizerische Koordinatennullpunkt bei Bordeaux: Schweizerische Bauzeitung, v. 93, no. 14, p. 202-205.
582.___1919, La proiezioni in planisfero per le carte di geografia economica: La Geografia (Rivista di Propaganda Geografica), v. 7, no. 1, p. 24-41.
572. d’Aiguillon, François, 1613, De projectionibus, in his Francisci Aguilonii opticorum libri sex, philosophis juxta ac mathematicis utiles: Paris, book 6, p. 453-636. [Latin. Discusses earlier map projections.]
583. Darwin, George, 1875, On maps of the world: London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, series 4, v. 50, no. 333, p. 431-434. [Polyhedral globes.]
573. Daly, C.P., 1879, On the early history of cartography, or what we know of maps and map-making before the time of Mercator: Amer. Geographical Society, Journal, v. 11, p. 1-40. [Also discusses projections.]
584. Darwin, Leonard, 1890, On the projection of maps for military purposes: London, War Office, 10 p.
574. Dameron, L.Y., 1960, Projection for lunar map: Military Engineer, v. 52, Jan., p. 5.
585. Daskalova, Mara, 1964, Normalna ekvivalentna konichna proyektsiya s naymalka sredna kvadratia deformatsiya v d»lzhina: Sbornik Statey po Kartografii, no. 6, p. 9-14. [Bulgarian. A normal equivalent conic projection with the least mean-square deformation of distance.]
575. Dang, Songshi, 1960, [Comments about functions for cartographic projections (tr. from Russ. title)]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 4, no. 1, p. 44-48. [Chinese with Russian abstract. Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 173-178 as [Comments on map projection functions] without abstract.]
586.___1982, Izvezhdaniye na konstantite pri komformnata i ravnopromezhdut’chna konichna proyektsiya s prilozheniye na kriteriya na Eyri: Godisnik − Vissiya Institut po Arhitektura i Stroitelstvo, 1981-82, v. 29, no. 3, p. 41-52. [Bulgarian. Deducing the constants of the conformal and equidistant conical projection with the application of Airy’s criterion. English abstract in Geo Abstracts, 1984, no. 5, p. 341.]
576. Danielsen, Jan, 1987, Recursion-formulae for the Gauss-Krüger series: Survey Review, v. 29, no. 224, p. 79-84. 577. Dani, M., 1958, Stereografická valcová sinusoidalna projekcia: Bratislava, Sbornik Fak. In. Stavi, no. 2, p. 137-149. [Slovak. Stereographic sinusoidal cylindrical projection.]
587. Daskalova, M., Todorova, E., and Dilov, C., 1982, [Variants of non-perspective conical projections]: Godisnik − Vissiya Institut po Arhitektura i Stroitelstvo, 1981-82, v. 29, no. 3, p. 109-127. [Bulgarian. English abstract in Geo Abstracts, 1984, no. 5, p. 341.]
578. Darboux, Gaston, 1911, Sur la construction des cartes géographiques: Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, series 2, v. 35, p. 23-28. 34
Systems, v. 17, no. 2, p. 161-167. [Reprinted in Chinese in Cartography (Wuhan Technical Univ., Wuhan, China), 1991, no. 3, p. 39-43.]
588. Daulé, P.F., 1887, Nouvelle et ingénieuse projection de la mappemonde proposée aux géographes, aux instituleurs, aux géometrès, etc.: Saint Quantin, Moureau, 8 p.
597.___1990, The ‘Tilted Camera’ perspective projection of the Earth: Cartographic Journal, v. 27, no. 1, p. 7-14.
589. d’Avezac de Castera-Macaya, M.A.P., 1841, Notice de quelques procédés expéditifs et d’un nouvel instrument pour le tracé du canevas des projections géographiques les plus usuelles, proposés par m. Larcade, professeur de mathématiques à Paris: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 2, v. 16, sect. 1, p. 120-126.
598. de Beaumont, H.B., 1888, De la projection dans la cartographie et de l’heure universelle: C. Schuchardt, 56 p. 599.___1888, De la projection en cartographie et présentation d’une nouvelle projection de la sphère entière comme planisphère: Société de Géographie de Genève, Globe, Mémoires, v. 27, p. 3-26.
590.___1863, Coup d’oeil historique sur la projection des cartes de géographie: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 5, v. 5, Apr-May, p. 257-361; June, p. 438-485. [Detailed history of projections. Classification and nomenclature, p. 473-485. Reprinted in Acta Cartographica, 1977, v. 25, p. 21-173.]
600.___1889, Map: U.S. Patent 400,642, dated Apr. 2. [Also patented in Belgium Mar. 27, 1888, no. 81,202. World map projection with most meridians and parallels as circular arcs.]
591. Davies, Arthur, 1949, An interrupted zenithal world map: Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 65, no. 1, p. 1-6. [Oblique Azimuthal Equidistant projection centered on Balearic Islands, for inner hemisphere, and interrupted beyond to reduce distortion.]
601.___1890, De la projection en cartographie: Revue Géographique Internationale, v. 15, Feb.May, p. 29-30, 61-62, 85-87, 109-111. 602.___1891, Présentation, avec cartes nouvelles, d’une cartographie générale pour le meilleur enseignement de la géographie: Société de Géographie de Genève, Globe, v. 2, 5th series, p. 214-218. [Also in 5th Intl. Geographical Congress, Berne, 1892, Comptes rendus: Schmid, Francke & cie., p. 351-354.]
592. Davies, Charles, 1826, Elements of descriptive geometry, with their application to spherical trigonometry, spherical projections and warped surfaces: Philadelphia, 228 p. [Also other editions.] 593. Davis, C.M., 1942, Maps in a changing world: Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review, v. 48, no. 24, p. 268-275. [“Air-age” projections.]
603. Debenham, Frank, 1942, Astrographics: Cambridge, Eng., W. Heffer, and New York, Chemical Publishing Co., 118 p. [Includes navigational use of map projections.]
594. Day, J.W.R., 1990, The finite distance scale factor formula for Transverse Mercator, decumenal Mercator and Skew Orthomorphic grids correct to fourth order terms: Survey Review, v. 30, no. 236, p. 244-258.
604. Debes, Ernst, 1883, Dr. Nells modifizierte Globular-Projektion: Verein für Erdkunde zu Leipzig, Mitteilungen, v. 12, p. 19-34. de Chancourtois, B. (See Beguyer de Chancourtois, A.-E.)
595. DBA Systems Inc., 1976, Map projections for satellite imagery: Melbourne, Florida, prepared for USGS under contract no. 24395, 71 p. [Attempt to develop Space Oblique Mercator projection.]
De Cicco, John (See Kasner and De Cicco.) 605. Decleir, Hugo, 1980, Het nieuwe wereldbeeld in Petersprojektie: Quardrijkskunde, v. 4, no. 2, p. 125-132. [Dutch. New world map on Peters projection.]
596. Deakin, R.E., 1990, A minimum-error equal-area pseudocylindrical map projection: Cartography and Geographic Information 35
___ (See also Canters and Decleir.)
615. de Henseler, Max, 1963, An oblique azimuthal equidistant projection centered on Addis Ababa: Geophysical Observatory, Addis Ababa, Bulletin, v. 3, no. 2, p. 169-172.
Deeth, A.L. (See Green, Baker, Deeth, Nuzzo, and Faludi.) 606. Deetz, C.H., 1918, The Lambert Conformal Conic projection with two standard parallels, including a comparison of the Lambert projection with the Bonne and Polyconic projections: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec. Pub. 47, 61 p.
616.___1971, A retro-azimuthal equidistant projection centered on Addis Ababa: Geophysical Observatory, Haile SelassieUniversity, Addis Ababa, Bulletin, v. 13, p. 103105. 617.___1985, Geschichte der Flagge der Vereinten Nationen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 35, no. 4, p. 145-146. [Use of Azimuthal Equidistant projection for United Nations flag.]
607.___1918, Lambert projection tables with conversion tables. Supplement to the Lambert conformal conic projection with two standard parallels: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec. Pub. 49, 84 p.
de Jongh, J.P. (See Lincklaen Arriens, Vrijmoed, van Willigen, and de Jongh.)
608.___1928, Map projections and nomenclature: Amer. Journal of Science, series 5, v. 16, no. 91, p. 73-75.
618. De la Herverie, B., 1933, La mappemonde de l’Avenir: Le Miroir du Monde, Paris, Sept. 2.
609.___1932, Map projections: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Assn. of Field Engineers, Bulletin 5, p. 1-13.
619. de La Hire, Philippe, 1704, Construction d’un nouvel astrolabe universel: Paris, Histoire de l’Académie royale des sciences année MDCCI, avec les Mémoires de mathématique et de physique pour la même année, p. 97-101 of Histoire; p. 253-260 of Mémoires (presented Dec. 3, 1701). [Discusses his perspective projection.]
610.___1932, Map projections, a review: Presented before the Board of Surveys and Maps, Mar. 8, 13 p. 611.___1936, Map projections, in his Cartography: A review and guide for the construction and use of maps and charts: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec. Pub. 205, 1st ed., p. 39-56. [2nd ed., 1943.]
620. Delambre, J.B.J., 1804, De la projection stéréographique: Institut National du Sciences et Arts, Sciences mathématiques et physiques, Mémoires, v. 5, p. 393-416.
612. Deetz, C.H., and Adams, O.S., 1921, Elements of map projection with applications to map and chart construction (1st ed.): U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec. Pub. 68, 163 p. [2nd ed., 1928; 3rd ed., 1931, 173 p.; 4th ed., 1934, 200 p.; 5th ed., 1944, 226 p., reprinted by Greenwood Press, 1969.]
621. Delevsky, Jacques, 1942, L’invention de la projection de Mercator et les enseignements de son histoire: Isis, v. 34, pt. 2, no. 94, p. 110-117. 622. Delisle, Guillaume, 1722, Determination géographique de la situation et de l’étendue des différentes parties de la terre: Paris, Académie Royale des Sciences, Histoire, 1720, p. 365-384.
613. Defossez, L., 1910, Les cartes géographiques et leurs projections usuelles: Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 119 p.
623. DeLucia, A.A., and Snyder, J.P., 1986, An innovative world map projection: Amer. Cartographer, v. 13, no. 2, p. 165-167. [Orthographic projection of Gilbert two-world projection plotted conformally on globe.]
614. de Graff, Hunter, 1921, Graticules of maps, in Auxiliary tables of the Survey of India, pt. 1: Dehra Dun, Survey of India, Trigonometrical Branch. [Revised and extended.] 36
624. De Marchi, Luigi, 1919, La rappresentazione della superficie terrestre: Scientia, series 2, v. 25, p. 186-195.
633.___1985, Employment of map projections, in his Principles of thematic map design: Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., p. 63-70.
625. Demmel, Anton, 1961, Koordinatensystem und Flurkartenblattschnitt. Eine Betrachtung anläßlich der Einführung des Gauß-KrügerSystems in die bayerische Katastervermessung: Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, no. 9, p. 282-286.
634.___1987, Continental shapes on world projections: the design of a poly-centred oblique orthographic world projection: Cartographic Journal, v. 24, no. 2, p. 117-124. 635.___1990, Cartography − Thematic map design: Dubuque, Iowa, Wm. C. Brown Pub., 2nd ed., 433 p. [Two chapters on map projections, p. 47-88.]
626.___1964, Die Abgrenzung der Koordinatenbereiche des 9°- und 12°-Meridianstreifensystems in der bayerischen Katastervermessung und die Abbildungsverzerrungen der Gauß-KrügerProjektion: Deutschen Vereins für Vermessungswesen Land-Vermessung Bayern, Mitteilungsblatt, v. 16, no. 1, p. 7-11.
636. Deputatova, V.N. [/WJHQIQMGI ' < ], 1969, O razvitii perspektivnykh proyektsiy s mnogokratnymi izobrazheniyami [- KISGEQEE
627. De Morgan, Augustus, 1836, An explanation of the gnomonic projection of the sphere; and of such points of astronomy as are most necessary in the use of astronomical maps being a description of the construction and use of the larger and smaller maps of the stars; as also of the six maps of the Earth: London, Baldwin & Cradock, 126 p.
Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 1, p. 121-131. [Russian. Translated to English as Development of perspective projections with multiple representations: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1969, no. 1, p. 58-62.] 637.___1969, Obobshchennye formuly perspektivnykh proyektsiy [-MRW\\VW DMKYHNV JWKFJWUQEG\V> JKMWUZET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 95-102. [Russian. Translated to English as: Generalized formulas of perspective projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, no. 2, p. 117-121.]
628. Denes, Agnes, 1979, Isometric systems in isotropic space: map projections from the study of distortions series 1973-1979: Rochester, N.Y., Visual Studies Workshop Press, 100 p. 629. Denmark. Geodaetisk Institut, 1981, UTM-nettet, Universal Transverse Mercator Grid, opbygning og anvendelse: Copenhagen, Geodaetisk Institut, 22 p. [Danish.]
638.___1974, Opredeleniye planetograficheskikh koordinat tochek snimka po ikh pryamougol’nym koordinatam [-JKWOWNW\EW JNI\WQMXKIDE[WFUE> UMMKOE\IQ
630. Denoyer, L.P., 1943, Instructor’s manual, accompanying charts of the map reading series, ed. by Henry M. Leppard: Chicago, DenoyerGeppert Co., 20 p.
QM[WU F\EYUI JM E> JK]YMHXMNP\VY UMMKOE\IQIY]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 97-101. [Russian. Determination of the planetary coordinates of the points of a photograph from their rectangular coordinates.]
___(See also Leppard and Denoyer.) 631. Dent, B.D., 1972, A note on the importance of shape in cartogram communication: Journal of Geography, v. 71, no. 7, p. 393-401.
639.___1983, Matematicheskaya osnova kart Luny [9IQWYIQE[WFUI] MF\MGI UIKQ .H\V]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 1, p. 47-51.
632.___1975, Communication aspects of valueby-area cartograms: Amer. Cartographer, v. 2, no. 2, p. 154-168. 37
[Russian. Mathematical basis of maps of the Moon.]
no. 2, p. 108-110; South African Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Cartography, 1987, v. 14, part 6, p. 391-395.]
___(See also Bugayevskiy and Deputatova.) 648.___1986, The “new cartography”: [United Nations] Secretariat News, v. 41, no. 10, p. 1113. [Peters projection.]
640. Depuydt, Frans, 1982, The equivalent quintuple projection: Paper presented at the 11th International Cartographic Conference, Warsaw, 4 p.
649. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kartographie & Verband der Kartographischen Verlage und Institute, 1985, Ideologie statt Kartographie: Die Wahrheit über die „Peters-Weltkarte“: Dortmund/Frankfurt am-Main, 11 p. [Peters projection and relation to other projections.]
641.___1983, The equivalent quintuple projection: International Yearbook of Cartography, v. 23, p. 63-74. [Equal-area map of world in five contiguous sections adapted from Bonne and Sinusoidal projections.]
de Villiers, D.J. (See Senekal, Le Roux, and de Villiers.)
642.___1985, Localisation dans l’espace: projections et canevas: La formation des Cartographes, Séminaire Rabat, Morocco, Apr. 16-21, 1984, Compte rendu: Enschede, p. 63-90.
650. D’Hollander, M., 1953 (1954), Note sur la projection de Goode: Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, Section de Géographie, Bulletin, v. 66, p. 177-184. [Note on Goode’s projection.]
643. Dermanis, Athanasios, and Livieratos, Evangelos, 1981, Strain analysis of map projections: Quaterniones Geodaesiae, no. 2-3. [Greek.]
651. Dias Coverrubies, Francisco, 1864, Tablas para construir la proyección de la carta general de Mexico, por el ingeniero geógrafo con...: Sociedad Mexicana de Geogr. y Estidistica, v. 10, p. 118-124.
644.___1984, Deformation analysis of isoparametric telluroid mappings: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 43, no. 4, p. 301312.
652. Diemler, Wilhelm, 1914, ...Konforme Abbildung des ganzen Erdellipsoids auf die Kugel: Munich, Königlich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 71 p. [Conformal projection of the ellipsoid.]
645. Dermanis, Athanasios, Livieratos, Evangelos, and Parashakis, I., 1983, Applications of strain criteria in cartography: Bulletin Géodésique, v. 57, no. 3, p. 215-225. 646. Descotes, Pierre-M., 1933, Courbes isodiastématiques, nouvelle méthode pour les calculer: La Paz, Bolivia, Observatorio de San Calixto, 17 p. [Discusses computation of curves of equal distance and azimuth on Mercator world map.]
Diense, P. (See Gelcich, Sauter, and Diense.) 653. Diercke, Paul, 1929, Zwei Probleme der Kartenwissenschaft und ihre Beziehungen zu Albrecht Dürer: Geographischer Anzeiger, v. 30, p. 146-156.
647. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kartographie, 1981, Die sogenannte Peters-Projektion. Eine Stellungnahme der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kartographie: Geographische Rundschau, v. 33, no. 8, p. 334-335. [Also in Kartographische Nachrichten, 1982, v. 32, no. 1, p. 33-36; Lehrmittel Aktuell, 1981, v. 7, no. 5, p. 6-8; Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, 1983, v. 125, p. 209-213. Translated to English as The so-called Peters projection: Cartographic Journal, 1985, v. 22,
654.___1929, Die graphische Konstruktion der Mercatorkarte: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 57, no. 2, p. 61-66. 655. Dilke, O.A.W. and M.S., 1985, The imprint of Ptolemy: Geographical Magazine, v. 57, no. 10, p. 544-549. 656. Dilloway, A.J., 1942, The cartographic solution of great circle problems: Royal 38
Aeronautical Society, Journal, v. 46, no. 373, p. 4-31.
664. Donald, J.K., 1957, Donald Elliptic projection: New York, Amer. Telephone and Telegraph Co., unpublished manuscript, 16 p. [Modified Two-point Equidistant projection of ellipsoid for 48 United States and southern Canada, used by Amer. Telephone and Telegraph Co. to establish long-distance telephone rates.]
657.___1945, Graphics of world aviation: Royal Aeronautical Society, Journal, v. 49, no. 411, p. 112-140. [Stresses oblique aspects of several projections.] ___(See also under Close (1942).)
Dörflinger, Johannes (See under Kretschmer (1986).)
Dilov, C. (See Daskalova, Todorova, and Dilov.)
665. Dorozynski, Alexander, 1977, A new world map that puts the Third World in its proper perspective: Science Forum, v. 10, no. 6, p. 15-18. [Reprinted as The Peters world map: Is it an improvement?: Canadian Geographic, 1978, v. 97, no. 1, p. 24-28. See comments by Wray (1978).]
658. Dinchenko, A.I. [/E\[W\UM ) % ], 1938, Proyektsiya Chebysheva dlya Sovetskogo Soyuza [*KMWUZE] ;WVLWGI ON] &MGWQFUMXM &MSI*]: Geodezist, no. 10. [Russian. A Chebyshev projection for the Soviet Union.] 659.___1940, K voprosu o kolebanyakh masshtaba v proyektsii Chebysheva [5 GMJKMFH
666. 'RUDQFDQ, B., 1966, Mongol orny gazryn zurag zochiochod FKÄUÄJOÄFK zuragzuyn trusgagiyn tuchay: Mongol Orny Gazarzuyn Asuudlund, no. 6, p. 3-12. [Mongolian with Russian abstract. A map projection for the map of the People’s Republic of Mongolia.]
M UMNWI\]> YIFLQII G JKMWUZEE ;WVLWGI*]: Geodezist, no. 9. [Russian. Problems about variation of scale on a Chebyshev projection.]
Dinse, Paul (See Gelcich, Sauter, and Dinse.) 667. Downs, R.M., and Liben, L.S., 1991, The development of expertise in geography: a cognitive-developmental approach to geographic education: Association of American Geographers, Annals, v. 81, no. 2, p. 304-327. [Understanding of map projection concepts discussed pp. 311-323.]
660. Distefano, S.L., 1986, “Sistema-UTM” del territorio italiano ed organizzazione, del suo impiego nella cartografia tematica italiana conforme al modelli nazionali ed europei: Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Annali, v. 22, p. 137-144.
668. Doyle, F.J., 1973, Federal mapping and a national grid: Surveying and Mapping, v. 33, no. 3, p. 305-312.
661. Dodt, Jürgen, 1986, Die „Peters-Karte“ und kein Ende: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 36, no. 1, p. 16-17. Also see no. 4, p. 147148.
669. Doytsher, Y., and Shmutter, B., 1981, Transformation of conformal projections for graphical purposes: Canadian Surveyor, v. 35, no. 4, p. 395-404.
662. Doergens, Richard, 1870, Theorie und Praxis der geographischen Kartennetze. 1.Theil: Die perspektivischen Projektionen: Berlin, S. Schropp’sche HofLandkartenhandlung, 46 p. [Only this portion published.]
670. Dozier, Jeff, 1980, Improved algorithm for calculation of UTM and geodetic coordinates: Washington, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA Technical Report NESS 81, 19 p. [Adaptation of Lee’s (1976) closed formulas for exact Transverse Mercator of ellipsoid.]
663. Domokos, Györgyné, 1973, A környezeti ártalmak feltárása és térképezése: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 25, no. 6, p. 433-438. [Hungarian with German abstract. Detection and mapping of environment damages.]
671. Drecker, Josef, 1917, Ein Instrument, eine Karte und eine Schrift des Nürnberger Kartographen und Kompastmachers Erhard Etzlaub: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 45, June, p. 217224. [Etzlaub’s earlier use of Mercator projection. See comments by Hammer (1917).]
680.___1989, Le système icostéréographique: Comité Français de Cartographie, Bulletin, v. 120, no. 2, p. 5-35. 681. Dufton, A.F., 1941, The world mapped in complementary segments: London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, series 7, v. 32, Nov., p. 436-437. [Use of equal-area sinusoidal-like projection in two parts. See comments in Geographical Journal, 1942, v. 99, no. 4, p. 206, probably by A.R. Hinks.]
672.___1921, Zur Geschichte der Mercatorprojektion: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 67, Jan.-Feb., p. 27. [Comments on Eckert (1920, Zur....).]
682. Duken, A.J., 1984, Die mathematische Rekonstruktion der Portolankarte des Giovanni Carignano (ca. 1310). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kartographie: Bückeburg, Ger., Driftman, 46 p.
673. Driencourt, Ludovic, 1934, Le planisphère de Mercator et la navigation maritime ou aérienne par relèvements radiogoniométriques pris du bord: Annales Hydrographiques, series 3, v. 13, p. 87-97.
683. Dumitrescu, Victor, 1957, 2 PHWRG» GH 674. Driencourt, Ludovic, and Laborde, Jean, 1932, Traité des projections des cartes géographiques à l’usage des cartographes et des géodésiens: Paris, Hermann et cie, 4 v. [See review by Vanssay de Blavous, P. de, 1933: Hydrographic Review, v. 10, no. 1, p. 80-87.]
: Bucharest, Analene , Seria WLLQÖHOH Naturii, GeologieGeografie, no. 16, p. 175-187. [Romanian with French abstract. One method of constructing derivatives of azimuthal projections for geographic maps.] SHQWUX K»UÖLOH JHRJUDILFH 8QLYHUVLÖLL
675. Drogaytsev, D.A. [/KMXIVZWG / ) ], 1958, Poperechnaya sistema koordinat dlya Arktiki [*MJWKW[\I] FEFQWYI UMMKOE\IQ ON] )KUQEUE*]: Moscow, Problemy Severa, v. 1, p. 346-353. [Russian. A transverse coordinate system for the Arctic.]
684.___1962, Noi metode de construire a SURLHFÖLLORU azimutale ortografice: Bucharest, Analene 8QLYHUVLÖLL, Seria WLLQÖHOH Naturii, Geologie-Geografie, v. 11, no. 32, p. 203-206. [Romanian. A new method of construction of azimuthal orthographic projections.]
676. Duchesne, Charles, 1907, L’enseignement des projections cartographiques: Société Royale de Géographie d’Anvers, Bulletin, v. 31, p. 6594. [Also published in separate form, at Liège.]
685.___1965, Perspectivele cosmografice − un nou sistem de SURMHFÖLL azimutale: Natura, Seria Geografie-Geologie, v. 17, no. 6, p. 16-22. [Romanian. Perspective projection.]
677.___1907, Les projections cartographiques: Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Mémoires, series 3, v. 7, p. 1-178.
686.___1966, Perspectives cosmographiques − un système utile de projections azimutales: International Yearbook of Cartography, v. 6, p. 25-32. [French with English abstract. Perspective projection.]
678. Dufour, G.H., 1868, Observations relatives à la “Note sur les projections gnomoniques, par Julien Thoulet”: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 5, v. 15, Jan.-June, p. 390-393.
687.___1966, Cosmographic perspectives − a useful system of azimuthal projections: Revue Roumaine de Géologie, Géophysique et Géographie, Série de Géographie, v. 10, no. 1, p. 21-27.
679. Dufour, H.M., 1969, La projection UTM calculs electroniques: Institut Géographique National, 15 p.
688.___1966, Primeneniye kosmograficheskikh perspektiv pri deshifrirovanii fotografiy, 40
sdelannykh v kosmose [*KEYW\W\EW
697. Dupraz, Hubert, 1976, Formules pour la transformation de coordonnées géographiques en coordonnées planes et la transformation inverse dans la projection suisse: Lausanne, École Polytechnique Federale, Institut de Géodesie et Mensuration, 17 p. [Coordinate transformation for projection used for Switzerland. See also Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik, 1976, v. 74, no. 11-76, p. 313-315.]
59-62. [Russian. The use of “cosmographic” perspectives for making photographs from space.] 689.___1967, Construction des perspectives cosmographiques: Revue Roumaine de Géologie, Géophysique et Géographie, Série de Géographie, v. 11, no. 1, p. 73-78. [Perspective projections.]
698. Durazzo, Pompeo, 1885, Il disegno delle projezioni geografiche; guida allo studio della cartografia: Verona-Padova: Drucker & Tedeschi, 2nd ed., 82 p. [1st ed., 1884.]
690.___1968, Cartographic solution for deciphering space-photographs: International Yearbook of Cartography, v. 8, p. 66-74. [Tilted perspective projection.]
699. Dürer, Albrecht, 1538, Unterweysung des Messung mit dem Zirckel und Richtscheyt, v. 4. [Includes discussion of polyhedral globes.]
691.___1969, Images calculées − pseudocosmophotographies de la Terre: Revue Roumaine Géologie, Géophysique et Géographie, Série de Géographie, v. 13, no. 1, p. 83-89. [French with English abstract.]
Durfee, R.C. (See Edwards and Durfee.) 700. Dutton, Geoffrey, 1991, Zenithial orthotriangular projection: Auto-Carto 10, ACSM-ASPRS Annual Convention, Baltimore, Technical Papers, v. 6, p. 77-95.
692.___1971, Mathematische Grundlagen schräger und senkrechter kosmographischer Perspektiven: Allgemeine VermessungsNachrichten, v. 78, no. 5, p. 163-172. [Oblique and vertical perspective projections.]
701. Dwivedi, R.L., 1966, A critique on the construction of the conical map projection (with two standard parallels): Indian Journal of Geography, v. 1, no. 1, p. 57-60.
693.___1973, The cartographic-mathematical theory of cosmographic perspective projections: Revue Roumaine de Géologie, Géophysique et Géographie, Série de Géographie, v. 17, no. 1, p. 67-82.
702. Dyer, G.C., 1971, Polar navigation − a new Transverse Mercator technique: Institute of Navigation, Journal, v. 24, no. 4, p. 484-495.
694.___1974, Kosmographische PerspektivProjektionen: Allgemeine VermessungsNachrichten, v. 81, no. 4, p. 142-151.
703. Dyer, J.A., and Snyder, J.P., 1989, Minimum-error equal-area map projections: Amer. Cartographer, v. 16, no. 1, p. 39-46.
695.___1975, La base cartographiquemathématique de l’Atlas géographique national de la République Socialiste de Roumanie: Revue Roumaine de Géologie, Géophysique et Géographie, Série de Géographie, v. 19, no. 2, p. 291-297. [French with English abstract.]
704. Dziadkowsky, Bruno, 1928, Erdkarten für – Uhren: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 74, no. 78, p. 205-206. [Projections and time zones.] 705.___1929, Die kartographische Projektion der Kugelgroßkreise: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 57, no. 7, p. 241-247.
696.___1977, Cosmographic perspective projections − the mathematical model of space photographs, in Kretschmer, Ingrid, ed., Beiträge zur theoretischen Kartographie: Vienna, Franz Deuticke, p. 91-106.
706. Eberhart, H.O., 1978, Map coordinate conversion. Final report. Dec. 1977-Mar.
1978: Alexandria, Va., Potomac Research Inc., 11 p. [Set of 12 FORTRAN subroutines.]
718.___1950, Kartenkunde, durchgesehen von Wilhelm Kleffner: Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 149 p.
707. Ecker, Erhart, 1977, Über die GaußKrüger-Abbildung: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Photogrammetrie, v. 65, no. 3-4, p. 108-117. [German with English abstract. The Gauss-Krüger projection.]
___(See also Eckert-Greifendorff; Krümmel and Eckert). 719. Eckert-Greifendorff, Max, 1935, Eine neue flächentreue (azimutaloide) Erdkarte: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 81, no. 6, p. 190192. [Formerly Max Eckert. Compresses equatorial Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection to one-quarter its height, quadrupling longitude; inspired by Hammer (1892).]
708.___1978, Conformal mappings of the earth ellipsoid: Manuscripta Geodaetica, v. 3, p. 229251. 709.___1980, Über die inverse Gauß-KrügerAbbildung: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Photogrammetrie, v. 68, no. 2, p. 71-78. [German with English abstract.]
720.___1935, Die kartographischen Projektionen und ihre Anwendung, insbesondere die Anwendung flächentreuer Projektionen in der Geographie: International Geographical Congress, Warsaw, Proceedings, v. 1, p. 145150.
710. Eckert, Max, 1906, Neue Entwürfe für Erdkarten: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 52, no. 5, p. 97-109. [New projections for world maps. Six pseudocylindrical projections with lines for poles.]
721.___1937, Bemerkungen zu Cahills Schmetterlingskarten: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 83, no. 5, p. 131-132. [Comments on Cahill’s weathermap projection.]
711.___1909, Eine neue Isochronenkarte der Erde: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 55, no. 9, p. 209-216; no. 10, p. 256-263. [Azimuthal Equidistant projection used for isochrone map.]
722.___1938, Die Zielsetzung geographischer Kartenprojecktionen: 15th International Geographical Congress, Amsterdam, Proceedings, v. 2, sect. 1, p. 3-13.
712.___1910, Die Kartenprojektion: Geographische Zeitschrift, v. 16, no. 6, p. 297318; no. 7, p. 385-398; no. 8, 441-454.
___(See also under Cahill (1937).)
713.___1920, Abänderung flächentreuer Netze: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 66, June, p. 125126.
723. Edoga, A.C., 1981, Computation of the foot-point latitude in coordinate transformation: Survey Review, v. 26, no. 202, p. 192-194. [See also comments by Makris, G.A., 1982, v. 26, no. 205, p. 345-347.]
714.___1920, Zur Geschichte der Mercatorprojektion: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 66, Sept., p. 202. [Note on Etzlaub versus Mercator. See comments by Drecker (1921).]
724. Edwards, R.G., and Durfee, R.C., 1977, Digital geographic data with GRIDOT. A generalized program for drawing overlay grids in various map projections: Oak Ridge, Tenn., Oak Ridge National Lab, ORNL/RUS-17, 127 p.
715.___1921, 1925, Die Kartenwissenschaft: Berlin & Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 2 v. [Projections especially discussed v. 1, p. 115207; v. 2, p. 62-89, 227-231, 276-280, 315-317, 775-787.] 716.___1923, Die Projektion der geologischen Karte: Naturwissenschaften, v. 11, no. 38, p. 792-795.
725. Edwards, R.L., 1969, Archaeological use of the Universal Transverse Mercator Grid: Amer. Antiquity, v. 34, no. 2, p. 180-182. 726. Edwards, Trystan, 1953, A new map of the world, the Trystan Edwards Homolographic projection: London, B.T. Batsford Ltd., 18 p. [Cylindrical Equal-area projection with standard
717.___1931, Geographisches prakticum: Leipzig, H. Wagner and E. Debes, v. 1. 42
parallels at about 37° N. and S. Reprinted 1955.]
plane and vice versa: The equations used in the cartographic projection program MAP2: Pasadena, Cal., Jet Propulsion Lab., 268 p. [Pasadena, Calif. Inst. of Tech., Publication 777.]
727. Eggert, Otto, 1930, Rechtwinklige Koordinaten auf dem Ellipsoid, auf der Kugel und in der Ebene: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 59, p. 413ff.
737. Emerson, William, 1749, The projection of the sphere, orthographic, stereographic and gnomical; both demonstrating the principles, and explaining the practice of these various sorts of projections: London.
728.___1936, Die stereographische Abbildung der Erdellipsoids: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 65, p. 153-164. ___(See also Jordan and Eggert.)
738. Engels, J., and Grafarend, E., 1995, The oblique Mercator projection of the ellipsoid of revolution E2a,b: Journal of Geodesy, v. 70, p. 38-50.
729. Eilingzfeld, Ferenc and SzádeczkyKardoss, Gyula, 1957, A Hazay-féle GaussKrüger koordinátaátszámítási módszer használhatósági tartományának kiterjesztése: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 9, no. 3, p. 148158; no. 4, p. 256-261. [Hungarian with German abstract. Extension of the GaussKrüger coordinate transformation method of Prof. Hazay.]
739. Englehart, P.M., Noma, A.A., and Richardson, T.E., 1986, Implementation of a rapid coordinate transformation device for map projections: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping − Amer. Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., Technical Papers, v. 1, p. 94-103.
730. Eisele, Carolyn, 1959, Charles S. Peirce. Nineteenth century man of science: Scripta Mathematica, v. 24, no. 4, p. 305-324.
740. Englisch, Brigitte, 1996, Erhard Etzlaub's projection and methods of mapping: Imago Mundi, v. 48, p. 103-123. [Concludes that much of his Romwegkarte is based on an oblique Stereographic projection.]
731.___1962, The Quincuncial map-projection of Charles S. Peirce: 10th International Congress of the History of Science and Technology, Ithaca, N.Y., v. 2. [Abstract of paper later expanded in Eisele (1963).]
741. Epshteyn, M.M. [fJLQWT\ 9 9 ], 1950, Vybor konformnoy proyektsii dlya izobrazheniya chasti zemnoy poverkhosti ['VMK UM\DMKY\MT JKMWUZEE ON] ESMKIW\E] [IFQE SWY\MT JMGWK>MFQE*]: GUGK, Sbornik, no. 26. [Russian. Selection of a conformal projection for representation of a part of the Earth’s surface.]
732.___1963, Charles S. Peirce and the problem of map-projection: Amer. Philosophical Society, Proceedings, v. 107, no. 4, p. 299-307. 733. Eisenlohr, Friedrich, 1870, Ueber Flächenabbildung: Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik [Crelle’s], v. 72, no. 2, p. 143-151. [His conformal projection of world with minimum overall error.]
742.___1964, Izmeneniye velichiny masshtaba v proyektsiyakh Chebysheva i blizkikh k nim [%SYW\W\EW GWNE[E\V YIFLQII G JKMWUZE]> ;WVLWGI E NESUE> U \EY]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 79-84. [Russian. Translated to English as: Scale change in the Chebyshev and similar projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1964, no. 4, p. 222-224.]
734.___1875, Ueber Kartenprojection: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, v. 10, no. 59, p. 321-334. 735. Ekstedt, Ivar, 1933, Centralperspektivisk projektion: Globen, v. 12, no. 7, p. 63-65. [Swedish. Gnomonic projection.]
743. Érdi-Krausz, György, 1958, Vetületanalizis: Budapest, Térképtudományi
736. Elliott, D.A., and Schwartz, A.A., 1977, Transformations from an oblate spheroid to a 43
Tanulmányok. Studia Cartologica. Az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Térképtudományi Tanszékének Evkönyve. 1956-1958, p. 194-270. [Hungarian. Analysis of map projections.]
Projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 4, no. 30, p. 462-466. 753.___1939, Transformation of rectangular coordinates on the Transverse Mercator Projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 5, no. 32, p. 85-89.
744.___1959, Földrajzi vetületek (kézirat): Budapest, Felsöoktatási Jegyzetellátó Vállalat. [Hungarian. Cartographic projections (manuscript).]
754. Euler, Leonhard, 1777, De repraesentatione superficiei sphaericae super plano: St. Petersburg, Academia Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, Acta, part 1, p. 107132. [Latin. Translated into German as one of Drei Abhandlungen über Kartenprojection, in Ostwald’s Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften, no. 93: Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1898, with editing by Albert Wangerin, p. 3-37.]
745.___1960, Földrajzi vetületek: Matematikai kartográfia. Geodézia Kézikönyv, v. 3: Budapest, Közgazdasági és Jogi Kiadó. [Hungarian. Geographical projections (mathematical cartography).] 746.___1960, A légiközlekedés térképei: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 12, no. 1, p. 12-16. [Hungarian with German abstract. Maps for air travel.]
755.___1777, De projectione geographica superficiei sphaericae: St. Petersburg, Academia Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, Acta, part 1, p. 133-142. [Latin. Translated into German as one of Drei Abhandlungen über Kartenprojection, in Ostwald’s Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften, no. 93: Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1898, with editing by Albert Wangerin, p. 38-52.]
747.___1968, Combined equal-area projection for world maps: Budapest, Hungarian Cartographical Studies, p. 44-49. [Fused Mollweide and flat-polar sinusoidal projections to form a new pseudocylindrical.] 748. Eriksson, J.V., 1916, Om kartprojektioner. En ofversiki: Uppsala a.b. Akademiska Bokhandeln, 64 p. [Swedish. On map projections; an overview. Also Stockholm: General-stabens litografiska anstalts förlag, 1925, 2nd ed., 95 p.]
756.___1777, De projectione geographica de Lisliana in mappa generali Imperii Russici usitata: St. Petersburg, Academia Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, Acta, part 1, p. 143153. [Latin. Equidistant conic projection used for map of Russia. Translated into German as one of Drei Abhandlungen über Kartenprojection, in Ostwald’s Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften, no. 93: Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1898, with editing by Albert Wangerin, p. 53-64.]
749. Eritt, W.A., 1936, The Transverse Mercator projection and its application to Tanganyika Territory: Empire Survey Review, v. 3, p. 417-421. 750. Ermolayev, G.G. [fKYMNIWG 8 8 ], 1965, Kartograficheskiye proyektsii i morskiye karty [5IKQMXKIDE[WFUEW JKMWUZEE E YMKFUEW UIKQV*]: Moscow, “Transport”, 128 p. [Russian. Cartographic projections and sea charts. Also 1971, 128 p.]
757.___1959, Izbrannye kartograficheskiye stat’i. Tri stat’i po matematicheskomu kartografii. Perevod s nemetskim. [%SKI\\VW UIKQMXKIDE[WFUEW
751. Erokan, Islam, 1960, Merkator projeksiyonu: Harita Dergisi, v. 26, no. 61, p. 515. [Turkish. Mercator projection.]
Bagratuni, Geodezizdat, 80 p. [Russian. Selected cartographic contributions: Three contributions on mathematical cartography. Translation from German.]
752. Erritt, W.A., 1938, The fixation of minor triangulation on the Transverse Mercator
Evans, Frederick (See Gordon and Evans.) 768.___1983, [A polyconic projection with unequally spaced parallel lines and its applications] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 255-275. [Chinese.]
758. Evans, J.J., 1940, Projections and mapmaking: Columbus, Ohio State University, Master’s thesis.
Fang, Chun (See Fang, J.T.)
759. Evenden, G.I., 1983, Forward and inverse cartographic projection procedures: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-623, 85 p.
769. Fang, J.T., 1934, Ti-t’u t’ou-ying-hsüeh [The study of map projections]: Peking, K’ohsüeh ch’u-pan-she, 128 p. [Chinese. 1952 ed.: 303 p. 1957-58 ed.: 1957, v. 1, 343 p.; 1958, v. 2, 268 p.]
760.___1990, Cartographic projection procedures for the UNIX environment − a user’s manual: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-284, 63 p.
770.___1943, Lambert projection tables for China: Chungking, National Geological Survey of China, Cartographic Records 3, 155 p. [Chinese and English.]
761. Everett, J.D., 1904, On a flat model which solves problems in the use of the globes: Geographical Journal, v. 23, no. 2, p. 234-242. [Small segments of globe, each on conic projection, arranged to suit need.]
771.___1948-1949, On the Lambert conformal projection as applied in China: Empire Survey Review, 1948, v. 9, no. 70, p. 357-363; 1949, v. 10, no. 71, p. 30-37.
762. Evomarov, K. [fGMYIKMG 5 ], 1953, Kartenentwurfslehre: Berlin, Verlag Technik, 182 pp. [Translated from Russian original, 1951.]
772.___1949, Transformations between the Lambert conformal and Gauss-Krueger (Transverse Mercator) projections: Empire Survey Review, v. 10, no. 74, p. 181-186.
763. Ewe, Thorwald, 1977, Unsere Erde ist ganz anders: Quick, v. 52, p. 69-72. [Peters Projection.]
773.___1950, Azimuth and distance corrections for the geodetic lines on the Lambert Conformal projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 10, no. 75, p. 218-227.
764. Faccin, Francesco, 1905, Nuovo planisfero ad uso della marina: Rivista Fisica Matematica e Scienze Naturali, v. 11, p. 113-117.
774.___1957, The equation of the geodetic line on conformal projection and the direction and distance corrections for them: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 1, no. 2, p. 166-169. [English.]
765. Faintich, Marshall, 1986, The politics of geometry: Computer Graphics World, May, p. 101-102, 104. [Peters and other projections.] 766. Fairgrieve, J., 1928, A new projection: Geography, v. 14, part 6, no. 82, p. 525-526. [Oblique Mollweide projection. See also Geographical Journal, 1929, v. 73, no. 3, p. 248-249.]
775.___1957, [Formulae and tables for conversion of the geographical latitude to the authalic and isometric latitudes]: Acta Geographica Sinica, v. 23, no. 4, p. 379-388. [Chinese with English abstract.]
Faludi, R. (See Green, Baker, Deeth, Nuzzo, and Faludi.)
776. Farrar, John, 1822, An elementary treatise on the application of trigonometry to orthographic and stereographic projection...surveying and leveling: together with logarithmic and other tables...: Cambridge, Mass., Hilliard and Metcalf, 153 p. [2nd ed., 1825; 3rd ed., 1833; 4th ed., 1840.]
767. Fang, Bingyan, 1982, An analytical method for researching polyconical projections for world maps: Paper presented at the 11th International Cartographic Conference, Warsaw, 24 p. 45
777. Fasching, Antal, 1906, Javaslat a magyar országos felmérések ujjászervezésére vonatkozólag: Budapest, 18 p. [Hungarian. Reorganization of Hungarian land surveying. Emphasizes projections.]
786. Ferschke, Hans, 1974, Anmerkung zur „Peters-Projektion“: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 24, no. 2, p. 79. 787.___1981, Eine gnomonische Weltkarte, in 50 Jahre Photogrammetrie an der TU Berlin: Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, p. 69-80.
778.___1908, A magyar országos földmérés ujjászervezése alkalmával figyelembe veendö legczélszerübb matematikai vetítési módok: Budapest, Doctoral dissertation, 44 p. [Hungarian. New projections and projection methods for official mapping in Hungary.]
788. Fester, Gustav, 1934, Lamberts Projektion in Anwendung auf den 4., 5., 6. und 7. Erdteil: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 80, no. 1, p. 6-7. [Lambert’s Transverse Mercator projection of sphere.]
779.___1925, Die stereographische Projektion ist für kreisförmige Gebiete bis ca. 600 km Durchmesser zugleich die Abbildung der überhaupt möglichen kleinsten Verzerrungen: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 54, no. 3-4, p. 42ff.
789. Fiala, )UDQWLÀHN, 1955, Kartografické zobrazování: Prague, Státní Pedagocké Naki, 240 p. [Czech. Translated to German as Mathematische Kartographie: Berlin, VEB Verlag Technik, 1957, 316 p.] 790. Fiedler, H., 1957, Die Kreis- und Winkeltreue der stereographischen Projektion; eine Studie zur Unterrichtsgestaltung: Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, no. 12, p. 391-397. [Stereographic projection.]
780. Favé, L., 1921, Graphiques destinés à la détermination des routes orthodromiques: Académie des Sciences, Comptes Rendus, v. 172, no. 5, p. 252-254. 781. Fawcett, C.B., 1949, A new net for a world map: Geographical Journal, v. 114, no. 1-3, p. 68-70. [Oblique Lambert Azimuthal EqualArea projection centered on London for inner hemisphere; oblique Bonne in sections for outer continents. Some oceans incomplete.]
791. Field, N.J., 1980, Conversions between geographical and Transverse Mercator coordinates: Survey Review, v. 25, no. 195, p. 228-230. 792. Finé, Oronce, 1532, Orontii Finaei Delphinatis opus varium: Paris. [Latin. Discusses equatorial Stereographic projection.]
782.___1952, Maps in the study of international relationships, in Year Book of World Affairs: New York, Praeger, p. 211-221.
793.___1544, Planisphaerium geographicum: Paris. [Latin. Promotes polar Stereographic projection for geographical maps.]
783. Faye, Harold, 1948, Earth sits for her portrait; maps picture the earth as man sees it − and he sees it in many different ways: Science Illustrated, v. 3, no. 9, p. 34-47.
794. Finsterwalder, S., 1919-23, Die Kernpunkte, die gnomonische Projektion und die Reziprokalprojektion in der Photogrammetrie: Internationales Archiv für Photogrammetrie, v. 6, p. 22-35.
784. Feng, Kejun, 1983, [An elementary study on the rules of the density of the map graticule] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 335-345. [Chinese.]
795. Finsterwalder, Richard, 1943, Projektionen, Koordinatensysteme und Erddimentionen in Vermessungswesen und Kartographie in Afrika, Band 1 of Finsterwalder, Richard, and Hueber, Ernst, Afrika. Handbuch der praktischen Kolonialwissenschaften: Berlin, de Gruyter, p. 61-67.
785. Fernández de la Hoz Mola, Paloma, 1991, Cartografia histórica: siglos XIX/XX: proyección A. Peters: Portugalete, the author. Ferrer, R.M. (See under Robinson, Sale, Morrison, and Muehrcke.)
796. Finsterwalder, Rüdiger, 1989, Die Projektion der Weltkarte in den Atlanten von Battistia Agnese. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Kartennetze in der ersten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts: Acta Albertina Ratisbonensia, v. 46, p. 19-27.
1891, v. 28, p. 287-294. Reprinted in Acta Cartographica, 1969, v. 6, p. 131-138.] 806.___1893-94, Le sfere cosmografiche e specialmente le sfere terrestri: Rome, Società Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, 1893, v. 30, no. 10-11, p. 862-888; 1894, v. 31, no. 1-2, p. 121132; no. 4, 271-281; no. 5, 331-349; no. 6, 415435. [Globe history and construction with mathematics and projections, esp. p. 331-349, 415-435. Reprinted in Acta Cartographica, 1970, v. 8, p. 253-342.]
797.___1992, Die Erdkugel in ebenen Bildern. Projektionen von Weltkarten vor 1550 in America. Das frühe Bild der Neuen Welt: Munich, p. 161-174. 798.___1993, Die „betrachtungstreue“ Azimutalprojektion: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 43, no. 6, p. 234-236. [Vertical perspective projection. See also comments by Johannes Schoppmeyer: 1994, v. 44, no. 4, p. 152-153.]
807.___1894, Il mappamondo di Leonardo da Vinci ed altre consimile mappe: Rivista Geografica Italiana, v. 1, p. 213-223. [Reprinted in Acta Cartographica, 1969, v. 4, p. 188-198.]
799. Fiorini, Matteo, 1881-82, Sopra la proiezione cartografia isogonica: Nota 1-2. Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna, Memorie, 1881, v. 3, p. 499-523; 1882, v. 4, p. 593-610. [Isogonic projections. Also published separately.]
808.___1895, Sopra una speciale trasformazione delle projezioni cartografiche atta alla delineazione dei mappamondi: Società Geografica Italiana, Memorie, v. 5, p. 33-44. [Reprinted in Acta Cartographica, v. 6, p. 139150.]
800.___1881, Le projezioni delle carte geografiche: Bologna, Nicola Zanichelli, 703 p.
809.___1895, Sopra tre speciali projezioni meridiane e i mappamondi ovali del secolo XVI: Società Geografica Italiana, Memorie, v. 5, p. 165-201. [Reprinted in Acta Cartographica, 1967, v. 1, p. 37-73.]
801.___1886, Misure linerari, superficiale ed angolari offerte dalle carte geografiche: Florence, G. Garnesecchi & Figli, 38 p.
810.___1896, Le projezioni per ribaltamento nella cartografia: Rivista Geografica Italiana, v. 3, p. 282-287, 371-387. [Also published separately.]
802.___1887, Le projezioni quantitative ed equivalenti della cartografia: Società Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, (v. 24), series 2, v. 12, no. 10-11, p. 856-891; no. 12, 951-997. [Also published separately.]
811.___1900, Proiezioni cartografiche cicloidali: Rivista Geografica Italiana, v. 7, no. 4, p. 177-186. [Analysis and modification of Jervis Cycloidal projection.]
803.___1889, Curiosità cartografiche: Istituto Cartografico Italiano, Annuario, Anno terso e quarto, p. 1-9.
812. Fischer, Ernest-Ulrich, 1979, Zur Transformation digitaler kartographischer Daten mit Potenzreihen: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, series 1, no. 79, p. 23-42. [German with English abstract. Transformation of digital cartographic data with power series.]
804.___1889, Le projezioni cordiformi della cartografia: Società Geografica Italiana, Bollettino, v. 26, p. 554-579, 676. [Cordiform projections. Also published separately: Rome, 28 p. Reprinted in Acta Cartographica, 1970, v. 7, p. 110-135.] 805.___1891, Le projezioni cartografiche di Albiruni: Prazzo du Società Geografica Italiana. [Also see Società Geografica Italiana, Bollettino,
813. Fischer, G.A., 1809, Anbitung zur practischen Entwurfung und Projection der vorzüglichsten geographischen Netze ...: Dresden. [Review.] 47
814. Fischer, T., 1886, Sammlung mittelalterlicher Welt- und Seekarten: Venedig.
825. Fletcher, L.N., 1971, Integration of title, engineering and other detailed surveys: Australian Surveyor, v. 23, no. 8, p. 490-498. 826. Flexner, W.W., 1943, Azimuth line of position: Amer. Mathematical Monthly, v. 50, no. 8, p. 475-484.
815. Fisher, Austin, 1989, Altered states: a map projection software package: New York, Hunter College, City Univ. of New York, Master’s thesis.
827.___1943, Mathematical properties of military maps: Paper presented at 26th summer meeting of the Mathematical Assn. of America, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J. [Noted in Amer. Mathematical Monthly, 1943, v. 50, Nov., p. 591.]
816. Fisher, D.J., 1941, A new projection protractor: Journal of Geology, v. 49, no. 3, p. 292-323; no. 4, p. 419-442. [Stereographic and gnomonic projections applied with special protractor to sphere and crystallography.] 817. Fisher, Irving, 1943, A world map on a regular icosahedron by Gnomonic projection: Geographical Review, v. 33, no. 4, p. 605-619.
828. Flexner, W.W., and Walker, G.L., 1942, Military and naval maps and grids; their use and construction: New York, Dryden Press, 96 p.
818.___1948, Global map: U.S. Patent 2,436,860, dated Mar. 2. [Gnomonic projection plotted onto foldable regular icosahedron.]
829. Fleys, M.E. [$NWTF 9 f ], 1989, Metod perescheta koordinat tochek iz pryamougol’nykh v geograficheskiye dlya lyuboy analiticheski zadannoy proyektsii [9WQMO JWKWF[WQI
819. Fisher, Irving, and Miller, O.M., 1944, World maps and globes: New York, Essential Books, 168 p.
820. Fitzgerald, L., 1955, State rectangular coordinate systems: Australian Surveyor, v. 15, no. 6, p. 234-248.
no. 9, p. 34-36. [Russian. Method of conversion of rectangular coordinates to geographic for any analytical projection.]
821.___1967, Rectangular co-ordinate systems and their application to integrated surveys: Australian Surveyor, v. 21, no. 7, p. 223-230.
830.___1989, Central system of the cartographic projections formula data: International Cartographic Association, 14th World Conference, Aug. 17-24, Budapest, Abstracts – Resumes, p. 629. [Abstract only.]
822. Flegg, Graham, 1975, Map projections, in Projection in History of Mathematics, Unit 5: The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K., Open University Press, p. 22-25.
Földi, Ervin (See Baranyi and Földi.) 831. Folkers, J., 1958, Theorie und Praxis der kartographischen Entzerrung: Hamburg, Fortschrittsberichte. auf d. Gebeit d. Kartendrucks und d. Kartenreproduktion, p. 5068.
823. Fleming, M.S., and Swanson, W.G., 1972, CROPP − a conformal representation of the prairie provinces with computer application: Winnipeg Grain and Crop Statistics Symposium, Ottawa, Oct. 13-14, 1971, Proceedings, Statistics Canada, p. 82-96.
832. Foramitti, Hans, 1981, Bezugsebenen für Projektionen von Kulturgutbeständen: Aachen, Geodätischen Instituts der Rheinisch Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, Veröffentlichung, no. 32, 143 p.
824.___1972, CROPP (Conformal representation of the prairie provinces): Environment Canada − Canadian Transportation Commission, Occasional Paper No. 1, 56 p. [English and French. UTM and Lambert conformal conic projections.]
833. Forest, B.A., 1966, Spherical zone boundaries in perspective projections: Bedford, 48
Mass., Mitre Corp., 52 p. [Prepared for the U.S. Air Force.]
aid of electronic automation of calculation and symbols.]
834. Forni, G., 1936, Lo sviluppo conico conforme di Lambert, come proiezione di lavoro per il rilievo idrografico della Sirte: Annali Idrografici, v. 12, part 2, 1925-1928, p. 181199.
843.___1980, Kompjuterski program zu UDÀXQDQMD u Gauss-Krügerovoj projekciji: Zagreb, Zbornik radova Geodetskog fakulteta 6YHXÀLOLWD u Zagrebu, Niz A − Radovi − Sv.br. 23, 57 p. [Serbo-Croatian. A computer program for calculations in transverse Mercator projection.]
835. Fortune, 1943, Air navigation for global war: Jan., p. 7.
844.___1980, Über die Verzerrungen in den kartographischen Abbildungen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 30, no. 6, p. 214-216.
836. Foucaut, H.-C.-A. de Prépetit, 1862, Notice sur la construction de nouvelles mappemondes et de nouveaux atlas de géographie: Arras, France, p. 5-10.
845.___1981, Erwiderung auf die Anmerkungen zu einer Theorie kartographischer Abbildungen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 31, no. 5, p. 190-191.
837. Foucou, Felix, 1869, Sur une grande carte manuscrite de l’Europe et des contrées adjacentes, dressée dans le système de la projection gnomonique, pour servir à l’étude de la figure de la terre: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 5, v. 17, June, p. 471-476. [Gnomonic projection.]
846.___1985, Inverse Abbildungsfunktionen der echten kartographischen Abbildungen, in Betrachtungen zur Kartographie: Bonn, p. 4757.
838.___1870, On the construction of three maps of Europe, France, and North America, in the gnomonic projection, with a view to the distribution of mineral wealth and the study of the earth’s figure: Amer. Assn. for the Advancement of Science, Proceedings, v. 18, p. 45-47.
847.___1992, Konformno preslikavanje rotacijskog elipsoida na sferu i obratno primjenom trigonometrijskih redova: Geodetski List, v. 46, no. 2, p. 181-189. [Serbo-Croatian with English abstract. Conformal mapping of a rotational ellipsoid onto a sphere and vice versa by using trigonometric series.]
839. Fournier, Georges, 1643, Des cartes, in his Hydrographie, contenant la théorie et la pratique de toutes les parties de la navigation, book 14: Paris, p. 504-528. [2nd ed., 1667. Discusses various existing projections, also his Globular.]
___(See also Lapaine and )UDQÀXOD.) 848.
, Nedjeljko, Lapaine, M., and , S., 1986, Transformacija koordinata iz jedne kartografske projekcije u drugu: Peto jugoslavensko savetovanje o kartografiji. Savez Geodetskih ,QHQMHUD i Geometara Jugoslavije. Kartografija. Zbornik radova. Knjiga I. − Novi Sad, 13-14, p. 49-58. [Serbo-Croatian. Transformation of coordinates from one cartographic projection into another one.] )UDQÀXOD
840. Fowler, G.H., 1916, Charts: their use and meaning: London, J.D. Potter, 47 p. 841. )UDQÀXOD, Nedjeljko, 1971, Die vorteilhaftesten Abbildungen in der Atlaskartographie: Bonn, W. Ger., Inst. für Kartographie und Topographie, Dipl. Ing. dissertation, 102 p.
849. Frank, Alfred, 1940, Beiträge zur winkeltreuen Abbildung des Erdellipsoides: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 69, no. 7, p. 145-160.
842.___1974, 3UHQXPHUDFLMD NDUWRJUDIVNLK : Geodetski List, v. 28, no. 1-3, p. 13-17. [SerboCroatian. Numbering of map graticules with the PUHD HOHNWURQLÀNLP UDÀXQDOLPD L FUWDÀLPD
850. Franke, J.H., 1901, Coordinaten und Projectionen: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 30, no. 20, p. 517-531.
862.___1908, Zur Wahl der Projektion für Karten großen und mittlern Maßstabs: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 54, no. 7, p. 161163.
851. Frankich, Kresho, 1977, A study in conformal mapping: Fredericton, N.B., Canada, Univ. of New Brunswick, Technical Report No. 45, 45 p.
863.___1909, Zur Abbildung der Flächen: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, p. 12.
852.___1982, Optimization of geographic map projections for Canadian territory: Burnaby, B.C., Canada, Simon Fraser Univ., Dissertation.
864.___1909, Zur Polyederprojektion: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 38, no. 19, p. 515-516. [Polyhedric projection.]
853. Freeman, T.W., 1963, Rev. James Gall and his map projections: Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 79, no. 3, p. 177.
865.___1910, Das Hilfsdreieck der Abbildung der Kugel auf der Ebene: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 39, no. 18, p. 473-484.
854. Freiesleben, H.C., 1958, Karten für die Seenavigation. Netzentwürfe für Seekarten: Truppenaxis, v. 5, p. 373-376.
866.___1910, Die Polyederprojektion: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 56-2, no. 1, p. 2930. [Polyhedric projection.]
855. Freitag, Ulrich, 1968, Zeittafel zur Ge[s]chichte der Kartennetzlehre: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 18, no. 3, p. 92.
867.___1913, Die mathematischen Grundlagen der Landesaufnahme und Kartographie des Erdsphäroids: Stuttgart, 204 p. [See also Frischauf (1919).]
856.___1974, The map projections of the revised edition of the National Resources Atlas of Thailand: Warasan Paenthi, Royal Thai Survey. Dep., Journal, v. 16, no. 4, p. 115-124.
868.___1914, Zum kartographischen Bilde des Groß- und Parallel-Kreises: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 43, no. 1, p. 1-15. 869.___1919, Beiträge zur Landesaufnahme und Kartographie des Erdsphäroids: Leipzig, Teubner. [Supplement to Frischauf (1913).]
857. Frischauf, Johannes, 1891, Beiträge zur Geschichte und Construction der Kartenprojectionen: Graz, Lauschner & Lubensky, 14 p.
870. Frolov, Yu.S. [$KMNMG ! & ], 1961, Issledovaniye iskazhenii ravnovelikikh psevdotsilindricheskikh proyektsii [%FFNWOMGI\EW EFUIW\EE KIG\MGWNEUE> JFWGOMZENE\OKE[WFUE> JKMWUZEE*]: Leningradskiy Gosudarstvenniy Universitet, Vestnik, no. 12, p. 148-157. [Russian. Investigation of distortions of equal-area pseudocylindrical projections.]
858.___1897, Bemerkungen zu C.S. Peirce Quincuncial Projection: Amer. Journal of Mathematics, v. 19, no. 4, p. 381-382. 859.___1905, Die Abbildungslehre und deren Anwendung auf Kartographie und Geodäsie: Zeitschrift für Mathematischen und Naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht, v. 36, p. 393404, 477-497.
871.___1961, Otsenka ravnovelikikh proyektsii po srednim kvadraticheskim iskazheniyam napravleniy [-ZW\UI KIG\MGWNEUE> JKMWUZEE
860.___1908, Zur Abbildungslehre und deren Anwendung auf Landesaufnahme: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 37, p. 225-240.
JM FKWO\EY UGIOKIQE[WFUEY EFUIW\E]Y \IJKIGNW\ET*]: Leningradskiy Gosudarstvenniy Universitet, Vestnik, no. 6, p. 46-64. [Russian with English abstract. Evaluation of equal-area projections from the least-square distortions of directions.]
861.___1908, Zur Abbildung des Erdsphäroids: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 37, p. 326330. 50
880.___1971, Education automation: New York, Doubleday, Anchor Books, 85 p. [Original ed., 1962. Dymaxion world map, p. 15-20.]
872.___1963, Ot Klavdiya Ptolemeya do Rigoberta Bonna [-Q 5NIGOE] *QMNWYW] OM +EXMWKQI M\\I*]: Leningradskiy Gosudarstvenniy Universitet, Vestnik, no. 6, Seriya Geologii i Geografii Lfg. 1, p. 118-125. [Russian. History of pseudoconic projections from Claudius Ptolemy to Rigobert Bonne.]
881.___1974, Re-mapping our world: Today’s Education, v. 63, November-December, p. 4044, 107, 109-110. 882. Fuller, Buckminster, and Marks, R.W., 1973, The Dymaxion world of Buckminster Fuller: New York, Doubleday, Anchor Books. [Southern Illinois Press, 1960. Contains material on Dymaxion world map, p. 50-55.]
873.___1964, Sposob sravnitel’noy otsenki kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [&JMFM
FKIG\EQWNP\MT MZW\UE UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 96-103. [Russian. Translated to English as Method of comparative evaluations of cartographic projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1964, no. 5, p. 301-304.]
Furtwängler, P. (See Bourgeois and Furtwängler.)
874.___1968, Obshchiy pokazatel’ iskazheniy kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [-RET
883. Fuss, Nicolaas, 1786, De superficiei terrestris proiectione stereographica: Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, v. 2, p. 170-182. [Latin.]
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 119-124. [Russian. Translated to English as A general index of map projection distortions: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1968, no. 5, p. 333-335.]
884. Galante, Nócolo, 1940, Schemi de carte nautiche e loro eventuali ulteriori suiluppi: Rivista Aeronautica, v. 16, no. 4, p. 47-58. [Skeletons of nautical charts and their possible ulterior developments.]
Fujiwara, Yoshiko (See Nomura and Fujiwara.)
885. Gall, James, 1855, On improved monographic projections of the world: British Assn. for the Advancement of Science, Sept., 25th mtg., Report, p. 148. [Two perspective secant cylindrical projections, orthographic and stereographic (the “Gall proj.”), and an equirectangular.]
875. Fuller, Buckminster, 1943, Dymaxion World: Life, v. 14, no. 9, Mar. 1, p. 41. [Sections of polyhedral globe on cuboctahedron.] 876.___1944, Fluid geography: Amer. Neptune, v. 4, no. 2, p. 119-136.
886.___1871, On a new projection for a map of the world: Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 15, July 12, p. 159. [His stereographic projection.]
877.___1946, Dymaxion map: U.S. Patent 2,393,676, dated Jan. 29. [Fuller projection of world onto cuboctahedron (and later icosahedron).] 878.___1963, Fluid geography, in his Ideas and integrities, edited by R.W. Marks: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, p. 119-141.
887.___1885, Use of cylindrical projections for geographical, astronomical, and scientific purposes: Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 1, no. 4, p. 119-123. [Reports his 1855 projections.]
879.___1969, Ideas and integrities: New York, Collier. [Dymaxion (icosahedral) world map discussed on p. 123-124.]
888. Gallois, L.L.G., 1890, Les géographes allemands de la Renaissance: Paris, E. Leroux, 266 p. 889. Galon, Rajmund, 1951, Siatki kartograficzne; SRGUÂF]QLN praktyczny dla 51
geografów: Warsaw, Pasiwowe Zaklady Wydawn, Szkolnych, 223 p. [Polish. Cartographic networks; a practical handbook for geographers.]
