International Journal of Chemistry; Vol. 4, No. 6; 2012 ISSN 1916-9698 E-ISSN 1916-9701 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Binuclear Divalent Complexes of Cobalt, Nickel and Copper with N2S Ligand Derived from 1,3,4-Thiadiazole-2,5-dithiolate Dipotassium Synthesized via Click Chemistry Ashour H. Dawood1, Eman T. Kareem2 & Atheer M. Madlool1 1
Department of Chemistry, Science College, University of Kerbala, Kerbala, Iraq
Department of Chemistry, Education College of pure and applied Sciences, University of Kerbala, Kerbala, Iraq
Correspondence: Ashour H. Dawood, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, College of Pharmacy, Al-Mustansiriyah University, Iraq. E-mail:
[email protected] Received: July 31, 2012 doi:10.5539/ijc.v4n6p64
Accepted: November 1, 2012
Online Published: November 26, 2012
Abstract A new ligand containing a N2S donor set of atoms has been prepared using Click Chemistry from the reaction of 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2,5-dithiol dipotassium salt with propargyl bromide followed by the addition of the product formed from the reaction of sodium azide and octyl iodide, using Cu(I) as catalyst. The ligand was characterized using FT-IR, UV-Vis, 1H, 13C NMR spectroscopes and C, H, N elemental analysis. The corresponding Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes were characterized by FT-IR, UV-Vis spectroscopes as well as conductivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements. These measurements suggest that the geometry around the Co is tetrahedral, while around the Ni and Cu it is distorted octahedral. The solubility’s of the ligand and its complexes were measured in different solvents. Keywords: thiadiazole, cobalt, nickel, copper complexes, click chemistry 1. Introduction Five membered aromatic systems containing three hetero atoms at symmetrical positions have been studied due to their interesting physiological properties (Hussain, Sharma, & Amir, 2008), as well as their involvement in the life processes (Salimon et al., 2010). More than 90% of new drugs contain heterocyclic compounds indicating the importance of this class of compound to biological and medicinal chemistry (Dua et al., 2011). Aromatic heterocyclic ligands and their metal complexes play key roles as catalysts, anti-HIV, anti-microbial and β-lactamase inhibitors in biological reactions (Suijkerbuijk et al., 2007; Oliva et al., 2010). In addition, this type of compounds has other applications like anticorrosive agents, photographic materials, agrochemicals and dyes (Kumar et al., 2009). Sharpless and Meldal (2002) improved the regioselectivity of the reactions forming heterocyclic molecules by using Cu(I)-catalyzed reactions of organic azides and terminal alkynes (Click Chemistry). The origin of the Cu(I) catalyst can be a Cu(I) salt (e.g. CuI), or generated by oxidation of a Cu(0) complex or reduction of a Cu(II) complex (Martinelli, 2008). 1,3,4-Thiadiazole can act as a ligand and its complexes have a wide variety applications especially as antifungal and antibacterial agents (Samee & Vajragupta, 2011; Kumar, 2010). The Co complexes have been interesting in our life, being a simple example of these compounds B12 Vitamin a cobalt complex. An simple of these cobalt compounds is B12 Vitamin which that use as tablets and injections for treatment the verve damage in human body (Chang, 2010). Copper is found in all living organisms and it is important for the function of several enzymes and proteins involved in energy metabolism. Control of the number and type of coordinating atoms is the key for achieving metal complexes that mimics the coordination sphere and reactivity of metal-containing enzymes (Yorimitsu & Oshima, 2006; Cristina et al., 2009; Creaven et al., 2006). Nickel compounds have been interesting for many reasons, in biological systems, nickel forms complexes with adenosine triphosphate, amino acids, peptides, proteins and deoxyribonucleic acid (Reddy et al., 2012; Air Quality Guidelines, 2000). Nickel complexes with sulfur coordination spheres have attracted considerable interest as model compounds for the active centers of nickel sulfur enzymes (Sellman, 2000). Also several nickel compounds have been interested in energy field (Kopera, 2004), Ni(II) can be used as a counter ion in preparation of epoxides (Gash, 2004). In this study we have synthesized and characterized a heterocyclic ligand containing both a 1,3,4-thiadiazole ring, 64
