Cyber-infrastructure including cloudand grid computing. ⢠Data miningand analytics. ⢠Database design and management
? A T A D G I B N O E L D N A H A T E G O TT
Is this for you?
This graduate level certificate is recommended for applicants with a background or experience in science, statistics, research, and / or information technology with interest in interdisciplinary work focused on managing Big Data using information technologies as their tools.
Lacking background but have interest? Inquire to discuss your candidacy. Work with organizations to: • Apply various scientific-informatics technical standards, methodologies and principles in the organization of Big Data • Document, analyze, and translate data needs into technical designs and informatics solutions • Leverage their strong communication skills in working with IT developers on behalf of their organizations • Utilize standard software requirements and design practices to support a wide range of data needs •
Cover the entire data lifecycle. The School of Information Studies now offers a Certificate of Advanced Study in Data Science. As the world’s data grows exponentially, organizations need to become equipped to understand, manage, and use big data sets, or “Big Data”. Organizations across all sectors can significantly improve efficiency by discovering patterns within the data which can in turn better inform predictive models in areas as diverse as customer behavior, risk management, defense intelligence, medical diagnosis, and clinical research. The successful management and sharing of Big Data also enables scientists to not only make new discoveries through research, but also enables future use and further collaboration.
The curriculum covers broad areas of digital data curation and management but specializes toward: Content management and website design • Cyber-infrastructure including cloud and grid computing • Data mining and analytics • Database design and management focusing on large scale •
relational databases
Essential research methods including literature review, study design, and descriptive statistical analysis
• Geographically distributed collaboration with a judicious division between human issues and technological issues
Information design and visualization for communication • Project management including project planning and •
Scripting or practical introductory programming
School of Information Studies
Lead your industry.
“By 2018, the United States alone could face a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with deep analytical skills as well as 1.5 million managers and analysts with the know-how to use the analysis of big data to make effective decisions.” ~ McKinsey Global Institute, Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity (2011)
Job titles include: Business Analytics Architect Business Intelligence Analyst Data Scientist Information Systems Specialist Research Analyst Research Associate Science & Data Librarian source:
Your future is ready. Pick and choose how you want it. Take it online or on campus. Or both. Apply for spring, summer, or fall. Full time or part time.
Take two required courses. IST 659 Database Administration Concepts and Database Management IST 687 Applied Data Science
Take three electives from any of these specializations. Data Analytics IST 565 Data Mining IST 657 Basics of Information Retrieval Systems IST 664 Natural Language Processing IST 718 Advanced Information Analytics IST 776 Research Methods in Information Science and Technology IST 777 Statistical Methods in Information Science and Technology
Data Storage and Management IST 558 Technologies for Web Content Management IST 676 Foundations of Digital Data IST 677 Creating, Managing, and Preserving Digital Assets IST 681 Metadata IST 722 Data Warehousing IST 769 Advanced Database Management
Data Visualization IST 553 Information Architecture for Internet Services IST 719 Information Visualization
General Systems Management IST 639 Enterprise Technologies IST 645 Managing Information Systems Projects IST 654 Information Systems Analysis
Erin Bartolo Data Science Program Manager School of Information Studies Syracuse University 114D Hinds Hall Syracuse, New York 13244 315.443.3777
[email protected]
School of Information Studies
Prospective Students Contact:
[email protected]
REQUIRED COURSES (Take two) IST 659 Database Administration Concepts and Database Management
Definition, development, and management of databases for information systems. Data analysis techniques, data modeling, and schema design. Query languages and search specifications. Overview of file organization for databases. Data administration concepts and skills.
IST 687 Applied Data Science
Applied data science: two main areas—one involves working with data from data acquisition, processing, mining, representation, to visualization and the other involves managing the data flows and lifecycle from storing, managing, securing, to reusing.
ELECTIVES (Choose three from the specializations of your choice) Data Analytics IST 565 Data Mining
Introduction to data mining techniques, familiarity with particular real-world applications, challenges involved in these applications, and future directions of the field. Hands-on experience with commercially available software packages.
IST 657 Basics of Information Retrieval Systems
Design, development, and evaluation of information retrieval systems/search engines. Theoretical and applied perspectives on representing, storing, and accessing electronic information. Individual and team projects provide hands-on experience.