896. García Amaro, Angel, 1969, Cálculo de canevás en el sistema de proyecciones cónicas de dos paralelos tipo cada dos grados: Anuario de Geografia [Mexico], 1968, pub. 1969, v. 8, p. 217-220. [Conic projections with two standard parallels.]
___(See also Churski and Galon.) 890. Gannett, S.S., 1900, Coordinates for projection of maps, scale 1/45,000, latitude 26° to latitude 49°: Washington, U.S. Geological Survey, 10 p.
897. Gardner, Martin, 1975, Mathematical games: On map projections (with special reference to some inspired ones): Scientific American, v. 233, no. 5, p. 120-125.
891. Gannett, S.S., and Hawkins, G.T., 1910, Coordinates for projection of maps, scale 1/24,000, latitude 0° to latitude 24°: Washington, U.S. Geological Survey, 11 p.
898. Garnett, William, (Mary Adams, pseudonym), 1914, A little book on map projection: London, G. Philip & Sons, 108 p. [2nd ed., 1920; 3rd ed., 1924; 4th ed., 1928.]
892.___1910, Coordinates for projection of maps scale 1/48,000, latitude 50° to latitude 64°: Washington, U.S. Geological Survey, 7 p.
899. *DVSDURYL¾, Ratimir, 1967-68, Osnovni uslovi izbora kartografskif projekcija kao podloga za geografske karte sitnih razmjera: Geografski Pregled, v. 11-12, p. 119-132. [Serbo-Croatian with German abstract. Basic conditions for the selection of map projections as a basis for small-scale geographic maps.]
893. Gan’shin, V.N. [8I\PLE\ ' < ], 1961, Fundamental’nyy trud o koordinatakh GaussaKryugera [$H\OIYW\QINP\VT QKHO M UMMKOE\IQI> 8IHFFIB5KXWKI*]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 11, p. 72-75. [Russian. Translated to English as A fundamental work on Gauss-Krüger coordinates: Geodesy and Cartography, 1961, no. 11-12, p. 539-540.]
900. Gauld, A.C., 1945, An azimuthal equidistant projection with Salisbury as the pole: Rhodesia Scientific Association, Proceedings and Transactions, v. 40, p. 30-43.
894.___1973, Issledovaniye proyektsii mezhdunarodnoy karty masshtaba 1:1 000 000 [%FFNWOMGI\EW JKMWUZEE YWOH\IKMO\MT UIKQV YIFLQII ]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 81-86. [Russian. Research into projections of the international maps of the World at a scale of 1:1,000,000.]
901. Gauss, C.F., 1816-1827, Conforme Abbildung des Sphäroids in der Ebene: in C.F. Gauss, Werke, Königlich Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Abhandlungen, 1903, v. 9, p. 142-194. 902.___1825, Allgemeine Auflösung der Aufgabe: Die Theile einer gegebnen Fläche auf einer andern gegebnen Fläche so abzubilden, daß die Abbildung dem Abgebildeten in den kleinsten Theilen ähnlich wird: Preisarbeit der Kopenhagener Akademie 1822, Schumachers Astronomische Abhandlungen, Altona, no. 3, p. 5-30. [Reprinted, 1894, Ostwald’s Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften, no. 55: Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, p. 57-81, with editing by Albert Wangerin, p. 97-101. Also in Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen in Kommission bei Julius Springer in Berlin, 1929, v. 12, p. 1-9.]
895. Gan’shin, V.N., and Lipin, A.V. [.EJE\ ) ' ], 1977, O vybore optimal’noy proyektsii poverkhnosti ellipsoida na sferu pri reshenii zadach vozdushnoy navigatsii [- GVMKW
NNEJFMEOI \I FDWKH JKE KWLW\EE SIOI[ GMSOHL\MT \IGEXIZEE]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 20-25. [Russian. Translated to English as Selecting the optimal projection of the surface of an ellipsoid onto a sphere when solving the problems of air navigation: Geodesy, Mapping and Photogrammetry, 1977, v. 19, no. 1, p. 13-16.]
903. Gauthier, Majella-J., 1991, Les cartes dans les médias: la méconnaissance des projections: 52
Mappe Monde, v. 2, p. 45-47. [English abstract.]
: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 25, no. 2, p. 91-103. [Polish with French abstract. The optimal conformal representation of an area containing a geodesic represented as a straight line.] SURVW
904. Gdowski, %RJXVDZ, 1964, Odwzorowanie Gaussa-Krügera FDHM sferoidy: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 13, no. 3, p. 209-229. [Polish with English abstract. The Gauss-Krüger representation of the entire spheroid.]
913.___1978, Konstrukcja odwzorowania równopolowego pewnego obszaru o minimalnych ]QLHNV]WDFHQLDFK NWRZ\FK: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 27, no. 2, p. 147-154. [Polish with English abstract. Construction of the equal-area projection possessing the minimal angular distortions.]
905.___1969, Metody wariacyjne w SËJHRGH]\MQ\FK odwzorowaniach powierzchni na SDV]F]\]QLH: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 18, no. 4, p. 299-322. [Polish with French abstract. The method of variations in semigeodesic projections of the surface onto the plane.]
914.___1979, O pewnej klasie uogólnionych RGZ]RURZDÉ azymutalnych: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 28, no. 4, p. 247-253. [Polish with English abstract. On some class of generalized azimuthal projections.]
906.___1969, Minimalizacja ]QLHNV]WDFHÉ w odwzorowaniach powierzchni: Wydawnictwa Politechn. Warszawa, Seria `Geodezja’, v. 6. [Polish. Minimization of distortion in projections of the surface.]
915.___1982, On the conformal points of projection: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 31, no. 1, p. 23-30. [English.]
907.___1973, O pewnych ZDVQRFLDFK RGZ]RURZDÉ Czebyszewa: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 22, no. 1, p. 69-74. [Polish with French abstract. Some properties of the Chebyshev projection.]
916.___1984, O pewnym uogolnieniu odwzorowania Gaussa-Krügera FDHM elipsoidy: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 33, no. 1-2, p. 3-13. [Polish. On a certain generalization of the Gauss-Krüger representation of the whole ellipsoid.]
908.___1973, Odwzorowania SRJHRGH]\MQH centralne: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 22, no. 2, p. 117-127. [Polish with French abstract. Central semigeodesic projections.]
___(See also Panasiuk, Balcerzak, and Gdowski; under Lee, L.P. (1962).)
909.___1974, Minimalizacja ]QLHNV]WDFHÉ w klasie uogólníonych RGZ]RURZDÉ walcowych: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 23, no. 3, p. 205-211. [Polish with French abstract. Minimization of distortion in the general class of cylindrical projections.]
917. Gedney, Austin, 1977, Distortion in map projections − its effect on the interpretation of maritime boundaries and related activities: University of Rhode Island, Master’s thesis. 918. Gedymin, A.V. [8WOVYE\ ) ' ], 1946, Kartografiya [5IKQMXKIDE]]: Moscow, Gos. Ucheb.-Pedagog. Izd-vo, 180 p. [Russian. 2nd ed., 1952. Emphasizes map projections.]
910.___1974, Metody wariacyjne minimalizacji ]QLHNV]WDFHÉ w odwzorowaniach powierzchni: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 23, no. 4, p. 281-293. [Polish with French abstract. Minimization of distortion of projections of the surface using the method of variations.]
919.___1950, O sootnoshenii iskazheniy ploshchadey i form v kartograficheskikh proyektsiyakh [- FMMQ\MLW\EE EFUIW\ET
911.___1975, Optymalne odwzorowania równopolowe: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 24, no. 3, p. 191-204. [Polish with French abstract. Optimal equivalent projections.]
Proizvodstvennye Statey GUGK, Sbornik, no. 30. [Russian. On the correspondence of areal
912.___1976, Optymalne odwzorowanie konforemne obszaru ]DZLHUDMFHJR OLQLÂ 53
and shape distortion of cartographic projections.]
929.___1929, New map projections: Discussion on the papers read at the afternoon session of the Society on 10th December 1928 [i.e. papers of S.W. Boggs, A.R. Hinks, and E.A. Reeves], v. 73, no. 3, p. 248-250.
920. Gelcich, Eugen, 1883, Vermischte Studien zur Geschichte der mathematischen Geographie: Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Geographie, v. 4, p. 291-315.
930.___1941, Maps for long flights: v. 97, no. 1, p. 70-71. [Presumably by A.R. Hinks. Mercator, Gnomonic, and Oblique Mercator projections mentioned.]
921.___1894, Die gnomonische Kartenprojection in ihrer Bedeutung für die praktische Schiffahrt ...: Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens, v. 12, p. 28-40. [Gnomonic projection.]
931.___1944, The geography of post-war air routes: v. 103, no. 3, p. 89-100. [Discussion with several participants.]
922.___1904, Die astronomische Bestimmung der geographischen Koordinaten: Die Erdkunde, v. 7: Leipzig and Vienna, F. Deuticke, 126 p.
932. Geographical Review, 1929, Recent developments in map projections: v. 19, no. 4, p. 686-688. [Review of the work of Adams, Boggs, Close, Goode, and Cahill.]
923. Gelcich, Eugen, and Sauter, Friedrich, 1897, Kartenkunde geschichtlich dargestellt: Leipzig, G.J. Göschen, 1st ed., 168 p.
933.___1947, Aeronautical charts and the Oblique Mercator projection: v. 37, no. 4, p. 674-675.
924. Gelcich, Eugen, Sauter, Friedrich, and Dinse, Paul, 1901, Kartenkunde geschichtlich dargestellt: Leipzig, G.J. Göschen, 2nd ed. [3rd ed. rev. by Max Groll, 1909: Leipzig, 177 p.]
934. Geographie und Schule, 1979, Mercator oder Peters − Sinnvolle Alternative?: v. 1, no. 1, p. 56-57.
925. Geo Abstracts [formerly Geographical Abstracts], 1967-. [Abstracts of map projection papers and books included, 6 issues per year in part B (Biogeography, Climatology and Cartography), 1967; part D (Social Geography and Cartography), 1968-73; part G (Remote Sensing and Cartography), 1974-84; part G (Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Cartography), 1985- . Became Geo Abstracts in 1972.]
935.___1986, Ideologie statt Kartographie. Die Wahrheit über die „Peters-Weltkarte“: v. 8, no. 40, p. 37-41. 936. George, Frank, 1960, A spiral transformation for the conical orthomorphic projections, and a graphical construction: Empire Survey Review, v. 15, no. 115, p. 215222.
926. Geodetizba aväelningen, Sweden, 1935, ...Tabeller für Gauss’ Hannoverska projektion: Stockholm, Statens reproduktionsanstalt, 468 p. [Swedish.]
___(See also Close and George.) 937. Gerke, K., 1955, Zum Gedenken an Carl Friedrich Gauß: Kartographische Nachrichten, no. 4, p. 8-11.
927. Geografia nelle Scuole, La, 1956, Goode. Quali caratteristiche ha la proiezione di?: p. 6061. [Goode. What characteristics does this projection have?]
938. Germain, Adrien, [1866], Traité des projections des cartes géographiques, représentation plane de la sphère et du sphéroïde: Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 385 p. [See comments by Lambert, Gustave, 1867: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 5, v. 14, JulyDec., p. 155-168.]
928. Geographical Journal, 1914, A new projection: v. 43, no. 1, p. 86-87. [Comments on Cahill’s paper presented Oct. 11, 1912. Sphere in octants; projection not clear.]
939.___1868, Note sur deux nouvelles projections geographiques, par le r.p. Braun, de la compagnie de Jésus. Lettre à M. d’Avezac: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 5, v. 16, Nov.-Dec., p. 510-513. [Two Braun perspective projections.]
947. Gilbert, Henry, 1903, De l’emploi des projection lumineuses d’une l’enseignement de la géographie et des moyens de la propager efficacement: Congrès National des Société Françaises de Géographie, 23rd session, Oran, Algeria, 1902, Comptes Rendus, p. 97-103.
German, G.A. (See Bowyer and German.)
948. Gilfillan, S.C., 1946, World projections for the air age: Surveying and Mapping, v. 6, no. 1, p. 12-18.
German Cartographic Society (see Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kartographie.)
949. Gilmartin, P.G., 1983, Aesthetic preferences for the proportions and forms of graticules: Cartographic Journal, v. 20, no. 2, p. 95-100.
940. Germany, Kriegsmarine, Oberkommando, 1943, Formeln und Tafeln zur Berechnung von Merkatornetzen: Berlin, Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, Amtsgruppe Nautik, 132 p. [Formulas and tables for the Mercator projection.]
950. Gilmartin, P.G., and Lloyd, R., 1991, The effects of map projections and map distance on emotional involvement with places: Cartographic Journal, v. 28, no. 2, p. 145-151.
941. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, ed., 1929, Aus dem Briefwechsel zwischen Gauß und Hansen, in Carl Friedrich Gauß Werke, v. 12: Berlin, Julius Springer, p. 19. [Map projection correspondence on mathematics.]
951. Gingery, W.G., 1944, Map projection: U.S. Patent 2,352,380, dated June 27. [Oblique Azimuthal Equidistant projection of portion of hemisphere, surrounded by several gores completing world map.]
942. Getis, Arthur, 1963, The determination of the location of retail activities with the use of a map transformation: Economic Geography, v. 39, no. 1, p. 14-22. [Cartograms.]
952. Ginzburg, G.A. [8E\SHKX 8 ) ], 1935, [A practical method of determining distortion on maps]: Geodezist, no. 10, p. 49-57. [Russian.]
943. Ghesquiére, Paul, 1878, Note sur les divers systèmes de projections: Société Royale de Géographie d’Anvers, Bulletin, v. 3, p. 366-371.
953.___1936, Novye azimutal’nye proyektsii [ ESMKIW\ET*]: Ucheni, Zapiski Hark’v’skogo Derzhavnogo Universitetu im O.M. Gorkogo, p. 67-81. [Russian. Visual evaluation of cartographic representations.]
945. Gilbert, E.N., ca. 1973, An atlas of oddities: Murray Hill, N.J., Bell Laboratories, unpublished manuscript, 30 p. [Several existing or adapted projections.] 946.___1974, Distortion in maps: SIAM [Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics] Review, v. 16, no. 1, p. 47-62.
956.___1948, O nekotorykh osnovnykh voprosakh matematicheskoy kartografii [-
Nauchno-Technicheskikh i Proizvodstvennikh Statey GUGK, no. 22. [Russian. Some fundamental problems of mathematical cartography.]
[Russian. The mathematical basis of maps of comprehensive world geographical atlases.] 964.___1953, Varianty konicheskikh proyektsiy ['IKEI\QV UM\E[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: MIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 16. [Russian. Variants of conic projections.]
957.___1949, Psevdotsilindricheskaya proyektsiya TsNIIGAiK [*FWGOMZENE\OKE[WFUI] JKMWUZE] : JKMWUZET*]: TsNIIGAiK, Sbornik Referatov, no. 2. [Russian. New variants of polyconic and azimuthal projections.]
958.___1949, Matematicheskaya osnova shkol’nykh kart polushariy [9IQWYIQE[WFUI] MF\MGI LUMNP\V> UIKQ JMNHLIKET*]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 55, p. 35-55. [Russian. Mathematical basis of school maps of hemispheres.]
966.___1955, O poluchenii proyektsiy dlya kart mira s primemeniyem chislennykh metodov [-
Trudy, no. 21. [Russian. Obtaining projections for world maps applying numerical methods.]
959.___compiler, 1949, Sbornik nomogramm po matematicheskoy kartografii [&MK\EU
967.___1957, O proyektsiyakh kart regional’nykh atlasov [- JKMWUZE]> UIKQ KWXEM\INP\V> IQNIFMG*]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 11, p. 68-71. [Russian. Projections for maps in regional atlases.]
TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 57. [Russian. A collection of nomographs on mathematical cartography.] 960.___1951, Kartograficheskiye proyektsii [5IKQMXKIDE[WFUEW JKMWUZEE]: Moscow, Geodezizdat. [Russian. Cartographic projections.]
968.___1957, Postroyeniye setok meridianov i paralleley geograficheskikh kart a osnovnom graficheskimi priyemami [*MFQKMW\EW
961.___1951, O matematicheskoy osnove shkol’nykh kart mira [- YIQWYIQE[WFUMT MF\MGW LUMNP\V> UIKQ YEKI*]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 88, p. 38-44. [Russian. On the mathematical basis of school maps of the world.]
Geodezizdat, 26 p. [Russian. Construction of graticules for geographic maps using primarily graphic methods.].
962.___1952, Kartograficheskiye proyektsii s izokolami v vide ovalov i ovoid [5IKQMXKIDE[WFUEW JKMWUZEE F ESMUMNIYE G GEOW MGINMG E MGMEO]: Sbornik Statey po Kartografii, no. 1, p. 39-48. [Russian. Cartographic projections with oval or oval-like lines of constant distortion.]
969.___1958, O sootnosheniyakh mezhdu iskazheniyami v proyektsiyakh geograficheskikh kart [- FMMQ\MLW\E]> YWOH ESUIW\E]YE G JKMWUZE]> XWMXKIDE[WFUE> UIKQ*]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 103-110. [Russian. The relationship between distortions on geographic map projections.]
963.___1952, Matematicheskoye obosnovaniye kart kompleksnykh mirovykh geograficheskikh atlasov [9IQWYIQE[WFUMW MMF\MGI\EW UIKQ
970.___1958, O zadachakh matematicheskoy kartografii v SSSR v oblasti melkomasshtabnykh kart [- SIOI[I>
YIQWYIQE[WFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE G &&&+ G MNIFQE YWNUMYIFLQI\H> UIKQ*]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 12, p. 48-53. [Russian. On 56
problems of mathematical cartography in the USSR in the field of small-scale maps.]
Kartografiya, v. 15, no. 3, p. 63-68. [Russian. Cartographic projections and their practical applications.]
971.___1958, Proyektsii i komponovka geograficheskikh kart v sovremennykh zarubezhnykh atlasakh [*KMWUZEE E
978.___1976, Voprosy izyskaniya nailuchshikh kartograficheskikh proyektsiy ['MJKMFV
ESVFUI\E] \IENH[LE> UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
Geografii, Sbornik 42. [Russian. Projections and components for geographic maps in contemporary foreign atlases.]
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 85-91. [Russian. Problems in the research for the best cartographic projection.]
972.___1959, Issledovaniye voprosov problemy matematicheskogo obosnovaniya melkomasshtabnykh geograficheskikh kart v trudakh TsNIIGAiK [%FFNWOMGI\EW GMJKMFMG
979.___1977, Mathematische Elemente der Weltkarte 1:2,500,000: Arbeiten aus dem Vermessungs- und Kartenwesen der DDR, v. 37, no. 1, p. 57-88.
NWYW\QI> Y\MXMNEFQ\MT UIKQV YEKI*]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 3, p. 40-47. [Russian. Translated to English as The mathematical elements of a multisheet map of the world: Geodesy and Cartography, 1961, no. 3-4, p. 125-129.]
1955, Matematicheskaya kartografiya v SSSR [9IQWYIQE[WFUI] UIKQMXKIDE] G &&&+]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, nos. 99 and 108. [Russian. Mathematical cartography in the USSR.] 981. Ginzburg, G.A., and Larin, D.A. [.IKE\ / ) ], 1952, O tipizatsii proyektsiy v sovetskoy kartografii [- QEJESIZEE JKMWUZET G FMGWQFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE*]: Sbornik Statey po Kartografii, no. 3. [Russian. On the typification of projections in Soviet cartography.]
974.___1966, Novyy variant polikonicheskoy proyektsii [ UIKQ .H\V]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 4, p. 56-61. [Russian. Translated to English as Small scale moon maps: Geodesy, Mapping and Photogrammetry, 1975, v. 17, no. 3, p. 146149.]
976.___1969, Az 1:2 500 000 méretarányú nemzetközi világtérkép matematikai elemei: Geodézia és Kartográfia, extra no. 3, p. 20-30. [Hungarian with Russian abstract. Mathematical elements of the world map 1:2,500,000.]
983. Ginzburg, G.A., and Salmanova, T.D. [&INYIJMGI 1 / ], 1957, Atlas dlya vybora kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [)QNIF ON] GVMKI UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 110, 239 p. [Russian.
977.___1971, O kartograficheskikh proyektsiyakh i prakticheskom ikh ispol’zovanii 57
Atlas for the selection of cartographic projections.]
993.___1917, A new idea for a world map: a substitute for Mercator’s projection: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 7, p. 75-76. [Abstract only. Interrupted Mollweide projection.]
984.___1962, Primeneniye v matematicheskoy kartografii metodov chislennogo analiza [*KEYW\W\EW G YIQWYIQE[WFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE YWQMOMG [EFOW\\MXM I\INESI]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, v. 153, p. 6-80. [Russian. Application of methods of numerical analysis in mathematical cartography.]
994.___1919, Studies in projections − adapting the homalographic projection to the portrayal of the earth’s surface entire: Geographical Society of Philadelphia, Bulletin, v. 17, no. 3, p. 103113. [Pagination for no. 3 alone: p. 21-31.]
985.___1964, Posobiye po matematicheskoy kartografii [*MFMEW JM YIQWYIQE[WFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 160. [Russian. Manual of mathematical cartography.]
995.___1925, The Homolosine projection − a new device for portraying the Earth’s surface entire: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 15, no. 3, p. 119-125.
986. Ginzburg, G.A., and Shabanova, A.I. [,II\MGI ) % ], 1955, Novye proyektsii dlya stennykh kart [ UIKQ*]: TsNIIGAiK, Sbornik Referatov, no. 3. [Russian. New projections for wall maps.]
996.___1929, A new projection for the world map − the Polar Equal Area: Monthly Weather Review, v. 57, no. 4, p. 133-136. [Interrupted Werner projection.] 997.___1929, The Polar Equal Area, a new projection for the world map: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 19, no. 3, p. 157-161. [Interrupted Werner projection.]
987. Givry, ..., 1833, Note relative à la construction des relèvements sur la carte réduite: Kritischer Wegweiser im Gebiete der Landkartenkunde, v. 4, p. 367-369.
___(See also under Marvin.) 988. Glareanus, Henricus, 1527, Poetae laureati de geographia liber unus: Basle. [Latin. Describes construction of gore maps.]
998. Goodman, A.W., 1960, Conformal mapping onto certain curvilinear polygons: Revista, Univ. Nac. Tucumán, A13, no. 1-2, p. 20-26.
989. Glasscock, J.T.C., 1993, Skew aspect map projections for a sphere: Australian Surveyor, p. 204-210.
999. Gordon, G.V., and Evans, Frederick, 1925, A concise guide to map projections: Cambridge, Eng., W. Heffer, 9 p.
990. Gong, Jianwen, 1964, [Graphic interpretation methods in seeking cylindrical map projections with pre-defined distortion]: Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 96-104. [Chinese.]
1000. Gorton, C.D., and Wainwright, P., 1980, Map projections in marine science: Cartographica, v. 17, no. 2, Monograph no. 25, p. 1-24.
___(See also Hu, Yuju, and Gong.) 1001. Gougenheim, André, 1930 (1931), Formules relatives a l’emploi de la projection Lambert dans les travaux hydrographiques: Annales Hydrographiques, series 3, v. 10, p. 95115.
991. Gong, Jianwen, and Hu, Yuju, 1992, [Exercises for map projections], Publishing House of Surveying and Mapping. 992. Goode, J.P., 1905, A new method of representing the earth’s surface: The Van Der Grinten projection: Journal of Geography, v. 4, no. 9, p. 369-373.
1002.___1950, Sur une nouvelle famille de planisphères conformes. Annales Hydrographiques, series 4, v. 1, p. 169-186.
1003.___1952, Sur une généralisation des mappemondes: Annales Hydrographiques, series 4, for 1951, v. 2, p. 177-188.
1014.___1951, Mathematik für Kartographen: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, Ergänzungsheft 244, 138 p.
1004.___1953, Emploi des projections conformes en cartographie: Bulletin Géodésique, new series, no. 27, p. 7-38.
1015. Grafarend, E.W., 1995, The optimal universal transverse Mercator projection: Manuscripta Geodaetica, v. 20, p. 421-468.
1005.___1953 (1954), Emploi des projections conformes en cartographie: Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, Section de Géographie, Bulletin, v. 66, p. 143-170.
1016.___1995, The spherical Stokes boundary value problem solved in a moving tangent space: in Festschrift Erwin Groten gewidmet anläßlich seines 60. Geburtstages, Munich, p. 44-61. [Mapping with equidistant, conformal, and equal-area map projections using the Stokes function.]
1006.___1954, Application des transformations homographiques aux projections cartographiques: Geofisica Pura e Applicata, v. 27.
___(See also Engels and Grafarend.) 1007.___1965, Navigational chart of the North Atlantic using an oblique conformal map projection: International Hydrographic Review, v. 42, no. 2, p. 67-79.
1017. Grafarend, E.W., and Heidenreich, A., 1995, The generalized Mollweide projection of the biaxial ellipsoid: Bulletin Géodésique, v. 69, p. 164-172.
1008. Goussinsky, Boris, 1951, On the classification of map projections: Empire Survey Review, v. 11, no. 80, p. 75-79.
1018. Grafarend, E., and Niermann, A., 1984, Beste echte Zylinderabbildungen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 34, no. 3, p. 103-107.
1009.___1960, Rechtwinklige sphärische Koordinaten oder Kartenprojektionen?: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 85, no. 5, p. 141-143.
1019. Grafarend, E.W., and Syffus, R., 1995, The oblique azimuthal projection of geodesic type for the biaxial ellipsoid: Riemann polar and normal coordinates: Journal of Geodesy, v. 70, p. 13-37.
1010. Graeve, Jan de, 1994, How did Gerard Cremer or Gerard Mercator design his grid with increasing latitudes, called the `Mercator Projection’?: IMCOS Journal, no. 59, p. 25-29.
1020. Grafarend, E.W., and You, R.J., 1995, The Newton form of a geodesic in Maupertuis gauge on the sphere and the biaxial ellipsoid: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 120, no. 2, p. 69-80; no. 10, p. 509-521. [Conformal coordinates for the universal polar stereographic, universal Mercator, universal transverse Mercator, and universal conformal conic projections.]
1011. Graf, Christoph, Nüesch, Daniel, Meier, Erich, and Frei, Urs, 1988, Map projections for SAR-Geocoding: Zürich, Univ. of Zürich, Remote Sensing Labs., ERS-D-TN-22910A/9/88. Graf, Otto (See Groll and Graf.)
1021. Grambow, J., 1936, Kartenprojektion in der Nautik: Allgemeine VermessungsNachrichten, v. 48, p. 92-94.
1012. Graf, Ulrich, 1938, Trigonometrie der Ebene, sphärische Geometrie und Kartenentwürfe: Leipzig, Quelle and Meyer, 191 p.
1022. Granö, J.G., 1911, Matematismaantieteellisiä ohjeita ja tauluja: Geografiska Föreningens Tidskrift, v. 23, p. 187-222. [Finnish. Mathematical-geographical mensuration ... rules and tables.]
1013.___1941, Über die Äquideformaten der flächentreuen Zylinderentwürfe: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 87, no. 7-8, p. 281-290. 59
triangulation of Great Britain and choice of projection: London, H.M. Stationery Office, 31 p.
1023. Grasso, Renato, 1938, Le carte per la navigazione oceanica: L’Ala d’Italia, v. 16, p. 19-24.
1032.___1951, An introduction to the projection for Ordnance Survey maps and the National Reference System: London, H.M. Stationery Office, 4 p. [Reprinted 1968.]
1024. Graur, A.V. [8KIHK ) ' ], 1938, Matematicheskaya kartografiya [9IQWYIQE[WFUI] UIKQMXKIDE]]: Leningrad University, 1st ed., 312 p. [Russian. 2nd ed., 1956, 371 p., revised by A.A. Pavlov [) ) *IGNMG]. Translated to English as Mathematical cartography: St. Louis, Mo., U.S. Air Force, Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, 1970, 671 p.]
1033.___1951, The projection for Ordnance Survey maps and plans and the National Reference System: London, H.M. Stationery Office, 4 p. [Reprinted 1962. Cassini and Transverse Mercator projections.]
1025. Grave, D.A. [8KIGW / ) ], 1896, Sur la construction des cartes géographiques: Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliqués, series 5, v. 2, p. 317-361. [Doctoral dissertation, St. Petersburg Univ., 1896. Develops series of equal-area projections with straight lines and circular arcs for meridians and parallels.]
1034. Great Britain. War Office, 1907, Tables for the projection of graticules for squares of 1° side on a scale of 1:250,000 and for squares of ½″ side on a scale of 1:125,000, with other tables used in projecting maps: London, H.M. Stationery Office, 32 p.
1026.___1896, Ob osnovnykh zadachakh matematicheskoy teorii postroyeniya geograficheskikh kart [- MF\MG\V>
1035.___1910, Tables for the projection of graticules for maps on the scale of 1:1,000,000: London, Harrison, 6 p. [Prepared by the General Staff, Geographical Section.]
Petersburg. [Russian. Basic problems of the mathematical theory of geographical map construction.]
1036. Grebe, L., 1905, Zur Darstellung geographischer Karten in Kegelprojektion: Mathematische-Naturwissenschaftliche Blatt, v. 2, p. 21-22.
1037. Green, D.R., Baker, A.M., Deeth, A.L., Nuzzo, A., and Faludi, R., 1985, SAS/GRAPH for Cartography: Map projections and labelled choropleth maps: Cartographica, v. 22, no. 2, p. 63-78.
1027. Gray, R.W., 1994, Fuller’s Dymaxion™ map: Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, v. 21, no. 4, p. 243-246. 1028.___1995, Exact transformation equations for Fuller’s world map: Cartographica, v. 32, no. 3, p. 17-25.
Green, John (See Mead, Bradock.) 1029. Great Britain. Hydrographic Office, 1953, Projections in hydrographic surveys; adoption of Transverse Mercator: London, Professional Paper no. 15, 39 p.
Greenberg, Allen (See O’Keefe and Greenberg.) 1038. Greene, Ned, 1986, Environment mapping and other applications of world projections: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, v. 6, no. 11, p. 21-29.
1030. Great Britain. Ordnance Survey, 1950, Projection tables for the transverse Mercator projection of Great Britain: London, H.M. Stationery Office.
1039. Greenfeld, J.S., 1992, Developing Transverse Mercator Projection Tables for NAD 83: 1991 ACSM-ASPRS Conference, Baltimore, Md., Mar. 25-29. Technical Papers, v. 1, p. 97106.
1031.___1950, Constants, formulae and methods used by the Ordnance Survey for computing in the Transverse Mercator projection. With some notes on the 60
1048. Grime, A.R., 1980, Map projections: Bath, Ont., Longview House, 2nd printing, 13 p.
1040.___1992, Development of projection tables for a Transverse Mercator Projection of NAD 83: Surveying and Land Information Systems, v. 52, no. 4, p. 219-226.
1049. Gringorten, I.I., 1972, A square equalarea map of the world: Journal of Applied Meteorology, v. 11, no. 5, p. 763-767.
1041. Greenhood, David, 1944, Flat maps with round meanings: Projections, in his Down to earth: mapping for everybody: New York, Holiday House, p. 98-154.
1050.___1973, A polar equal area map of the world: U.S. Air Force, Cambridge Research Labs, Air Force Surveys in Geophysics, Report AFCRL-TR-73-0349, 21 p.
1042.___1964, Flat maps with round meanings: Projections, in his Mapping: Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, p. 113-171. [Revision of Greenhood (1944).]
1051. Groll, Max, 1912, Kartenkunde. I. Die Projektionen: Berlin and Leipzig, G.J. Göschen, no. 30.
1043. Gregg, W.R., and Tannehill, I.R., 1937, International standard projections for meteorological charts: Monthly Weather Review, v. 65, no. 12, p. 411-415. [International Meteorological Committee in 1937 adopted the polar Stereographic with std. parallel 60°, the Lambert Conformal Conic with std. parallels 30° and 60°, all N. or all S., and the Mercator with std. parallels 22.5° N. and S.]
___(See also under Gelcich, Sauter, and Dinse.) 1052. Groll, Max, and Graf, Otto, 1922, Kartenkunde. I. Die Projektionen: Berlin and Leipzig, Vereinigung Wissenschaftlicher Verleger. [2nd ed. Berlin and Leipzig: W. de Gruyter & Co., 1931.] 1053. Grossman, Marcel, 1913, Perspektivische Konstruktionen für stereographische Netzenwürfe: Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, v. 21, p. 296-298.
Gregory, Christopher (See Wong, Gregory, and Handschumacher.) 1044. Gregson, R.J., 1962, A method of plotting meridians and parallels on the Gnomonic projection: Cartography, v. 4, no. 4, p. 155-156.
1054. Grossmann, W., 1962, Die Odermattsche Grundgleichung des schweizerischen Projektionssystems: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessung, Kulturtechnik und Photogrammetrie, v. 60, no. 3, p. 71-73.
1045. Gretschel, H.F., 1873, Lehrbuch der Karten-Projektion, enthaltend eine Anweisung zur Zeichnung der Netze für die verschiedensten Arten von Land-und Himmelskarten: Weimar, B.F. Voigt, 260 p.
1055.___1964, Geodätische Rechnungen und Abbildungen in der Landesvermessung: Stuttgart, Wittwer.
1046. Gridgeman, N.T. and Zuker, M., 1978, Mercator, the antigudermannian, and a fluke: Canadian Cartographer, v. 15, no. 1, p. 50-57.
1056. Groszyk, Marzena, 1986, Odzorowanie Petersa − demagogia zamiast kartografii: Polski 3U]HJOG Kartograficzny, v. 18, no. 2, p. 76-79. [Polish. Peters projection − demagoguery instead of cartography.]
Griffin, P.E. (See White and Griffin.) 1057. Grötzsch, H., 1934, Über die Geometrie der schlichten konformen Abbildung: Berlin, de Gruyter, 13 p.
1047. Griffin, T.L.C., 1980, Cartographic transformations of the thematic map base: Cartography, v. 11, no. 3, p. 163-174. [Cartograms.]
1058. Grüll, Josef, 1973, Heinrich Christian Albers (1773-1833): Leben und Wirken des Lüneburger Kartographen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 23, no. 5, p. 196-203.
Griffin, Trevor (See Smith and Griffin.)
Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 37, no. 8, p. 197200.
1059. Grygorenko, Wiktor, 1975, Odwzorowanie 6XE\ Topograficznej WP dla map ZLDWD: Polski 3U]HJOG Kartograficzny, v. 7, no. 2, p. 65-71. [Polish with English abstract. Polish Army Topographical Service projection for world maps.]
1070.___1892, Die erste Anwendung der gnomonischen Kartenprojektion: Ausland, v. 65, no. 33, p. 520-523. 1071.___1908, Über die Genesis der nautischen Kartenprojektion G. Mercator’s: Naturwissenschaft Vereins zu Krefeld, Festschrift zum 50jähr. Bestehen: Krefeld, M. Plaeschke, p. 219-232. [Reprinted in Acta Cartographica, 1977, v. 25, p. 303-316.]
1060.___1985, 8NDG ZVSËU]ÂGQ\FK i krój map topograficznych do celów gospodarczych w odwzorowaniu quasi-stereograficznym GUGIK1980: Polski 3U]HJOG Kartograficzny, v. 17, no. 2, p. 63-73. [Polish with English abstract. Coordinate system and sheet lines of Polish topographic maps for economic purposes in quasistereographic projection “GUGIK-1980.”]
1072.___1921, Astrolabium und Kartenprojektion: Kartographische und Schulgeographische Zeitschrift, v. 9, p. 33-36.
1061. Gulatee, B.L., 1946, Angular corrections for the Lambert orthomorphic conical projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 8, no. 62, p. 311-314.
Guptill, S.C. (See Robinson, Morrison, Muehrcke, Kimerling, and Guptill.)
1062. Günther, Siegmund, 1877-79, Studien zur Geschichte der mathematischen und physikalischen Geographie: Halle, in 6 parts.
1073. Gurba, Stefania, 1970, Ortodroma na globusie GZXQDVWRFLHQQ\P: Polski 3U]HJOG Kartograficzny, v. 2, no. 4, p. 160-168. [Polish with English abstract. The orthodrome on a dodecahedron globe.]
1063.___1878, Johannes Werner von Nürnberg und seine Beziehungen zur matematischen und physikalischen Erdkunde: Halle.
1074.___1971, Siatki dla map tematycznych ZLDWD: Problemy Kartografii Tematycznej: Lublin, Warsaw, p. 5-20. [Polish. Projections for thematic world maps.]
1064.___1882, Die Kartenprojektionslehre im verlaufe des letzten Jahrzehntes: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 9, p. 407-442.
1075. Gusein-Zade, S. M., and Tikunov, V. S., 1993, A new technique for constructing continuous cartograms: Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, v. 20, no. 3, p. 167-173.
1065.___1883, Die gnomonische Kartenprojecktion: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, v. 18, no. 104, p. 137-149. [Gnomonic projection.]
1076. Gustawicz, Bronislaw, 1902, [Contribution to the theory of cartographic projections]: Czasopismo Techniczne, v. 20, p. 83-85. [Polish.]
1066.___1884, Die Fortschritte der Kartenprojektionslehre: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 10, pt. 2, p. 323-354. 1067.___1888, Die Fortschritte der Kartenprojektionslehre: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 12, p. 1-24.
1077. Guyou, Émile, 1886, Sur un nouveau système de projection de la sphère: Académie des Sciences, Comptes Rendus, v. 102, no. 6, p. 308-310.
1068.___1891, Die Fortschritte der Kartenprojektionslehre: Geographisches Jahrbuch, for 1890-1891, v. 14, p. 185-198.
1078.___1887, Nouveau système de projection de la sphère: Généralisation de la projection de Mercator: Annales Hydrographiques, series 2, v. 9, p. 16-35. [Also in Revue Maritime et Coloniale, 1887, v. 94, Aug., p. 228-247.
1069.___1891, Zur Geschichte und Theorie des kartographischen Methoden Tissots: 62
[Mosaickable conformal projection of hemisphere within square.]
1089.___1904, Neuer Beweis einer Grunert’schen Formel aus der Kartenentwurfslehre: Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, v. 51, p. 165-168. [New demonstration of formal principles in teaching map projections.]
1079. Györffy, János, 1990, Anmerkungen zur Frage der besten echten Zylinderabbildungen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 40, no. 4, p. 140-146.
1090. Hagen, C.B., 1955, Nueva representación cartografica para Chile y sus territorios: Clio, Revista de Historia y Geografia, v. 20, no. 27, p. 10-13. [Use of Azimuthal Equidistant maps as complements for school and wall maps. Azimuthal Equidistant world map centered on Easter Island.]
___(See also Baranyi and Györffy.) 1080. Gysi, Kurt, 1966, Zur Einführung des Gradnetzes der Erde: Neue Schulpraxis, v. 36, no. 6, p. 217-223. 1081. Haack, Hermann, 1904, Die Fortschritte der Kartenprojektionslehre, Kartenzeichnungund Vervielfältigung, sowie der Kartenmessung für 1903: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 26, p. 359-422.
1091.___1957, The Azimuthal Equidistant projection: Seattle, Univ. of Washington, Master’s thesis.
1082.___1907, Die Fortschritte der Kartenprojektionslehre, Kartenzeichnung- und Vervielfältigung, sowie der Kartenmessung für 1904/05: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 29, p. 321-410.
1092. Hägerstrand, Torsten, 1957, Migration and area, in Migration in Sweden: Lund, Sweden, Royal University of Lund, Dept. of Geography, Lund studies in geography, series B, Human Geography, no. 13, p. 27-158. [Azimuthal Logarithmic projection shown, p. 73.]
1083.___1910, Die Fortschritte der Kartenprojektionslehre, Kartenzeichnung- und Vervielfältigung, sowie der Kartenmessung für 1906-08: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 33, p. 119-204.
1093. Hagiwara, Yasuchi, 1979, [A study on the equal-area projection for a global map with length-breadth ratio of 2:3]: Chizu (Map), Journal of Japan Cartographers Assn., v. 17, no. 4, p. 1-8. [Japanese with English abstract. New pseudocylindrical projection derived from Eckert IV.]
1084.___1931, Die Fortschritte der Kartographie 1909-30: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 46, p. 35-47.
1094.___1984, A retro-azimuthal projection of the whole sphere: International Cartographic Association, 12th Conference, Perth, Australia, August 6-13, 1984, Technical Papers, v. 1, p. 840-848.
1085.___1936, Die Fortschritte der Kartographie, 1930-36: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 51, p. 230-312. 1086.___1942, Die Fortschritte der Kartographie 1936-1942: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 57, p. 4ff and p. 365ff.
1095.___1985, A retro-azimuthal projection of the whole sphere − an attempt to make a “Mecca Map”: Chizu (Map), Journal of the Japan Cartographers Assn., v. 23, no. 2, p. 1-6. [Japanese with English abstract.]
1087. Habenicht, H., 1901, Neue Methode zur Veranschaulichung der Kartenmaßstäbe: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 47, no. 5, p. 119120. [Relationship between map scale and eye position of observer.]
1096. Haines, G.V., 1981, The modified polyconic projection: Cartographica, v. 18, no. 1, p. 49-58. [Bousfield’s version as used for northern Canada, not the modification for the International Map of the World.]
1088. Haentzschel, E.E.R., 1903, Das Erdsphäroid und seine Abbildung: Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 140 p. 63
1097.___1987, The inverse modified polyconic projection: Cartographica, v. 24, no. 4, p. 1424. [Bousfield projection used for northern Canada.]
Hamilton, A.C. (younger) (See Hradílek and Hamilton.) 1106. Hamilton, A.C., and Hradílek, L.R., 1973, A systematic analysis of distortions in map projections: University of New Brunswick, Dept. of Surveying, Lecture Notes, No. 34.
1098. Hajela, D.P., 1967, A comparison of the conformal direct projection of the ellipsoid and the corresponding double projection using the Gaussian sphere: Columbus, Ohio State University, Dept. of Geodetic Science, Master’s thesis, 81 p.
1107. Hammer, Ernst, 1887, Darstellung einer Erdhalbkugel in Cassini-Soldner’s Projektion: Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Geographie, v. 6, p. 47-52.
1099. Hake, Günter, 1973, Kartographie und Kommunikation: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 23, no. 4, p. 137-148.
1108.___1889, Über die geographisch wichtigsten Kartenprojektionen, insbesondere die zenitalen Entwürfe, nebst Tafeln zur Verwandlung von geographischen Koordinaten in Azimutale: Stuttgart, J.B. Metzlerschler, 148 p.
1100. Hake, Günter, and Heissler, V., 1970, Kartographie I. Kartenaufnahme, Netzenwürfe, Gestaltungsmerkmale, topographische Karten: Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 233 p.
1109.___1889, Über Projektionen der Karte von Afrika: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, v. 24, no. 4, p. 222-239. [Recommends oblique (Albers) equal-area conic projection.]
1101. Hall, E.F., 1878, Gerard Mercator: his life and works: Amer. Geographical Society, Journal, v. 10, no. 4, p. 163-196. [Mercator projection discussed p. 178-184.] 1102. Halley, Edmond, 1695-96, An easie demonstration of the analogy of the logarithmick tangents to the meridian line or sum of the secants: with various methods for computing the same to the utmost exacteness: Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions, v. 19, no. 219, p. 202-214. [Discusses computation for Mercator projection. Reprinted in abridged Philosophical Transactions: London, C. and R. Baldwin, 1809, v. 4, p. 6877.]
1110.___1891, Zur Abbildung des Erdellipsoids: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 20, no. 22, p. 609-617; no. 24, p. 641-661. 1111.___1892, Über die Planisphäre von Aitow und verwante Entwürfe, insbesondere neue flächentreue ähnlicher Art: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 38, no. 4, p. 85-87. [Presents his equal-area world map projection obtained after compressing equatorial Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection of hemisphere to half the height and doubling longitudes. Inspired by Aitoff (1889).]
1103. Halsey, G., 1979, Oblique projections for the geographer: Cartography, v. 11, no. 2, p. 92-95.
1112.___1894, Die flächentreue ÄzimutalProjektion für die Karte von Afrika: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 40, no. 5, p. 113-115.
1104. Hamerská, Hedvika, 1956, Ekonomické Y\XLWÅ VRXVWDY\ HVWLVWXSÊRYÕFK S¹VÑ
Gaussova zobrazení pro mapováni ve velkých PÄÐLWN¹FK: Kartografický 3ÐHKOHG, v. 10, no. 2, p. 49-51. [Czech. The efficient utilization of 6° grid zones of the Gauss projection for largescale maps.]
1113.___1894, Die Fortschritte der Kartenprojektionslehre, der Kartenzeichnung und der Kartenmessung, nebst einer Einleitung über neue Arbeiten zur Geschichte der Kartographie: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 17, p. 41-90.
1105. Hamilton, A.C., 1889, The world on the projection of Colonel A.C. Hamilton: London, Griggs.
1114.___1896, Fortschritte der Kartenprojektionslehre, der Kartenzeichnung 64
und der Kartenmessung: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 19, p. 1-30.
1124.___1914, Die neue Weltkartenprojektion von Cahill: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 60-1, June, p. 323. [Butterfly Map.]
1115.___1897, Die Fortschritte der Kartenprojektionslehre, der Kartenzeichnung und der Kartenmessung: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 20, p. 425-462.
1125.___1915, Die Nomenklatur der theoretischen geographischen Kartographie − im Anschluß an den Aufsatz von H. Maurer: Die Definitionen in der Kartenentwurfslehre usw: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 61-1, March, p. 95-98; Apr., p. 134-137. [Comments on Maurer (1914).]
1116.___1897, Die Kartennetzentwürfe: Geographische Zeitschrift, v. 3, no. 2, p. 65-79. 1117.___1898, Näherungsweise Konstruktion der Mercator-Projektion. Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 26, no. 5, p. 163-169.
1126.___1917, Die Mercator-Projection und Erhart Etzlaub: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 63, Oct., p. 303-304.
1118.___1898, Vergleichung einiger Abbildungen eines kleinen Stücks der ellipsoidischen Erdoberfläche (Karte von S.W. Deutschland): Kaiserlich-LeopoldinischCarolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Abhandlungen, v. 71, p. 447-470. [Comparison of projections for Württemberg.]
1127.___1918, Zur Geschichte der Abbildungslehre: ein Gaußcher Satz: Kartographische und Schulgeographische Zeitschrift, p. 86-88. 1128.___1922, Einige Bemerkungen zur Kartenprojektionslehre: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 68, Apr.-May, p. 86-88. [Comments on various earlier papers.]
1119.___1900, Unechtcylindrische und unechtkonische flächentreue Abbildungen. Mittel und Auftragen gegebener Bogenlängen auf gezeichneten Kreisbögen von bekannten Halbmessern: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 46, no. 2, p. 42-46. [Pseudocylindrical and pseudoconic equal-area projections.]
1129.___1923, Entwürfe für eine Karte des Nordpazifischen Ozeans: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 69, no. 1-2, p. 18-19. [Discussion of Polyconic vs. Transverse Polyconic projections for the North Pacific.]
1120.___1901, Die Fortschritte der Kartenprojektionslehre, der Kartenzeichnung und der Kartenmessung: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 24, p. 1-62.
1130.___1923, Zahlentafeln zur Verwandlung von sphärischen geographischen Koordinaten in transversale sphärische Koordinaten, nebst Anleitung zum kartographischen Gebrauch dieser Tafeln. Beitrag zur Praxis der geographische Kartennetze: Stuttgart, Metzler, no. 1, 1° graticule, 48 p. text, 60 p. tables; no. 2, 10′ graticule, 68 p.
1121.___1904, Zwei praktische Beispiele schiefachsiger zylindrischer Kartennetzentwürfe: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 50, no. 12, p. 277-281. [Oblique cylindrical projections.]
___(See also under Tissot, 1887; under Müller, F.J.)
1122.___1906, Ein neuer Vorschlag für den Netzentwurf topographischer Karten: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 52, no. 4, p. 92-94. [A projection proposed by F.J. Müller (1905).]
Handschumacher, D.W. (See Wong, Gregory, and Handschumacher.)
1123.___1910, Gegenazimutale Projektionen: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 56-1, no. 3, p. 153155. [His retroazimuthal projection.]
1131. Hantzsch, Viktor, 1897, Die deutschen Geographen der Renaissance: Geographische Zeitschrift, v. 3, no. 9, p. 507-514; no. 10, p. 557-566; no. 11, p. 618-624.
1132. Hanusse, F., 1892, Formules pour transformer les projections planes en cartes: Annales Hydrographiques, series 2, v. 14, p. 240-271.
1143.___1944, The face of one world: five perspectives for an understanding of the air-age: Saturday Review of Literature, v. 27, no. 27, p. 5-6.
1133. Harada, Takehisa, 1962, The method of the direct transformation between the plane rectangular coordinate and the coordinates by (sic) the Universal Transverse Mercator projection: Japan, Ministry of Construction, Geographical Survey Institute, Bulletin, v. 8, parts 2-4, p. 103-130. [English.]
1144. Harrison, R.E., and Strausz-Hupé, R., 1942, Maps, strategy, and world politics: Infantry Journal, v. 5, Nov., p. 38-43. [Comments on maps and map projections and their use in global geography and strategy.] 1145. Hartl, Heinrich, 1884, Die Projectionen der Wichtigsten von K.K. Generalquartier Meisterstabe und von K.K. Militärgeographischen Institute herausgegebenen Kartenwerke: Vienna, K.K. Militärgeographisches Institute, Mitteilungen, v. 6, p. 120-177.
1134. Hardy, J.R., 1981, Map projections: British national grid and UTM systems: Remote Sensing Society, Newsletter, v. 28, p. 10-13. 1135. Harley, J.B., and Woodward, David, ed., 1987ff., The history of cartography: Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 6 v. planned (v. 1, 1987; v. 2, book 1, 1992; v. 2, book 2, 1994). [Map projections in v. 1 discussed esp. p. 179-180, 185-189, 322, 385-386.]
1146.___1896, Studien über flächentreue Kegelprojectionen: Vienna, K.K. Militärgeographisches Institute, Mitteilungen, v. 15, p. 203-249. [Equal-area conic projections.]
1136. Harpers Magazine, 1985, The real world: v. 268, no. 4, p. 15. [Peters projection.]
1147. +DHN $OH, 1957, Matematické základy geografických map: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 3, no. 8, p. 151-156. [Czech. Mathematical principles of geographic maps.]
1137. Harris, C.D., and McDowell, G.B., 1955, Distorted maps, a teaching device: Journal of Geography, v. 54, no. 6, p. 286-289. [Cartograms.]
1148. Hassan, A.K., and Szadeczky-Kardoss, Gyula, 1983, Simple determination of the convergence of the meridians for Egypt: Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica Hungarica, v. 18, no. 1-2, p. 59-65. [UTM Grid system.]
1138. Harris, R.M., 1960, The Rand McNally handbook of map and globe usage: Chicago, Rand McNally. [Map projections discussed p. 206-212.] 1139. Harrison, R.E., 1942, Making maps tell the truth: Travel, v. 80, no. 2, p. 10-13.
1149. Hassler, F.R., 1825, On the mechanical organisation of a large survey, and the particular application to the Survey of the Coast: Amer. Philosophical Society Transactions, new series, v. 2, p. 385-408. [Proposes Polyconic projection.]
1140.___1943, The nomograph as an instrument in map making: Geographical Review, v. 33, no. 4, p. 655-657. [Use of one azimuthal projection to help plot another.] 1141.___1943, A new method for constructing map grids: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 33, no. 4, p. 226-227. [Discussion of Harrison (1943, The nomograph...).]
1150. Hatano, Masataka, 1966, [A proposal of the new method for an interrupted map projection of the world]: Geographical Review of Japan. Chirigaku-hyoron, v. 39, no. 4, p. 2029-239. [Japanese with English abstract.]
1142.___1944, Look at the world: The Fortune atlas for world strategy: New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 67 p. [Uses Orthographic and Perspective projections.]
1151.___1967, [Air age and world maps]: Chizu (Map), Journal of Japan Cartographers Assn., v. 5, no. 4, p. 1-7. [Japanese with English abstract.] 66
1152.___1972, Consideration on the projection suitable for Asia-Pacific type world map and the construction of elliptical projection diagram: Geographical Review of Japan, v. 45, no. 9, p. 637-647. [English translation. Flat-polar equal-area elliptical pseudocylindrical projections.]
1159.___1954, Földi vetületek: Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 508 p. [Hungarian. Earth projections.] 1160.___1954, Mathematische Grundlage zur einheitlichen Tabelle verschieden angeordneter, winkeltreuer Zylinderprojektionen: Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, v. 8, no. 3-4, p. 369-388. [German with English abstract. Mathematical basis of a uniform table for orthomorphic cylindrical projections of different positions.]
Hatt, Philippe (See under ‘Anatupon....) 1153. Hauer, F., 1941, Flächentreue Abbildung kleiner Bereiche des Rotationsellipsoids in die Ebene durch Systeme geringster Streckenverzerrung: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 70, no. 9, p. 194-215.
1161.___1955, Die Umrechnung von der stereographischen Projektion und der konformen Zylinderprojektion auf die Gauß-Krügersche Projektion: Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, v. 10, no. 1-2, p. 139154. [German with English abstract. Conversion of Stereographic and conformal cylindrical projections to the Gauss-Krüger system.]
1154.___1943, Entwicklung der flächentreuen Abbildung kleiner Bereiche des Rotationsellipsoids in die Ebene, bis einschließlich Glieder 4. Ordnung: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 72, no. 9, p. 179-189. 1155. Haussman, K., 1931, Gnomonische Projektion in Projektions-Mitte Φ o = 75°, λo = 70°. 1:2,000,000: Berlin, Int. Ges. AeroarcticBerlin, Gisevius.
1162.___1955, Vizsgálatok a különbözö ellipszoidok közötti vetítés köréböl: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 7, no. 1, p. 1-6; no. 2, p. 71-75; no. 3, p. 151-157; no. 4, p. 217-224. [Hungarian with French abstract. Transformation of one ellipsoid onto another.]
1156. Haverberg, J.E., 1983, Project coordinate system as developed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation: American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, 43rd Annual Meeting, Washington, Technical Papers, p. 590-598.
1163.___1955, Zeitgemäße Formeln für Reduktionen von winkeltreuen Zylinderprojektionen: Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, v. 11, no. 1-2, p. 185216. [German with English abstract. Modern formulae for the reduction of orthomorphic cylindrical projections.]
Hawkins, G.T. (See Gannett and Hawkins.) Hayes, J.L. (See Hoke, Hayes, and Renninger.)
1164.___1961, Vizsgálatok a Gauss-Krüger-féle ábrázolási mód magyarországi alkalmazásához: Épitöipari és Közl. Müszaki Egyetem Tud. Közl., v. 7, no. 2, p. 13-36. [Hungarian. Investigation into the use of the Gauss-Krüger projection in Hungary.]
1157. Hazay, István, 1950, Átszámitás a GaussKrüger vetületnél az egyik vetületi sávról a szomszédos vetületi sávra: Földméréstani Közlemények, v. 2, no. 3-4, p. 77-87. [Hungarian. Transformation, in using the Gauss-Krüger projection, from a projection zone to the neighboring zone.]
1165.___1961, Untersuchungen zur Anwendung der Gauß-Krügerschen Abbildung in Ungarn: Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, v. 37, no. 1-2, p. 91-119. [German with English abstract. Investigations on the application of the Gauss-Krüger projection method in Hungary.]
1158.___1951, Gauss Krüger koordináták átszámitása keskeny sávról szélesebb sávra: Földméréstani Közlemények, v. 3, no. 2, p. 4954. [Hungarian. Transformation of GaussKrüger coordinates from narrow bands to broader bands.] 67
1166.___1963, Szögtartó vetületek jellemzÍ függvényének meghatározása a szögtartóság alapegyenletével: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 15, no. 5, p. 317-321. [Hungarian with German abstract. Conformal projection theory.]
Representation of a larger area in a uniform projection coordinate system.] 1174.___1969, Anwendung von Projektionen bei ellipsoidischen Berechnungen: Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica, v. 4, no. 3-4, p. 257-279. [German with English abstract. The use of projections for computations on the ellipsoid.]
1167.___1964, Bestimmung der charakteristischen Funktion der winkeltreuen Projektionen mit Hilfe der Grundgleichung der konformen Abbildung: Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, v. 47, Series Geodaetica et Geophysica, v. 5, no. 3-4, p. 351-363. [German with English abstract. Determination of the characteristic function of conformal projections by means of the fundamental equation of conformality.]
1175.___1972, Néhány vetületi szempont és az egységes országos vetületi koordináta-rendszer gyskorlati kérdései: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 24, no. 3, p. 178-183. [Hungarian. Some aspects of projection and the practical problems of the integrated national projection coordinatesystem.]
1168.___1964, A loxodromáról és az ortodromáról: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 16, no. 2, p. 110-119. [Hungarian with German abstract. Loxodromes and great-circle paths, with appearance on Gnomonic and Mercator projections.]
1176.___1972, Két hossztartó SDUDOHONÎUÓ szögtartó hengervetület geodéziai alkalmazása: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 24, no. 4, p. 241244. [Hungarian with German abstract. Geodetic application of a conformal cylindrical projection with two standard parallels.]
1169.___1964, Vetülettan: Budapest, Tankönyvkiadó. [Hungarian. Study of projections.]
1177.___1974, Constructing length- and areapreserving maps on the Gauss-Krüger projection: Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica, v. 9, no. 1-2, p. 29-38.
1170.___1965, A fokhálózat képe ferdetengelyÓ hengervetületen: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 17, no. 1, p. 1-4. [Hungarian. Oblique cylindrical projections, such as Mercator and Cylindrical Equal-Area.]
1178.___1975, Eine längen- und flächentreue, großmaßstäbige Kartendarstellung in winkeltreuem Rahmen: Geodezja Górnicza w Krájack Sociálistycznych, no. 6, p. 69-77.
1171.___1965, Die Bedeutung der TissotIndikatrix: Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, v. 52, Series Geodaetica et Geophysica, v. 6, no. 1-2, p. 171201. [German with English abstract. The significance of the Tissot indicatrix.]
1179.___1982, Gyors átszámítás hengervetületi rendszereink között: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 34, no. 5, p. 323-328. [Hungarian with English abstract. Fast calculation technique for conversion between Hungarian Gauss-Krüger Transverse Mercator projection systems.]
1172.___1967, Darstellung eines größeren Gebietes in einem einheitlichen ProjektionsKoordinatensystem: Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica, v. 2, no. 3-4, p. 367-378. [German with English abstract. Representation of a larger area in a uniform projection coordinate system.]
1180.___1983, Quick zone-to-zone transformation in the Gauss-Krüger projection: Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica Hungaricae, v. 18, no. 1-2, p. 71-81. 1181.___1988, A vetületek szerepe a térképészetben: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 40, no. 6, p. 393-395. [Hungarian with English abstract. The importance of projections in mapping.]
1173.___1967, Nagyobb terület ábrázolása egységes vetületi koordináta-rendszerben: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 19, no. 3, p. 161165. [Hungarian with English abstract. 68
___(See also under Eilingzfeld and SzádeczkyKardoss.)
Heissler, V. (See Hake and Heissler.) 1190. Hell, G., 1986, Mathematische Grundlagen für ebene kartenverwandte Darstellungen, in Kartenverwandte Darstellungen, Werkstatt-berichte: Karlsruhe, Karlsruher Geowissenschaftliche Schriften, A.4, p. 165-172.
1182. Hazay, István, and Tárczy-Hornoch, Antal, 1951, A Gauss-Krüger koordináták számitása: Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó. [Hungarian. Gauss-Krüger coordinate calculations.]
1191. Hendrickson, W.W., 1905, Notes on stereographic projection: Annapolis, U.S. Naval Institute.
1183. Hazay, Stefan, 1951, Zur Umrechnung der Gauß-Krügerschen Koordinaten von einen Projektionsstreifen in den Benachbarten: Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, v. 1, no. 2, p. 55-73. [Conversion of the GaussKrüger coordinates from one projection band to the adjacent one.]
1192. Hendrikz, D.R., 1946-47, The theory of map projections: Pretoria, Union of South Africa, Government Printer. Trigonometrical Survey, Spec. Pub. No. 4, 127 p.
1184.___1952, Die Transformation GaußKrüger’scher Koordinaten zwecks Darstellung in kleinem Maßstabsverhältnis: Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, v. 4, no. 14, p. 107-122. [Conversion of Gauss-Krüger coordinates belonging to different ellipsoids.]
1193. Henrici, Peter, 1986, Conformal maps, in his Applied and computational complex analysis: John Wiley & Sons, v. 1, p. 286-432. [See also same, v. 3, p. 323-506 for Construction of conformal maps.]
1185. Healy, P.W., 1939, Some properties of projections used in mapping the sphere on the plane: Columbus, Ohio State University, Master’s thesis.
1194. Henrikson, A.K., 1975, The map as an “idea”: The role of cartographic imagery during the second world war: Amer. Cartographer, v. 2, no. 1, p. 19-53.
1186. Heawood, Edward, 1942, A new representation of the colonial empire: Crown Colonist, v. 12, Oct., p. 650-661.
1195.___1980, America’s changing place in the world: From “periphery” to “centre”? in Gottmann, Jean, ed., Centre and periphery: spatial variation in politics: Beverly Hills, Calif., Sage Publications, p. 73-100.
1187. Hebecker, O., 1931, Der Projektionskompaß: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 59, no. 12, p. 447-451.
1196. Henry, J.F., 1810, Mémoire sur la projection des cartes géographiques adoptée au dépôt général de la guerre: Paris, Imprimérie Imperiale, 220 p. [See also Puissant (1831).]
1188. Hébert, A., 1867, Note sur l’isométrie dans les cartes géographiques et exposé d’un nouveau système de projection: Société d’Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de la Sarthe, Bulletin, v. 11, p. 436-449.
1197. Hentschel, Wolfgang, 1972, Beitrag zum automatischen Berechnen und Zeichnen von kartographischen Netzentwürfen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 22, no. 6, p. 239-241.
Hedrick, E.R. (See under Klein.)
1198. Herbertson, A.J., 1910, The teaching of simple map nets: Geographical Teacher, v. 5, part 6, no. 28, p. 295-302.
1189. Hegemann, E., 1909, Über die konforme Übertragung von der Kugel auf die Ebene: Landwirtschaftiche Jahrbücher. Ergänzungsband 5, v. 38, p. 537-549.
1199. Herrera, Emmanuel, 1943, Cartes orthométriques. A double projection. Brevetées. Le monde orthométrique. Notice
Heidenreich, A. (See Grafarend and Heidenreich.) 69
descriptive, instruction − emploi: Paris, Blondel la Rougery, ed., 15 p.
1210.___1876, Note on the polyconic projection: Analyst, v. 3.
1200. Herrick, Samuel, 1944, Grid navigation: Geographical Review, v. 34, no. 3, p. 436-456. [Comparison of Mercator and Lambert Conformal Conic projections.]
1211. Hill, G.W., 1907, On the construction of maps. Collected works of George William Hill: Washington, Carnegie Institution of Washington, v. 4, p. 408-418. Memoir no. 83.
1201. Herrmann, Albert, 1930, Marinus von Tyrus: Petermanns Mitteilungen, Ergänzungsheft no. 209, p. 45-54.
1212.___1908, Application of Tchebychef’s principle in the projection of maps: Annals of Mathematics, series 2, v. 10, no. 1, p. 23-36.
1202. Herschel, J.F.W., 1859, On a new projection of the sphere: Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, v. 3, p. 174-177. [Lambert Conformal Conic projection with cone constant of 1/3.]
1213. Hill, J.D., 1983, Critique of the OCLC map projection code: Special Libraries Assn., Geography and Map Div., Bulletin, no. 132, p. 36-39. [See also comments by Snyder, J.P., and Hill, 1984: no. 135, p. 46-47.]
1203.___1860, On a new projection of the sphere: Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 30, p. 100-106. [See Herschel (1859).]
1214.___1984, Graticules for OCLC map projection code: Special Libraries Assn., Geography and Map Div., Bulletin, no. 136, p. 11-22.
1204. Herz, Norbert, 1885, Lehrbuch der Landkartenprojektionen: Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 312 p.
1215. Hilliard, J.A., %DvROX, Ümit, and Muehrcke, P.C., 1978, A projection handbook: Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin, Cartographic Laboratory, 85 p. [See review by Snyder, J.P., 1980: Amer. Cartographer, v. 7, no. 2, p. 178179.]
1205.___1914, Mathematische geographie, in Kende, O., ed., Handbuch der geographische Wissenschaft, v. 1: Berlin, p. 38-82. 1206. Heupel, Aloys, and Schoppmeyer, Johannes, 1979, Zur Wahl der Kartenabbildungen für Hintergrundkarten im Fernsehen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 29, no. 2, p. 41-51. [Separately published, 1978: Bonn, Institut für Kartographie und Topographie, 18 p. See also Peters, A.B. (1979).]