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and a 1,2,3-triazole ringg substituted by b long aliphattic chain residdues. In additio on, the complexes of this liigand with Co(III), Ni(II) and C Cu(II) have beeen isolated. 2. Experim ment Reagents were purchased from Aldrrich, Sigma, F Fluka, B. D. H and Qualik kems Chemiccal companies. All chemical have h been usedd without puriffication, and ass supplied by the t companies. IR spectraa were recordded as KBr an nd CsI discs uusing a Shim madzu 8300 FT TIR spectrophhotometer in rrange (4000-4000) cm-1. Electroonic spectra off the prepared compounds were w measured in the region (200-1100) nm m for 400 ppm solution in DM MF at 25 °C using Shimaddzu 160 specttrophotometer,, with 1.000±00.001 cm mattched quartz celll. 1H, and 13C- NMR spectra were acquiredd with BRUKE ER-400 spectro ometer in DMSO-d6. The sppectra were recoorded at Ahl-A Albait Universsity, Jordan. C C, H, N elem mental analysis was perform med on a EurroEA elemental analyser (Al-K Kufa Universitty). The magneetic susceptibillities were meaasured on a MSB-Auto M Maggnetic Susceptibiility Balance, (Al-Nahrain University). U Ellectrical conduuctivity measu urements of thhe complexes were recorded at a 25 °C for 400 ppm solution n of the sample in DMF usinng a PW9526 digital d conducttivity meter. 2.1 Preparration of 1-Aziidooctane Sodium azzide (2.93 g, 455 mmol) was added a to a stirrred solution of octyl iodide (3.60 g, 15 mm mol) in DMSO O (50 mL) and thhe resulting suuspension was stirred at 70 °°C for 4 h. Thhe reaction mix xture was thenn poured into w water (100 mL) and extractedd with Et2O (3 3×50 mL). Thhe combined ethereal layerss were washed with a satuurated solution off NaCl (50 mL L) then dried over o Na2SO4. E Evaporation unnder reduced pressure p gave 1-azido 1 octanee as a colorless liiquid (yield = 59.3%).
DMSO h. 70 oC/ 4h
CH 2 N3
Sccheme 1. Prepaaration of 1-Azzido octane 2.2 Preparration of 2,5-bis(prop-2-ynyllthio)-1,3,4-thiiadiazole Propargyl bromide (2.8856 g, 24 mmol) m was addded to a stirrred solution of 1,3,4-Thiaadiazole-2,5-diithiol dipotassium m salt (2.856 g, 24 mmol) in n DMF (40 m mL), then heateed to 70 °C forr 24 h. subsequuently, the soluution was poureed into ice waater (80 mL) and a extracted with Et2O (3× ×40 mL). Thee combined etthereal layers were washed with w a saturatedd solution of NaCl (50 mL L), dried overr Na2SO4 and then evaporaated under redduced pressure too give 2,5-bis((prop-2-ynylth hio)-1,3,4-thiaddiazole. Recrystallization fro om n-hexane gave g the produuct as white needdle crystals in 338% yield.
3,4-thiadiazolee Scheme 2. Preparation off 2,5-bis(prop-2-ynylthio)-1,3 2.3 Preparration of 2,5-bis[1-octyl-1H--1,2,3-triazol-44-yl) methylthiio]-1,3,4-thiad diazole 2,5-bis(proop-2-ynylthio)-1,3,4-thiadiazzole (0.226 g, 1.0 mmol.) was w dissolved in dichloromeethane (9 mL), and then mixedd with copper sulfate (0.0250 g, 0.1 mmoll) and sodium--L-ascorbate (0 0.0396 g, 0.2 mmol) m dissolvved in distilled water w with t-buttane (water: bu utanol =2:1). 11-Azido octane (0.388 g, 2.5 5 mmol.) was now n added annd the mixture was w stirred at 655 °C for 12 h. to form a, whhite precipitatee. This solid was, dissolved in i dichlorometthane (10 mL), then t dried overr Na2SO4. Purrification was aachieved by elluting the solu ution down a column of silicca gel (mesh 60)). Evaporationn of the prod duct under redduced pressurre gave 2,5-bis[(1-octyl-1H H-1,2,3-triazol--4-yl) 65
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methylthio]-1,3,4-thiadiazole in 83% yield. N
N 1+
Cu / (H2O+t-BuOH)
+ 2
65 oC/ (12 h.)
