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Science & Society

Scientific Thought and Education for the 21st Century Peter Daempfle, SUNY Delhi

Contents 1 Introduction 2 The Philosophy of Science 3 Scientific Research 4 Math Gives Science Power 5 The History of Science 6 Science and Society 7 Scientific Rewards 8

Scientific Integrity vs. Pseudosciences

9 Major Controversies in Science Progression 10 Roadblocks to Science 11 Teaching Critical Thinking 12 A Modern Synthesis 13 Science Education: The Need for Good People in Science 14 Science at Risk

Written for the undergraduate, majors and non-majors alike taking a foundational course in science, Science & Society: Scientific Thought and Education for the 21st Century helps students become better consumers of science by showing them how to think like a scientist. Scientific principles are infused with case studies, stories, paradoxes, poetry, medical dilemmas, and misconceptions, all through a lens of skepticism. Throughout the book, provocative science examples are provided to guide students and encourage them to consider facts more critically. The author exposes readers to research methods, science philosophy, critical thinking strategies, mathematics, and history, and urges them to question data and think scientifically. End-of-chapter questions link to interesting content that is sure to stimulate debate and discussion in the classroom. This engaging, interdisciplinary approach to learning science leads students to real truths behind many natural phenomena and leaves them eager to continue their scientific studies.

Key Features • End-of-chapter review questions creatively stimulate discussion and span all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. • The text makes science accessible to a broad range of readers and covers all of the key areas needed for a full understanding of science. • Questions stimulate debate and discussion and cover science philosophy, history, mathematics, education, research methods, and critical thinking strategies. • Provides models of reasoning and guidelines and practice activities for thinking critically. • Presents major themes common to all scientific disciplines in a clear and readable manner for undergraduates. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-8502-7 Paperback • 264 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: PP, TB Learn More at:

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Human Biology Eighth Edition

Daniel D. Chiras Director, The Evergreen Institute Designed for the undergraduate, non-science major, the thoroughly updated eighth edition continues to present the latest information on the structure, function, health, and disease of the human body, while maintaining the central organizational theme of homeostasis. This acclaimed text explores the world from the cellular level, followed by a look at tissues and organs, and then moves on to a discussion of humans as organisms within a complex evolutionary and ecological environment. The focus on health and homeostasis allows students to learn key concepts while also assessing their own health needs and learning how to implement a healthy lifestyle.

Key Features • Features a reorganized chapter layout so content on the circulatory system and blood are presented before the chapter on nutrition and digestion. • Added new Point/Counterpoints on current topics of great interest, including vaccination against common diseases, vaccination against human papilloma virus, the safety of genetically modified organisms, and the safety of milk from cows treated with growth hormone.

• New topics added to this edition include primary cilia, hormonal control of hunger, effective treatments for insomnia, use of organs from pigs to repair damaged organs, health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, new information on HIV infections, genetic determination of sex, natural killer cells, and many more! ISBN-13: 978-1-284-03181-2 • 618 pages • © 2015 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: IB, IM, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF, NV, SG Learn More at:

Navigate Human Biology

ISBN: 978-1-284-03791-3 For more information, visit: or contact your Account Specialist at 1-800-832-0034


Navigate Human Biology is an easy-to-use and fully customizable online learning platform that combines authoritative content with interactive tools, assessments, and robust reporting and grading functionality. Incorporated in Navigate Human Biology, and offered as a standalone resource, is Navigate eFolio, an interactive and engaging eBook with embedded interactive exercises and assessment questions that serve as “speed bumps” to ensure students fully comprehend the material. Navigate Human Biology is fully hosted and supported by Jones & Bartlett Learning and is delivered in the Moodle™ Course Delivery System. Navigate component modules can also be configured for locally hosted learning management systems such as Blackboard, Desire2Learn, and others.

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Human Body Systems Structure, Function, and Environment Second Edition Daniel D. Chiras, Director, The Evergreen Institute

This text is an informative primer that focuses on the organ systems within the human body, and their part in health and disease. Focusing primarily on the organ systems that comprise the body, readers will learn the main parts of each system and how they operate, as well as what happens when things go wrong. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4793-3 • Paperback • 176 pages • © 2013 Additional Formats: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Learn More at:

Case Studies for Understanding the Human Body Second Edition Stanton Braude, Deena Goran, Alexander Miceli

Revised and updated, this outstanding resource is the ideal supplement for all students enrolled in an A&P or Human Biology course. The case exercises work well in a cooperative learning environment where students work together to review and solve open-ended questions or as homework assignments. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0499-8 • Paperback • 196 pages • © 2012 Additional Formats: CourseSmart, ExpressPDF Learn More at:

