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Apr 1, 2009 - on “Design and Simulation. Tools for Education and. Research in Electronics. Communication and. Networki
Bio-data Dr.Jagdishkumar. M.Rathod Associate Professor, Department of Electronics Engg, B V M Engg College, V V Nagar Phone No: 02692-230104 (o) Fax No: 02692-230762 (o) M: 9428902849 Website: Career Objective:I want to be a successful person in my life with leadership qualities and to be honest & hard worker towards my profession. Personal & Contact Information: 

 

College Address: Electronics Engg Dept., B.V.M.Engg.College, V.V.Nagar, Dist.:-Anand, Gujarat-388120 Residential Address: J.M.Rathod, 5-A Vaibhav Society, Near Maheshwari Palace, V.V.Nagar, Dist.:-Anand, Gujarat-388120, Phone (Office): - 02692-230104, (Residence): -02692-229307 Mobile: - +919428902849 E-mail: [email protected] ,[email protected] Date of Birth: -29-06-1972. Gender: - Male, Married: -Yes,

Professional Qualifications:a. Technical:   

PhD Degree: PhD in EC Department with Specialization in Microwave and Antenna, Sardar Patel University V Nagar-Anand-Gujarat-India, May-2011 PG Degree: -M.E, Electronics & communication, Year: - 2005 , College/University: - D.D (State)/D.D.I.T, Class/Division: - First Class, Percentage/CGPA: - 65 (Aggregate) UG Degree: - B.E, Electronics & communication, Year: - 1995 ,College/University: N.G/G.E.C.Modasa, Class/Division: - First Class with Dist, Percentage/CGPA: - 69 Diploma Degree: - Diploma Electronics & Radio Engineering, Year: - 1992 College/University: - D.T.E/A.V.P.T.I,Rajkot, Class/Division: - First Class with 1

b. Non-Technical: 

Course: - Certificate course on Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Life and Thoughts (CALT), Year: - 2012,College/University: -Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University, Ahmedabad Course: - Certificate Course On Human Rights (CHR),Year: - 2014 College/University: -Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University, Ahmedabad

Professional membership:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Life time member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi: LM 26246. Life time Member of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE),New Delhi: M/159715 Life time Member of the Institution of Engineers (India),Kolkata: M-133614-7 Life time member IACSIT(International Association of Computer science and Information technology),Singapore : 80331401 Life time member of the BES (Broadcast Engineering Society), New Delhi-India: LM 2563 Life time member The International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong: LM 105899 Member of IEEE:90722607

P.G. Recognized Teacher: ME Programme: S.P.University, V.V.Nagar, Anand, Gujarat, Since 23-022006,Charusat University-Changa,Parul University-Vadodara, GTU,Ahmedabad  PhD Programme: RK University-Rajkot- Gujarat, Since 28-06-2011, CHARUSATChanga- Gujarat, C U Shah University-Wadhwan-Gujarat and G T U-ChandkheraGujarat. Ph.D. guidance/Research Supervisor:Ph.D:04 (Students are Reading) Ph.D. Completed: 03 1. Jaliya Udesang Khatabhai (Ph.D. Enrollment No. 512115 & Reg. No. 112) for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The candidate has successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis on November 19, 2016 and has met with all the requirements of the Ph.D. program at RK University, under the guidance of Dr. J. M. Rathod. Topic: Human Face Recognition 2. Ms. Kaushika Patel (12DREC019) (EC Department, Faculty of Technology & Engineering, CHARUSAT), Topic: “Performance enhancement of TCP Westwood in wired / wireless environment “has completed her defense on Saturday, January 07, 2017. Ph.D. Thesis Submitted: 1. Study And Analysis Of An Adaptive MIMO-OFDM System For The Improvement Of The Spectral Efficiency Of Wireless Systems A Thesis Submitted For The Award Of The Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy In Electronics And Communication Engineering Under The Faculty Of Technology Submitted By: Rajvirsinh C. Rana M.E. (Electronics And Communication Engineering) (Ph.D. Reg. No.:114) Supervisor Dr. J. M. Rathod Associate 2

Professor, Electronics Department, BVM Engineering College, Vallabh Vidyanagar on March 2017. Project guidance/Research Supervisor:   

AMIE: 12 students guided (Assigned by IE (I) Kolkata). U.G: Till now 104 plus student group guided (Mainly based on Wireless Communication, Antenna & Microwave). P.G:M.E / M.Tech: 10 completed. PhD: 04 Students are Reading.


Best Teacher Awarded by BVM Engineering College in Recognition of valuable contribution & performance in Academic activities during the academic year 2011-12

Grant Received:

I am a member of team who has got a grant of Rs -100000 lacks Under MODROB Scheme, 2003 was received for updating Analog & Digital Communication Labs, Antenna & Microwave Labs, and it is developed. Minor Research Project on Design and Analysis of Wireless Communication system for improvement in system parameters using Adaptive MIMO-OFDM submitted to Gujarat Council on Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology Government of Gujarat and got 485000/- for developing this.

Grant Written:-

1. Minor Research Project Application on An Impact of Distributed Shared Memory design on multiprocessor system and Performance Improvement using DSM software based approach, Total Project Cost: Rs.7,00,000 /- has been prepared and about to submit to Gujarat Council on Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology Government of Gujarat as a Principal Investigator: Hemant Vasava and Co-Investigator by me. 2. Minor Research Project Application on Design of Precision Agricultural Monitoring System Based On Wireless Communication Total Project Cost: Rs. 9,55,000 /- has been prepared and about to submit to Gujarat Council on Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology Government of Gujarat as a Principal Investigator: A.B. Bambhaniya and Co-Investigator by me.. 3. Minor Research Project Application on A Novel Preprocessing Technique for Human Face Recognition Invariant to Pose and Illumination Total Project Cost: Rs. 4, 80,000/-has been prepared and about to submit to Gujarat Council on Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology Government of Gujarat as a Principal Investigator: Dr.Udesang Jaliya and Co-Investigator by me. 4. Minor Research Project on Application Performance Analysis of an Adaptive Modulation and Optimal Power Allocation Technique for V-BLAST Based High Speed MIMO OFDM System Total cost: 10,00,000/- Rs has been prepared and about to submit to Gujarat Council on Science and Technology Department of Science and 3

Technology Government of Gujarat as a Principal Investigator: Rajvirsinh Rana and Co-Investigator by me. 5. Minor Research Project Proposal Project Title: Design and Analysis of Adaptive Algorithm on Transport Layer for Wireless Networks, Total cost: 9,28,905/-/-Rs has been prepared and about to submit to Gujarat Council on Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology Government of Gujarat as a Principal Investigator: Dr.Kaushika Patel and Co-Investigator by me. 6. Minor Research Project Proposal Project Title: Performance improvement of tunable RF /Microwave Filters, Total cost: 10,00,000/-Rs has been prepared and submitted to Gujarat Council on Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology Government of Gujarat as a Principal Investigator: Mehul Thakkar and CoInvestigator by Dr. P R Prajapati & me. MODROB: 1. Written by Prof.M M Solanki about Modernization of Lab: ADVANCED COMMUNICATION LAB Rs 20, 00,000/- to AICTE under my guidance. Field of Interest:1. 2. 3. 4.

Electromagnetic Wave propagation & Antenna RADAR & Microwave Engineering Wireless Communication

Professional Experience as on Date:-21 Years and 08 Months Sr.No.



1-8-1995 04-02-97


G E C Modasa Govt Polytechnic Palanpur BVM College,V V Nagar BVM,V V Nagar


BVM,V V Nagar


1. 2. 3.

Name of Institution

1-11-97 03-12-97

Year & Month 01-9 00-10

Visiting Lecturer Lecturer (Adhoc)








Till Today Total Years


Assistant Professor 06-09 Associate Professor 21 Years & 08 Month

Number of QIP/ISTE/AICTE/ISTE Course Attended / Organized:-25 A) 3 to 8 days Duration: - 15 B) Two Week Duration: - 08 C) More then Two-Week Duration: 1 Sr. Name of course No. 1. Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic System Using C++.


Computer Software, Internet





G.Z.S.College of Engg. & Tech., Bathinda. & Sponsored by A.I.C.T.E & I.S.T.E. B.V.M.Engg.College,


Dec-18th 1998

Jan8th 1999




and Multimedia Tools.


Data Base System Concepts


Latest trends of Computers & Communication in Instruments. Advance TelecommunicationThe Backbone of Convergence.