Scheme 3. Preparation of 2,5-bis[1-octyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl) methylthio]-1,3,4-thiadiazole 2.4 Preparation of Cobalt(II) Complex Cobalt chloride. 6H2O (0.0188 g, 0.1117 mmol) was dissolved in MeOH (5 mL), then added to a solution of the ligand (0.03 g, 0.0558 mmol) dissolved in MeOH. The solution was refluxed for 2 h. to produce a blue precipitate. The solid was removed by filtration, washed with Et2O (5 mL) and cold MeOH (5 mL). The solid was recrystallized from acetonitrile.
+ 2 CoCl2.6H2O
Reflux/ 2h.
Co N S
Scheme 4. Preparation of Cobalt(II) complex 2.5 Preparation of Nickel(II) Complex Nickel chloride 6H2O (0.0188 g, 0.1117 mmol) was dissolved in MeOH (5mL), then added to a solution of the ligand (0.03 g, 0.0558 mmol) dissolved in MeOH (5 mL). The mixture was refluxed for 2 h. producing a yellow-green precipitate which was removed by filtration. The solid was washed with Et2O (5 mL) and cold MeOH (5 mL) then recrystallized from acetonitrile. N
N + M C l2 .m H
X = H 2O , C lw hen M =C u , m =2 M =N i , m =6
Scheme (5) Preparation of Nickel & Copper (II) complexes
MeOH R e flu x / 2 h .
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2.6 Preparation of Copper(II) Complex Copper chloride 2H2O (0.0178 g, 0.1117 mmol) was dissolved in MeOH (5 mL), then added to a solution of ligand (0.03 g, 0.0558 mmol) dissolved in MeOH (5 mL). The mixture was refluxed for 2 h producing a green-yellow precipitate. The solid was removed by filtration then , washed with Et2O (5 mL) and cold MeOH (5 mL). The complex was recrystallized from acetonitrile. 3. Results and Discussion The ligand was prepared from two precursors: compound 1 (synthesized from the reaction of the sodium azide with octyl iodide) and compound 2 (obtained from the reaction of propargyl bromide with 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2,5-dithiol dipotassium salt), using Click Chemistry catalyzed by Cu(I). This ligand reacts with Co(II),Ni(II) and Cu(II) salts to produce binuclear complexes. The solubility of all compounds was determined in different solvents Table 1. Table 1. Solubility of ligand and complexes Compound
[Co2C8L mH2OxCl]
[Ni2C8L mH2OxCl]
[Cu2C8L mH2OxCl]
(+) Soluble
(-) Insoluble
(÷) Sparingly soluble
3.1 Elemental Analysis The C, H, N elemental analysis of 2,5-bis[1-octyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl) methylthio]-1,3,4-thiadiazole is in good agreement with the theoretical values. Table 2 shows the theoretical and calculated percentage of C, H, N and S elements. The theoretical data was calculated using the Chem Office, CS ChemDraw Ultra program by drawing the molecules and use the analyze structure. Table 2. Melting point and C.H.N elemental analysis of ligand Compound
Empirical Formula
Found, (calc) %
Colour C
Calculated values shown in parentheses. 3.2 FT-IR Spectra Data of the Precursors, Ligands and Complexes The IR spectrum of 1-azidooctane Figure 1 exhibits bands at = 2956–2927 cm-1 assigned to symmetrical and asymmetrical stretches of aliphatic (C-H). The strong band at = 2096 cm-1 is attributed to the stretching of N3. The bands at = 1259 cm-1 and = 1124 cm-1 are assigned to stretching of C-N and C-C respectively (Silverstein, 1998). The IR spectrum of 2,5-bis (prop-2-ynylthio)-1, 3, 4-thaidiazole Figure 2 displays band at = 3210 cm-1 due to stretching of (C-H bond in terminal alkynes. While the band at = 2111 cm-1 is characteristic of (C≡C stretching. The bands at = 1396-1375 cm-1 can be attributed to bending of aliphatic (C-H). The bands at = 1058 cm-1, 952 cm-1 and 865 cm-1) are attributed to the (N-N) and (C-H) groups in the plane of the alkynes and out of the plane respectively. The band at = 698 cm-1 is assigned to the C-S bond of thiadiazole (Silverstein, 1998). The IR spectrum of 2,5-bis[1-octyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl] methylthio]-1,3,4-thiadiazole Figure 3 shows a band at = 1548 cm-1 assigned to stretching of the C=N bond of the triazole ring,. The bands at = 1386 cm-1, 1238 cm-1 and 1058 cm-1 are due to stretching of N=N, C-N, and 67
