Biography of James Cooper 2011 James Cooper is ... - RZ User

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Biography of James Cooper 2011. James Cooper is Institute Professor of Law and Assistant Dean for Mission Development at California Western School of Law, ...
Biography of James Cooper 2011 James Cooper is Institute Professor of Law and Assistant Dean for Mission Development at California Western School of Law, where he is Director of International Legal Studies and teaches Comparative Law, International Trade Law, the Law of the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Law of Armed Conflict, and Introduction to Latin American Legal Culture. Since 1997, Professor Cooper has worked in a number of countries in Latin America emerging from military dictatorships that are consolidating a new era of democratic governance. He is the director of Proyecto ACCESO (, a legal skills training and rule of law public education program which has been funded by the U.S. Government, German Government, Organization of American States, United Nations Development Programme, Inter-American Development Bank, private philanthropic foundations, and national ministries of justice around Latin America. He is also a co-director of International Post-Graduate Diploma Program with University of Heidelberg, University of Chile, sponsored by the Chilean Ministry of Justice and German Government and a member of academic staff of Heidelberg Center for Latin America. He was a Visiting Professor at Earl Warren College, University of California, San Diego in 2008 and a Visiting Scholar at UCSD’s Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies in 2009-2010. A Cambridge University-trained Barrister and Solicitor, his scholarship has appeared in the American University International Law Review, Behavioural Sciences and the Law, The National Law Journal, American Bar Association Journal, Revista CREA, Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy, The Journal of Legal Education, and Michigan Journal of International Law. He is a regular contributor to newspapers, television and radio news programs around the Western Hemisphere, including El Mercurio, Globe and Mail, Miami Herald, San Diego Union Tribune, Marie Claire, National Public Radio’s Marketplace, Canadian Broadcast Corporation’s As It Happens and Newsworld, Univision News and Fox News. Professor Cooper has directed and produced documentary films and public service announcements for the BBC, Channel Four (UK), the Bolivian, Chilean, German and U.S. Governments. He has been profiled in The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Daily Journal, The San Diego Union Tribune, The San Diego Daily Transcript, The Voice of San and The Wall Street Journal.