Bihar School of Yoga Worthing

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Bihar School of Yoga Worthing. Yoga ✡ Meditation ✡ Bowen Technique ✡. Buteyko Breathing ✡. Sports Massage. Natural Ways to Health and Well-being.
Bihar School of Yoga Worthing Yoga  Medit at ion  Bo wen T ec hniq ue  But eyko Br eathing Natu ral Ways t o Health an d Well-being

Spo rt s Massag e

Yoga Day Booking Form Name: Address:




I would like to attend the following Yoga Day:

Title: Date:


£30 for a day, or £50 if you book for 2 days in the year. Pay £30 for the first day and £20 for the second, or pay £50 for two.


Let us know as soon as possible if you can’t come, as we usually have people on the waiting list.


Bring something vegetarian to share.

Please print and mail this form and fees to: Bihar School of Yoga Worthing 33 Winchester Road Worthing BN11 4DH West Sussex Please do not send cash. Cheques payable to Bihar School of Yoga Worthing.

33 Winchester Road, Worthing BN11 4DH, West Sussex, UK Tel: 01903 820525 e-mail: [email protected]