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N-N (tri-azzole ring) resppectively (Silveerstein, 1998). The IR spectrum of the Co(II) compleex Figure 4 shhows bands at = 3441 cm-1 ,and 3132 cm m-1 referred to O-H stretching of water moleecules and (C--H of the arom matic ring in triiazole. The baands at = 15552 cm-1, 1465 cm-1 -1 and 1382 cm ) are assiggned to stretch hing of (C=N,, C=C and (N=N respectiveely, whilst the bands at = 1224 cm-1 and 1047 1 cm-1 assiigned to C-N and N-N werre shifted abouut 14 to 11 cm m-1 compared to t the value oof the uncoordinaated molecule. This indicatees that the N aatom is coordiinated to cobaalt. In additionn, the new bannds at = 584 cm m-1) and 495 ccm-1) (assigneed to M-N andd (M-S respecttively) indicate that coordinnation of the liigand and cobaltt has taken placce (Silverstein, 1998; Nakam moto, 1996).
The IR spectrum of the Ni(II) compleex Figure 5 shhows bands at = 3381 cm-1 and 3131 cm m-1 are assigneed to O-H stretcching water m molecules and (C-H ( stretchess of the aromaatic triazole rin ng. The bandss at = 1552 cm-1, -1 --1 1465 cm and 1381 cm ) are assigned d to stretching of C=N, C=C C and N=N resp pectively. Thee bands at = 1226 cm-1 and 1056 1 cm-1 assigned to C-N and N-N streetches respectiively (Silverstein, 1998; Naakamoto, 19966) are shifted aboout 10 to 20 cm m-1 compared to t the uncoorddinated molecuule. The IR spectrum of the Cu(II) compleex Figure 6 shhows band at = 3444 cm-1 and 3132 cm m-1 assigned to O-H stretches of o water moleccules and C-H of the aromattic triazole ring., The bands at = 1556 cm c -1, 1456 cm--1 and -1 1384 cm are assigned tto stretches off C=N, C=C aand N=N respeectively. The bands b at = 12246 cm-1 and 1049 -1 -1 cm (assiggned to C-N and N-N streetches) are shifted about 100 to 15 cm compared to the uncoordinnated molecule (Silverstein, ( 19998; Nakamoto o, 1996).
Figure F 1. I specctrum of 1-Aziido octane
F Figure 2. IR speectrum of 2,5-bbis(prop-2-ynyylthio)-1,3,4-th haidiazole
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Figure 3. IR sspectrum of the ligand
Figu ure 4. IR specttrum of cobalt((II) complex
Figu ure 5. IR specttrum of Nickell(II) complex
Figu ure 6. IR spectrrum of copperr(II) complex
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3.3 1H NM MR Spectrum off 2,5-bis[1-octtyl-1H-1,2,3-trriazol-4-yl) meethylthio]-1,3,4 4-thiadiazole 1
H NMR spectrum s of thhe ligand Figurre 7 (in DMSO O-d6) consists of a peak at δ = 0.836 ppm m, 6H is assigned to terminal (--CH3) in aliphaatic octyl chain n. The peaks aat δ = 1.213–1.761 ppm, (14H H) are due to the t -CH2- grouups in the aliphattic chain, whilee the signal at δ = 3.336 ppm m, (4H) are asssigned to proto ons of the aliphhatic chain attaached to N atom m in triazole rinng. The peaks at δ = 4.355 and 4.550 ppm m, (4H) are asssigned to the protons CH2 ggroup attached too sulfur atom and trizole rin ng refer to the protons have a different en nvironments, siignal at (δ = 88.067 ppm, 2H) attributed to prrotons of arom matic triazole riing (Silversteinn, 1998).
