Binocular Vision

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Williams, C., Northstone, K., Howard, M., Harvey I., Harrad R. A., Sparrow,. J.M. (2008). Prevalence and risk factors for common vision problems in children: data ...
Binocular Vision: Part 6 Investigative Techniques By Lynne Weddell References: 1. Williams, C., Northstone, K., Howard, M., Harvey I., Harrad R. A., Sparrow, J.M. (2008). Prevalence and risk factors for common vision problems in children: data from the ALSPAC study. Br.J. Ophthalmol. 92, 959-964. 2. Porcar E, Martinez-Palomera 1997 A. Prevalence of general binocular dysfunctions in a population of university students. Optom. Vis. Sci. 74,111113. 3. Lara F, Cacho P, Garcia A, Megias R. (2001) General binocular disorders: prevalence in a clinic population. Ophthalmic. Physiol. Opt. 21(1), 70 – 74. 4. Rowe F.J., V.I.S. group. (2009) Visual impairment following stroke. Do stroke patients require vision assessment? Age Ageing. 38, 188–193. 5. Rowe F.J., V.I.S. group (2010) The profile of strabismus in stroke survivors. Eye. 24, 682–685. 6. Rasmussen, B. K., Jensen, R., Schroll, M. and Olesen, J. (1991) pidemiology of headache in a general population – a prevalence study. J. Clin. Epidemiol. 44, 1147–1157. 7. International Headache Society. (2005) Available at Last accessed 01 October 2010. 8. Castillo, J., Munoz, P., Guitera, V. and Pascual, J. (1999) Epidemiology of chronic daily headache in the general population. Headache. 39, 190–196. 9. Steiner, T. J., Scher, A. I., Stewart, W. F., Kolodner, K., Liberman, J. and Lipton, R. B. (2003) The prevalence and disability burden of adult migraine in England and their relationships to age, gender and ethnicity. Cephalalgia. 23, 519–527. 10. College of Optometrists. (2010) Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Professional Conduct. Available at: Last accessed 01 October 2010.

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