Dec-10th 2001


Sept6th 2002

Sept14th 2002


Sept-9th 2004

Sept-15th 2004


I.I.T.Bombay & Continuing Education & Q.I.P Simulation of Communication S.V.N.I.T,Surat & System T.E.Q.I.P. Electromagnetic Waves & I.I.T.Bombay & Antenna Design Continuing Education & Q.I.P Real Time Development using ISTE & G H Patel Digital Signal Processors & college of Engineering FPGAs & Technology Vallabh Vidya Nagar, GujaratIndia Recent Advances of RF I.I.T.Kharagpur & Techniques for Wireless Continuing Education Communication & Q.I.P Nanomaterials: NITTTR,Chandigarh Characterization & Applications Recent Trends in Power CEPT and BVM Engg Electronics and its College Applications in Industries Team Member + Participant Managing Multiple Indian Institute of Perspectives in Institutional Management Development: Programme for Ahmedabad Engineering Colleges of Gujarat, TEQIP-II


May-23rd2005 Nov-21st2005

May-27th2005 Nov-25th2005

Jan20th2006 June 26, 2007

Jan-22nd2006 June 30, 2007


June 2 2008

June 7 2008


July 01 2008

July 12 2008


Oct 20 2008

Oct 24 2008


March 14th 2011

March18th 2011


March 25, 2014

March 27, 2014

Microcontroller and its Applications Team Member + Participant


Knowledge Management for Effective Teaching. Computational Electromagnetics







March18th 2001 May-7th 2001




12th 1999

Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad, & I.S.T.E & A.I.C.T.E B.V.M.Engg.College, V.V.Nagar.& I.E.(I),I.S.T.E. Local Chapter,V.V.Nagar B.V.M.Engg.College, V.V.Nagar. .& I.E.(I),I.S.T.E. Local Chapter,V.V.Nagar I.I.T.Roorkee & Q.I.P

Introduction to PSpice. Team Member + Participant



March25th 2001 May19th 2001 Dec-22nd 2001



V.V.Nagar. & I.S.T.E, New Delhi, I.S.T.E, Gujarat Section. B.V.M.Engg.College, V.V.Nagar. & D.T.E.Gujarat State. D.D.I.T,Nadiad & TEQIP & I.S.T.E


03 05











Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Patent Drafting Exercise (PDE)” Team Member + Participant Applied Digital Signal Processing as a Team Member + Participant Pedagogy, Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education & Academic Governance as a Coordinator + Participant Recent Trends in Wireless Communication and Networking-(RTWN-2016) As a Technical Program Chair "ICT Enabled Academic and Administrative Governance in Technical Institutions (Including Quality Assurance)" as a Team Member One Week Short Term Training Programs on Designing Embedded Systems and Internet of Things by Electronics Engineering as a Coordinator International Faculty development Program on Interactive Teaching Methods Including Active & Problem base Learning,4Cs Theory and Employability skills for the 21st century world of work As a organizing team member + Participant TEQIP-II sponsored Staff Development Program On MS-Office, IT Infrastructure Utilization (44 Hrs) as a Coordinator One Week STTP on “Design and Simulation Tools for Education and Research in Electronics Communication and Networking As a Technical Program Chair

GTU & BVM Engg College


May 5th 2014

May 5th 2014

TEQIP & EL Department-BVM Engg College


May 4th 2015

May 15th 2015

TEQIP & B V M Engineering College


June 15th 2015

June 26th 2015

TEQIP-II & Electronics Engg Department, BVM-V V Nagar


February 29th 2016

March 5th 2016

TEQIP II Sponsored & ISTE Approved, BVM-V V Nagar


May 9th 2016

May 21st 2016

TEQIP-II & Electronics Engg Department, BVM-V V Nagar,


December December 26th 2016 30th 2016

UK India Education Collaboration Program (TEQIP-II) in Phase-I and II (21st March 2017)


January 16th,2017

January 17th,2017

TEQIP-II sponsored & B V M Engineering College


March 7th,2017

March 18th,2017

IE(I) Sponsored and ISTE Approved


June 12th, 2017

June 17th , 2017


Number of Seminar/Conference Attended so far:-30 Sr. Seminar/Conference/ No. Exhibition I.S.T.E.6th Annual 1. Convention & one day National Seminar.

Date 13th Oct-2002




One day National Seminar.

25th April-2003


Two Day Zonal Seminar. International conference-“ICAT2005” Science & Technology & Educational Exhibition (National). Emerging Trends in Multimedia delivery platforms 3D EM field simulation for Every Designer Agilent EEsof user Group Meeting

5-6th July-2003 23-24th Feb-2005

Role of Technical Education for Sustainable Development WTO-Opportunity or Threat to Technical Education Ice Emerging Trends Antenna Technologies

13-14-15th Aug-2005

As a Project Guide in Exhibition.

12th March-2006

Emerging Trends in Multimedia delivery platforms One day seminar

Doordarshan Kendra,Ahemedabad

16th Nov-2006

One day seminar

Agilent company

IEE International symposium on Microwaves-2006 Recent Trends in RF and Wireless Communication system Matlab & Simulink

15-17th Dec-2006


IEEE,Bangalore Section

27-28th Feb-07

Two day national seminar


24th August2007

One day seminar

Excellence in Technical Education through Innovation Agilent EEs of user Group Meeting International conference“SSPCCIN-2008”

20th Oct-2007

One day Symposium

At Hotel Taj, Ahemedabad organized by Cranes Software, Bangalore ISTE Gujarat section & B V M Engg College

21st Nov-2007 3-5th Jan-2007

One day seminar

Agilent company Dept. Of Instrumentation engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology PuneMaharashtra, India

Gujarat Technological University Prospect &

23rd Feb2008

International Conference on Sensors, Signal Processing, Communication, Control and Instrumentation (SSPCCIN-2008) One day Symposium





8. 9.




13. 14.


6th Oct-2006

I.S.T.E. &A.D.I.T. New V.V.Nagar

I.S.T.E. & B.B.I.T. V.V.Nagar I.E.T.E.Vadodara Sub-Centre Space Application Centre,ISRO,Ahmedab ad C.V.M., V.V.Nagar

Agilent company

ISTE Gujarat section & B V M Engg College 7

Retrospect 16.











National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engg & Technology Engineering optimization-A tool for Research

8-9th National Conference August-2008 9th Sept-2008

One day seminar

ICT(Information communication technologies) for common man Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications (Microwave-08) IEEE International symposium on Microwaves-2008 (ISM-08) Application of Microwaves in Remote Sensing By Prof.O.P.N.CallaDirector-ICRSJodhpur Antenna ,Microwave and Communication (OSAMC 2009)

9th Nov-2008

One day Symposium

S.R.E.S College of Engg Kopargaon (Maharashtra) ISTE chapter & G H Patel college of Engineering & Technology Vallabh Vidya Nagar, GujaratIndia IETE Vadodara Centre, IE(I),Vadodara Centre

21-24 Nov2008

International conference

University of Rajasthan and MNIT, Jaipur.

3-6 Dec-2008

IEEE International symposium

IEEE Bangalore section.

22nd April2009

Invited Talk

ISTE Gujarat Section & BBIT Chapter

1st August2009

One day Symposium

IEEE(Gujarat section) Local Chapter, ADIT V V Nagar,

International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT-2009), New Delhi, India 16 - 19, December 2009. International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation and Remote Sensing(ICMARS2009) “XXI Century: Priorities in Technical and Higher Education”

16 – 19Dec-2009

International conference

IEEE-MTT Delhi chapter and Delhi university, New Delhi


International conference

IEEE-MTT UP chapter and IRCS-Jodhpur


Regional Seminar

ISTE ,New Delhi & C V M & GTU.

Exam Reform for Better Tomorrow


One Day State Level UGC & N A &T V Seminar for Patel Arts College-V V 8

Nagar 27.

Value Based Education 17/1/2014

One day Seminar

ISTE Chapter, B V M Engineering College BVM Engineering College (An Autonomous Institution)


Counselling:21st Century Needs


One day FDP


Women in Science & Technology: Creating Sustainable Career

January 2830, 2016

Three day International Conference

Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad, Gujarat in collaboration with BVM Engineering College (An Autonomous Institution)


Quality Initiatives: Gateways and Pathways to Institutional Excellence

March 0304,2017

Two day National Seminar

National Assessment and Accreditation Council sponsored and British Council supported & Academic Development and Research Cell, Nirma University

Number of Work Shop Attended so far:-25 Sr. Title of Workshop No. 1. Management of Engineering Hostels

Duration 25th March2001

Microcontroller and PC Application to Instrumentation & Control. Numerical Techniques for Electromagnetic Modeling of Antennas. (International) Space and GIS Technology Applications.

25th April -2001


Patent Awareness (National).

5th Sept-2005


Microcontroller Programming & its applications in Robotics(National)

15-16-17th Sept-2006




Two Days (21-22 Feb2005) 26th Feb2005



B.V.M.Engg. College, V.V.Nagar B.V.M.Engg. College, V.V.Nagar SAC,ISRO, Ahmedabad

As a Participant & Author +Team

I.S.G-Ahmedabad Chapter & Depts. of Physics ,S.P.U, V.V.Nagar TIFAC & GCST & Bhavnagar University IE(I),ISTE(BVM student chapter) & B V M Central committee

As a Participant

As a Participant

As a Participant

As a Participant

Member, Organizing Committee 9


Tutorial on Application of MEMS in Microwave product (International)

15th Dec2006


Modernizing Microwave Education by Introducing Microstrip & Microwave integrated Circuit (National). Nonlinear and Variable Structure Control System (National).

05-07th Oct2007

Tutorial on “RF Front end chip design Wireless Communications” and “Software Defined Radios Design Architecture & Efficient Transmitters” (International) Microwaves/Antennas & Applications

4th Dec-2008


Curriculum Development

2nd May-2009


Circuit Simulation

10-11th October,2009

14. 15.

Cadence Circuit design simulation AAKASH for Education

3-4-5 th March,2010 10-11th Nov2012


Academic autonomy


Right to Information Act (RTI Act) 2005

17th Feb2014 20th September2014


Enhancing Research &




19-20th April,2008

22nd February, 2009


IEEE International symposium on Microwaves2006(ISM-06), IEEE Bangalore section. G.I.T.Udaipur

As a participant

As a participant

ADIT,IEEE(Gujara As a participant t section) & IE(I),V V Nagar Local Chapter IEEE International As a participant symposium on Microwaves2006(ISM-06), IEEE Bangalore section. Department of Electronics & Communication, Faculty of Technology, D D University, Nadiad D D University, Nadiad VGEC,Chandkhed a and GUJCOST ,Gandhinagar DAIICT,Gandhina gar ISTE, IIT Bombay and BVM under the National Mission on Education through ICT(MHRD) TEQIP,BVM Engg College Knowledge Network of Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar Under TEQIP-II Initiative (Govt. of Gujarat) TEQIP-II

As a participant

As a participant + Resource Person As a participant

As a participant As a participant

As a participant As a participant

As a organizing 10

Development Activities in Technical Institutions

February 2015

Quality initiatives in Technical & Higher educational institutions – in compliance with NBA and NAAC accreditation Embedded System Design using TI MSP430 Microcontroller Development Tools

10-12 March, 2015

Antenna Innovations & Modern Technologies (Iaim-2015) For Satellite Communications, Navigations & Remote Sensing Systems Vision, Mission and PEO’s for BVM Engineering College National Workshop on Research Trends in Engineering and Technology

26-27th December, 2015

26 – 27th February, 2016 22-23, August 2016.

