Big Bang Continuum Theory

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Nov 10, 2014 - heat death stems from the ideas of William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, who in the 1850s took the theory of heat as mechanical energy loss in ...

Big Bang Continuum Theory

Whenever I take a picture of the sky I think about the universe we live in. Key West Sunset, Florida, Photo Roberto Portolese

Roberto Portolese November 10, 2014


The Last Black Hole: The End Before A New Big Bang Beginning

Is it possible that the last ultimate black hole could be the last step before the next beginning? I believe so. The following is my novel theory I call big bangs continuum.

I think we are in a Big Bang cycle, still expanding and accelerating, but eventually the universe, in my theory, will start collapsing.

I believe that Black Holes, at the centre of Galaxies, will continue absorbing stars, binary stars, gas clouds, dust, matter, anti-matter, and anything else in it until they will have absorbed the entire Galaxy.

"Black holes, which form out of the collapse of matter, have such high density that nothing can escape their gravitational pull — not even light. They cannot be seen directly, but their influence on nearby stars is visible and provides a signature,” according to Andrea Ghez, professor of physics and astronomy in the UCLA College.

I believe, when all Galaxies will have been absorbed by their own ultimate massive black hole, another step will occur: inter-galaxies cluster black holes will form and all galaxies will be absorbed into the next astronomical intergalactic black hole.

In my own theory, this black hole cycle will continue until or before all known and unknown matter will reside in the last ultimate universal black hole, at that point all will be contained in this final place and the final collection will be so dense, and collapse in itself into pure energy, when all matter will change form into pure energy that will inevitably create the next big bang and the next universal cycle of life will begin possibly again and again forever ad Infinitum. *

My own original theory, on this possible eternal cycle, differ with the current established one, where "entropy of the universe"** would be the last step into a permanent conclusion of matter and life.

My theory by contrast would comply in physics, with the law of conservation of energy which states that the total energy of an isolated system cannot change, it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but can change form from matter into pure energy for the next big bangs where pure energy will change again into matter and antimatter. I am an optimist and I believe in second, or infinite, opportunities, I hope the universe is no different and multiple or infinite big bangs are given to us.

I developed this theory in my dreams, while talking to my father in law Sal, who passed away a few years ago, who I call with the mathematical symbol ∞. *** !2

Roberto Portolese * In context, it usually means "continue forever, without limit" and thus can be used to describe a non-terminating process, a non-terminating repeating process, or a set of instructions to be repeated "forever," among other uses. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikipedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.)

** The heat death of the universe is a historically suggested ultimate fate of the universe in which the universe has diminished to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and therefore can no longer sustain processes that consume energy (including computation and life). Heat death does not imply any particular absolute temperature; it only requires that temperature differences or other processes may no longer be exploited to perform work. In the language of physics, this is when the universe reaches thermodynamic equilibrium (maximum entropy). The hypothesis of heat death stems from the ideas of William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, who in the 1850s took the theory of heat as mechanical energy loss in nature (as embodied in the first two laws of thermodynamics) and extrapolated it to larger processes on a universal scale.

In a more recent view than Kelvin's, it has been recognized by a respected authority on thermodynamics, Max Planck, that the phrase 'entropy of the universe' has no meaning because it admits of no accurate definition.[1][2] Kelvin's speculation falls with this recognition.

Also: From the Big Bang through the present day and well into the future, matter and dark matter in the universe are thought to be concentrated in stars, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. Therefore, the universe is not in thermodynamic equilibrium and objects can do physical work. [18], §VID. The decay time for a supermassive black hole of roughly 1 galaxy-mass (1011 solar masses) due to Hawking radiation is on the order of 10100 years,[19] so entropy can be produced until at least that time. After that time, the universe enters the so-called dark era, and is expected to consist chiefly of a dilute gas of photons and leptons.[18], §VIA. With only very diffuse matter remaining, activity in the universe will have tailed off dramatically, with extremely low energy levels and extremely long time scales. Speculatively, it is possible that the universe may enter a second inflationary epoch, or, assuming that the current vacuum state is a false vacuum, the vacuum may decay into a lower-energy state.[18], §VE. It is also possible that entropy production will cease and the universe will achieve heat death.[18], §VID. Possibly another universe could be created by random quantum fluctuations or quantum tunnelling in roughly years.[20] Over an infinite time there would be a spontaneous entropy decrease by Poincaré recurrence theorem, thermal fluctuations[21][22] and Fluctuation theorem.[23][24](From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) !3

*** Infinity (symbol: ∞) is an abstract concept describing something without any limit and is relevant in a number of fields, predominantly mathematics and physics. In mathematics, "infinity" is often incorrectly treated as if it were a number. In this context infinity is not itself a quantity but rather a direction or open possibility. Georg Cantor formalized many ideas related to infinity and infinite sets during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the theory he developed, there are infinite sets of different sizes (called cardinalities).[1] For example, the set of integers is countably infinite, while the infinite set of real numbers is uncountable.[2]

The earliest recorded idea of infinity comes from Anaximander, a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus. He used the word apeiron which means infinite or limitless.[3] However, the earliest attemptable accounts of mathematical infinity come from Zeno of Elea (c. 490 BCE? – c. 430 BCE?), a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher of southern Italy and member of the Eleatic School founded by Parmenides. Aristotle called him the inventor of the dialectic. He is best known for his paradoxes, described by Bertrand Russell as "immeasurably subtle and profound".

In accordance with the traditional view of Aristotle, the Hellenistic Greeks generally preferred to distinguish the potential infinity from the actual infinity; for example, instead of saying that there are an infinity of primes, Euclid prefers instead to say that there are more prime numbers than contained in any given collection of prime numbers (Elements, Book IX, Proposition 20).

However, recent readings of the Archimedes Palimpsest have hinted that Archimedes at least had an intuition about actual infinite quantities. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Big Bangs Continuum Theory

The word inuksuk means "something which acts for or performs the function of a person". The word comes from the morphemes inuk ("person") and -suk ("ersatz" or "substitute"). It is pronounced inutsuk in Nunavik and the southern part of Baffin Island (see Inuit phonology for the linguistic reasons). In many of the central Nunavut dialects, it has the etymologically related name inuksugaq (plural: inuksugait). From Wikipedia.

This is a great symbol that is made as a landmark for travellers that are looking for help to find their way. Ontario lakes, Canada, Photo Anna Portolese