(b) 1
Fig gure 7. HNMR R spectrum off the Ligand 3.4 13C NM MR Spectrum oof 2,5-bis[1-occtyl-1H-1,2,3-tr triazol-4-yl) meethylthio]-1,3,4-thiadiazole The 13C NMR N spectrum m of the ligand d Figure 8 dissplays a signaal at δ = 14.12 2 ppm attributted to the term minal methyl grooup of the octtyl residue. Sig gnals betweenn (δ = 22.32–333.35 ppm) aree assigned to the aliphatic cchain carbon atooms, while thee carbon atom m which attachhed to N of thhe trizole ring appears at (δ = 49.88 ppm m The carbon atooms of the triaazole ring show w two signals at δ = 124.12 and 129.89 pp pm., The peakks at δ = 164.11) are assigned too the carbon attoms in the thiiadiazole ring ((Silverstein, 19998).
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(b) Figu ure 8. 13C HNM MR spectrum of o the Ligand 3.5 UV-Viss Spectra of Lig igand and Com mplexes The electroonic spectra off the ligand and their compleexes are shownn in Figures 9 to t 12. The spectrum of the liigand displays broad b peaks att = 231and 293 2 nm attribbuted to the π→ →π* and n→π π*. The UV-V Vis spectrum oof the cobalt(II) complex c show ws a broad peak k at = 250-310 nm due to the t ligand field d and charge trransfer. The viisible region conntains peaks att = 637, 610 and 572 nm ddue to the d-d transition 4A2 → 4T2, 4A2 → 4T1, 4A2 → 4T1(P) respectivelly which sugggests a tetrahed dral geometry around the cobbalt. The UV-v visible spectruum of the nickeel(II) complex exhibits e peaks in the visible region r at = 5588, 564, 410 nm due to 3A2 → 3T2, 3A2 → 3T1,3A2 → 3T1(P). The UV-viisible spectrum m of the coppeer(II) complexx displays a brroad peak in th he UV region due to ligand field and charge transfer bannds. The d-d transitions t apppear in the viisible region at a = 735 nm m attributed too the 2 transition type t Eg → 2T2g, correspond ding to an octahhedral geomettry around the copper (Nakam moto, 1996).
Figure F 9. UV-V Vis spectrum of o Ligand 71
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Figure 10. UV-Vis spectrum of Cobbalt (II) compleex
Figure 11. UV-Vis spectrum of Nickkel (II) compleex
1 UV-Vis speectrum of Copper (II) complex Figure 12.
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3.6 Conductivity Measurements of Complexes The molar conductivity of the complexes in DMF solution shows that the cobalt and nickel complexes are 1:2 electrolytes, while the copper complex is a 1:4 electrolyte. 3.7 Magnetic Moments of Complexes The magnetic moments of the complexes were calculated from the measured magnetic susceptibilities. All the complexes were paramagnetic as shown by the results presented in Table 3. The magnetic moments was calculated from the magnetic susceptibility by treatments the gram magnetic susceptibility into the molar magnetic susceptibility then multiply by Paschal constant for elements and metals. From the results we observed the lower value than the calculated due to the some coupling taken place. Table 3. Physical properties of synthesis complexes Magnetic No.
B.M. 192oC
[Co2C8L Cl2]Cl2
Dec.: decomposed,
235oC Dec. 107oC
Suggested geometry
B.M.: Bohr magneton
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