TEQIP-II & As Participant BVM-V V Nagar


Curriculum Development

8th Oct-2016

D D University


National workshop Emerging Trends Electromagnetics and Applications






30-31th March 2015

on 29-31 March in 2017 it’s

Sponsored team member + National Workshop As a participant organized by NPIU,BVM,CVM and SPFU TEQIP-II As a participant Sponsored, ESCI, Hyderabad

TEQIP-II As a participant Sponsored National Workshop organized by NPIU,BVM,Texas Instruments and SPFU IEEE AP/MTT As a participant Joint Chapter, Gujarat Section, Ahmedabad

TEQIP-II & EL As a convener Department,BVMV V Nagar As a Participant

TEQIP-II, ISTE As a Technical Approved & EL Program Chair & Department, BVM- Participant V V Nagar

Number of Technical paper Presented in conference /Journals so far: - 100 a. Number of Research Papers published in National / International Journals:- 47 Sr. Title of Paper No. 1. Design & Development of an antenna for Wi-Max Application 2. Low cost design &


Name of Journal

J.M.Rathod, Y.P Kosta Hiral Baria A.C. Patel

Sardar Patel university journal for Engg & Technology,Vol-19,page no:103-108

Y.P.Kosta, J.M.Rathod

Sardar Patel university journal for Engg & Technology, Vol-19,page

Date & Year March2006

March2006 11

development of Aperture Coupled Microstrip Slot Antenna 3. Design and Development of Microstrip Patch Array Antenna 4. Design of Helical Feed for Parabolic Reflector antenna 5. A Reconfigurable Liquid Antenna System 6. Antenna System with Real Time Frequency Variation Bluetooth Applications 7. Design & Development of Helical Feed for Parabolic Reflector Antenna at 2.45 GHz 8. Wide-band Microstrip Slot Antenna forGSM-900 band 9. Development of Conical Horn Feed For Reflector Antenna

D.S.Parmar J.V.Dave


J.M. Rathod Y.P.Kosta Vipul Dabhi

A.D.I.T.journal by A.D.I.T Engg College, New V V Nagar, ISSN : 0973-3663, Volume -3, page no:50-53


J.M.Rathod Akshat C.Patel Y.P.Kosta

Journal of Institute of TechnologyGandhi Nagar Institute of Technology,Vol-1,page no:7-11


P.S.Bhakhar J.M.Rathod V. M.Dabhi Y. P. Kosta Shakti Kosta J.M.Rathod P S Bhakhar V.M.Dabhi Y.P.Kosta Shakti Kosta

Sardar Patel university journal for Engg & Technology,Vol-20,page no:64-67


Sardar Patel university journal for Engg & Technology, Vol-20,page no:59-63


J.M.Rathod A.C.Patel D.M.Patel Y.P.Kosta

A.D.I.T.journal by A.D.I.T Engg College, New V V Nagar, ISSN : 0973-3663, Volume -4, page no:36-39


J.M. Rathod Y.P.Kosta

A.D.I.T.journal by A.D.I.T Engg College, New V V Nagar, ISSN : 0973-3663, Volume -5, page no:63-66


J.M. Rathod Y.P.Kosta

International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Published by: International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press:(IACSIT),ISSN: 1793-8244 (Online Version); 1793-8236 (Print Version) , Volume -1,page no:73-76 International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Published by: International Association of Computer Science

April 2009

10. Development of J.M. Rathod Feed for Y.P.Kosta Parabolic Reflector

April 2009



11. Design of wideband Microstrip slot Antenna for GSM-1800 band 12. Design & Development Low Cost RFID Antenna

J.M. Rathod Y.P.Kosta

13. Design of Parallel Coupled Microstrip Band-Pass Filters At 2.4 Ghz 14. Design Development of Antenna for TV Transmission for Connecting Outdoor Broadcasts Van to the Studio for Rural Areas 15. Comparative Study of Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Communication Application

J.M. Rathod Y.P. Kosta

16. Low Cost Solutions For Wireless AC Load Control Applications

A B Bambhaniya J M Rathod

17. Analysis Of TCP Westwood NR Protocol in Congested and Lossy Network 18. Comparison and

Amit M Sheth, Kaushika D Patel, Jitendra P Chaudhari, J M Rathod Ritesh H Khimani ,Jaymin K Bhalani

J.M.Rathod, N.Singh S.Singh Y.P.Kosta

J.M. Rathod

J.M. Rathod

and Information Technology Press:(IACSIT),ISSN: 1793-8244 (Online Version); 1793-8236 (Print Version), Volume -1 page no:91-95 International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering Technology and Sciences (IJ-ETA-ETS), ISSN : 0974-3588, Volume -2, page no:182-185 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, E-ISSN 1817-3195 / ISSN 1992-8645, Vol 7. No 1. (pp 058 - 062) International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering ISSN 0974-2166 Volume 2, Number 3 (2009), pp. 171–177




International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE), ISSN: 1793-8198 (Online Version); 1793-8163 (Print Version) Published by: International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press. Vol. 2, page no: 251-256 International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology (IJIMT),ISSN: 20100248, Published by: International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press (IACSIT) - Vol. 1, No. 2, page no: 197-197 International Journal Of Emerging Technologies and Applications In Engineering, Technology and Sciences (IJ-ETA-ETS), ISSN: 0974-3588 ,Volume 4 : Issue 1, Page: 10-36 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume4Issue32013

April, 2010

Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research, Volume : 2 | Issue : 4 |


June 2010




Performances of Pilot Based Channel Estimation Techniques for MIMO-OFDM System with Different Modulation Schemes 19. Design and Analysis of Air Gap Microstrip Slot Antenna Using Aperture Coupling 20. Channel Estimation Techniques Used in OFDM System for Different Modulation Techniques: an Overview 21. Comparison and Analysis of Channel Estimation Techniques in performance for Wireless OFDM System.

J M Rathod

April 2013 ISSN - 2250-1991

J. P. Ganji M.C.Sahoo J.M.Rathod

IJSR - International Journal Of Scientific Research, Volume : 2 | Issue : 4 | Apr 2013 • ISSN No 2277 – 8179 Impact Factor:0.4


A.B.Bambhaniya J.M.Rathod

IJSR - International Journal Of Scientific Research, Volume : 2 | Issue : 4 | Apr 2013 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179 Impact Factor:0.4


Shah Urvik R. Panchal Pradip I. J M Rathod

April 2013

22. Analysis of adaptive channel estimation techniques in MIMO OFDM system 23. A Survey On Human Face Recognition Invariant To Illumination

Ashish Kakadiya M M Solanki S K Hadia J M Rathod

International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 4, ISSN 2229-5518 Impact Factor:1.41 Acceptance Rate - 17.14% This paper is also available on NASA -Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Digital Library. International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue4, April‐2013 352, Impact Factor:1.41 ISSN 2278‐7763


24. E-surveyor: Electronics Surveying Using Ultrasonic Rays

S.J.Patel J.R.Solanki F.M.Sukla J.M.Rathod

International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology (IJCET), Volume 4, Issue 2, Impact Factor (2013): 6.1302 Calculated by GISI ISSN Print: ISSN 0976- 6464 ISSN Online: ISSN 0976 -6472 IJAR - International Journal Of Applied Research, Volume : 3 Issue : 5, Impact Factor:0.8215 ISSN No 2249 – 555X

U.K. Jaliya J.M. Rathod

April 2013



25. A survey on effectiveness of TCP Westwood in mixed wired and wireless networks 26. A Survey of Software based Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) implementation methodologies for Multiprocessor Environments 27. Low Cost Design for Reducing Leakage in Microwave Applicator for Industrial Applications 28. Study for Implementation of VANET with Transport Layer Protocol 29. Study and Analysis of Performance of Spatial Multiplexing equalizer for TransmitReceive Diversity 30. Dual Axis Solar Tracking System with Low consumption and increased efficiency

Kaushika Patel, J M. Rathod

International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) Volume 4, Issue6, June 2013 Edition (ISSN 2229-5518).

