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'Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Services in North-West India: .... the invocation of scientific sampling techniques and computerized processing of data .
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Name Designation

SUKHWINDER SINGH Professor of Economics



Centre for Research in Economic Change


Date of Birth

November 01, 1957


Address for Correspondence

H. No. 4129-C, Urban Estate Phase II, Patiala-147002


+91-175-3046191 (O) +91-175-2286913 (R)






[email protected]

Areas of Specialization


(i) Economics of Health (ii) Applied Economics

7. Academic Qualifications: Sr. Degree no. Held


Board/University % of Div./ Marks Rank


Ph. D.


Pbi. Uni. Patiala




M. Phil. 1982

Pbi. Uni. Patiala

4.728 (GPA)



M. A.


Pbi. Uni. Patiala






Pbi. Uni. Patiala






P.S.E.B., SAS Nagar (Mohali)



Subjects Development and Use of Health Care Services in Rural Areas: A Case Study of Punjab Development Issues, Regional Economics, Quantitative Methods and International Economics. Advanced Economic Theory-I, Advanced Economic Theory-II, Basic Math. & Statistics, Economics of Industry, Political Economy of Development, Indian Economy, Advanced Statistics, and Econometrics. Economics, Political Science, English and Punjabi. English, Punjabi, Math., General Science, Social Studies, Agriculture, Drawings

8. Membership of Professional Bodies/Organizations: (i) Indian Society of Labour Economics, New Delhi (ii) Indian Society for Agricultural Development and Policy, Ludhiana

9. Scholarships: (i) Research Fellowship for Ph. D. Degree Awarded by Punjabi University, Patiala (19861988)

10. Details of Experience: S. No.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

11. A.

B. C.

Name of the Inst./Employer

Position Held


Punjabi University, Patiala


Punjabi University, Patiala


Punjabi University, Patiala


Shivalik College, Naya Nangal (Pb.) Dept. of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala Govt. Bikram College of Commerce, Patiala (Pb.)


Since Aug. 20, 2006 Aug. 20, 1998 to Aug. 19, 2006 Oct. 30, 1995 to Aug. 19, 1998 Aug. 20, 1988 to Oct. 30, 1995 Dec. 30, 1985 to Aug. 19, 1988 Oct. 17, 1983 to Dec. 30, 1985

Published Work: Research Papers

Research Scholar Lecturer

Major Job Responsibilities and Nature of Experience Teaching-cumResearch Teaching-cumResearch Teaching-cumResearch Teaching Research Teaching


17 (English), 10 (Punjabi)



Conference/Seminar 45 Presentation List of Books Published: 06 (Six)


Economic Cooperation and Infrastructure Linkages between Two Punjabs: A Way Ahead, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh, (co-authors: Sucha Singh Gill, Ranjit Singh Ghuman, Inderjeet Singh, Lakhwinder Singh, and Jaswinder Singh Brar), 2010.


Globalization and Indian State: Education, Health and Agricultural Extension Services in Punjab, Aakar Publisher, New Delhi (co-authors: Prof. S.S. Gill and Dr.

Jaswinder Singh Brar), 2010. 3.

Professional Education in Punjab: Exclusion of Rural Students, Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala (co-authors: Prof. R. S. Ghuman and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar), 2009.


Rural Students in Universities of Punjab, Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala (co-authors: Prof. R. S. Ghuman and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar), September, 2006.


Border Risk and Unemployment, Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala (coauthors: Prof. Baldev Singh and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar), 2004.


Changing Structure of Education in Punjab: Some Issues and Policy Recommendations, Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala (co-authors: Prof. Vishwa Mittar and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar), 2002.

12 B. Research Projects Completed: 11 (Eleven) i. Functioning of NREGA and Social Security Schemes in Punjab, Sponsored by Centre for Development Studies, Thiravananthapuram, (with Prof. Sucha Singh Gill and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar) (Rs.3.50 Lakh), 2011. ii.

Intensive Fertilizer Usage and Soil Degradation in Punjab Agriculture, Sponsored by Greenpeace India Society, Bangalore, (with Prof. Sucha Singh Gill and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar) (Rs.3.35 Lakh), 2009.


Professional Education in Punjab: Number, Proportion and Socio-economic Background of Rural students, Sponsored by Punjabi University, Patiala (with Prof. R. S. Ghuman and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar), (Rs. 1.50 Lakh), 2008.


Globalization and Indian State: A Study of Delivery of Education, Health, and Agricultural Extension Services in Punjab, Sponsored by National Foundation of India (NFI), New Delhi, (with Prof. Sucha Singh Gill and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar) (Rs.1.00 Lakh), 2007.