1216. Hillman, H.F., 1977, Conversion between latitude and longitude and state plane and other coordinate systems with modern portable calculators: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Little Rock, Ark., Oct., Proceedings, p. 345-366. 1217.___1980, Power series algorithm for conversion between latitude and longitude and the plane coordinate systems: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping – Amer. Society of Photogrammetry, Annual Convention, St. Louis, Mo., Mar., Technical Papers, p. 168-179.
1207. Heuvelink, H.J., 1918, De stereografische kaartprojectie en haar toepassing bij de Rijksdriehoekmeting: Delft. [Dutch. The stereographic map projection and its application in national triangulation.] 1208. Hilding, S., 1949, Computation of lattice charts for the Decca Navigator System in the Gauss conformal projection: International Hydrographic Review, v. 26, no. 2, p. 46-51.
1218. Hiltner, W.F., 1946, Sphero-metric navigation for our air age: U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, v. 72, no. 1, p. 69-79. 1219. Hinckley, Arthur, 1942, Map projections by practical construction: London, G. Philip & Son, Ltd., 84 p.
1209. Hilgard, J.E., 1856, Table for projecting maps of large extent: U.S. Coast Survey. Report of Superintendent, Appendix no. 58, p. 296-307. 70
1220. Hinks, A.R., 1911, The galactic distribution of spiral nebulae, preliminary note: Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices, v. 71, May, p. 588-595.
1230.___1929, A retro-azimuthal equidistant projection of the whole sphere: Geographical Journal, v. 73, no. 3, p. 245-247. [Independent presentation of Hammer Retroazimuthal projection.]
1221.___1912, Map projections: Cambridge, Eng., Cambridge Univ. Press, 126 p. [2nd ed., 1921, 158 p.]
1231.___1930, Edward Wright and Mercator’s projection: 12th International Geographical Congress, Cambridge, Eng., 1928, Report of the Proceedings, p. 109. [Abstract only.]
1222.___1912, Map projections in actual use: Royal Engineers Journal, v. 15, Feb., p. 91-106.
1232.___1940, Maps of the world on an Oblique Mercator projection: Geographical Journal, v. 95, no. 5, p. 381-383.
1223.___1912, A numerical estimate of various projections for atlas maps: British Association for the Advancement of Science, Portsmouth, 81st Meeting, 1911, Report, p. 449.
1233.___1941, More world maps on Oblique Mercator projections: Geographical Journal, v. 97, no. 6, p. 353-356. [See also comments on p. 362.]
1224.___1918, Notes on the construction of a general map of Africa, 1/two million: Geographical Journal, v. 52, no. 4, p. 218-237. [Uses extension of Modified Polyconic projection for IMW, discussed on p. 219-222.]
1234.___1941, Murdoch’s third projection: Geographical Journal, v. 97, no. 6, p. 358-362.
1225.___1921, On the projection adopted for the Allied maps on the Western Front: Geographical Journal, v. 57, no. 6, p. 448-451. [Approximation to Lambert Conformal Conic projection.]
1235.___1942, Making the British Council Map: Geographical Journal, v. 100, no. 3, p. 123-129. [Murdoch’s third projection.] 1236.___1943, A new map of Hispanic America: Geographical Journal, v. 101, no. 4, p. 187-188. [Bipolar Oblique Conic Conformal projection.]
1226.___1921, The projection of the sphere on the circumscribed cube: Geographical Journal, v. 57, no. 6, p. 454-457.
1237.___1944, Some new effects in map projection: Geographical Journal, v. 104, no. 34, p. 123-127. [Discusses recent publications by Harrison, Miller, and Fisher and Miller.]
1227.___1927, The projection of the International Map: Geographical Journal, v. 70, no. 3, p. 289-291. [Discussion of papers by |omnicki, 1927, and of Modified Polyconic projection for Intl. Map of the World.]
___(See also under Geographical Journal (1929); Close (1926, 1942); Geographical Journal (1941); Dufton (1941).)
1228.___1927, A reply to the criticisms of Dr. Antoni |omnicki on the projection of the International Map of the World on the scale of 1/M: Wiadomocí Sluzby Geograficznej, v. 1, p. 33-38. [Also reply by Antoni |omnicki.]
1238. Hinrichs, Oscar, 1869-1871, Methods of projection and map drawing: Colton’s Journal of Geography, no. 4, p. 61-64; no. 5, p. 70-76; no. 6, p. 86-90; no. 7, p. 106-108.
1229.___1927, W sprawie projekcji mapy miÂdzynarodowej 1/M; A reply to the criticisms of Dr. Antoni |omnicki on the projection of the International map on the scale of 1/M: Polski Przegld Kartograficzny, v. 3, no. 18-20, p. 3338. [English with Polish introduction. Reply by Antoni |omnicki, also in English.]
1239. Hirt, H.F., 1960, Reducing distortion: a useful approach in augumenting the understanding of map projections: Journal of Geography, v. 59, no. 7, p. 308-314. 1240. Hirvonen, R.A., 1938, Transformation der Gauß-Krügerschen Koordinaten von einem 71
Streifen zu dem benachbarten: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 67, no. 11, p. 321-326.
[Czech. Some possibilities of obtaining new equivalent projections.]
1241.___1945, Geodeettisista karttaprojektiosta ja niiden käyttämisestä Suomen kartastoissa: Terra, v. 57, no. 2, p. 56-68. [Finnish with English abstract. On map projections, especially those used in Finland.]
1250.___1984, On the general theory of equivalent projection, dedicated to Professor Frantisik Fiala on the centenary of his birthday: Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, v. 28, no. 4, p. 350-359.
1242. Hodgson, James, 1723, The laws of stereographic projection: London: Miscellanea Curiosa, v. 2, p. 362-372.
1251.___1987, Optimalizace ekvivalentnich zobrazeni z hlediska zkresleni: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 33, no. 9, p. 258-265. [Czech. Optimation of equivalent projections from the viewpoint of distortion.]
1243. Hoffmeister, H.A., 1946, Construction of map projections: Bloomington, Ill., McKnight & McKnight, 41 p.
1252. Hojovec, Vladislav, and Buchar, Petr, 1984, K pojeti Gaussova zobrazení poledníkových pásu elipsoidu: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 30, no. 8, p. 181-182. [Czech. Conception of the Gauss’s projection of ellipsoidal longitude zones.]
1244. Hofmann, Walther, 1951, Polarkarte mit Gitternetz: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 76, no. 7, p. 220. 1245.___1951, Eine Anwendung der Kartenentwurfslehre im Bauwesen: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 76, no. 10, p. 313315.
1253.___1989, Optimization of equivalent projection transformation variants with the help of a computer method: International Cartographic Association, 14th World Conference, Aug. 17-24, Budapest, Abstracts – Resumes, p. 623-624. [Abstract only.]
Hogenbirk, K. (See Teunissen and Hogenbirk.) 1246. Hojovec, Vladislav, 1969, 3RXLWÅ SRO\QRPÑ SÐL vyvození kartografických zobrazení: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 15, no. 6, p. 140-144. [Czech with English abstract. Use of polynomials for the derivation of map projections.]
1254. Hojovec, Vladislav, Jokl, /XGÄN, and Buchar, Petr, 1981, Kartografické zobrazení podle exaktních kritérií: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 27, no. 6, p. 151-156. [Czech. Cartographic projections in accordance with exact criteria.]
1247.___1976, Klass ravnopromezhutochnykh proyektsiy [5NIFF KIG\MJKMYWHQM[\V> JKMWUZET*]: Sbornik VIII Mezhdunar. Kartogr. Konf., Moscow, 1976. Moscow: Tezisy Doklady. Otkrytaya sessiya, no. 9, pp. 556-559. [Russian with French abstract. A class of equidistant projections.]
1255. Hojovec, Vladislav, .O¹WHUND, Jaroslav, and Rendlová, Hana, 1975, 8LWÅ HE\HYRYD D YDULDÀ niho kritéria v konformnim zobrazeni: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 21, no. 1, p. 3-6. [Czech. A variant of the Chebyshev projection criteria for conformal representation.] 1256. Hoke, J.E., Hayes, J.L., and Renninger, L.G., 1981, Map projections and grid systems for meteorological applications: Offutt AFB, Nebr., U.S. Air Force Global Weather Center, AFGWC/TN-79/003, 103 p.
1248.___1977, 3ÐLEOLQ¹ metoda transformace daného zobrazení podle Airyho kritéria: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 23, no. 7, p. 159-164. [Czech. Approximate method of transformation of a given projection using the Airy criterion.]
1257. Holdgreve, D.E., and Ward, A.W., 1972, Comparing map projections: A new look at an old problem: Amer. Congress of Surveying and Mapping, Columbus, Ohio, Technical Sessions,
1249.___1984, 1ÄNWHUÁ PRQRVWL získáni nových ekvivalentních zobrazení: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 30, no. 1, p. 2-5. 72
ACSM-ASP Fall Convention, Proceedings, p. 27-44.
1268. Hooper, R.M., 1974, A practical method to transform ERTS-1 imagery for mosaicking on Albers equal-area projection: Amer. Society of Photogrammetry, 40th annual meeting, St. Louis, Mo., Papers, p. 589-606.
1258. Hollaender, Eugen, 1891, Über aequivalente Abbildung: Halle, Friedrichs Universität, Dissertation. 1259.___1891, Ueber flächentreue Abbildung: Mülheim a.d.R.
1269.___1974, The mosaicking of ERTS-1 imagery on Albers’ Equal-Area projection: Amer. Cartographer, v. 1, no. 1, p. 29-38.
1260. Holway, R.S., 1921, Maps illustrating the special properties of a few types of projections: Berkeley, Univ. of Calif. Press, Univ. of Calif., Map Series, No. 3, 15 p. 1261. Holz, R.K., 1970, A note on the earth’s grid system: Commerce, Texas, Ecumen, no. 2, p. 24-32.
1270. Hopfner, E., 1938, Die beiden Kegelprojectionen des Ptolemaios, in Theorie und Grundlagen der darstellenden Erdkunde: Vienna, Des Klaudios Ptolemaios Einführung in die darstellende Erdkunde, 1st part. [With comments by Hans von 0LN. Ptolemy’s two conic projections.]
1262. Holzmüller, Gustav, 1882, Einführung in die Theorie der isogonalen Verwandtschaften und der conformen Abbildung: Leipzig, Teubner.
1271. Horvat, Esteban, 1952, Determinación exacta de las reducciones en proyección Mercator: Revista Cartográfica, no. 1, p. 193202.
1263.___1883, Einege Aufgeben der darstellenden Geometrie und der Kartographie, die mit der Theorie der isogonalen verwandtschaften Zusammenhängen: Zeitschrift für Mathematischen und Naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht, v. 14, p. 403-427.
1272.___1960, Proyección Gauss-Krüger con coordenadas reducidas (cilindro secante): Revista Cartográfica, no. 9, p. 73-97. 1273. Hoschek, Josef, 1969, Mathematische Grundlagen der Kartographie: Mannheim, Zürich, Bibliographisches Institut, 167 p. [2nd ed., 1984, 210 p.]
1264. Homewood, E.T., 1962, The least squares adjustment of geodetic figures in which both angles and sides have been measured and of geodetic traverses on the transverse Mercator projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 16, no. 124, p. 248-259; no. 125, p. 290-301.
Hosmer, J.P. (See Adamo, Baer, and Hosmer.) 1274. Hotine, Martin, 1946, Nomenclature of map projections: Empire Survey Review, v. 8, no. 61, p. 276-277. 1275.___1946-47, The orthomorphic projection of the spheroid: Empire Survey Review, 1946, v. 8, no. 62, p. 300-311; 1947, v. 9, no. 63, p. 2535; no. 64, p. 52-70; no. 65, p. 112-123; no. 66, p. 157-166. [Includes his ellipsoidal Oblique Mercator projection.]
1265. Homoródi, Lajos, 1959, Az új vetületi rendszerünkkel kapcsolatos kérdések: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 11, no. 2, p. 99-110; no. 3, p. 177-182. [Hungarian with French abstract. Problems with projection system for Hungary.] 1266. Honigmann, Ernst, 1767-1795, Marinus von Tyros, Geograph und Kartograph: Paulys Real Encyclopädie, Neue Bearbeitung, v. 14.
1276. Hough, F.W., 1952, Geodesy and the Universal Transverse Mercator grid system (with particular reference to the Caribbean, Central and South America): Pan American Institute of Geography and History, 6th Pan American Consultation on Cartography, Ciudad Trujillo, paper presented, 6 p. [Translated into Spanish as La geodesia y la proyección del
1267. Honl, Ivan, 1955, K QHMVWDUÅP zobrazovacím zpusobum kartografickým: Kartografický 3ÐHKOHG, v. 9, no. 4, p. 173-178. [Czech. The oldest methods of cartographic representation.] 73
sistema universal transversal de Mercator, especialmente para las zonas del Caribe, centro y sud América: Revista Cartográfica, 1953, v. 2, no. 2, p. 145-158.]
Sinica, v. 17, no. 4, p. 286-294. [Chinese with English abstract.] 1285. Hu, Yuju, 1957, [Some comments on “The principles and properties of Mercator projection”], Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, (2).
1277.___1955, The Universal Transverse Mercator Grid (with particular reference to Africa): Conference of Commonwealth Survey Officers 1951, Report of Proceedings, paper no. 7.
1286.___1957, [On the determination of the constants of conic projections], Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, (4).
1278.___1956, A conformal and world-wide military grid system: Amer. Society of Civil Engineers, Transactions, v. 121, p. 633-640. [Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection.]
1287.___1958, [Study on the projections for the provinces’ atlas of China], Journal of Surveying and Mapping, (2). 1288.___1958, [Characteristics of some famous projections in the USSR], Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, (3).
1279. Hradílek, L.R., and Hamilton, A.C., 1973, A systematic analysis of distortions in map projections: Fredericton, N.B., Canada, Univ. of New Brunswick, Department of Surveying Engineering Lecture Notes no. 34, 37 p. [Rev. 1972, 37 p.]
1289.___1962, [On graphic interpretation methods in seeking azimuthal projection, presumed title from reprint], Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, 5 (2). Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, in [Map projection papers], 4457.
Hristow, W.K. (see Khristov, V.K.) 1280. Hsu, Mei-Ling, 1981, The role of projections in modern map design: Cartographica, v. 18, no. 2, p. 151-186.
1290.___1964, [Mathematical Publishing House of Industry.
1281. Hsu, Mei-Ling, and Voxland, P.M., 1983, Automation and map projections: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, 43rd Annual Meeting, Washington, Technical Papers, p. 241-247.
1291.___1964, [A special world map projection network for measuring and drawing], Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping (4). 1292.___1980, [Contents and tasks of mathematical cartography], Proceedings of allChina Cartographic Conference – Publishing House of Surveying and Mapping.
Hu, Dingguan (See Li, Guozao, Yang, Qihe, and Hu.) 1282. Hu, Peng, 1981, [An analysis on the pseudo-azimuthal projection]: Wuhan College of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Journal, no. 1, p. 98-121. [Chinese with English abstract.]
1293.___1987, [Cartographic projection system for variable scale maps]: Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, Journal, v. 12, no. 2, p. 47-54. [Chinese.] ___(See also Gong and Hu; Hu, Peng, and Hu, Yuju.; Si and Hu; Wang, Qiao, and Hu; Wu, Zhongxing, and Hu.)
1283.___1982, [The semi-numerical method for the map projection transformation]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 11, no. 3, p. 191-202. [Chinese with English abstract.]
1294. Hu,Yuju, and Gong, Jianwen, 1974, [Map and projections for small-scale maps], part 1, Chinese Cartographic Publishing House.
1284. Hu, Peng, and Hu, Yuju, 1988, [A research on map projection and its classification]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica 74
1295.___1981, [Mathematical cartography], Bureau of Surveying, Ministry of Geology.
1305.___1984, [The selection of spherical radius for gnomonic projection on large and medium scale]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 13, no. 2, p. 141-151. [Chinese with English abstract.]
1296.___1992, [Map projections], 2nd ed., Publishing House of Surveying and Mapping. 1297.___1992, [Album of map projections], 2nd ed., Publishing House of Surveying and Mapping.
1306. Huang, Guoshou, 1985, [Map projections for changing scale city maps]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 14, no. 3, p. 188-195. [Chinese with English abstract.]
___(See also Hu, Peng, and Hu, Yuju; Wu and Hu.)
1307.___1988, [An introduction to the Space Oblique Mercator projection]: Cartography (Wuhan Technical University, Wuhan, China), no. 2, p. 12-14. [Chinese.]
1298. Hu, Yuju, and Wang, Jinren, 1962, [Nomograms for measuring distance and azimuth on equal-area conic projections], Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, 5 (1).
1308. Hufnagel, Herbert, 1974, Die PetersProjektion – eine neue und/oder aktuelle Abbildung der Erde?: Allgemeine VermessungsNachrichten, v. 81, no. 6, p. 225-232.
1299. Hu, Yuju, and Wu, Bochun, 1983, [A thematic world map projection and its measurement and annotation methods] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 363376. [Chinese.]
1309.___1989, Ein System unecht-zylindrischer Kartennetze für Erdkarten: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 39, no. 3, p. 89-96.
1300. Hu, Yuju, and Zhou, Yujun, 1958, [Conformal or equal-spaced conical projection with total-equal area]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 2, no. 3, p. 195-202. [Chinese with English abstract. Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 105-111. [Chinese, without abstract.]
1310.___1988/89, Die Verwendung von Kartennetzen: Kartographisches Taschenbuch, p. 11-20. 1311. Hughes, William, 1843, Principles of mathematical geography; comprehending a theoretical and practical explanation of the construction of maps...: London, J. Weale, 157 p.
1301. Hua, Tang, 1983, [The research and application of description on sphere from ellipsoid]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 12, no. 2, p. 134-151. [Chinese with English abstract.]
1312.___1864, A treatise on the construction of maps; comprehending an inquiry into the principles of mathematical geography and the relations of geography and astronomy: With rules for the formation of map projections: London, Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts and Green, 156 p.
1302.___1983, [A direct transformation between the Gauss-Krüger projection and the Mercator projection] in Wu and Hu, 1983, Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 276-286. [Chinese.]
1313. Hugueney de Mattos, Allyrio, 1941, Teoria e practica da projeção conforme de Gauss: Revista Medica Brasileira, Rio [de Janiero] oficinas graficas, 75 p. [Portuguese.]
1303.___1983, [The inverse problem of isometric latitude] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 323-328. [Chinese.]
1314. Hunger, Siegfried, 1972, Mathematische Methoden zur Kartennetzerrung: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, series 1, no. 56, p. 5-21. [German with English abstract.]
1304.___1983, [On a spherical graticule for the Mercator projection] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 346-362. [Chinese.]
1315.___1974, Zur Transformation von Kartenprojektionen: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, series 1, no. 65, p. 57-66.
1324.___1928, Analytisch-geometrische Untersuchungen über die Azimutgleiche in der Merkatorkarte: Deutsche Seewarte, Archiv, v. 45, no. 2, 40 p.
1316. Hunt, E.B., 1854, Notes on map projections: Amer. Journal of Science and Art, v. 68, Nov., p. 326-340.
1325.___1928, Zur Struktur des LambertLittrowschen Kartennetzes (Weirs Azimutdiagramm): Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 56, no. 11, p. 337-345.
1317. Hunt, E.B., and Schott, C.A., 1854, Tables for projecting maps, with notes on map projections: Washington, U.S. Coast Survey, Report of supt., 1853, appendix no. 39, p. 96163.
1326.___1931, Der Meridianständige Littrowsche Kartentwurf zum Gebrauch in polnahen Breiten: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 59, no. 12, p. 462-465. [The transverse Littrow map projection for use in polar regions. Extract in Hydrographic Review, 1932, v. 9, no. 1, p. 251252. See also comments by Wedemeyer, August, 1932: Annalen..., v. 60, p. 221.]
1318. Hunt, Peter, 1948, Transformation method for oblique projections: Geographical Journal, v. 112, no. 4-6, p. 257-258. 1319. Hunter, J.M., and Young, J.C., 1968, A technique for the construction of quantitative cartograms by physical accretion models: Professional Geographer, v. 20, no. 6, p. 402407.
1327.___1938, Kartenbeschickung der Funkpeilung: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 66, p. 186-190.
1320. Hutchinson, J.A., 1994, Map projections for global data sets: EROSData, v. 2, no. 1, p. 89.
1328. India, Survey of India, 1952, A map in the making: Map Publication Office, Survey of India.
___(See also Steinwand, Hutchinson, and Snyder.)
1329. Institut Français du Transport Aérien, Paris, 1951, Technical aspects of air transport. The use of the gnomonic projection in the air navigation chart established by the Institut Géographique National: Paris, I.F.T.A. Research Paper no. 205, Paris, 33 p.
1321. Hutchinson, M.F., 1981, MAPROJ − a computer map projection system: Australia, Div. of Land Use Research, Technical Paper no. 39, 38 p.
1330. Instituto Pan Americano de Geografia e Historia, 1931, Proyección policónica de Lallemand para la República de Honduras: Mexico City, Primer informe rendido por el Director, Publicación no. 3, p. 17-19. [Modified Polyconic projection for IMW.]
1322.___1982, MAPROJ – a computer map projection system: Cartography, v. 12, no. 3, p. 144-145. Hyman, G.M. (See Angel and Hyman.)
1331.___1950, Reunión Panamericana de Consulta sobre Cartografía, 5, Santiago, Chile, Complemento al Informe general de la Delegación Boliviana. Desarrollo de la teoria de Tissots y proyección Lambert: [La Paz?], 18 p.
1323. Immler, W., 1919, Ein doppelazimutaler gnomonischer Kartenentwurf und seine Anwendung auf Kreuzpeilungen für große Entfernungen: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 47, no. 1-2, p. 2236. [Two-Point Azimuthal projection. See also Behrmann (1919) and Thorade (1919). See also same journal, 1919, v. 47, no. 5-6, p. 140.]
1332. International Association of Geodesy, 1951, Report on Projections: Brussels.
1333. International Cartographic Association, 1973, List of [234] named map projections; Supplementary list of [74] groups or categories of map projections, in their Multilingual dictionary of technical terms in cartography: Wiesbaden, Ger., Franz Steiner, appendix A, p. 365-384; appendix B, p. 385-388, respectively. [Entries in English, German, French, Russian, and Spanish.]
no. 1, p. 43-44. [Jackson projection. Modified polar projection.] 1342. Jäger, G., 1865. Der Nordpol, ein thier geographisches Centrum: Ausland, v. 37, p. 865-867. [Star projection with 8 points.] 1343.___1865, Der Nordpol, ein thiergeographisches Centrum,: Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes’ Geographischer Anstalt ... von Dr. A. Petermann, Ergänzungsheft 16, pp. 67-70. [Star projection with 8 points.]
1334. Irmédi-Molnár, L., 1955 (1959), Földrajzi fokhálózatok szerkesztése (Vetülettan): Budapest, Felsöoktatási Jegyzetsokszoristó, 161 p. (Budapest. Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Természettudományi Kar jegyzetei.) [Hungarian. Geographical graticules; map projection concepts.]
1344. James, Henry, 1860, Description of the projection used in the Topographical Department of the War Office for maps embracing large portions of the Earth’s surface: Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 30, p. 106-111. [Rectangular Polyconic projection.]
1335. Istituto Geografico Militare, 1946, Tavole per il calcolo delle coordinate rettilinee nel piano di Gauss delle coordinate geografiche. Ellissoide internazionale: Florence, Italy, 46 p.
___(See also under Murchison.) 1345. James, Henry, and Clarke, A.R., 1862, On projections for maps applying to a very large extent of the Earth’s surface: London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, series 4, v. 23, no. 154, p. 306-312. [Correction to Airy (1861).]
Ivanov, A. G. (See Bugayevskiy, L.M., and Ivanov.) 1336. Ivanov, I.B., 1959, 9»UKX nyakoi kartograficheski proyektsii: Sofia, Godishnik na Minogeolozhkiya Institut, 1957-1958, v. 5, no. 2, p. 55-60. [Bulgarian with German abstract. Several cartographic projections.]
1346. Jameson, A.H., and Ormsby, M.T.M., 1927 and 1929, Mathematical Geography, 2 v.: London, Pitman. Vol. 1: Elementary surveying and map projections, 1927. Vol. 2: Simple astronomical and trigonometrical surveying, and the more advanced study of map projections, 1929.
1337.___1962, Stoynosti na gradientite na geografskite koordinati v kartnata ravnina: Izv. Centr. Labor. Geod. %»OJ. Akad. Nauk, v. 3, p. 105-110. [Bulgarian with German abstract. Formulas for the gradients of functions of geographical coordinates in the plane of projection.]
1347.___1942, Elementary surveying and map projection: London, Sir I. Pitman & Sons, Ltd.
1338. Jackson, J.E., 1968, On retro-azimuthal projections: Survey Review, v. 19, no. 149, p. 319-328.
1348. Jamieson, Alexander, 1846, A manual of map-making and mechanical geography: London, A. Fullarton & Co., 97 p. [3rd. ed., 1853, 97 p.]
1339.___1978, Transverse Mercator projection: Survey Review, v. 24, no. 188, p. 278-285.
1349. Jankowski, K., 1922, Zastosowanie geodezji; kartografji przy wyborze projekcji mapy: 3U]HJOG Geograficzny, v. 3, p. 43-56. [Polish. Choice of map projections.]
1340.___1980, Sphere, spheroid and projections for surveyors: New York, John Wiley & Sons, 138 p.
Jankowski, Piotr (See Nyerges and Jankowski.) 1341. Jackson, M.C., 1990, A map projection for the classroom: Cartographic Journal, v. 27,
1350. Jankowski, Piotr, and Nyerges, T.L., 1989, Design considerations for MaPKBS-map 77
projection knowledge-based system: Amer. Cartographer, v. 16, no. 2, p. 85-95. [Computerized map projection selection.]
1359. Jensch, Georg, 1970, Die Erde und ihre Darstellung im Kartenbild: Brunswick, Ger., Georg Westermann Verlag, 176 p.
1351. Jánosi, Imre, 1909-1910, A Postel-vetület és alkalmazása a szeizmologiában: Földrajzi Közlemények, 1909, v. 37, no. 1-2, p. 68-72 and sect. A, p. 35-39; 1910, p. 35-39. [Hungarian. Postel’s Azimuthal Equidistant projection.]
1360. Jervis, T.B., 1895, New cycloidal projection, by which entire continents may be represented with the least distortion of any projection hitherto known: Turin. [Posthumous publication (he died in 1857), probably by his son.]
1352. Jansa, J., and Vozikis, E., 1985, KartenTransformation mittels optischer Differentialumbildung: Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, v. 92, no. 7, p. 262271.
1361. Jesty, Chris, 1974, Surveying the view from the summit of Snowdon: Society of University Cartographers, Bulletin, v. 8, no. 2, p. 17-19.
1353. Jänsch, R.D., 1970, Die Berechnung von Entzerrungsdaten auf Grund der projektiven Beziehungen zwischen den Koordinaten der Bild- und Kartenebene: Munich, Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 74 p., Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission, series C, no. 154.
1362. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1992, Transverse Mercator projection via elliptic integrals: NASA Tech Briefs, v. 16, no. 12, item #19, from JPL New Technology Report NPO17996/7495, 20 p. Developed by D.E. Wallis. 1363. Jez, Bogumi , 1971, %G SRRHQLD powierzchni na mapie w XMÂFLX innych wzorów: 3U]HJOG Geodezyjny, v. 43, no. 10, p. 428-430. [Polish. Map errors resulting from formula changes.]
1354. Japan Cartographers Association, 1971, [Technical terms on cartography: map projections (essential terms of map projections)]: Commission for Cartographic Terms: Chizu (Map), Journal of Japan Cartographers Assn., v. 9, no. 2, p. 45-49. [Japanese.]
1364. Joerg, W.L.G., 1912, On the proper map for determining the location of earthquakes: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 2, p. 49-54. [Azimuth Equidistant, Stereographic, and other projections for seismology.]
1355. Jarcho, Saul, 1945, Equal-area projections and the azimuthal equidistant projection in maps of disease: Amer. Journal of Public Health, v. 35, no. 10, p. 1005-1013.
1365. Johansson, V., 1945, Über die Richtungsreduktion bei der Gauß-Krügerschen Projektion: Stockholm, Rikets Allmanna Kartverk, Meddeland Nr. 4.
1356. Jefferson, Mark, 1930, The Six-Six world map giving larger, better continents: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 20, no. 1, p. 1-6. [Equal-area maps, probably azimuthal, of landmasses at six convenient centers.]
1366. Johnson, W.E., 1907, Mathematical geography: New York, American Book Company, 336 p. [Chapter 10 discusses map projections.]
1357.___1931, An adventure in cartography: Journal of Geography, v. 30, no. 5, p. 201-204. [“Six-six” map with interruption.]
1367. Johnson, W.W., 1876, Note on the correction of an error in the theory of polyconic projections: Analyst, v. 3.
Jehle, H. (See Cox and Jehle.) 1358. Jenkins, J.A., 1958, Univalent functions and conformal mapping: Berlin, Springer, 167 p.
1368. Johnston, W.D., 1979, Computer generated maps: BYTE, v. 4, no. 5, p. 10-12, 76101; no. 6, p. 100-123. [Programming for a few projections.]
Jokl, /XGÄN (See Hojovec, Jokl, and Buchar.)
Geodesy, v. 3 (selected portions): U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Army Map Service. Projections discussed in 1st half, ch. 6, Projection of the spherical surface on the plane, p. 185-245; 2nd half, ch. 4, The projection of the terrestrial ellipsoid, p. 151-240; ch. 5, Conformal projection of the ellipsoid on the sphere and conformal double projection, p. 241288.]
1369. Jones, A.E., 1944, A plane map from a sphere by double projection: Amer. Geophysical Union, Transactions, v. 25, pt. 2, p. 219-220. 1370. Jones, S., 1964, The Hereford map projection: Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan, Dept. of Geography, Master’s thesis, 39 p. 1371. Jones, W.M., 1948, Notes on azimuths, distances and equidistant azimuthal projections in the South Pacific: New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, v. 29, no. 6, p. 325330. [Also published as New Zealand Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research: Dominion Observatory Bulletin, 1949, no. S-86, 13 p.]
1377. Junkins, J.L., and Turner, J.D., 1977, Formulation of a Space Oblique Mercator map projection: Final Report No. UVA/525023/ESS77/105, submitted to Computer Science Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories, 122 p. [Equations not used due to distortion levels and complexity. See Snyder (1978, The...).]
1372. Jong, W.J., 1958, De projectie van het weerkaartje: Geografisch Tijdschrift, v. 11, no. 4-5, p. 218. [Dutch. Projection for weather maps.]
1378. Jurisch, C.L.H.M., 1890, A treatise on map-projection...: Cape Town, 88 p. 1379. Kadmon, Naftali, 1975, Data-bank derived hyperbolic-scale equitemporal town maps: International Yearbook of Cartography, v. 15, p. 47-54. [Enlargement of center of projection.]
1373. Jordan, Frank, [1969], Computer assisted instruction (CAI) units on map projections and the concept of scale, in Computer assisted instruction in geography: Washington, Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Commission on College Geography, Technical paper no. 2, p. 9-32.
1380.___1982, Cartograms and topology: Cartographica, v. 19, no. 3-4, p. 1-17. [Polyfocal projection discussed, p. 12-14.]
1374. Jordan, Wilhelm, 1875, Zur Vergleichung der Soldner’schen rechtwinkligen sphärischen Coordinaten mit der Gauß’schen conformen Abbildung des Ellipsoids auf die Ebene: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 4, p. 27-32. [Cassini-Soldner and Gauss conformal projections.]
1381.___1983, Photographic, polyfocal and polar-diagrammatic mapping of atmospheric pollution: Cartographic Journal, v. 20, no. 2, p. 121-126. 1382.___1991, Mapping the nations − tactually; tactile map projections and computerised thematic maps and atlases: International Cartographic Association, 15th Conference, Bournemouth, Eng., Sept. 23-Oct. 1, Proceedings, v. 1, p. 175-183.
1375.___1891, Kartenprojection in Soldner’schen rechtwinkligen Coordinaten: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 20, no. 11, p. 289-294. [Cassini-Soldner projection.] 1376. Jordan, Wilhelm, and Eggert, Otto, 1939, 1941, Handbuch der Vermessungskunde, v. 3: Stuttgart, J.B. Metzlersche, 1st half, 1939, 590 p.; 2nd half, 1941, 528 p. [Projections discussed in 1st half, ch. 6, Abbildung der Kugelfläche auf die Ebene, p. 377-437; 2nd half, ch. 4, Die Abbildung des Erdellipsoids, p. 142-221; ch. 5, Konforme Abbildung des Ellipsoids auf die Kugel und konforme Doppelprojektion, p. 222271. 2nd ed., 1959. Translated to English by Carta, M.W., 1962, as Jordan’s Handbook of
1383. Kadmon, Naftali, and Shlomi, Eli, 1978, A polyfocal projection for statistical surfaces: Cartographic Journal, v. 15, no. 1, p. 36-41. 1384. Kádner, O.E., 1954, PÐibliná konstrukce Mercatorovy sítÄ (mapy): Kartografický PÐehled, v. 8, no. 4, p. 162-164. [Czech. Precise construction of the Mercator map.]
Kadnichanskiy, S.A. (See Tyuflin, Ledovskaya, Kadnichanskiy, and Ostrovskiy.)
1395. Kammerer, Albert, 1940, L’hemisphère australe en projection polaire équidistante du portulan Portugais anonyme du vieux séraï d’Istanboul...: Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Boletim, v. 58, p. 373-378.
1385. Kaestner, A.G., [ca. 1766], Vorlesung von der Theorie der stereographischen horizontale Projection. [Reviewed in Göttingische Anzeigen, 1766, v. 1, p. 81-84.]
1396. Kanazawa, Kei, 1957, [On the distortion of map projection]: Chigakuzasshi, v. 66, no. 2, p. 98-124. [Japanese with English abstract.]
1386.___1771, Additio a theoriam suam projectionie stereographicae horizontalis coordinatarum proiectionie formulas calculo aptiores exhibens: Göttingen, K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Novi commentarii, 1760, p. 138-143. [Latin.]
1397.___1957, [The distortions of map projections]: Journal of Geography Tokyo, v. 66, no. 2 (704), p. 40-56. [Japanese with English abstract.]
1387. Kaestner, Walter, 1953, Vortäge über die Kartenentwurfslehre: Bad Godesberg, 66 p.
1398.___1970, [Map projection – some topics referred to]: Chizu (Map), Journal of Japan Cartographers Assn., v. 8, no. 2, p. 1-10. [Japanese with English abstract.]
1388. Kahn, L., 1929, Sur une extension de la projection de Mercator...: Académie de Marine, Communications et Mémoires, v. 8, p. 63.
1399.___1985, Koti NRJ koto semmon hakka hakujutsu NL: Kochi Technical College, Bulletin, no. 22, p. 27-36. [Japanese with English abstract. Projections for maps in school atlases.]
1389. Kainz, Wolfgang, 1993, Teaching and learning map projections with a computerized tutor: International Cartographic Assn., 16th International Conference, Cologne, Proceedings, v. 2, p. 1005-1010.
1400.___1989, A fundamental problem of map projections caused from the differences between a reference ellipsoid and a generating globe: Paper presented at the 14th International Cartographic Conference, Budapest, 6 p. [Abstract only published in International Cartographic Association, 14th World Conference, Aug. 17-24, Budapest, Abstracts – Resumes, p. 625-626.]
1390. Kaiser, Andreas, 1974, Die PetersProjektion: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 24, no. 1, p. 20-25. 1391. Kaiser, W.L., 1985, New global map presents accurate worldview: Interracial Books for Children Bulletin, v. 16, no. 1, p. 5-6. [Peters projection.]
1401. Kanev, Dinju, 1962, Za kartografskite proyektsii v geografskite stenni karti: Istoriya i Geografiya, v. 5, no. 2, p. 14-18. [Bulgarian. Map projections on geographical wall maps.]
1392.___1987, A new view of the world: A handbook to the world map: Peters projection: New York, Friendship Press, 42 p. Revised 1993. ___(See also under Snyder (1988).)
1402. Kao, R.C., 1959, Geometric projections and radar data: Santa Monica, Calif., Systems Development Corp., TR-1, p. 32ff.
1393. Kaltsikis, C.J., 1989, Numerical treatment of conformal map projections: Cartographic Journal, v. 26, no. 1, p. 22-23. [Harmonic polynomial approximations. See corrections, 1990, v. 27, no. 1, p. 76.]
1403.___1961, Geometric projections of the sphere and the spheroid: Canadian Geographer, v. 5, no. 3, p. 12-21.
1394. Kalus, W., 1933, Kartennetzlehre: Unterricht und Forschung, p. 69-75, 105-112.
1404.___1967, Geometric projections in system studies: Quantitative Geography, II: Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Studies in Geography, no. 14, p. 243-323. 80
1415.___1946, Converse theory of gnomic and equiareal perspectivities: National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings, v. 32, no. 1, p. 16-19.
Karpov, N.S. (See Ginzburg, Karpov, and Salmanova.) Karsay, Ferenc (See also Baranyi and Karsay.)
1416.___1946, The distortion of angles in general cartography: National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings, v. 32, no. 4, p. 94-97.
1405. Karsay, Ferenc, and Baranyi, János, 1975, Kiemelt középpontú vetületek: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 27, no. 5, p. 313-327. [Hungarian with English abstract. Projections with emphasized central portion, using straight meridians and parallels broken along central meridian and central parallel to enlarge center.]
1417. Kasser, Jörg, 1967, Gnomonische Projektion der Erdkugel auf einen Ikosaeder: Vermessungstechniker, v. 39, no. 1, p. 1-3. [Gnomonic projection of the sphere onto an icosahedron.]
1406. Karssen, A.J., 1972, De projektie met partiële schaalvergroting: Kaartbulletin, v. 28, Jan., p. 13-18. [Dutch. Projection with partial scale enlargement.]
1418. Katsambalos, K., 1983, Fast coordinate transformation from one projection to another using complex numbers: Quaterniones Geodaesiae, v. 4, no. 3, p. 169-186. [Greek with English abstract.]
1407. Karsten, W.J.G., 1768, Theorie von den Projectionen der Kugel zum astronomischen und geographischen gebrauch: Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich, Abhandlungen, v. 5, p. 109-164.
1419. Kautsch, Ignatius, 1784, Geographia practica seu methodus facilis ope projectionis sphaerae terraquese construendi quaevis planisphaeria, mappas geographicas generales et specialis, cum erorundem artefactorum figuris et usu: Kalitz, Skarniczl. [Latin.]
1408. Karstens, K., 1895, Flächenmessung auf Mercators Karten: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 41, no. 4, p. 98-99.
1420. Kavrayskiy, A.V. [5IGKITFUET ) ' ], 1974, O vybore proizvol’nykh postoyannykh ravnougol’noy konicheskoy proyektsii [-
1409. Kasner, Edward, and De Cicco, John, 1943, Scale curves in cartography: Science, v. 98, no. 2545, p. 324-325.
Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 4, p. 58-61. [Russian. The question of the free selection of equidistant conformal conic projections.]
1410.___1944, Ovals should be used to map airplane ranges: Science News Letter, v. 45, March 25, p. 200. [Conformality.]
1421.___1976, O kolichestvennoy otsenke iskazheniya ortodromiy v ravnougol’nykh proyektsiyakh [- UMNE[WFQGW\\MT MZW\UW
1411.___1944, Scale curves in conformal maps: National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings, v. 30, no. 7, p. 162-164.
EFUIW\E] MKQMOKMYET G KIG\MHXMNP\V> JKMWUZE]>]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 1, p.
1412.___1944, Scale curves in general cartography: National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings, v. 30, no. 8, p. 211-215.
61-63. [Russian. The quantitative evaluation of distortion of orthodromes in conformal projections.]
1413.___1945, Converse of Ptolemy’s theorem on stereographic projection: National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings, v. 31, no. 10, p. 338342.
1422.___1982, Preobrazovaniye pryamougol’nykh koordinat v geograficheskiye dlya nekotorykh proyektsiy ellipsoida [*KWMKISMGI\EW JK]YMHXMNP\V> UMMKOE\IQ G
1414.___1945, Geometry of scale curves in conformal maps: Amer. Journal of Mathematics, v. 67, no. 1, p. 157-166.
p. 40-43. [Russian. The transformation of
NNEJFMEOI]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 7,
rectangular coordinates to geographic for some projections of the ellipsoid.] 1423. Kavrayskiy, V.V. [5IGKITFUET ' ' ], 1933, Issledovaniya po matematicheskoy kartografii [%FFNWOMGI\E] JM YIQWYIQE[WFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 6, 150 p. [Russian with English abstract. Investigation in mathematical cartography.]
Ta GVF. [Russian. A nomograph for computation of conformal projections, adaptable to outlining depicted areas.] 1429.___1949, Sovremennyye zadachi matematicheskoy kartografii [&MGKWYW\\VW
SIOI[E YIQWYIQE[WFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE]: 6th Scientific Conference of
1424.___1934, Matematicheskaya kartografiya [9IQWYIQE[WFUI] UIKQMXKIDE]]: Moscow-Leningrad, 276 p. [Russian. Applies least squares and other qualifications to equidistant conic projection. Also presents pseudocylindrical and his version of conformal conic projections.]
Leningrad State University. [Russian. Present tasks in mathematical cartography. Summaries of papers presented.] 1430.___1956, [Mathematical cartography]: Moscow. [Russian.] 1431.___1958-59, Izbrannye trudy [%SKI\\VW QKHOV*]: Gidrograficheskoy Sluzhby Voyennomorskoy Akademii, Izdaniye Nachal’nika Upraveleniya, 2 v. [Russian. Selected works.]
1425.___1936, [Investigations in mathematical cartography. I. On the criteria of the value of map projections and selected projections for a given country. II. On the Polyhedric projections for maps of middle scale.]: Baltique, Commission Géodésique, 1935, Session 8, Comptes Rendus, p. 257-286. [Russian with English abstract.]
1432. Kazakova, Z.L. [5ISIUMGI 3 . ], 1971, K voprosu o kriteriyakh otsenki dostoinstva kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [5 GMJKMFH M
1426.___1937, Tablitsa proyektsii GaussaKryugera dlya shirokoy polosy i yeye primeneniye k vychisleniyu ravnougol’nykh proyektsiy obshchego tipa, prisposoblyayemykh k ochertaniyu strany [1INEZI JKMWUZEE
Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 135-138. [Russian. Translated to English as Criteria for estimating the advantages of different map projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1971, no. 5, p. 289-291.]
___ (See also Vakhrameyeva, Bugayevskiy, and Kazakova.)
[Russian. A wide-band Gauss-Krüger projection table and its application to the computation of a general conformal projection suitable for surveying the country.]
1433. Kellaway, G.P., 1946, Map projections: London, Methuen & Co., Ltd. [2nd ed., 1949; reprinted 1962, 1970.]
1427.___1937, Nekotorye issledovaniya v oblasti matematicheskoy kartografii [ FWQUI>*]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 125-136, no. 6, p. 111-133. [Russian. Line position and their representation on map graticules.]
1476. Kiechle, Walter, 1975, Zur Berechnung der geographischen Breite aus rechtwinkligen Gitterkoordinaten einer Fliegerkarte in winkeltreuer Kegelprojektion: Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, series B, Angewandte Geodäsie, no. 210, München, 19 p. [Air charts.]
1484.___1962, Opredeleniye krivizny nekotorykh krivykh v geodezii i kartografii [-JKWOWNW\EW UKEGES\V \WUMQMKV> UKEGV> G XWMOWSEE E UIKQMXKIDEE*]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 105-122. [Russian. Translated to English as Determination of the curvature of certain curves used in geodesy and cartography: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1962, no. 6, p. 418-425.]
1477. Kimerling, A.J., 1994, Digital map projection transformations: International Cartographic Association et al., Seminar on Digital Cartography and GIS, Bangkok, Proceedings, p. 11-17. ___(See also Robinson, Morrison, Muehrcke, Kimerling, and Guptill; White, Kimerling, and Overton.)
1485. Kish, George, 1964, Cordiform maps of the sixteenth century: International Geographical Union, 26th Congress, London, Abstracts of Papers, p. 22-23.
1478. Kimerling, A.J., Overton, W.S., and White, Denis, 1995, Statistical comparison of map projection distortions within irregular areas: Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, v. 22, no. 3, p. 205-221.
1486.___1965, The cosmographic heart: cordiform maps of the 16th century: Imago Mundi, v. 19, p. 13-21. [Werner and similar projections.]
Kimmig, Martin (See Benzing and Kimmig.)
1487. Kishimoto, Haruko, 1977, Räumliche Transformation in der Kartographie, in Kretschmer, Ingrid, ed., Beiträge zur theoretischen Kartographie: Vienna, Franz Deuticke, p. 39-50. [German with English abstract. Spatial transformation in cartography.]
1479. King, C.W.B., 1988, Computational formulae for the Lambert Conformal projection: Survey Review, v. 29, no. 229, p. 323-337; no. 230, p. 387-399. 1480. King, Russell, and Vujakovic, Peter, 1989, Peters Atlas: a new era of cartography or publisher’s con-trick?: Geography, v. 74, part 3, p. 245-251. [Peters projection.]
1488. Kitada, K., 1957, [Creation of new map projection suitable for the world maps]: Chiri, v. 2, p. 595-602, 1124-1133. [Japanese.]
Kláterka, Jaroslav (See Hojovec, Kláterka, and Rendlová.)
Opmåling: Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, v. 10, no. 3, p. 104-116. [Norwegian with English abstract. General properties of projections used in Norwegian surveys.]
1489. Klein, Felix, 1948, Elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: Geometry: New York, Dover Publications. [Republication of the 1939 translation from the German (by E.R. Hedrick and C.A. Noble) of Klein’s three-volume work Elementarmathematik vom hoheren Standpunkte, v. 2, Geometrie, 1st ed. 1908. Contains a short section on map projections in general, with mathematical context.]
1497. Klotz, Jürgen, 1993, Eine analytische Lösung der Gauß-Krüger-Abbildung: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 118, no. 3, p. 106116. 1498. Klotz, Otto, 1911, Stereographic projection tables: Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Journal, v. 5, p. 205-215. [Also in Ottawa, Canadian Dominion Observatory Publications, 1913, no. 1, p. 1-20.]
1490. Kleinn, Hans, 1970, Entwurf und Andwendung von Karten (Kartographischer Kurs I): Munich, Beihefte zu Westfälische Geographische Studien, 120 p.
1499.___1912, Über die stereographische Methode zur Herdbestimmung von Erdbeben: Beiträge zur Geophysik, v. 11, p. 501-514.
1491. Kleinn, K.E., 1982, Geographic data bases from multiple map projections: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping – Amer. Society of Photogrammetry, Fall Technical Meeting, Miami, Fla., Technical Papers, p. 232244.
1500. Knaus, Heinrich, 1971, Zur Neukonstruktion der Internationalen Geologischen Karte von Europa im Maßstab 1:1 500 000: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, series 1, no. 50, p. 31-38.
1492. Kleinschmidt, E., 1883, Die wichtigsten Kartenprojection: Vienna, 12. Jahresber. der K.K. Ober-Realschule in der Leopoldstadt in Wien.
1501. Knaus, Heinrich, and Knorr, Herbert, 1973, Proposal for the projection of the maps 1:5,000,000 of the Regional Economic Atlas for Asia and the Far East: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, series 2, no. 29, p. 5-19, plus 10-page annex. [Albers EqualArea projection.]
1493. Kleritj, Ljub, 1902, Konstruktion der Parallelkreisbilder im Netze der MercatorProjektion: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 30, no. 7, p. 343347.
1502. Knoll, Oswald, 1973, Das Abbildungsgesetz der Übersichtskarte von Österreich 1:500 000: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 61, no. 1, p. 20-26. [German with English abstract.]
1494. Klimczak, Halina, 1982, Wybór odwzorowansa przy opracowaniu map solnictwa w UHGQLFK L PD\FK skalach dla obszoru Polski: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej we :URFDZLX. Geodezji i 8U]G]HQLD Rolne, v. 2, p. 65-69. [Polish with English abstract. Selection of the projection for middle- and small-scale agricultural maps concerning territory of Poland.]
1503. Knorr, Herbert, 1961, Vergleich der Abbildungen für die Internationale Weltkarte und für die Weltluftfahrtkarte im Maßstab 1:1 000 000: Frankfurt-am-Main, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, series B, no. 76, 47 p.
1495. Klingatsch, A., 1897, Zur ebenen rechtwinkligen Abbildung der Soldnerschen Coordinaten: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 26, p. 431-436.
1504.___1962, Comparison of the projections for the International Map of the World and the World Aeronautical Chart 1:1,000,000: Frankfurt-am-Main, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, 52 p.
1496. Klingenberg, K.S., 1944, Kartprojeksjoner anvendt i Norges Geografiske
1505.___1962, Zu den Abbildungen der Internationalen Weltkarte und der 86
Weltluftfahrtkarte im Maßstab 1:1 000 000 in hohen Breiten: Frankfurt-am-Main, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, 40 p.
krupnomasshtabnykh sel’skokhozyaystvennykh kart [+IG\MGWNEUEW JWKFJWUQEG\MB
1506.___1962, The projections of the International Map of the World and of the World Aeronautical Chart 1:1,000,000 in high latitudes: Frankfurt-am-Main, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, 44 p.
Khar’kovskiy Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, dissertation. [Russian. Equivalent perspective conic projections for the design of large-scale agricultural maps.]
1507.___1965, Zur Anwendung der winkeltreuen Kegelabbildung mit zwei längentreuen Bezugsbreitenkreisen für eine neue Übersichtskarte 1:500 000: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, series 1, no. 31, p. 5-31. [German with English abstract.]
1513.___1961, Ravnougol’nye i ravnopromezhutochnye perspektivnokonicheskiye proyektsii [+IG\MHXMNP\VW
Khar’kovskiy Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, Trudy, no. 31 (68), p. 7-15. [Russian. Conformal and equidistant perspective conic projections.]
___(See also Knaus and Knorr.) 1508. Kobbe, ..., 1908, Angenäherte Darstellung des Hauptbogens in der Merkatorkarte: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, Nachtrag, v. 36, p. 497-501, 552-558.
1514.___1962, Ravnovelikaya tsilindricheskaya proyektsiya obladayushchaya svoystvami proyektsii Tisso [+IG\MGWNEUI]
Inzhenerstroit. Institut, Uchenye Zapiski, no. 2, p. 77-80. [Russian. An equal-area cylindrical projection with the characteristics of Tissot’s projection.]
1509. Kobold, F., 1938, Zur Berechnung der Flächenverzerrung bei der winkeltreuen Zylinderprojektion: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 36, p. 20ff.
1515.___1965, Ravnovelikiye perspektivnokonicheskiye i proizvodnye ot nikh proyektsii [+IG\MGWNEUEW JWKFJWUQEG\MBUM\E[WFUEW E JKMESGMO\VW MQ \E> JKMWUZEE*]: Khar’kovskiy Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, Trudy, no. 46 (83), p. 58-67. [Russian. Equivalent perspective conic and their derivative projections.]
1510.___1940, Eine einfache Herleitung der Flächenverzerrung, des Vergrößerungsverhältnisses und der Azimutreduktion dei der winkeltreuen Zylinderprojektion: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 38, no. 1, p. 8-15.
1516.___1966, O vzaymosvyazi konicheskikh, tsilindricheskikh i azimutal’nykh proyektsii [-
1511. Kobylyatskiy, S.F. [5MVN]ZUET & $ ], 1959, Nekotorye soobrazheniya o ravnovelikikh perspektivno-konicheskikh koordinatakh i proyektsiyakh [ ZENE\OKE[WFUE> E ISEYHQINP\V> JKMWUZEE*]: Inzhenernaya
Geodeziya. Mezhved. Resp. Nauchn. Sbornik, v. 2, p. 106-111. [Russian. Reciprocal relationships of conic, cylindrical, and azimuthal projections.]
Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, Zapiski, v. 49, no. 12, p. 189-204. [Russian. An examination of equivalent perspective conic coordinates and projection.]
1517. Koeman, Cornelis, 1973, Wat moet de geograaf als redakteur van kleinschalige kaarten van de afbeeldingsleer weten?: Geografisch Tijdschrift, new series, v. 7, no. 1, p. 65-70. [Dutch. What should the geographer as editor
1512.___1959, Ravnovelikiye perspektivnokonicheskiye proyektsii dlya sostavleniya 87
of small-scale maps know about reproduction theory?]
1525.___1961, Zamechaniya k teorii proyektsii Gaussa [3IYW[I\E] U QWMKEE JKMWUZEE 8IHFFI*]: NIIGAiK, Trudy, v. 14, p. 119-123. [Russian. Remarks about the theory of the projection of Gauss.]
1518. Kohler, Alfred, 1978, Die Verebnung von Globen − eine neue Methode zur Lösung eines alten Problems: Globusfreund, no. 25-27, p. 4753. [German with English abstract. Globe representation in the plane − a new method of solving an old problem. Suggests producing gores using photography.]
1526.___1964, O primenenii ryadov funktsiy kompleksnogo peremennogo dlya vychisleniya proyektsiy Chebysheva [- JKEYW\W\EE K]OMG
1519. Köhr, Julius, 1973, Über eine gnomonische Abbildung der ganzen Erde in einer Karte: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 23, no. 1, p. 2-9.
Trudy, no. 17, p. 95-102. [Russian. Use of series functions of a complex variable for the calculation of the Chebyshev projection.]
1520. KoláÀný, Antonin, 1964, Matematický základ map Národního atlasu 665: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 10, no. 7, p. 160-164. [Czech. Mathematical basis of maps for the National Atlas of Czechoslovakia.]
1527.___1970, K voprosu o poluchenii konformnykh proyektsiy s ortogonal’noy zadannymi svoystvami [5 GMJKMFH M
JMNH[W\EE UM\DMKY\V> JKMWUZET F MKQMXM\INP\MT SIOI\\VYE FGMVFQGIYE*]: Nauchno-Tekhn. Konferentsiya, Novosib. otb. Vses. Astronomo-Geodezich. o-va, Novosib., Int Inzh. Geodezii, Aerofotos”yemki i Kartografii. Tezisy Doklady, p. 67. [Russian. On the problem of making conformal projections with preset properties.]
1521. Kolb, Leopold, 1964, Graphische Bestimmung der Richtungsreduktionen in der Gauß-Krüger Projektion: Munich, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, series D, Tafelwerke, no. 5, 4 p.
1528.___1971, K voprosu ob izyskanii kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [5 GMJKMFH M ESVFUI\EE UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 11, p. 61-65. [Russian. Problems of finding cartographic projections.]
1522. Komarenko, A.S. [5MYIKWJUM ) & ], 1967, O vybore proyektsii dlya karty “Mestopolozheniye USSR v predelach SSSR” [-
Kartografirovaniye proizvod. sil USSR, Nauk Dumka, p. 219-222. [Russian. The selection of the projection for the map “Position of the U(krainian)SSR inner half of the USSR”.]
1529.___1973, O kriteriyakh otsenki kachestva kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [- UKEQWKE]>
MZW\UE UI[WFQGI UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET*]: Novosibirsk Academiya Nauk NIIGAiK i NOVAGO, XXIII NauchoTekhnicheskaya Konferentsiya, Materialy. [Russian. Quality-evaluation criteria for cartographic projections.]
König, Gerhard (See Mehlbreuer and König.) 1523. König, R., and Weise, K.H., 1951, Das Erdsphäroid und seine konformen Abbildung, v. 1: in Mathematische Grundlagen der höheren Geodäsie und Kartographie: Berlin, Springer Verlag, 541 p. [Conformal projections.]
1530.___1973, Ob izyskanii proyektsiy s ortogonal’noy kartograficheskoy setkoy [-
1524. Konusova, G.I. [5M\HFMGI 8 % ], 1957, O proyektsiyakh Chebysheva dlya kart SSSR [JKMWUZE]> ;WVLWGI ON] UIKQ &&&+*]: NIIGAiK, Trudy, v. 8, p. 15-24. [Russian. Chebyshev’s projections for maps of the USSR.]
Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 93-98. [Russian. Translated to English as Finding projections with an orthogonal cartographic grid: Geodesy,
Mapping and Photogrammetry, 1973, v. 15, no. 4, p. 161-163.] 1531.___1975, O klassifikatsii kartograficheskikh proyektsiy po kharakteru iskazheniy [- UNIFFEDEUIZEE
Kartografiya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 99104. [Russian. Logarithmic formulas for the new projection approximating the Gauss projection.]
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 129-134. [Russian. Classification of cartographic projections by type of distortion.]
1538. Korkine, A., 1890, Sur les cartes géographiques: Leipzig, Mathematische Annalen, v. 35, p. 588-604. [General mathematical theory.]
1532.___1975, K voprosu o nailuchshikh kartograficheskikh proyektsiyakh [5 GMJKMFH \IENH[LE> UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZE]>]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 105110. [Russian. On the problem of optimal cartographic projections.]
1539. Kosack, Hans-Peter and Meine, KarlHeinz, 1955, Kartenentwurf und Entwurfsarten, Projektionen und Netzentwürfe, Grad- und Gitternetze, in Kartographisches Schriftenreihe der Kartographie, 1943-54: Lahr, Schwarzwald, Astra Verlag, v. 4, p. 77-81. [Bibliography.]
1540. Kotscher, V.F., 1952, Map projections and their application: New York, Columbia Univ., Master’s thesis, 229 p.
1533.___1976, On the problem of optimal cartographic projections: Moscow, Paper presented to the 8th International Cartographic Conference, 12 p.
1541. Kötter, Rolf, 1996, The world of the brain: transformations of a cat cerebral cortex: Journal of Irreproducible Results, p. 13-15. [Overlays outline of cat's cortex on six projections to show with tongue-in-cheek various steps of evolution.]
1534.___1979, O proyektsiyakh tematicheskikh kart SSSR [- JKMWUZE]> QWYIQE[WFUE> UIKQ &&&+*]: Mezhvuz. sb. nauk. NIIGAiK, Trudy, 5/45, p. 3-11. [Russian. On projections for thematic maps of the USSR.]
1542. KovaÐík, Jaroslav, 1954, Geometrická prÄsnost odvozených map: Kartografický PÐehled, v. 8, no. 4, p. 135-145. [Czech. Geometric precision of derived maps.]
1535. Konusova, G.I., and Bertik, N.A. [WKQEU < ) ], 1985, Issledovaniye kartograficheskikh proyektsiy s ravnootstoyashchimi parallelyami i ortogonal’noy setkoy [%FFNWOMGI\EW
1543.___1959, Aktuality z volby kartografických zobrazení: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 5, no. 11, p. 202-206. [Czech. Actual questions about the selection of map projections.]
UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET F KIG\MMQFQM]REYE JIKINNWN]YE E MKQMXM\INP\MT FWQUMT]: NIIGAiK, Trudy, p. 717. [Russian. Research on cartographic projections with correctly located parallels and orthogonal graticule.]
1544. Kövesligethy, R. de, 1907, La meilleure mappemonde sismique: Reunion de l’Association Internationale Sismologie, The Hague, Comptes Rendus, Sept. 21-25, p. 147. [Azimuthal Equidistant projection.]
1536. Kordyuk, L.I. [5MKOU . % ], 1965, Novaya proyektsiya, blizkaya k proyektsii Gaussa [ UMMKOE\IQ UM\DMKY\V> 89
JKMWUZET JMNH[W\\V> F JMYMRP K]OMG]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 115122. [Russian. Precise computation of rectangular coordinates for conformal projections, obtained with the help of a series.]
Computation of a conic equidistant projection with the best adjustment for representation of a given country. Reprinted in Zakatov, P.S. [3IUIQMG * & ], and Solov’ev, M.D. [&MNMGPWG 9 / ], ed., 1956, F.N. Krasovskiy: Izbrannye sochineniya: Moscow, 219 p.]
1546. Krack, K., 1981, Die Umwandlung von Gaußschen konformen Koordinaten in geographische Koordinaten des Bezugsellipsoides auf der Grundlage des transversalen Mercatorentwurfes: Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, v. 88, no. 5, p. 173178.
1552. Krasovskiy, F.N., and Izotov, A.A. [%SMQMG ) ) ], 1946, Tablitsy dlya logarifmicheskogo vychisleniya koordinat Gaussa-Kryugera [1INEZV ON]
1547.___1982, Zur direkten Berechnung der geographischen Breite aus der Meridianbogenlänge auf Rotationsellipsoiden: Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, v. 89, no. 3, p. 122-126. [See comments by Ehlert, Dieter, no. 11-12, p. 460-462.]
Geodezizdat. [Russian. Tables for logarithmic calculation of Gauss-Krüger coordinates.] Kratky, Vladimir (See under U.S. Geological Survey, 1979.)
1548. Krakiwsky, E.J., 1973, Conformal map projections in geodesy: Fredericton, N.B., Canada, Univ. of New Brunswick, Dept. of Survey Engineering, Lecture Notes No. 37, 144 p.
1553. Kraus, Karl, and Vozikis, Evangelos, 1978, Die Verebnung von Globen mit Hilfe der Differentialumbildung: Globusfreund, no. 2527, p. 55-61. [German with English abstract. Globe representation in the plane with the aid of digitally controlled differential rectification.]
1549. Krashennikova, N.N. [5KILW\\EUMGI < < ], 1961, Formula dlya vychisleniya masshtaba v nailuchshey konformnoy proyektsii [$MKYHNI ON] GV[EFNW\E] YIFLQII G \IENH[LWT UM\DMKY\MT JKMWUZEE*]: Novocherkasskii Politekhn. Universitet, Trudy, v. 116, p. 65-68. [Russian. Formula for the calculation of scale for the optimum conformal projection.]
1554. Krebs, Wilhelm, 1892, Einfache Kartenprojektionen für Schulwerke: 5th International Geographical Congress, Berne, Compte rendu, Schmid, Francke & cie, p. 378380. 1555. Kretschmer, Ingrid, 1970, Zur Wahl der Netzentwürfe in der thematischen Kartographie: Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 112, no. 2-3, p. 272-291. [Also in Grundsatzfragen der Kartographie: Vienna, Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, 1970, p. 150-169.]
1550. Krasovskiy, F.N. [5KIFMGFUET $ < ], 1922, Novye kartograficheskiye proyektsii [
1575.___1966-67, Einige Bemerkungen über polyedrische Globen: Globusfreund, no. 15-16, p. 133-135.
Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 109-116. [Russian. Selection of new cartographic projections with the method of variable rotation.]
1576.___1970, Zobrazení mapy sveta 1:2 500 000 (Príspevek k dejinám dnení kartografie): Sbornik Praci Geografických Kateder UK k 75. narozeninám prof. dr. Jaromíra Korcaka, DrSc: Prague, Universita Karlova, p. 105-116. [Czech. Projection of a 1:2,500,000-scale map of the world.]
1584.___1981, O standartizatsii kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [-
FQI\OIKQESIZEE UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 12, p. 41-46. [Russian. On cartographic projection standardization.]
1577. Kuester, G., 1937, Zentrale Azimutalprojektionen: Seewart, v. 6, no. 11, p. 427-431.
1585.___1984, Obshchiye uravneniya ravnougol’nykh tsilindricheskikh proyektsiy v geotsentricheskoy sisteme koordinat [-REW
1578. Kuestner, A.G., 1777, Theoria projectionis emperificiei sphaericae, in planum tangens, veulo in centro posito: Akademie Gemunnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. Erfurti, Acta Academiae electoralis moguntinae deuntiarum quae Erfurti est. 1776, p. 172-190. [Latin.]
HKIG\W\E] KIG\MHXMNP\V> ZENE\OKE[WFUE> JKMWUZET G XWMZW\QKE[WFUMT FEFQWYW UMMKOE\IQ]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 8, p. 50-52. [Russian. General equations of conformal cylindrical projections in geocentric coordinate system.]
1579. Kumler, M.P., and Tobler, W.R., 1991, Three world maps on a Moebius strip: Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, v. 18, no. 4, p. 275-276.
1586.___1987, Obshchiye uravneniya ravnougol’nykh proyektsiy v geotsentricheskoy sisteme koordinat [-REW HKIG\W\E]
1580. Kuntz, Eugen, 1983, Kartennetzentwurfslehre. Grundlagen und Anwendungen: Karlsruhe, Wichmann, no. 12, 201 p.
no. 10, p. 41-44. [Russian. General equations of conformal projections in the geocentric coordinate system.]