June 2013

H D. Vasava, J M Rathod

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 2, Issue 7 ISSN: 2319-8753 Impact factor:1.672

July 2013

Vandit Anjaria J M Rathod

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) Vol. 3 ,Issue 2 ISSN: 2278- 0181 (ISO 3297:2007) Impact factor:1.76


Jaimin C. Shah, Kaushika Patel, Sameer D. Trapasiya, J.M.Rathod Rajvirsinh Rana, Jagdish Rathod

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 89– No.19, ISSN 22295518


Riddhi Bhavsar, Shreya Gandhi, Nidhi Padiya, Megha Brahmbhatt, J. M. Rathod, T. D. Pawar, V. N. Kamat Pooja Wakodika, 31. Smart Energy Meter Romesh Bedi, With Tamper Bhavini Detection And Nandevalia, Communication Prasenjit Deb, Feature J.M. Rathod, T. D. Pawar, V. N. Kamat

International Journal of Emerging MarchTrends & Technology in Computer 2014 Science (IJETTCS),Volume 3, Issue 2, March – April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

International Journal of Research May-2014 in Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJREAT) ISSN: 2320 - 8791 Volume 2, Issue 2, AprMay, 2014, Impact Factor: 1.479

International Journal of Research May-2014 in Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJREAT) ISSN: 2320 - 8791 Volume 2, Issue 2, AprMay, 2014, Impact Factor: 1.479


32. Smart Solar Lantern Smart Solar Lantern with improvement in Efficiency 33. Energy Saving Using LED Automatic Street Light Control System

Rohan Bhuskute, Ameya Erande J. M. Rathod, T. D. Pawar, V. N. Kamat

Mitsu Shah,Charmi Shah, Hardik Shah, Riddhi Shah, J. M. Rathod, T. D. Pawar, V. N. Kamat Effectiveness of Patel Kaushika J. 34. Transport layer M. Rathod Protocols in congestion less and congested scenarios 35. Design and Simulation of UHF antenna for Roof mounted vehicular and heavy duty applications 36. Performance Enhancement of TCP’s Westwood Implementation with Improved Flow for Different Scenarios 37. Effective Utilization of Bandwidth for Mobile Ad Hoc Network

Jay Patel J M Rathod

38. Evaluation of best suitable scenario for vehicle Ad Hoc network

K D Patel J M Rathod

International Journal of Research May-2014 in Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJREAT) ISSN: 2320 - 8791 Volume 2, Issue 2, AprMay, 2014, Impact Factor: 1.479 International Journal of Research May-2014 in Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJREAT) ISSN: 2320 - 8791 Volume 2, Issue 2, AprMay, 2014, Impact Factor: 1.479

International Journal of Advance Oct-15 Research in Engineering, Science & Technology(IJAREST), ISSN(O):2393-9877, ISSN(P): 2394-2444, Volume 2, Issue 10, October- 2015, Impact Factor: 2.125 International Journal of Technical Jan-28-30, Education (IJTE) page no:320-326 2016

K D Patel J M Rathod Amit M Sheth

IJSRD - International Journal for May-2016 Scientific Research & Development,Vol. 3, Issue 12, 2016,ISSN (online): 23210613,Page no:918-925

K D Patel J M Rathod

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(27), DOI: 10.17485/IJST/2016/V9I27/92429, July 2016 ISSN (Print) : 09746846 ISSN (Online) : 09745645,Page No:1-8 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 14, No. 7, Page No:518524,ISSN 1947-5500, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USAImpact Factor: 0.519 International Journal of Recent Trends in Electronics and

of Tushar P Dave 39. Analysis Improvement in J M Rathod


July 2016

August2016 16







Bandwidth and Multiband Behavior of Metamaterial Based Microstrip Patch Antenna Low cost Library book access System using RFID System Design and Analysis of Active RFID Tag Antenna For UHF Band Review and Analysis of Recent Techniques Used For Microstrip Patch Antenna for Ultra-Wide Band Application Energy Efficient Routing using Hybrid Approach in LEACH for Wireless Sensor Networks An Adaptive Modulation and Efficient Power Allocation Technique for V-BLAST 2X2 MIMO OFDM System Performance Analysis of Efficient Power Allocation Techniques with Different Modulation for 4X4 V-BLAST MIMO-OFDM

Communication (IJRTEC), Volumn-1 Issue-1 of August 2016.

J D Patel J M Rathod

Hetal Vasava Vivek Varma Vaibhav Patel Chintan Parmar J M Rathod Shahid S Modasiya J M Rathod

Jignesh Joshi J M Rathod

International Journal of Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication, Volume 1 Issue 1 ,Paper ID:IJRTEC2016V1I1110235 International Journal of Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication A Peer-reviewed journal, Volume 1 Issue 1 ,2016,ID: IJRTEC2016V1I190222 International Journal of Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication A Peer-reviewed journal, Volume 1 Issue 1 ,2016




International Journal of Computer November Science and Information Security 2016 (IJCSIS), Vol. 14, No. 11, November 2016, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USAImpact Factor: 0.519, Page no:793-796

Rajvirsinh Rana, International Journal of Computer December Jagdish Rathod Science and Information Security 2016 (IJCSIS), Vol. 14, No. 12, November 2016, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USAImpact Factor: 0.519, Page no:793-796 Thompson Reuters Rajvirsinh Rana, Indian Journal of Science and May 2017 Jagdish Rathod Technology, Vol 10(17), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i17/10893 2, May 2017, ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 09745645 Thompson Reuters


System H D. Vasava, 46. Improving Performance of J M Rathod Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) on Multiprocessor Framework with Software Approach 47. Research on A.B.Bambhaniya, Pilot Pattern J M Rathod Design for Channel Estimation in OFDM System

Indian Journal of Science and July-2017 Technology, Vol 10(17), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i17/10893 2, May 2017, ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 09745645 Thompson Reuters

Indian Journal of Science and July-2017 Technology, Vol 10(17), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i17/10893 2, May 2017, ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 09745645 Thompson Reuters

b. Number of Research Papers published / presented in International Conference / Conference Proceedings:- 29 Sr. Title of Paper No . Low cost design & 1. Development of Aperture coupled Microstrip Antenna Low Cost & High 2. Gain Design of Helical Feed for Parabolic Reflector at 2.45 GHz





J.M.Rathod Y.P.Kosta, D.S.Parmar J.V.Dave J.M.Rathod A.C.Patel MiralPatel Y.P.Kosta

Path Calculation Vehicular Environment

Loss Jhala.P.B in Trapasiya.S. D J.M.Rathod, V.V.Dwivedi Low Cost Design Of Sameer Soni, Firecracker Igniter J.M. Rathod Using Infrared Rays

Low Cost Wide-band J. M. Rathod Microstrip Slot Y.P.Kosta Antenna for GSM900 band

Name of Conference

Date & Year

IEEE International symposium on 17th decMicrowaves-2006(ISM-06), IEEE 2006 Bangalore section. International Conference on Sensors, Signal Processing, Communication, Control, Instrumentation (SSPCCIN2008), Deptt. Of Instrumentation engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune- 411037, Maharashtra, India.ISBN 978-81906198-0-6, page no:577-580 International Conference On Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences (ICETAETS-2008),Rajkot International Conference On Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences (ICETAETS-2008),Rajkot International Conference on 'Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications' organized by Dept. of Computer

3-5 Jan2008

13-14 Jan2008

13-14 Jan2008

24-2526 Sept2008 18

Science and Engineering Federal Institute of Science and Technology [FISAT] ,Angamaly ,Cochin, Kerala, India. Proceedings of IEEE Conference International conference on recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications (Microwave-08) jointly organized by University of Rajasthan and MNIT, Jaipur, IEEE catalog no:CFPO891E-PRT,ISBN-978-14244-2690-4,Library of Congress:2008905700,page no:775777 Proceedings of IEEE Conference International conference on recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications (Microwave-08) jointly organized by University of Rajasthan and MNIT, Jaipur,IEEE catalog no :CFPO891E-PRT,ISBN-978-1-42442690-4, Library of Congress:2008905700, page no:629-631 IEEE International symposium on Microwaves-2008 (ISM-08), IEEE Bangalore section.


Low Cost Design & J.M. Rathod Development of Y.P.Kosta Conical Horn Feed for Parabolic Reflector Antenna


Low Cost Design J.M. Rathod and Development of Y.P.Kosta Transmitting Antenna for Digital Television at UHF band


Low Cost Design J.M. Rathod and Development of Y.P.Kosta RFID Antenna


Low Cost J.M.Rathod Development of RF Y.P.Kosta ID Antenna (Paper #1733)

Proceedings of IEEE Conference Decemb Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference er 7-10, (APMC -2009), Singapore 2009


Low Cost Development of Crossed V-dipoles Antenna for FM broadcasting. (Paper #1856) Development of Crossed V-dipoles Antenna for FM broadcasting (Paper ID: 375) Development Of RFID Antenna (Paper ID: 374)

J.M.Rathod Y.P.Kosta

Proceedings of IEEE Conference Decemb Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference er 7-10, (APMC -2009, Singapore 2009

J.M.Rathod Y.P.Kosta

International Symposium on 16 - 19, Microwave and Optical Technology Decemb (ISMOT-2009),-New Delhi, India er 2009.

J.M.Rathod Y.P.Kosta

International Symposium on 16 -19, Microwave and Optical Technology Decemb (ISMOT-2009)-New Delhi, India er 2009.




Low Cost design & J.M.Rathod development of Y.P.Kosta Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna

21-24 Nov2008

21-24 Nov2008

3-6 Dec2008

International Conference on 19-21, Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation Decand Remote Sensing(ICMARS-2009) 2009.





Bandwidth Enhancement of Microstrip Patch Antenna using Two Different Feeding Techniques with ANN model A Comparative Study of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) System Multi-channel wireless temperature monitoring forhealthcare

N.Singh J.M.Rathod S.Singh

International Conference on 19-21, Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation Decand Remote Sensing(ICMARS-2009) 2009.