Rural Students in Universities of Punjab: An Exploratory Study, Sponsored by Punjabi University, Patiala (with Prof. R. S. Ghuman and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar), (Rs. 0.86 Lakh), 2006.


Infrastructure Linkages between Two Punjabs, Sponsored by Two Punjabs Centre, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh, (with Prof. Sucha Singh Gill, et al.) May 2005.


Unit Cost of Education: A Study of Universities and Their Affiliated Colleges in Punjab, sponsored by Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi, (with Prof. R. S. Ghuman and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar), (Rs.2.00 Lakh), May, 2005.


Financing of Secondary Education: Grants-in-Aid Policies and Practices in Punjab, submitted to National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, (NIEPA), New Delhi, (with Prof. Sucha Singh Gill and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar) January 2005.


Extent of Unemployment in Border Districts of Punjab, Sponsored by Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi, (Rs.1.80 Lakh), 2003.


Livelihood Strategies in Punjab, Submitted to Punjab Human Development Report Office, Chandigarh, September 2001, (with Professor Sucha Singh Gill and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar)


Draft Plan of Andana Block, Submitted to Government of Punjab, Department of Planning, (with Prof. Baldev Singh et al.), May 1998.

13. Invited Research Papers/Talks: 06 (Six) 1.

State of Rural Economy of Punjab, One Day Conference Organized by The Institute of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh, Paper Presented on ‘Rural Health in Punjab: Needs Reforms and Investments, January 23, 2010.


Situational Analysis of Cotton Farming in India, Workshop Organized by Centre for Policy Research, and IKEA, Sweden at Baroda (Gujarat), Paper Presented on Cotton Farming in Rajasthan, August 7-8, 2008.


International Conference on Social Sciences Lanka (ICSSL), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Colombo, Paper Presented on: Professional Education India: Costs, Financing and Emerging Policy Issues, July 18-20, 2008.


First International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT), Iqra University, Islamabad Campus, Islamabad, Paper Presented on: Human Resource Management: Cost and Emerging Issues in Indian Punjab, April 5-6, 2008.


National Foundation for India, New Delhi, Workshop on Globalization and Indian State, Venue: Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, Paper Presented on: Globalization and Its Impacts on Health Services in Punjab, February 20-21, 2008.


Globalization and Indian State, TERI Retreat, Gulpahari, Near Gurgaon, Sponsored by National Foundation of India (NFI), October 6-7, 2006

14.1: Ph.D. Completed Student: 3 (Three) i.

Mr. Kush Kumar, ‘State, Market and Utilization Pattern of Health Services: A Study of Punjab’, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, January, 2011.


Ms. Sapna Kalia, ‘Cost of Higher Education and Financing Practices among Students in Punjab: A Study of Professional Education’, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, June, 2010.


Ms. Meenu Sharma, ‘Knowledge Management in Select Pharmaceutical Units of North India: A Critical Study’, Department of Education & Community Service, Punjabi University, Patiala; May 2008.

14.2: Ph.D. Students under Guidance: 8 (Eight) i.

Mr. Kapil Chopra, 'International Migration: Financing, Remittances and Utilization Pattern in Punjab', Date of Registration: August 14, 2011, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala.


Ms. Gursimerjit Kaur, ‘Unit Cost and Financing of Technical Education in Punjab’, Date of Registration: July 14, 2011, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala.


Ms. Jagpreet Kaur, ‘Ageing, Diseases and Health Care Providers: A Study of Elderly in Urban Punjab’, Date of Registration: May 13, 2011, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala.


Ms. Rupinder Kaur, ‘Women Health, Disease Pattern and Treatment Cost in Urban Punjab: A Case Study of Working Women’, Date of Registration: November 01, 2010, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala.


Ms. Pritpal Kaur, ‘Planning and Economic Development in Punjab: An Analysis of Financing and Expenditure Pattern since 1966’, Date of Registration: November 01, 2010, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala.


Ms. Baljit Kaur, ‘Socio-Economic Analysis of Street Vendors in Urban Punjab’, Date of Registration: August 19, 2009, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala.


Mr. Kesar Singh, ‘Accident Victims of New Agricultural Technology in Punjab: SocioEconomic Analysis’, Date of Registration: March 3, 2009, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala.


Ms. Shifali Jain, ‘Childhood Diseases and Determinants of Utilization of Health Services in Urban Punjab: A Study of Patiala District’, Date of Registration: May 26, 2006, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala.

15.1 M. Phil. Students Completed: 7 (Seven) i.

Ms. Manpreet Kaur, Evaluation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Punjab: A Case Study of Moga District, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2012.