1587.___1990, Analiticheskoye preobrazovaniye ravnougol’nykh kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [)\INEQE[WFUMW JKWMKISMGI\EW KIG\MHXMNP\V> UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 5, p. 44-45. [Russian. Analytical transformation of conformal cartographic projections.]
1581. Kuroyedov, S.D. [5HKMWOMG & / ], 1961, Perspektivno-konicheskiye koordinaty i proyektsii professora A.I. Petrenko [*WKFJWUQEG\MBUM\E[WFUEW UMMKOE\IQV E JKMWUZEE JKMDWFFMKI ) % *WQKW\UM*]: Khar’kovskiy Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, 92
géographie physique: Paris, Bachelier (1847), 2nd ed., 427 p.
1588. Kweta, Walter, and Misar, Karin, 1977, Weltkarte in flächentreuer Projektion: DFVLRNachrichten, v. 21, p. 866.
___(See also Barbie du Bocage and Lacroix.)
1589. Kwisthout, T.L., 1908, Stereographische projectie coördinatenberekening: Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde, v. 24, p. 929. [Dutch. Coordinates on Stereographic projection.]
1598. Lagarde, Lucie, 1987, Guillaume Delisle et la Mer de l’Ouest, quelques précisions sur ses conceptions, tirées du Procès Delisle-Nolin et de ses relations avec le P. Jean Bobé (avec projections): 12th International Conference on the History of Cartography, Paris, no. 36, 2 p.
1590.___1909, Soldnersche coördinaten: Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde, v. 25, p. 76-100. [Dutch. Coordinates on Soldner projection.]
1599. Lagrange, J.L. de, 1779, Sur la construction des cartes géographiques: Nouveaux mémoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-lettres de Berlin, p. 161-210. [Also in Oeuvres de Lagrange, 1869: Paris, Gauthier-Villars, v. 4, p. 635-692. Also in German, 1894, as Ueber die Construction geographischer Karten: Ostwald’s Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften, no. 55: Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, p. 1-56, with editing by Albert Wangerin, p. 82-97. Analyzes conformal projections with circular arcs for meridians and parallels, including “Lagrange projection” developed by Lambert (1772).]
1591. Kyewski, Bruno, 1951, Über die Mercatorprojektion: Erdkunde, v. 5, no. 2, p. 97-105. 1592.___1961, Über die Mercatorprojektion: Duisburger Forschungen, Schriftenreihe fuer Geschichte und Heimatkunde Duisburg, v. 6, p. 115-130. [German with English abstract.] 1593. Laborde, Jean, 1928, La nouvelle projection du Service Géographique de Madagascar: Tananarive, Cahiers du Service Géographique de Madagascar, no. 1, 70 p.
La Hire, Philippe de (See de La Hire, Philippe.) 1600. Lallemand, Charles, 1911, Sur les déformations résultant du mode de construction de la Carte internationale du monde au millionième: Académie des Sciences, Comptes Rendus, v. 153, no. 12, p. 559-567. [Modified polyconic projection for Intl. Map of the World.]
1594.___1944, La géometrie des sphèroides à l’usage des ingénieurs géographes: Paris, Institut Géographique National. ___(See also Driencourt and Laborde.) 1595. Laclavère, G., 1938, Emploi des cartes en projection conique conforme pour la solution graphique des problèmes de navigation radiogoniométrique aérienne ou maritime: International Geographical Congress, Amsterdam 1938, Comptes Rendus, v. 2. Travaux de la Section I: Cartographie: Leiden, E.J. Brill, p. 70-82.
1601.___1912, La carte du monde au millionième et les erreurs dues à son mode de construction: Association Français pour l’Avancement des Sciences, Compte Rendus de la 40e session, Dijon, 1911, Notes et Mémoires, p. 89-101. 1602. Lambert, B.P., 1977, Map coordinate systems: Cartography, v. 10, no. 2, p. 83-85. [As used in Australia.]
1596. La Condamine, C.M. de, 1735, Description d’un instrument qui peut servir a’déterminer, sur la surface de la terre, tous les points d’uncercie parallele à l’equateur: Paris, Académie Royale des Sciences, Histoire, 1733, p. 294-301.
Lambert, Gustave (See under Germain [1866].) 1603. Lambert, J.H., 1772, Beiträge zum Gebrauche der Mathematik und deren Anwendung: Part III, section 6: Anmerkungen und Zusätze zur Entwerfung der Land- und Himmelscharten: Berlin. [Translated into
1597. Lacroix, S.F., 1811, Introduction à la géographie mathématique et critique, à la 93
English and introduced by W.R. Tobler as Notes and comments on the composition of terrestrial and celestial maps: Ann Arbor, Univ. Michigan, 1972, Mich. Geographical Publication no. 8, 125 p. Also reprinted in German, 1894, Ostwald’s Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften, no. 54: Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, with editing by Albert Wangerin. Presents Conformal Conic, Equal-Area Conic, including “Isospheric Stenoteric,” Transverse Mercator, Cylindrical Equal-Area, Transverse Cylindrical Equal-Area, “Lagrange,” Azimuthal Equal-Area projections. See also review of Tobler translation by Wray, Thomas, 1975: Canadian Cartographer, v. 12, no. 2, p. 231233.]
of the gnomonic perspective conical projection of the sphere.] 1610.___1993, Gilbert two-world projection: International Cartographic Assn., 16th International Conference, Cologne, Proceedings, v. 1, p. 66-82. 1611. La Porte, Florian, 1937, The track of the orthodromic curve on Mercator charts: Hydrographic Review, v. 14, no. 1, p. 21-31. Larin, D.A. (See Ginzburg and Larin.) 1612. Larrivée, Léo, 1988, Une création québécoise projetée dans le monde: Revue de Carto-Québec, v. 9, no. 1, p. 16-17. [New projection resembling Van der Grinten projection. See also review of world map by Sebert, L.M., 1991, CISM Journal ACSGC, v. 45, no. 1, p. 168-169.]
1604. Lamme, Ary and Linda, 1967, Utilizing the earth’s grid: Journal of Geography, v. 66, no. 8, p. 425-427. 1605. Lang, W., 1926, Schweizer geographische Koordinaten: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 24, p. 129ff., 192ff.
1613.___1992, Modes pratiques de transformations en projections cartographiques: Québec, Université Laval, Master’s thesis.
1606. Lanman, J.T., 1987, On the origin of portolan charts: Chicago, Newberry Library, 56 p. [Discusses possible projections, esp. p. 4754.]
1614. Laskowski, P.H., 1987, Map distortions and singular value decomposition: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, 1987 ASPRS-ACSM Annual Convention, Baltimore, Md., Technical Papers, v. 4, p. 42-51. [Discusses Tissot indicatrices.]
1607. Lapaine, Miljenko, and FranÀula, Nedjeljko, 1989, Perspective projection of the Earth − A general approach: Paper presented at the 14th International Cartographic Conference, Budapest, 12 p. [Abstract only published in International Cartographic Association, 14th World Conference, Aug. 17-24, Budapest, Abstracts – Resumes, p. 630-631.]
1615.___1989, The traditional and modern look at Tissot’s indicatrix: Amer. Cartographer, v. 16, no. 2, p. 123-133. 1616.___1991, On a mixed local-global error measure for a minimum distortion projection: 1991 ACSM-ASPRS Conference, Baltimore, Md., Mar. 25-29. Technical Papers, v. 2, p. 181-186.
1608.___1992, Kartografske projekcije i geoinformacijski sistemi: Zbornik Geodetskog Fakulteta SveuÀilista u Zagrebu u Povodu 30. Objetnice Samostalnog Djelovanja 1962-1992, p. 37-44. [Serbo-Croatian with English abstract. Map projections and geoinformation systems.]
1617.___1991, Minimum-error projection for global visualization: GIS/LIS ‘91, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 28-Nov. 1. Proceedings, v. 1, p. 166-169. 1618.___1992, An ideal map projection for global GIS output: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 17th Congress, Washington, D.C., International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, v. 29, part 4, Commission 4, p. 754756.
1609.___1992, Uspravne gnomonske perspektivno konusne projekcije sfere: Geodetski List, v. 46, no. 3, p. 315-330. [SerboCroatian with English abstract. Normal aspect
computations in low latitudes: Empire Survey Review, v. 9, no. 67, p. 220-222.
1619. Laubscher, A.L., 1965, A basic investigation of perspective map projections: Columbus, Ohio State University, Master’s thesis.
1628. Le Baut, L., [1951], Plans et cartes, graphiques et diagrammes: Paris, Librairie Istra, 54 p. [Projections discussed p. 8-22.]
Laubscher, R.E. (See O’Neill and Laubscher.) 1629. Ledersteger, K., 1954, Die Rolle der Grundlinien bei der Netzprojektion: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 42, no. 4, p. 106-113; no. 5, p. 143-148.
1620. Lauf, G.B., 1947, A new method for the transformation of Gauss conform coordinates from one system to the next: South African Surveying Journal, v. 7, part 2, no. 43, p. 81-95. 1621.___1975, Transformation of coordinates from the Gauss conform projection to the Universal Transverse Mercator projection: Australian Surveyor, v. 27, no. 1, p. 5-10.
1630.___1958, Internationale Bezugsflächen und einheitliche Weltprojektion: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 83, no. 8, p. 260-267. 1631. Ledovskaya, L.S. [.WOMGFUI] . & ], 1967, Primeneniye EVM v matematicheskoy kartografii [*KEYW\W\EW '9 G YIQWYIQE[WFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 3, p. 58-62. [Russian. The use of electronic calculating machines in mathematical cartography.]
1622.___1975, The Transverse Mercator projection: South African Geographical Journal, v. 57, no. 2, p. 118-125. 1623.___1983, Geodesy and map projections: Collingswood, Victoria, Australia, TAFE Publications Unit, 127 p.
1632.___1969, Novyy variant proyektsii dlya uchebnykh i drugikh massovykh kart Yevrazii [ E OKHXE> YIFFMGV> UIKQ 7GKISEE]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 12, p. 61-66. [Russian. Translated to English as A new variant of projection for educational and other popular maps of the Eurasian continent: Charlottesville, Va., Army Foreign Science and Technology Center, Report no. FSTC-HT-23-881-71, 1971, 12 p.]
1624. Lauf, G.B., and Young, F., 1961, Conformal transformations from one map projection to another, using divided difference interpolation: Bulletin Géodésique, no. 61, p. 191-212. [Translated to German as Konforme Transformationen von einer Kartenprojektion auf die andere unter Verwendung einer Interpolation mit geteilter Differenz: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, 1968, series 1, no. 38, p. 2647.]
1633.___1971, Obzor proyektsiy kart vsey zemnoy prverkhnosti i yeyekrupneyskikh chastey v sovremennykh sovetskikh i zarubezhnykh izdaniyakh [-SMK JKMWUZET
1625. Laugwitz, D., 1957, Eine Bemerkung über Flächenabbildungen: Deutsche Mathematikervereinigung, Jahresbericht, v. 60, no. 3, p. 93-96.
Laura, P.A.A. (See Schinzinger and Laura.)
TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 189. [Russian. Map projection review of the whole Earth’s surface and its largest parts in modern Soviet and foreign publications.]
1626. Laurila, S.H., Mathur, S., and Li, L., 1969, Fortran programs for transformation between rectangular and geographic map coordinates: Honolulu, University of Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, 31 p.
1634.___1975, Dopolneniye k Atlasy dlya vybora kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [/MJMN\W\EW U )QNIFV ON] GVMKI UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET*]: TsNIIGAiK,
1627. Lawes, A.V., 1948, Conical orthomorphic projection: Simplification of 95
Trudy, no. 110, 108 p. [Russian. Supplement to the Atlas for the selection of cartographic projections. See Ginzburg and Salmanova (1957).]
1643.___1947, The equidistant azimuthal projection of the sphere: New Zealand Geographer, v. 3, no. 1, p. 41-58. 1644.___1950, The planets 1950: New Zealand Astronomical Handbook, p. 22. [Oblique Mercator projection.]
1635.___1979, Nekotorye sposoby polucheniya vidoizmenennykh proyektsiy [ JKMWUZET]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 1, p.
1645.___1953, A transverse Mercator projection of the spheroid alternative to the Gauss-Krüger form: Empire Survey Review, v. 12, no. 87, p. 12-17. [See also 1954, v. 12, no. 91, p. 237238.]
49-53. [Russian. Translated to English as Some methods for producing modified projections: Geodesy, Mapping and Photogrammetry, 1977, v. 19, no. 4, p. 247249.]
1646.___1954, The oblique Mercator projection: New Zealand Geographer, v. 10, no. 2, p. 151164. [Reprinted in Empire Survey Review, 1956, v. 13, no. 101, p. 321-335.]
___(See also Ginzburg and Ledovskaya; Tyuflin, Ledovskaya, Kadnichanskiy, and Ostrovskiy.)
1647.___1962, The transverse Mercator projection of the entire spheroid: Empire Survey Review, v. 16, no. 123, p. 208-217. [See also 1964, v. 17, no. 133, p. 343; comments by Gdowski, Bogusaw, 1966, v. 18, no. 141, p. 339-341.]
1636. Lee, J.E., and Walsh, J.M., 1984, Map projections for use with the geographic information system: Washington, Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Biological Services, Publication FWS/OBS84/17, 60 p. [Adaptation of USGS General Cartographic Transformation Package (software).]
1648.___1963, Scale and convergence on the transverse Mercator projection of the whole spheroid: Empire Survey Review, v. 17, no. 127, p. 49-51.
1637. Lee, L.P., 1944, The nomenclature and classification of map projections: Empire Survey Review, v. 7, no. 51, p. 190-200.
1649.___1965, Some conformal projections based on elliptic functions: Geographical Review, v. 55, no. 4, p. 563-580. [Conformal projections of world or hemisphere bounded by a polygon or an ellipse, or on a polyhedron. See also 1968, v. 58, no. 3, p. 490-491.]
1638.___1945, The transverse Mercator projection of the spheroid: Empire Survey Review, v. 8, no. 58, p. 142-152. 1639.___1946, The nomenclature of map projections: Empire Survey Review, v. 8, no. 60, p. 217-219. 1640.___1946, Marginal scales of latitude and longitude on transverse Mercator maps: Empire Survey Review, v. 8, no. 60, p. 220-221.
1650.___1973, The search for an improved coordinate system for New Zealand surveys and maps: Wellington, N.Z., Department of Lands and Survey, Computing Branch, Head Office, 20 p.
1641.___1946, The convergence of meridians: Empire Survey Review, v. 8, no. 61, p. 267-271. [See also 1954, v. 12, no. 91, p. 237-238.]
1651.___1973, The conformal tetrahedric projection with some practical applications: Cartographic Journal, v. 10, no. 1, p. 22-28.
1642.___1947, A stereographic device for the solution of spherical triangles: Empire Survey Review, v. 9, no. 65, p. 123-131.
1652.___1974, A conformal projection for the map of the Pacific: New Zealand Geographer, v. 30, no. 1, p. 75-77. [Complex-algebra modification of oblique Stereographic projection.] 96
1653.___1974, The computation of conformal projections: Survey Review, v. 22, no. 172, p. 245-256.
1662.___1956, Extended use of polyconic projection tables: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 46, no. 1, p. 150-173.
1654.___1975, Conformal projection with specified scale at selected points: Survey Review, v. 23, no. 178, p. 187-188.
1663. Lemmer, Albert, 1962, Die Projektion der Internationalen Weltkarte 1:1 000 000: Munich, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 63 p.
1655.___1976, Conformal projections based on elliptic functions: Cartographica, Monograph no. 16, supplement no. 1 to Canadian Cartographer, v. 13, 128 p. [Based on his 1965 and other papers.]
1664. Lenox-Conyngham, G.P., 1944, Nomenclature of map projections: Empire Survey Review, v. 7, no. 53, p. 276-278. 1665. Leppard, H.M., and Denoyer, L.P., 1943, Map projection studies: Chicago, DenoyerGeppert Co., No. P208, 20 p.
___(See also under Panasiuk, Balcerzak, and Gdowski.) 1656. Lee, T.J., 1849, Tables and formulas useful in surveying, geodesy, and practical astronomy, including elements for the projection of maps, and instructions for field magnetic observations, 1st ed.: Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 95 p. [Papers relating to the duties of the Corps of Topographical Engineers, no. 3. 2nd ed., 1853; 3rd ed., 1873, 310 p.]
1666.___1944, Students handbook of map projections: Chicago, Denoyer-Geppert Co. 1667. Lepschi, Albert, 1962, Die Gauß-KrügerKoordinaten in Österreich: Österreichische Verein für Vermessungswesen und der Österreichische Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Mitteilungsblatt, Beil. z. 50. Jg. der Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, no. 2, p. 9-12.
1657. Leeman, W., 1934, Über die Berechnung der Flächenverzerrung der winkeltreuen, schiefachsigen Zylinderprojektion aus den Projektionskoordinaten: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 32, p. 81-84.
Le Roux, J.S. (See Senekal, Le Roux, and de Villiers.) 1668. Letoval’tsev, I.G. [.WQMGINPZWG % 8 ], 1950, [Gauss’s equiangular projection of the geoid onto a plane in equations with constant coefficients]: Moscow, Sbornik Glavnogo Upravleniya Geodezii i Kartografii, no. 28. [Russian.]
1658. Lehmann, G., 1939, Ueber die Lagrangeschen Projektionen: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 68, no. 11, p. 329-344; no. 12, p. 361-376; no. 14, p. 425-432. [Lagrange projection.]
1669.___1959, Stereograficheskaya proyektsiya sferoida v opredelenii Gaussa [&QWKWMXKIDE[WFUI] JKMWUZE] FDWKMEOI G MJKWOWNW\EE 8IHFFI*]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 5, p. 54-62. [Russian. Translated to English as Stereographic projection of a spheroid in the Gauss determination: Geodesy and Cartography, 1959, no. 5-6, p. 254-258.]
1659.___1974, Über die Lagrangeschen Projektionen: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 99, no. 1, p. 32-35. [Sequel to above.] 1660. Lehrmittel Aktuell, 1981, Die PetersKarte: v. 7, no. 3, p. 30-31. [Peters projection.] 1661. Leighly, J.B., 1955, Aitoff and Hammer: An attempt at clarification: Geographical Review, v. 45, no. 2, p. 246-249. [Points out that Aitoff and Hammer projections are not identical.]
1670.___1963, Obshchiy metod redutsirovaniya napravleniy i dlin pri perekhode s ellipsoida na ploskost’. O formulakh ortodromicheskoy popravki [-RET YWQMO KWOHZEKMGI\E]
1674.___1971, Redutsirovaniye prostranst vennoy pryamoy na ploskost’ i na poverkhnost’ ellipsoida [+WOHZEKMGI\EW JKMFQKI\FQ GW\\MT
Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 3-11. [Russian. Translated to English as A general method for the reduction of directions and lengths in transformations from an ellipsoid to a plane on orthodromic (arc of a great circle) correction formulas: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1963, no. 4, p. 183-186.]
NNEJFMEOI]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 1, p. 26-30. [Russian. Translated to English as Mapping a line in space onto a plane and onto the surface of an ellipsoid: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1971, no. 1, p. 9-11.]
1671.___1963, Obobshcheniye gnomonicheskoy proyektsii dlya sferoida i osnovnye geodezicheskiye voprosy prolozheniya nazemnykh trass [-MRW\EW X\MYM\E[WFUMT
1675. Levasseur, Karl, 1960, 50 Jahre GaußKrüger-Koordinaten in Österreich: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 48, no. 4, p. 120-135; no. 5, p. 145-160.
1676. Levine, Daniel (and various contributing authors), 1960, Radargrammetry: New York, McGraw-Hill, 330 p. [Includes map projections relevant to radar.]
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 61-68. [Russian. Translated to English as Generalization of the gnomonic projection for a spheroid and the principal geodetic problems involved in the alignment of surface routes: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1963, no. 5, p. 271-274.]
1677. Levison, M.E., 1960, Mercator vs. polar projection: World of difference: Social Studies, v. 51, no. 4, p. 133-135.
1672.___1968, O proyektsii Russilya [JKMWUZEE +HFFEN]]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 51-55. [Russian. Translated to English as The Roussilhe projection: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1968, no. 2, p. 92-94. A stereographic projection of the ellipsoid. See correction by Morozov, V.P., 1968: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 142, translated to English in Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1968, no. 6, p. 418.]
1678. Lewent, L., 1925, Conformal representation: London, Methuen, 146 p. 1679. Lewicke, V., 1955, A Laborde projection: Washington, Army Map Service TR17, 54 p. Lewis, D.C. (See Boggs and Lewis.) 1680. Leymonnerie, E.A., 1843, Notice sur la projection des cartes géographiques: Paris, Roret. 1681. Li, Changming, 1979, [On the classification of map projections]: Acta Geographica Sinica, v. 34, no. 2, p. 139-155. [Chinese. Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map Projection Papers], p. 27-43.]
1673.___1969, K voprosu o redutsirovanii masshtabaizobrazheniya v proyektsii GaussaKryugera [5 GMJKMFH M KWOHZEKMGI\EE
1682. Li, Guozao, 1963, [A double azimuthal projection (tr. from Russ. title)]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 6, no. 4, p. 279-302. [Chinese with Russian abstract. Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 58-74 without abstract.]
Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 41-42. [Russian. Translated to English as On the question of reduction of scale of representation in the Gauss-Krueger projection: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1969, no. 6, p. 392-393.]
1683.___1981, [Cylindrical transverse conformal projection with two standard 98
1692. Library of Congress, Geography and Map Div., 1973, The Bibliography of Cartography: Boston, G.K. Hall & Co., v. 3, p. 527-561. [Map projection bibliography. See also 1st supplement, 1980, v. 2, p. 60-65.]
meridians]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 10, no. 4, p. 309-312. [Chinese with English abstract. Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 137-150, without abstract. Abstract for similar paper in International Cartographic Association, 14th World Conference, Aug. 17-24, 1989, Budapest, Abstracts – Resumes, p. 620.]
1693. Lichtner, Werner, 1979, Kartennetztransformation bei der Herstellung thematischer Karten: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, series 1, no. 79, p. 109-119. [German with English abstract.]
1684.___1983, [A modified transverse cylindrical conformal projection for 1:1,000,000-scale topographic maps] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 151-157. [Chinese.]
1694. Lietz, Wolfgang, 1994, „... über alle Theile der Erde und über das Weltgebäude.“ Sternprojectionen als Titelblattdekoration von Atlanten des 19. Jahrhunderts, in Scharfe, Wolfgang, ed., 6. Kartographie-historisches Colloquium, Berlin 1992, Vorträge und Berichte: Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1994, p. 113-118. [Also in Frankfurt: Geographia Spiritualis. Festschrift für Hanno Beck, p. 153159.]
1685.___1987, [On m = nk orthogonal projections]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 16, no. 2, p. 149-157. [Chinese with English abstract.] ___(See also Liu, Jiahao, and Li.) 1686. Li, Guozao, Yang, Qihe, and Hu, Dingguan, 1993, Ditu touying [Map projections]: Chinese People’s Liberation Army Press, 330 p. [Chinese.]
Ligi, Marco (See Bortoluzzi and Ligi.) 1695. Lilly, J.E., 1940, Plane co-ordinates for extended areas: Canadian Surveyor, v. 6, no. 11, p. 2-8.
1687. Li, Jiaquan, 1985, [A research on transformation of finite element between conformal projections]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 14, no. 3, p. 214-225. [Chinese with English abstract.]
1696.___1960, Plane co-ordinates for surveyors: Canadian Surveyor, v. 15, no. 2, p. 100-106. 1697.___1964, Skew plane co-ordinates: Presented at Sept. 1964 convention, Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Kansas City, Mo.
Li, L. (See Laurila, Mathur, and Li.) 1688. Li, Yongpu, 1994, [Differential method of the transformation between plane coordinate systems]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 23, no. 1, p. 37-44. [Chinese with English abstract.]
1698. Lim, K., 1982, On cyclic maps: Australian Mathematical Society, Journal, v. 32, no. 3, p. 349-357.
1690.___1962, Un nouveau canevas conforme: Geographia, v. 15, Dec., p. 46. [“Double butterfly” projection.]
1699. Lincklaen Arriens, H.J., Vrijmoed, Hans, van Willigen, Durk, and de Jongh, J.P., 1978, Electronic conversion from a scanning radiometer to a stereographic projection geometry: Journal of Applied Meteorology, v. 17, no. 7, p. 1071-1076.
Liben, L.S. (See Downs and Liben.)
Lindenkohl, A. (See under Zöppritz (1884).)
1691. Librairie Hachette, 1889, Projections des cartes géographiques, in Atlas de Géographie Moderne: Paris.
1700. Ling, Chi-Hai, Rasmussen, L.A., and Campbell, W.J., 1978, Flight path curvature distortion in side-looking airborne radar
1689. Libault, André, 1952, Déchéance de l’Équateur: Geographia, no. 6, p. 33-37.
imagery: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 44, no. 10, p. 1255-1260.
12, p. 96-98. [Russian. Equivalent azimuthalcylindrical projections.]
Lipin, A.V. (See Gan’shin and Lipin.)
1708.___1970, Obobshchennyi klass ekvivalentnykh azimutal’no-konicheskikh proyektsiy [-MRW\\VE UNIFF
1701. Lipson, L.B., 1948, Polar mapping applied to seismology: Amer. Geophysical Union, Transactions, v. 29, no. 1, p. 32-35.
UGEGINW\Q\V> ISEYHQINP\MBUM\E[WFUE> JKMWUZET*]: Geodeziya, Kartografiya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 12, p. 99-103. [Russian. The general class of equivalent azimuthal-conic projections.]
1702. Lisichanskiy, A.S. [.EFE[I\FUET ) & ], 1961, Klassifikatsiya kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [5NIFFEDEUIZE] UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET*]: L’vovskiy Politekhnichnyi Institut, Nauchnye Zapiski, Seriya Geodezicheskaya, no. 6, p. 94-113. [Russian. Classification of map projections.]
1709.___1974, Ob’yedinennye sistemy konformnykh i ekvivalentnykh kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [-PWOE\W\\VW
1703.___1962, Proizvodnye ravnougol’nye proyektsii [*KMESGMO\VW KIG\MHXMNP\VW JKMWUZEE*]: L’vovskiy Politekhnichnyi Institut, Nauchnye Zapiski, no. 85, Seriya Geodezicheskaya, no. 9, p. 100-104. [Russian. Derivative conformal projections.]
dissertation, Moscow. [Russian. Combined systems of conformal and equivalent cartographic projections.] 1710. Liss, C.C., 1973, Zum Problem der Verzerrungen auf Weltkarten; Kritik des Kartennetzentwurfes von A. Peters: Geographische Rundschau, v. 25, no. 10, p. 399-401. [Peters projection.]
1704.___1964, O vychislenii proitsvodykh konformnykh proyektsiy s ellipsovidnymi izokolami [- GV[EFNW\EE JKMEZGMOV>
1711. Littlehales, G.W., 1905, Van der Grinten’s circular projection: Amer. Geographical Society, Bulletin, v. 37, no. 1, p. 14-18.
Aerofotos”yemka, no. 1, p. 109-114. [Russian. The calculation of derived conformal projections with elliptical isocols.]
1712. Littrow, J.J., 1833, Chorographie; oder Anleitung, alle Arten von Land- See- und Himmelskarten zu verfertigen: Vienna, F. Beck, 208 p. [Presents his conformal retroazimuthal projection.]
1705.___1965, Formuly kosykh konformnykh proyektsiy ellipsoida [$MKYHNV UMFV> UM\DMKY\V> JKMWUZET NNEJFMEOI*]: Geodeziya, Kartografiya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 105-111. [Russian. Formulas for oblique conformal projection of the ellipsoid.]
1713. Liu, Fuchang, 1985, [Map projection and calculating-graphic for determining the positions and scope of beam region of communication satellite]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 14, no. 3, p. 196-204. [Chinese with English abstract.]
1706.___1970, Teoriya obobshchennogo klassa konformnykh azimutal’no-konicheskikh proyektsiy [1WMKE] MMRW\\MXM UNIFFI
UM\DMKY\V> ISEYHQINP\MBUM\E[WFUE> JKMWUZET*]: Geodeziya, Kartografiya i
1714. Liu, Hongmo, 1985, [The numerical method of transformation of conformal projection]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 14, no. 1, p. 61-72. [Chinese with English abstract. Polynomial transformations.]
Aerofotos”yemka, no. 11, p. 83-87. [Russian. A theory of the general class of conformal azimuthal-conic projections.] 1707.___1970, Ekvivalentnye azimutal’notsilindricheskiye proyektsii [ UGEGINW\Q\VW ISEYHQINP\MBZENE\OKE[WFUEW JKMWUZEE*]: Geodeziya, Kartografiya i Aerofotos”yemka, no.
1715. Liu, Jiahao, 1965, [On the law of conversions of distortions in the cylindrical, 100
azimuthal and conic projections]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 8, no. 3, p. 210-217. [Chinese with Russian abstract. Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map Projection Papers], p. 179-185 without abstract.]
1721. Lochar, Felix, 1943, Great circles on Mercator maps: Griffith Observer, v. 7, no. 12, p. 138-147. 1722. Lohse, J., 1837, Zweck der zeichnenden Erdkunde und eines elementarischmethodischen Lehrgangs für Denselben: Berlin, 101 p.
1716. Liu, Jiahao, and Li, Guozao, 1963, [Pseudoazimuthal projections and their use for a whole map of China (tr. from Russ. title)]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 6, no. 2, p. 104-119. [Chinese with Russian abstract. Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], as [Pseudoazimuthal projection and its application for a whole map of China], p. 200214 without abstract.]
1723. Lomba Mirândola, M.J., 1986, Calculating and plotting great circles and rhumb-lines: Santa Barbara, Univ. of California, Master’s thesis. 1724. |omnicki, Antoni, 1927, Kartografja matematyczna: Lwow-Warsaw. [Polish. 2nd ed., 1956: Warsaw, PaÉstwowe Wydawnictwo Nankowe, 179 p. Mathematical cartography.]
1717. Liu, Tisheng, 1957, Bei-tzin da-hsüe hsüe-bao (tzü-shan ke-hsüe): Acta Scientiae Naturalis Univ. Pekinensis, v. 3, no. 2, p. 253258. [Chinese. Construction of a cylindrical equal-area projection with two standard parallels.]
1725.___1927, Projekcja miedzynarodowej mapy wiata: The International Map Projection 1/M: Polski Przegld Kartograficzny, v. 3, no. 17, p. 1-14. [English with Polish introduction. Derivation of formulas and criticism of Modified Polyconic projection for Intl. Map of the World. See also Hinks (1927).]
Livieratos, Evangelos (See also Dermanis and Livieratos.) 1718. Livieratos, Evangelos, and Papadopoulou, M., 1983, A comparison of potential type convolution processes in two dimensions: Quaterniones Geodaesiae, v. 4, no. 3, p. 261-275.
1726.___1927, Matematyczna analiza projekcji mapy miedzynarodowej w skali 1:1,000,000: Warsaw, Wiadomocí Sluzby Geograficznej, no. 1, p. 3-31. [Polish with French abstract. Criticism of Modified Polyconic projection for Intl. Map of the World. See also Hinks (1927).]
Lloyd, R. (See Gilmartin and Lloyd.) 1719. Lobanov, A.N., and Zhurkin, I.G. [.MI\MG ) < E HKUE\ % 8 ], 1972, Analiticheskoye transformirovanye snimkov dlya sostavleniya topograficheskikh kart i fotokart v zadannoy proyektsii [)\INEQE[WFUMW
1727___1928, Sur le choix de la projection pour la carte du monde au millionième (materiaux pour la discussion): Warsaw, Wiadomocí Sluzby Geograficznej, p. 137-196. [Also published separately: Warsaw, pub. no. IN-8, 57 p.]
QKI\FDMKYEKMGI\VW F\EYUMG ON] FMFQIGNW\E] QMJMXKIDE[WFUE> UIKQ E DMQMUIKQ G SIOI\\MT JKMWUZEE]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 79-88. [Russian. Translated to English as Analytic rectification for the compilation of topographic maps and photomaps in a given projection: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1972, no. 4-6, p. 315-319.]
1728.___1934, Projekcje o dwóch punktach wyrónionych: Polski Przegld Kartograficzny, v. 6, no. 47, p. 185-193. [Polish with French abstract. Projections from two separate points. Two-Point Azimuthal and Equidistant projections.]
1720. Löbell, F., 1942, Allgemeine Theorie der Flächenabbildungen: Reichsamt für Landesaufnahme, Mitteilungen, v. 18, no. 5, p. 299-307.
___(See also under Hinks (1927).) 1729. Loomer, S.A., 1986, Mathematical analysis of medieval sea charts: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping – Amer. Society for 101
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1986 Annual Convention, Washington, Technical Papers, v. 1, p. 123-132. [Possible projection bases for portolan charts.]
1738. Luyten, W.J., 1943, Those misleading new maps: Harpers Magazine, v. 187, no. 1121, p. 447-449. [Defense of Mercator against “new” air-age maps.]
1730. López, J.S., 1977, Transformación de coordenadas Lambert a UTM., y viceversa, con auxilio de la calculadora Hewlett-Packard 25: Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Boletín de Información, no. 36, p. 45-54. [Transformation of coordinates between Lambert Conformal Conic and UTM projections, using HewlettPackard 25 calculator.]
1739. Ma, Junhai, 1988, [Computer program for calculation of the geographic coordinates of topo-map sheet corners and rectangular Gauss projection coordinates from sheet numbers]: Cartography (Wuhan Technical University, Wuhan, China), no. 1, p. 21-23. [Chinese.] 1740. McBryde, F.W., 1977, New equal-area world map projections and base maps for biological data: Washington, Transemantics, Inc., 19 p. [Merges standard pseudocylindricals with his flat-polar forms.]
1731. López Santoyo, Alberto, 1969, Variación de la escala en las proyecciones geográficas y ejemplo de su determinación en Proyección de Mercator: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Institut de Geográfia, Boletín, v. 2, p. 139-149.
1741.___1978, A new series of composite equalarea world map projections: International Cartographic Assn., 9th International Conference on Cartography, College Park, Maryland, Abstracts, p. 76-77.
1732. Lorgna, A.M., 1789, Principi di geografia astronomico-geometrica: Verona. [In chap. 9-11, p. 68-94, he discusses projections and independently derives the polar Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection.]
1742.___1981, Pondering projections: Amer. Geophysical Union, Eos Transactions, v. 62, no. 48, p. 1162. [Proposes his interrupted equalarea pseudocylindricals for ocean maps.]
1733. Lowry, John, 1825, Construction d’une mappemonde: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, v. 4, no. 27-32, p. 127-130.
1743.___1982, Homolinear composite equalarea world projections: U.S. Patent 4,315,747, dated Feb. 16. [Especially his S3 projection, a merging of the regular Sinusoidal with his FlatPolar Sinusoidal projections.]
1734. Loxton, John, 1980, Topographical map projections, azimuthal projections, conical projections, cylindrical projections, choice of projection, map grids, in his Practical map production: Chichester, New York, etc., John Wiley and Sons, p. 5-26.
1744.___1982, Mollweide graticule shortcomings: Amer. Geophysical Union, Eos Transactions, v. 63, p. 522.
1735.___1985, The Peters phenomenon: Cartographic Journal, v. 22, no. 2, p. 106-108.
1745. McBryde, F.W., and Thomas, P.D., 1949, Equal-area projections for world statistical maps: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec. Pub. No. 245, 44 p. [Presents flat-polar forms of sinusoidal, quartic, and parabolic pseudocylindrical projections, and two other pseudocylindricals.]
Lu, Xiaohua (See Yang and Lu.) 1736. Lucas, E.F., 1977, Transformation from local to UTM coordinates: Survey Review, v. 24, no. 183, p. 42-48. 1737.
ukasiewicz, Eugeniusz, 1958, : 3U]HJOG Geodezyjny, v. 14, no. 7, p. 253-256; no. 8, p. 301-304. [Polish. The State coordinate system of Poland.]
1746. McCaw, G.T., 1917, Report on the trigonometrical survey of Vanua Levu and Taveuni: London, Stanford. [CassiniHyperbolic projection described, p. 161.]
1747.___1921, A modified Rectangular Polyconic projection: Geographical Journal, v. 57, no. 6, p. 451-454.
1757.___1958, Conformality: Mathematical and visual: Professional Geographer, v. 10, no. 5, p. 12-13.
1748.___1930, The polyconic as a world map: 12th International Geographical Congress, Cambridge, England, Report of the Proceedings, p. 112-117.
1758.___1969, The perception of conformality of some map projections: Geographical Review, v. 59, no. 3, p. 373-387.
1749.___1938, The transverse Mercator projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 4, no. 27, p. 275-281.
1759. McKinney, W.M., 1963, Laboratory demonstrations in mathematical geography: Professional Geographer, v. 15, no. 3, p. 7-10. [Cylindrical and Gnomonic projections.]
1750.___1940, The transverse Mercator projection: A critical examination: Empire Survey Review, v. 5, no. 35, p. 285-296.
1760.___1965, The stereographic projection as a nomogram: Professional Geographer, v. 17, no. 3, p. 15-17.
1751.___1941, A map of the Empire: Empire Survey Review, v. 6, no. 41, p. 160-166. [Oblique Mercator projection.]
1761.___1969, The Wright projection: Journal of Geography, v. 68, no. 8, p. 472. [Edward Wright’s 1599 refinements of Mercator projection.]
___(See also under Close (1942).) 1752. McCullough, C.B., and Smith, H.G., 1945, Oregon uses Lambert conformal conic projection in highway surveys: Civil Engineering, v. 15, no. 5, p. 209-212. [Reprinted in Surveying and Mapping, 1946, v. 6, no. 1, p. 46-53.]
1762.___1978, A new map projection?: Journal of Geography, v. 77, no. 3, p. 114. [Peters projection.] 1763. McLeary, G.F., 1989, review of map The World issued by National Geographic Society: Meridian, no. 2, p. 25-30. [New 1988 world map on Robinson projection. Reprinted in New Zealand Cartographic Journal, 1989, v. 19, no. 2, p. 11-18.]
1753. Macdonald, R.R., 1968, An optimum continental projection: Cartographic Journal, v. 5, no. 1, p. 46-47. [Hybrid for map of Old World continents, mosaicking Rectangular Polyconic, Equidistant Conic, Bonne, and Equirectangular depending on region. See comments by Andrews, A.J., no. 2, p. 89.]
1764. MacLeod, M.N., 1938, Map projections for Africa: International Geographical Congress, Amsterdam, 1938, Comptes Rendus. Tome 2 Travaux de la Section I: Cartographie: Leiden, E.J. Brill, p. 91-97.
1754. McDonnell, P.W., Jr., 1979, Introduction to map projections: New York, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 174 p. 2nd ed., 1991: Rancho Cordova, Calif., Landmark Enterprises, 198 p.
Macón, A.M. (See Mifsut y Macón.) 1765. Maddison, Francis, 1966, Hugo Helt and the Rojas Astrolabe projection: Junta de Investigaçýes do Ultramar, Agrupamento de Estudos de Cartografia Antiga, Separatas.
McDowell, G.B. (See Harris and McDowell.) 1755. McIlroy, M.D., 1987, Projections: Mapmakers’ answers to the riddle of depicting a round earth on flat paper: Rhumbline (New York Map Society), no. 6, p. 2-11.
1766. Madwar, M.R., 1933, On the choice of a suitable projection for representing the aspect of the heavens: Egypt, Helwan Observatory, Physical Department, Bulletin no. 36.
1756. Mackay, J.R., 1954, Experiments with some symbols and map projections: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 44, no. 2, p. 225-226. [Abstract only.]
1767. Maercklein, L.A., 1968, The development of a state-wide mapping program and 103
projection-grid system: Albany, New York, New York State Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Program Analysis Bureau, 11 p. [Extended-zone Universal Transverse Mercator projection.]
English abstract. A contribution to distortion in cartography from the aspect of a map user.] 1777.___1993, Niekol’ko poznámok k problematike skreslenia na mape: Kartografické Listy, no. 1, p. 57-67. [Slovak with English abstract. Some remarks on the problem of map distortion.]
1768.___1969, The development of a statewide mapping program and projection-grid system for use with a computer-based information system: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, New York-New Jersey Div., 9th Annual Meeting, Oct. 11-12, 1968, Albany, N.Y., Proceedings, v. 2, p. 1-7. [Extended-zone Universal Transverse Mercator projection.]
1778. Malachov, N.V. [9INI[MG < ' ], 1980, Izpol’zovaniye mezhpredmetnykh svyazey pri kharakteristike proyektsiy i iskazhaniy na kartakh [%SJMNPSMGI\EW YWJKWOYWQ\V>
1769. Maes, Valère, 1901, Projection sphérique, comparée aux autres projections: Brussels, F. Larcier, 14 p.
no. 4, p. 40-42. [Russian. The use of interdisciplinary references at cartographic projections and map drawing.]
1770.___1902, Über Herstellung von Globusscheiben: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, no. 1, p. 59-63. [Effect of elliptical Earth-figure on mapping and projections for non-global maps.]
1779. Maling, D.H., 1960, A review of some Russian map projections: Empire Survey Review, v. 15, no. 115, p. 203-215; no. 116, p. 255-266; no. 117, p. 294-303. 1780.___1962, The Hammer-Aitoff projection and some modifications: Edinburgh, Univ. of Glasgow, Geography Dept., Cartographic Symposium, Proceedings, p. 41-57.
1771. Maezawa, Yoshio, 1963, [Some educational problems of map projection]: Chizu (Map), Journal of Japan Cartographers Assn., v. 1, no. 1, p. 38-43. [Japanese.]
1781.___1965, Suitable projections for maps of the visible surface of the moon: Cartographic Journal, v. 2, no. 2, p. 95-99.
1772. Maffiotti, G.B., 1901, I sistemi di proiezione nei rilevamenti catastali moderni: Rivista di Topografia e Catasto, v. 14, p. 125. [Projections and cadastral mapping.]
1782.___1966, Some notes about the Trystan Edwards projection: Cartographic Journal, v. 3, no. 2, p. 94-97.
1773. Mafis, J., 1938, Calcul du canevas de la représentation conforme de la sphère entière dans un triangle équilatéral: Bulletin Géodésique, no. 59, p. 247-256. [Conformal projection of sphere in equilateral triangle.]
1783.___1968, The terminology of map projections: International Yearbook of Cartography, v. 8, p. 11-65.
1774. Magistris, L.F. de, 1949, Sulla proiezione glóbulare di Nicolosi: Bologna, 14 Congresso Geografico Italiano, Atti, 1947, p. 516-518. [Nicolosi Globular projection.]
1784.___1973, Coordinate systems and map projections: London, George Philip, 255 p. [Reprinted 1980. 2nd ed., 1992; Oxford, Pergamon Press, 476 p.]
1775. Mainwaring, James, 1942, An introduction to the study of map projection: London, Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 113 p.
1785.___1974, Peters’ Wunderwerk: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 24, no. 4, p. 153-156. [English. Peters projection.]
1776. Makarová, Eva, 1991, K problematike skreslenia v kartografii z hl adiska uivatel a mapy: Acta Universitatis Mathei Belli, séria priorodovednà, no. 1, p. 195-212. [Slovak with
1786.___1974, A minor modification to the Cylindrical Equal-Area projection:
Geographical Journal, v. 140, no. 3, p. 509510. [Peters projection.]
1794.___1948, O sravnitel’nykh dostoinstvakh ravnougol’nykh i ravnopromezhutochnykh konicheskikh proyektsiy [- FKIG\EQWNP\V>
1787.___1974, Personal projections: Geographical Magazine, v. 46, no. 11, p. 599600. [Behrmann, Trystan Edwards, and Peters projections.]
[Russian. The comparative value of conformal and equidistant conic projections.]
1788.___1983, ‘A little, round, fat, oily man of God’: Rev Patrick Murdoch and his contributions to eighteenth-century cartography and geography: Cartographic Journal, v. 20, no. 2, p. 110-118.
1795.___1950, O naibol’shikh iskazheniyakh uglov i otsenke dostoinstv proyektsiy [-
Tekhnicheskikh i Proizvodstvennikh Statey GUGK, no. 32, Moscow. [Russian. Greatest angular distortions and estimations of the merits of projections.]
1789.___1984, Mathematical cartography, in Basic Cartography for students and technicians: International Cartographic Association, v. 1, p. 32-78.
1796. Malovichko, A.K., and Stepik, M.A. [&QWJEU 9 ) ], 1948, O vychislenii kosykh proyektsiy pri pomoshchi konformnogo preobrazovaniya pryamougol’nykh koordinat [-
1790. Malinin, S.P. [9INE\E\ & * ], 1966, Issledovaniye kartograficheskikh proyektsiy na ortodromichnost’ [%FFNWOMGI\EW
no. 6, p. 61-67. [Russian. Investigation of map projections with orthodromic properties.]
Ped. In-Ta, Uchenye Zapiski, Seriya Fiz.-Mat., no. 6. [Russian. Computations of oblique projections with the help of conformal transformations of rectangular coordinates.]
1791.___1969, Nesoosnye perspektivnotsilindricheskiye proyektsii [ ON] UIKQ JMNHLIKET]: NIIGAiK, Trudy, v. 1. [Russian. On the question of projections for maps of a hemisphere.]
1798. Mammano, Augusto, 1966, Deformazioni angolari e superficiali nelle proiezioni centrali: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 25, no. 1, p. 41-54. [Italian with English abstract. Gnomonic projection.]
1793.___1948, K voprosu o tselesoobraznosti primeneniya ravnopromezhutochnykh proyektsiy [5 GMJKMFH M ZWNWFMMKIS\MFQE
1799. Mamuzsich, L., 1956, Vetülettan. (Felsógeodéziai tanfolyam számára): Budapest. [Hungarian. Map projection concepts.]
JKEYW\W\E] KIG\MJKMYWHQM[\V> JKMWUZET*]: Sbornik Nauchno-Tekhnicheskikh i Proizvodstvennikh Statey GUGK, no. 21. [Russian. Problems of the suitability of applications of equidistant projections.]
1800. Mang, Reinhard, 1987, Zur Einführing des Gauß-Krüger-Gitternetzes in die amtlichen Österreichischen Kartenwerke. 70 Jahre Vereinbarung von Budapest (1917-1987): 105
Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, no. 129, p. 105-127. [German with English abstract.]
1809. Markushevich, A.I. [9IKUHLWGE[ ) % ], 1961, Complex numbers and conformal mapping: Delhi, Hindustan Pub. Corp., 62 p. [English translated from Russian.]
1801. Mantyla, A.W., 1982, Projection ponderings: Amer. Geophysical Union, Eos Transactions, v. 63, no. 9, p. 179. [Recommends interrupted Mollweide projection to show oceans.]
1810. Marricas, M.L.F., 1889, Sur la projection zenithale equivalente de Lambert: Lisbon, Sociedado de Geographie de Lisboa, 11 p.
1802. Mapes, C.H., 1947, A method of constructing azimuthal air charts with any selected place at the center: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 37, no. 1, p. 17-18. [Abstract only.]
1811. Mars, D., 1914, Eenige beschouwingen over de nautische kaartprojecties: Zee, v. 36, no. 4, p. 255-268. [Dutch. Continued as Eenige beschouwingen in verband met de gedaante der aarde: no. 8, p. 575-587; no. 9, p. 651-668; no. 11, p. 795-816; 1915, v. 37, no. 1, p. 8-21; no. 4, p. 193-210.]
1803. Marchant, R., 1952, Application des propríetés de la projection gnomonique à la mesure graphique des distances et des azimuts: Société Belge de Photogrammétrie, Bulletin, no. 36, p. 27-39.
1812. Marschner, F.J., 1944, Structural properties of medium- and small-scale maps: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 34, no. 1, p. 1-46.
1804.___1961, Notions sur la théorie des projections cartographiques à l’usage des agents cartographes: Brussels, Institut Géographique Militaire, 89 p.
1813. Marsengo, John, 1904, Marsengo’s projection. A new system of projection for maps and charts to determine distances between points on the surface of the earth...: Washington, R. Beresford, 3 p. [Also published 1904: Perth, Western Australia.]
1805. Marcus, C.F., 1966, The stereographic projection in vector notation: Mathematics Magazine, v. 39, no. 2, p. 100-102.
1814. Martín López, José, 1992, Peters: história de una proyección y un atlas: Mapping: Revista de Cartografía, Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Teledetección, April, special no., p. 52-65.
1806. Marelius, Nils, 1782, Om geographiska chartor: Svenska Vetenskaps Academiens nya Handlingar, v. 3, p. 249-263. [Swedish.] 1807. Marinelli, Olinto, 1899, Brevi considerazioni sull’ impiego delle curve isometriche: Rivista Geografica Italiana, v. 6, no. 7, p. 393-402.
1815. Martorell Otzet, Ramón, 1946, La proyección gnomónica sobre el horizonte de Ciudad Trujillo: Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Rep., Instituto Geográfico y Geológico, Publicaciónes de la Universidad de Santo Domingo, v. 39, no. 2, 131 p. [Oblique Gnomonic projection.]
1808. Markov, André, 1895, O naivygodneyshikh izobrazheniyakh nekotoroy chasti dannoy poverkhnosti vrashcheniya na ploskosti [- \IEGVXMO\WTLE> ESMKIW\E]>
1816. Martynenko, A.I. [9IKQV\W\UM ) % ], 1965, O vozmozhnosti programmirovaniya protsessa sozlaniya matematicheskoy i geodezicheskoy osnovy topograficheskoy karty [- GMSYM\MFQE JKMXKIYYEKMGI\E] JKMZWFFI
[St. Petersburg], Izvestiya, series 5, v. 2, no. 3, p. 177-187. [Russian. On the most suitable representations onto planes, of some part of a given surface of rotation.]
FMSNI\E] YIQWYIQE[WFUMT E XWMOWSE[WFUMT MF\MGV QMJMXKIDE[WFUMT UIKQV*]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 2, p. 50-55. [Russian. On the possibility of programming the process of
Marks, Robert (See Fuller and Marks.)
creating mathematical and geodetic bases of topographic maps.]
75 p. [Portuguese. Gauss Conformal Transverse Mercator projection.]
1817.___1966, Avtomaticheskiy sposob sozdaniya matematicheskoy osnovy kart [)GQMYIQE[WFUET FJMFM FMSOI\E] YIQWYIQE[WFUMT MF\MGV UIKQ]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 1, p. 57-67. [Russian. An automatic method of creating the mathematical bases of maps.]
1824.___1946, Uma projeção conforme adequada ao mapa geral do Brasil: Revista Brasileira de Geografia, v. 8, no. 1, p. 119-124. [Portuguese with English abstract. Oblique conformal conic projection.] 1825. Maurer, Bertram, 1988, Karten − Abbild der Welt: Kultur und Technik, v. 3, p. 182-183.
1818.___1967, Avtomatizatsiya protsessa sozdaniya matematicheskoy osnovy kart [)GQMYIQESIZE] JKMZWFFI FMSOI\E] YIQWYIQE[WFUMT MF\MGV UIKQ]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 51-54. [Russian. Translated to English as Automation of the process of producing the mathematical base of maps: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1967, no. 4, p. 230-231.]
1826. Maurer, Hans, 1905, Eine neue graphische Azimut- und Kurs-Tafel und eine winkeltreue Kartenprojektion: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 33, no. 3, p. 125-130. [See also no. 7, p. 323.] 1827.___1905, Über Auflösung von PoldreiecksAufgaben durch Diagramme, die auf zenitalen Kartenprojektionen beruhen: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 33, no. 8, p. 355-367.
1819. Marussi, Antonio, 1951, Determinazione a priori del modulo di deformazione lineare nella rappresentazione conforme di Gauss: Rome, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisichi, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, series 8, v. 11.
1828.___1911, Gegenazimutale Projektionen: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 57-1, no. 5, p. 255256. [Retroazimuthal projections.] 1829.___1911, Neue Weltkarte zur Darstellung der Isogonen: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 57-2, no. 2, p. 91-92.
1820.___1959, Une nouvelle position dans la théorie des cartes géographiques: Brussels, Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Communications, no. 152 (Series Géophysique, no. 49), 7 p.
1830.___1914, Die Definitionen in der Kartenentwurfslehre im Anschluß an die Begriffe zenital, azimutal und gegenazimutal: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 60-2, Aug., p. 6167; Sept., p. 116-121. [Presents Two-Point Azimuthal projection. See also Hammer (1915).]
1821. Marvin, C.F., and others, 1929, Projections for world maps: Monthly Weather Review, v. 57, no. 4, p. 127-136. [“Others” are Cahill (1929) and Goode (1929, A new...). Marvin notes are on p. 127.]
1831.___1919, Das winkeltreue gegenazimutale Kartennetz nach Littrow (Weirs Azimutdiagramm): Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 47, no. 1-2, p. 14-22.
Mathur, S. (See Laurila, Mathur, and Li.) 1822. Matthieu, P., 1898, Eine neue Anwendung der orthographischen Aequatorialprojektion in der Nautik: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 26, no. 9, p. 359-362. [Orthographic projection.]
1832.___1919, „Doppelbüschelstrahlige, orthodromische“ statt „doppelazimutale, gnomonische“ Kartenentwürfe. Doppelmittabstandstreue Kartogramme. (Bemerkungen zu den Aufsätzen von W. Immler und H. Thorade. Ann. d. Hydr. usw 1919, S. 22 und 35.): Annalen der Hydrographie und
1823. Mattos, A.H. de, 1941, Teoria e pratica da projeção conforme de Gauss: Rio de Janiero, Oficinas Graficas, “Revista Medica Brasileira”, 107
Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 47, no. 3-4, p. 7578. [Two-Point Azimuthal and Two-Point Equidistant projections. See Immler (1919) and Thorade (1919).]
Meteorologie, v. 66, no. 4, p. 190-194. [Conformal projections.] 1841.___1939, Kartennetze für meteorologische zwecke; allgemeine Weltkarten; neuartige breitenkreistreue (äquiparallele) Weltkarten: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 67, no. 4, p. 177-192.
1833.___1919, Kann die Winkeltreue in Einzelpunkten winkeltreuer Karten fehlen?: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 47, no. 9-10, p. 212-223.
1842.___1939, Ist die Winkeltreue des als Erdkarte aufgefassten Weirschen Azimutdiagramms selbstverständlich?: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 67, no. 2, p. 101-103.
1834.___1919, Zenitale und azimutale Abbildungen: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, no. 3-4, p. 164-168. 1835.___1922, Über Bezeichnungen von Kartenentwürfen, insbesondere über doppelsymmetrische unecht-abstandstreue Weltkarten mit Pol-Punkten: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, no. 3-4, p. 115126.
1843.___1939, Kegelgerade oder Kartengerade?: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 67, no. 2, p. 103105. [Relates Littrow, Weir, and Maurer projection studies, referring to his earlier papers (see nos. 1573 and 1575).]
1836.___1925, Schiefachsige und querachsige Karten-Abbildungen: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 54, p. 142ff.
1844.___1942, Azimutgleichenkarten: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 70, no. 1, p. 26-31.
1837.___1929, Loxodrome und Mercatorprojektion: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 58, p. 257-259.
___(See also under Wedemeyer (1919, Karten...; 1919, Das....).)
1838.___1935, Ebene Kugelbilder: Ein Linnésches System der Kartenentwürfe: Petermanns Mitteilungen, Ergänzungsheft no. 221, 87 p. [Translated to English by Peter Ludwig as Plane globe projection − a Linnean system of map projection, with editing and foreword by William Warntz, Harvard Papers in Theoretical Geography, Geography and the Properties of Surfaces series, paper no. 23, 1968, 224 p. Extensive discussion of existing projections and several new ones. See also Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, 1938, v. 66, no. 4, p. 194 for corrections. See also review by Kohlschütter, Ernst, in Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, 1936, no. 7-8, p. 278-281.]
1845. Mayer, J.T., 1794, Vollständige und gründliche Anweisung zur Verzeichnung der Land- See- und Himmelscharten und der Netze zu Coniglabren und Kugeln: Erlangen, J.J. Plam. [Vol. 4 of his Gründlicher und Ausführlicher unterricht zur Praktischen Geometrie. Rev. 1801, 1815.]
1839.___1936, Über winkeltreue in Kartenentwürfen: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 64, no. 10, p. 421-433. [Conformal projections.]
1848. Mayr, Franz, 1964, Flächentreue Plattkarten. Eine bisher vernachlässigte Gruppe unechter Zylinderprojektionen: International Yearbook of Cartography, v. 4, p. 13-19. [German with English abstract. His equal-area pseudocylindrical projection, a mean of the Cylindrical Equal-Area and the Sinusoidal.]
1846.___1826-27, Volledige en grondige handleiding tot het teekenen van land-, zee- en hemelkaarten, en van netten tot coniglobiën en globen...: Amsterdam, G. Portielje. [Dutch.] 1847. Mayerne Turquet, Louis de, 1648, Discours sur la carte universelle, en laquelle le globe terrestre est entierement...: Paris, 78 p.
1840.___1938, Winkeltreue Kartennetze: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen 108
1849. Mayr, W., 1961, Zur perspektivischen Flächenabbildung: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 86, no. 6, p. 194-197.
1856.___1990, The need for projection parameters in a GIS environment: First European Conference on Geographical Information Systems, Amsterdam, Apr. 10-13, Proceedings, p. 762-769.
1850. [Mead, Bradock, alias John Green], 1717, The construction of maps and globes. In two parts: First, contains the various ways of projecting maps, exhibited in fifteen different methods, with their uses; second, treats of making divers sorts of globes: London, T. Horne [et alia], 216 p. [Map projection construction described p. 1-117.]
1857.___1994, De wassende breedten van Mercator: Caert-Thresoor, v. 13, no. 1, p. 1217. [Dutch.] 1858. Melluish, R.K., 1931, An introduction to the mathematics of map projections: Cambridge, Eng., University Press, 158 p.
1851. Meade, B.K., 1987, Program for computing Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates for latitudes north or south and longitudes east and west: Surveying and Mapping, v. 47, no. 1, p. 37-49. [See corrections, 1987, v. 47, no. 3, p. 240, and 1988, v. 48, no. 1, p. 44-45.]
1859. Melnikova, T.N. [9WN\EUMGI 1 < ], 1954, [The mathematical basis of Russian maps of the 18th century]: Geograficheskiy Sbornik, v. 3, p. 117-130. [Russian. Translated by J.R. Gibson to English in Canadian Cartographer, 1969, v. 6, no. 2, p. 91-104. Discussion of projections used, p. 101-102.]
1852. Mehedinti, S., 1899, Ueber die kartographische Induktion... Inaugural dissertation: Leipzig, Sellman and Herme, 52 p.
1860. Mena Berrios, Juan, 1992, Sistema de proyección U.T.M.: programa par el cálculo automático de transformaciones: Mapping: Revista de Cartografía, Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Teledetección, no. 5, p. 28-46.
1853. Mehlbreuer, Alfred, and Beineke, H.D., 1981, MAPNET − ein Programm zur Berechnung und Zeichnung van Kartennetzen, in 50 Jahre Photogrammetrie an der TU Berlin: Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, p. 157191.
1861. Mendeleyev, D.I. [9W\OWNWWG / % ], 1907, K poznanyu Rossi [5 JMS\I\ +MFFE*]: Akademiya Nauk [St. Petersburg], Izvestiya, series 6, v. 1, p. 141-157. [Russian. Introduces his version of equidistant conic projection; one of the standard parallels is the pole.]
1854. Mehlbreuer, Alfred, and König, Gerhard, 1983, Software-Entwicklungen zur rechnergestützten Kartographie an der Technischen Universität Berlin: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, series 1, no. 92, p. 83-93. [German with English abstract.]
Mepham, M.P. (See Thomson, Mepham, and Steeves.) 1862. Mercator, Gerardus, 1569, Nova et aucta orbis terrae descriptio ad usum navigantium emendate accommodata: Duisburg, Ger. [Latin. A new and enlarged description of the Earth with corrections for use in navigation. 1.3 by 2 meter map. Contains description of his conformal cylindrical projection as used for this map.]
Meine, Karl-Heinz (See Kosack and Meine.) 1855. Mekenkamp, P.G.M., 1989, A geometric communication format for cartographic data interchange: Paper presented at 14th International Cartographic Conference, Budapest, 8 p. [Choosing map projections. Published in Dutch with English abstract as Naar een geometrisch kommunikatie-formaat voor de kartografie: Kartografisch Tijdschrift, 1989, v. 15, no. 3, p. 49-52, 74.]
1863. Merkel, Heinrich, 1952, Die allgemeine perspektivische Abbildung der Erdkugel, in Festschrift Eduard Dolezal: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Sonderheft 14, p. 169-182. 109
1871.___1960, Novyy sposob vychisleniya kosykh konformnykh proyektsiy [ UM\DMKY\V> JKMWUZET*]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 79-91. [Russian. New treatment of the calculation of oblique conformal projections.]
1864.___1956, 1958, Grundzüge der Kartenprojektionslehre: v. 1, Die theoretischen Grundlagen, 1956, 39 p.; v. 2, Abbildungsverfahren, 1958, 80 p.: Munich, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 39 p. [Fundamentals of map projections: v. 1, The theoretical basis; v. 2, Methods of representation.]
1872.___1961, Osnovy geneticheskoy klassifikatsii kartograficheskikh proyektsiy (V poryadke obsuzhdeniya) [-F\MGV XW\WQE[WFUMT
1865. Merriman, A.D., 1947, An introduction to map projections: London, G.G. Harrup, 112 p.
Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 109-118. [Russian. Principles of the genetic classification of cartographic projections. See also comments by Pavlov, A.A., 1963: Geodesy and Aerophotography, no. 3, p. 177-179 (translated to English from above Russian journal, 1963, no. 3, p. 139-142).]
1866. Meshcheryakov, G.A. [9WRWK]UMG 8 ) ], 1958, Obobshcheniye ponyatiya stereograficheskoy proyektsii [-MRW\EW JM\]QE] FQWKWMXKIDE[WFUMT JKMWUZEE*]: NIIGAiK, Trudy, v. 11, p. 87-102. [Russian. Generalization of the concept of a Stereographic projection.]
1873.___1961, Postanovka problemy o nailuchshikh ekvivalentnykh proyektsiyakh [*MFQI\MGUI JKMNWYV M \IENH[LE>
UGEGINW\Q\V> JKMWUZE]>]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 91-101. [Russian. Formulation of the problem of the best equivalent projections.]
1867.___1958, O postroyenii obshchey teorii proyektsiy Eylera [- JMFQKMW\EE MRWT QWMKEE JKMWUZET TNWKI*]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 111-113. [Russian. Construction of the general theory of the Euler projection.] 1868.___1959, Obshchaya teoriya proyektsiy Eylera [-RI] QWMKE] JKMWUZET TNWKI]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 93-103. [Russian. General theory of the Euler projection. Also in Inz.-Stroitel’n. Fakulteta Chelyabinskogo Politekhn. Inst., Trudy, 1959, v. 2, p. 41-53.]
1874.___1961, O novykh ekstremal’nykh problemakh [- \MGV> UFQKWYINP\V> JKMNWYI>*]: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Doklady, v. 136, no. 5, p. 1026-1029. [Russian. New extremal problems.] 1875.___1962, O nailuchshikh ekvivalentnykh proyektsiyakh [- \IENH[LE> UGEGINW\Q\V> JKMWUZE]>*]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 115-125. [Russian. Translated to English as The best equal-area projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1962, no. 2, p. 132-137.]
1869.___1959, Postroyeniye teorii konformnykh proyektsiy [*MFQKMW\EW QWMKEE UM\DMKY\V> JKMWUZET*]: NIIGAiK, Trudy, Aerofotos”yemki i Kartografii, v. 12. [Russian. The development of conformal projection theory.]
1876.___1963, Obobshcheniye sistemy EyleraUrmayeva [-MRW\EW FEFQWYV TNWKIB (KYIWGI*]: NIIGAiK, Trudy, v. 17, no. 1, p. 6373. [Russian. Generalization of the EulerUrmayev systems.]
1870.___1959, K teorii perspektivnykh proyektsiy [5 QWMKEE JWKFJWUQEG\V> JKMWUZET*]: Inz.-Stroitel’n. Fakulteta Chelyabinskogo Politekhn. Inst., Trudy, v. 2, p. 54-56. [Russian. Theory of perspective projections.]
1877.___ 1963, O konformnom otobrazhenii poverkhnostey na ploskost’ [- UM\DMKY\MY 110
MQMKIW\EE JMGWK>\MFQWT \I JNMFUMFQP*]: 1884. Mettler, Jacobo, 1937, Por que la proyección Gauss-Krüger conviene al territorio Argentino: Buenos Aires, (lst) Conferencia Argentina de Coordinación Cartográfica, p. 9196.
