Consumer Behavior, Marketing Strategy, Decision Making, Pricing, Brand Equity
... “A Role for Aesthetics in Consumer Psychology,” in Handbook of Consumer ...
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Joseph W. Alba Biography Interests Consumer Behavior, Marketing Strategy, Decision Making, Pricing, Brand Equity Education Ph.D., Temple University, 1981; B.A., State University of New York-‐‑Albany, 1976 Author “When Less is More: Consumer Aversion to Unused Utility,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, forthcoming (with Lisa E. Bolton). “In Defense of Bumbling,” Journal of Consumer Research, forthcoming. “Seeing is Believing (Too Much): Design Bias in Perceived Product Functionality,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2011, 28 (May), 346-‐‑359 (with JoAndrea Hoegg). “How Do Price Fairness Perceptions Differ Across Cultures?” Journal of Marketing Research, 2010, 47 (June), 564-‐‑576 (with Lisa E. Bolton and Hean Tat Keh). “Heuristics and Biases in Data-‐‑Based Decision Making: The Effects of Experience, Training, and Graphical Data Displays,"ʺ Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (August), 2010, 627-‐‑642 (with J. Wesley Hutchinson and Eric M. Eisenstein). “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Influence of Aesthetics on Product Feature Judgments,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2010, 20 (October), 419-‐‑430 (with JoAndrea Hoegg and Darren Dahl). “Generalizing from Negative Experiences,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2009, 26 (September), 238-‐‑244 (with Wouter Vanhouche). “A Role for Aesthetics in Consumer Psychology,” in Handbook of Consumer Psychology, 2008, eds. Curt Haugtvedt, Frank Kardes, and Paul Herr, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 733-‐‑754 (with JoAndrea Hoegg). “Linguistic Framing of Sensory Experience: There Is Some Accounting for Taste,” 2007, in Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications, ed. Tina M. Lowrey, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 3-‐‑21 (with JoAndrea Hoegg). “Consumer Psychology,” 2007, in Handbook of Applied Cognition, 2nd edition, ed. Frank Durso et al., West Sussex, England: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 683-‐‑711 (with J. Wesley Hutchinson).
The Foundation for The Gator Nation An Equal Opportunity Institution
“Taste Perception: More Than Meets the Tongue,” Journal of Consumer Research, 2007, 33 (March), 490-‐‑498 (with JoAndrea Hoegg). “Let the Clips Fall Where They May,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2006, 16 (1), 14-‐‑19. “Price Fairness: Good-‐‑Service Differences and the Role of Vendor Costs,” Journal of Consumer Research, 2006, 33 (September), 258-‐‑265 (with Lisa E. Bolton). “Decision Neuroscience,” Marketing Letters, 2005, 16 (December), 375-‐‑386. (with Shiv, Baba, Antoine Bechara, Irwin Levin, James R. Bettman, Laurette Dube, Alice Isen, Barbara Mellers, Ale Smidts, Susan J. Grant, and Peter McGraw). “When Absence Begets Inference in Conjoint Analysis,” Journal of Marketing Research, 2004, 41 (November), 382-‐‑387 (with Alan D. J. Cooke). “Irrelevant Information and Mediated Intertemporal Choice,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2004, 14 (3), 257-‐‑270 (with Stijn van Osselaer and Puneet Manchanda). “Sincere Flattery: Trade-‐‑Dress Imitation and Consumer Choice,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2004, 14 (1-‐‑2), 21-‐‑27 (with Luk Warlop). "ʺConsumer Perceptions of Price (Un)Fairness,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Research, 2003, 29 (March), 474-‐‑491 (with Lisa Bolton and Luk Warlop). “Locus of Equity and Brand Extension,” Journal of Consumer Research, 2003, 29 (March), 539-‐‑550 (with Stijn van Osselaer). "ʺFrequency Effects in Consumer Decision Making,"ʺ in etc. Frequency Processing and Cognition, 2002, eds. P. Sedlmeier and T. Betsch, New York: Oxford University Press, 259-‐‑270. "ʺThe Piecemeal Approach to Comparative Advertising,"ʺ Marketing Letters, 2001, 12 (1), 63-‐‑73 (with A.V. Muthukrishnan, L. Warlop). "ʺDimensions of Consumer Expertise...Or Lack Thereof,"ʺ in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 27, 2000, eds. Stephen J. Hoch and Robert J. Meyer, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 1-‐‑9. "ʺKnowledge Calibration: What Consumers Know and What They Think They Know,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Research, 2000, 27 (September), 123-‐‑156 (with J. Wesley Hutchinson). "ʺConsumer Learning and Brand Equity,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Research, 2000, 27 (June), 1-‐‑16, (with Stijn M.J. Van Osselaer).
