This "diet", which will help expand YOUR PSYCHIC POWER to an exciting ...
YOU HAVE PSYCHIC POWER and shows you how you can develop it—in one single monththrough a series of amazingly-simple steps! You are about to begin what may be one of the most rewarding undertakings of your life. You are going to leam a way to close the door on yesterday's failures and frustrations and begin right NOW, to change yourself. For the object Is simply this: To enable YOU TO HARNESS THE PSYCHIC POWER YOU HAVE BURIED WITHIN YOU/ .Here's what you can now do: You can now start a simple mental "diet" which will take approximately forty-five minutes of your time each day for thirty days. No longer. As part of this "diet", you can now develop a special, vitallyimportant "attitude" in everything you do. You can learn to build and mold this "attitude" SO THAT IT MUST BRING OUT YOUR PSYCHIC ABILITY—AS EASILY AS WALKING OR READING! You will be explicitly told by the author—how once you master this special "attitude"—you can gain SUCCESS IN WHATEVER YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE! This "diet", which will help expand YOUR PSYCHIC POWER to an exciting, breathless capacity, is given to you in remarkably easy form by Jo Ann Chase, the "world-famed psychic and teacher. Mrs. Chase—considered one of the most versatile psychics of all time—has helped thousands find health, peace of mind, and remarkable success. Yes—Jo Anne Chase, to whom some of the country's wealthiest people and most famous celebrities- pay hundreds of dollars for just an hour of her time, WILL REVEAL TO YOU THOSE SAME AMAZING "SECRETS" THAT CAN ENABLE YOU TO UNLEASH AND EXPAND YOUR PSYCHIC POWER! You Must Believe That You DO Have Psychic Power To begin with, Jo Anne Chase says it is utterly important that you must realize the following: • Within you there is an inner creative power WHICH CAN GUIDE YOU IN ANY DIRECTION YOU WANT TO GO! • This inner creative power is POSITIVE, ENTHUSIASTIC, COURAGEOUS, AND BELIEVING. • This inner creative power is THE KEY to the entire mystery of your power. It determines your control of your inner mind— thus, your greatness or your mediocrity, your success or your failure. • You can receive help from your inner power the moment you leam how to believe in it, to listen for it For your inner mind draws and attracts to it the very forces of the universe. • When you develop your inner power, you will have the ability to MEET THE frjEVJTABLrf ADVENT OF CHANGE which may help to solve your problems and better your conditions. • Your inner creative power is on the job twenty-four hours a day, always ready to guide you. But YOU MUST KNOW HOW TO INTERPRET ITS SIGNS, ITS WARNINGS, ITS LANGUAGE. IN ESSENCE, YOU MUST LEARN HOW TO UNDERSTAND AND TO USE IT! ...a man cam* to my door who looked for all the world likt 6 rag-picker. But I always disregard appearances and go by what I receive psychically. When we were seated in my studio, I told him that he had a great talent that he was dispersing in too many directions by helping so many people. As I continued in this vein, my elbow suddenly knocked a music box from my desk. As I leaned oyer to pick it up, my inner voice said distinctly, "You have a marvelous surgeon in your presence." I hod been admonished and led very definitely to the path that I should proceed on. I restored the music box to my desk, excused myself, and left the room. When I returned, I addressed him as "Doctor" and apologized for not psychically recognizing htm sooner. I told him that he was going to Germany that very night with an important vial and that he would bring another one back with him. Amazed he confirmed what I had seen.