NIIGAiK, Trudy, v. 17, no. 1, p. 75-79. [Russian. The conformal representation of surfaces on a plane.] 1878.___1964, Vychisleniye na TsAM varianta nailuchshey eylerovoy proyektsii ['V[EFNW\EW
\I :)9 GIKEI\QI \IENH[LWT TNWKMGMT JKMWUZEE]: NIIGAiK, Trudy, v. 17, no. 2, p. 75-
1885.___1955, La proyección Gauss-Krüger: Revista Cartotopográfica Argentina, v. 1, no. 4, p. 8-12.
94 (Cartography). [Russian. Calculation of the best Eulerian projection with a digital computer.]
1886. Meyer, O.L., 1913, Einführung in die Kartenkunde mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Arbeiten der königl. Preußischen Landesaufnahme: Habelschwerdt, J. Wolf, 126 p.
1879.___1965, K probleme naivygodneyshikh kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [5 JKMNWYW
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 115-127. [Russian. Translated to English as The problem of choosing the most advantageous projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1965, no. 4, p. 263-268.]
1887. Meyer, Ueli, 1985, Praktische Erfahrungen bei der Umprojektion von Karten mit dem WILD Orthophotogerät OR-1 und dem Programm SORA-MP: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 35, no. 4, p. 140-144.
1880.___1965, Ob osnovnykh uravneniyakh matematicheskoy kartografii [- MF\MG\V>
1888. Michalik, Kazimierz, 1971, Kryterium okrelenia wielkoci obszarów aproksymowanych afinicznie w problemie afinicznogo przenoszenia treci z jednej mapy na druga: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 20, no. 2, p. 89-101. [Polish with French abstract. Criterion for defining the range of scale of affine approximation in the problem of transformation from one map to another.]
HKIG\W\E]> YIQWYIQE[WFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE*]: NIIGAiK, Trudy, v. 18, no. 2, p. 65-75. [Russian. Basic equations of mathematical cartography.] 1881.___1967, O sobremennykh zadachakh matematicheskoy kartografii [- FMKWYW\\V> SIOI[I> YIQWYIQE[WFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE*]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, v. 20, p. 75-83. [Russian. Present-day problems of mathematical cartography.]
1889. Michels, F.W., 1959, Drie nieuwe kaartvormen: Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrujkskundig Genootschap, Tidjschrift, v. 76, p. 203-209. [Dutch with English abstract. Three new map shapes.]
1882.___1968, Teoreticheskiye osnovy matematicheskoy kartografii [1WMKWQE[WFUEW
1890. Mielecke, W., 1957, Zur Projektion der künftigen geologischen Karten der DDR: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie, v. 3, no. 7, p. 310-312.
[Russian. Theoretical foundations of mathematical cartography.] 1883. Meshcheryakov, G.A., and Topchilov, M.A. [1MJ[ENMG 9 ) ], 1970, O novykh klassakh kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [-
1891. Mifsut y Macón, Arturo, 1905, Geodesia y cartografia...: Madrid: Talleres del Depósito de la guerra, 821 p. [Chap. 2 has an extensive discussion of projections.]
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 98-106. [Russian. Translated to English as New classes of cartographic projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1970, no. 2, p. 119-123.]
1892. Mikhaylov, A.A. [9E>ITNMG ) ) ], 1913, O proyektsiyakh na sekushchem konuse, sokhranyayushchikh razmery po meridianam [-
KISYWKV JM YWKEOEI\IY*]: Otchet Moskov, O-
1901.___1955, Specifications for a projection system for mapping continuously Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australasia on a scale of 1:5,000,000: New York, American Geographical Society. Contract report to Army Map Service, May 1955. Also corrections in letter by Miller, June 2, 1955, and Supplement, January 31, 1956. [Extends his Oblated Stereographic projection to most landmasses of Eastern Hemisphere. See note in Geographical Review, 1956, v. 46, no. 2, p. 258.]
va Lyubiteley Astronomii za 1912-1913 gg. M., p. 46-56. [Russian. Secant conic projections at constant scale on the meridians.] 1893.___1953, O naivygodneyshikh proyektsiyakh dlya zvezdnykh kart [-
\IEGVXMO\WVLE> JKMWUZE]> ON] SGWSO\V> UIKQ*]: Glavnaya Astronomicheskaya Observatoriya v Pulkove, Izvestiya, v. 19, no. 3 (150), p. 1-11. [Russian. Optimal projections for star maps.]
1902.___1962, Map projections: Encyclopædia Britannica, 15th ed., v. 14, p. 841-844. [Reprinted to 1972. Text less than one page by others in later editions.]
1894.___1982, O proyektsiyakh zvezdnykh kart [- JKMWUZE]> SGWSO\V> UIKQ*]: Pisyma v Astron. Zhurnal, v. 8, no. 1, p. 60-62. [Russian. On projections for star maps.]
1903.___1965, Some equivalent map projection transformations in the plane: Survey Review, v. 18, no. 136, p. 73-77.
1895.___1983, O ravnopromezhutochnykh proyektsiyakh kart [- KIG\MJKMYWHQM[\V> JKMWUZE]> UIKQ]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 7, p. 42-44. [Russian. On equidistant map projections.]
___(See also Fisher and Miller.) 1904. Miller, Robert, and Reddy, Francis, 1987, Mapping the world in Pascal: BYTE, v. 12, no. 14, p. 329-334.
1896. Mikhaylov, A.I. [9E>ITNMG ) % ], 1940, Proizvol’naya psevdotsilindricheskaya proyektsiya dlya kart mira [*KMESGMNP\I]
JFWGOMZENE\KE[WFUI] JKMWUZE] ON] UIKQ YEKI*]: Geodezist, no. 6. [Russian. An
1897. Military Engineer, 1953, New oblique equal-area projection of the world: v. 45, no. 304, p. 133-134. [Briesemeister projection.]
1905. Miller, Ronald, 1948, Map projections of the entire sphere: Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 64, no. 3, p. 113-122. [Proposes equirectangular and equidistant pseudocylindrical projections of particular shapes, the latter identical with one of Winkel (1921), as acknowledged by Miller, 1951: Geography, v. 36, pt. 4, p. 270.]
1898. Miller, O.M., 1941, A conformal map projection for the Americas: Geographical Review, v. 31, no. 1, p. 100-104. [Presents Bipolar Oblique Conic Conformal projection.]
1906.___1949, Orthographic hemispheres centred on Edinburgh and its antipode: Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 65, no. 3, p. 138139.
1899.___1942, Notes on cylindrical world map projections: Geographical Review, v. 32, no. 3, p. 424-430. [Presents his cylindrical projection. See also 1943, v. 33, p. 328-329.]
1907.___1949, An equi-rectangular map projection: Geography, v. 34, pt. 4, p. 196-201. [Standard parallels 50°28′ N. and S. See also correction, 1951, v. 36, pt. 4, p. 270.]
1900.___1953, A new conformal projection for Europe and Asia [sic; should read Africa]: Geographical Review, v. 43, no. 3, p. 405-409. [Presents his Oblated Stereographic projection as applied to Europe and Africa only.]
1908. Milnor, John, 1969, A problem in cartography: Amer. Mathematical Monthly, v. 76, no. 10, p. 1101-1112. [A method of minimizing distortion.]
arbitrary pseudocylindrical projection for world maps.]
1909. Minow, Helmut, 1983, 100 Jahre Internationaler Nullmeridian von Greenwich: Vermessungsingenieur, v. 34, p. 113-115.
1918.___1805, Ueber die vom Prof. Schmidt in Gießen in der zweyten Abtheilung seines Handbuchs der Naturlehre S. 595 angegebene Projection der Halbkugelfläche: Zach’s Monatliche Correspondenz zur Beförderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde, v. 12, Aug., p. 152163. [Presents the Mollweide pseudocylindrical equal-area projection. See Schmidt, G.G. (1801-03).]
Misar, Karin (See Kweta and Misar.) 1910. Mitchell, H.C., and Simmons, L.G., 1945, The State coordinate systems (a manual for surveyors): U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec. Pub. 235, 62 p. 1911. Mitchell, S.A., [1871], The hemispheres in homolographic projections, in his Mitchell’s new outline maps: Philadelphia, E.H. Butler and Sons.
1919.___1806, Beweis, daß die Bonne’sche Entwurfungsart die Länder ihrem Flächeninhalte auf der Kugelfläche gemäß darstellt: Zach’s Monatliche Correspondenz zur Beförderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde, v. 13, Feb., p. 144-152.
1912. Mladenovska, P., 1979, Prilosheniye na chisleniya analiz za polucavane na novi kartografski proyekchii: Geodeziya, Kartografiya i Zemeustroystvo, v. 19, no. 4, p. 30-33. [Bulgarian. Numerical analysis application in producing new cartographic projections.]
1920.___1806, Analytische Theorie der stereographischen Projection: Zach’s Monatliche Correspondenz zur Beförderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde, v. 14, Nov., p. 427437; Dec., p. 528-539. 1921.___1807, Beytrag zu der trigonometrischen Differenzenrechnung, in Bezeihung auf Delambre’s Méthodes analytiques pour la détermination d’un arc du Méridien: Zach’s Monatliche Correspondenz zur Beförderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde, v. 15, May, p. 441-451.
1913.___1981, [Application of the Lagrange formula for the transformation of coordinates]: Geodeziya, Kartografiya i Zemeustroystvo, v. 21, no. 5, p. 12-14. [Bulgarian.] 1914. Möckel, Werner, 1976, Kartennetze für die gesamte Erdoberfläche: Dresden, Ingenieurschule für Geodäsie und Kartographie, pt. 1: Grundlagen, no. 1, 28 p.; pt. 2: Anwendungen, no. 1, 51 p.
1922.___1807, Einege Projectionsarten der sphäroidischen Erde: Zach’s Monatliche Correspondenz zur Beförderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde, v. 16, Sept., p. 197-210.
1915. Mohr, K.F., 1865, Ueber eine neue Art der Projection für Land-Karten: Verein der Preußischen Rheinlande und Westphalens, Verhandlungen des Natur-historischen, year 22, series 3, 1st half, p. 14-18.
1923. Monier, R.B., 1959, Globes, projections, and maps in Military aspects of world political geography: Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., p. 20-37. 1924. Moriarty, T.F., and Worley, W.J., 1968, The conformal mapping of the interior of the unit circle onto the interior of a class of smooth curves: Urbana, Univ. of Illinois, Dept. of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, report no. 315, 45 p.
1916. Möllinger, Oskar, 1882, Lehrbuch der wichtigsten Kartenprojektionen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der stereographischen, Bonne’schen und Mercatorprojektion: Zürich, Caesar Schmidt, 142 p. 1917. Mollweide, C.B., 1805, Mappirungskunst des Claudius Ptolemaeus, ein Beytrag zur Geschichte der Landkarten: Zach’s Monatliche Correspondenz zur Beförderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde, v. 11, Apr., p. 319-340; June, p. 504-514; v. 12, July, p. 13-22.
1925. Morozov, V.P. [9MKMSMG ' * ], 1962, K voprosu o konformnom izobrazhenii ellipsoida na share [5 GMJKMFH M UM\DMKY\MY ESMKIW\EE NNEJFMEOI \I LIKW*]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. 113
Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 3-18. [Russian. Translated to English as The problem of the conformal projection of an ellipsoid on a sphere: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1962, no. 4, p. 215-221.]
1931. Moszner, Zenon, 1962, O pewnych odwzorowaniach izopowierzchniowych: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 11, no. 3-4, p. 243246. [Polish with French abstract. On some isosuperficial projections.]
___(See also under Letoval’tsev, 1968.)
1932. Motta, Giuseppe, 1972, Una carta d’Italia in proiezione conica equivalente di Lambert: Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, Bollettino, no. 26, p. 17-21.
1926. Morozova, L.Ya. [9MKMSMGI . = ], 1959, Vychisleniye koordinat dlya postroyeniya kartsetki v perspektivno-konicheskoy ortograficheskoy proyektsii po gotovym formulam ['V[EFNW\EW UMMKOE\IQ ON]
1933. Mottelay, P.F., 1922, Mercator’s projection: The just claim of the English mathematician, Edward Wright, in his Bibliographical History of Electricity and Magnetism: London, C. Griffin, p. 559-564.
Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, Zapiski, v. 49, no. 12, p. 133-140. [Russian. Coordinate calculation for the construction of map graticules in perspective conic orthographic projection with prepared formulas.]
1934. Mountaine, William, 1758, A short dissertation on maps and charts: Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions, v. 50, p. 563ff. [Discusses Mercator (Wright) and Murdoch projections. Reprinted in abridged Philosophical Transactions: London, C. and R. Baldwin, 1809, v. 11, p. 218-220.]
1927. Morris, J.A., 1975, Peters projection, in The peoples almanac: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 2 unnumbered pages including map between p. 266-267. [Peters projection. Reprint of article in the Los Angeles Times].
1935. Mours, E.M.A. de, 1946, Elementos de cartografia, construçáo de redes cartográficas: Lisbon, Depositária, Livraria Didáctica, 78 p. [Portuguese.]
Morris, W.F. (See Parsons and Morris.)
1936. Mouths, F.E., 1912, ...Linienmessung auf Karten: Stuttgart, Strecker & Schröder, 105 p.
1928. Morrison, G.J., 1901, Maps, their uses and construction. A short popular treatise on the advantages and defects of maps on various projections...: London, Edward Stanford, 110 p. [Rev. ed., 1911. Also translated to Russian by D.V. Roitman, 1907: St. Petersburg, 127 p.]
1937. Muehrcke, P.C., 1978, Map projections, in his Map use − reading, analysis, and interpretation: Madison, Wis., JP Publications, p. 417-430. [2nd ed., 1986, p. 457-474.]
Morrison, J.L. (See Robinson, Morrison, Muehrcke, Kimerling, and Guptill; Robinson, Sale, and Morrison; Robinson, Sale, Morrison, and Muehrcke.)
___(See also Hilliard, Bavolu, and Muehrcke; Robinson, Morrison, Muehrcke, Kimerling, and Guptill; Robinson, Sale, Morrison, and Muehrcke.)
1929. Moser, Christian, 1887, Über Gebilde, welche durch Fixation einer sphärischen Curve und Fortbewegung des Projectionscentrums entstehen: Bern, K.J. Wyss, 31 p.
1938. Mugnier, C.J., 1982, Mathematical basis of the Laborde projection of Madagascar: manuscript, 15 p.
1930. Moser, Werner, 1978, Mathematische Erdkunde. Berechnung der Breitenkreise und der Geschwindigkeit daraufliegender Punkte als Folge der Erddrehung: Schweizerische Lehreizeitung, v. 123, no. 6, p. 210-211.
___(See also under Snyder (1982, Map projections used...).) 1939. Mulford, R.A., 1987, Fun with stereographic projections: Sky and Telescope, v.
74, no. 4, p. 407-408. [Computer plotting for star maps.]
1950.___[ca. 1982], The Peters projection: World press, professional press: 35 p. [Undated news clippings.]
1940. Müller, A. von, 1910, Karte der Hauptazimute und der Entfernungen der Erdorte von gegebener Station aus: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 56-2, no. 5, p. 263-264.
1951. Muramatsu, Yoshio, 1965, [Charts – their projections and scales]: Chizu (Map), Journal of Japan Cartographers Assn., v. 3, no. 3, p. 19-22. [Japanese with English abstract.]
1941. Müller, B., 1991, Kartenprojektionen des dreiachsigen Ellipsoides: Department of Geodetic Science, Stuttgart University, Stuttgart, Ger., Master’s thesis.
1952.___1968, [Today’s aeronautical charts and their projections]: Chizu (Map), Journal of Japan Cartographers Assn., v. 6, no. 2, p. 29-33. [Japanese with English abstract.]
1942. Müller, F.J., 1905, Ein neu Netzentwurf für topographische Karten: Süddeutsche Techniker-Zeitung. [Discussed by Hammer (1906). A modified oblique cylindrical projection.]
1953. Murchison, R.I., 1857, New geometrical projection of two-thirds of a sphere, in his Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London, ... 25th May, 1857: Royal Geographical Society, Journal, v. 27, p. cxli-cxlii. [Oblique perspective projection by Henry James. Also in Royal Geographical Society, Proceedings, 1857, v. 1, p. 421-422.]
1943.___1907, Abbildung eines Sphäroidstreifens auf die Ebene (Nebst einem Zusatz von E. Hammer): Zeitschrift Geometerver., v. 10, p. 217-243; v. 11, p. 229231.
1954. Murdoch, Patrick, 1741, Mercator’s sailing applied to the true figure of the earth, with an introduction concerning the discovery and determination of that figure: London, printed for A. Millar, 38 p.
1944. Muller, Jean-Claude, 1978, The mapping of travel time in Edmonton, Alberta: Canadian Geographer, v. 22, no. 3, p. 195-210. 1945.___1980, The geometry of possible/impossible maps: AUTO-CARTO IV, Reston, Va., Proceedings, v. 1, p. 63-76.
1955.___1758, On the best form of geographical maps: Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions, v. 50, no. 2, p. 553-562. [Presents two equidistant and one perspective conic projections. Reprinted in abridged Philosophical Transactions: London, C. and R. Baldwin, 1809, v. 11, p. 215-218.]
1946.___1983, Die nichteuklidische Darstellung funktionaler Räume: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 33, no. 1, p. 10-19. Müller-Reinhard, J. (See Averdunk and MüllerReinhard.)
1956. Murdych, Zdenek, 1980, Nektere moznosti kartografickeho vyjadrovani socialnegeografickych jevu s pouzitim promenlivych meritek: Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica, suppl. 15, p. 177-185. [Czech. Some possibilities of cartographic presentation of social geographic phenomena with the use of variable scales.]
1947. Müller, Roberto, 1937, La proyección Gauss-Krüger, en la definición de los limites de la propiedad publica y privada: Buenos Aires, (1st) Conferencia Argentina de Coordinación Cartografica, p. 97-103. 1948.___1955, Actualización del problema de la proyección Gauss-Krúger: Revista Cartotopográfica Argentina, v. 1, no. 2, p. 1921.
1957. Murevskis, V.O. [9HKWGFUEF ' - ], 1975, O novoy ravnovelikoy proyektsii dlya kart mirovogo okeana [- \MGMT KIG\MGWNEUMT JKMWUZET ON] UIKQ YEKMGMXM MUWI\I*]: Kolsbaniya urovnya Mirovogo okeana i vopr. mor. geomorfol., Nauka, p. 136-142. [Russian.
1949. München-Solln, Universum-Verlag, [1980], Die Peters-Projektion im Urteil der Fachwelt: 20 p. 115
New equal-area projections for maps of the world ocean.]
1966. Nehari, Zeev, 1952, Conformal mapping: New York, McGraw-Hill, 396 p. [Reprinted by Dover Publications, 1975, 416 p.]
1958. Murphy, B.T., 1972, The accuracy of grid coordinates and reverse grid bearings calculated on the Transverse Mercator projection from grid bearing and spheroidal distance: Australian Surveyor, v. 24, no. 4, p. 238-255.
1967. Neis, B., 1943, Die Lambertsche winkeltreue Kegelprojektion als Netz für meteorologische Arbeitswetterkarten: Meteorologische Zeitschrift, v. 60, no. 6, p. 204211.
1959. Myers, D., 1969, An investigation of map projections for use in lunar cartography: Columbus, Ohio State University, Master’s thesis, 70 p.
1968. Nel, A., 1965, Kaartprojeksies volgens die nuwe leerplan: Journal for Geography, v. 2, no. 7, p. 60-68. [Afrikaans. Map projections following the new syllabus.]
Mik, Hans von (See under Hopfner (1938).) 1960. Naelten, M. van, and Sadza, K., 1979, Mercator. Handboek bij een vereenvoudigd aanstuurprogramma voor automatische kartografie: Nijmegen, Geografisch en Planologiscg Institut, 53 p. (Nijmeegse planologische Cahiers. 10.) [Dutch. A handbook for a simplified introductory program for automated cartography.]
1969. Nell, A.M., 1852, Vorschlag zu einer neuen charten Projektion: Mainz, Inauguralschrift..., F. Kupferberg. [Combines al-BÇrÖnÇ or Nicolosi Globular and equatorial Stereographic projections.] 1970.___1885-86, Fischers perspektivische Projektion zur Darstellung der Kontinente: Petermanns Mitteilungen, 1885, v. 31, no. 8, p. 295-297; 1886, v. 32, no. 8, p. 247-248.
Nagai, Nobuo (See under Robinson, Sale, and Morrison.)
1971.___1890, Äquivalente Kartenprojektionen: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 36, no. 4, p. 93-98. [Presents equal-area combination of Bonne and Lambert Conical Equal-Area projections. Also in Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 1890, v. 19, no. 21, p. 577-588.]
1961. Nagy, Dezsö, 1990, The Lambert Conformal Conic projection: A short algorithm to calculate the direct and inverse transform: CISM Journal ACSGC, v. 44, no. 2, p. 158-164. 1962. National Mapping Council of Australia, 1968, The Australian map grid; technical manual: Canberra, 84 p.
1972. Németh, Ferenc, 1957, Nomogrammok használata vetületi átszámításokhoz: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 9, no. 4, p. 279-282. [Hungarian with French abstract. Nomograph for transformation of projection coordinates.]
1963. Nazarov, V.N. [ UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET \I '9]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i
Aerofotos”yemka, no. 1, p. 123-130. [Russian. Translated to English as Computation of some cartographic projections on electronic computers: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1966, no. 1, p. 55-58.]
___(See also under Graur; Meshcheryakov (1961, Osnovy...).) 2073. Pavlova, O.A. [*IGNMGI - ) ], 1970, Perspektivnye azimutal’nye i tsilindricheskiye proyektsii s pozitivnym izobrazheniyem zemnoy poverkhnosti i ikh primeneniye dlya sostavleniya kart i geograficheskoy privyazki kosmicheskikh fotografiy zemli [*WKFJWUQEG\VW
2068.___1967, Preobrazovaniye kartograficheskikh proyektsiy na elektronnykh vychislitel’nykh mashinakh [*KWMKISMGI\EW
Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 27-33. [Russian. Translated to English as Transformation of cartographic projections on electronic computers: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1967, no. 4, p. 219-222.]
Leningradskiy Universitet, Vestnik, no. 12, p. 126-130. [Russian with English abstract. Perspective azimuthal and cylindrical projections with a positive representation of the Earth’s surface and their use for the handling of maps and geographic data from photography of the Earth and cosmos.]
2069.___1967, Primeneniye polinomov Chebysheva dlya rascheta kartograficheskoy proyektsii po eskizu setki [*KEYW\W\EW
2074. Pazourek, JiÐi, and Veselý, Miroslav, 1985, O mapách pro potÐeby souÀasné výstarby: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 31, no. 4, p. 109-113. [Czech with English abstract. On maps for temporary-construction requirements.]
kartogr., Nauka, p. 32-39. [Russian. Application of Chebyshev polynomials for cartographic projection computation from grid sketches.]
2075. Pearson, C.E., 1982, Optimal mapping from a sphere onto a plane: SIAM [Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics] Review, v. 24, p. 469-475.
2070.___1970, Matematicheskaya kartografiya [9IQWYIQE[WFUI] UIKQMXKIDE]*]: Kartografiya 1967-1969, no. 4 (Itog. Nauki. VIN171 AN SSSR), p. 32-42. [Russian. Mathematical cartography.] 2071.___1973, O primenenii ravnougol’nykh proyektsiy, prisposoblyayemykh k ochertaniyam izobrazhayemoy territorii [- JKEYW\W\EE
2076. Pearson, Frederick II, 1977, Map projection equations: Dahlgren, Va., Naval Surface Weapons Center, 329 p. [See review by Snyder, J.P., 1980: Amer. Cartographer, v. 7, no. 2, p. 178-179.]
Leningradskiy Universitet, Vestnik, GeologiyaGeografiya, v. 6, no. 1, p. 125-128. [Russian. Optimal conformal projections for medium and small-scale maps of certain territories, e.g., USSR and W. Europe.]
2077.___1984, Map projection methods: Blacksburg, Virginia, Sigma Scientific, Inc., 292 p. [Revision of Pearson (1977). See review by Snyder, J.P., 1984: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 50, no. 10, p. 1464-1465.]
2072.___1974, Prakticheskoye posobiye po matematicheskoy kartografii [*KIUQE[WFUMW
2078.___1990, Map projections: Theory and application: Boca Raton, Fla., CRC Press, Inc., 372 p. [Revision of Pearson (1984).]
House of LGU. [Russian. Practical manual on mathematical cartography.]
2079. Pécsi, Albert, 1966, An oblique Hammer projection: Professional Geographer, v. 18, no. 4, p. 235.
geographical by closed formulas: Geodesy, Mapping and Photogrammetry, 1978, v. 20, no. 3, p. 175-177.]
Peet, Olmstead (See Raisz, Peet, and Taylor.) 2080. Peirce, C.S., 1879, A quincuncial projection of the sphere: Amer. Journal of Mathematics, v. 2, no. 4, p. 394-396. [Also in U.S. Coast Survey Report for the year ending with June 1877, pub. 1880, appendix no. 15, p. 191-192. A conformal projection of hemisphere within a square.]
2087. Penfield, S.L., 1901, The Stereographic projection and its possibilities from a graphical standpoint: Amer. Journal of Science, series 4, v. 11, no. 61, p. 1-24; no. 62, p. 115-144. [Reprinted 1901: New Haven, Morehouse and Taylor, 54 p.]
2081.___1889, Map projection, in Century Dictionary and Encyclopedia, p. 4762-4763. [General, concise, comprehensive, incl. Quincuncial projection. Also in later editions.]
2088.___ 1902, On the use of the Stereographic projection for geographical maps and sailing charts: Amer. Journal of Science, series 4, v. 13, no. 76, p. 245-275; no. 77, p. 347-376.
2082. Pellehn, G., 1935, Merkatornetz una Preußische Projektion: Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, v. 47, no. 12, p. 224225.
2089. Pepper, J.V., 1967, Harriot’s work on mathematical navigation: University of London, Master’s thesis. [Discusses Mercator and Stereographic projections, conformality, and loxodromes.]
2083. Penck, Albrecht, 1901, Ueber die Herstellung einer Erdkarte in Maßstab von 1:1,000,000: International Geographical Congress, 7th, Berlin, 1899, Proceedings, v. 2, p. 65-71. [The possible projections for the IMW map are discussed in detail with equations.]
2090.___1971, Harriot’s work on the true seachart: XII Congrès International d’Histoire des Sciences, Paris, 1968: Paris, Albert Blanchard, Actes, v. 4, p. 135-138. [Discussion of Mercator and Stereographic projections, conformality, and loxodromes.]
2084.___1910, Die Weltkartenkonferenz in London 16-22. November 1909: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 56-1, no. 1, p. 33-35. [Discussion of International Map of the World (1:1M scale) and its projection. Similar article by Penck as Die Weltkarten-Konferenz in London in November 1909: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, 1910, no. 2, p. 114-127.]
2091. Pernarowski, Lech, 1970, Odwzorowania izoparametryczne: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 19, no. 4, p. 279-303. [Polish with French abstract. Isoparametric projections. Should be isoperimetric projections (see Biernacki (1975)).] 2092. Perone, Seconde, 1882, Cenni elementari surre projezioni geografiche ed uso degli istituti tecnici: Novara, 73 p.
2085. Penev, Pen’o, 1973, [Derivation of a formula for conversion of three-dimensional rectangular coordinates into geographic coordinates]: Sofia, Izvestiya na GUGK, book 4. [Russian.]
2093. Peters, A.B., 1975, Wie man unsere Weltkarten der Erde ähnlicher machen kann: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 25, no. 5, p. 173-183. [German with English abstract. World maps with greater similarity to the Earth.]
2086.___1980, Transformatsiya pryamougol’nykh koordinat v geograficheskiye s primeneniyem zamknutykh formul [1KI\FDMKYIZE] JK]YMHXMNP\V> UMMKOE\IQ G
2094.___1978, Über Weltkartenverzerrungen und Weltkartenmittelpunkte: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 28, no. 3, p. 106-113.
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 30-33. [Russian. Translated to English as Transformation of rectangular coordinates into
2095.___1979, Die Winkelsche Abbildung geringster Verzerrung: Anmerkung zum Gutachten von A. Heupel und J. Schoppmeyer: 124
Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 29, no. 5, p. 179-182.
2107. Petrenko, A.I. [*WQKW\UM ) % ], 1954, Perspektivno-konicheskiye koordinaty i proyektsii [*WKFJWUQEG\MBUM\E[WFUEW UMMKOE\IQV E JKMWUZEE]: MIIZ, Trudy, no. 1. [Russian. Perspective-conic coordinates and projections.]
2096.___1981, Anmerkungen zu einer Theorie kartographischer Verzerrungen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 31, no. 5, p. 189-190. 2097.___1982, Zur Theorie der Entfernungsverzerrung (mit einer Kartenbeilage): Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 32, no. 4, p. 132-134. [On the theory of distance distortion, with map supplement.]
2108.___1959, Perspektivno-konicheskiye koordinaty, kak prochnaya osnova dlya sostavleniya sel’skokhozyaystvennykh kart v krupnykh masshtabakh [*WKFJWUQEG\MB
2098.___1984, Distance-related maps: Amer. Cartographer, v. 11, no. 2, p. 119-131.
Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, Zapiski, v. 49, no. 12, p. 15-18. [Russian. Perspective conic coordinates as a solid foundation for the projection of large-scale agricultural maps.]
2099.___1984, A world map with Australia as focal point: Cartography, v. 13, no. 3, p. 185188. [Oblique equal-area projection based on truncated Sinusoidal projection.]
2109. Petrich, M., and Tobler, W.R., 1984, The globular projection generalized: Amer. Cartographer, v. 11, no. 2, p. 101-105.
2100. Peters, Arno, 1976, Der europazentrische Charakter unseres geographischen Weltbildes und sein Überwindung: Dortmund, W. Grosschen-Verlag, 24 p. [Lecture on Peters projection.]
2110. Peucker, Karl, 1898, Kartographische Studien: Vienna, Artaria & cie., 129 p. 2111.___1899-1900, Studien am atlante scholastico per la geografia fisica e politica di Guiseppe Pennes; Istituto cartografico italiano: K.K. Geographische Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, 1899, v. 42, p. 235-246; 1900, v. 43, p. 31-48, 268-299.
2101.___1977, Neue kartographische Kategorienlehre: Gastvorlesung an der Universität Kairo am 2. 4., Akademische Verlagsanstalt. 2102.___ca. 1983, Die neue Kartographie/The new cartography: Klagenfurt, Universitäts Carinthia; New York, Friendship Press, 163 p. [German and English. Promotes his use of Cylindrical Equal-Area projection. See review by Robinson (1985).]
2112.___1901, Zur kartographischen Darstellung der dritten Dimension: Geographische Zeitschrift, v. 7, no. 1, p. 22-41. 2113.___1902, Drei Thesen zum Ausbau der theoretischen Kartographie: Geographische Zeitschrift, v. 8, no. 2, p. 65-80; no. 3, p. 145160; no. 4, p. 204-222.
2103.___1983, The new flat earth: New Internationalist, no. 123, p. 22-24. [Peters projection.]
2114. Philbrick, A.K., 1953, An oblique equal area map for world distributions: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 43, no. 3, p. 201-215. [His Sinu-Mollweide projection, an oblique interrupted merging of the Sinusoidal and Mollweide projections.]
2104.___1983, This land is my land. Part 2: A new map of the earth: New Internationalist, no. 124, map. 2105. Peters, F.H., 1984, Map projections: Canadian Surveyor, v. 38, no. 3, p. 274-283.
2115. Phillips, F.C., 1954, The use of the stereographic projection in structural geology: London, Arnold, 86 p. [3rd ed., 1971, 90 p.]
2106. Petersen, Johannes, 1939, Über die Darstellung großer Räume auf Schulkarten: Zeitschrift für Erdkunde, v. 7, no. 8, p. 336-339. 125
2116. Pick, Milu, 1955, PÐevod souÐadnic mezi konformními soustavami a jeho pouití pro Gauss-Krügerovo zobrazení: Geodetický a Kartografický Sborník, p. 42-49. [Czech with German abstract. Transformation of coordinates between conformal systems and their use for the Gauss-Krüger projection.]
Westfälische Provinzialvereins für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Jahresbericht, v. 32, (1903-1904), p. 160-163. 2126. Plouff, Donald, 1968, Determination of rectangular coordinates for map projections. Modifications of basic formulas and application to computer plotting: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 600-C, p. 174-176. [Polyconic, Transverse Mercator, Lambert Conformal Conic, and Albers Equal-Area Conic projections.]
2117.___1959, Über zwei Varianten der KÐovákschen Koordinatentransformation trigonometrischer Punkte von einem Ellipsoid auf ein anderes Ellipsoid: Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, v. 3, no. 2, p. 112-115.
2127. Pobanz, Wolfram, 1974, Vorläufer der Peters-Projektion: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 24, no. 5, p. 196-197.
2118. Piedmont, Christiane, 1987, Le choix d’une projection: Revue de Carto-Québec, v. 8, no. 2, p. 14-16.
2128. Podlacha, Krystyna, 1970, Mapy wiata w odwzorowaniu azymutalnym wiernoodlegociowym dla potrzeb radiokomunikacji morskiej: Polski Przegld Kartograficzny, v. 2, no. 1, p. 15-22. [Polish with English abstract. World maps on the Azimuthal Equidistant projection for marine radio communication.]
Pierce, N.L. (See Stewart and Pierce.) 2119. Pierpont, James, 1896, Note on C.S. Peirce’s paper on “A quincuncial projection of the sphere”: Amer. Journal of Mathematics, v. 18, no. 2, p. 145-152. 2120. Pinther, Miklos, 1984, Dymaxion world of Fuller: Carto-Philatelist, v. 29, no. 1, p. 8-11.
2129.___1994, Podstawy matematyczne polskich map topograficznych wydawanych po drugiej wojnie wiatowej: Polski 3U]HJOG Kartograficzny, v. 26, no. 3, p. 129-140. [Polish with English abstract. The mathematical basis of Polish topographical maps published after World War II.]
2121.___1985, The view of our world: [United Nations] Secretariat News, v. 40, no. 2, p. 5-7. [Evaluation of Peters projection. Reprinted in New Zealand Cartographic Journal, 1985, v. 15, no. 2, p. 12-18. See also [United Nations] Secretariat News, 1985, v. 40, no. 6, p. 2.]
2130. Pollak, M.J., 1938, The construction of an azimuthal equidistant map centred about the geomagnetic north pole: Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, v. 43, no. 4, p. 473-475.
2122.___1985, Peters’ view of the world: CartoPhilatelist, v. 29, no. 4, p. 12-16; v. 30, no. 1, p. 12-14. 2123. Pitié, Jean, 1952, Une nouveauté cartographique: Groupe Poitevin d’Etudes Géographiques, Bulletin, v. 5, no. 3.
Pomashina, T.A. (See Shingareva and Pomashina.)
2124. Pitner, L.E., ca. 1943, A correct understanding of the world. For the first time in history...a map which projects the round world onto a flat piece of paper without distorting shapes, sizes, and distances....: Milwaukee, L.E. Pitner, 16 p. [World in eight spherical octants, similar to oblique Lambert Azimuthal EqualArea projections symmetrical for each octant.]
2131. Poole, H., 1934, An oblique Cylindrical Equal-Area map: Geographical Journal, v. 83, no. 2, p. 142-143. 2132.___1935, A map projection for the England-Australia air route: Geographical Journal, v. 86, no. 5, p. 446-448. [Modified Mercator projection.]
2125. Plassman, Joseph, 1904, GradnetzEntwürfe für Erd- und Himmelskarten: 126
2133. Porter, Phil, and Voxland, Phil, 1986, Distortion in maps – the Peters projection and other devilments: Focus, v. 36, no. 2, p. 22-30.
of Gaussian coordinates between contiguous zones of 3°.] 2143. Pross, E., 1980, Mathematische Grundlagen kartographischer Entwürfe: Vermessungstechnik, v. 28, no. 12, p. 419-421.
2134. Portnov, A.M. [*MKQ\MG ) 9 ], 1977, O vybore modeli kontura dlya rascheta proyektsiy P.L. Chebysheva [- GVMKW YMOWNE UM\QHKI ON] KIF[WQI JKMWUZET * . ;WVLWGI]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 5, p. 62-63. [Russian. About the choice of models for the calculation of projections of P.L. Chebyshev.]
2144. Pruss, W., 1924, Vorschlag einiger neuer Entwürfe für Erdkarten: Dresden, Dissertation. Pryde, D. (See under Strachan.) 2145. Ptolemy, Claudius, ca. A.D. 150, Geography: Alexandria. [Greek manuscript printed in many translated editions in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. Chaps. 2024 discuss his conic and pseudoconic projections. He also evaluates Trapezoidal and Equirectangular projections. See also Stevenson (1932).]
2135.___1977, Issledovaniye simmetrichnoy proyektsii P.L. Chebysheva [%FFNWOMGI\EW FEYYWQKE[\MT JKMWUZEE * . ;WVLWGI]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 121126. [Russian. A study of the symmetrical projections of P.L. Chebyshev.] ___(See also Bugayevskiy, Deputatova, and Portnov.)
2146. Puissant, Louis, 1807, Traité de topographie, d’arpentage et de nivellement: Paris, Courcier, 331 p.
2136. Poruba, J., 1891, Die Verwendung von Projektionsapparaten für den geographischen Unterricht: Berlin, 9th Deutscher Geographentag, Vienna, 1891: p. 176-188.
2147.___1810, Supplément au second livre du Traité de topographie, contenant la théorie des projections des cartes: Paris, Courcier, 112 p.
2137. Potter, A.J., 1923, Mercator’s net: Geographical Teacher, v. 12, part 2, no. 66, p. 136-139.
2148.___1812, Mémoire sur la projection de Cassini, pour servir de supplément à sa théorie des projections des cartes géographiques: Paris, Courcier, 44 p.
2138.___1925, The tetrahedral gnomonic projection: Geographical Teacher, v. 13, part 1, no. 71, p. 52-56.
2149.___1826, Mémoire sur la détermination de la figure de la terre par les mesures géodésiques et astronomiques: Paris, Dépôt Général de la Guerre, France, Mémorial, 1825, v. 3, p. 61100.
2139.___1933, The stereographic solution of the spherical triangle: Empire Survey Review, v. 2, no. 10, p. 226-238. 2140. Prasad, Narvedeshwar, 1955, A truemeridian equal-area projection: National Geographical Journal of India, v. 1, pt. 1, p. 4346.
2150.___1828, Notice sur les tables de projection calculées par le captaine Plessis, ingenieur-géographe, et adoptées pour la construction du canevas de la nouvelle carte de France: Paris, Dépôt Général de la Guerre, France, Mémorial, 1826, v. 4, p. 13-30.
2141.___1956, An empirical law for Mollweide’s projection: National Geographical Journal of India, v. 2, no. 2, p. 84-90.
2151.___1831, Additions au mémoire de M. Henry, sur la projection des cartes géographiques: Paris, Dépôt Général de la Guerre, France, Mémorial, 1803-1805 & 1810, C. Picquet, v. 2, p. 588-610. [See Henry (1810).]
2142. Procházka, Emanuel, 1955, Transformace Gaussových souÐadnic mezi dvÄma sousedními WÐLVWXSÊRYÕPL pásy: Geodetický a Kartografický Sborník, p. 50-59. [Czech with German abstract. Transformation 127
2152. Puppi, Giovanna, and Zanotti, A.L., 1988, Uso di modelli matematici in cartografia ambientale: due esempi di applicazione: Association Italiana di Cartografia, Bollettino, v. 25, no. 72-74, p. 637-651.
2162.___1950, The oblique Gnomonic projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 10, no. 75, p. 227-232. 2163. Pye, Norman, and Camm, G.L., 1954, A semi-graphical construction for the conical orthomorphic projection with one standard parallel: Empire Survey Review, v. 12, no. 93, p. 316-321. [Also in 17th International Geographical Union Congress, Washington, Proceedings, 1952, p. 453 (abstract), and Abstracts of Papers, p. 72-73 (same meeting).]
2153. Purins, B., 1957, Transformation of Cassini-Soldner into Transverse Mercator coordinates: Australian Surveyor, v. 16, no. 8, p. 517-527. 2154. Purnawan, Bebas, 1991, Selection of generalized conformal projections for small scale maps: Columbus, Ohio, Ohio State University, Department of Geodetic Science and Surveying, Master’s thesis.
2164. Pyek, JiÐi, 1979, Obecné pojetí kartografických zobrazení: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 25, no. 11, p. 295-300. [Czech. General conception of cartographic projections.]
2155. PutniÉ, R.V., 1934, Jaunas projekci jas pasaules NDUWP: Geografiski raksti, Folia Geographica 3 and 4, p. 180-209. [Latvian with extensive French résumé. New projections for world maps. Describes 12 pseudocylindricals, half equal-area and half with equally spaced parallels, half pointed-polar and half with pole-lines, using elliptical, parabolic, or hyperbolic meridians.]
2165.___1982, K obecnému Ðeení jednoduchých valcových zobrazení: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 28, no. 7, p. 174-178. [Czech. To the general solution of simple cylindrical projections.] 2166.___1983, Obecné Ðeení azimutalnich zobrazení: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 29, no. 1, p. 9-14. [Czech. A general solution of azimuthal projections.]
2156.___1934, Application de la projection quadratique équivalente à l’étude des cartes anciennes: International Geographical Congress, Paris, 1931, Comptes Rendus, v. 3, p. 719-729.
2167.___1983, NÄkterá netradiÀni válcová zobrazení a jejich porovnání: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 29, no. 6, p. 141-152. [Czech. Some non-traditional cylindrical projections and their comparisons.]
2157.___1935, Sur quelques nouvelles projections à méridiens elliptiques: International Geographical Congress, Warsaw, 1934, Comptes Rendus, v. 1, p. 151-157.
2168.___1984, Obecné Ðeení kuelových zobrazení: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 30, no. 9, p. 211-220. [Czech with English abstract. General use of conic projections.]
2158. Pye, Norman, 1947, Azimuthal equidistant projection of the world centred on London: Geography, v. 32, part 2, p. 83-86. 2159.___1948, A graphical method of calculating meridional parts for Mercator’s projection: Surveying and Mapping, v. 8, no. 3, p. 141-148.
2169.___1988, Optimalizace a klasifikace kartografických zobrazení: Sbornik Praci (k 80. narozeninám univ. prof. rndr. ing. Bohuslava LP¹ND), v. 16, p. 81-93. [Czech. Optimal classification of cartographic representation.]
2160.___1949, Notes on some problems in presentation of map projections: Geography, v. 34, part 2, p. 68-78.
2170. Quinlan, Charles, 1969, Orthographic projection simplified (2nd ed.): Bloomington, Ill., McKnight and McKnight Pub. Co., 128 p.
2161.___1949, The orthomorphism of the Stereographic projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 10, no. 72, p. 90-92.
2171. Quiroga, P.R., 1937, La proyección Gauss-Krüger: Buenos Aires, (1st) Conferencia 128
Argentina de Coordinación Cartográfica, p. 7390.
2183.___1944, Our lopsided Earth: Journal of Geography, v. 43, no. 3, p. 81-91. [Use of various projections to show or offset the irregular arrangement of land masses.]
2172. Rabella i Vives, J.M., 1990, Mil projeccions per a un mapamundi, o l’impossible art d’aplanar la Terra: Revista Catalana de Geografia, v. 11, p. 21-40.
2184.___1946, Map projections and the global war: Teaching Scientist, v. 2, no. 2, p. 33-39.
2173. Raber, Brian, 1985, An evaluation of map projections for small scale world thematic maps: Moscow, Idaho, Univ. of Idaho, Master’s thesis.
2185.___1962, Map projections; azimuthal projections, grid systems, in his Principles of Cartography: New York, McGraw-Hill, p. 166194.
2174. 5DGRHYL¾, Nikolo, 1974, Petersova nova karta sveta: Geodetski List, v. 28, no. 7-12, p. 157-167. [Serbo-Croatian. The new world map of Peters.]
2186. Raisz, Erwin, Peet, Olmstead, and Taylor, Horace, 1942, Tables for construction of oblique Stereographic hemispheres: Cambridge, Mass.
2175. Rafiullah, S.M., 1951, Selecting suitable projections for India: Geographer, v. 4, no. 1, p. 30-38.
2187. Ramphal, S.S., 1985, A world turned upside down: Geography, v. 70, part 3 (no. 308), p. 193-205. [Mercator vs. Peters projections, p. 194-196.]
2176. Rahman, G.M., 1974, Map projection: Karachi, Oxford University Press, 41 p.
2188. Ramsayer, Karl, 1951, Polarkarte mit Gitternetz: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 95, no. 1, p. 65-67. [Magnetism and maps/map projections.]
2177. Rainsford, H.F., 1940, Minor triangulation on the transverse Mercator projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 5, no. 38, p. 481-495. [Expanded in 1946, v. 8, no. 60, p. 221-227.]
2189.___1976, Großräumige Flugkarten: Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, v. 83, no. 2, p. 37-47. [Projections for various aircharts.]
2178. Raisz, Erwin, 1934, The use of the oblique orthographic projection in school maps: International Geographical Congress, Warsaw, Résume 5. 2179.___1934, The rectangular statistical cartogram: Geographical Review, v. 24, no. 2, p. 292-296.
2190.___1977, Anzeige des Standorts eines Flugzeugs in der Karte mit automatischer Berücksichtigung des Wechsels der Kartenprojektion: Allgemeine VermessungsNachrichten, v. 84, no. 6, p. 224-231.
2180.___1936, Rectangular statistical cartograms of the world: Journal of Geography, v. 35, no. 1, p. 8-10.
2191. Ranucci, E.R., 1978, The world of Buckminster Fuller: Mathematics Teacher, v. 71, no. 5, p. 568-577.
2181.___1938, Projections. The conic group of projections. The azimuthal projections, in his General cartography: New York, McGraw-Hill, p. 81-117. [2nd ed., 1948, p. 54-96.]
2192. Rase, Wolf-Dieter, 1992, Kartographische Anamorphosen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 42, no. 3, p. 99-105.
2182.___1943, Orthoapsidal world maps: Geographical Review, v. 33, no. 1, p. 132-134. [Armadillo and other orthographic projections of a sphere with intermediate projection onto another solid.]
Rasmussen, L.A. (See Ling, Rasmussen, and Campbell.) 2193. Ratner, D.A., 1991, An implementation of the Robinson map projection based on cubic splines: Cartography and Geographic 129
Information Systems, v. 18, no. 2, p. 104-108. [See corrections by Snyder, J.P., no. 4, p. 277278.]
2204. Reeves, E.A., 1904, Van der Grinten’s projection: Geographical Journal, v. 24, no. 6, p. 670-672.
2194. Raupach, J.F., 1816, Die Theorie der geographischen Netze oder Entwurfungen der Kugelfläche: Liegnitz, Ger. (now Legnica, Poland), J. F. Kuhlmey, 124 p.
2205.___1910, Maps and map-making: London, Royal Geographical Society, 145 p. 2206.___1929, A chart showing the true bearing of Rugby from all parts of the world: Geographical Journal, v. 73, no. 3, p. 247-248. [Independent use of Hammer Retroazimuthal projection, centered on Rugby.]
2195. Ravenhill, William, 1978, John Adams, his map of England, its projection and his ‘Index Villaris’ of 1680: Geographical Journal, v. 144, pt. 3, p. 424-437. [A combination of equatorial Stereographic and Bonne-like projections. See also 1979, v. 145, pt. 3, p. 521.]
2207.___1929, A true bearing and distance diagram for setting a frame-aerial on a distant station: London, Royal Geographical Society, Technical Series, no. 5, 12 p.
2196.___1981, Projections for the large general maps of Britain, 1583-1700: Imago Mundi, v. 33, p. 21-32.
2208.___1930, True bearing and distance diagram: International Geographical Congress, Cambridge, Eng., July 1928, Report of the Proceedings, p. 147-148.
2197. Ray, J.M., 1976, Properties of map projections: Special Libraries Assn., Geography and Map Div., Bulletin, no. 105, p. 6-11.
___(See also under Geographical Journal (1929).)
2198. Read, J.R., 1975, The advantages of 6° wide zone integration over 2° narrow zone integration in Australia: Australian Surveyor, v. 27, no. 1, p. 29-40. [See comments by Urban, V.F., no. 3, p. 154, and reply by Read, no. 4, p. 232.]
2209. Régis, Domenico, 1891, Delle proiezioni per le carte geografiche e della gnomonica, in his Corso di applicazioni della geometria descrittiva nella R. Scuola...: Turin, Fratelli Bocca, v. 4, 88 p.
2199.___1981, A coordinate system for North America based upon the 6° U.T.M. zone: Surveying and Mapping, v. 41, no. 1, p 83-87. Reddy, Francis (See Miller, Robert, and Reddy.)
2210. Regöczi, Emil, 1961, Vetületi kérdéseink az idÍ tükrében: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 13, no. 4, p. 249-254. [Hungarian. Our projection problems as a reflection of the time.]
2200. Redfearn, J.C.B., 1948, Transverse Mercator formulae: Empire Survey Review, v. 9, no. 69, p. 318-322.
2211. Reguera Sierra, Ernesto, 1958, El planisferio de Gaboto: Revista de Geodesia, v. 2, no. 3, p. 74-81. [Cabot’s planisphere.]
2201. Redway, J.W., 1890, The reproduction of geographical forms, Part 2: Map drawing and map projection: Boston, D.C. Heath & Co. 2202. Reed, J.H., 1895, The elements of map projection: Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 11, no. 7-9, p. 232-247. [Reprinted in Acta Cartographica, 1972, v. 13, p. 327342.]
2212. Rehders, Adolf, 1982, Überführung von Koordinatenkataster System Hamburg in das Gauß-Krüger-Koordinatenkataster: Vermessungs-Amt Hamburg, Mitteilungsblatt, v. 70, p. 11-24. 2213. Reichard, C.G., 1803, Atlas der ganzen Erdkreises, nach den besten astronomischen Bestimmungen, neuesten Entdeckungen in eigenen Untersuchungen in der CentralProjection auf 6 Tafeln entworfen: Weimar,
2203. Reeds, C.A., 1929, Base maps of the world: Geological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 40, p. 761-770. 130
Ger., Lander Industrie Comptoirs, 6 plates. [Gnomonic projection of the Earth onto a cube.]
2221. Renouard, Alfred, 1885, De la construction des cartes: Société de Géographie de Lille, Bulletin, v. 3, p. 394-396.
2214. Reichsamt für Landesaufnahme, 1925, Blatteckenwerte für die amtlichen Kartenwerke des Reichsamts für Landesaufnahme in Meridianstreifenprojektion: Berlin, 2nd ed. [Gauss-Krüger projection.]
2222. Rens, F.J., 1964, A Fortran program for coordinate mapping: Ann Arbor, Mich., University of Michigan, Master’s thesis. 2223. Resnick, Nathan, 1970, Investigation of small-scale map projections for space imagery: U.S. Geological Survey, Topographic Division, 11 p.
2215. Reignier, François, 1957, Les systèmes de projection et leurs applications...: Paris, Institut Géographique National, v. 1 (text), 312 p.; v. 2 (graphics), 48 plates. [Details of many projections. See review by Botley, F.V., 1958: Geographical Journal, v. 124, pt. 3, p. 410411.]
2224. Reusch, E., 1881, Die stereographische Projection: Leipzig, Teubner. 2225. Revista de la Academia Colombia de Sciencias Físicas y Naturales, 1944, Estudio de la proyección sinusoidal para el mapa de Colombia: August. [Compares Sinusoidal projection with Transverse Mercator projection used by Colombia.]
Reilly, J.P. (See Adler, Reilly, and Schwartz.) 2216. Reilly, W.I., 1973, A conformal mapping projection with minimum scale error, (part 1): Survey Review, v. 22, no. 168, p. 57-71. [See Reilly and Bibby for parts 2 and 3. Projection for New Zealand, using complex algebra.]
2226. Rey-Pailhade, J. de, 1894, Sur les modifications à apporter dans la graduation des méridiens et des parallèles en cartographie. Société de Géographie de Toulouse, Annuaire, 13th year, no. 7-8, p. 294-307.
2217. Reilly, W.I., and Bibby, H.M., 1975-76, A conformal mapping projection with minimum scale error (parts 2 and 3): Survey Review, 1975, v. 23, no. 176, p. 79-87; 1976, v. 23, no. 181, p. 302-315. [See Reilly, W.I., for part 1.]
2227. Reyes Lorite, Ildefonso, 1980, Metodo para la transformación de coordenadas Lambert a UTM: Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Boletín de Información, no. 46, p. 99-114.
2218.___1980, New Zealand Map Grid Projection: Examples of scale and bearing correction maps for Northland and Canterbury: Wellington, N.Z., N.Z. Geophysical Div., 8 p.
2228.___1983, Tablas de parámetros para la transformación de coordenadas Lambert a U.T.M. y coordenadas U.T.M. entre husos contiguos: Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Boletín de Información, no. 55, p. 7-31.
Rendlová, Hana (See Hojovec, Kláterka, and Rendlová.) 2219. Renner, G.T., 1943, Air age geography: Harpers Magazine, v. 187, no. 1117, p. 38-41. [Polar Azimuthal Equidistant projection.]
2229.___1985, Método para la transformación de coordenadas geográficas a rectangulares y rectangulares a geográficas, aplicado a las proyecciónes Lambert y UTM: Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Boletín de Información, no. 60, parts 1-2, p. 7-54.
2220. Renner, Klaus, 1975, Gerät zur Projektion von azimutalen Abbildungen mit stetig verschiebbarem Hauptpunkt: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 25, no. 1, p. 12-15. [German with English abstract. Equipment for azimuthal projection with a point of zero distortion which can be moved steadily.]
2230. Reyt, A., 1961, Les bases mathématiques et numériques des cartes de l’ I.G.N., v. 1: Paris, Institut Géographique National, 154 p.
Renninger, L.G. (See Hoke, Hayes, and Renninger.)
2231. Reyt, M., 1962, Emploi des projections en cartographie: Comité Français de Techniques Cartographiques, v. 13, p. 18-22. 131
2240. Robinson, A.H., 1949, An analytical approach to map projections: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 39, no. 4, p. 283-290.
2232. Riagáin, M. Ó., 1966, Students map projections: Dublin, Educational Company of Ireland, 55 p.
2241.___1950, Possibilities for precision in selecting map projections: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 40, no. 2, p. 159-160. [Abstract.]
2233. Ricchieri, G., 1921, Nuove proposte di classificazione e nomenclatura delle projezioni cartografiche: Florence, VIII Congresso Geografico Italiano, Florence, Atti, v. 2. [Also published separately by Istituto di Edizioni Artistiche, Fratelli Alinari, Florence, 1923, 16 p.]
2242.___1951, The use of deformational data in evaluating world map projections: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 41, no. 1, p. 5874.
2234.___1922, Sulle proiezioni da preferire nei planisferi: La Geografia (Rivista di Propaganda Geografica), v. 10, no. 1, p. 32-37.
2243.___1953, The employment of map projections; the construction of projections; Appendix D, Tissot’s Indicatrix; in his Elements of Cartography: New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1st ed., p. 25-55, p. 56-79, p. 226-227.
Richardson, R.S. (See Skilling and Richardson.)
2244.___1953, Interrupting a map projection: a partial analysis of its value: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 43, no. 3, p. 216-225. [Shows interruptions of Werenskiold, McBrydeThomas, and Eckert pseudocylindrical projections.]
2235. Richardson, R.T., 1987, Secant cases of azimuthal projections: myth and reality: Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Yearbook, v. 49, p. 65-78. 2236.___1989, Area deformation on the Robinson projection: Amer. Cartographer, v. 16, no. 4, p. 294-296.
2245.___ 1960, The nature of map projections; the employment of map projections; the construction of projections; proof of Tissot’s law of deformation, in his Elements of Cartography, 2nd ed.: New York, John Wiley and Sons, p. 50120, 324-329. [Translated to Chinese by Chiang, Tao-chang, 1966: Taipei, Taiwan Normal Univ. Press.]
Richardson, T.E. (See Englehart, Noma, and Richardson.) 2237. Richardus, Peter, and Adler, R. K., 1972, Map projections for geodesists, cartographers and geographers: Amsterdam, North-Holland Pub. Co., 174 p.
2246.___1960, Map projections, in McGrawHill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology: New York, McGraw-Hill. [Subsequent editions 1966, 1971, 1977 (v. 8, p. 125-127), 1982.]
Ridd, M.K. (See Williams and Ridd.) 2238. Rigg, J.B., 1957, Maps and the meteorologist: Weather, v. 12, no. 5, p. 154-157. [Projections for meteorological maps.]
2247.___1963, The circle of best fit: Geographical Review, v. 53, no. 1, p. 139-141. [Use of Stereographic projection to find best circle fitting points falling in circular pattern.]
2239. Ristow, W.W., 1962, Maps and map making: Grolier Encyclopedia: New York, Grolier, v. 13, p. 205-209. [Includes section on map projections.]
2248.___1974, A new map projection: Its development and characteristics: International Yearbook of Cartography, v. 14, p. 145-155. [His pseudocylindrical projection. See correction by Richardson, R.T., 1989.]
Robella i Vives, J.M. (See under Robinson, Sale, Morrison, and Muehrcke.) Roberts, C.E. (See Brooks and Roberts.)
2249.___1985, Arno Peters and his new cartography: Amer. Cartographer, v. 12, no. 2, p. 103-111. [Peters projection.]
5th ed: New York, John Wiley and Sons, p. 76105. [Translated to Spanish by Ferrer, R.M., Spanish revisions by Robella i Vives, J.M., and Panareda i Clopés, J.M., 1987: Barcelona, Editiones Omega, S.A.]
2250.___1986, Which map is best? Projections for world maps: Falls Church, Va., Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Amer. Cartographic Assn., Committee on Map Projections, 14 p.
2258. Robinson, A.H., and Snyder, J.P., ed., 1991, Matching the map projection to the need: Bethesda, Md., Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Amer. Cartographic Assn., Committee on Map Projections, 30 p.
2251.___1987, Reflections on the Gall-Peters projection: Social Education, v. 51, no. 4, p. 260-264.
2259. Roblin, H.S., 1969, Map projections: London, Edward Arnold Ltd., 60 p.
2252.___1988, Choosing a world map − attributes, distortions, classes, aspects: Falls Church, Va., Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Amer. Cartographic Assn., Committee on Map Projections, 15 p.
2260. Rochmann, G.W., 1751, De perficiendis mappis geographicis, imprimis universalibus, per idoneas scalas metiendis distantiis inversientes: Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, 1741-43, v. 13, p. 300-311. [Latin.]
2253.___1990, Rectangular world maps − no!: Professional Geographer, v. 42, no. 1, p. 101104. [Opposes general use of cylindrical projections for world maps.]
2261. Rodgers, John, 1952, Use of equal-area or other projections in the statistical treatment of joints: Geological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 63, no. 4, p. 427-430.
___(See also Wallis and Robinson; under Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) Bulletin (1977).)
2262. Rodríguez, R.C., 1987, Una solución al problema de la carta en coordenadas geográficas: Instituto Geográfico Militar, v. 3, p. 8-9.
2254. Robinson, A.H., Morrison, J.L., Muehrcke, P.C., Kimerling, A.J., and Guptill, S.C., 1995, Map projections, in their Elements of Cartography, 6th ed.: New York, John Wiley and Sons, p. 59-90.
2263. Rogev, Boris, 1963, Konformni kartni proyektsii, PDVKWDE»W na koito priema zadadeni stoynosti ve dadeni tochki: B»lgarska Akademiya na Naukite, Tsentralna Laboratoriya po Geodeziya, Izvestiya, v. 4, p. 101-104: [Bulgarian with German abstract. Conformal map projections with prescribed scale values at given points.]
2255. Robinson, A.H., and Sale, R.D., 1969, Fundamentals of map projections; the employment of map projections; directions for the construction of projections, in their Elements of Cartography, 3rd ed: New York, John Wiley and Sons, p. 199-248, 370-390.
2264.___1963, Kartni proyektsii s usporedni obrazi na paralelite: Sbornik Statey po Kartografii, no. 5, p. 13-16. [Bulgarian. Map projection with parallel representation of the parallels of latitude.]
2256. Robinson, A.H., Sale, R.D., and Morrison, J.L., 1978, Map projections and plane coordinates, in their Elements of Cartography, 4th ed.: New York, John Wiley and Sons, p. 4975. [Translated to Japanese by Nagai, Nobuo, 1984: [Tokyo], International Cartographic Information Center.]
2265.___1964, Poluchavane na karti proyektsii s usporedni obrazi na paralelite: B»lgarska Akademiya na Naukite, Tsentralna Laboratoriya po Geodeziya, Izvestiya, v. 5, p. 67-73. [Bulgarian with German abstract. Realization of a map projection with parallel representation of the parallels of latitude.]
2257. Robinson, A.H., Sale, R.D., Morrison, J.L., and Muehrcke, P.C., 1984, Map projections, in their Elements of Cartography, 133
2274. Rosenthal, L.D., and Lewis, J.E. Jr., 1974, The Hereford Mappa Mundi and the azimuthal logarithmic projection: Presented at Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, St. Louis, Mo., March 10-15, Proceedings, p. 27. [Abstract only.]
2266.___1965, Konformni preobrazuvaniya ot matematichnata geodeziya i kartografiya i izsledvane schodimostta na technite redove: B»lgarska Akademiya na Naukite, Tsentralna Laboratoriya po Geodeziya, Izvestiya, v. 6, p. 119-126. [Bulgarian with German abstract. Conformal projections in mathematical geodesy and cartography and research on the convergence of their series.]
2275. Rosser, W.H., 1883-84, Mercator’s chart. Its history, use, and abuse: Nautical Magazine, 1883, v. 52, p. 105-111, 288-291; 1884, v. 53, p. 278-286, 448-451.
2267. Rogev, Boris, and Dimov, L., 1970, Polucheniye konformnoy kartograficheskoy proyektsii po metody integriruyushchego mnozhitelya: Godishnik Visshiya MinnoGeolozhki Institut 1966-1967, sv. 3, 13, p. 159178. [Bulgarian. Obtaining conformal cartographic projections by the method of an integrating multiplier.]
2277. Rotha, R.E., 1914, Darstellende geometrie des geländes: Leipzig and Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 67 p.
2268 Romano, Ferdinando, 1948, Jordan e la proiezione conforme: Rivista del Catasto e dei Servizi Tecnici Erariali, new series, v. 3, no. 1, p. 60.
2278. Rothamel, H., 1905, Ist die Bezeichnung „Cassini-Soldnersche Zylinderprojektion“ berechtigt?: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 51, no. 11, p. 259-261.
2269. Romano, J.E., 1959, Proyección policónica: Revista de Geodesia, v. 3, no. 4, p. 39-42. [Polyconic projection.]
2279. Rothe, Eckhard, 1974, Eine neue Weltkarte: die Peters-Projektion: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessung, Photogrammetrie und Kulturtechnik, v. 46, no. 6, p. 196-206.
2276. Roth, E.A., 1957, Photograph and map transformations: Photogrammetric Engineering, v. 23, no. 3, p. 588-593.
2270. Rose, Stephen, 1945, The projection ruling machine of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey: Surveying and Mapping, v. 5, no. 3, p. 49-52.
2280. Rothwell, S.C., 1968, Map projections, in his A geography of Earth form: Dubuque, Iowa, Brown, 1st ed. [2nd ed., 1973, p. 30-58.] 2281. Roussilhe, Henri, 1922, Emploi des coordonnées rectangulaires stéréographiques pour le calcul de la triangulation dans un rayon de 560 kilomètres autour de l’origine: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Section of Geodesy, Travaux, May, v. 1. [Roussilhe stereographic projection of the ellipsoid.]
2271. Rosén, P.G., 1876, Om den vid svenska topografiska kartverket använda projektionsmetoden: Stockholm. [Swedish. On the projection method used for the Swedish topographic atlas.] 2272. Rosenmund, Max, 1903, Die Änderung des Projektionssystems der schweizerischen Landesvermessung: Bern, Switz., Militärdepartements, Abteilung für Landestopographie, Verlag, 147 p. [Oblique Mercator projection of ellipsoid as used for large-scale mapping of Switzerland.]
2282.___1924, Cours d’astronomie appliquée et géodésie: Paris, Librairie de l’Enseignement Technique, 456 p. [Includes description of the Roussilhe stereographic projection of the ellipsoid.]