"ʺThe Effect of Discount Frequency and Depth on Consumer Price Judgments,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Research, 1999, 2 (September), 99-‐‑114 (with C. Mela, T. Shimp, and J. Urbany). "ʺApplied Cognition in Consumer Research,"ʺ in Handbook of Applied Cognition, 1999, ed. F. Durso et al., Sussex, England: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 343-‐‑373 (with W. Hutchinson). "ʺHeuristics and Biases in the Eye-‐‑Balling of Data: The Effects of Context on Intuitive Correlation Assessment,"ʺ Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 1997, 23 (May), 591-‐‑621(with W. Hutchinson). "ʺInteractive Home Shopping: Consumer, Retailer, and Manufacturer Incentives to Participate in Electronic Marketplaces,"ʺ Journal of Marketing, 1997, 61 (July), 38-‐‑53 (with J. Lynch, B. Weitz, C. Janiszewski, R. Lutz, A. Sawyer, and S. Wood). "ʺTheory Versus Data in Prediction and Correlation Tasks,"ʺ Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1994, 57 (January), 117-‐‑139 (with S. Broniarczyk). "ʺThe Importance of the Brand in Brand Extension,"ʺ Journal of Marketing Research, 1994, 31 (May), 214-‐‑228 (with S. Broniarczyk). "ʺThe Influence of Prior Beliefs, Frequency Cues, and Magnitude Cues on Consumers'ʹ Perceptions of Comparative Price Data,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Research, 1994, 21 (December), 219-‐‑235 (with S. Broniarczyk, T. Shimp, J. Urbany). "ʺThe Role of Consumers'ʹ Intuitions in Inference Making,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Research, 1994, 21 (December), 393-‐‑407 (with S. Broniarczyk). "ʺTransitions in Preference Over Time: The Effects of Memory on Message Persuasiveness,"ʺ Journal of Marketing Research, 1992, 29 (November), 406-‐‑416 (with H. Marmorstein, A. Chattopadhyay). "ʺPublic Policy Implications of Consumer Knowledge,"ʺ Advances in Marketing and Public Policy, 1991, ed. P. Bloom, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press,Vol. 2 (with W. Hutchinson). "ʺMemory and Decision Making,"ʺ Handbook of Consumer Theory and Research, 1991, eds. H. Kassarjian and T. Robertson, New York: Prentice Hall, 1-‐‑49 (with W. Hutchinson, J. Lynch). "ʺIgnoring Irrelevant Information: Situational Determinants of Consumer Learning,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Research, 1991, 18 (December), 325-‐‑345 (with W. Hutchinson). "ʺThe Situational Importance of Recall and Inference in Consumer Decision Making,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Research, 1988, 15 (June), 1-‐‑12 (with A. Chattophadhyay). "ʺDimensions of Consumer Expertise,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Research, 1987, 13 (March), 411-‐‑454 (with W. Hutchinson). "ʺThe Effects of Frequency Knowledge on Consumer Decision Making,"ʺ Journal of Consumer Research, 1987, 14 (June), 14-‐‑25 (with H. Marmorstein). "ʺSalience Effects in Brand Recall,"ʺ Journal of Marketing Research, 1986, 23 (November), 363-‐‑369 (with H. Chattopadhyay). "ʺEffects of Context and Part Category Cues on Recall of Competing Brands,"ʺ Journal of Marketing Research, 1985, 22 (August), 340-‐‑349 (with A. Chattopadhyay).
Editorial Boards Journal of Marketing Research Journal of Consumer Psychology International Journal of Research in Marketing Marketing Letters Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Journal of Retailing Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Research, 1993-‐‑1996 Honors and Grants Phi Beta Kappa, 1975 Sigma Xi, 1981 Beta, Gamma, Sigma, 1994 Journal of Consumer Research Outstanding Article Award, 1987 & 2003 Journal of Marketing MSI/Paul Root Award, 1997 O’Dell Award Finalist (Journal of Marketing Research), 1997, 1999 Fellow of the Society for Consumer Psychology, 2003 Fellow of the American Psychological Association, 2003 Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, Society for Consumer Psychology, 2004 University of Florida Research Foundation Professor, 2005 Journal of Marketing Louis Stern Award, 2005 Paul D. Converse Award, 2008 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Consumer Research Award, 2008 Fellow of the Association for Consumer Research, 2009 Traditional MBA Elective Outstanding Teacher Award, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2011 Traditional MBA Core Outstanding Teacher Award 2009A, 2010T2, 2011A Executive MBA Outstanding Teacher Award, 2003E, 2003ES, 2007E, 2007ES, 2008P, 2009P, 2009SF Journal of Consumer Research Outstanding Reviewer Award, 2002 & 2003 Journal of Consumer Psychology Top-‐‑10 Reviewer Award, 2008-‐‑2009 Journal of Marketing Outstanding Reviewer Award, 2011 Member Association for Consumer Research American Marketing Association American Psychological Association Society for Consumer Psychology Product Development and Management Association