B.P.Bhatt J M Rathod

Proceedings of Second International Conference on Signals, Systems & Automation(ICSSA11),GCET,Gujarat, India, ISBN: 9781-6123-3002-0,Page no: 474-477 Proceedings of Second International Conference on Signals, Systems & Automation(ICSSA11),GCET,Gujarat, India, ISBN: 9781-6123-3002-0, Page no:243-245 Intelligent Computing and Applications Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 343, 2015, pp 261-266, Print ISBN 978-81-322-2267-5, Online ISBN 978-81-322-2268-2, Publisher: Springer India International Conference on Electrical,Electronics,signals,commu nication and Optimization, organized by IEEE & VIIT-Visakhapatnam, India ,ISBN:978-1-4799-7676-8 International Conference on Electrical,Electronics,signals,commu nication and Optimization, IEEE & VIIT-Visakhapatnam, India ,ISBN:978-1-4799-7676-8

DipakPatel, T D Pawar J M Rathod


A Novel U.K. Jaliya Preprocessing J.M. Rathod Approach for Human Face Recognition Invariant to Illumination


Comparison of TCP K D Patel, implementation IN J M Rathod Simulated Environment


Performance Analysis of VBLAST 2 × 2 and 4 × 4 MIMO OFDM with Different Modulation and Detection Techniques. Software based Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) model using Shared variables between Multiprocessors A New Approach for Human Face Recognition Invariant to Illumination



Rajveer Rana J M Rathod

24-25 January 2011

24-25 January 2011

22-24 Decemb er 2014

24-25 January2015

24-25 January2015

H D Vasava J M Rathod

International Conference on April 2Communication and Signal 4, 2015 Processing, organized by IEEE & Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur India, ISBN 978-14799-8080-2

U.K. Jaliya J.M. Rathod

International Conference on Research 4-5 & Entrepreneurship (ICRE 2016) Jan.201 organized by R K University, Rajkot, 6 ISBN: 978-93-5254-061-7








Study and Performance Analysis of Different Modulation for Space Time Block Coding and VBLAST MIMO for Wireless Communication Design and Simulation of UHF antenna for Roof mounted vehicular and heavy duty applications Design and Simulation of Roof mounted UHF antenna for Auto motives Performance Analysis of Different Channel Estimation Techniques with Different Modulation for VBLASTMMSEMI MO-OFDM System Modified Leach: Cluster-Based Routing Protocol For Wireless Sensor Network Energy Efficient and Secure LEACH for Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Networks


Early Breast cancer detection using Flexible Microstrip Antenna


Design and Implementation of Automated Cradle

R C Rana J M Rathod

International Conference on Research 4-5 & Entrepreneurship (ICRE 2016) Jan.201 organized by R K University, Rajkot, 6 ISBN: 978-93-5254-061-7

Patel Jay Niraj Tevar, Tanvi Shah J M Rathod

International Conference on Women 28-30 in Science & Technology: Creating Jan Sustainable Career (ICWSTCSC – 2016 2016)

Jay Patel, Niraj Tevar, Mehul Makwana , J.M.Rathod Rajvirsinh C. Rana, JagdishM. Rathod

The IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), Chennai-2016, 978-1-4673-9338-6/16 The IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), Chennai-2016, 978-14673-9338-6/16

23- 25 Mar 2016

Jignesh Joshi, J M Rathod

International Conference on Advanced Material Technologies (ICAMT)-2016 at Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology (DIET), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. TEQIP-II sponsored & ISTE approved International Conference on Research and Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology, held at B V M engineering College. TEQIP-II sponsored & ISTE approved International Conference on Research and Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology, held at B V M engineering College. TEQIP-II sponsored & ISTE approved International Conference on Research and Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology, held at B V M engineering College.

27th28th Decemb er 2016

Jignesh Joshi, Jagdish M Rathod and Kinita Wandra Subham Dhar, Sayan Dey, Pradeep Singh Chauhan J.M.Rathod Foram Naik, Ruchi Khant, Milind Trivedi, J.M.Rathod

23- 25 Mar 2016

Februar y 17 – 19, 2017

Februar y 17 – 19, 2017

Februar y 17 – 19, 2017


c. Number of Research Papers published / presented in National Conference :-24 Sr. No . 1.

Title of Paper


Digital World Space Satellite Radio.



Application of Spread Spectrum Methods-Space System.



Advanced Speech Coding for Wireless System Application



Antenna Measurements Techniques.



Low cost design & testing J.M.Rathod of Microstrip patch Hiral Baria antenna with efficient gain Akshat Patel


Microstrip Antennas: Fundamentals and Technology Low Cost Wide-band Aperture Coupled Microstrip Slot Antenna for GSM-900 band

J M Rathod Y.P. Kosta


Low Cost Wide-band Microstrip Slot Antenna for GSM-900 band

J. M.Rathod Y.P.Kosta


Design of Feed For Radiating Structure at ISM Band

J.M. Rathod Y.P.Kosta


J.M. Rathod Y.P.Kosta

Name of Journal/Conference/Semin ar National Seminar-SPIN2003, I.S.T.E.,GCST & G.P.Gandhinagar Zonal Seminar-“IceEmerging Trends” ,I.E.T.E,Vadodara LocalChapter National Seminar –ETA2003 “Emerging Technologies & Applications” ,Dept of Computer Science,Saurastra University XIX Gujarat Science Congress Academy & S.P.University National Seminar –ETA2006“Emerging Technologies & Applications” ,Dept of Computer Science,Saurastra University DJCC Souvenir-2008, B V M Engg College National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engg & Technology organized by S.R.E.S College of Engg, Kopargaon (Maharastra), page no:127-129 International Conference on 'Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications' organized by Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Federal Institute of Science and Technology [FISAT] ,Angamaly ,Cochin, Kerala, India. National Conference On Advanced Materials and Radiation Physics(AMRP2009) organized by Department of Physics-Sant

Date & Year 9th -10th Jan2003 5th - 6th July2003 12th 13th July2003 19th Feb2005 1-2nd Oct2006

March2008 8-9 Aug2008

24-2526 Sept2008

March 9-10, 2009



Design and Development of Radiating Structure for High Gain Application

J.M. Rathod Y.P.Kosta


Study of Different Microstrip Patch Antenna forWirelessCommunicatio n Application.

J.M. Rathod Y.P.Kosta


Development of RFID Gate Antenna for Electronic Article Surveillance Application.

J.M. Rathod Y.P.Kosta


Design And Development Of RFID Antenna For Electronics Article Surveillance



Simulation and Designing Tools for High frequency bands.

Niraj Ada J.M.Rathod A A Daiya V M Dabhi


Wireless Control for Industrial Instruments and Home Appliances at UHF

J Daki DVasoya J.M.Rathod A.B.Bambhaniy a

Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology(Deemed to be University) Longowal, Sangrur (Punjab) National Conference On Advanced Materials and Radiation Physics(AMRP2009) organized by Department of Physics-Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology(Deemed to be University)Longowal, Sangrur (Punjab) National Conference On Electronic Technologies2k11, E&T Department, Goa College of Engineering, Govt. Of Goa,Farmagudi,Ponda-Goa PIN 403720,pp no:177-180. National Conference On Electronic Technologies2k11, organized by E&T Department, by Goa College of EngineeringGovt. Of Goa,Farmagudi Ponda-Goa PIN 403720,pp no:181-184 National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology(NCRTET-11) organized by BVM Engg College-V V Nagar-AnandGujarat National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology(NCRTET-11) organized by BVM Engg College-V V Nagar-AnandGujarat National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology(NCRTET-11) organized by BVM Engg College-V V Nagar-AnandGujarat

March 9-10, 2009

15th-16th April2011

15th-16th April2011

13th 14th May2011

13th 14th May2011

13th 14th May2011



High Gain & wideband Microstrip Patch Antenna.

Utkarsh Shah, Ila Parmar J.M.Rathod


The Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna for Different Substrate in ISM band

Utkarsh Shah, Ila Parmar J.M.Rathod


Design and Analysis of Microstrip Slot Antenna for Wideband Application Using Aperture Coupling

J.P.Ganji, M.C.Sahoo, J.M.Rathod


Adaptive MIMO Systems In 2 × 2 Flat Rayleigh Fading Channel

A M Patel, M I Patel, J M Rathod


Recent Era and Development of MultiBand Microstrip Patch Antenna

T Chavda, S Joshi, J M Rathod


Cosmic Energy Harvesting For Ultra Low Power Sensor Networks

U Shahmadar Disha Shah J.M.Rathod H Ankleshwaria


Design and Analysis of Dual-Band Microstrip Antenna using Slot for Wi-Max and other Wireless Application

Jeegar Parmar Unnati Patel J.M.Rathod


Review and Analysis of Recent Techniques Used For Microstrip Patch Antenna for Ultra-Wide Band Application

Shahid S.Modasiya J.M.Rathod

“Special issue on The Indian journal of Technical Education” ISSN 0971-3034 Page no:105-108 -NCEAET-2012 organized by Gujcost & Kalol Institute of Institute of Research Centre


National Conference on Innovative & Emerging Technologies-NCIET-2013, Smt. S. R. Patel Engineering College, At. Dabhi, Ta. Unjha, Dist. Mehsana, North Gujarat, INDIA. National Conference on Computer Science & Security (COCSS 2013). ISBN no: 978-81-923462-0-5 National Conference On Recent Research In Engineering And Technology (NCRRET -2015) International Journal Of Advance Engineering And Research Development (IJAERD) E-Issn: 2348 4470 , Print-Issn:2348-6406 National conference on “Recent Advances in Engineering for Sustainability” which will be held in Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, and Surat National conference on “Recent Advances in Engineering for Sustainability” which will be held in Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, and Surat National Conference on Emerging Research Trends in Engineering (NCERTE – 2016) organized by SPFU (CTE) – Gujarat along with Institute for Plasma Research and TEQIP – II

24-25 January, 2013


5-6 April, 2013 2015

29th & 30th May, 2015

29th & 30th May, 2015

4th, 5th and 6th April , 2016



Development of Low Profile antenna for Pointto-Train Communication

Jay Patel, Niraj Tevar, Mehul Makwana , J.M.Rathod

National Level Conference on Emerging Vistas of Technology (NCEVT-2016), Parul

April 2016

Books Written: 1. Multi-Element Microstrip Patch Antenna for Dual-Band Operation Published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is managed by Omni Scriptum Management GmbHGermany,ISBN: 978-3-659-92031-8,July-2016,Written by Tejash Chavda, J M Rathod. 2. Roof mounted UHF antenna Auto motives Published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is managed by Omni Scriptum Management GmbH-Germany,ISBN:978-3659-91059-3,July-2016, Written by Jay Patel, Niraj Tevar, ,J M Rathod. 3. Face Recognition Invariant to Illumination using Hybrid Techniques by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is managed by Omni Scriptum Management GmbH-Germany, ISBN-13: 978-3-659-58211-0, ISBN-10: 3659582115, EAN: 9783659582110, February 16, 2017Written by U. K. Jaliya, J M Rathod. Administrative Responsibilities and Activities at BVM Engineering College:       

