Construction Management & Innovation (CM&I) research group consists of 13
academic staff; and is supported by funded researchers and 36 PhD students.
BIM: What Does it Mean for Construction? Professor Ming Sun Institute of Building and Urban Design School of the Built Environment Heriot-Watt University
Construction Management & Innovation Research @ HWU Construction Management & Innovation (CM&I) research group consists of 13 academic staff; and is supported by funded researchers and 36 PhD students The overarching aim of our research is to help construction professionals improve both the efficiency of the project delivery process and the quality and sustainability of the built environment itself. We have expertise in:
Construction Project Management ICT in Construction People and Organisation Procurement Sustainability, Building Resilience & Climate Change
Construction is Information Intensive Information volume by contract value
Contracts Tender Drawings Drawing issued Variations Site instructions Approvals/week Meetings/week
350 300 1,200 5,000 400,000 10,000 30,000 70 20
40 80 300 1,000 100,000 1,000 3,000 26 10
Contract value (£ million) 25 7 170 100 700 400 30,000 4,000 150,000 48,000 5,000 150 6,000 600 n/a n/a 30 11
5 50 200 200 30,000 300 1,000 13 6
Sources: (Atkins, 1995)
Construction Requires Collaboration
Flow of Information – Design Stage
Information Exchange is Essential
Flow of Information – Construction Stage
Islands of Automation
Contractor Facilities Manager
Subcontractor Construction Site
Stand alone applications are used by different parties Information is generated and stored in different places No central repository Information exchange is done manually, often using paper
Integration through BIM BIM is:
Facilities Manager
Subcontractor Construction Site
A digital information model of a building/structure 3 Dimensional geometry (3D) Extended parametric data 4D = 3D + time 5D = 3D + time + costs nD = 3D + time + costs + buildability + sustainability + …
Why BIM is Important Now?
BIM Roadmap 2016
Programme & Progress 2011
What Does it to You?
How well do you know about BIM? Have you already been using BIM in practice? What do you need to know more of? How can we help?