Jo Anne Chase
Expect Your Hunches and Intuitions To Become True... Tbe first thing you must do if to want psychic power! YOU MUST WANT YOUR INNER POWER TO GUIDE YOUR CONSCIOUS MIND. When you have this need—this potent and gripping desire—you are then ready to begin learning now to use this awe-inspiring force TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE! For once you have the desire, you can begin to learn how to understand and interpret psychic messages. THESE ARE MESSAGES YOU HAVE BEEN RECEIVING ALL YOUR LIFE, BUT BECAUSE OF YOUR LIMITED KNOWLEDGE OF THIS SUBJECT YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO "RECOGNIZE" AND INTERPRET THEM. Remember: Nothing can delay or prevent an intuitive or psychic message of any kind. WE ONLY LIMIT OURSELVES BY NOT KNOWING HOW TO "READ" THESE ALL-IMPORTANT MESSAGES! However, please read this important warning carefully: Once you prepare your mind and are able to "read" psychic messages, you should EXPECT YOUR HUNCHES AND H^TUmONS TO BECOME TRUE INSIGHTS INTO THB FUTURE! FOR THIS IS YOUR PSYCHIC POWER WORKING FOR YOU!
JO A N N I CHASI—Inlemationallyrtnowntd psychic and teacher—has dedicated her life completely to working for others through the understanding and use of her psychic power. Her aim is to bring out the real you—the spiritual (psychic) You that can enable you to face any situation or challenge and achieve your goal. Her work has ranged from psychic readings In her studio to the psychic healings of an afflicted body or disturbed mind. Often she has never even met the person she has healed. Yet because of her amazing healing powers, her fame has spread and she Is considered one of the most versatile psychics in the world.
Here's The Vitally-Valuable "Secrets" You Can Now Learn As we have mentioned, YOU DO HAVE PSYCHIC POWER. The only reason you haven't been totally aware of this is because you haven't developed it—you haven't permitted it to be released. You are Now Going To Learn The ''Secrets" Of The World's Greatest Psychic! To start, Jo Anne Chase is going to teach you how to acquire the basic, yet extremely-important "PSYCHIC ATTITUDE". This "ATTITUDE" is the gateway for you to unleash the vast untapped potential you never realized you had! Next, you are going to learn... ABOUT YOURSELF! Yes, you read correctly. Jo Anne Chase, who has had phenomenal success helping others, is going to show you how to "meet" yourself . . . TO DISCOVER THE "YOU" THAT YOU NEVER KNEW EXISTED! This is a vitally-important phase in your psychic development. Once you "pass" this phase, you will be able to find more enjoyment and fortune out of life than you ever believed possible! Now comes "'mental maturity"—Mrs. Chase's term for being able to gain complete control over your emotions through your inner power! Read the last sentence once more, then ask yourself this frank question: CAN YOU EXERT COMPLETE CONTROL OVER YOUR EMOTIONS SO THAT THEY FIT EVERY GIVEN SITUATION EXACTLY THE WAY YOU WANT THEM TO? If the answer is not "yes," then you must ask yourself another question—an extremely urgent one: ARE YOU WILLING TO GIVE UP 45 MINUTES A DAY TO DEVELOP THE PSYCHIC POWER BURIED WITHIN YOU? If you are, then you can begin a fascinating and intensely rewardingjoumey to unlock your true psychic power! The first step is to reach your mind—the deep recesses which contain your potent and untapped spiritual energy. And Jo Anne Chase shows you how to reach these deep untapped recesses through your senses—sight, hearing, touch—and also through your imagination! Now you are going to leam TEN IMPORTANT STEPS to develop your psychic ability. These steps are vital. You must spend ten minutes a day on them. And once you "master" these steps, you should immediately realize: • the psychic guidance inherent in a slight nudge, a hunch, an urge, a physical sensation, a whisper... • when to act upon a psychic message... • bow to become receptive to any psychic impression which may come to y o u . . . • how to make tbe use of your psychic power seem as natural as breathing! And to help you with these TEN IMPORTANT STEPS, Jo Anne Chase gives you "FOUR TOOLS" to facilitate your psychic self-development. Each "Tool" has been designed for a specific purpose in helping you achieve your full psychic power. And once you become adept with these "tools", you'll be amazed at bow swiftly you can progress! For instance, Jo Anne Chase will tell you how to use the mirror in a way you've never used it be/ore... A WAY TO GIVE YOU A NEW, DEEPER AND MORE PROFOUND INSIGHT INTO YOURSELF! You'll leam the exact reasons why you should see two pictures of yourself—and when you concentrate on one picture in the prescribed