2273.___1904, Zur Projektion unserer Landestopographie: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik, v. 2, p. 1ff.
2283. Rowland, J.B., 1977, The Hotine Oblique Mercator projection applied to Landsat mapping: Reston, Va., U.S. Geological Survey Memo EC-50-Landsat, 21 p. 134
___(See also under U.S. Geological Survey (1979).)
2293.___1951, Tabeller Till Gauss Hannoverska Projektion: Stockholm, Rikets Allmanna Kartverk, 86 p. [Swedish. Tables for the Gauss-Hannover projection.]
2284. Roy, Phanibbusan, and Sarkar, Ashis, 1981, Some selected map projections for India: Their relative efficiencies: Geographical Review of India, v. 43, no. 2, p. 182-195.
2294.___1954, Some formulae concerning the transverse Mercator projection: Bulletin Géodésique, no. 34, p. 305-317. [Gauss Conformal Projection.]
2285. Royal Society, 1966, Glossary of technical terms in cartography: Appendix 1: Named map projections: London, Royal Society, p. 41-67.
2295. Ruston, G., 1972, Map transformations of point patterns: Regional Science Assn., Papers, v. 28, p. 111-132. [Cartograms.]
2286. Rózycki, Jan, 1950, Krótki zarys teorii odwzorowán kartograficznyh podrÂcznik przeznaczony do uzytku uczniów szkó mierniczych, studentów geodezji, geografii, inzynierów geodetów: Warsaw, PaÉstwowe Wydawn, Techniczne. [Polish. A short outline of the theory of cartographic projections: a handbook designed for use by students of surveying schools, students of geodesy, geography, and geodesic engineers.]
2296. Rylov, A.P. [+VNMG ) * ], 1958, Osnovy parallel’nykh kosougol’nykh affinnykh proyektsiy [-F\MGV JIKINNWNP\V> UMFMHXMNP\V> IDDE\\V> JKMWUZET*]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii Gornyi Zhurnal, no. 3, p. 53-62. [Russian. Characteristics of oblique-angle affine parallel projections.]
2287.___1973, Kartografia matematyczny: Warsaw, 3DÉVWZRZH Wydawnictwo Naukowe. [Polish. Mathematical cartography.]
2297. Saastamoinen, J., 1964, A Canadian grid system in 3° Transverse Mercator zones: Canadian Surveyor, v. 18, no. 2, p. 147-158.
2288. Rubincam, D.P., 1980, Van der Grinten formulae: Amer. Cartographer, v. 7, no. 2, p. 176-177.
2298. Sachs, J.M., 1987, A curious mixture of maps, dates, and names: Mathematics Magazine, v. 60, no. 3, p. 151-158. [Mathematical development of Mercator projection.]
2289.___1980, Inverting x,y grid coordinates to obtain latitude and longitude in the van der Grinten projection: Greenbelt, Md., U.S. Natl. Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA-TM-81998, 13 p.
Sadza, K. (See Naelten and Sadza.) 2299. Saija, Giuseppe, 1893, Le projezione per ribaltamento. Contributo alla cartografia: Rivista Geografica Italiana, v. 3, no. 1-2, p. 512, 75-82.
2290.___1981, Latitude and longitude from van der Grinten grid coordinates: Amer. Cartographer, v. 8, no. 2, p. 177-180.
2300.___1897, Il reticolato della projezione ortografica meridiana....: Rome.
___(See also under O’Keefe and Greenberg.) 2291. Ruiz Morales, Mario, 1988, Representación cartográfica de la Luna: Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Boletín de Información, no. 66, p. 27-37.
2301.___1898, Le projezioni per rezione nella cartografia: Rome. 2302. Saija, Giuseppe, and Marinelli, Olinto, 1897, Saggio di una classificazione elementare delle proiezioni geografiche: Rivista Geografica Italiana, v. 4, no. 9, p. 489-501; no. 10, p. 554560.
2292. Rune, G.A., 1947, De vid Rikets allmänna kartverk använda kartprojektionerna: Globen, v. 26, no. 5, p. 63-77. [Swedish. On the use of map projections in the public atlas of the State.] 135
2303. St.-Georges, Martin, 1989, La projection Robinson et le National Geographic: Revue de Carto-Québec, v. 10, no. 1, p. 9.
___(See also Ginzburg and Salmanova; Ginzburg, Karpov, and Salmanova.) 2310. Samatán, E.L., 1953, Mapa de la República Argentina en proyección ortodrómica: Revista Cartográfica, v. 2, no. 2, p. 297-308. 2311. Sanchez, P.C., and Bustamente, Octavio, 1928, Apuntes sobre cartografia: Mexico City, Secretaria de Agriculture y Fomento de Mexico, Talleres Graficos de la Secretaria de Agriculture y Fomento, 147 p. [Spanish. Description, construction and mathematical analysis of numerous projections.]
2304. Saito, Toshio, 1986, [The mathematical structure of a program for the computer graphics of orthographic map projection]: Geodetic Society of Japan, Journal, v. 32, no. 1, p. 23-31. [Japanese.] Sale, R.D. (See Robinson and Sale; Robinson, Sale, and Morrison; Robinson, Sale, Morrison, and Muehrcke.) 2305. Salignac Fénelon, François de, 1910, Méthodes d’observations physiques et géographiques: Pau, France, Garet, 12 p.
2312. Sanchez, R., and Thériault, Y., 1985, Les algorithmes économiques pour la projection Mercator transverses: Canadian Surveyor, v. 39, no. 1, p. 23-30.
2306. Salmanova, T.D. [&INYI\MGI 1 / ], 1950, O variante kosoy perspektivnotsilindricheskoy proyektsii [- GIKEI\QW UMFMT JWKFJWUQEG\MB ZENE\OKE[WFUMT JKMWUZEE*]: Nauchno-Tekhnicheskiye i Proizvodstvennye Statey GUGK, Sbornik, no. 33. [Russian. Variants of oblique perspective cylindrical projections.]
2313. Sandford, H.A., 1986, Son of Peters’: Cartographic Journal, v. 23, no. 1, p. 69. [Critique of the Gaia projection, a rectilinear perspective view of a flat cylindrical projection.] 2314. Sansó, Fernando, 1972, Carta conforme con minime deformazioni areali: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, v. 52, no. 2, p. 197-205. [Italian with English abstract.]
2307.___1951, Vidoizmenennaya polikonicheskaya proyektsiya dlya stennoy uchebnoy karty Sovetskogo Soyuza ['EOMESYW\W\\I] JMNEUM\E[WFUI] JKMWUZE]
ON] FQW\\MT H[W\MT UIKQV &MGWQFUMXM &MSI*]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 88, p. 32-37.
2315. Santa Maria, Domingo, and Schneider, Jorge, 1942, Proyeccion azimuthal de la tierra conservando en verdadera magnitud las distancias polares respecto a Santiago: Universidad Catolica de Chile, Revista Universitaria, v. 27, no. 2, sub-series Publicaciónes del Observatorio del San Cristobal, no. 3, p. 85-104. [Azimuthal Equidistant projection centered on Santiago, Chile for seismological purposes.]
[Russian. Modified Polyconic projection for an educational wall map of the Soviet Union.] 2308.___1958, V zashchitu proyektsii Chebysheva [' SIREQH JKMWUZEE ;WVLWGI*]: NIIGAiK, Trudy, v. 10, p. 93-95. [Russian. In defense of the Chebyshev projection.] 2309.___1960, O sgushchenii setok proyektsiy na primere proyektsii s oval’nymi izokolami dlya stennoy karty yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR [-
Sarkar, Ashis (See Roy and Sarkar.)
Sauter, Friedrich (See Gelcich and Sauter; Gelcich, Sauter, and Diense.) 2316. Schachter, Bruce, 1978, A nonlinear mapping algorithm for large data sets: Computer Graphics and Image Processing, v. 8, no. 2, p. 271-276.
Sbornik Statey po Kartografii, no. 11, p. 47-60. [Russian. About the concentration of the graticule of a projection in the use of projections with oval isolines for wall maps of the European part of the USSR.]
2317. Scheer, A., 1936, Einfache Veranschaulichung perspektivischer 136
Kartennetze, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Loxodrome und Orthodrome: Zeitschrift für den Physikalischen und Chemischen Unterricht, v. 49, p. 11-14.
Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 71, no. 5-6, p. 97102. 2328. Schmid, Erwin, 1961, Transformation of rectangular space coordinates: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Technical Bulletin No. 15. 2329.___1962, The earth as viewed from a satellite: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Technical Bulletin No. 20, 21 p.
2318. Scheffers, G.W., 1934, Wie findet und zeichnet man Gradnetze von Land- und Sternkarten?: Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 98 p. 2319. Schellhammer, F., 1878, Über äquivalente Abbildung: Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, v. 23, no. 2, p. 69-84.
2330.___1964, Plane coordinate systems & map projections: Amer. Society of Civil Engineers, Surveying and Mapping Div., Journal, v. 90, no. SU2, p. 17-25. [Mercator projection, also transverse and oblique.]
2320. Schering, E., 1857, Über die conforme Abbildung des Ellipsoides auf den Ebene: in R. Haussner and K. Schering, ed., Ges. Math. Werke von E. Schering, v. 1, Göttingen, reprinted by Mayer and Müller Verlag, Berlin, 1902.
2331.___1972, Inversion of Mercator coordinates: Amer. Society of Civil Engineers, Surveying and Mapping Division, Journal, v. 98, SU2, p. 243-245.
2321. Schilder, Günter, 1979, William Jansz. Blaeu’s wall map of the world, on Mercator’s projection, 1606-07 and its influence: Imago Mundi, v. 31, p. 36-54.
2332.___1974, World maps on the August Epicycloidal Conformal projection: Washington, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA Technical Report NOS 63, 22 p.
2322. Schiltz, M.E., [1986], Plotting azimuthal stress data on standard map projections using Geoplot: Menlo Park, Calif., U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 86-389, 29 p.
2333. Schmid, W., and Borsdorf, W., 1955, Kartennetzentwürfe: Lehrbrief f.d. Fernstud. Hrsg. v.d. Bergakademie Frieberg, no. 1-2. [Brief.]
2323. Schinzel, W., 1957, Kartenprojektionen: Radebeul, Der Forstvermesser, p. 15-21.
2334. Schmidt, ..., 1829, Lehrbuch der mathematischen und physischen Geographie: Gottingen.
2324. Schinzinger, R., and Laura, P.A.A., 1991, Conformal mapping: methods and applications: Amsterdam, Elsevier. 604 p.
2335. Schmidt, Ad., 1898, Bemerkungen zur Karte der Linien gleicher Werte der erdmagnetischen Kraftkomponenten: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 44, no. 7, p. 154158.
2325. Schive, J., 1923, Om de ved Norges Geografiske Opmåling anvendte Kartoprojektioner: Teknisk Ukeblad, v. 70, no. 52. [Norwegian. Projections used for Norwegian surveys.]
2336. Schmidt, G.G., 1801-03, Projection der Halbkugelfläche, in his Handbuch der Naturlehre: Giessen, Ger. [Presents his globular projection. See comments by Mollweide (1805, Ueber...).]
2326. Schjerning, Wilhelm, 1904, Über mittabstandstreue Karten: Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen, v. 3, no. 4, 36 p. [Azimuthal Equidistant projection modified to vary azimuths. Same title in Abhandlung der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien, v. 5, no. 4, 1903-04, 36 p.]
2337. Schmidt, H., 1916, Über die günstigste Wahl der Kartenprojektion bei Katastervermessungswesen, im besonderen über die für das Königreich Sachsen: Leipzig, Noske, 113 p.
2327. Schlötzer, Adolf, 1925, Die Verwendung der Photogrammetrie zur Kartenherstellung: 137
2338. Schmidt, Wilhelm, 1903, Astronomische Erdkunde: Leipzig & Vienna, F. Deuticke. [Vol. 6, p. 203-210 discusses projections.]
Schoppmeyer, Johannes (See Heupel and Schoppmeyer; see also under Finsterwalder (1993), A.B. Peters (1979).)
2339. Schmiedeberg, W., 1906, Zur Geschichte der geographischen Flächenmessung bis zur Erfindung des Planimeters: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, no. 3, p. 152176; no. 4, p. 233-256.
2347. Schott, C.A., 1882, A comparison of the relative value of the Polyconic projection used on the Coast and Geodetic Survey, with some other projections: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Report of the Superintendent, June 1880, Appendix 15, p. 287-296.
Schneider, C. (See Cauvin, Schneider, and Cherrier.)
___(See also Hunt and Schott.)
2340. Schneider, Helmut, 1971, Untersuchungen am Orthoprojektor GZ1 [eins] über die Höhengenauigken der Profilschraffenmethode: Munich, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Verlag, 115 p.
2348. Schoy, Carl, 1912, Bemerkungen zu dem in der Mercatorprojektion auftretenden Integral y = ∫(dφ/cos φ): Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 40, no. 8, p. 430433. [See also Thiemann (1912).]
Schneider, Jorge (See Santa Maria and Schneider.)
2349.___1913, Azimutale und gegenazimutale Karten mit gleichabständigen parallelen Meridianen: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 41, no. 1, p. 33-42. [Azimuthal and retroazimuthal projections.]
2341. Schödlbauer, A., 1981, Gaußsche konforme Abbildung von Bezugsellipsoiden in die Ebene auf der Grundlage des transversalen Mercatorentwurfs: Allgemeine VermessungsNachrichten, v. 88, no. 5, p. 165-173.
2350.___1913, Die gegenazimutale mittabstandstreue Karte in konstruktiver und theoretischer Behandlung: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 41, no. 9, p. 466-473. [Retroazimuthal projection.]
2342. Schoeps, Dietrich, 1964, Die Lösung der geodätischen Hauptaufgaben mit Hilfe der stereographischen Polarprojektion: Potsdam, Geodätisches Institut, Veröffentlichungen, no. 26, 19 p.
2351.___1915, Nochmals „Azimutale und gegenazimutale Karten“: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 61-1, Apr., p. 137-138. [Azimuthal and retroazimuthal projections.]
2343. Schols, C.M., 1882, Studiën over kaartenprojectiën: Leiden, Neth., Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, v. 8. [Dutch. Studies of map projections.]
2352.___1915, Erdkarte mit Paskalscher Schnecke als Umrandungskurve: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 61-1, May, p. 184-186.
2344.___1886, Une projection équivalente avec déviation minimum pour un terrain circulaire d’étendre restreinte: Arch. néerlaidaises des sciences exactes et naturelles, v. 20. 2345. Schöne, Theodor, 1909, Die Gradnetze des Ptolemäus im ersten Buche seiner Geographie: Königlich Gymnasium zu Chemnitz, Jahresbericht, 1908-1909, no. 726. [Ptolemy’s projections.]
2353.___1915, Mittagslinie und Qibla; Notiz zur Geschichte der mathematischen Geographie: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, p. 558-576. [Retroazimuthal projections. Reprinted in Beiträge zur Arabisch-Islamischen Mathematik und Astronomie: Frankfurt, Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 1988, v. 1, p. 132-150.]
2346. Schöner, Johannes, 1551, Planispherium, seu meteoroscopium: Nuremberg, Opera Mathematica. [Latin.]
2354.___1917, Die Mekka- oder Qiblakarte (Gegenazimutale mittabstandstreue Projektion mit Mekka als Kartenmitte): Kartographische 138
und Schulgeographische Zeitschrift, p. 184-186. [Explanation and construction of retroazimuthal projections like the Mecca projection of Craig. Reprinted in Beiträge zur Arabisch-Islamischen Mathematik und Astronomie: Frankfurt, Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 1988, v. 1, p. 157-159.]
2362.___1961, Conformal projection with the same scale at arbitrary boundary points: Columbus, Ohio, Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Ohio State University Research Foundation, unpublished manuscript, 5 p. 2363. Schröder, Eberhard, 1988, Kartenentwürfe der Erde. Kartographische Abbildungsverfahren aus mathematischer und historischer Sicht: Frankfurt-am-Main, Verlag Harri Deutsch, 168 p.
Schoy, Karl (See Schoy, Carl.) 2355. Schrader, Victor, 1989, World map on an interrupted Transverse Mercator projection: Amer. Cartographer, v. 16, no. 4, p. 297.
2364. Schubert, F.T., 1789-93, De proiectione sphaeroidis ellipticae geographica. Dissertatio prima tertia: St. Petersburg, Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, v. 5, p. 130-146; v. 6, p. 123142; v. 7, p. 149-161. [Latin.]
2356. Schreiber, Oscar, 1897, Die konforme Doppelsprojektion der trigonometrischen Abteilung der königl. preussischen Landesaufnahme: Berlin, 99 p. 2357.___1899-1900, Zur konformen Doppelprojection der preußischen Landesaufnahme. Sphäroid und Kugel. Gauß’sche Projection: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 28 (1899), p. 491-502, 593-613; v. 9 (1900), no. 11, p. 257-281; no. 12, p. 289-310.
2365. Schulman, Jane, 1986, The statistical analysis of density equalized map projection: Berkeley, Univ. of California, Computer Science Research Dept., Doctoral dissertation, 229 p. [Use of maps on which area is proportional to population, for disease studies.] 2366. Schut, T.G., 1992, Transformatie van recthoekige RD-coördinaten naar geografische coördinaten op de ellipsoïde van Bessel: Geodesia, v. 34, no. 6, p. 243-247. [Dutch with English abstract. Transformation from rectangular RD-coordinates to geographic coordinates on the Bessel ellipsoid.]
2358.___1908, Die Gleichung und der Lauf der Bildkurve p1 pp2 eines Größtenkreisbogens in Mercators Projektion: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 37, no. 1, p. 1-15. 2359.___1927-1938, Theory of the co-ordinate systems of South Africa: South African Surveying Journal, 1927, v. 2, no. 7, p. 327336; 1928, v. 3, pt. 2, no. 18, p. 44-51; 1931, v. 4, pt. 1, no. 26, p. 6-9; 1931, v. 4, pt. 2, no. 27, p. 44-46; 1936, v. 4, pt. 8, no. 33, p. 336-339; 1938, v. 5, pt. 2, p. 59-64.
2367. Schumacher, Arnold, 1930, Größkreiskarten für Luftnavigation: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 58, no. 10, p. 355-358. [Azimuthal projections.]
2360.___1943, Tables for the Gauss Conformal projection Clarke 1880 spheroid: South African Trigonometrical Survey Special Publication no. 1.
2368. Schumann, Richard, 1929, Eine Untersuchung zweier Kartenentwürfe nach M. Eckert: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 75, no. 1112, p. 291-296.
___(See also under Khristov (1939).)
Schwartz, A.A. (See Elliott and Schwartz.)
2361. Schreiter, J.B., 1960, Forty strip projections continuously covering all great circles: Columbus, Ohio State University, Reports of the Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Report no. 13, 58 p.
Schwartz, C.R. (See Adler, Reilly, and Schwartz.) 2369. Schwarz, H.A., 1869, Ueber einege Abbildungsaufgaben: Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik [Crelle’s], v. 70, no. 2, p. 105-120. [Also in Gesammelte 139
Mathematische Abhandlungen, v. 2, p. 65-83. Discusses conformal transformation of circle into regular polygons, useful for special map projections.]
Energy, Mines and Resources TR 69-1, 14 p. [2nd ed., 1975.] 2379.___1970, The lines of correct scale on the transverse Mercator projection: Canadian Cartographer, v. 7, no. 2, p. 152-153.
2370.___1869, Conforme Abbildung der Oberfläche eines Tetraeders auf die Oberfläche einer Kugel: Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik [Crelle’s], v. 70, no. 2, p. 121-136. [Conformal projection of a sphere onto a tetrahedron. Also in Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen, v. 2, p. 84-101.]
2380.___1984, Geodesy for map librarians, part III. The Mercator projections: Assn. of Canadian Map Librarians, Bulletin, v. 50, p. 813. 2381. Secondary Schools Mathematics Curriculum Improvement Study, 1973, Unified modern mathematics, course 6, booklet E, Geometric mappings and transformations: New York, Columbia University, Teachers College Press, 17 p.
2371.___1869, Notizia sulla rappresentazione conforme di un’area ellittica sopra un’area circolare: Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, ii, v. 3, p. 166-170. [Also in Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen, v. 2, p. 102-107.]
2382. Sejfried, Michal, 1986, Projekt dziesietnego systemu podzialowego mapy wiata w równokatnym odwzorowaniu stozkowym Lamberta na arkusze w skalach 1:1 000 000 i wiekszych: Geodezja i Kartografia, v. 35, no. 12, p. 57-75. [Polish with Russian abstract. A design of a decimal world map division system in Lambert equiangular conical representation into 1:1,000,000 and larger scales.]
2372.___1883, Zur conformen Abbildung der Fläche eines Rechtecks auf die Fläche einer Halbkugel: Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der GeorgAugusts-Universität zu Göttingen, p. 51-60. [Also in Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen, v. 2, p. 320-326.] 2373. Schwendeman, J.R., 1963, The Geomatic as a world map projection: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 53, no. 4, p. 620-621. [Abstract only.]
2383. Sen, A.K., 1976, On a class of map transformations: Geographical Analysis, v. 8, no. 1, p. 23-37. [Cartograms.]
2374. Science and Industry, 1900, Construction of a Mercator chart: v. 5, no. 5, p. 257-262.
2384. Senécal, Clovis-Omer, 1929, A transverse Polyconic projection for general maps of Canada: Ottawa, Dept. of Mines, Natl. Museum of Canada, Bulletin No. 57, 17 p.
2375. Scotese, C.R., Bambach, R.K., Barton, Colleen, van der Voo, Rob, and Ziegler, A.M., 1979, Paleozoic base maps: Journal of Geology, v. 87, no. 3, p. 217-277. [Use of Mercator, Mollweide, and polar Stereographic projections.]
2385. Senekal, W.F.S., Le Roux, J.S., and de Villiers, D.J., 1966, Kaartkompilasie Deel 2. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Koördinaatsisteem: Tydskrif vir Aardrykskunde, v. 2, no. 9, p. 3341. [Afrikaans. The South African coordinate system.]
2376. Sear, W.J., 1957, Map projection by transformation: Cartography, v. 2, no. 1, p. 2326.
2386. Senninger, Earl, 1967, Map projection exercises: Journal of Geography, v. 66, no. 3, p. 183-185.
2377.___1967, The projection story: Cartography, v. 6, no. 2, p. 64-72. [Selection of Equidistant Conic and Azimuthal Equidistant projections for maps of Australia.]
2387. Serapinas, B.B. [&WKIJE\IF ' ' ], 1983, Otsenka iskazheniy v kartograficheskikh proyektsiyakh trekhosnogo ellipsoida [-ZW\UI
2378. Sebert, L.M., 1969, The Mercator and transverse Mercator projections: Ottawa, 140
concerning the perspective conic coordinates and projection.]
Kartografiya, no. 8, p. 55-56. [Russian. Distortion estimation in cartographic projections of the triaxial ellipsoid.]
2394.___1961, Obosnovaniye i analiz tablits kartograficheskikh setok perspektivnokonicheskikh proyektsii [-MF\MGI\EW E
2388.___1984, O poluchenii ravnougol’nykh kartograficheskikh proyektsiy trekhosnogo ellipsoida [- JMNH[W\EE KIG\MHXMNP\V>
NNEJFMEOI]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 8,
Khar’kovskiy Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, Trudy, no. 31(68), p. 137-150. [Russian. Foundation and analysis of tables for cartographic graticules on the perspective conic projection.]
p. 48-50. [Russian. About the calculation of conformal cartographic projections of the triaxial ellipsoid.] 2389. Shabanova, A.I. [,II\MGI ) % ], 1952, K voprosu o razrabotke novykh tsilindricheskikh proyektsiy [5 GMJKMFH M
2395.___1967, Issledovaniye iskazheniy perspektivno-konicheskikh proyektsiy [%FFNWOMGI\EW EFUIW\ET JWKFJWUQEG\MB UM\E[WFUE> JKMWUZEE*]: Khar’kovskiy Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, Materialy Nauchnoy Konferencii, v. 6, p. 36-37. [Russian. Research on the distortion of the perspective conic projection.]
KISKIMQUW \MGV> ZENE\OKE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: Sbornik Statey po Kartografii, v. 2, p. 67-72. [Russian. On the question of development of new cylindrical projections.] ___(See also Ginzburg and Shabanova.)
2396.___1967, Obshchiye formuly koordinat perspektivno-konicheskikh i proizvodnykh ot nikh proyektsiy ellipsoida [-REW DMKYHNV
2390. Shalowitz, A.L., 1964, Multiple projection lines on early surveys, in his Shore and sea boundaries: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Publication 10-1, v. 2, ch. 3, p. 131-158. [Includes discussion of Bonne, Polyconic, Rectangular Polyconic, and Equidistant Polyconic projections.]
UMMKOE\IQ JWKFJWUQEG\MBUM\E[WFUE> E JKMESGMO\V> MQ \E> JKMWUZET NNEJFMEOI*]: Khar’kovskiy Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, Trudy, v. 68, no. 105. [Russian. General coordinate formulas for perspective conic and derived ellipsoidal projections.]
2391.___1969, The chart that made navigation history: Wash. Academy of Sciences, Journal, v. 59, nos. 7-9, p. 180-186. [Mercator projection.]
2397. Sharp, J.I., 1971, Atlas maps and the real world: Distortion patterns of map projections and their application to oblique and transverse cases: Newcastle upon Tyne, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Department of Geography, 68 p.
2392. Shaposhnikov, A.V. [,IJML\EUMG ) ' ], 1959, Issledovaniye stereograficheskikh perspektivno-konicheskikh koordinat i proyektsii [%FFNWOMGI\EW FQWKWMXKIDE[WFUE>
2398. Shen, Yongnian, 1991, [The expansion and computation formula for bipower series of Gauss-Krüger Projection]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 20, no. 2, p. 139-147. [Chinese with English abstract.]
Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, Zapiski, v. 49, no. 12, p. 71-90. [Russian. Research on stereographic perspective conic coordinates and projection.]
2399. Shi, Shusen, 1958, [Transformation of formulas of I.T. Petoval’tsev from formulas of Khristov with Gauss conformal projection with constant coefficients and their supplement (tr. from Russ. title)]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 2, no. 2, p. 65-80. [Chinese with Russian abstract.]
2393.___1961, K probleme perspektivnokonicheskikh koordinat i proyektsii [5
Sel’skokhozyaystvenniy Institut, Trudy, no. 31(68), p. 23-31. [Russian. A problem 141
2408.___1936, Die Ermittlung von Kartenentwürfen mit vorgegebener Flächenverzerrung: Deutsche Mathematik, v. 1, no. 4, p. 464-474. [The determination of map projections with areal distortion given in advance.]
2400. Shingareva, K.B. [,E\XIKWGI 5 ], 1976, Analiz proyektsiy sovremennykh kart Luny [)\INES JKMWUZET FMGKWYW\\V> UIKQ .H\V]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 93-101. [Russian. Analysis of the projections of actual maps of the Moon.]
2409.___1936, Die Verzerrungen und Maßstäbe der loxodromlinearen Entwürfe; die Berücksichtigung der Abplattung: Reichsamt für Landesaufnahme, Mitteilungen, v. 12, no. 1, p. 6-18.
2401. Shingareva, K.B., and Pomashina, T.A. [*MYILE\I 1 ) ], 1980, Kartograficheskiy aspekt izucheniya planety Merkuriy [5IKQMXKIDE[WFUET IFJWUQ ESH[W\E] JNI\WQV 9WKUHKET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 112-117. [Russian. Cartographic aspects of the study of the planet Mercury.]
2410.___1937, Flächenproportionales Umgraden von Kartenentwürfen: Reichsamt für Landesaufnahme, Mitteilungen, v. 13, no. 2, p. 88-102. [Presents new pseudocylindrical equalarea projections.]
2402. Shirley, R.W., 1980, All the world within a circle: some unusual world maps on a single polar projection: Map Collector, no. 10, p. 2-11.
2411.___1937, Das Zonen- und das Streifenverhältnis in Kartennetzen: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 65, no. 2, p. 75-90.
2403. Shlomi, Eli, 1977, A polyfocal projection – development and applications: Tel-Aviv University, Master’s thesis.
2412.___1938, Flächenproportionales Umbeziffern der Punkte in Kartenentwürfen: Reichsamt für Landesaufnahme, Mitteilungen, v. 14, no. 1, p. 34-41.
___(See also Kadman and Shlomi.) 2404. Shmutter, B., 1981, Transforming conic conformal to TM [Transverse Mercator] coordinates: Survey Review, v. 26, no. 201, p. 130-136.
2413. Sievers, Jörn, and Bennat, Heinz, 1989, Reference systems of maps and geographic information systems of Antarctica: Antarctic Science, v. 1, no. 4, p. 351-362.
___(See also Doytsher and Shmutter.) ___(See also Bennat and Sievers.) 2405. Si Xiaoyan, and Hu, Yuju, 1994, [Oblique camera type projection and the comparison with azimuthal projection at its centre outside of the globe], Journal of WTUSM (3).
2414. Siewke, Th., 1928, Die konstruktiven Grundlagen der Kartenwerke des Reichamtes für Landesaufnahme Berlin unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Preußischen PolyederProjektion: Allgemeine VermessungsNachrichten, v. 40, no. 20-40.
2406. Siemon, Karl, 1935, Neue Netzentwürfe für Kurskarten von Gebieten höherer Breite: Reichsamt für Landesaufnahme, Mitteilungen, v. 11, no. 1, p. 21-35.
2415. Sigl, Rudolf, 1977, Ebene und sphärische Trigonometrie mit Anwendungen auf Kartographie, Geodäsie und Astronomie: Karlsruhe, Wichmann, 482 p. [Sammlung Wichmann, N. F.: Buchreihe, 9.]
2407.___1935, Wegtreue Ortskurskarten: Reichsamt für Landesaufnahme, Mitteilungen, v. 11, no. 2, p. 88-95. [Presents projection with loxodromes plotted straight and of correct length from central point.]
2416. Sigmund, Heinz, 1991, Die Weltkarte als astrolabische Sonnenuhr (anhand historischer Kartenbeispiele)(3). Stereographische Projektionen: Schriften des historischwissenschaftlichen Fachkreises 142
meteorology − map projection: New York, H. Holt & Co., 113 p.
„Freunde alter Uhren“ in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chronometrie, v. 30, p. 185196.
2427. Skop, Jacob, 1951, The evolution of military grids: Military Engineer, v. 43, no. 291, p. 15-18.
2417. Sijmons, K., and Oxtoby, P.J., 1977, Map projections for post-graduate students: Enschede, Netherlands, International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences, 93 p.
2428. Sliwa, Antoni, 1978, Kartograficzne metody ekonomicznej transformacji przestrzeni: Folia Geographica, Series Geografica Oeconomica, v. 11, p. 149-160. [Polish. Cartographical methods of economic space transformation. Extension of Hägerstrand (1957) Azimuthal Logarithmic projection techniques.]
2418. Siklósi, Miklós, 1986, Vetítési eljárás tematikus térképek tartalmi kiemelésére: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 38, no. 5, p. 354357. [Hungarian with Russian abstract. Technique of projecting for the enhancement of content of thematic maps, by enlargement of center.] 2419. Simeon, Guiseppe, 1957, Curve inducatrici delle deformazioni lineari di una carta: Istituto Navale di Napoli, Annali, v. 26, p. 217-222.
Slobodyanik, I.V. (See Bugayevskiy and Slobodyanik.) 6RPF]\ÉVNL 6RPF]\ÉVNL
2420. Similien, M., 1841, Des projections obliques: Angiers, École Royale d’Arts et Métiers d’Angers, 44 p.
, Jósef (See Biernacki and .)
2429. Smith, Derek, and Griffin, Trevor, 1976, Maps and the human statistical landscape: Globe, v. 1, no. 5-6, p. 63-69. [Azimuthal Logarithmic projection centered on Adelaide, Australia.]
2421.___1842, Des projections orthogonales: Angiers, École Royale d’Arts et Métiers d’Angers, 61 p. [Orthogonal projections.]
Smith, H.G. (See McCullough and Smith.) Simmons, L.G. (See Mitchell and Simmons.) 2430. Smith, J.A., 1939, Globe: U.S. Patent 2,153,053, dated Apr. 4. [Gnomonic map projection plotted on foldable regular dodecahedron.]
2422. Singh, K.N., 1962, Oblique azimuthal projections and their special suitability for India: National Geographical Journal of India, v. 8, pt. 1, p. 45-58. 2423. Singh, Vijay, 1973, An integrated survey system for India: Survey Review, v. 22, no. 170, p. 174-179. [Transverse Mercator projection.]
2431. Smith, Stephen, 1909, New land maps of the world: Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 25, no. 11, p. 597-600. [Discusses Butterfly Map and proposes alternative.]
2424. Sinzi, Akira, 1966, [Navigation and map projection]: Chizu (Map), Journal of Japan Cartographers Assn., v. 4, no. 1, p. 1-9. [Japanese with English abstract.]
2432. Smotlacha, Vladimir, 1947, Nová pseudoazimutálni mapa: Kartografický PÐehled, v. 2, no. 11-12, p. 128. [Czech. New pseudoazimuthal maps of Karel .XFKDÐ.]
2425. Sjöström, W., 1906, Elementarbok i kartprojektionslära: Helsinki, 46 p. [Swedish. Rev. 1916. Textbook on principles of map projection.]
2433. Smythe, C.P., 1870, On an equal-surface projection for maps of the world, and its application to certain anthropological questions: Edinburgh, 40 p.
2426. Skilling, W.T., and Richardson, R.S., 1942, The practical essentials of pre-training navigation; celestial navigation −
2434. Snyder, J.P., 1949, Graphical construction of the Gnomonic map projection: Navigation, v. 2, no. 1, p. 2-5. 143
149-160. [See corrections in 1982, v. 9, no. 1, p. 84.]
2435.___1973, Flat maps for a curved State: projections,..., in his The mapping of New Jersey – the men and the art: New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers Univ. Press, p. 134-141.
2445.___1982, Map projections for larger-scale mapping: NASA Workshop on Registration and Rectification, [Leesburg, Va.], Proceedings, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pub. 82-23, p. 224-241. [Essentially reprinted in Colwell, R.N., ed. in chief, 1983, Manual of Remote Sensing: Falls Church, Va., Amer. Society of Photogrammetry, 2nd ed., v. 1, p. 901-910.]
2436.___1977, A comparison of pseudocylindrical map projections: Amer. Cartographer, v. 4, no. 1, p. 59-81. [See corrections in 1979, v. 6, no. 1, p. 81.] 2437.___1978, The Space Oblique Mercator projection: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 44, no. 5, p. 585-596. [Two pages reprinted in Explorers Journal, 1978, v. 56, no. 3, p. 112-113.]
2446.___1982, Geometry of a mapping satellite: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 48, no. 10, p. 1593-1602. [Use of Space Oblique Mercator projection, p. 16011602.]
2438.___1978, Equidistant Conic map projections: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 68, no. 3, p. 373-383.
2447.___1982, Map projections used by the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1532, 313 p. [2nd ed., 1983, 313 p. See also review by Mugnier, C.J., 1983: Surveying and Mapping, v. 43, no. 4, p. 417420.]
2439.___1979, Map projections for satellite applications: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, 38th annual meeting, Washington, Proceedings, p. 134-146. [Space Oblique Mercator and Satellite-Tracking projections.]
2448.___1982, The Modified Polyconic projection for the IMW: Cartographica, v. 19, nos. 3-4, p. 31-43.
2440.___1979, Calculating map projections for the ellipsoid: Amer. Cartographer, v. 6, no. 1, p. 67-76. [See correction in 1981, v. 8, no. 2, p. 160.]
2449.___1983, Efficient transfer of data between maps of different projections: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, 43rd Annual Meeting, Washington, Technical Papers, p. 332-340.
2441.___1981, Map projections for satellite tracking: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 47, no. 2, p. 205-213.
2450.___1984, A low-error conformal map projection for the 50 States: Amer. Cartographer, v. 11, no. 1, p. 27-39. [Uses complex algebra. See correction in Snyder (1987, Map..., p. 207).]
2442.___1981, Space Oblique Mercator projection − mathematical development: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1518, 108 p. [Also see review by Loon, J.C., 1982: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 48, no. 10, p. 1581.]
2451.___1984, Map-projection graphics from a personal computer: Amer. Cartographer, v. 11, no. 2, p. 132-138. [Abridged reprint as Mapprojections on your PC: Professional Surveyor, 1985, v. 5, no. 5, p. 7-10, 50.]
2443.___1981, Map projections used by the U.S. Geological Survey: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Fall Technical Meeting, San Francisco, Technical Papers, p. 61-70. [Reprinted in Revista Cartográfica, 1982, no. 42, p. 109-115.]
2452.___1984, Minimum-error map projections bounded by polygons: Cartographic Journal, v. 21, no. 2, p. 112-120. [Conformal projections using complex algebra. See also corrections in 1985, v. 22, no. 1, p. 73.]
2444.___1981, The perspective map projection of the Earth: Amer. Cartographer, v. 8, no. 2, p.
2453.___1985, Computer-assisted map projection research: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1629, U.S. Government Printing Office, 157 p. [See correction in Snyder (1987, Map..., p. 207.).]
ASPRS-ACSM Fall Convention, ACSM Technical Papers, p. 5-13. 2463.___1988, Social consciousness and world maps: Christian Century, v. 105, no. 6, 190-192. [Peters projection. See comments by Kaiser, W.L., and others: no. 8, p. 259; no. 12, p. 369370.]
2454.___1985, Conformal mapping of the triaxial ellipsoid: Survey Review, v. 28, no. 217, p. 130-148.
2464.___1988, Map projections: Portolan, no. 11, p. 9-16. [Reprinted in Carto-Philatelist, 1989, v. 34, no. 4, p. 103-107, and 1990, v. 35, no. 1, p. 10-13.]
2455.___1985, The transverse and oblique Cylindrical Equal-Area projection of the ellipsoid: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 75, no. 3, p. 431-442.
2465.___1988, New equal-area map projections for non-circular regions: Amer. Cartographer, v. 15, no. 4, p. 341-355. [Oblated equal-area series. Half of paper translated to Chinese in Wuce Yiwen, 1989, no. 4, p. 10-13.]
2456.___1986, A new low-error map projection for Alaska: Amer. Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing – Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Fall Convention, Anchorage, Alaska, Technical Papers, p. 307314.
2466.___1989, Map projection controversy − still swirling: ACSM Bulletin, no. 118, p. 37-39. [Peters projection.]
2457.___1986, Map projections used for largescale quadrangles by the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 982, 6 p. [Supersedes U.S. Geological Survey, 1949, Circular 57.]
2467.___1989, Map projection innovations since 1940 − where and why?: Paper presented at 14th International Cartographic Conference, Budapest, 11 p. [Abstract only published in International Cartographic Association, 14th World Conference, Aug. 17-24, Budapest, Abstracts – Resumes, p. 627-628.]
2458.___ 1987, Labeling projections on published maps: Amer. Cartographer, v. 14, no. 1, p. 21-27. 2459.___1987, “Magnifying-glass” azimuthal map projections: Amer. Cartographer, v. 14, no. 1, p. 61-68. [Translated to Chinese in Cartography (Wuhan Technical University, Wuhan, China), 1988, no. 3, p. 32-39.]
2468.___1989, Map projections in geodesy: in James, D.E., ed., Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, p. 834-844.
2460.___1987, Differences due to projection for the same USGS quadrangle: Surveying and Mapping, v. 47, no. 3, p. 199-206.
2469.___1990, The Robinson projection − a computation algorithm: Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, v. 17, no. 4, p. 301-305. [See correction, 1991, v. 18, no. 1, p. 78.]
2461.___ 1987, Map projections – a working manual: U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 1395, 383 p. Reprinted 1989 and 1994 with corrections. [General work superseding Snyder, 1982, Map projections used by the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Bull. 1532.]
2470.___1991, Map projections and rectangular borders: International Cartographic Association, 15th Conference, Bournemouth, Eng., Sept. 23Oct. 1, Proceedings, v. 2, p. 950-954. 2471.___1992, An equal-area map projection for polyhedral globes: Cartographica, v. 29, no. 1, p. 10-21.
2462.___1987, Optimizing equal-area map projections using least squares: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Reno, Nev., 145
2472.___1993, Flattening the Earth − two thousand years of map projections: Chicago, University of Chicago Press. 365 p.
Soha, Gábor (See Csepregni and Soha.) 2481. Sohon, F.W., 1941, The stereographic projection: Brooklyn, N.Y., Chemical Publishing Co., 210 p.
2473.___1994, How practical are minimumerror map projections?: Cartographic Perspectives, no. 17, p. 3-9. [See also correction in 1994, no. 18, p. 2.]
2482. 6RODUL¾, Radovan, 1980, 5DÀXQDQMH koordinata WRÀDND u Mercatorovoj projekciji primjenom GHSQRJ UDÀXQDOD: Geodetski List, v. 34, no. 7-9, p. 181-187. [Serbo-Croatian with German abstract. Calculation of pointcoordinates in the Mercator projection using pocket calculator.]
2474.___1994, The Hill Eucyclic projection: Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, v. 21, no. 4, p. 213-218. 2475.___1996, Delighting in distortions: world map projections as art: Mercator’s World, v. 1, no. 5, p. 38-43.
2483. Solov’ev, M.D. [&MNMGPWG 9 / ], 1937, Kartograficheskiye proyektsii [5IKQMXKIDE[WFUEW JKMWUZEE]: Moscow, Izdatel’stvo Geodezicheskoy i Kartograficheskoy Literatury, 239 p. [Russian. 2nd ed., 1946, 417 p.; also rev. 1964 (see Solov’ev, 1964 below). Cartographic projections.]
2476.___1997, Ellipsoids; Map projections: in Shirley, J.H., and Fairbridge, R.W., ed., Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences: London, Chapman & Hall, p. 232-233, 421-427, in press. ___(See also Alpha and Snyder; Bugayevskiy and Snyder; DeLucia and Snyder; Dyer and Snyder; Robinson and Snyder; Spilhaus and Snyder; Sprinsky and Snyder; Steinwand, Hutchinson, and Snyder; under Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) Bulletin, 1977; under Brooks and Roberts (1976, 1986); under Bugayevskiy, L.M., and Vakhrameyeva; under Hill, J.D. (1983); under Hilliard, et alia (1978); under O’Keefe and Greenberg (1977); under Pearson (1977, 1984); under Ratner; under U.S. Geological Survey (1979).)
2484.___1937, Al’bom kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [)NPMY UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: Moscow, MIIGAiK. [Russian. An album of cartographic projections.] 2485.___1939, Issledovaniya v svyazi s vyborom proyektsii dlya uchebnoy fizicheskoy karty SSSR geograficheskogo atlasa dlya nachal’noy shkoly v masshtabe 1:22 000 000 [%FFNWOMGI\E] G
2477. Snyder, J.P., and Steward, Harry, eds., 1988, Bibliography of Map Projections: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1856, 110 p. [First edition of this work.]
TsNIIGAiK, Sbornik, no. 4. [Russian. Studies related to the selection of projections for the school physical map of the USSR in the geographic atlas for elementary schools at 1:22,000,000 scale.]
2478. Snyder, J.P., and Voxland, P.M., 1989, An album of map projections: U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 1453, 249 p. Reprinted 1994 with corrections. [Graticules for 90 projections, with brief descriptions and formulas.]
2486.___1940, Perspektivno-tsilindricheskiye proyektsii [*WKFJWUQEG\MBZENE\OKE[WFUEW JKMWUZEE]: MIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 1. [Russian. Perspective-cylindrical projections.]
2479. Söderlund, Alfred, 1931, Formförändringen hos några kartprojektioner: Globen, v. 10, no. 5-6, p. 35-42. [Swedish. Distortion studies using the Tissot indicatrix.]
2487.___1949, Atlas kartograficheskikh proyektsiy TsNIIGAiK [)QNIF
UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET : JKMWUZET]. [Russian. The calculation of cartographic projections.]
2510. Spykman, J.N., 1944, The geography of the peace: New York, Harcourt, Brace and Co., 66 p. [Chap II: Mapping and map projection (Azimuthal Equidistant).]
2519.___1971, O matematicheskoy osnove sovremennykh kart grazhdanskoy aviatsii [-
2511. Stanley, A.A., 1946, A quincuncial projection of the world: Surveying and Mapping, v. 6, no. 1, p. 19. [Peirce projection.]
Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 95-99. [Russian. Translated to English as The mathematical basis for contemporary civil aviation maps: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1971, no. 6, p. 340-342. Several projections discussed.]
2512.___1947, World charts on the Azimuthal Equidistant projection: Geographical Review, v. 37, no. 2, p. 326-327.
2520. Starostin, F.A., Vakhrameyeva, L.A. ['I>KIYWWGI . ) ], and Bugayevskiy, L.M. [HXIWGFUET . 9 ], 1981, Obobshchennaya klassifikatsiya kartograficheskikh proyektsiy po vidu izobrazheniya meridianov i paralleley [-MRW\\I] UNIFFEDEUIZE]
2513.___1948, Map projections for modern charting: Military Engineer, v. 40, no. 268, p. 55-58. 2514.___1978, An American philosopher, Charles Peirce: scholar, cartographer, mathematician and metrologist: Washington, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA Reprint, v. 8, no. 2, 4 p.
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 111116. [Russian. Generalized classification of cartographic projections in regard to the representation of meridians and parallels.]
2515. Starostin, F.A. [&QIKMFQE\ $ ) ], 1950, Rol’ russkikh i sovetskikh uchenykh v razvitii matematicheskoy kartografii [+MNP KHFFUE> E
2521. Steers, J.A., 1927, An introduction to the study of map projections: University of London Press, 189 p. [2nd ed. 1929; 3rd ed., 1933, 252
Geografii, Sbornik 22. [Russian. The role of 148
p.; 4th ed., 1937, 237 p.; 5th ed., 1942, 258 p.; 7th ed., 1949, 299 p.; 8th ed., 1950, 312 p.; 9th ed., 1953, 320 p.; 10th ed., 1956, 324 p.?; 11th ed., 1957, 328 p.; 12th ed., 1959, 330 p.; 13th ed., 1962, 288 p.; 14th ed., 1965; 15th ed., 1970, 294 p.]
2530. Steward, Harry, 1970, Map projections: Approaches and themes: Journal of Geography, v. 69, no. 7, p. 390-400. [Discussion of projections and suggestions on how to simplify instruction.] ___(See also Snyder and Steward.)
Steeves, R.R. (See Thomson, Mepham, and Steeves.)
2531. Stewart, J.Q., 1943, The use and abuse of map projections: Geographical Review, v. 33, no. 4, p. 589-604.
2522. Stefanac, Slavko, 1977, 0UHH kao oblik JUDILÀNRJ L]UDDYDQMD: Savjetovanje Kartografska dokumentacija u GUXWYHQR SROLWLÀNLP zajedicama (RS¾LQDPD): Dubrovnik, p. 247-256. [Serbo-Croatian. Grids as graphical expression.]
2532. Stewart, J.Q., and Pierce, N.L., 1944, Marine and air navigation: Boston, Ginn, 472 p. [Several projections discussed p. 19-45.] 2533. Stilgenbauer, F.A., 1946, An improved (polar) lobate globoid grid for a polar map of the world and its significance in air navigation: Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Papers, v. 32, p. 265-284.
2523. Steinhauser, Anton, 1857, Grundzüge der mathematischen Geographie und der Landkartenprojektion: Vienna, F. Beck, 138 p. [2nd ed., 1880. 3rd ed., 1887, 155 p.] 2524.___1880, Elemente der mathematischen Geographie und Kartenprojektion: Vienna.
2534.___1946, The improved (polar) lobate globoid grid for a polar map of the world: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 36, no. 1, p. 105-106. [Abstract only.]
2525.___1883, Ueber die Anwendung der Kegelprojection auf Darstellungen der ganzen Erde: Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Geographie, v. 4, p. 34-36.
2535. Stirling, I.F., 1973, New Zealand Map Grid: Wellington, N.Z., Department of Lands and Survey, Head Office, Technical Circular 1973/32, 7 p.
2526.___1883, Stabius Redivivus, eine reliquie aus dem 16. Jahrhundert: Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Geographie, v. 4, p. 289-291.
2536.___1974, The new map projection: New Zealand Cartographic Journal, v. 4, no. 1, p. 39. [Conformal projection for New Zealand Map Grid.]
2527. Steinwand, D.R., Hutchinson, J.A., and Snyder, J.P., 1995, Map projections for global and continental data sets and an analysis of distortion caused by reprojection: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 61, no. 12, p. 1487-1497.
2537. Stochdorph, Otto, 1985, Equidistant Cylindrical projection as a blend of cosmographic and perspective mapping on a sixteenth century map, in Marzoli, Carla Clivio, ed., Imago et mensura mundi: IX Congresso Internazionale di Storia della Cartografia, Atti: Rome, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, p. 279-281.
2528. Steppes, O., 1934, Das Netz der Seekarte (Merkatorkarte): Seewart, v. 3, no. 6, p. 255259. 2529. Stevenson, E.L., 1932, Geography of Claudius Ptolemy: New York, New York Public Library, 167 p. Reprinted as Claudius Ptolemy: the geography: New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1991. [English translation of Ptolemy’s classic account of map projections (esp. p. 4045, 161-163). See also Ptolemy (ca. A.D. 150).]
2538.___1987, Das Imhofsche Verzerrungsgitter als Hilfsmittel bei des Kartographiegeschichte der Alpenländer: Alpenübergänge vor 1850. Landkarten, Strassen, Verkehr, p. 87-90. 2539. Stooke, P.J., 1986, Automated cartography of non-spherical worlds: 149
International Cartographic Assn., 2nd International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Seattle, Wash., July 5-10, Proceedings, p. 523-536. [Projections for irregular natural satellites of Mars, Saturn, etc.]
2548. Strasser, Georg, 1962, UTM-Projektion und Gauß-Krüger-Abbildung: Vermessungstechnische Rundschau, v. 24, no. 9, p. 335-336. Strausz-Hupé, R. (See Harrison and StrauszHupé.)
2540. Stooke, P.J., and Keller, C.P., 1990, Map projections for non-spherical worlds / The variable-radius map projections: Cartographica, v. 27, no. 2, p. 82-100.
2549. Strebe, D.R., 1994, The generalized conic projection, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, v. 21, no. 4, p. 233-241.
2541. WRUN¹Q, F., 1954, Kartografické tabulky pro nové mapy 1:5000 i 1:2000 (elipsoid Krasovského): Prague, SNTL, 88 p. [Czech. Cartographic tables for the new maps (1:5,000 and 1:2,000) − Krasovskiy ellipsoid.]
2550. Strickner, R., 1913, Ein Apparat zur praktischen Veranschaulichung der verschiedenen Kartenprojektionen: Kartographische und Schulgeographische Zeitschrift, p. 164-168, 181-183. [An apparatus for the practical illustration of different projections.]
2542. Stott, P.H., 1977, The UTM Grid Reference System: Society for Industrial Archeology, Journal, v. 3, no. 1, p. 1-14.
2551. Strohl, L., 1950, Le vrai visage nouveau du monde au XXe siécle: La Nature; Revue des Sciences et de leur Applications, no. 3187, p. 321-340.
2543. Stoughton, H.W., 1982, Simple algorithms for calculation of scale factors for transverse Mercator systems: Survey Review, v. 26, no. 206, p. 386-391.
2552. Strom, K.M., 1945, Four world maps for use in biology and geophysics: Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, v. 10, no. 5-8, p. 179-183. [Boggs Eumorphic projection in four formats.]
2544.___1984, Analysis of various algorithms to compute scale factors on the Lambert Conformal Conic projection: Amer. Society of Photogrammetry – Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Fall Convention, San Antonio, Texas, Technical Papers, p. 136-146.
2553. Stromyer, C.E., 1901, Surface equivalent projections: 7th International Congress on Geography, 1899, Verhandlungen: Berlin, W.N. Stühl, v. 2, p. 99-102.
2545. Stoughton, H.W., and Berry, R.M., 1985, Simple algorithms for calculation of scale factors for plane coordinate systems (1927 NAD and 1983 NAD): Surveying and Mapping, v. 45, no. 3, p. 247-259. [See also comments by B.H. Chovitz and A.P. Colvocoresses, no. 4, p. 361362. Also published separately, 1980, by U.S. Defense Mapping Agency, Hydrographic and Topographic Center, 25 p.]
2554.___1901, A conical surface equivalent projection: Manchester Geographical Society, Journal, v. 17, no. 7-9, p. 183-185. [Suggests mapping on conical equal-area with a series of zones having different cone constants.] 2555. Strong, H.M., 1927, A world map on an equal-area basis; a new map prepared for the correct presentation of commercial facts: Washington, Dept. of Commerce, Commerce Reports, no. 37, p. 645-647.
2546. Strachan, J.P., 1912, A new graphic map: Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 28, no. 1, p. 35-39. [See comment by D. Pryde: no. 2, p. 8990, that the projection is Sanson-Flamsteed (Sinusoidal).]
2556. Struve, H., 1887, Landkarten: ihre Herstellung und ihre Fehlergrenzen: Berlin, J. Springer, 79 p.
2547. Strahler, A.N., 1963, Map projections, Appendix I, in his The Earth Sciences: New York, Harper and Row, p. 633-643.
2557. Stutz, F.P., 1974, World map projections on the computer: Canadian Cartographer, v. 11, no. 1, p. 59-68. 150
abstract. Some problems of producing projection grids drawn by plotters.]
2558. Sust, O., 1958, Geographische, Soldnersche und Gauß-Krügersche konforme Koordinaten: Vermessungstechnik, v. 6, no. 8, p. 190-192.
2567. Szádeczky-Kardoss, Gyula, 1960, Über eine raschere Berechnungsmethode der Längenverzerrungen bei den Gauß-Krüger Koordinaten: Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, v. 30, Series Geodaetica et Geophysica, v. 2, no. 3-4, p. 313317. [German with English abstract.]
2559. Suter, Heinrich, 1922, Über die Projektion der Sternbilder und der Länder von al- BÇrÖnÇ in Frank, Josef, ed., Beiträge zur Geschichte der Mathematik bei den Griechen und Arabern: Erlangen, Kommissionsverlag von Max Mencke, Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Medizin, v. 4, p. 79-93.
___(See also Eilingzfeld and SzádeczkyKardoss; Hassan and Szádeczky-Kardoss; Tárczy-Hornoch and Szádeczky-Kardoss.) 2568. Szava-Kovats, G.S., 1964, Notes for an introductory course in map projections based on the lectures of I. I. Mueller: Columbus, Ohio State Univ., Dept. of Geodetic Science.
Swanson, W.G. (See Fleming and Swanson.) 2560. Swedberg, Sven, 1929, Negot om Kartprojektioner: Ymer, v. 49, no. 4, p. 376-379. [Swedish.]
2569. Taich, V.D. [1IE[ ' / ], 1937, Uslovnaya proyektsiya s polyusnoy dugoy i ravnorazdelennymi parallelyami [(FNMG\I]
2561. Sweden, Rikets Allmönne Kartverk, Geodetishe Avdolningen, 1935, ... Tabeller für Gauss’Hannoverska projektion: Stockholm, Statens Reproduktionsanstalt, 458 p. [Swedish. Tables for the Gauss-Hannover projection.] 2562. Swonarew, K.A., 1953, Kartenentwurfslehre: Berlin, VEB Verlag Technik, 182 p.
JKMWUZE] F JMNF\MT OHXMT E KIG\MKISOWNW\\VYE JIKINNWN]YE*]: Geodezist, no. 2. [Russian. A conventional projection with a polar arc and equally divided parallels.] 2570.___1938, Ob odnoy serii ekvivalentnykh proyektsiy [- MO\MT FWKEE UGEGINW\Q\V> JKMWUZET*]: Geodezist, no. 10. [Russian. One series of equal-area projections.]
2563. Sydow, Emil von, 1866, Drei Kartenklippen. Geokartographische Betrachtung: Geographisches Jahrbuch, v. 1, p. 348-361.
2571. Tamaki, Masao, 1972, [Gnomonic chart for navigation]: Chizu (Map), Journal of Japan Cartographers Assn., v. 10, no. 1, p. 26-28. [Japanese with English abstract.]
2564.___1866, 1869, Übersicht der neueren topographischen Spezialkarten europäischer Länder: Geographisches Jahrbuch, 1866, v. 1, and 1869, v. 4.
Tannehill, I.R. (See also Gregg and Tannehill.)
Syffus, R. (See Grafarend and Syffus.)
2572. Tannehill, I.R., and Woolard, E.W., 1936, Gall’s projection for world maps: Monthly Weather Review, v. 64, no. 9, p. 294-297.
2565. Szabó, Béla, 1971, Gondolatok vetületi rendszerünk megválasztásához: Geodésia és Kartográfia, v. 23, no. 6, p. 406-411. [Hungarian. Some remarks about choosing Hungary’s projection system.]
2573. Tárczy-Hornoch, Antal, 1960, A GaussKrüger-koordináták három-csatlakozópontú átszámításához: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 12, no. 1, p. 9-12. [Hungarian with German abstract. Transformation of Gauss-Krüger coordinates using three control points.]
2566. Szabó, K.E., 1986, A vetületi fokhálózatok elÍállítása programvezérelt rajzgéppel: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 38, no. 5, p. 357-363. [Hungarian with English
___(See also Hazay and Tárczy-Hornoch.)
2574. Tárczy-Hornoch, Antal, and SzádeczkyKardoss, Gyula, 1959, Átszámítás a GaussKrüger vetületi sávok között két csatlakozópont segítségével: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 11, no. 1, p. 2-12. [Hungarian with French abstract. Transformation between zones of Gauss-Krüger projection.]
2582. Thiemann, C., 1912, Bemerkungen zu dem in der Merkatorprojektion auftretenden Integral y = ∫dφ/cos φ: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 40, p. 502-503. [See also Schoy (1912).] 2583. Thomas, P.D., 1952, Conformal projections in geodesy and cartography: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec. Pub. no. 251, 142 p.
2575.___ 1960, Über die Umrechnung der Gauß-Krüger-Koordinaten von einem Streifen in den anderen mit mehreren Anschlusspunkten: Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, v. 30, Series Geodaetica et Geophysica, v. 2, no. 3-4, p. 259-312. [German with English abstract.]
2584.___1970, Spheroidal geodesics, reference systems, & local geometry: Washington, U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office SP-138, 165 p. [Map projection formulas discussed p. 98-100 (azimuthal) and p. 103-105 (Two-Point Equidistant).]
2576. Tardi, Pierre, 1938, Questions relatives aux projections cartographiques: 15th International Geographical Congress, Amsterdam, Comptes Rendus, v. 2, p. 12-28. Also see his Rapport sur les projections: Association de Géodésie, Travaux, 1936.]
___(See also McBryde and Thomas.) 2585. Thompson, E.H., 1938, The condition for the construction of a conformal projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 4, no. 30, p. 480-481.
2577. Taylor, Griffith, 1919, Air routes to Australia: Geographical Review, v. 7, no. 4, p. 256-261. [Uses southern Sylvanus (Werner) projection to show isolation of Australia.]
2586.___1946, An introduction to map projections: Chessington, Surrey, Eng., Ordnance Survey, 19 p.
Taylor, Horace (See Raisz, Peet, and Taylor.) 2587.___1975, A note on conformal map projections: Survey Review, v. 23, no. 175, p. 17-28.
2578. Taylor, W.A., 1890, Map projections: Scottish Geographical Magazine, v. 6, no. 6, p. 306-315. 2579. Teunissen, J., and Hogenbirk, K., 1979, De Mercatorprojectie: Geodesia, v. 21, no. 4, p. 125-134. [Dutch.]
2588. Thompson, M.M., 1979, Map projections, reference systems and geodetic control, in his Maps for America: U.S. Geological Survey, p. 237-246. [2nd ed., 1982; 3rd ed., 1988.]
2580. Tezarius informatsionno-poiskovoy po soderzhaniyu i proyektsiyam kartograficheskikh istochnikov [1WSIKEHF E\DMKYIZEM\\MB
Thomson, William (See Kelvin, Lord.)
2589. Thomson, D.B., Mepham, M.P., and Steeves, R.R., 1977, The Stereographic double projection: Fredericton, N.B., Canada, Univ. of New Brunswick, Tech. Report. No. 46, 47 p.
Moscow. TsNIIGAiK, 1987. [Russian. Thesaurus for information retrieval on the contents and projections of cartographic resources.]
2590. Thorade, Hermann, 1919, Zur Umwandlung von Kartenprojektion (Bemerkungen zu der vorangehenden Abhandlung Immlers): Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 47, no. 1-2, p. 36-38. [Two-Point Azimuthal
2581. Thériault, Marius, 1990, Lambert: logiciel de projection cartographique: Revue de Carto-Québec, v. 11, no. 2, p. 11. Thériault, Y. (See Sanchez and Thériault.) 152
projection. See Immler (1919), and comments by Behrmann (1919).]
2601___1993, Projections of maps of fifteenth and sixteenth century European discoveries: Madrid, Doce Calles, Mundialización de la ciencia y culture nacional, p. 81-87.
2591.___1928, Elementares zur stereographischen Projektion: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 74, no. 9-10, p. 260.
2602.___1993, Maps of the Columbian encounter and its aftermath, and their projections: Meridian, no. 9, pp. 37-44.
2592. Thornthwaite, C.W., 1927, The Cylindrical Equal-Area projection for a new map of Eurasia and Africa: Berkeley, Univ. of Calif. Publications in Geography, v. 2, no. 6, p. 211-230. [Oblique aspect.]
2603.___1996, Maps and Civilization: Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 299 p. [Numerous references to map projections, esp. p. 70-71, 120-123, 221-226, 237-246.]
2593. Thornton-Smith, G.J., 1950, The use of rectangular grid co-ordinates by the land surveyor in Australia: Australian Surveyor, v. 13, no. 3, p. 100-118.
2604. Tiedemann, C.E., 1975, Cartographic reconstructions of Gondwanian fractures for continental and smaller regions: Amer. Cartographer, v. 2, no. 2, p. 169-177. [Selection of projections for optimum fit of continents when joined.]
2594. Thoulet, Julien, 1868, Note sur les projections gnomoniques: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 5, v. 15, Jan.-June, p. 78-86. [Gnomonic projection. See also Dufour (1868).]
2605. Tikunov, V. S., 1988, Anamorphated cartographic images: historical outline and construction techniques: Cartography, v. 17, no. 1, p. 1-8.
2595.___1874, Note sur les projections gnomoniques: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 6, v. 8, Aug., p. 171-186. [Gnomonic projection.]
___(See also Gusein-Zade, S.M., and Tikunov.) 2606. Ting, Jiabou, 1982, [A complement to the analytical transformation between conformal projections]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 11, no. 1, p. 46-50. [Chinese with English abstract.]
2596.___1875, Note sur les projections orthographiques: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 6, v. 10, Nov., p. 468-484. [Orthographic projection.] 2597.___1876, Carte du globe terrestre en projection gnomonique sur l’horizon du pôle nord: Académie des Sciences, Comptes Rendus, v. 82, no. 4, p. 264-266. [Gnomonic projection.]
2607. Tissot, N.A., 1858, Sur le développement modifié de Flamsteed: Académie des Sciences, Comptes Rendus, v. 46, no. 13, p. 646-648. [Modification of Sinusoidal projection using hyperbolic curves.]
2598.___1877, Note sur les projections stéréographiques: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 6, v. 14, Nov., p. 489-508. [Stereographic projection.]
2608.___1859-60, Sur les cartes géographiques: Académie des Sciences, Comptes Rendus, 1859, v. 49, no. 19, p. 673-676; 1860, v. 50, no. 10, p. 474-476; 1860, v. 51, p. 964-969. [See also 1865, v. 60, p. 933-934.]
2599.___1879, Note sur la projection cylindrique ou de Mercator: Société de Géographie, Bulletin, series 6, v. 17, Apr., p. 305-318. [Mercator projection.]
2609.___1878, Sur la représentation des surfaces et les projections, des cartes géographiques: Nouvelles Annales de Mathématiques, 2nd series, v. 17, p. 49-55, 145163, 351-366.
2600. Thrower, N.J.W., 1972, Maps and man: Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 184 p. [Numerous references to specific map projections.]
2610.___1881, Mémoire sur la représentation des surfaces et les projections des cartes 153
géographiques: Paris, Gauthier Villars, 337 p. + 60 p. tables. [Details the use of his indicatrix, introduced earlier. Also presents his version of equal-area conic projection. Note: The preamble and first four chapters of this work, p. 1-126, first appeared in Nouvelles Annales de Mathématiques, series 2, 1878, v. 17; 1879, v. 18; 1880, v. 19.]