 

 

I have worked for 5 years as a Hostel Superintendent in C.V.M.Hostels (2000-2005), I have worked as a Sports I/C in B.V.M.Engg College for more than 15 years I have worked as a Course Registration Committee member of Electronics Engg. Dept, B.V.M.Engg. College for 2 years, I have assisted H.O.D. for updating all labs starting from quotation to purchased and arranged in Electronics Department labs in 2005. I was a member of team who is responsible for getting an approval for new self-finance branch Electronics & Telecommunication in B.V.M.Engg. College. I was a member of board of studies of Sardar Patel University, V V Nagar for following dept, (1) Electronics Engg, (2) Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. I have started EL/ET Students’ Chapter, IE (I)-Kolkata on 5/08/2008 in Gujarat it is a first students’ chapter on Electronics Engg. I have worked as a coordinator for technical paper presentation students contest(state level) for EL/ET/EC -BRAHMAASTRA ’09 organized by BVM.GCET and ADIT,V V Nagar 9th April.2009 I have delivered a lecture on “Electronics Communication Fundamentals” on 26 th Dec2009. I have worked as a guest faculty for the course: Electromagnetism and Antenna Theory at Department of Electronics-MSc, S P University V Nagar For one semester course Dec-2010 to May-2010. I have worked as a Session Chair in Track: RF Microwave Communication Track in 2 nd Conference ICSSA-2011 during 24-25 January-2011. Organized STTP on Recent Trends in Power Electronics and its Applications in Industries as an organizing team member for CEPT and BVM Engg College, March1418, 2011. 25

 

     

 

   

I have worked as an Event Coordinator in the National Conference (NCRTET-2011) organized by BVM Engg College V Nagar-Anand-Gujarat on 13-14th May-2011. I have worked as an Event Coordinator in Regional Seminar on “XXI Century: Priorities in Technical and Higher Education” organized by CVM in association with ISTE, Gujarat Section & GTU on August-2011. I have been appointed as a GTU Nodal Officer for BVM Engg College on 10/08/2011, principal letter no: F/GTU/AISHE/195/1073.Till today I am having this responsibility. I have performed a duty of Judge in technical festival programme named as “Techfluenza’’ at MBICT college-V U Nagar on 17/03/2012. I have worked as a convener of PDP (Personality Development Programme) at college level for the year 2011-2012. I have worked as a convener of CDP (Contributory Development Programme) at college level since 2011. I am working as a professor in charge -Library at college level since May-2012. Worked as a judge in Poster Presentation Competition on Wireless,RF and Advance Communication Technologies on Oct 8,2012 organized by ISTE student chapter & GCET college-V V Nagar Worked as a session chair at International conference name as ISSP on March 2nd, 2013 GCET college-V V Nagar. I was a part of team who has organized a National Level Workshop Enhancing Research & Development Activities in Technical Institutions As an organizing team member. Which was organized by 26-28th February 2015 TEQIP-II Sponsored National Workshop organized by NPIU,BVM,CVM and SPFU I have given a service as a session chair in National conference on “Recent Advances in Engineering for Sustainability” which was held at Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, and Surat from 29th & 30th May, May, 2015. I have worked as a member of national advisory committee for International Conference on Emerging Trends in Scientific Research (ICETSR-2015) organized by C.U.Shah College of Engineering & Technology, C.U.Shah University, Wadhwan city, 20-21 August 2015 Worked as a team leader in International Conference on Women in Science & Technology: Creating Sustainable Career (ICWSTCSC – 2016), January 28-30, 2016 for Session Management. I am working as an Associate Dean (Administration) for BVM College I am working as a Departmental procurement in charge for TEQIP purchase since 2014 till today work is continue. I am working as a RTI officer for BVM College. Perform a duty as an overall session coordinator for the International Conference on Women in Science & Technology: Creating Sustainable Career (ICWSTCSC – 2016), 28-30-2016 and in this conference 300 paper are handled in 9 different session + Auditorium. Performa a duty as a Technical Program Chair for the TEQIP - II Sponsored Faculty Development Program On Recent Trends in Wireless Communication and Networking(RTWN-2016), February 29 - March 5, 2016 -Organized by Electronics Engg Department, BVM-V V Nagar Worked as a Team member for the TEQIP II Sponsored & ISTE Approved Two week Short Term Training Programme on "ICT Enabled Academic and Administrative 26

Governance in Technical Institutions(Including Quality Assurance)", 9-5-2016-21-52016  Worked as a member of write-off committee at BBIT College on 08/08/2016.  Worked as session chair National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Vision, Wireless Communication and Industrial Automation (ETCVWCIA-2016) on 3rd September, 2016 ( 11:00- 1:30)organized by CTE, SPFU, IPR and GEC Gandhinagar.  Worked as a judge in student’s Technical Fest known as a SAMARTHTA-2017 organized on 21/2/2017 by MBICTE College.  Worked as an organizing Secretary in ICRISET2017: International Conference on Research and Innovations in Science, Engineering &Technology Anna, India, and February 19-21, 2017.  Worked as session chair in Track 2 - Applied Electronics and Emerging Technologies Engineering Department of Electronics & Communication Engg. Electrical Engg and Information & Technology of GCET have jointly organized an International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing (ISSP-2017) during 24-25 March, 2017. Department work: 1. Worked as a Departmental procurement in charge. Meeting with departmental package officer on 23/04/2016. 2. About 15 meetings for finalizing purchasing items and approval taken from Er Mayurbhai Patel, Jt. Secretary-CVM 3. Department Meeting with vendors for establishing WIFI- VoIP on 25/04/2016 4. Meeting attended about accreditation on 26/04/2016 5. BOG presentation finalized on 27/4/2016. 6. Help to Head regarding Assistant professor Interview preparation. i.e. Paper drawn, seating arrangement and planning and all on 26-29th April 2017. 7. Website development meeting and corrective measures taken. 8. Demonstration of Scalar network Analyzer at 11:30 am on 09/05/2016 9. BOS work: Equivalency letter about Electromagnetics with Prof.N R A for GTU and BVM Engg college-Autonomous college on 25/7/2016. 10. Registration of First year students was planned on 23/05/2016 and done 28/08/2016 11. Counselling is done effectively. 12. API form filled and submitted. 13. MODROB proposal of about 20, 00,000/-for modernization of Analog and Digital communication lab was been planned on 30/06/2016 and written with Prof.M M Solanki and Dr. T D Pawar. 14. Research grant about 50.00.000/- for GUJCOST proposal was planned on 30/06/2016 and written as co-investigator with my five PhD students Dr. Kaushika Patel, Dr.Udesang Jaliya, Prof.Rajvir Rana, Prof. Hemant Vasava and Prof.A B Bambhaniya. 15. BOS work i.e. five subject syllabus have been developed. 16. Meeting with Dr.T D Pawar, Dr.Mehul Shah and Mr. Shoheb Saiyed regarding EPABX system was attended 26/07/2016. 17. Tech Visit at ISRO on 05/08/2016. 18. Worked as a Convener for the two days National workshop on Research Trends in Engineering and Technology on 22-23/08/2016. 19. Meeting with Pravin Manorkar, Regional manager, HFSS on 15/09/2016 for our HFSS package. 20. Expert talk of Dr. P R Prajapati on Recent trends on Microwave Engg under TEQIP and IE (I) students’ chapter was coordinated & arranged on 17/09/2016. 21. PhD Defence of Dr. Udesang Jaliya, Assistant Professor was attended at R K University-Rajkot as a Guide on 19/11/2016. 22. Meeting and planning was done about common inaugural function at LRUC with Organizers of STTP’s from Electrical Department, me and Dr.C.L.Patel as a convener 27