Human Anatomy and Physiology Coloring Workbook and Study Guide Third Edition Paul D. Anderson, Middlesex Community College

This valuable student resource is designed to help students learn introductory anatomy and physiology and is organized to complement the leading texts in the field. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-0054-6 • Paperback • 292 pages • © 2009 Learn More at:

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Human Physiology Cheryl Watson Central Connecticut State University

Designed for the one-semester undergraduate human physiology course, this text provides students with in-depth knowledge and appreciation of the fundamentals of human physiology. Each chapter integrates real-world case studies that allow students to exercise new skills. In addition, two continuing clinical case studies threaded throughout the text support students in understanding the ways in which physiological systems are affected by clinical conditions. The text’s structure encourages students to think in terms of larger structures and mechanisms, develop critical-thinking skills, apply knowledge, and synthesize information, rather than simply memorize facts.

Key Features • Provides a framework for understanding the fundamentals of human physiology from protein to organ system, preparing students for advanced physiology, pathophysiology or pharmacology courses. • Cellular communication, the autonomic nervous system, and the endocrine system, systems which control all the other body systems, are introduced early in the text. • Includes material not addressed by other texts, such as mitochondrial function and disorders which cause systemic disease.

Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals Jahangir Moini, Everest University

Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals provides a reliable, complete resource and reference on human anatomy and physiology. This comprehensive and accessible text is written specifically for health professions students and covers the most important topics and concepts to adequately prepare them for their future careers. Organized by review of structure and function, the subjects and systems covered in the book are easy to read and provide a concentrated core of study topics that highlights key areas of human anatomy and physiology.

Key Features • Over 350 Full-color Photos, Figures, Tables, and Illustrations • Glossary of Key Terms • Check Your Knowledge Boxes • Chapter Objectives and Learning Goals • Critical Thinking Questions • Chapter Review Questions with Answer Key ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-2214-5 Paperback • 424 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart, Kno Instructor Resources: AE, IB, IM, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, NV Learn More at:

ISBN-13: 978-1-284-03517-9 Paperback • 400 pages • © 2015 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: IB, IM, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF, NV Learn More at:


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Key Features • Narrated exercises fully engage students in the learning process. • Exercises and Assessment questions are offered in a variety of formats including drag and drop, order of processes, multiple choice, and fill-inthe-blank

• Includes 20 NEW interactive animations! • Brings key microbiology concepts to life through dynamic, interactive exercises. • Each animation is based on a real-world microbiology application. • “Speed Bump” questions throughout each animation ask students to pause and assess their understanding of the concept at hand.

The JONES & BARTLETT LEARNING suite of animations demonstrates the processes of: n Conjugation

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n Cell-mediated

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n Bacterial

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Growth Curve

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Fundamentals of Microbiology Tenth Edition

Jeffrey C. Pommerville Glendale Community College The tenth edition of the best-selling, awardwinning classic text Fundamentals of Microbiology provides nursing and allied health students with a firm foundation in microbiology. Updated to reflect the Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology as recommended by the American Society of Microbiology, the fully revised tenth edition includes all-new pedagogical features and the most current research data. This edition incorporates updates on infectious disease and the human microbiome, a revised discussion of the immune system, and an expanded Learning Design Concept feature that challenges students to develop critical-thinking skills.

Key Features • New Investigating the Microbial World feature in each chapter encourages students to participate in the scientific investigation process and challenges them to apply the process of science and quantitative reasoning through related actual experiments.

• Redesigned and updated figures and tables increase clarity and student understanding. • Includes new and revised critical thinking exercises included in the end-of-chapter material. • Incorporates updated and new MicroFocus and MicroInquiry boxes, and Textbook Cases.

ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-8861-5 • Hardcover • 913 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno, Vital Source Instructor Resources: AN, IB, IM, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: AN, CW, EF, LM, NV, SG Learn More at:

Alcamo’s Laboratory Fundamentals of Microbiology Tenth Edition Jeffrey C. Pommerville Glendale Community College

This popular lab manual offers thirty-four multi-part lab exercises designed to provide students with basic training in the handling of microorganisms, while exploring microbial properties and uses. This lab manual can also be used independently of the main text. ISBN-13: 978-1-284-03107-2 Spiral/Paperback • 356 pages • © 2011 Additional Format: Vital Source Instructor Resources: AN, IM


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A Comprehensive and Interactive Online Courseware Solution for Introductory Microbiology Courses Includes Interactive eBook! Navigate Fundamentals of Microbiology is a completely customizable, comprehensive, and interactive courseware solution for undergraduate introductory microbiology courses. Navigate Fundamentals of Microbiology transforms how students learn and instructors teach by bringing together authoritative and interactive content aligned to course objectives with student practice activities and assessments, and learning analytics reporting tools. Navigate Fundamentals of Microbiology empowers faculty and students with easy-to-use web-based curriculum solutions that optimize student success, identify retention risks, and improve completion rates.