2621.___1963, Map projection research by digital computer: Denver, Colo., paper presented to Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Sept. 2622.___1964, A comparison of spherical and ellipsoidal measures: Professional Geographer, v. 16, no. 4, p. 9-12. 2623.___1964, Illustrations of map projection distortion: London, Nelson, 20th International Geographical Union Congress, Abstracts of Papers, p. 35.
2611.___1887, Die Netzentwürfe geographischer Karten: Stuttgart, German edition by Ernst Hammer. 2612. Tobler, W.R., 1959, Automation and cartography: Geographical Review, v. 49, no. 4, p. 526-534.
2624.___1964, Some new equal area map projections: Survey Review, v. 17, no. 131, p. 240-243. [Compresses equatorial and polar aspects of Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection of entire world by half to make outline elliptical, and compresses Hammer and Mollweide by half to make outline circular.]
2613.___1959, Some notes on azimuthal projections: Seattle, Univ. of Wash., 23 p. 2614.___1960, Generalized cylindrical projections: Seattle, Univ. of Washington, Dept. of Geography, Discussion Paper No. 36, Apr. 19, 4 p.
2625.___1964, Geographical coordinate computations: Part I, General considerations; Part II, Finite map projection distortions: Ann Arbor, Mich., University of Michigan, Dept. of Geography, Technical Reports no. 2 and 3, ONR Task No. 389-137.
2615.___1960, Projection pitfalls: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 50, no. 1, p. 58. 2616.___1961, Map transformations of geographic space: Seattle, University of Washington, Doctoral dissertation.
2626.___1966, Medieval distortions: The projections of ancient maps: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 56, no. 2, p. 351-361.
2617.___1961, World map on a Moebius strip: Surveying and Mapping, v. 21, no. 4, p. 486.
2627.___1966, Notes on two projections: Cartographic Journal, v. 3, no. 2, p. 87-89. [Two-point Equidistant projection and independent derivation of projection originally by Siemon (1935, Wegtreue...), which Tobler calls Loximuthal.]
2618.___1962, The polar case of Hammer’s projection: Professional Geographer, v. 14, no. 2, p. 20-22. [Flattening of polar Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection. See correction by Tobler in Survey Review, 1964, v. 17, no. 131, p. 242.]
2628.___1973, A continuous transformation useful for districting: New York Academy of Sciences, Annals, v. 219, p. 215-220. [Construction of cartograms with areas proportional to population.]
2619.___1962, A classification of map projections: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 52, no. 2, p. 167-175. 2620.___1963, Geographic area and map projections: Geographical Review, v. 53, no. 1, p. 59-78. [Equal-area projections and cartograms. Translated to German as Geographischer Raum und Kartenprojektionen, in Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeographie. Hrsg. v. Dietrich Bartels: Cologne and Berlin, Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1970, p. 262-277.]
2629.___1973, The hyperelliptical and other new pseudo cylindrical equal area map projections: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 78, no. 11, p. 1753-1759. 2630.___1974, Local map projections: Amer. Cartographer, v. 1, no. 1, p. 51-62. 154
2631.___1974, Cartogram programs: Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan, Dept. of Geography, Cartographic Laboratory Report No. 3, [110 p.].
___(See also Kumler and Tobler; Petrich and Tobler; under Lambert (1772); under Williams, R.L.).
2632.___1976, The geometry of mental maps, in Spatial Choice and Spatial Behavior: Columbus, Ohio State University Press, p. 6981.
2642. Tobler, W.R., and Chen, Zi-tan, 1986, A quadtree for global information storage: Geographical Analysis, v. 18, no. 4, p. 360-371. [Selection of world map projection as base for storage grid.]
2633.___1976, Analytical cartography: Amer. Cartographer, v. 3, no. 1, p. 21-31.
Todorova, E. (See Daskalova, Todorova, and Dilov.)
2634.___1977, A transformational view of cartography, in Uotila, U.A., ed., The changing world of geodetic science: Columbus, Ohio State University, Dept. of Geodetic Science, Report no. 250, p. 270-280. [Also in Amer. Cartographer, 1979, v. 6, no. 2, p. 101-106.]
2643. Tokmulin, M.Ch. [1MUYHNE\ 9 ; ], 1958, O raschete kartograficheskoy setki dlya seysmicheskikh issledovaniy [- KIF[WQW
UIKQMXKIDE[WFUMT FWQUE ON] FWVFYE[WFUE> EFFNWOMGI\ET*]: Akademiya Nauk Kirgizskoy SSR, Izvestiya, no. 6, p. 65-77. [Russian. The calculation of cartographic graticules for seismic research.]
2635.___1977, Bidimensional regression − a computer program: Santa Barbara, University of California, Geography Dept., manuscript, 71 p. [Shows use to determine fit of possible projections for “Gough” map of England.]
2644. Tolstova, T.I. [1MNFQMGI 1 % ], 1969, Kriteriy Eyri v primenenii k azimutal’nym proyektsiyam (na kasatel’noy ploskosti) [5KEQWKET TKE G JKEYW\W\EE U
2636.___1977, Numerical approaches to map projections, in Kretschmer, Ingrid, ed., Beiträge zur Theoretischen Kartographie: Vienna, Franz Deuticke, p. 51-64.
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 115-118. [Russian. Translated to English as The Airy criterion as applied to azimuthal projections (onto the tangent plane): Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1969, no. 6, p. 427-429.]
2637.___1978, A proposal for an equal area map of the entire world on Mercator’s projection: Amer. Cartographer, v. 5, no. 2, p. 149-154.
2645.___1970, Obobshchennye formuly konicheskiye proyektsii [-MRW\\VW DMKYHNV UM\E[WFUEW JKMWUZEE*]: MIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 57, p. 94-116. [Russian. Generalized formulas for conic projections.]
2638.___1979, Cartograms and cartosplines: U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Automated Cartography and Epidemiology, 1976 Workshop, Hyattsville, Md., Proceedings, DHEW Pub. No. (PHS) 791254, p. 53-58.
2646.___1981, Obobshchennye polikonicheskiye proyektsii [-MRW\\VW JMNEUM\E[WFUEW JKMWUZEE*]: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Doklady, v. 259, no. 1, p. 61-65. [Russian. Generalized polyconic projections.]
2639.___1986, Pseudo-cartograms: Amer. Cartographer, v. 13, no. 1, p. 43-50. 2640.___1986, Polycylindric map projections: Amer. Cartographer, v. 13, no. 2, p. 117-120.
2647.___1981, K teorii kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [5 QWMKEE UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET]: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Doklady, v. 259, no. 2, p. 316-320. [Russian. On the theory of cartographic projections.]
2641.___1986, Measuring the similarity of map projections: Amer. Cartographer, v. 13, no. 2, p. 135-139.
2648.___1984, O polikonicheskikh proyektsiyakh dlya kart SSSR [-
2655.___1970, O rasprostranenii teoremy Chebysheva na nekotorye klassy kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [-
Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 4, p. 37-40. [Russian. On polyconic projections for the maps of the USSR.]
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 91-96. [Russian. Translated to English as On an extension of Chebyshev’s theorem to certain classes of cartographic projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1970, no. 4, p. 251-254.]
2649. Tomelleri, Valentino, 1972, Le coordinate piane gaussiane nella determinazione del modulo di deformazione lineare puntuale per fusi di notevole ampiezza nella proiezione conforme U.T.M. dell’ellissoide di rotazione sul piano: Rivista del Catasto e dei Servizi Tecnici Erariali, new series, v. 27, no. 1-6, p. 12-25. [The plane coordinates of Gauss in the determination of the modulus of linear-point deformation for large meridian strips in the conformal UTM projection of the ellipsoid of rotation onto the plane.]
2656.___1970, Sistema Eylera-Urmayevaapparat izyskaniya novykh kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [&EFQWYI TNWKIB(KYIWGIBIJJIKIQ
ESVFUI\E] \MGV> UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET*]: Nauchno-tekhn. Konferentsiya
Novosibirsk std. Vses. astronomo-geodezich. ostrova NIIGAiK Tezisy, Doklady, p. 71-72. [Russian. The system of the Euler-Urmayev apparatus in seeking new cartographic projections.]
2650. Tonta, Luigi, 1928, A new type of polar chart; method of navigating in the polar regions with the magneti[c] compass: Hydrographic Review, v. 5, no. 2, p. 51-60. [“Mercator’s inverse projection.”]
___(See also Meshcheryakov and Topchilov.)
2651.___1929, Notes and tables on polar cartography: Hydrographic Review, v. 6, no. 1, p. 83-110. [Lambert Conformal Conic and “inverse Mercator” projections. See also no. 2, p. 179.]
2657. Töpfer, Friedrich, 1959, Betrachtungen zur Äquidistanz einer topographischen Karte 1:2000 der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik: Vermessungstechnik, v. 7, no. 6, p. 151-154.
2652.___1930, Cartes orthodromiques pour la construction du point radiogoniométrique: Revue Hydrographique Internationale, p. 32-38.
2658. Torbert, J.B., 1902, Maps and mapmaking: American Geographical Society, Bulletin, v. 34, no. 3, p. 197-210. [Projections discussed p. 202-209.]
2653.___1930, Use of the Lambert conformal conical projection for the plotting of hydrographic surveys: Hydrographic Review, v. 7, no. 1, p. 35-45.
2659. Tóth, Adol-tól von, 1888, Eine neue, allgemeine, leicht u. genau construirbare Projektion des geographischen Gradnetzen mit genau ueberinstimmenden flächeninhalten: Földrajzi Közlemények, v. 16, no. 7, p. 81-84.
2654. Topchilov, M.A. [1MJ[ENMG 9 ) ], 1969, Ob odnom obobshchenii klassa konformnykh proyektsiy [- MO\MY
2660.___1888, A földrajzi fokhálózatnak új általános, egyenterületü és bármely kisebbitési arányban egyenlö könnyüséggel szerkeszthetö vetülete: Földrajzi Közlemények, v. 16, no. 7, p. 369-387. [Hungarian. An easily constructed equal-area projection of the geographic grid that may be evenly reduced at any ratio.]
MMRW\EE UNIFFI UM\DMKY\V> JKMWUZET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 103108. [Russian. Translated to English as A generalization of a class of conformal projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1969, no. 2, p. 121-124.]
Tóth, Gyula (See Völgyesi, Tóth, and Varga.)
2661. Town Planning Inst., Journal, 1957, The Trystan Edwards projection, an outline map showing areas of land and of sea, and the political boundaries: v. 43, no. 5, p. 114-115.
2670. Tuchin, Ya.I. [1H[E\ = % ], 1973, Odin iz variantov nailuchshey eylerovskoy proyektsii [-OE\ ES GIKEI\QMG \IENH[LWT TNWKMGFUMT JKMWUZEE*]: NIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 30, p. 65-67. [Russian. One of the variants for the best Euler projection.]
Toy, H.S. (See Coleclough and Toy.) 2662. Troeder, H., 1961, Über Kartenprojektionen: Vermessungsverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz, Nachrichtenblatt, v. 4, no. 3, p. 13-18.
2671. Turner, H.H., 1915, Report on the state of science: Seismological investigations: London, British Association for the Advancement of Science, 84th Meeting, Australia, 1914, Report, p. 41-69. [P. 44-45 describe a new projection by A. Milne with details of construction for earthquake mapping.]
2663. Troll, Carl, 1975, Proyección Peters: Sociedad Cartográfica de Colombia, Boletín, v. 12, no. 23, p. 87-88. [Peters projection.] 2664. Trombetti, C., and Bencini, P., 1954, Proiezioni di Gauss-Boaga: Florence, Istituto Geografico Militare, 293 p.
Turner, J.D. (See Junkins and Turner.) 2672. Turner, R.J., 1978, A model of Phobos: Icarus, v. 33, no. 1, p. 116-140. [Use of elliptical modification of polar Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection for Mars satellite as triaxial ellipsoid.]
2665. Trutat, Eugène, 1897-[1902], Traité général des projections: Paris, C. Mendel, 391 p. [2nd volume published 1902, discussing lantern projections.]
2673. Turturici, Lorenzo, and Vassallo, Andrea, 1974, Considerazioni sull’ isogonismo o non delle principali proiezioni cartografiche e su alcuni procedimenti operativi: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 33, no. 4, p. 407422. [Italian with English abstract. Considerations on the isogonism or not of the main cartographic projections and on some operational procedures.]
2666. Tschamler, Ingas, 1902-1906, Leitfaden der Kartographie, 2 v.: Mahr-Neustadt, L. Fehr. 2667. Tsinger, N.Ya. [:E\XWK < = ], 1906, La projection de Lagrange appliquée à la carte de la Russie d’Europe: Académie des Sciences, Comptes Rendus, v. 143, p. 211-213. 2668.___1913, Ob izobrazheniyakh ellipsoidal’noy zemnoy poverkhnosti na share s sokhraneniyem ploshchadey ili zhe podobiya beskonechno malykh figur [- ESMKIW\E]>
2674. Tyuflin, Yu.S. [1DNE\ ! & ], Ledovskaya, L.S. [.WOMGFUI] . & ], Kadnichanskiy, S.A. [5IO\E[I\FUET & ) ], and Ostrovskiy, M.V. [-FQKMGFUET 9 ' ], 1985, O razgrafke poverkhnosti Venery na trapetsii i vybore kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [-
Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk [St. Petersburg], Izvestiya, series 6, v. 7, p. 383-404. [Russian. On the transformation of the ellipsoidal Earth’s surface onto a sphere with preservation of area or also the likeness of infinitesimal figures.]
Geodeziya i Kartografiya, no. 8, p. 56-58. [Russian. On the division of the surface of Venus into trapeziums and selection of cartographic projections.] 2675. 8¿DU, 'RDQ, 1986, Ali Macar Reis Atlasi: II. International Congress on the History of Turkish and Islamic Science and Technology, Apr. 28-May 2, Istanbul, Proceedings, v. 1, p. 33-43. [Turkish. Use of map projection similar to Eckert III by Ali Macar Reis in 1567.
2669.___1916, O naivygodneyshikh vidakh konicheskikh proyektsiy [- \IEGVXMO\WTLE> GEOI> UM\E[WFUE> JKMWUZET*]: Akademiya Nauk [St. Petersburg], Izvestiya, series 6, v. 10, no. 17, p. 1693. [Russian. Applies least squares to conformal and equal-area conic projections.] 157
Actually identical to that of Agnese and Ortelius.]
2690.___1949, Universal Polar Stereographic grid tables for latitudes 79°30′ - 90°. International spheroid (meters): 19 p. [Rev. 1958, TM 5-241-9, 20 p.]
2676. U.S. Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, [1956?], Projections in general: St. Louis.
2691.___1949-1951, Universal Transverse Mercator grid tables. Clarke 1866 (Technical Manual nos. 7, 21, 37), Clarke 1880 (nos. 9, 48), Everest (nos. 11, 49), Bessel (nos. 8, 39), International (no. 6) spheroids.
2677. U.S. Army, 1973, Universal Transverse Mercator Grid: U.S. Army Technical Manual TM 5-241-8. 2678. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Lake Survey, N.Y Office, 1944, Laborde projection tables, Madagascar.
2692.___1950, Grids and grid references. [Also issued by Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 1962, 199 p.; 1967, 192 p.; and 1983, 143 p., as Technical Manual TM 5-241-1.]
2679. U.S. Army Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, 1966, Introduction to map projections: Lesson Reference File T.002-200, 57 p.
2693.___1951, Universal Transverse Mercator grid: Technical Manual no. 19, 66 p. [Corr., 1952. Rev. 1958, TM 5-241-8.]
2680.___1967, Computations for gridding a map: Lesson Reference File T.006-29, 13 p.
2694.___1951, Zone to zone transformation tables, Universal Transverse Mercator Grid: Technical Manual no. 50.
2681.___1967, Lambert Conformal Conic projection construction: Lesson Reference File T.221-050, 36 p.
2695.___1958, Universal Transverse Mercator grid tables, Clarke 1866 spheroid: Army Technical Manual TM 5-241-4/1.
2682.___1967, Transformation of coordinates: Lesson Reference File T.006-74, 12 p.
2696. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, 1973, Projection handbook: 14 p.
2683.___1967, Traverse computations on the UTM grid: Lesson Reference File T.006-40, 17 p.
2697.___1973, CAM, Cartographic Automatic Mapping Program Documentation – Version 3. [Earlier versions internal. Versions 4 (1975), 5 (1977), 6 (1980), 7 (1987). Permits plotting of 16-18 map projections. See also under U.S. Geological Survey (1982).]
2684.___1968, Geographic to UTM grid coordinates and inverse: Lesson Reference File T.230-403, 35 p. 2685.___1968, Lambert Conformal Conic projection computations: Lesson Reference File T.315-06, 35 p.
2698. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1885, Methods and results. Tables for the projection of maps on a polyconic development: Report for 1884, Appendix no. 6, p. 135-321.
2686.___ 1968, Polar Stereographic projection and Universal Polar Stereographic grid: Lesson Reference File T.310-05, 25 p. 2687. U.S. Army Map Service, 1943, World Polyconic Grid: A.M.S. Bulletin 1.
2699.___1900, Tables for a Polyconic projection of maps: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec. Pub. 5. [2nd ed., 1900; 3rd ed., 1910, 189 p.; 4th ed., 1917, 189 p.; 5th ed., 1930, 189 p.; 6th ed., 1935, 189 p.]
2688.___1943, Methods of computing and plotting grids: A.M.S. Bulletin 2.
2700.___1948, Plane coordinate systems: Serial no. 562, rev. ed., 5 p.
2689.___1944, Transformation of grid coordinates: A.M.S. Bulletin 7. 158
2701.___1950-55, Plane coordinate projection tables; plane coordinate intersection tables. [Pamphlets on State plane coordinate systems with tables.]
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (See under Dozier; Schmid, Erwin (1974); U.S. Geological Survey (1981). Also see U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.)
___(See also under Adams, O.S. (several); Bowie and Adams; Claire; Deetz (several); Hilgard (1856); Hunt and Schott; McBryde and Thomas; Mitchell and Simmons; Peirce (1879); Schmid, Erwin (1961, 1962); Schott; Shalowitz (1964);Thomas (1952); Zeskind. Also see U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.)
2707. U.S. Navy Department, Bureau of Navigation, 1869, Projection tables for the use of the United States Navy; comprising a new table of meridional parts for the Mercator projection with reference to the terrestrial spheroid [flattening 1/299.1528] and the tables of the Polyconic projection...: 236 p. 2708. Uhden, Richard, 1937, An [Azimuthal] Equidistant and a Trapezoidal projection of the early fifteenth century: Imago Mundi, v. 2, p. 8.
2702. U.S. Geological Survey, 1949, State coordinates and polyconic maps: Circular 57, 7 p. [Superseded by Snyder (1986, USGS Circular 982).]
2709. Uhorczak, Franciszek, 1962, Obraz wiata w siatkach kartograficznych: Warsaw, Geografia Powszechna, v. 1, p. 102-120. (PaÉstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.) [Polish. The world in map projections.]
2703.___1979, Oblique Mercator projections: Landsat Data Users Handbook, rev. ed., Appendix D, p. AD-1 to AD-26. [Hotine and Space Oblique Mercator projections, from reports by A.P. Colvocoresses, Vladimir Kratky, J.B. Rowland, and J.P. Snyder.]
2710. Ulrich, Otto, 1878, Die perspektivischen Kartenprojektionen, deskriptiv behandelt: Breslau, Gymnasium zu St. Elisabet.
2704.___1980, Map projections for Landsat data: Landsat Data Users Notes, no. 10, p. 1-3. [The Hotine Oblique Mercator projection: no. 11, p. 4-5. The Space Oblique Mercator projection: no. 12, p. 2-3.]
2711. Umlauft, Friedrich, 1889, Die gebräuchlichsten Kartenprojectionen: Deutsche Rundschau für Geographie und Statistik, v. 11, no. 5, p. 219-222.
2705.___1981, General cartographic transformation package (GCTP): Reston, Va. [Computer transformation package with forward and inverse formulas for 18 projections. Issued also by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration with format changes as Version 2, 1987: Rockville, Md. USGS version revised 1991, adding 3 projections.]
2712. Unguendoli, Marco, 1975, Modified Icosahedral-Gnomonic projection: Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, v. 34, no. 2, p. 137144. 2713. University of Chicago Magazine, 1952, The flat world, v. 44, no. 8, p. 4. 2714. Urmayev, N.A. [(KYIWG < ) ], 1935, Konicheskiye proyektsii v primenenii k marshrutnym poletnym kartam [5M\E[WFUEW
2706.___1982, Geological Survey − Cartographic automatic mapping (GS-CAM): Reston, Va. [Computerized projection package combining CAM of Central Intelligence Agency with GCTP (above).]
JKMWUZEE G JKEYW\W\EE U YIKLKHQ\VY JMNWQ\VY UIKQIY*]: Moscow. [Russian. Conic projections with application to air-route maps.]
___(See also under Birdseye; Colvocoresses (1977, Map....); Evenden; Gannett; Newton; Plouff; Resnick; Rowland; Snyder (several); Thompson, M.M.; Woodward, R.S.)
2715.___1941, Matematicheskaya kartografiya [9IQWYIQE[WFUI] UIKQMXKIDE]]: Moscow, Voyennoinzhenernaya Akademiya. [Russian. Mathematical cartography.]
2716.___1947, Metody izyskaniya novykh kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [9WQMOV
series A, v. 22, p. 33-64. [Danish. The “most important” projections of the sphere.]
2724. Vakhrameyeva, L.A. ['I>KIYWWGI . ) ], 1960, [Certain investigations of the formulas for rectangular coordinates for the Lambert Conformal Conic projection]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2. [Russian.]
[Russian. The approach to establishment of new cartographic projections.] 2717.___1950, Izyskaniye nekotorykh novykh tsilindricheskikh, azimutal’nykh i psevdotsilindricheskikh proyektsiy [%SVFUI\EW
2725.___1960, Sravneniye proyektsiy, ispol’zuemykh dlya sovremennykh topograficheskikh kart [&KIG\W\EW JKMWUZET
Proizvodstvennye Statey GUGK, Sbornik, no. 29. [Russian. The search for some new cylindrical, azimuthal, and pseudocylindrical projections.]
Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 93-101. [Russian. A review of projections used for modern topographic maps.]
2718.___1953, Issledovaniya po matematicheskoy kartografii [%FFNWOMGI\E] JM YIQWYIQE[WFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 98, 107 p. [Russian. Studies in mathematical cartography.]
2726.___1961, O metode polucheniya perspektivnykh proyektsiy s mnogokratnymi izobrazheniyami, predlozhennom Prof. M.D. Solov’evym [- YWQMOW JMNH[W\E]
2719.___1956, Teoriya gomograficheskogo preobrazovaniya i yeye primeneniye k matematicheskoy kartografii i sostavleniyu kart [1WMKE] XMYMXKIDE[WFUMXM JKWMKISMGI\E] E
126. [Russian. Obtaining a perspective projection with multiple aspects as suggested by Prof. M.D. Solov’ev.]
TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 113. [Russian. Theory of homographic transformation and its application to mathematical cartography and map design.]
2727.___1963, Obobshchennye formuly konformnykh proyektsiy [-MRW\\EVW DMKYHNV UM\DMKY\V> JKMWUZET]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 1, p. 109-115. [Russian. Translated to English as Generalized formulas for conformal projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1963, no. 1, p. 48-51.]
2720.___1962, Osnovy matematicheskoy kartografii [-F\MGV YIQWYIQE[WFUMT UIKQMXKIDEE]: TsNIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 144, 128 p. [Russian. The fundamentals of mathematical cartography. Rev. 1969.]
2728.___1969, Konformnye proyektsii, poluchennye s pomoshch’yu garmonicheskikh polinomov [5M\DMKY\VW JKMWUZEE
Ushakov, G.A. (See Val’ts and Ushakov.)
JMNH[W\\VW F JMYMRP XIKYM\E[WFUE> JMNE\MYMG]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
2721. Uzefovich, A.M., 1938, Cartographical projections for geographical maps: School Science and Mathematics, v. 38, no. 4, p. 378390. 2722.___1949, Global distance scale: Surveying and Mapping, v. 9, no. 2, p. 87-92.
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 1, p. 111-116. [Russian. Translated to English as Conformal projections obtained with the aid of harmonic polynomials: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1969, no. 1, p. 53-55.]
2723. Vahl, Martin, 1911, De vigtigste Kortprojektioner: Nyt Tidsskrift for Matematik,
2729.___1971, Konformnye proyektsii s asimmetrichnymi izokolami [5M\DMKY\VW 160
Immagine del Mondo nei secoli XV e XVI, Estratto da: Atti Convegno, Messina, Oct. 1415, 1993, p. 63-82. [Claudius Ptolemy’s projections.]
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 1, p. 133138. [Russian. Translated to English as Conformal projections with asymmetric distribution of distortion: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1971, no. 1, p. 52-54.]
2735. Val’ko, Ján, 1993, Aplikácia presnej matematickej metódy transformácií v kartografii: Kartografické Listy, no. 1, p. 47-55. [Slovak with English abstract. Application of an accurate mathematical method of transformation in cartography.]
2730.___1971, Konformnye proyektsii, poluchayemye s pomoshch’yu ryadov, i ikh primeneniye [5M\DMKY\VW JKMWUZEE
JMNH[IWYVW F JMYMRP K]OMG E E> JKEYW\W\EW]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
2736. Val’ts, G.B. ['INPZ 8 ], and Ushakov, G.A. [(LIUMG 8 ) ], 1960, Mekhanizmy dlya chercheniya i preobrazovaniya proyektsiy [9W>I\ESYV ON] [WK[W\E] E JKWMKISMGI\E] JKMWUZET]: Izd. Khar’kovskogo un-ta. [Russian. Mechanisms for drawing and transforming projections.]
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 91-94. [Russian. Translated to English as Conformal projections obtained from series and their application: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1971, no. 6, p. 338-340.] 2731.___1975, Teoriya konformnykh proyektsiy s upravlyayemymi izokolami i metody ikh izyskoniya [1WMKE] 5M\DMKY\V>
2737. Van Burkalow, Anastasia, 1955, Teaching map projections in introductory geography courses: Journal of Geography, v. 54, no. 2, p. 82-88.
JKMWUZET F HJKIGN]WYVYE ESMUMNIYE E YWQMOV E> ESVFUM\E]*]: Moscow, Doctoral dissertation. [Russian. Theory of conformal projections with controlled isocols and methods to find them.]
2738. van der Craats, W.J., and van der Krogt, P.C.J., 1979, Partiëel vervormde kaarten: Kartografisch Tijdschrift, v. 5, no. 4, p. 24-30. [Dutch. Partially transformed maps.]
___(See also Bugayevskiy, L.M., and Vakhrameyeva; Starostin, Vakhrameyeva, and Bugayevskiy.)
2739. van der Grinten, A.J., 1904, Map: U.S. Patent 751,226, dated Feb. 2. [His best known circular map projection. Also patented in Canada, Great Britain, and France (van der Grinten (1905, New ....)).]
2732. Vakhrameyeva, L.A., Bugayevskiy, L.M. [HXIWGFUET . 9 ], and Kazakova, Z.L. [5ISIUMGI 3 . ], 1986, Matematicheskaya kartografiya [9IQWYIQE[WFUI] UIKQMXKIDE]*]: Moscow, Nedra. [Russian. Mathematical cartography.]
Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 95-99. [Russian. Analyses of variable-scale projections for socioeconomic maps.]
2740.___1904, Darstellung der ganzen Erdoberfläche auf einer kreisförmigen Projektionsebene: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 50, no. 7, p. 155-159. [World map projections bounded by circles and having circles for meridians and parallels. See also corrections, no. 10, p. 250; 1905, v. 51, no. 2, p. 48. See also his supplementary comments, 1905, Zur Verebnung der ganzen Erdoberfläche: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 51, no. 10, p. 237; 1906, Zu der zweiten Notiz von van der Grinten über seine Weltprojektion: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 52, no.2, p. 46.]
2734. Valerio, Vladimiro, 1994, Sui planisferi tolemaici. Alcune questioni interpretative e prospettiche: Esplorazioni Geografiche e
2741.___1905, New circular projection of the whole earth’s surface: Amer. Journal of Science, series 4, v. 19, no. 113, p. 357-366.
2733. Vakhrameyeva, L.A., and Bugayevskiy, Yu.L. [HXIWGFUET ! . ], 1985, Issledovaniye peremenno-masshtabnykh proyektsiy dlya sotsial’no-ekonomicheskikh kart [%FFNWOMGI\EW
2752. Vapotitsch, Franz, 1893, Zur Aitowschen Kartenprojektion: Ausland, v. 66, no. 21, p. 325326. [Aitoff projection.]
van der Krogt, P.C.J. (See van der Craats and van der Krogt.) 2742. Vanderlinn, J., 1888, Lehrbuch des Projektionszuchmens: Stuttgart, J. Maier, 182 p.
2753. Varenius, Bernard, 1650, Mappas geographicas componere, in his Geographia generalis, in qua affectiones generalis telluris explicantur...: Amsterdam, book 3, chap. 32, proposition 6, p. 691-725. [Latin. Construction of several existing projections described. Other editions at Amsterdam, 1664, 1671, 1672; Cambridge, 1672, 1681; Jena, 1693. Translated to English by Blome, Richard, 1682, as To compose geographical maps, in Cosmography and geography in two parts: The first ... being a translation from ... Varenius: London, p. 316334. Translations also to English (1733), Dutch (1755), French (1755), Russian (1718, 1790).]
van der Voo, Rob (See Scotese, Bombach, Barton, van der Voo, and Ziegler.) 2743. Van Roon, J., 1929, De equivalente cilinderprojectie voor wereldkaarten: Tijdschrift voor Economische Geographie, v. 20, no. 4, p. 129-132. [Dutch. Equivalent cylindrical projections for world maps.] 2744.___1936, Kaartprojecties: Zee, v. 58, no. 8, p. 410-418. [Dutch. Map projections.]
2754. Varga, József, 1983, A Lambert-féle szögtartó kúpvetületröl: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 35, no. 1, p. 25-30. [Hungarian with English abstract. The Lambert Conformal Conic projection.]
2745.___1939, Gnomonische kaarten: Zee, v. 61, p. 67-72. [Dutch. Gnomonic maps.] 2746.___1940, Kaartprojecties bij het zeevaartonderwijs: Zee, v. 62, no. 1, p. 12-20. [Dutch. Map projections in navigation instruction.]
___(See also Völgyesi, Tóth, and Varga.) 2755. Vasilevskiy, L.I. ['IFENWGFUET . % ], 1968, Variavalentnye proyektsii i ikh primeneniye dlya kart naseleniya i drugikh spetsial’nykh geograficheskikh kart ['IKEIGINW\Q\VW JKMWUZEE E E> JKEYW\W\EW
2747. Vanssay de Blavous, P.M.J.F.A. de, 1930, Systems of plane projection for plotting hydrographic surveys: Hydrographic Review, v. 7, no. 1, p. 8-34.
2748.___1937, Generalization of the conformal conic projection and the double circular projection of the sphere: Hydrographic Review, v. 14, no. 1, p. 39-69.
vtorogo Mezhduvedomstvennogo Soveshch. po Geogr. Naseleniya, v. 3, 1967, p. 22-25. [Russian. Many-valued projections and their application for settlement and other special maps.]
2749.___1939, Stereographic projections: Hydrographic Review, v. 16, no. 1, p. 24-45.
2756. Vasmut, A.S. ['IFYHQ ) & ], 1978, Mashinnoye proyektirovaniye i konstruirovaniye kart [9ILE\\MW JKMWUQEKMGI\EW E UM\FQKHEKMGI\EW UIKQ]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 90-100. [Russian. Machine map projection and map construction.]
2750.___1939-40, Conformal projections of the ellipsoid: Hydrographic Review, 1939, v. 16, no. 2, p. 25-43; 1940, v. 17, no. 2, p. 11-22. ___(See also under Driencourt and Laborde.) van Willigen, Durk (See Lincklaen Arriens, Vrijmoed, van Willigen, and de Jongh.)
2757. Vasques, A.C.B., 1977, Representação plana do globo terrestre para fins didáticos: Franca, São Paulo, Brazil, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Instituto de História e Serviço Social de Franca,
2751. Van Zyl, A.S., 1979, Bonne’s projection of Meteosat images: Pretoria, Natl. Physical Research Lab., Optical Sciences Div., 20 p.
Boletim do departamento de Geografia, no. 2. 15 p. [Portuguese.]
2766. Vincze, Vilmos, 1959, Nagyméretarányú térképeink új vetületi rendszere: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 11, no. 3, p. 167-169. [Hungarian. New map projection for large-scale maps of Hungary.]
Vassallo, Andrea (See Turturici and Vassallo.) 2758. Veal, A.R., 1951, The classification of map projections: Emporia, Kans., Kansas State Teachers College, Dept. of Mathematics, Master’s thesis.
2767.___1968, Einheitliche Ableitung und allgemeingültige Grundgleichungen der reellen Projektionen: Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica, v. 3, no. 1-2, p. 69-103. [German with English abstract.]
2759. Velten, A.W., 1898, Neue Methode, eine in azimutaler Projection entworfene geographische Karte in eine andere mit beliebig gegebener Kartenmitte zu übertragen: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 27, no. 4, p. 103-113.
2768.___1982, Az ellipszoid valós vetületei. A valós vetületek általános egyenletei: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 34, no. 4, p. 235-242. [Hungarian with German abstract. True ellipsoidal projections. General equations of the projections.]
2760. Venturi, A., 1898, Sopra alcune proprietá rappresentative degli angoli e sulla proiezione isodromica: Rivista Geografica Italiana, v. 5, no. 9, p. 437-456; no. 10, p. 501-518.
2769.___1983, Fundamental equations with general validity of real projections: Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica, v. 18, no. 4, p. 383-401.
2761. Verstelle, J.T., 1951, Kaartprojecties beschouwd uit een hydrografisch oogpunt: The Hague, Neth., Min. van Marine, Afdeling Hydrografie, Staatsdruckerei, 167 p. [Dutch. Map projections for hydrography, Royal Dutch Navy Hydrographic Service.] Veselý, Miroslav (See 3DRXUHN and Veselý.)
2770. Vinge, C.L., 1950, Mercator projection: its basis in elementary mathematics: School Science and Mathematics, v. 50, no. 439, p. 394-401.
2762. Vilenkin, N.Ya. ['ENW\UE\ < = ], 1961, O konformnykh proyektsiyakh, blizkikh k chebyshevskoy proyektsii [- UM\DMKY\V>
2771.___1951, Mercator grid: its practical and pedagogic merits: Journal of Geography, v. 50, no. 1, p. 30-34.
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 5, p. 79-89. [Russian. On conformal projections similar to the Chebyshev projection.]
2772. Visintin, Luigi, 1921, Sulle migliori proiezioni in planisfero: La Geografia (Rivista di Propaganda Geografica), v. 9, no. 6, p. 181203.
2763. Vincenty, T., 1984, Proposal for a unified state plane coordinate system: Amer. Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) Bulletin, no. 92, p. 17-20.
2773.___1930, Una costrusione geometrica del planisfero ellitico di Eckert: La Geografia (Rivista di Propaganda Geografica), v. 18, no. 1-6, p. 95-97. [Eckert’s elliptical projection.]
2764.___1985, Precise determination of the scale factor from Lambert Conical projection coordinates: Surveying and Mapping, v. 45, no. 4, p. 315-318.
2774. Vital, Arthur, 1903, Die Kartenentwurfslehre: Die Erdkunde, v. 26: Leipzig and Vienna, F. Deuticke, 96 p.
JKMWUZE]> NESUE> U [WVLWGFUMT JKMWUZEE*]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
2775. Vitkovskiy, V.V. ['EQUMGFUET ' ' ], 1900, Vygodneyshaya ravnopromezhutochanaya konicheskaya proyektsiya ['VXMO\WVLI]
2765.___1986, Use of polynomial coefficients in conversions of coordinates on the Lambert Conformal Conic projection: Surveying and Mapping, v. 46, no. 1, p. 15-18.
KIG\MJKMYWHQM[I\I] UM\E[WFUI] JKMWUZE]*]: Izvestiya Russ. G.S., v. 36, p. 457-
462. [Russian. Advantages of an equal-area conical projection.]
Winkel macht, nebst einigen Bemerkungen über Landcharten-Projectionen: Zach’s Monatliche Correspondenz zur Beförderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde, v. 18, Sept., p. 185-196.
2776.___1907, Kartografiya; teoriya kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [5IKQMXKIDE] QWMKE] UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET*], 14: St. Petersburg, Yu.N. Erlikh, 463 p. [Russian. Presents his versions of equidistant, equal-area, and conformal conic projections.]
2782. VonderMühll, Karl, 1868, Ueber die Abbildung von Ebenen auf Ebenen: Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik [Crelle’s], v. 69, no. 3, p. 264-285. [Generalizes Lagrange’s (1779) approach to produce a series of conformal projections with straight lines and conic sections for meridians and parallels.]
2777. Völgyesi, Lajos, Tóth, Gyula, and Varga, József, 1994, Magyarországi vetületi rendszerek közötti átszámítások: Geodézia és Kartográfia, v. 46, no. 5-6, p. 265-269. [Hungarian with English abstract. Conversions between Hungarian map projection systems.]
2783.___1868, Über ein Problem der Kartenprojektion...: Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 18 p. 2784. Voss, A., 1933, Abbildung und Abwickelung zweirer Flächen auf Einander, in Encyklopädie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, v. 3, part 3, D6a, p. 355-440.
2778. Volkov, N.M. ['MNUMG < 9 ], 1964, Vneshniye perspektivnye proyektsii s pozitivnym izobrazheniyem poverkhnosti zemnogo shara ['\WL\EW JWKFJWUQEG\VW
2785. Voxland, P.M., 1982, World projection and mapping program reference manual: Minneapolis, Minn., Social Science Research Facilities Center, Univ. of Minnesota. [Computer program with over 100 projections.]
Kartografiya, no. 4, p. 70-73. [Russian. External perspective projections with positive image of the surface of the globe.]
___(See also Hsu and Voxland; Porter and Voxland; Snyder and Voxland.)
2779.___1969, Automatisierung und Mechanisierung in der mathematischen Kartographie: Technische Universität Dresden, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, v. 18, no. 2, p. 589-596.
2786. Vozikis, E., 1983, Unconventional applications of differential rectification: Photogrammetria, v. 38, no. 6, p. 201-208.
2780.___1973, Kartograficheskaya proyektsiya fotosnimkov nebesnykh tel, poluyayennykh iz kosmosa [5IKQMXKIDE[WFUI] JKMWUZE]
___(See also Bormann and Vozikis; Jansa and Vozikis.)
DMQMF\EYUMG \WWF\V> QWN JMNH]W\\V> ES UMFYMFI]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
Vrijmoed, Hans (See Lincklaen Arriens, Vrijmoed, van Willigen, and de Jongh.)
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 91-99. [Russian. Translated to English as Cartographic projection of photographs of celestial bodies taken from outer space: Geodesy, Mapping and Photogrammetry, 1973, v. 15, no. 2, p. 87-91.]
2787. Vujakovic, Peter, 1987, The extent of adoption of the Peters projection by “Third World” organizations in the UK: Society of University Cartographers, Bulletin, v. 21, no. 1, p. 11-15.
Volkov, N.M. (See also Bugayevskiy, L.M., Volkov, and Ginzburg.)
2788.___1989, Mapping for world development: Geography, v. 74, no. 2, p. 97-105. [Peters projection.]
2781. von Textor, Johann-Christoph, 1808, Vorschlag zu einer Projection eines langen und schmalen Streifens der Erdfläche, dessen Richtung mit dem Aequator einen schiefen
2789.___1989, Arno Peters’ cult of the ‘New Cartography’ − from concept to world atlas: 164
Society of University Cartographers, Bulletin, v. 22, no. 2, p. 1-6.
[Reprinted in Acta Cartographica, 1977, v. 25, p. 435-452.]
___(See also King and Vujakovic.)
Wagner, Karl(-)Heinrich (See Wagner, Karlheinz.)
2790. Vul’fovich, B.A. ['HNPDMGE[ ) ], 1962, Issledovaniye formy tsiklecheskoy krivoy 1 tipa na merkatorskoy proyektsii ellipsoida [%FFNWOMGI\EW DMKYV ZEUNW[WFUMT UKEGMT
NNEJFMEOI*]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
2797. Wagner, Karlheinz (Karl-Heinrich), 1932, Die unechten Zylinderprojektionen: Deutsche Seewarte, Archiv, v. 51, no. 4, 68 p. [Presents several pseudocylindrical projections with sinusoidal or elliptical meridians.]
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 21-27. [Russian. Translated to English as Investigations of the shape of type 1 cyclic curve on the Mercator projection of the ellipsoid: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1962, no. 6, p. 378-381.]
2798.___1941, Neue ökumenische Netzentwürfe für die kartographische Praxis: Jahrbuch der Kartographie, p. 176-202. [Presents modifications of Hammer projection with curved lines for poles.]
2791.___1967, Analiz iskazheniy modifitsirovannoy mezhdunarodnoy proyektsii [)\INES EFUIW\ET YMOEDEZEKMGI\\MT YWOH\IKMO\MT JKMWUZEE]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 99-109. [Russian. Translated to English as Analysis of distortions of the Modified International projection: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1967, no. 3, p. 183-187.]
2799.___1944, Umformung von MercatorNetzen: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, v. 90, no. 11-12, p. 299-306.
2792. Wagner, Hermann, 1900, Die geographische Karte, in his Lehrbuch der Geographie: Hannover and Leipzig, Hahn, v. 1, p. 171-227. [Also 1920 ed.]
2801.___1966, Über das Zusammenfügen von geographischen Kartennetzen und die Netze der „Deutschen Weltkarte“ und „Deutschen Meereskarte“: Bibliographisches Institut, Hauszeitschrift, Wissenschaftliche Redaktion, no. 2, p. 89-117; no. 3, p. 7-55.
2800.___1949, Kartographische Netzentwürfe: Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut, 262 p. [2nd ed. 1962. Presents new flat-polar pseudocylindrical projections with sinusoidal or elliptical meridians. Also combines Aitoff and equatorial Azimuthal Equidistant projections.]
2793___1905, Das Erdsphäroid und seine Abbildung: Geographischer Anzeiger, v. 6, p. 153-154.
2802.___1973, Das neue Kartenbild des Herrn Peters: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 23, no. 4, p. 162-163. [Peters projection.]
2794.___1914, Der Kartenmaßstab − Historischkritische Betrachtungen: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, no. 2, p. 81117. [Map scales. A detailed discussion related to map projections.]
2803.___1982, Bemerkungen zum Umbeziffern von Kartennetzen: Kartographische Nachrichten, v. 32, no. 6, p. 211-218. Wainright, P. (See Gorton and Wainright).
2795.___1915, Gerhard Mercator und die ersten Loxodromen auf Karten: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 43, no. 7, p. 299-311; no. 8, p. 343-352.
Walker, G.L. (See Flexner and Walker.) 2804. Walker, George, 1775, On the doctrine of the sphere. In six books: London, for J. Johnson, 338 p. [Also 1777 edition. Books IV and V discuss Orthographic and Stereographic projections, respectively.]
2796.___1915, Kartometrische Analyse der Weltkarte G. Mercators vom Jahre 1569: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 43, no. 9, p. 377-394. 165
2805. Wallis, D.E., 1983, Formulas for precise transverse Mercator projection: Pasadena, Calif, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Tech Brief, v. 7, no. 1, item #87, 23 p. [Harmonic formulas for ellipsoid; do not properly converge in general case.]
2813. Ward, K.W., and Bateman, Carol, 1967, The oblique zenithal equidistant projection: Cartographic Journal, v. 4, no. 2, p. 127-137. [Centered on Glasgow.] 2814. Ward, Ken, 1979, Cartography in the round – the Orthographic projection: Cartographic Journal, v. 16, no. 2, p. 104-116.
___(See also under Jet Propulsion Laboratory.) 2806. Wallis, Helen, [1982], Understanding maps, in The great geographical atlas: London, Mitchell Beazley, p. 98-103.
2815. Wargentin, Peter, 1758, Im geographiska longituden: Svenska Vetenskaps Academiens nya Handlingar, v. 19, p. 167-178, 239-250. [Swedish. On geographic longitudes. Translated to German as Von der geographischen länge: Schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Abhandlungen, 1759, v. 20, p. 163-172, 231-240.]
2807. Wallis, Helen, and Robinson, A.H., eds., 1987: Map projections, in their Cartographical innovations: Tring, Herts., Eng., Map Collector Publications (1982) Ltd., p. 191-194. Walsh, J.M. (See Lee, J.E., and Walsh.)
2816. Warntz, William, 1967, Implicit map projections in computer print-outs: Harvard Papers in Theoretical Geography, Geography and the Properties of Surfaces Series, no. 3, 21 p.
Wang, Jinren (See Hu, Yuju, and Wang.) 2808. Wang, Qiao, and Hu, Yuju, 1992, [Vereo-scale map projection with rectangular frame], Sci-tech. Journal of WTUSM (4).
___(See also under Maurer (1935).)
2809.___1993, A kind of adjustable map projection with “Magnifying Glass” effect in Selected papers for English edition − Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica: Beijing, Publishing House of Surveying and Mapping, p. 82-93. [English.]
2817. Warntz, William, and Wolff, Peter, 1971, Ptolemy: The classical synthesis and Mercator in their Breakthroughs in geography: New York, New American Library, p. 13-78. [Detailed discussion of the projections of Ptolemy and Mercator including a complete translation of the relevant parts of the former’s Geography.]
2810.___1993, [Vereo-scale map projections for tourist maps and the applied software], Cartography (2).
2818. Warren, S.E., 1860, General problems from the orthographic projections of descriptive geometry with their applications to oblique − including isometrical − projections, graphical constructions in spherical trigonometry, topographical projection (“One plane descriptive”) and graphic transformations: New York, J. Wiley, 412 p.
2811. Wang, Qiao, et al, 1996, [Methods for vereo-scale map projections], Publishing House of WTUSM. Wangerin, Albert (See under Euler; Gauss; Lagrange; and Lambert.) Ward, A.W. (See Holgreve and Ward.)
2819. Watts, D.G., 1970, Some new map projections of the world: Cartographic Journal, v. 7, no. 1, p. 41-46. [Describes 55 new combinations of pseudoconic or pseudocylindrical projections with others.]
2812. Ward, H.B., ed., 1943, Octovue Map of the World: Milwaukee, L.E. Pitner, 19 p. [World in eight spherical octants, similar to oblique Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projections symmetric for each octant.]
2820.___1970, Pseudo-conical world maps: Cartographic Journal, v. 7, no. 2, p. 101-102.
2821.___1972, Map projections are easy: Milford Haven, Wales, C.I. Thomas, 63 p.
2830.___1937, Die stereographische Karte: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 65, no. 6, p. 282-286.
2822.___1974, The graphical construction of Lambert’s Equal-Area Conic projection with one standard parallel: Cartographic Journal, v. 11, no. 2, p. 121.
2831.___1938, Großkreiskarten: Seewart, v. 7, no. 7, p. 195-202.
Wawrick, Franz (See under Kretschmer (1986).)
2832.___1938, Winkeltreue Kartennetze: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 66, no. 2, p. 75-78. [Conformal projections.]
2823. Weber, H., 1867, Ueber ein Princip der Abbildung der Theile einer krummen Oberfläche auf einer Ebene: Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik [Crelle’s], v. 67, no. 3, p. 229-247.
___(See also under Immler (1931).) 2833. Wehner, Heinrich, 1911, Geeignete Kartenprojektion zur Darstellung der erdmagnetischen Elemente: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 57-2, Dec., p. 351. [Appropriate map projection for representing the elements of the Earth’s magnetism.]
2824. Wedemeyer, August, 1917, Das Messen auf geographischen Karten: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, no. 2, p. 96114. [Discusses map projections and relative distortions.]
2834. Weightman, J.A., 1961, A projection for a triaxial ellipsoid: the generalised stereographic projection: Empire Survey Review, v. 16, no. 120, p. 69-78.
2825.___1919, Kartenentwurf zur Ortsbestimmung nach funkeltelegraphischen Peilungen: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 65, May-June, p. 102-103. [Gnomonic projection. See comments by Maurer, Hans, 1920: v. 66, Mar., p. 57-58. See also Hammer (1922).]
2835. Weiler, A., 1903, Geometrisches über einige Abbildungen der Kugel in der Kartenentwurfslehre: Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, v. 49, p. 169-210.
2826.___1919, In welchem Entwurf ist eine Arbeitskarte für Küstenvermessungen herzustellen?: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 47, no. 3-4, p. 4975. [Discusses several major projections for coastal mapping.]
Weise, K.H. (See König and Weise.) Weiss, C.C. (See Wray and Weiss.) 2836. Wendin, B., 1934, Graphische Bestimmungen von orthodromischen Distanzen mit Hilfe der orthographischen und gnomonischen Projektion: Geographische Wochenschrift, v. 2, p. 1165-1167. [Use of Orthographic and Gnomonic projections.]
2827.___1919, Das winkeltreue gegenazimutale Kartennetz nach Littrow: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 47, no. 7-8, p. 183-188. [See comments by Maurer, Hans, no. 11-12, p. 280, with response by Wedemeyer, p. 280.]
2837. Wenedikoff, M., 1942, Formeln für die winkeltreue schiefachsige Zylinderprojektion: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik: v. 40, no. 3, p. 64-69.
2828.___1935, Winkeltreue Kartennetze und Abbildungen: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 64, p. 267-273. [Conformal projections.]
2838. Wenz, Gustav, 1871, Die Theorie des Landkarten- und Planzuchnens: Munich, Lindauer, 32 p.
2829.___1936, Winkeltreue Kartennetze in elementarer Behandlung: Deutsche Seewarte, Archiv, v. 55, no. 2, p. 1-42. [Conformal projections.]
2839.___1876, Atlascommentar: Theoretische und praktische Einführung in die 167
Landkartenprojection: Nuremberg, F. Korn’sche Buchhandlung, 86 p.
Karten und Plänen, 3 v.: Bremerhaven and Leipzig, L.V. Vangerow.
2840.___1883, Die mathematische Geographie in Verbindung mit der Landkarten-Projektion; für Schulen und zum Selbstunterricht: Munich, R. Oldenbourg, 299 p.
2849. Westfall, J.E., 1970, The ecumenical projection: Canadian Cartographer, v. 7, no. 1, p. 42-47. [Uses oblique Albers Equal-Area Conic projection to show the ancient known world.]
2841. Werenskiold, Werner, 1945, A class of equal area map projections: Norske VidenskapsAkademi, Oslo, Matematisk-naturvidenskapelig Klasse 1944, Avhandlinger, no. 11, 18 p. [Redeveloped three earlier pseudocylindricals with poles as lines half the length of the Equator, and parabolic, sinusoidal, and elliptical meridians.]
2850.___1977, Map projection atlas: San Francisco, San Francisco State Univ. [60 plots from computer program, showing 11 projections in various aspects, using various parameters.] 2851. Weyer, G.O.E., 1890, Bericht über die neuen amerikanischen Seekarten in gnomonischer oder Centralprojektion für die Schiffahrt im größten Kreise: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 18, no. 5, p. 161-172. [Comments on American seachart on Gnomonic projection for great-circle sailing.]
2842.___1945, Kartprojeksjoner: Oslo, Aschehoug, 60 p. [Norwegian.] 2843.___1953, Theory of map projections: Bulletin Géodésique, new series, no. 28, p. 153161.
2852.___1892, Ueber eine neue Ausgabe der amerikanischen Seekarten in gnomonischer Projektion für die Schiffahrt im größten Kreise: Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, v. 20, no. 6, p. 185-190.
2844. Werkmeister, Paul, 1909, Gradabteilungskarte, Polyederprojektion, Gradkartensystem, natürliche Projektion: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 38, no. 12, p. 281-291. [Also in Petermanns Mitteilungen, 1911, v. 57-1, June, p. 309-310.]
2853. White, Denis, Kimerling, A.J., and Overton, W.S., 1992, Cartographic and Geometric Components of a Global Sampling Design for Environmental Monitoring: Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, v. 19, no. 1, p. 5-22. [Propose equalarea truncated icosahedron projection for world map.]
2845. Werner, Johannes, 1514, Libellus de quatuor terrarum orbis in plano figurationibus, in his Noua translatio primi libri geographiae Cl. Ptolemaei: Nuremberg. [Latin. Describes three cordiform or heart-shaped pseudoconic projections developed by Johannes Stabius about 1500, also oblique Stereographic as if it were Stabius’ fourth.]
___(See also Kimerling, Overton, and White.)
2846. Werner, R.J., 1990, An experiment to determine the effectiveness of computer use in map projection instruction: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Doctoral dissertation. 180 p.
2854. White, M.S., Jr., and Griffin, P.E., 1980, Coordinate free cartography: AUTO-CARTO IV, Reston, Va., Proceedings, v. 2, p. 236-245.
2847.___1993, A survey of preference among nine equator-centered map projections: Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, v. 20, no. 1, p. 31-39.
2855. Whitten, C.A., 1951, Rapport Général no. 2 sur les projections – 1951: Brussels, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Geodesy Association, Travaux, 64 p. [National usage of projections – various countries listed and detailed.]
2848. Wessely, Viktor, 1907, Die Kartographie nach Einführung der Terraindarstellung in
2856. Wiechel, H., 1879, Rationelle Gradnetzprojectionen: Civilingenieur, new 168
series, v. 25, columns 401-422. [His pseudoazimuthal projection.]
2868. Williams, R.L., 1959, Map projections, linear scale, and the representative fraction: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 49, no. 1, p. 88. [See also comments by Tobler, W.R., 1960, v. 50, no. 1, p. 58.]
2857. Wikle, Thomas, 1991, Computer software for displaying map projections and comparing distortions: Journal of Geography, v. 90, no. 6, p. 264-266.
2869. Williams, W.B.P., 1982, The transverse Mercator projection − Simple but accurate formulae for small computers: Survey Review, v. 26, no. 205, p. 307-320.
2858. Wilford, J.N., 1981, Mercator squares the circle, in his The mapmakers: New York, Alfred A. Knopf, p. 73-86. [Map projections.] 2859. Wilgat, T., 1959, Podstawy kartografii: Warsaw, 159 p. [Polish. Principles of cartography, with emphasis on projections.]
2870. Wilski, Ingo, 1978, Map projection change – some programs for the transformation of the contents of available maps according to different map projections: Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, series 2, translation, no. 35, p. 115-127. [This issue consists of papers presented to the 9th International Cartographic Association meeting, College Park, Maryland, 1978. Also in German as Änderung kartographischer Abbildungen – Einige Programme für die Unformung des Inhalts vorhandener Karten in Abhängigkeit unterschiedlicher Kartenabbildungen: International Yearbook of Cartography, 1979, v. 19, p. 139-149. [German with English abstract.]]
2860. Wilhelmy, Herbert, 1966, Kartographie in Stichworten, I. Kartenprojektionen: Kiel, Hirt, 71 p. 2861. William-Olsson, William, 1968, A new equal area projection of the world: Acta Geographica (Helsinki), v. 20, p. 389-393. [Combines polar Lambert Azimuthal EqualArea projection south to lat. 20° N. with four identical modified Bonne lobes to South Pole.] 2862. Williams, C.E., and Ridd, M.K., 1960, Great circles and the Gnomonic projection: Professional Geographer, v. 12, no. 5, p. 14-16.
2871. Winchester, D.R., 1965, Azimuthal Equidistant projection centred on Da Nang 1:80,000,000: Pacific Viewpoint, v. 6, no. 2, p. 240.
2863. Williams, H.S., 1962, Nomographic treatment of the Cassini-Soldner projection correction terms: Empire Survey Review, v. 16, no. 124, p. 266-276.
2872. Winkel, Oswald, 1909, Flächentreue, schiefachsige Zylinderprojektion mit längertreuem Grundkreis für eine Karte von Nord-, Mittel- und Südamerika: Petermanns Mitteil-ungen, v. 55, no. 11, p. 329-330. [Oblique Cylindrical Equal-Area projection. See also table of coordinates at 1:60M in no. 12, p. 379-380.]]
2864.___1980, Panel-to-panel transformation on the Gauss conform projection using auxiliary polar co-ordinates: South African Surveying Journal, v. 17, no. 4, p. 4-15. 2865.___1980, Transformation of Gauss conform co-ordinates from one system to an adjoining one: South African Surveying Journal, v. 17, no. 5, p. 21-27.
2873.___1911, Flächentreue, zwischenständige, azimutale Projektion für eine Karte der Britischen Inseln als praktisches Beispiel eines Karten-entwurfes: Geographischer Anzeiger, v. 12, p. 30-31.
2866. Williams, J.E., 1950, A globe-map activities program: Journal of Geography, v. 49, no. 4, p. 141-150.
2874.___1913, Beitrag zur Entwicklung schiefachsigen, speziell zylindrischer Projektionen unter Annahme der Kugelgestalt der Erde: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 59-2,
2867. Williams, Joseph, 1943, New maps for the study of global geography: California Journal of Secondary Education, March, p. 173176. [“Air-age” projections.] 169
Dec., p. 304-306. [Oblique cylindrical projection.]
conformal, and other projection considerations, p. 261-262.]
2875.___1921, Neue Gradnetzkombinationen: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 67, Dec., p. 248252. [Proposes three combinations of Equirectangular with Sinusoidal, Mollweide, and Aitoff projections, respectively.]
2886.___1924, The choice of a grid for British maps: Geographical Journal, v. 63, no. 6, p. 491-508.
2876.___1922, Die azimutaleschen Erdkartenentwürfe von D. Aitoff und E.v. Hammer: Geographische Zeitschrift, v. 28, p. 112-114. [Aitoff and Hammer projections.]
2887. Wittke, Heinz, 1943, Ein Beitrag zur Merkatorprojektion: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 72, no. 12, p. 267-269.
Witkovsky, B. (See Vitkovskiy, V.V.)
2888. Wittstein, T.L., 1868, Ueber conforme Karten-Projectionen: Astronomische Nachrichten, v. 71, no. 1704, columns 369-378. [Conformal projections.]
2877.___1922, Allgemeine Betrachtungen über die Abbildung sehr breiter „Zonen“: Geographische Zeitschrift, v. 28, no. 5-6, p. 177-181. [General projection considerations in representing latitude zones.]
2889. Wolf, E.W., 1954, A common coordinate system for the utilization of data from several radars: Cambridge, Mass. Inst. of Tech., Lincoln Laboratory Technical Report No. 67. [Analyzes Stereographic, Oblique Mercator, Gnomonic, and Lambert Conformal Conic projections.]
2878.___1927, Die Gewinnung geeigneter Landkartennetze: Geographische Zeitschrift, v. 33, no. 10, p. 599-604. 2879.___1928, Übersicht der Gradnetzkombinationen: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 74, no. 7-8, p. 201-204. [Pseudocylindrical projections.]
Wolff, Peter (See Warntz and Wolff.) 2890. Wolfrum, D., 1975, Potential formulae for Gauss conformal co-ordinates: South African Journal, v. 90, no. 3, p. 26-32.
2880.___1933, Flächentreue oder abstandstreue Projektionen?: Geographische Wochenschrift, p. 207ff.
2891.___1976, Transformation of Gauss conform co-ordinates: South African Surveying Journal, v. 15, no. 5, p. 45-53.
2881.___1933, Die Projektionswahl bei Erdkarten: Petermanns Mitteilungen, v. 79, no. 5-6, p. 125.
2892. Wolkenhauer, W., 1881, Die kartographische Darstellung der lenkrechten Gleichirung der Erdoberfläche: Deutsche Rundschau für Geographie und Statistik, v. 3, no. 1, p. 1-11.
2882.___1939, 25 Jahre neue Netzkombinationen: Petermanns Geographische Mitteil-ungen, v. 85, no. 9, p. 278-280. 2883.___1951, Kurzgefaßte Kartenentwurfslehre: Frankfurt-am-Main, Atlantik-Verlag, 44 p.
2893.___1895, Leitfaden zur Geschichte der Kartographie: Breslau.
2884. Winkler, E., 1913, Beitrage zur Benutzung der Meßtischblätter in den höheren Schulen: Geographischer Anzeiger, v. 14, p. 5863.
Wolkow, N.M. (See Volkov, N.M.) 2894. Wong, F.K.C., 1965, World map projections in the United States from 1940 to 1960: Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse University, Master’s thesis, 193 p.
2885. Winterbotham, H.S.L., 1919, British survey on the Western Front: Geographical Journal, v. 53, no. 4, p. 253-276. [Bonne,
2895. Wong, P.P.K., Gregory, Christopher, and Handschumacher, D.W., 1975, Computer 170
program projecting fictitious longitude and latitude systems onto standard Mercator grids: Honolulu, Univ. of Hawaii, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, data report 30.
2905. Wright, John, 1981, Heavenly geometry: Astronomy and surveying: Geographical Magazine, v. 53, no. 12, p. 755-756.
2896. Woodward, David, 1979, Early Gnomonic projection: Mapline, no. 13, p. [1-2].
2906. Wroth, L.C., 1937, Mercator, Edward Wright, and the problem of map projection, in his The way of a ship: Portland, Me., Southworth-Anthoensen Press, p. 61-64.
2897.___1990, Roger Bacon’s terrestrial coordinate system: Assn. of Amer. Geographers, Annals, v. 80, no. 1, p. 109-122.
Wu, Bochun (See Hu, Yuju, and Wu, Bochun.) 2907. Wu, Zhongxing, 1963, [The condition and tendency of development of mathematical cartography (tr. from Russ. title)]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 6, no. 1, p. 39-43. [Chinese with Russian abstract.]
___(See also Harley and Woodward.) 2898. Woodward, R.S., 1889, Formulas and tables to facilitate the construction and use of maps: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 50, 124 p.
2908.___1965, [Elementary analysis of conflicting movements in map projection. Some understanding of the work and philosophy of Chairman Mao]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 8, no. 2, p. 115-124. [Chinese. Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map Projection Papers], p. 6-14.]
Woolard, E.W. (See Tannehill and Woolard.) Worley, W.J. (See Moriarty and Worley.) 2899. :RQLFNL -RHI, 1937, O loksodromie i budowie siatki kartograficznej dla map morskich: Wiadomocí Sluzby Geograficznej, no. 3-4, p. 327-354. [Polish. Loxodomes and construction of projections of marine charts.]
2909.___1979, [How to transform co-ordinates of points from one kind of map projection to another]: Acta Geographica Sinica, v. 34, v. 1, p. 55-68. [Chinese.]
2900. Wray, Thomas, 1974, The seven aspects of a general map projection: Cartographica, Monograph no. 11, 72 p.
2910.___1980, A research on the transformation of map projections in computeraided cartography: Paper presented at the 10th International Cartographic Conference, Tokyo, unpublished manuscript, 22 p.
2901.___1974, An integrated approach to map projections and plane coordinates: Canadian Surveyor, v. 28, no. 5, p. 637-642.
2911.___1989, A discussion on Polyfocal projection: Acta Geographica Sinica, v. 44, no. 1, p. 101-104. [Chinese.]
2902.___1978, Contrary view: The Peters map is a “myth”: Canadian Geographic, v. 97, no. 1, p. 28-29. [Peters projection. Comments on Dorozynski (1977) as reprinted 1978.]
2912. Wu, Zhongxing, and Hu, Yuju, eds., 1983, Ditu touying lun wenji [Map projection papers]: China Surveying and Mapping Press, 376 p. [Chinese. 27 papers by various cartographers, 12 reprinted from earlier journals.]
___(See also under Dorozynski; under Lambert (1772).) 2903. Wray, Thomas, and Weiss, C.C., 1982, Auxiliary spheres of common spheroids: Canadian Surveyor, v. 36, no. 2, p. 191-196.
2913.___1983, [Thirty years' development of map projection study in China] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 1-5. [Chinese.]
2904. Wright, Edward, 1599, Certaine errors in navigation...: London. [Reproduced 1974 in facsimile as no. 703 of the English Experience: Amsterdam and Norwood, N.J., Walter J. Johnson Inc. and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.] 171
2914. Wu, Zhongxing,and Yang, Qihe, 1981, [A research on the transformation of map projections in computer-aided cartography]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 10, no. 1, p. 20-44. [Chinese with English abstract. Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map Projection Papers], p. 287-322 without abstract.]
2922.___1980, [Tables of coordinate transformation for gridlines of adjacent zones of the Gauss projection]: Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping. [Chinese.] 2923.___1980, [Research on map projection transformation]: Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, no. 1, p. 30-33. [Chinese.]
2915.___1989, Shuxüe zhitu xue yuanli [Principles of Mathematical Cartography]: China Surveying and Mapping Press, 444 p. [Chinese.]