on 23/12/2016. 23. PhD Defence of Dr. Kaushika Patel, Assistant Professor was attended at CHARUSATChanga as a Guide on 13/01/2017. 24. Helped as an organizing team to Dr. D M Patel for coordinating iFDP on 1315/01/2017. 25. TEQIP-II sponsored Three days National workshop on “Emerging Trends in Electromagnetic and it’s Applications” During March 29 – March 31, 2017 at Electronics Engineering Department, BVM Engineering College, V V Nagar was planned since Jan-2017 and work will be done every date from 01/01/2017 to 20/03/2017 Institute work + work associated to Associate dean: 1. Meeting with organizers of STTP name as ICT Enabled Academic and Administrative Governance in Technical Institutions (Including Quality Assurance)" by Mathematics and Structure department was organized as a team member for finalizing experts, Schedule, Invitation and all on 22/04/2016 & 26/04/2016 & 29/04/2016 & 02-06/05/2016.First session was handled on 09/05/2016. 2. Principal’s conference room PA system installation and setup done under my observation and guidance on 25/04/2016. 3. Meeting with Dr. V M Patel, Jt Secretary for details about packages of PA Auditorium and Class Room PA system and its implementation on 04/05/2016 as per the instruction by Dr. Indrajit Patel-I/C Principal-BVM. 4. As a package office of DTH Receiver was installed in three locations under my supervision and instructed by Principal-BVM on 06/05/2016. 5. GTU Innovation Sankul organized meeting attended at Auditorium on 06/05/2016. 6. GTU inspection handled under the guidance of Dr. Indrajit Patel-I/C PrincipalBVM. On 13/05/2016. 7. Meeting with Dr.Indrajit N Patel-Dean (Admin) and Dr.Jayesh Pitroda-Associate Dean (Infrastructure) for space allocation planning as per AICTE requirements on 09-14/05/2016. 8. Meeting and guidance given to Dr.Jayesh Pitroda-Associate Dean (Infrastructure) for planning at 12-1 pm about Auditorium on 22/05/2017 as per the instruction of Dr. Indrajit Patel-I/C Principal-BVM. 9. Farewell of former Principal Dr.F S Umrigar was planned and prepared 23/06/2016 and implemented as per the guidance and instruction by of Dr. Indrajit Patel-I/C Principal-BVM on 04/07/2016. 10. Meeting as a Team Leader of Criteria 06: facility & Support was handled and given guidance to different eight different departments on 04/07/2016, 08/08/2016. 11. Meeting of Infrastructure Development + Maintence committee was done at 3:30 pm, Principal’s Conference Room on 07/07/2016. 12. Notice prepares regarding Heads, staff and facility and support team under the guidance of Dr. Indrajit Patel-I/C Principal-BVM on 16/07/2016,25/07/2016. 13. Meeting conducted as a Team Leader of Criteria 10: Governance was handled and given guidance to different eight different departments on 21/07/2016 and finally minutes of meeting completed under the guidance of Dr. Indrajit Patel-I/C Principal-BVM on 26/07/2016.Second meeting was held on 13/08/2016 and Third Meeting on 16/09/2017 and fourth meeting on 29/09/2017. 14. Meeting with Officials of Beegees Computers Pvt Ltd regarding Lecture recording system & Library RFID system was handled on 25/07/2016. 28

15. Letter draft for Dr Niranjan Shah (Donor) USA for invitation about inaugural function of new building on 25/07/2016 as per the instruction of Dr. Indrajit PatelI/C Principal-BVM. 16. Meeting at auditorium with Prof.B M Nayak –Mentor & Dr Shah-Auditor on 10/08/2016. 17. Hospitality of Invited dignitaries for the inaugural function of two days National workshop on Research Trends in engineering and Technology as a convener and Associate Dean (admin) was done on 22/08/2016 under the guidance of Dr. Indrajit Patel-I/C Principal-BVM. 18. Meeting attended as a team leader of Criteria: 06 and 10 about NBA, Progress review preparation on 24/08/2016.Presented updates on it. 19. ME admission was supervised on 15/09/2016 as per the instruction by Dr. Indrajit Patel-I/C Principal-BVM. 20. Meeting with Dr. D P Agrawal-Former Chairmen, UGC on 15/09/2016. 21. Lecture on Autonomy by Dr. D P Agrawal-Former Chairmen, UGC on 15/09/2016 was attended. 22. Meeting of Team leaders of different criteria was held on 16/09/2016. 23. Expert talk of Dr. Chetan Joshi-NPC and Shri Ajit kumar-BARC on Nuclear Power under TEQIP and IE (I) & ISTE students’ chapter was coordinated & arranged on 19/06/2016. 24. Meeting with Dr. Indrajit Patel-I/C Principal-BVM regarding criteria: 10 on 29/09/2016. 25. Meeting with Dr. Indrajit Patel-I/C Principal-BVM regarding upcoming International conference planning-ICRISET-2017 i.e. Budget preparation, First call announcement, Functional committees, website planning, Proposal writing for AICTE & GUJCOST were done on 05/10/2016, 13/10/2016, 26/10/207, 07/11/2016, 10/11/2016, 17/11/2016, 23/01/2017, 24/11/2016, 28/11/2016, 29/11/2016,04/01/2017, 18/01/2017,23/01/2017, 25/01/2017, 27/01/2017, 02/02/2017, 03/02/2017, 04/02/2017, 05/02/2017, 06/02/2017, 07-15/02/2017, 01/03/2017. 26. Attended meeting at ACPC-grievance cell for solving the issue regarding fees refund of some students as per the appointment given by Dr. Indrajit Patel-I/C Principal-BVM on 19/10/2016. 27. Project expo meeting was attended on 20/10/2016 at Principal’s conference room. 28. Meeting with Dr.Vina Chauhan-professor I/C Library, Shri J.D.Patel-Librarian with Principal on 20/10/2017 for issues related to the internal staff work. Minutes of meeting prepared and sent to Principal for approval regarding solution of this issue. 29. Meeting attended regarding AICTE space allocation with Principal Dr. I N Patel, Dr. T D Pawar and Dr. D G Thakore on 08/11/2016. 30. Observation of class room for examination with Principal was done on 10/11/2016. 31. Visit to SVNIT regarding Governance, Autonomy and Library RFID system practiced at SVNIT on 07/12/2016.Detail report is submitted to Principal Dr. I N Patel. 32. LRUC management with the help of Mr. Prakash Solanki and Mr. Soheb Saiyed has been done and till today 21 events were managed. 33. BOG report was prepared and given complete guidance to Ms. James-Typist and hand over to the Dr.I N Patel-Principal for chairman’s approval on 23-26/12/2016. 34. ISTE General Body meeting was attended on 24/12/2016. 35. Presentation of Principal regarding BOG meeting was prepared and submitted to him on 23-26/12/2017.BOG arrangement have been done on 30/12/2016. 36. Meeting at Principal’s conference room regarding updates on ICRISET-2017 on 31/12/2016. 37. Guided students to attend National Level Guttural program organized by Bhartiya Janata Party at BVM Auditorium as our M L A Shri Rohit Patel was present on 02/01/2017. 29

38. Class Room P system training cum demonstration was done with the help of Mr Prakash Solanki and Mr. Soheb Saiyed on 12/01/2017. 39. AICTE Data coordination with Prof. P B Swadas as far committee and other things are concerned on 20/01/2017. 40. Meeting With Dr. I N Patel-Principal, Dr Vina Chauhan-Professor I/C Library, Shri. G C Patel-AO and Shri.J D Patel-Librarian regarding finalization of I Card and all on 24/01/2017. 41. NBA meeting attended as a Criteria Leader on 29/01/2017, 22/02/2017. 42. Felicitation Program of Honorable V C-GTU on 26/02/2017 organized by Association of self-finance colleges-Gujarat state attended. 43. I have successfully uploaded the data of All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2016-2017 on 28/2/2017, Reference No: C-347-2016 as I am a nodal officer of this. 44. Meeting attended with Principal and Librarian about solution of Shri Shailesh NagarPeon-Library for releasing his fixed salary as per Govt norms on 01/03/2017. 45. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) based academic module was demonstrated and attended on 01/03/2017. 46. Meeting attended scheduled in Principal's Conference Room on Tomorrow, 02.3.2017 at 12 noon. 47. Following talk arranged for Examination section was arranged Speaker: Dr. A. S. Patel, Dy. Registrar (Examination), Nirma University Ahmedabad on 09/03/2017. 1st Session (from 2:15 PM to 3:15 PM)-Presentation on Examination Management System. 2nd Session (from 3:15 PM to 4:00 PM) -Question - Answers Session. 48. Coordinated cum Organized two weeks (44 Hrs) BVM Engineering College V Nagar sponsored TEQIP-II sponsored Staff Development Program On MS-Office, IT Infrastructure Utilization 7-18, March-2017. 49. Curricula Design was done at D D University for EC Course 8th October-2016. 

Following activities were done as an advisor under IE(I) Students’ chapter:Sr. No. 1.

Program A symposium on “ Land Degradation in Gujarat to Celebrate the 41st Engineers’ Day jointly organized by IE(I) Vallabh Vidyanagar Local centre. Workshop on Pspice for Basic Crcuit Analysis &Introduction to PCB design Software for 2nd Level EL,ET Students Technical Visit to BSNL, V U Nagar for Final Year Students.

Date 15th Sept ,2008

7. 8.

Cricket Tournament for Final Year EL Students Technical visit to Sardar Sarovar, Kevdaiya Colony for Final Year EL Students.

25th -27th Sept ,2008 27th Sept ,2008 29th Sept ,2008 30th Sept ,2008 12th Feb, 2009 18th feb,2009 16th March,2009


Workshop on Embedded System & Designing for Final Year EL Students. Workshop on Ethical Hacking, Antivirus & computer network for 2nd, 3rd, 4th year of EL, ET, CP, & IT Students.

19th March,2009 25th & 26th March 2009

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Technical Visit to Doordarshan-Ahemedabad, MCBS- Gandhinagar for Third Year EL, ET Students. Technical Visit to Doordarshan-Ahemedabad, MCBS- Gandhinagar for Fourth Year EL Students. Tree Plantation Program


11. 12. 13. 14.

Expert talk on “ Broadband technology “ by Engineer Murli,SDEBSNL,V U Nagar for Final Year EL Students Poster Presentation competition for Final Year EL Students Seminar on” Shannon’s Paper on mathematical theory of communication, 1948.” For Final Year EL Students Seminar on Recent Trends in Satellite Communication.

27th March 2009 1/04/2009 & 2/04/2009 2/04/2009 & 3 /04/2009 06/04/2009, 23/04/2009 & 24/04/2009 24/09/2011


Introduction to PCB Design Software for Second year EL and ET students.


EDA tools and demonstration of FPGA kit.



Workshop + Training on Xilinx ISE, Xilinx edk ,Xilinx vivado by Er Prasad Y Core EL,Bangalore Expert Talk on Electronic Communication in BSNL by Er Sukanta Saha BSNL Ltd,Anand Workshop on PCB Designing by Er Milan Chokshi EITRA,Ahemedabad Expert Talk and Demonstration on RF based Home Automation System by Er Himanshu Anklesharia,Er mruddang Shelat and Er Chirag Sharma,SLS Pvt.Ltd. Workshop on CST Microwave Studio Demonstration by Er Vijay Bhovani,Jyoti Electronics,Ahmedabad

16/3/2015 to 18/3/2015

18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23.