manner, YOU'LL BE ACHIEVING ONE OF THE IMPORTANT FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHIC POWER! Another "tool" is Jo Anne Chase's unique method of impressing your subconscious as quickly and as easily as possible. A third "tool" is Jo Anne Chase's "secret" of bringing forth your creative inner power—the basis of your psychic ability—and having it go to work for you! And the fourth "tool" is Jo Anne Chase's special method designed to help your psychic power work for you the way you want it to! Liberate Your Psychic Power And You'll Truly "Master" Your Lrfe We repeat this basic and important fact: YOU HAVE PSYCHIC POWER! And by unleashing this psychic power, you'll achieve magnificent control of your life. Imagine solving the problems you want... correcting the habits you detest... creating the image you wish... BECOMING THE "MASTER" OF EVERY SITUATION YOU ENCOUNTER! For example, afraid of something? Jo Anne Chase tells you how to call upon your psychic power to take you out of crisis, and trouble—to rid yourself of fear! Nervous? Upset? You'll learn bow your psychic power can control your feelings, your emotions—can provide you with "instant relaxation"! Want to really give up smoking? Jo Anne Chase shows you how your psychic power can make it easier than you thought possible! And, most important, Jo Anne Chase will show you bow to maintain a virtual flow of love and enthusiasm... a greater, more
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enduring sense of contentment and satisfaction than you ever believed (or hoped) you could experience! In short, when you let your psychic power work for y o u . . . guide, protect and content y o u . . . you can help SECURE YOUR SUCCESS IN WHATEVER YOU DECIDE TO UNDERTAKE! Doctors Recommend These Methods For Healthy Living Page 107 Yes—many of the secrets Jo Anne Chase gives you for the release of your psychic power are those recognized by doctors as REQUIREMENTS for healthy living! You know yourself the importance of relaxation and emotional control—two assets your psychic power can bring to you at once! And you undoubtedly know by now of the importance of your thoughts (created and expanded in the deep recesses of your mind) controlling your physical health. Yet, Jo Anne Chase says that your psychic power, once developed, CAN GIVE YOU REMARKABLE CONTROL OVER YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS THOUGHTS! Yes, this world-famous psychic says, you can practically "think" your way to hearty and robust physical health! For Jo Anne Chase has helped hundreds upon hundreds of people improve their health —and now she has dedicated herself to helping you improve yours! Imagine yourself getting rid of all your nervous symptoms— headaches, backaches, stomach aches—at the snap of a finger! Imagine being able to virtually forget pain altogether! Yes—Jo Anne Chase will show you how to develop your hidden powers TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE THE KIND OF GLOWING HEALTH YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED! Now—Develop Your Psychic Power Entirely At Our Risk! If you've read this far and still have no belief in psychic power and no desire to change, give up right now. Go live in your diseaseridden world filled with anxieties and enjoy all its sickness and trouble. However, if you've had your fill of unhappy experiences and wrong attitudes that have bogged you down with mental anguish, ill health and nervous disorders, then ifs time to give Jo Anne Chase the opportunity to help you unleash the incredible inner power you have buried within you... the power that can enable you to enjoy a happier, healthier, more 'successful life than .you ever thought possible! The first thing you must do is to mail the coupon below... to use Jo Anne Chase's remarkable book YOU CAN THROUGH PSYCHIC POWER for a full thirty days. For we truly believe that, the moment you finish reading this valuable text, you'll begin to realize that it's time to go to work— developing the huge reservoir of psychic power YOU HAVE WITHIN YOU. And the more you read and study each page, the more you will develop and become alert and bring peace of mind and happiness to yourself and others. Remember: You can change your thoughts and change your life. You can make it what it was meant to be—A LIFE UNLIMITED. So let Jo Anne Chase guide you to this fulfillment To the enjoyment and success that you've always wanted. Let her help you unleash your psychic power! The starting point is to send m the NO-RISK Coupon now! Constellation International Prtllihsrt Dept 6-15, P.O. Bex 133, Kanslntfon Station, Brooklyn, New York 11211
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