2924.___1981, [Gauss-Krüger projection and Transverse Mercator projection]: Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, no. 6, p. 34-37. [Chinese.]
2916. Xasan, Bilani, 1990, Razrabotka vidoizmenennoy proyektsii Laborda dlya kart Sirii [+ISKIMQUI GEOMESYW\W\\MT JKMWUZEE .IMKOI ON] UIKQ &EKEE]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 145-150. [Russian. The revision of the changed projection by Laborde for maps of Syria.]
2925.___1981, [Geometrical characteristics of the Gauss projection and a discussion of some of its problems of application]: Technical Communication of Surveying and Mapping, no. 2, p. 42-47. [Chinese.] 2926.___1982, [On the numerical method for transforming the zones of Gauss projection]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 11, no. 1, p. 18-31. [Chinese with English abstract.]
2917.___1991, O sisteme kart Sirii i ikh matematicheskom obosnovanii [- FEFQWYW
UIKQ &EKEE E E> YIQWYIQE[WFUMY MMF\MGI\EE]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh
2927.___1982, [A research on numerical transformation between conformal projections]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 11, no. 4, p. 268-282. [Chinese with English abstract.]
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 128-135. [Russian. The map systems for Syria and their mathematical basis.] 2918. Xu, Houze, 1958, [General formulas for the transformation of coordinates of conformal projections (tr. from Russ. title)]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 2, no. 3, p. 186-194. [Chinese with Russian abstract.]
2928.__1983, [Parameter B0, n0 on the conical projection and research on its characteristics and application]: Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, no. 6, p. 41-43. [Chinese.]
2919. Yang, Qihe, 1965, [The use of numerical method for establishing optional conical projections]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 8, no. 4, p. 295-318. [Chinese with Russian abstract. Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 112-136 without abstract.]
2929.___1983, [Research on azimuthal projections] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 75-95. [Chinese.] 2930.___1983, [Research on the Gauss-Krüger projection family] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 158-172. [Chinese.]
2920.___1979, [A discussion of new map projections]: Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, no. 5, p. 25-32. [Chinese.]
2931.___1983, [A discussion of three modified projections – modified equidistant azimuthal, conic and cylindrical projections] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 186-199. [Chinese.]
2921.___1979, [Tables of regional map projections]: Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping. [Chinese.]
2932.___1983, [Research on the polyconic projection family] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 215-229. [Chinese.] 172
2942.___1987, [Computation method on break spacing to join sheets of adjacent zones]: Cartography, no. 3, p. 15-16. [Chinese.]
2933.___1984, [On the general formulas for the projection from ellipsoidal surface onto spherical surface and the characteristics of extremity]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 13, no. 3, p. 225-236. [Chinese with English abstract.]
2943.___1987, [The perspective azimuthal projection under variable view points]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 16, no. 4, p. 306-313. [Chinese with English abstract.]
2934.___1984, [Research on the third kind of coordinate transformation of map projections]: Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Journal, v. 1, no. 1, p. 109-121. [Chinese.]
2944.___1988, [On combinatorial azimuthal projections]: Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, no. 2, p. 32-34. [Chinese.]
2935.___1985, [Direct solution transformation formula between conformal conic projection and example of its application]: Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, no. 3, p. 42-44. [Chinese.]
2945.___1989, [Mathematical model of direct and inverse solutions to coordinate transformation for the modified polyconic projection]: Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, no. 2, p. 42-44. [Chinese.]
2936.___1985, [Computation method of the variable coefficient on the inverse solution of isometric latitude]: Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, no. 5, p. 31-33. [Chinese.]
2946.___1989, [The mathematical method of plotting the coordinate grid of adjacent zones by using the coordinatograph and its BASIC programming]: Acta Geodetica et Car0ographica Sinica, v. 18, no. 2, p. 108-114. [Chinese with English abstract.]
2937.___1986, [Research on the theory and application of map projection transformation]: Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Journal, v. 3, no. 1, p. 65-73. [Chinese.]
2947.___1989, A research on constant coefficient conformal projection transformation and its application: International Cartographic Association, 14th World Conference, Aug. 1724, Abstracts – Resumes, p. 621. [Abstract only.]
2938.___1986, [The discussion and application of the constant coefficient and the variable coefficient formulae of direct and inverse solution of Gauss-Krüger projection]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 15, no. 2, p. 141-154. [Chinese with English abstract.]
2948.___1990, Ditu touying bianhuan yuanli yu fongfa [The principles and methods of map projection transformation]: Chinese People’s Liberation Army Press, 545 p. [Chinese.]
2939.___1986, [A study of the software for automatically setting up map mathematical foundation]: First Computer-Assisted Cartography Conference, Papers, p. 167-176. [Chinese.]
2949.___1990, [A research of linear transformation on the gnomonic projection and its characteristics and application]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 19, no. 2, p. 102-109. [Chinese with English abstract.]
2940.___1986, [BASIC programs for 1:10,000, 1:5,000, and larger-scale topographic sheet elements]: Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, no. 4, p. 25-28. [Chinese.]
2950.___1990, [Analytical computation method for two-point azimuthal projection and twopoint equidistant projection]: Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, no. 6, p. 34-37. [Chinese.]
2941.___1987, [The principles and BASIC program for conformal projection transformation]: China Surveying and Mapping Press, 217 p. [Chinese.]
2951.___1990, [Polynomials for conformal projection transformation and research on its application]: Cartography, no. 4, p. 13-16. [Chinese.] 173
including conic. See review by Close, C.F., Geographical Journal, 1921, v. 57, no. 2, p. 133-135.]
2952.___1991, [Mathematical model for a greator small-circle position line and its application]: Chinese Yearbook of Cartography, p. 73-76. [Chinese.]
2960.___1923, Note on Professor J.D. Everett’s application of Murdoch’s third projection: Geographical Journal, v. 62, no. 5, p. 359-361.
2953.___1992, [Affine transformation of equalarea projections and some discussion of modified equal-area projections]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 21, no. 1, p. 67-77. [Chinese.]
2961.___1930, Conformal map projections: Geographical Journal, v. 76, no. 4, p. 348-351. [Discussion of Laborde (1928) projection for Madagascar.]
2954.___1993, [Analytical transformation method for digitizing data processing on a map of the world]: Chinese Yearbook of Cartography, p. 35-37. [Chinese.]
___(See also under Close (1922).) Young, F. (See Lauf and Young.)
2955.___1994, [An overview of the theory and method of conformal projection]: Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Journal, v. 11, no. 2, p. 133-139; no. 3, p. 181-187. [Chinese.]
Young, J.C. (See Hunter and Young.) 2962. Yuan, Yinxiang, 1983, [A numerical method of the transformation of map projections by densifying with spline function]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 12, no. 4, p. 300-308. [Chinese with English abstract.]
___(See also Wu and Yang; Li, Guozao, Yang, and Hu, Dingguan.)
2963. Yuzefovich, Yu.M. [!HSWDMGE[ ! 9 ], 1971, Rasprostraneniye teoremy ChebyshevaGrave na odin novyy klass kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [+IFJKMFQKI\W\EW QWMKWYV
2956. Yang, Qihe, and Lu, Xiaohua, 1991, The study of inverse transformation methods for topographic map data processing: ‘91 FIG Conference, Beijing, Papers. [Chinese.]
2957. Ye, Xuean, 1957, [Formulae for the coordinate transformation between zones of the Gauss-Krüger and Lambert Conformal Conic projections]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 1, no. 2, p. 181-194. [Chinese.]
Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 3, p. 97-102. [Russian. Translated to English as Extension of the Chebyshev-Grave theorem to a new class of cartographic projections: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1971, no. 3, p. 155-157.]
2958.___1958, [Formulas for the transformation of coordinates from a zone of the Gauss projection to an adjacent zone and from the Lambert projection on a secant cone to the Gauss projection using the method of an auxiliary point on either site (continuation 2) (tr. from Russ. title)]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 2, no. 2, p. 121-134, and no. 3, p. 135-154. [Chinese with Russian abstract.]
2964.___1972, O nekotorykh novykh proyektsiyakh, blizkikh k ekvivalentnym [-
UGEGINW\Q\VY*]: Nauch. tr. Belorus. S.-Kh. Akad., Sbornik, no. 86, p. 245-253. [Russian. On some new projections close to equivalent.] 2965.___1972, O vychislenii odnogo integrala pri issledovanii kartograficheskikh proyektsiy [- GV[EFNW\EE MO\MXM E\QWXKINI JKE EFFNWOMGI\EE UIKQMXKIDE[WFUE> JKMWUZET*]: Nauch. tr. Belorus. S.-Kh. Akad., Sbornik, no. 86, p. 260-267. [Russian. On the computation of a single integral by researching cartographic projections.]
You, R.J. (See Grafarend and You.) 2959. Young, A.E., 1920, Some investigations in the theory of map projections: London, Royal Geographical Society, Technical Series, no. 1, 76 p. [Discussion of minimum-error projection, 174
2971. Zatonskiy, L.K. [3IQM\FUET . 5 ], 1958, Kartograficheskaya setka v proizvol’noy proyektsii dlya karty mira [5IKQMXKIDE[WFUI]
2966. Zachariae, G.C.G. von, 1896, Notits om geografiske kaartprojektioner: Copenhagen, Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger, p. 135149. [Danish.]
Okeanologii, Trudy, no. 1, p. 38-41. [Russian. The cartographic graticule on an arbitrary projection for a world map.]
2967. Zakatov, P.A. [3IUIQMG * ) ], 1962, A course in higher geodesy: translated from the Russian, published for the National Science Foundation and the Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 2nd ed., 390 p. [Original Russian: Kurs vysshei geodezii [5HKF GVFLWT XWMOWSEE*].]
2972.___1962, Proizvol’naya sostavnaya ellipticheskaya proyektsiya dlya kart mira [*KMESGMNP\I] FMFQIG\I] NNEJQE[WFUI] JKMWUZE] ON] UIKQ YEKI*]: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Institut Okeanologii, Trudy, v. 55, p. 173-184. [Russian. An arbitrary composite elliptical projection for a world map.]
___(See also under Krasovskiy (1922, 1925).) 2973. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 1877, Ergänzungsheft, „Uebersicht der Literature für Vermessungswesen auf 1876,“ v. 6, p. (78)-(79). [Lidman projection.]
Zanotti, A.L. (See Puppi and Zanotti.) 2968. Zapasskiy, S.I. [3IJIFFUET & % ], 1970, Opredeleniye elementov ellipsa iskazheniy dlya proizvol’noy tochki dvuazimutal’noy proyektsii [-JKWOWNW\EW NWYW\QMG NNEJFI EFUIW\ET
2974. Zemánek, Jan, 1987, Zakreslení zemepisné souradnicové site do kosmického snímku: Geodetický a Kartografický Obzor, v. 33, no. 10, p. 278-280. [Czech. Plotting the geographic coordinate grid onto the space photograph.]
Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 4, p. 97-102. [Russian. Translated to English as Determination of the elements of the ellipse of distortions for an arbitrary point of a twoazimuth projection: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1970, no. 4, p. 255-257.]
2975. Zenin, V.N. [3W\E\ ' < ], 1968, O svyazi mezhdu nekotorymi sistemami ploskikh pryamougol’nykh konformnykh koordinat [-
2969. Zargaryan, T.G. [3IKXIK]\ 1 8 ], 1971, Nekotorye issledovaniya konformnykh proyektsiy, poluchennykh s pomoshch’yu garmonicheskikh polinomov [ JKMWUZET JMNH[W\\V> F JMYMRP XIKYM\E[WFUE> JMNE\MYMG*]: MIIGAiK, Trudy, no. 58, p. 132145. [Russian. Some research into conformal projections obtained by means of harmonic polynomials.]
2976.___1968, K voprosu o vybore geodezicheskoy proyektsii dlya inzhenernogeodezicheskikh rabot [5 GMJKMFH M GVMKW
2970.___1981, Razrabotka ravnougol’nykh proyektsiy dlya kart otdel’nykh regionov Marsa [+ISKIMQUI KIG\MHXMNP\V> JKMWUZET ON] UIKQ MQOWNP\V> KWXEM\MG 9IKFI*]: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 2, p. 81-87. [Russian. Development of equal angular projections for maps of special regions of Mars.]
Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geodeziya i Aerofotos”yemka, no. 6, p. 63-66. [Russian. Translated to English as Selecting a geodetic projection for use in geodetic engineering: Geodesy and Aerophotography, 1968, no. 6, p. 381-383. Modification of Stereographic projection that is considered superior to Gauss175
Krüger and Roussilhe projections for geodetic maps.]
2984. Zickwolff, Gerhard, 1980, Vorzüge der stereographischen Projektion: die Karten Nr. 2812 und 2813 des Deutschen Hydrographischen Instituts: Seewart, v. 41, no. 6, p. 269-283. [Also in English as The advantages of stereographic projection: charts 2812 and 2813 of the “Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut”: International Hydrographic Review, 1982, v. 59, no. 1, p. 119-130.]
2977. Zeskind, L.M., 1950, Projection distortion in nautical charts: [U.S.] Coast and Geodetic Survey, Journal, no. 3, p. 89-90. [Distortion due to physical reproduction in printing of charts.] 2978. Zhang, Shenjia, 1988, [How to teach the chapter of “Map Projections”]: Cartography (Wuhan Technical Univ.), no. 3, p. 40-43. [Chinese.]
Ziegler, A.M. (See Scotese, Rambach, Barton, van der Voo, and Ziegler.)
2979. Zhong, Yexun, 1963, [The state and capabilities of mathematical cartography]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 6, no. 1, p. 39-43. [Chinese with Russian abstract.]
2985. =LHOLÉVNL, Jerzy, 1960, Zagadnienie wykorzystanie ZVSËU]HGQ\FK SDÉVWZRZ\FK QD SODV]F\ULH Gaussa Krügera do lokalnych XNDGËZ sieci miejskich: Wydawnictwa Politechniki Warszawskiej, Zeszyty Naukowe, p. 37-74. [Polish. The problem of the use of land coordinates on the Gauss-Krüger network for local systems of urban triangulation.]
2980.___1983, [A modified polyconic projection with two spherical arcs as border meridians – a study to develop a polyconic projection with predefined distortion] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 230-254. [Chinese.]
2986. Ziman, Ya.L. [3EYI\ = . ], and Baratova, V.F. [IKIQMGI ' $ ], 1975, Transformirovaniye snimkov v zadannuyu kartograficheskuyu proyektsiyu s pomoshch’yu ETsVM [1KI\FDMKYEKMGI\EW F\EYUMG G
2981___1983, [On the problems of using highorder polynomials for latitude ϕ to approximate the meridians on a map projection] in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 329-334. [Chinese.]
SIOI\\H UIKQMXKIDE[WFUH JKMWUZE F JMYMRP :'9]: Geodeziya i Kartografiya,
no. 6, p. 38-46. [Russian. Translated to English as Computerizing the conversion of photographs to a specified cartographic projection: Geodesy, Mapping, and Photogrammetry, 1975, v. 17, no. 1, p. 11-16.]
2982. Zhong, Yexun, and others [sic], 1965, [The design and analytical calculating method of polyconic projection in unequal graticules]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 8, no. 3, p. 218-236. [Chinese with Russian abstract.] -
2987. Ziobro, Jan, 1991, Dowiazywanie zdjec satelitanych do odwzorowania kartograficznego: Prace Instytutu Geodezji i Kartografii, v. 38, no. 1, p. 7-20. [Polish. Adjustment of satellite images to the cartographic projection.]
Zhou, Yujun (See Hu, Yuju, and Zhou, Yujun.) 2983. Zhou, Chenggong, 1957, [Problems with the discovery of new map projections with the distortion ellipse on hand]: Acta Geodetica et Cartographica Sinica, v. 1, no. 1, p. 1-14. [Chinese with Russian abstract. Reprinted in Wu and Hu, 1983, [Map projection papers], p. 15-26 as [Developing new map projections with pre-defined ellipse of distortion] without abstract.]
Zinger, N.J. (See Tsinger, N.Ya.) 2988. Zlatyanov, Georgi, 1965, Proizvolna neortogonalna kr»gova proyektsiya za drebnomashchabni svetovni. Karti: Sbornik Statey po Kartografii, no. 7, p. 7-11. [Bulgarian. An arbitrary non-orthogonal circular projection for small-scale world maps.]
Zhurkin, I.G. (See Lobanov and Zhurkin.) 2989. Zollinger, H., 1927, Bestimmung der Zylinderkoordinaten mit Hilfe der Kugel176
Längen und -Breiten: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen und Kulturtechnik: v. 25, p. 179ff.
2994.___1884, Die Projektionslehre in his Leitfaden der Kartenentwurfslehre: Leipzig, v. 1. [2nd ed., 1899, and 3rd ed., 1912, by A. Bludau, Leipzig and Berlin, Druck und Verlag, B.G. Teubner, 264 p. See review by Lindenkohl, A., 1900: Science, new series, v. 11, no. 266, p. 181-186.]
2990. Zona, J., 1882, Proiezione gnomonica: Giornale di Scienze Naturali ed Economiche, v. 15, p. 79-82.
2995.___1884, Die Wahl der Projektion für Atlanten und Handkarten. Ein Mahnwort an die Kartographen: Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, v. 19, no. 109.
2991. Zondervan, Henri, 1898, Proeve eener algemeene kartografie: Leiden, 162 p. [Dutch. A sampler of general cartography.] 2992.___1901, Allgemeine Kartenkunde. Ein Abriß ihrer Geschichte und ihrer Methoden: Leipzig, Teubner, 210 p.
Zuker, M. (See Gridgeman and Zuker.) 2996. Zvonarev, K.A. [3GM\IKWG 5 ) ], 1951, Kartografiya [5IKQMXKIDE]]. [Russian. Translated to German as Kartenentwurfslehre: Berlin, Verlag Technik, 1953, 182 p.].
2993. Zöppritz, K.J., 1884, Tissot’s Untersuchungen über Kartenprojektion: Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, v. 13, no. 13, p. 293-316.
INDEX BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAP PROJECTIONS (Note: This index is based, with a few exceptions, on words contained in or translated from the listings. Listings not indexed under a given topic may provide much more significant information.)
Adams projections, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27 August projection, 111, 2332, 2499 Aeronautical charts, 135, 363, 656, 657, 673, 835, 895, 933, 1329, 1476, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1952, 2190, 2367, 2519, 2532, 2533. See also Air-age maps; Air routes, maps for
Australasia, maps of, 1901, 2509 Australia, maps of, 253, 1602, 1962, 2014, 2198, 2377, 2593
Africa, maps of, 251, 252, 499, 1109, 1112, 1224, 1277, 1764, 1900, 1901, 2509, 2592
Austria, maps of, 125, 157, 343, 1502, 1667, 1675 Azimuthal (or zenithal) projections, 62, 77, 79, 80, 217, 345, 453, 683, 700, 914, 953, 965, 1019, 1108, 1140, 1289, 1356, 1516, 1682, 1706, 1715, 1734, 1802, 1827, 1830, 1834, 2220, 2235, 2322, 2349, 2351, 2367, 2405, 2422, 2613, 2644, 2717, 2759, 2929, 2944. See also Airy, Azimuthal Equidistant, Azimuthal Logarithmic, Gnomonic, Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area, "Magnifying-Glass" Azimuthal, Orthographic, Perspective, Pseudoazimuthal, Retroazimuthal, and Stereographic projections
Agnese maps, 796, 2675 Agricultural maps, 1494, 1512, 2491 Air routes, maps for, 145, 146, 309, 311, 314, 362, 746, 930, 931, 1410, 1802, 2189, 2577, 2714. See also Aeronautical charts; Air-age maps Air-age maps, 593, 948, 1143, 1151, 1218, 1738, 1991, 2219, 2867
Azimuthal Equal-Area projection, 307, 1707, 1708, 2873. See also Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection
Airy projection, 40, 69, 586, 1248, 1345, 2000, 2644 Aitoff projection, 41, 42, 71, 429, 1111, 1661, 1780, 2752, 2800, 2875, 2876
Azimuthal Equidistant (Postel) projection, 3, 32, 41, 42, 63, 66, 331, 520, 591, 615, 617, 711, 900, 951, 1090, 1091, 1351, 1355, 1364, 1371, 1395, 1544, 1643, 1989, 2013, 2207, 2208, 2219, 2315, 2326, 2377, 2495, 2510, 2512, 2708, 2800, 2813, 2871
Alabama, maps of, 2031 Alaska, maps of, 2456
Azimuthal Logarithmic projection, 1092, 2274, 2428, 2429 Albania, maps of, 37 Albers Equal-Area projection, 21, 47, 289, 1058, 1109, 1268, 1269, 1501, 2849. See also Equal-area conic projections DO%ÇUÖQÇ
Babinet projection, 116, 117, 211, 566, 1797. See also Mollweide projection
projections, 104, 805, 1969, 2559 Bacon Globular projection, 124, 2897
Album of map projections, 1297, 2478, 2484 Baranyi projections, 160, 166, 167, 168, 1405 Americas, maps of, 43, 253, 276, 1236, 1276, 1898 Behrmann projection, 194, 1787 Anamorphous maps, 396, 397, 398, 399, 2192, 2605 Belgian Congo, maps of, 2027 Antarctica, maps of, 203, 2413 Belgium, maps of, 558 Archaeology, maps for, 725 Bibliography, extensive, 225, 226, 925, 1539, 1692, 2477 Argentina, maps of, 1884, 2310 Biology, maps for, 1740, 2552 Asia, maps of, 70, 250, 499, 515, 516, 1501, 1632, 1901, 1988, 2509. See also Eurasia, maps of
Bipolar Oblique Conic Conformal projection, 1236, 1898
Astrolabes and projections, 619, 1072, 1765, 2416
Boggs Eumorphic projection, 266, 932, 2552
Atlases, 122, 162, 165, 167, 172, 173, 246, 255, 268, 356, 359, 449, 695, 796, 836, 841, 856, 945, 963, 967, 971, 983, 1142, 1223, 1287, 1382, 1399, 1480, 1501, 1520, 1634, 1694, 1814, 1984, 1994, 2213, 2271, 2292, 2397, 2485, 2487, 2507, 2675, 2789, 2806, 2839, 2850, 2995
Bonne projection, 95, 130, 606, 641, 781, 872, 1753, 1916, 1919, 1971, 2195, 2390, 2751, 2861, 2885 Bousfield Modified Polyconic projection, 1096, 1097
303, 305, 336, 373, 388, 453, 482, 520, 527, 724, 736, 759, 812, 823, 824, 842, 843, 1037, 1216, 1253, 1281, 1321, 1322, 1368, 1373, 1382, 1389, 1435, 1477, 1482, 1491, 1553, 1626, 1631, 1706, 1730, 1768, 1818, 1853, 1854, 1878, 1887, 1904, 1960, 1982, 1983, 2016, 2053, 2222, 2304, 2322, 2451, 2453, 2482, 2557, 2566, 2612, 2621, 2631, 2635, 2697, 2705, 2706, 2756, 2779, 2785, 2816, 2846, 2850, 2857, 2869, 2895, 2910, 2914, 2940, 2941, 2946, 2986
Braun projections, 338, 939 Breckman projection, 340 Breusing projections, 345 Briesemeister projection, 346, 347, 348, 1897 British Empire, map of, 1751
Conformal (orthomorphic) projections, 54, 96, 98, 119, 121, 189, 227, 241, 263, 305, 343, 357, 373, 387, 438, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 488, 523, 554, 652, 669, 708, 741, 847, 849, 851, 901, 915, 998, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007, 1016, 1057, 1166, 1167, 1189, 1193, 1262, 1358, 1376, 1393, 1410, 1411, 1414, 1421, 1428, 1450, 1451, 1455, 1523, 1527, 1545, 1548, 1549, 1567, 1568, 1569, 1586, 1587, 1624, 1651, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1678, 1687, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1709, 1714, 1757, 1758, 1826, 1833, 1839, 1840, 1869, 1871, 1877, 1924, 1925, 1966, 1987, 2042, 2263, 2266, 2267, 2268, 2314, 2320, 2324, 2356, 2362, 2369, 2370, 2371, 2372, 2388, 2583, 2585, 2587, 2606, 2654, 2668, 2669, 2727, 2728, 2729, 2730, 2731, 2750, 2828, 2829, 2832, 2885, 2888, 2918, 2927, 2941, 2947, 2951, 2955, 2969, 2975. See also Adams, August Epicycloidal, Chebyshev, Conformal azimuthal, Conformal conic, Conformal cylindrical, Eisenlohr, Guyou, Lagrange, Littrow, Miller Oblated Stereographic, Modified Stereographic Conformal, Peirce, Space Oblique Mercator, and Triangle projections, Complex algebra, and Elliptic functions
British Isles, maps of, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1134, 2195, 2196, 2873, 2886 Butterfly projections, 361, 413, 414, 416, 417, 418, 419, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 524, 721, 928, 1124, 1690, 2431
Cabot projection, 2211 Cadastral maps, 129, 199, 625, 626, 1456, 1589, 1590, 1772. See also Topographic maps Cahill projections. See Butterfly projections Canada, maps of, 664, 823, 824, 852, 1096, 1097, 2384 Canary Islands, maps of, 2496 Cartograms, 27, 88, 401, 450, 454, 631, 632, 942, 1047, 1075, 1137, 1319, 1380, 1383, 1434, 1963, 2295, 2365, 2383, 2620, 2628, 2631, 2638, 2639
Conformal Adaptive Mapping Projection of the Ellipsoid, 1974 Cassini-Hyperbolic projection, 1746 Conformal azimuthal projections, 1706. See also Stereographic projection
Cassini-Soldner (or Cassini or Soldner) projection, 1, 536, 1033, 1107, 1374, 1375, 1469, 1472, 1495, 1590, 2048, 2278, 2558, 2863
Conformal conic projections, 35, 586, 1300, 1461, 1513, 1794, 2776. See also Bipolar Oblique Conic Conformal, Lambert Conformal Conic, and oblique conformal conic projections
Cat's brain, 1541 Celestial maps, 627, 1220, 1407, 1766, 1893, 1894, 1939, 2213, 2318, 2559. See also Extraterrestrial bodies, maps of; Moon, maps of; Satellites, mapping of irregular
Conformal cylindrical projections, 382, 1509. See also Mercator, Oblique Mercator, and Transverse Mercator projections
Central projection. See Gnomonic projection Conformal projections, 374, 385 Chamberlin Trimetric projection, 342, 477 Conic conformal projections. See Conformal conic projections Chebyshev projections, 381, 459, 658, 659, 742, 907, 1212, 1255, 1524, 1526, 2308, 2655, 2762, 2963
Conic equal-area projections. See Equal-area conic projections
China, maps of, 478, 770, 771, 1287, 1306, 1716
Conic equidistant projections. See Equidistant conic projections
Classification of projections, 261, 268, 426, 472, 473, 590, 1008, 1213, 1214, 1284, 1531, 1637, 1681, 1702, 1838, 1872, 1883, 2040, 2233, 2302, 2506, 2520, 2619, 2758. See also Nomenclature of projections
Conic projections, 12, 81, 172, 173, 469, 587, 701, 761, 896, 964, 1036, 1286, 1435, 1440, 1516, 1609, 1715, 1734, 2033, 2525, 2645, 2714, 2919, 2928, 2959. See also Conformal conic, Equal-area conic, Equidistant conic, Perspective conic, Polyconic, and Satellite-Tracking projections
Coastal maps, 2826 Colombia, maps of, 2225
Continents, maps of, 1356, 1753, 1970, 2527. See also Specific continent
Communication satellites, 1713 Convergence of meridians, 152, 1148, 1458, 1641, 1648 Complex algebra in conformal mapping, 324, 461, 1418, 1526, 1652, 1809, 2216, 2217, 2218, 2450, 2452
Cordiform maps, 804, 1485, 1486, 2845
Computer-assisted map-projection production, 31, 65, 140, 197, 213, 214, 215, 224, 269, 270, 271, 276, 285, 301,
Craig Retroazimuthal projection, 552, 553, 2354
Dymaxion map or Fuller projection, 875, 876, 879, 880, 882, 1027, 1028, 2191
Craster projection. See Parabolic projection Cyclic maps, 1698 Cycloidal projection. See Jervis Cycloidal projection
Eckert projections, 72, 402, 471, 563, 710, 719, 1093, 2368, 2675, 2773
Cylindrical equal-area projections, 156, 309, 508, 511, 1013, 1170, 1514, 1603, 1707, 1717, 1848, 2455, 2592, 2743, 2872. See also Behrmann, Gall, Oblique Cylindrical EqualArea, Oblique-Gore, Peters, and Trystan Edwards projections
Eckert-Greifendorff projection, 719 Economic maps, 249, 307, 372, 582, 942, 1060, 1501, 2428, 2733
Cylindrical equidistant projections. See Cassini-Soldner and Equirectangular projections
Ecumenical projection, 2849 Eisenlohr projection, 733
Cylindrical projections, 12, 59, 76, 83, 338, 509, 560, 577, 909, 990, 1018, 1079, 1121, 1170, 1516, 1715, 1734, 1759, 1899, 1942, 1992, 2051, 2253, 2313, 2389, 2614, 2717, 2874. See also Cassini-Soldner, Conformal cylindrical, Cylindrical equal-area, Equirectangular, Gall, Miller Cylindrical, Perspective cylindrical, Polycylindrical, Pseudocylindrical, and Satellite-Tracking projections
Deformation analysis, 644, 645
Ellipsoid (spheroid), Earth as, 34, 63, 133, 143, 144, 152, 199, 264, 280, 292, 339, 375, 376, 379, 380, 384, 463, 466, 474, 554, 652, 664, 670, 708, 727, 728, 736, 738, 847, 849, 861, 867, 869, 895, 901, 916, 1017, 1019, 1020, 1088, 1098, 1110, 1118, 1153, 1154, 1162, 1174, 1184, 1252, 1275, 1301, 1374, 1376, 1400, 1403, 1422, 1451, 1452, 1468, 1470, 1473, 1474, 1523, 1546, 1547, 1567, 1568, 1569, 1638, 1645, 1647, 1648, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1674, 1705, 1770, 1922, 1925, 1943, 1974, 2011, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2038, 2045, 2272, 2281, 2282, 2320, 2341, 2364, 2366, 2396, 2440, 2455, 2476, 2541, 2584, 2622, 2649, 2668, 2707, 2750, 2768, 2790, 2793, 2805, 2903, 2933. See also Gauss-Krüger, Universal Polar Stereographic, and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projections, and Triaxial ellipsoid
Denmark, maps of, 371, 372
Ellipsoid, triaxial. See Triaxial ellipsoid
Density of map graticule, 784
Elliptic functions, conformal projections based on, 20, 1362, 1649, 1655, 2044
Czechoslovakia, maps of, 481, 1520, 2541
De l'Isle projection, 756, 1598 de La Hire projection, 619
Dinomic projection, 141 Disease, maps of, 1355, 2365
Elliptical projection, 664, 1152, 2672, 2773, 2797, 2800, 2841, 2972. See Mollweide projection; Babinet projection
Dissertation, 181, 263, 529, 778, 841, 852, 1025, 1258, 1512, 1709, 1852, 1974, 2365, 2616, 2731, 2846
Enlarged centers on projections. See Magnified centers on projections
Distance-related maps, 2636
Epicycloidal projection. See August Epicycloidal projection
Distortion on maps, 49, 102, 279, 442, 628, 844, 870, 874, 906, 909, 910, 913, 917, 919, 946, 952, 962, 969, 990, 1106, 1239, 1251, 1279, 1396, 1397, 1416, 1478, 1481, 1531, 1563, 1573, 1614, 1700, 1715, 1776, 1777, 1795, 1908, 2242, 2252, 2387, 2395, 2397, 2408, 2479, 2527, 2623, 2625, 2626, 2791, 2824, 2857, 2977, 2983. See also Tissot indicatrices
Equal-area (equivalent projections), 27, 43, 113, 179, 194, 253, 332, 357, 379, 400, 548, 550, 596, 640, 641, 703, 713, 719, 720, 747, 911, 913, 1016, 1025, 1049, 1050, 1119, 1153, 1154, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1253, 1258, 1259, 1355, 1415, 1452, 1588, 1625, 1709, 1873, 1875, 1903, 1957, 1971, 2021, 2261, 2319, 2344, 2410, 2433, 2462, 2465, 2504, 2553, 2555, 2570, 2620, 2624, 2629, 2637, 2861, 2880, 2953
Donald Elliptical projection, 664 Equal-area (equivalent) projections, 870, 871. See also Boggs Eumorphic, Briesemeister, Cordiform, Cylindrical equalarea, Equal-area conic, Goode, Hammer, Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area, McBryde, McBryde-Thomas, Mollweide, Parabolic, 3XWQLÉ, Quartic Authalic, Wagner, and Werenskiold projections, and Cartograms
Donnus projection, 290 Double projection, 80, 81, 83, 133, 280, 523, 1098, 1199, 1369, 1376, 1569, 1682, 2356, 2357, 2488, 2589, 2748 Doubly Azimuthal projection. See Two-Point Azimuthal projection
Equal-area azimuthal projections. See Azimuthal equal-area projections
Doubly Equidistant projection. See Two-Point Equidistant projection
Equal-area conic projections, 251, 585, 1146, 1298, 1300, 1435, 1461, 1511, 1515, 1708, 2554, 2669, 2775, 2776. See also Albers Equal-Area Conic, Isopheric Stenoteric, Lambert Equal-Area Conic, and Oblique Albers Equal-Area Conic projections
Dürer, A., projections used by, 653, 699
Gauss-Hannover projection, 926, 2293, 2561
Equal-area cylindrical projections. See Cylindrical equal-area projections
Gauss-Krüger (and Gauss) projection, 6, 99, 103, 125, 143, 151, 152, 157, 199, 281, 283, 286, 291, 292, 295, 297, 298, 378, 437, 576, 625, 626, 707, 709, 729, 772, 893, 902, 904, 916, 937, 941, 1104, 1157, 1158, 1161, 1164, 1165, 1177, 1179, 1180, 1182, 1183, 1184, 1208, 1240, 1252, 1272, 1302, 1313, 1335, 1365, 1374, 1446, 1447, 1448, 1449, 1454, 1456, 1457, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1462, 1463, 1465, 1467, 1468, 1469, 1470, 1472, 1473, 1474, 1497, 1521, 1525, 1536, 1537, 1546, 1552, 1620, 1621, 1645, 1667, 1668, 1669, 1673, 1675, 1739, 1800, 1819, 1823, 1884, 1885, 1947, 1948, 2027, 2039, 2041, 2044, 2212, 2214, 2341, 2357, 2360, 2398, 2399, 2548, 2558, 2567, 2573, 2574, 2575, 2649, 2864, 2865, 2890, 2891, 2922, 2924, 2925, 2926, 2930, 2938, 2957, 2958, 2976, 2985. See also Gauss-Boaga, Gauss-Hannover, Transverse Mercator, and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projections
Equidistant azimuthal projections, 2931 Equidistant conic projections, 391, 1300, 1424, 1435, 1513, 1550, 1551, 1753, 1794, 1861, 1892, 1955, 2377, 2438, 2776, 2931. See also De l'Isle, Euler, and Everett projections Equidistant cylindrical projections, 2931. See Cassini-Soldner and Equirectangular projections Equidistant Polyconic projection, 2390 Equidistant projections, 1016, 1247, 1793, 1895, 1998, 2880, 2931. See also Azimuthal Equidistant, Equidistant Conic, Equidistant Polyconic, and Equirectangular projections Equirectangular projection, 308, 509, 1753, 1905, 1907, 2537, 2875. See also Gall projection
General projection discussion (significant), 229, 296, 365, 392, 394, 433, 456, 479, 513, 555, 590, 612, 633, 635, 674, 677, 715, 769, 789, 800, 819, 898, 938, 1024, 1041, 1042, 1045, 1052, 1159, 1192, 1204, 1221, 1273, 1430, 1433, 1471, 1475, 1582, 1623, 1655, 1686, 1724, 1754, 1775, 1784, 1789, 1812, 1838, 1850, 1858, 1864, 1865, 1882, 1928, 2215, 2237, 2243, 2245, 2254, 2255, 2256, 2257, 2311, 2363, 2447, 2461, 2478, 2483, 2487, 2490, 2493, 2494, 2521, 2610, 2665, 2715, 2720, 2732, 2800, 2915, 2948
Equivalent projections. See Equal-area projections Ethnocentric projections, 447 Etzlaub projection, 671, 714, 740, 1126 Euler projection, 383, 755, 1867, 1868, 1878, 2670 Euler-Urmayev projections, 1876, 2656
Geodesic lines, 90, 912 Eurasia, maps of, 70, 153, 250, 515, 516, 1632, 1901, 1988, 2509, 2592
Geodesy, map projections in, 17, 374, 1484, 1548, 1623, 1656, 2266, 2286, 2380, 2468, 2967 See also journals and organizations with Geodesy in name, 2986
Europe, maps of, 70, 153, 250, 515, 838, 1900, 1901, 2509, 2564 Everett projection, 761, 2960
Geologic maps, 356, 716, 1500, 1890, 2375, 2500, 2501, 2604
Extraterrestrial bodies, maps of, 182, 375, 638, 2401, 2476, 2674, 2780, 2970. See also Moon, maps of; Satellites, mapping of irregular
Geomatic projection, 2373 Geophysical, maps for, 247
Finland, maps of, 1241
Germany, maps of, 625, 626, 1118, 1449, 1454, 1456, 1465, 1886, 1890, 2212, 2337, 2356, 2357, 2657
Fischer projection, 1970
Gilbert Two-World projection, 623, 1610
Flamsteed projection. See Sinusoidal projection
Ginzburg projections, 953, 957, 962, 965, 974
Foot-point latitude, 723
GIS, 432, 570, 1477, 1618, 1636, 1856, 2413
Fournier Globular projections, 839
Globular projections, 104, 124, 604, 839, 1774, 1969, 2336
France, maps of, 209, 491, 838, 2230
Gnomonic (Gnomic, Central) projection, 11, 58, 128, 144, 191, 192, 193, 284, 306, 311, 313, 314, 362, 423, 627, 678, 735, 737, 787, 794, 816, 817, 818, 837, 838, 921, 930, 1044, 1065, 1070, 1155, 1168, 1305, 1329, 1415, 1417, 1519, 1577, 1609, 1671, 1759, 1798, 1803, 1815, 2209, 2213, 2430, 2434, 2571, 2594, 2595, 2597, 2712, 2745, 2825, 2836, 2851, 2852, 2862, 2889, 2896, 2949, 2990. See also Two-Point Azimuthal projection
Fuller projections. See Dymaxion map
Gaia projection, 2313 Gall projections, 853, 885, 886, 887, 2572
Gnomonic, (Gnomic, Central) projection, 2990 Gall-Peters projection. See Peters (or Gall-Peters) projection Goode projections, 650, 927, 932, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997 Gauss-Boaga projection, 45, 150, 242, 259, 2052, 2664 Gore maps, 951, 988, 1518
Great Britain, maps of. See British Isles, maps of Great Lakes, maps of, 218, 219
Icosahedron, maps on. See Polyhedral globe
Great-circle (orthodromic) charts and paths, 108, 212, 317, 330, 656, 705, 780, 1073, 1168, 1421, 1563, 1611, 1670, 1721, 1723, 1790, 1832, 2310, 2317, 2358, 2361, 2367, 2652, 2831, 2836, 2952. See also Gnomonic projection
Imhof distortion pattern, 2538 India, maps of, 2422, 2423 International Map of the World (IMW) projection, 299, 499, 894, 1224, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1330, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1600, 1601, 1663, 1725, 1726, 1727, 2448, 2791
Greenwich Prime Meridian, 1909 Guyou projection, 1077, 1078
Interrupted projections, 141, 312, 568, 591, 681, 781, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 1150, 1357, 1742, 1801, 2244, 2355, 2502, 2503, 2861 Hamilton projection, 1105 Inverse projection formulas, 697, 709, 759, 846, 1097, 1303, 1961, 2037, 2331, 2684, 2705, 2936, 2938, 2945, 2956
Hammer (or Hammer-Aitoff) projection, 71, 346, 719, 1111, 1661, 1780, 2499, 2618, 2624, 2798, 2876
Isodromic projection, 2760 Hammer Retroazimuthal projection, 1123, 1230, 2206 Harmonic polynomials, 1393, 2728, 2805, 2969
Isogonic charts, 114, 799, 1262, 1263, 1829, 2673. See also Magnetism, maps for
Hatt projection, 63
Isometric latitude, 775, 1303, 2936
Helt projection, 1765
Isometric mapping, 2032
Hemispheres, maps of, 84, 101, 194, 254, 409, 958, 1078, 1107, 1395, 1792, 1911, 2336, 2372
Isoparametric projections, 644 Isoperimetric projections, 231
Hereford map, 1370, 2274 Isospheric Stenoteric projection projection, 1603 Herschel projection, 1202, 1203 Isosuperficial projections, 1931 Hill Eucyclic projection, 2474 Italy, maps of, 1, 56, 242, 660, 1932 History of map projections, 2913 History of projections, 148, 171, 181, 289, 310, 350, 405, 492, 540, 568, 573, 590, 621, 653, 672, 714, 730, 785, 796, 797, 806, 814, 822, 857, 872, 888, 920, 1058, 1062, 1063, 1101, 1113, 1127, 1131, 1135, 1201, 1231, 1266, 1443, 1558, 1917, 1977, 1994, 2046, 2363, 2416, 2467, 2472, 2514, 2559, 2601, 2602, 2605, 2626, 2675, 2794, 2893, 2894, 2992. See also Portolans
Jackson projection, 1341 James projection, 211, 1953 Japan, maps of, 1990 Jervis Cycloidal projection, 811, 1360
Homographic transformation, 2719 Homolographic projection. See Mollweide projection Kavrayskiy projections, 241, 1424 Homolosine projection, 650, 927, 995 Khristov, V.K. formulas, 2399 Honduras, maps of, 1330
.ÐRY¹N projection, 1572
Hotine Oblique Mercator projection, 219, 1275, 2283, 2703, 2704
Krasovskiy ellipsoid, 152, 1473, 2541
.XFKDÐ projections, 2432
Hungary, maps of, 125, 126, 165, 777, 778, 1164, 1165, 1175, 1179, 1265, 2565, 2766, 2777 Hydrographic maps, 190, 318, 1000, 1001, 1029, 1975, 2653, 2747, 2761
Labeling projections, 2458
Hyperbolic functions, 74
Laborde projection, 1593, 1679, 1938, 2678, 2916, 2961
Hyperbolic projection, 2607
Lagrange multipliers, 1997
Hyperelliptical projection, 2629
Lagrange projection, 187, 355, 579, 1599, 1603, 1658, 1659, 2667, 2782
McBryde projections, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection, 17, 250, 252, 345, 515, 516, 719, 781, 1111, 1112, 1603, 1732, 1810, 2618, 2624, 2672, 2812, 2861. See also Azimuthal Equal-Area projection
McBryde-Thomas projections, 1745
Lambert Conformal Conic (Conical Orthomorphic) projection, 13, 14, 28, 100, 214, 224, 245, 249, 322, 407, 411, 489, 499, 544, 558, 606, 607, 770, 771, 772, 773, 824, 834, 936, 1001, 1061, 1200, 1202, 1203, 1225, 1331, 1479, 1603, 1627, 1730, 1752, 1961, 1967, 1984, 2049, 2227, 2228, 2229, 2382, 2404, 2496, 2497, 2544, 2581, 2653, 2681, 2685, 2724, 2754, 2764, 2765, 2889, 2957, 2958. See also Conformal conic projections; Oblique conformal conic projection; State Plane Coordinate System
Mendeleyev projection, 1861
Mecca projection, 2354. See also Craig Retroazimuthal projection
Mental maps, 2632 Mercator atlas, 327 Mercator projection, 108, 112, 123, 141, 142, 202, 265, 322, 451, 492, 508, 594, 621, 646, 654, 671, 672, 673, 714, 751, 934, 940, 993, 1010, 1020, 1043, 1046, 1071, 1078, 1101, 1102, 1117, 1126, 1160, 1161, 1163, 1168, 1176, 1200, 1231, 1271, 1285, 1302, 1304, 1324, 1384, 1388, 1408, 1437, 1438, 1440, 1447, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1493, 1508, 1556, 1560, 1561, 1564, 1566, 1591, 1592, 1611, 1677, 1721, 1731, 1738, 1761, 1837, 1857, 1862, 1916, 1933, 1934, 1954, 1960, 1978, 2050, 2187, 2275, 2298, 2321, 2330, 2331, 2348, 2358, 2374, 2375, 2378, 2380, 2391, 2482, 2528, 2579, 2582, 2599, 2637, 2650, 2707, 2770, 2771, 2790, 2795, 2796, 2799, 2817, 2858, 2887, 2906. See also Oblique Mercator, Transverse Mercator, and Wright projection
Lambert Equal-Area Conic projection, 1603, 1932, 1971 Lambert-Littrow projection, 1325 Landsat maps. See Space imagery, maps for Lantern projections, 2665 Large-scale maps. See Topographic maps Larrivée projection, 1612
Meridian parts, tables of, 181 Leonardo da Vinci projection, 807 Lidman projection, 2973
Meteorological maps, 3, 4, 319, 361, 423, 721, 1043, 1256, 1372, 1841, 1967, 2238
Littrow projection, 1325, 1326, 1712, 1831, 1843, 2827
Mexico, maps of, 651
Lobate Globoid projection, 2533, 2534
Miller (Ronald) projections, 1905, 1907
Logarithmic azimuthal projection. See Azimuthal Logarithmic projection
Miller Cylindrical projection, 1899
Lorgna projection, 1732
Miller Oblated Stereographic projection, 518, 1900, 1901, 2509
Loximuthal projection, 2627
Milne projection, 2671
Loxodromes. See Rhumb lines Lunar maps. See Moon, maps of
Minimum-error projections, 40, 459, 596, 703, 733, 906, 909, 910, 913, 1616, 1617, 1908, 2216, 2217, 2314, 2344, 2452, 2473, 2959
Madagascar, maps of, 1593, 1938, 2961
Modified Polyconic projection, 1096, 1097, 2038, 2307, 2945, 2980. See also International Map of the World (IMW) projection
Magnetism, maps of, 2188, 2335, 2833
Modified-Stereographic Conformal projection, 1652. See also Miller Oblated Stereographic projection
Magnified centers on projections, 170, 1379, 1405, 2418, 2459, 2809. See also Azimuthal Logarithmic projection; Variable-scale maps
Moebius strip, 1579, 2617
“Magnifying-glass” Azimuthal projections, 2459, 2809 Malaya, maps of, 339
Mollweide (or Babinet or Homolographic) projection, 33, 116, 117, 266, 351, 409, 500, 502, 503, 747, 766, 993, 994, 995, 1017, 1744, 1797, 1801, 1911, 1918, 2375, 2624, 2875
Marinus projection, 1201, 1266
Mongolia, maps of, 666
Marsengo projection, 1813
Moon, maps of, 441, 574, 639, 982, 1781, 1959, 2001, 2002, 2291, 2400
Master's thesis, 102, 310, 442, 478, 758, 917, 1091, 1098, 1185, 1370, 1441, 1482, 1540, 1613, 1619, 1723, 1941, 1959, 1965, 1982, 2222, 2403, 2758, 2894
Müller projection, 1122, 1942
Oblique projections, misc., 66, 232, 233, 234, 235, 434, 435, 989, 1007, 1019, 1103, 1121, 1170, 1318, 1450, 1565, 1705, 1796, 1836, 1871, 1942, 2034, 2296, 2306, 2397, 2420, 2874, 2900. See also Azimuthal, Briesemeister, and Sinu-Mollweide projections, and under specific oblique ... projection
Murdoch conic projections, 46, 1234, 1235, 1788, 1934, 1955, 2960
National Reference System (Great Britain), 1032, 1033 Navigational (sea) charts, 543, 603, 702, 764, 814, 828, 854, 884, 1007, 1023, 1200, 1218, 1811, 1862, 2424, 2426, 2532, 2746, 2851, 2852, 2899, 2977. See also Gnomonic and Mercator projections and Portolans
Oblique-Gore projections, 307, 309 Oceans, maps of, 11, 122, 127, 128, 179, 510, 1146, 1652, 1742, 1957, 1987, 1989, 2499, 2502. See also Navigational (sea) charts
Navigational charts, 750 Octahedron, maps on. See Polyhedral globe Nell Globular projection, 604, 1969 Ontario, maps of, 449 New Jersey, maps of, 2435 Oregon, maps of, 1752 New York, maps of, 1767, 1768 Ortelius projection, 2675 New Zealand, maps of, 561, 1434, 1650, 2026, 2216, 2217, 2218, 2535, 2536
Orthodromic charts and paths. See Great-circle (orthodromic) charts and paths
Nicolosi Globular projection, 104, 1774, 1969. See also DO %ÇUÖQÇ projections Nigeria, maps of, 34
Orthogonal projections, 73, 84, 85, 86, 177, 384, 480, 1530, 1535, 1685, 2421. See also Conic, Conformal, and Cylindrical projections
Nomenclature of projections, 590, 608, 1125, 1274, 1333, 1354, 1637, 1639, 1664, 1783, 2233, 2285, 2458. See also Classification of projections
Orthographic projections, 2, 66, 349, 366, 470, 623, 634, 684, 737, 776, 1142, 1565, 1822, 1906, 1926, 2036, 2300, 2304, 2596, 2804, 2814, 2818, 2836
Nomographs for projections, 959, 1140, 1141, 1298, 1428, 1760, 1972, 2863
Orthomorphic projections. See Conformal projections Orthotriangular projection, zenithial, 700
North America, maps of, 457, 838, 2199. See also Americas, maps of Norway, maps of, 205, 1496, 2325
Parabolic projection, 23, 559, 1745, 2841
Numerical map projection transformation, 1283
Parent perspective projections, 2051 Patents, 123, 144, 294, 304, 415, 416, 521, 600, 818, 877, 951, 1743, 2430, 2503, 2739
Oblated Equal-Area projections, 2465 Peirce (Quincuncial) projection, 408, 730, 731, 732, 858, 2511, 2514
Oblated Stereographic projection. See Miller Oblated Stereographic projection
Perspective projections, 2, 77, 79, 375, 376, 475, 597, 636, 637, 662, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 692, 693, 694, 696, 798, 833, 939, 1142, 1143, 1607, 1619, 1849, 1863, 1870, 1970, 2001, 2051, 2317, 2329, 2444, 2486, 2488, 2489, 2492, 2710, 2726, 2778, 2943. See also Fischer, Gnomonic, de la Hire, James, Orthographic, Perspectiveconic, Perspective-cylindrical, and Stereographic projections
Oblique Albers Equal-Area projection, 1109, 2849 Oblique Bonne projection, 781 Oblique conformal conic projection, 561, 1824, 1898 Oblique Cylindrical Equal-Area projection, 2455, 2592, 2872
Perspective-conic projections, 338, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1515, 1565, 1581, 1926, 1955, 2392, 2393, 2394, 2395, 2396. See also Murdoch conic projection
Oblique Eckert projection, 72, 563 Oblique Equirectangular projection, 308, 509
Perspective-cylindrical projections, 338, 1444, 1445, 1791, 2306, 2486. See also Gall projections
Oblique Mercator projection, 68, 70, 131, 144, 280, 291, 339, 535, 538, 565, 594, 738, 933, 1170, 1232, 1233, 1644, 1646, 1657, 1751, 2272, 2283, 2330, 2837, 2889. See also Hotine Oblique Mercator and Laborde projections; Switzerland, maps of
Peters (or Gall-Peters) projection, 60, 139, 140, 206, 207, 367, 444, 557, 605, 647, 648, 649, 665, 763, 765, 786, 934, 935, 1056, 1136, 1308, 1390, 1391, 1392, 1480, 1557, 1559, 1660, 1710, 1735, 1762, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1814, 1927, 1949, 1950, 2187, 2249, 2251, 2279, 2463, 2466, 2498, 2663, 2787, 2788, 2789, 2802, 2902
Oblique Mollweide projection, 502, 766
Ptolemy projections, 64, 134, 540, 655, 872, 1270, 1413, 1917, 1977, 2345, 2529, 2734, 2817
Petoval’tsev, I.T., formulas, 2399 Petrenko projection, 1581
Puerto Rico, maps of, 1965 Piezopleth maps, 450 Pitner projection, 2812 Quartic authalic projection, 27, 1745 Planets, maps of. See Extraterrestrial bodies, maps of Quasiconformal maps, 39, 469 Plate Carrée projection. See Equirectangular projection Quasistereographic projections, 236, 1060 Poland, maps of, 249, 1060, 1494, 1737 Québec, maps of, 248 Polar projections and maps, 3, 61, 101, 114, 210, 245, 322, 381, 415, 507, 675, 702, 793, 996, 997, 1020, 1043, 1050, 1244, 1326, 1341, 1381, 1677, 1701, 1732, 1984, 2188, 2219, 2342, 2375, 2402, 2504, 2533, 2534, 2618, 2624, 2650, 2651, 2686, 2690, 2861. See also Azimuthal projections
Quincuncial projection. See Peirce projection
Radar, projections for, 403, 1402, 1676, 1700
Polyconic projections, 15, 186, 215, 244, 320, 379, 384, 606, 767, 768, 965, 974, 1129, 1149, 1210, 1367, 1662, 1748, 2269, 2347, 2384, 2390, 2646, 2648, 2687, 2698, 2699, 2702, 2707, 2932, 2945, 2980, 2982. See also Modified Polyconic and Rectangular Polyconic projections
Rectangular Polyconic projection, 1344, 1747, 1753, 2390
Polycylindrical projections, 66, 2640
Rhombic conformal projection, 19
Polyfocal projection, 1380, 1381, 1383, 2403, 2911
Rhumb lines (or loxodromes), 1168, 1723, 1837, 2317, 2407, 2409, 2627, 2899. See also Mercator projection
Retroazimuthal projections, 507, 552, 553, 616, 1094, 1095, 1123, 1230, 1338, 1574, 1712, 1828, 1831, 2206, 2349, 2350, 2351, 2353, 2354, 2827
Polyhedral globe or projection On cube, 1226 On cuboctahedron, 875, 877 On dodecahedron, 1073, 1654, 2430 On icosahedron, 11, 128, 332, 817, 818, 877, 879, 880, 882, 1417, 2712 On misc. polyhedra, 294, 334, 335, 583, 699, 1575, 1649, 1655, 2471 On octahedron, 311, 313, 314, 423, 485 On tetrahedron, 306, 1651, 2370, 2503 On truncated icosahedron, 404, 2471
Riemann coordinates, 1019 Robinson projection, 33, 166, 198, 344, 1763, 2193, 2236, 2248, 2303, 2469 Rojas Astrolabe projection, 1765 Romania, maps of, 695 Roussilhe projection, 1672, 2045, 2281, 2282, 2976 Russia (or Soviet Union), maps of, 153, 271, 468, 658, 756, 967, 1522, 1524, 1534, 1859, 2000, 2307, 2309, 2485, 2648, 2667
Polyhedric projection, 103, 864, 866, 1425, 2414, 2844 Polynomial approximations, 1246, 1393, 2728, 2805, 2951, 2969, 2981
Russian map projection developments, 1288, 1779. See also under specific Russian inventor
Portolans, 174, 490, 682, 1606, 1729 Postel projection. See Azimuthal Equidistant projection
Sanson projection. See Sinusoidal projection
Pseudoazimuthal projections, 118, 1282, 1716, 2432. See also Wiechel projection
Satellite-generated images. See Space imagery Pseudoconic projections, 36, 872, 1119, 2516, 2819, 2820, 2845. See also Bonne and Werner projections; Cordiform maps
Satellites, mapping of irregular, 2539, 2540, 2672. See also Triaxial ellipsoid Satellite-Tracking projections, 102, 340, 2439, 2441
Pseudocylindrical projections, 82, 312, 398, 596, 747, 870, 957, 1093, 1119, 1152, 1309, 1424, 1848, 1896, 1905, 2035, 2410, 2436, 2629, 2717, 2819, 2879. See also Adams, Babinet, Baranyi, Boggs Eumorphic, Eckert, Goode, Kuchaø, McBryde, McBryde-Thomas, Mollweide, Parabolic, 3XWQLÉ, Quartic Authalic, Robinson, Sinusoidal, Wagner, Werenskiold, and Winkel projections
Schmidt Globular projection, 2336 Schoy Retroazimuthal projection, 2349, 2350, 2351 Sea charts. See Hydrographic maps; Navigational charts; Oceans, maps of
Pseudostereographic projections, 2038 Secant conic projections, 1440. See also Conic projections
Seismology, maps for, 1351, 1364, 1701, 2315, 2643, 2671
2845, 2889, 2976, 2984. See also Modified-Stereographic Conformal projection
Selection of projections, 92, 98, 106, 122, 147, 377, 551, 741, 862, 873, 874, 895, 899, 983, 1257, 1349, 1350, 1420, 1432, 1441, 1442, 1482, 1494, 1522, 1543, 1583, 1634, 1734, 1879, 2004, 2241, 2242, 2485, 2491, 2604, 2642, 2674, 2976
Stereographic (cylindrical or conic) projections, 12, 338, 577, 2392. See also Gall projections Stokes boundary, 1016
Semigeodesic projections, 905, 908
Sweden, maps of, 109, 2271, 2292
Sinusoidal projection, 138, 266, 483, 484, 566, 577, 641, 681, 747, 1743, 1745, 1848, 2225, 2546, 2607, 2797, 2800, 2841, 2875
Switzerland, maps of, 97, 129, 280, 352, 538, 571, 697, 1054, 1605, 2007, 2008, 2025, 2272 Syria, maps of, 2916, 2917
Six-Six projection, 1356, 1357 Skew Orthomorphic projection. See Oblique Mercator projection
Tactile map projections, 1382
Small circles, 142, 2952
Taich projections, 2569, 2570
Soldner, 1, 1374, 1375, 1590, 2863
Tanganyika, maps of, 749
Soldner projection. See Cassini-Soldner projection
Terminology of projections. See Nomenclature of projections
Solov'ev projections, 2488, 2492, 2726
Tetrahedral (tetrahedric) projection. See Polyhedral globe
South Africa, maps of, 2359, 2360, 2385
Thailand, maps of, 856
Space Conformal projection, 465, 467
Thematic maps, 1074, 1299, 1534, 1555, 1693
Space imagery, maps for, 390, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 696, 1268, 1269, 2223, 2704, 2751, 2780, 2974, 2987. See also Extraterrestrial bodies, maps of; Satellite-Tracking, Space Conformal, and Space Oblique Mercator projections
Time zones, projections for, 704 Tissot indicatrices, 120, 1069, 1171, 1614, 1615, 2243, 2245, 2419, 2479, 2610, 2968, 2983, 2993 Tissot projection, 580, 1331, 1514, 2024, 2610
Space Oblique Mercator projection, 467, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 595, 1307, 1377, 1964, 2437, 2439, 2442, 2446, 2703, 2704
Spheroid. See Ellipsoid
Topographic maps, 188, 200, 209, 243, 494, 820, 821, 860, 867, 869, 1055, 1060, 1436, 1684, 1688, 1734, 1739, 1816, 1942, 2001, 2002, 2271, 2272, 2273, 2337, 2445, 2457, 2460, 2657, 2725, 2956. See also State Plane Coordinate System; Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection
Stabius projections, 2526, 2845
Tourist maps, 2810
Stamps, projections on, 1985
Transverse August projection, 2499
Standardization of projections, 1584
Transverse cylindrical conformal projection, modified, 1683, 1684
Spain, maps of, 452
Star charts. See Celestial maps Transverse Cylindrical Equal-Area projection, 1603, 2455 Star(-shaped) projections, 61, 221, 359, 1342, 1343, 1694 Transverse Equal-Area Conic projection, 251 State Plane Coordinate System, 26, 482, 1910, 2545, 2700, 2701, 2702, 2763
Transverse Hammer projection, 2499 Transverse Mercator projection, 29, 34, 213, 287, 323, 324, 325, 333, 487, 536, 594, 702, 749, 752, 753, 788, 791, 843, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1039, 1040, 1264, 1339, 1362, 1546, 1603, 1622, 1638, 1640, 1645, 1647, 1648, 1749, 1750, 1958, 2019, 2048, 2200, 2294, 2297, 2330, 2355, 2378, 2379, 2404, 2423, 2497, 2543, 2805, 2869, 2924. See also Gauss-Boaga, Gauss-Hannover, Gauss-Krüger, and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projections; State Plane Coordinate System
Statistical projections. See Cartograms Stereographic (azimuthal) projection, 10, 61, 125, 126, 175, 191, 193, 204, 236, 245, 322, 345, 366, 403, 440, 468, 620, 680, 728, 737, 776, 779, 790, 792, 793, 816, 883, 1043, 1053, 1161, 1191, 1207, 1242, 1364, 1385, 1386, 1413, 1448, 1453, 1456, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1498, 1499, 1564, 1570, 1572, 1589, 1642, 1669, 1672, 1699, 1760, 1805, 1866, 1916, 1920, 1939, 1969, 1973, 1995, 2038, 2047, 2195, 2224, 2247, 2281, 2342, 2375, 2416, 2481, 2589, 2591, 2598, 2686, 2690, 2749, 2804, 2830, 2834,
Transverse Mollweide projection, 500, 503
Transverse Polyconic projection, 1129, 2384 Variable-scale maps, 1293 Transverse projections, misc., 434, 435 Variational type projections, 1999 Transverse pseudocylindrical projections, 2035 Vereo-scale map projections, 2808, 2810, 2811 Trapezoidal projections, 2708 Vitkovskiy projections, 2776 Triangle, projection of Earth in, 547, 1773 Triaxial ellipsoid, maps of, 382, 1941, 2387, 2388, 2454, 2672, 2834
Wagner projections, 2797, 2798, 2800
Trystan Edwards projection, 726, 1782, 1787, 2661
Weather maps. See Meteorological maps
Tunisia, maps of, 200
Weir's azimuth diagram, 1325, 1831, 1842, 1843
Two-Point Azimuthal projection, 196, 498, 1323, 1728, 1830, 1832, 2590, 2950, 2968
Werner projection, 996, 997, 1063, 1485, 1486, 2577, 2845 Wiechel projection, 514, 2856
Two-Point Azimuthal-Equidistant projection, 506 Winkel projections, 33, 367, 2872, 2874, 2875 Two-Point Equidistant projection, 497, 498, 505, 549, 664, 1728, 1832, 1993, 2584, 2627, 2950
Wisconsin, maps of, 1156
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection, 7, 368, 370, 410, 428, 439, 448, 455, 535, 629, 660, 670, 679, 725, 824, 944, 1015, 1020, 1133, 1134, 1148, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1481, 1621, 1730, 1736, 1767, 1768, 1851, 1860, 2009, 2010, 2015, 2028, 2029, 2031, 2199, 2227, 2228, 2229, 2542, 2548, 2649, 2677, 2683, 2684, 2691, 2693, 2694, 2695. See also Transverse Mercator projection
World map projections, 67, 160, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 185, 187, 194, 195, 256, 266, 300, 307, 319, 357, 364, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 431, 433, 521, 547, 548, 588, 599, 600, 618, 623, 640, 641, 719, 747, 767, 768, 787, 807, 809, 814, 819, 836, 954, 961, 966, 976, 979, 1003, 1038, 1049, 1050, 1059, 1074, 1105, 1111, 1150, 1151, 1291, 1299, 1356, 1488, 1576, 1588, 1616, 1617, 1618, 1630, 1733, 1821, 1825, 1829, 1835, 1841, 2203, 2242, 2250, 2252, 2253, 2416, 2433, 2475, 2504, 2505, 2551, 2555, 2557, 2709, 2800, 2820, 2861, 2954, 2971, 2972, 2988. See also Adams, Aitoff, Armadillo, August Epicycloidal, Azimuthal Equidistant, Briesemeister, Butterfly, Cabot, Cylindrical, Eisenlohr, Guyou, Lagrange, Peirce, Pseudocylindrical, Triangle, and Van der Grinten projections; Polyhedral globes
Urmayev projections, 380, 391, 2716, 2717
World Polyconic Grid, 2687
USSR, maps of. See Russia (or Soviet Union), maps of
Wright projection, 1231, 1761, 1933, 2054, 2904, 2906
Van der Grinten projections, 354, 355, 446, 992, 1612, 1711, 2012, 2204, 2288, 2289, 2290, 2739, 2740, 2741
Zenithal projections. See Azimuthal projections
U.S., maps of, 13, 21, 320, 668, 890, 2450 Universal Mercator projection, 1020 Universal Polar Stereographic Grid, 1020, 2686, 2690