IST 664 Natural Language Processing
Linguistic and computational aspects of natural language processing technologies. Lectures, readings, and projects in the computational techniques required to perform all levels of linguistic processing of large textual collections.
IST 718 Advanced Information Analytics
Data analytics covers the wide range of techniques for processing data that lead to judgments, predictions, decisions, or insights. Modules covered include the analysis of different kinds of data (structured and unstructured), text, and images. Focus will be on using data to generate insights that are valuable for users. Methods of summarization and overview, forecasting and inference will be examined with an emphasis on transforming data to benefit various types of information users.
IST 776 Research Methods in Information Science and Technology
Philosophies, approaches, and practices of research in information transfer. Statistics as a tool and as a framework for understanding the research process.
IST 777 Statistical Methods in Information Science and Technology
Classical statistical procedures used in information science research. Emphasis on underlying rationale for each procedure and on criteria for selecting procedures in a given research situation.
Data Storage and Management IST 558 Technologies for Web Content Management
Concepts and techniques in web content representation, organization, presentation, development, and management with the eXtensible Markup Language (XML), including basic XML syntax, vocabulary specification, data modeling, transformation, and Document Object Model (DOM).
IST 676 Foundations of Digital Data
Basics of digital data, including types, formats, sources, and flows of digital data in various contexts— academic research, corporate R&D, consumer and product research, libraries and archives. Data technologies and services: organizing, managing, curating, archiving, preserving, and searching and retrieving. Data applications and users in scientific research and discovery, decision making, policy making, and problem solving as well as the social, legal, and ethical issues related to applications and users.
IST 677 Creating, Managing, and Preserving Digital Assets
Issues and trends in transferring analog and paper-based collections (including manuscripts, photographs, videos, and films) into digital collections for long-term access.
IST 681 Metadata
Introduces metadata modeling, data binding, vocabulary, interoperability, administration, tools, quality control, and evaluation. Examines international metadata standards, activities, and projects through case studies. Students will have hands-on experience with metadata management systems such as D-Space.
IST 722 Data Warehousing
Provides concepts and principles of designing and implementing Data Warehouses. Introduces various data constructs and components, differences between various approaches, design and implementation roles and responsibilities, dimensional modeling techniques based on requirements, ETL architecture, specification and data loading, master and reference data management, integration approaches, analytical reporting concepts, data governance and recent trends. Includes hands-on experience implementing a physical dimensional model.
IST 769 Advanced Database Management
In-depth analysis of databases and database management system architecture, building complex database objects, database applications using forms and reports, data warehouses, establishing and implementing database security, and tuning databases for optimum performance.
Data Visualization IST 553 Information Architecture for Internet Services
Building and management of Internet information services, including information organization, information management, and information dissemination. Understanding of the use of Internet technologies within an organizational context. Practice with current technologies.
IST 719 Information Visualization
Examines the process of designing with information. Conceptual and practical themes (e.g., way-finding, user-centered design, multimodality, human-in-the-loop, nature & flow of information & mechanics of communication) are examined across fields such as human computer interaction, information architecture, information retrieval, artificial intelligence, information visualization, & interface design. Course material includes graphic & visual communication, but also includes systems-based notions of information design.
General Systems Management IST 639 Enterprise Technologies
Coverage of management and technical architecture issues that comprise enterprise computing environments. In depth focus on identifying and solving large complex problems and using large computing systems to deploy enterprise scale solutions. Hands-on development on enterprise systems.
IST 645 Managing Information Systems Projects
Project management as a professional discipline in information and communication technology. Introduction to roles, activities, methods, and tools. Critical review and application of principles. Additional work required of graduate students.
IST 654 Information Systems Analysis
Builds the basic understanding of the organizational, technical and management architecture that comprise enterprise systems development environments. Uses systems development methodologies to identify and solve large complex systems problems. Emphasis on the Planning, Analysis and Design phases with some coverage of the Implementation and Maintenance phases. Planning phase will include use of strategic information systems planning techniques and feasibility studies; the Analysis phase will include elicitation of user requirements to create business rules; Design phase will include data, process and object modeling techniques, as well as, user interface input and output design. Management issues addressed include application development policies, standards and techniques, as well as, software procurement and custom development guidelines.
Prospective Students Contact:
[email protected]