Mr. Vikram Jit Singh, ‘Financing of Health Expenditure in Rural Punjab: A Study of Indoor Patients’, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2011.

iii. Ms. Navdeep Kaur, Childbirth and MCH Services in Rural Punjab: A Study of Fatehgarh Sahib District’, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2011. iv. Ms. Jagpreet Kaur, ‘Aging, Chronic Diseases and Treatment Cost in Urban

Punjab: A Study of Nabha City’, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2009. v.

Ms. Rashmi, ‘Utilization of Health Services among Slum Dwellers in Punjab: A Case Study of Bathinda District’, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2006.

vi. Ms. Sonika, ‘Employment and Unemployment Scenario in Punjab’, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2005. vii. Mr. Kush Kumar, ‘Growth of Health Care and Family Welfare Services in Punjab: District-wise Analysis’, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2004. 15.2 M. Phil. Students under Guidance: 1 (One) i. Mr. Sukhwinder Singh, ‘Cancer Victims in Rural Punjab: Socio-Economic Analysis’, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, Continuing till date.

16. Research Papers Published (in Journals and Books): 20 (Twenty)

1. ‘Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Services in North-West India: Observation from National Family Health Survey-3’, in H.S. Shergill, Sucha Singh Gill and Gurmail Singh (eds.), Understanding North-West Indian Economy, Serial Publications, New Delhi, 2011, pp. 356-388 (with Ms. Shifali Jain). 2.

‘Health Infrastructure and Utilization Pattern in Rural Punjab’, Journal of Economic & Social Development, Vol. 6 (2), 2010, pp. 79-96 (with Kush Kumar).


‘Higher Profession Education in Punjab: Exclusion of Rural Students’, Research Journal Social Sciences, Vol. 17 (1), January-April, 2009, pp. 1-32 (with Prof. R. S. Ghuman and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar).


‘Cotton Economy, Cotton Producers, and Bt-Cotton Cultivation in Indian Punjab: An Assessment of Economic Impact and Sustainability Issues’, in Sucha Singh Gill, Lakhwinder Singh and Reena Marwah (eds.), Economic and Environmental Sustainability of the Asian Region, Routledge, New Delhi, 2010, pp. 408-422 (with Prof. Sucha Singh Gill and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar).


‘Rural Students in Universities of Punjab: A Classic Case of Marginalization’, Indian Journal of Human Development, Vol. 3 (2), July-December, 2009, pp. 405-414 (with Prof. R. S. Ghuman and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar).


‘Financing of Secondary Education in Punjab: Sources, Patterns and Emerging Issues for Public Policy’, in J.B. Tilak, (ed.) Financing of Secondary Education in India, Shipra Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 299-319 (with Prof. Sucha Singh Gill and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar).


‘Costs of Higher Education in Punjab: Level, Patterns, and Efficiency Issues’, Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, Vol. 22 (2), April 2008, pp.153-177 (with Prof. R. S. Ghuman and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar).


‘Health Services in Punjab: Rural Perspective’, in A.S. Dhesi and Dr. Gurmail Singh (eds.), Rural Development in Punjab: A Success Story Going Astray, Routledge, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 350-371.


‘Agricultural Extension Services in Punjab: Current Status and Emerging Issues’, Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy, Vol. 18 (1&2), Jan.-Dec.2006, PP. 33-49 (with Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar).


‘Educational Development, Public Expenditure and Financing of Secondary Education in Punjab’, Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, NUEPA, Vol. XIX, No. 3, July- September 2005, pp. 335-374 (with Prof. Sucha Singh Gill and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar).


‘Agrarian Crisis and Future of Agricultural Labour in India: Urgently Needs Policy Responses’, Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy, Vol. 17 (2), 2005, pp.1542.


‘Rural Health Infrastructure in Indian Punjab: Some Issues, Challenges and Policy Prescriptions’, in Gopal Singh & R. K. Chauhan (eds.) South Asia Today, New Delhi: Anamika Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd., 2005, pp. 380-403.


‘Growth of Health Care Infrastructure in Rural Punjab: Emerging Issues and Policy Recommendations’, in S. Murty (ed.) Education, Health and Housing in India: Some Aspects, Jaipur: RBSA Publishers, 2004, pp. 123-146.


‘Promoting Literacy, Generating Employment, Ensuring Social Security and Alleviation of

Poverty and Review of Constitution’, in R.N. Pal. (ed.), Indian Constitution: A Review, CRRID, Chandigarh, July, 2002, pp.159-186 (with Prof. Sucha Singh Gill and Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar). 15.