24. 25. 26. 27.




Expert Talk on latest trends in signal processing by Dr.Deepak Mishra Scientist/Engineer -"SF" ISRO,AHMEDABADWorkshop on Demonstration on Spectrum Analyzer and Signal Generator by Er Jayant Leuva and team Automation Ltd ,Ahmedabad Workshop on Robotics by Nimish,Kishan,Siddharth and Final Year Students Workshop on Robotics by Nimish,Kishan,Siddharth and Final Year Students Workshop on PLC and SCADA by Sofcon,Baroda Workshop on “Raspberry Pi” By Mrs Ekta Mehul and Mr. Saumil Patel (eInfochips eiTRA Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad) In BVM In room no A-223 On Friday 24th July 2015 Program Schedule is from 10 am to 5 pm Expert lecture on Recent Trends in Microwave Engineering to 4th level BE (Electronics Engg.) on 17/09/2016, Saturday, 10:00 am to 12:00 am in Room Number – A-223. This activity sponsored under TEQIP and approved by Electronics Department & IE (I) EL students’ chapter. TEQIP – II Sponsored expert lecture on Nuclear Power programIndian Energy Scenario, Radiation- a fact of Life, DAE-Societal benefit. Under IE (I) students chapter and ISTE students chapter on September 19, 2016 in between 2-4 pm at BVM Auditorium. TEQIP – II Sponsored Technical Visit at Space Application Center (ISRO), Ahmedabad & Vikram Sarabhai Space Exhibition –ISRO, Ahmedabad Under IE (I) students’ chapter on September 23, 2016

23/3/2015 25/3/2015 26/3/2015 26/3/2015 27/3/2015 27/3/2015 27/3/2015 31/3/2015 15/7/2015 24/7/2015






32. 33.

TEQIP – II Sponsored expert lecture on HFSS-Antenna Design Software. September 24, 2016 in between 1-3 pm. Under IE (I) 24/09/2016 EL/EC students’ chapter on 24/09/2015, 11-1 pm. TEQIP – II Sponsored expert lecture on Signal Processing 28/09/2016 Operations using DSK 6713 kit on 28/09/2015, 11-1 pm. Expert lecture on art of living. Under IE (I) EL student chapter and ISTE student chapter, for all students of first year.Dr Mayur Khunti 1/10/2016 from Anand. Saturday 1st October 2016 during 9am-10am.

Expert Talk Delivered: - 15 1. Expert talk on “Wi-Fi/Wi-Max Technology “organized by Computer science Department-N V Patel College V Nagar on 29th Jan-2008. 2. Expert talk on “Microstrip Antenna: Design Issues” in STTP organized by CEPT and BVM Engg College on “Recent trends in power electronics and its applications in industries” on March14-18,2011 3. Expert talk on “Antennas For Mobile Communication” in ISTE EL/CP Student’s Chapter-B V M Engg College on 1/8/2011 4. Expert talk on “Microstrip antenna: Fundamental and Applications “ organized by ISTE students’ chapter and EC Department-GCET Engg College on 6th August-2011 5. Expert talk on “RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) and it’s Antenna Design“ organized by ISTE students’ chapter and BVM Engineering college Engg on 26 th July2012 6. Delivered an Expert Lecture in STTP on “Microstrip Antennas: Design Issues” in TEQIP-II Sponsored One Week Short Term Training Program " Wireless And Optical Communication" organized by Electronics Engineering Department, SVNIT, 26 June 2013. 7. I have given a service as a session chair and key note speaker in a National conference on “Recent Advances in Engineering for Sustainability” which was held at Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, and Surat from 29th & 30th May, 2015.Delivered talk on “Research on Electromagnetism, Technology and Engineering of Radio Communications”. 8. Delivered an Expert Lecture on Research on Antenna using a Finite Element Method (FEM) based Computational Tool in TEQIP-II sponsored Short Term Training Program “Building Research Competencies in Engineering using Computational Tools” to be held during 27th -31st July 2015. 9. Delivered an Expert Lecture on Research on RF and Microwave System,23/08/2016 in TEQIP-II Sponsored One Week STTP on "Advanced Communication Techniques" during 17-21 October-2016 at Block No' 2' EC Department' GEC' Gandhinagar. 10. Key note speech on “Research Topic in RF & Microwave Engineering” at ISTE approved and A D Publication sponsored International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Engineering, Science, Pharmacy and Management in Vadodara on 23-12-2016. 11. Delivered an Expert talk on Microwave Technologies, 30/12/2016 in TEQIP-II Sponsored Two Week STTP on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology and its impact on Academic reforms during 19th to 30th December 2016 at Block No' 2' EC Department' GEC' Gandhinagar. 12. TEQIP sponsored Expert Lecture on Latest Electromagnetics and Microwave Application and their impacts on human life: Basics and Application on 30/1/2017 at EC Department, GEC-Bhavnagar. 13. TEQIP sponsored Expert lecture on Latest Electromagnetics and Microwave Application and their impacts on human life: Radiation and its effects on 30/1/2017 at EC Department, GEC-Bhavnagar. 14. TEQIP-II sponsored three Days National Workshop on Emerging Trends in 32

Electromagnetic and its Applications and talk delivered on Research Topics on Applied electromagnetics on 31/03/2017 at Electronics Engineering-BVM Engineering College. 15. IE (I) Sponsored and ISTE Approved One Week STTP on “Design and Simulation Tools for Education and Research in Electronics Communication and Networking” June 12-17, 2017.Delivered talk in event on 15/07/2017 about Network Analyzer Basics and Applications. Industry-Institute Interaction:

Involving local industries in the conduct of the B.E. programme by taking industrial problems as B.E. project work. Companies like a Twin Antenna –Baroda, Baroda MeterV U Nagar.

Conducted continuing education Programmes for the technical up gradation of Engineers, Managers, etc. for the local industries.

Interaction with companies like Supernova, SLS etc. V U Nagar.

Reviewer:a) Book: Written by Taub: Principles of communication Systems,2e and Published by Tata McGraw-Hill,2005 b) Papers: 1. 4th "Student Paper Contest and Technical Symposium" (SPCTS-2007) along with the IEEE All India Student Congress (AISC-2007) to be held from September 28-30, 2007 at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India for the Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) Students. 2. Third International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor NetworksWCSN-2007, December 13-15, 2007 organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad-India. 3. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Singapore since 2009. It’s a Bimonthly publishing international journal ISSN Print: 1793-8236, ISSN Online: 1793-8244, Http://, Singapore. 4. Defense Science Journal (DSJ) is a bi-monthly, multidisciplinary, defense-related international peer-reviewed primary research journal of Defense Research & Development Organization (DRDO), Ministry of Defense, Government of India. It is published by Defense Scientific Information & Documentation Centre (DESIDOC), Delhi since 2009. 5. Member of the reviewer board of Engineering Letters of The International Association Of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong since 2010.Engineering Letters is published with both online and print versions. ISSN: 1816-0948 (online version); 1816-093X (print Version). 6. Member of the reviewer board of The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES), Electrical Engineering Dept. University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677,Phone:662-915-5382.Fax:662-915-7231 7. International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE) Frequency: 6 issues per year ISSN: 1793-8198 (Online Version); 1793-8163 (Print Version), Singapore. 8. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Electronics Communication and Networking organized by SVNIT Surat-2012 9. IEEE International Conference on International Systems and Signal Processing organized on 1-2nd March-2013 by GCET Engg College. 10. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies ‘the Journal’ published by Cambridge University Press in association with the European Microwave 33

Association (EuMA) © Thomson Reuters. 11. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B which is journal; The Institution of Engineers (India) has tied up with M/s. Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd ISSN: 2250-2106 (print version) ISSN: 2250-2114 (electronic version).This is double blind peer review journal. 12. International Conference on Women in Science & Technology: Creating Sustainable Career (January 28-30, 2016) Organized by: Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad, Gujarat in collaboration with BVM Engineering College (An Autonomous Institution) 13. First International Conference on Research and Entrepreneurship-ICRE-2016, CRE 2016, Conference received partnership from the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), the Institution of Engineers, India (IE), and the local body (RMA) of the All India Management Association (AIMA). ICRE 2016.It is organized by RK University Rajkot 360020-India on 5-6 Jan-2016 14. First National Conference on Emerging Research Trends in Engineering (NCERTE – 2016) organized by SPFU (CTE) – Gujarat along with Institute for Plasma Research and TEQIP – II,VGEC Gandhinagar on 4-5-6 April 2016 15. International Conference on Technology and Management (ICTM-2017) Proceeding of Conference with ISBN: 978-93-5267-370-4. The ICTM-2017 is organized by Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar (Gujarat) during 17-18 February, 2016. 16. TEQIP sponsored and ISTE approved International Conference on Research and Innovations in Science, Engineering & Technology (ICRISET2017) organized by B V M Engineering College-V V Nagar-Anand, India, February 19-21, 2017. 17. 1st International Conference on Technology and Management (ICTM-2017) 17- 18 February, 2017 at Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering S P University, Visnagar, Gujarat, India.

References:1) Dr.Y P Kosta Director-Marwadi Group of Institution Rajkot Mobile: 9727724685 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 2) Dr.I.N.Patel Principal & Professor, BVM Engineering College. & Dean, Gujarat Technological University-Zone: 4 Vallabh Vidya Nagar, Mobile: 9898034464 Email: [email protected] Declaration: - I declare that all the information given by me in this bio data is correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs, and I understand that false or incomplete information would cause invalidation of the application.

Dr.Jagdish M Rathod