‘Development and Use of Health Care Services in Rural Areas: A Case Study of Punjab’, Indian Management Studies Journal, Vol. 5 (1), April 2001.


‘Functions and Finances of Panchayti Raj Institutions: Implications for Micro Level Planning’, PSE Economic Analyst, Vol. 19 (1), 1998 (With Prof. Baldev Singh et al.).


‘A Caste-wise Study of Utilization of Health Care Services during Child Birth in Punjab: Based on Sample Survey of Households in Patiala Districts’, in V.S. Mahajan and B. S. Mann (eds.), Economic Development of Scheduled Castes, Anmol Publications, New Delhi, 1997, pp. 171-190 (with Dr. Jaswinder Singh Brar).


‘Dynamics of Health Care Expenditure in India: Some Policy Implications’, in C.S. Nagpal and R.K.Mahajan (Eds.), Economic Policies (New Delhi: Anmol Publications, 1992).


‘A Skeptical Look at Family Welfare Programme’, The Tribune, February 01, 1990.


‘Dream Clinics and Nightmare Dispensaries’, The Tribune, August 24, 1989.

17. List of Publications in Punjabi (Leading Journals, Newspapers and Edited Books): 10 1H

gzikp dk T[d:'fre ftek; ns/ T[sgkfdesk”, :'iBk, Bk wkou 1986 (vkH byftzdo f;zx Bkb)


gzikp dk T[d:'fre ftek; ns/ pDso”, :'iBk, nes{po 1988H


gzikp ftu gzukfJsh oki ;z;EktK d/ ekoi ns/ ftZsh ;kXB L wkJheo' gZXo dh :'iBkpzdh tk;s/ ;zGktBktK”, ;wkie ftfrnkB gZso, nze 43, d;zpo 1997 (gq'c?;o pbd/t f;zx s/ j'oK Bkb)


fgSb/ gzMh ;kbk d"okB gzikp ftu f;js ;/tktK dk ftek;”, ;wkie ftfrnkB gZso, nze 44^45^46, i{B^d;zpo 1998, i{B 1999H


T[dkoheoB ns/ gzikp ftu f;js ;/tktK L ;zGkth gqGkt”, fJj y'i^gZso gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk tb'A 13^15 iBtoh, 1999 B{z nk:'fis ;'bQthA gzikph ftek; ekBcoz; ‘ftPtheoB, T[dkoheoB ns/ gzikp’ ftP/ s/ eotkJ/ ;?whBko ftu g/P ehsk.


gzikp ftu w[ZYbh f;js ;zGkb L ;fEsh s/ ;[Mkn”, d/P ;/te, e 16 wJh, 1999 (vkH oH ;H x[zwD Bkb), fJj g/go nZi dh nktkI ftu (d' fePsk) wJh 16 s/ 17 wJh, 1999 B{z Sfgnk.


gzikp ftu f;js ;zGkb gqsh ;oekoh bkgotkjh”, gzikph fNqfpT{B, 24 i{B, 1999 (vkH oH;H x[wz D Bkb)


gzikp ftu w[ZYbh f;js ;zGktb ns/ gzikp ;oeko”, ;wkie ftfrnkB gZso, nze 47^48^49, d;zpo 1999, i{B s/ d;zpo 2000H


nkoEe b'VK” (1998) ns/ “;fjekoh y/so” (1999) ftfPnK T[FZs/ d' nkoNheb gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk d[nkok fsnkoh nXhB pkb ftPte'P (Children Encyclopaedia) ftu SgD bJh gqtkB j'J/.


f;js ;/tktK dk ftek; w[Zy w[Zdk pDBk feT[A Io{oh, gzikp N{v/, nze 11, Btzpo 2003H

18. List of Papers/Courses Taught at P.G. and U.G. Level S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Paper Theory of Statistics Money and Banking Statistical Methods and Computer Applications Political Economy of Development Micro Economics Indian Economy

Class/es B. Sc. (Hons. School in Economics) B. Sc. (Hons. School in Economics) B. A. (Hons. School in Economics), Part III M.A. II at Naya Nangal B.A. Part I at Naya Nangal B.A. Part I at Naya Nangal

10. Technical Proficiency Proficiency to manage complex research problems containing voluminous and diversified data bases; competency in designing appropriate research prepositions and questionnaires. Proven ability in the collection and classification of primary data by the invocation of scientific sampling techniques and computerized processing of data along with focused attention on tabulation and econometric testing of results. Expertise in the interpretation of technical and statistical coefficients in the context of advancements in the economic theory, development experience and policyimperatives. Competency to execute performance evaluation and impact studies with greater precision. Sd/Dated: 01/07/2012