Incorporated into Navigate Fundamentals of Microbiology and offered as a standalone resource, is Navigate eFolio, an interactive ebook with enhanced activities™ and engaging learning tools. Navigate eFolio is an exciting new choice for students and instructors looking for a more interactive learning experience. Navigate eFolio reinforces important concepts through exercises, enhanced diagrams, activities, and animations - bringing key concepts to life! Students can practice what they read and see immediate feedback on their performance. Navigate eFolio can be accessed from a computer or tablet device.

Navigate Fundamentals of Microbiology is a fully hosted and supported online learning solution delivered in the Moodle Course Delivery System. Navigate component modules can also be configured for locally hosted learning management systems such as Blackboard, Desire2Learn, and others. Experience Navigate Fundamentals of Microbiology at

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Alcamo’s Fundamentals of Microbiology

Body Systems, Second Edition Jeffrey C. Pommerville Glendale Community College Ideal for allied health and pre-nursing students, the thoroughly revised and updated second edition presents diseases, complete with new content on recent discoveries, in a manner that is directly applicable to students and organized by body system. A captivating art program includes more than 150 newly added and revised figures and tables, while new feature boxes, Textbook Cases, serve to better illuminate key concepts. Pommerville’s acclaimed “learning design” format enlightens and engages students right from the start, and new chapter conclusions round out each chapter, leaving readers with a clear understanding of key concepts.

Key Features • Includes over 150 new and revised figures and tables. • A learning design format enhances comprehension and includes activities designed to encourage student interaction and assessment. • MicroFocus boxes explore captivating topics concerning microbiology and microorganisms.

• MicroInquiry boxes allow students to interactively investigate a vital concept in the chapter. • Textbook Case boxes describe and analyze contemporary disease outbreaks. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3597-8 Hardcover • 944 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: AN, IB, NV, TB Student Resources: AN, CW, EF, LM, NV, SG Learn More at:

Encounters in Microbiology Jeffrey C. Pommerville Glendale Community College

In these two volumes, emergency room physicians and specialists are medical detectives in numerous “Vital Signs” articles from Discover Magazine. In these accounts, the patients suffer from serious and puzzling illnesses. The physicians must take the available evidence and narrow the possibilities. They need all of their experience, intuition, and a few crucial observations to diagnose the microbial disease.

Volume 1, Second Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5798-4 Paperback • 119 pages • © 2009 Additional Formats: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kindle, Google eBooks

Volume 2 ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5799-1 Paperback • 91 pages • © 2009 Additional Formats: CourseSmart, CafeScribe


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“Although there are thousands of microbe species, this fascinating book focuses on those that cause human disease...Each chapter now has a variety of ‘assists’ and ends with an overview and self-evaluation questions. At the end of the book are a well-done glossary, an appendix of references, and an index. There is also a companion website. The inside covers contain relevant headlines from Internet news or blogs relating to microbes.” Steven K. Hamick, BIS, RCP, RRT (William Beaumont Hospitals)

Doody’s Review Service: 5 Stars!

The Microbial Challenge

A Public Health Perspective, Third Edition Robert I Krasner Professor Emeritus, Providence College Teri Shors University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, Wisconsin The third edition of The Microbial Challenge: A Public Health Perspective focuses on humanmicrobe interactions and considers bacterial, viral, prion, protozoan, fungal and helminthic (worm) diseases. The response of the immune system, concepts of epidemiology, and measures of control from the individual to the international level to thwart potentially life-threatening epidemics are described. Sections on fungi and fungal diseases are new. The third edition includes new and contemporary information on vaccinations, antibiotic resistant microbes, practical disinfection information, virotherapy and emerging diseases. New boxes throughout the text feature items of human interest such as big and bizarre viruses, probiotics, rats, and synthetic biology. Ancillary instructor and student resources have been updated and expanded including the end of the chapter Self Evaluations.

Key Features • New end-of-chapter questions included in every chapter. • A wealth of new feature boxes add a real-world perspective to the topics at hand. • New data on virotherapy and prions as infectious agents • New and updated statistics and data tables included throughout the text • Includes the latest on emerging and reemerging infectious diseases as major health problems • A new section on fungi has been added. • Includes an extensive list of novels and readings based on microbes. • New images taken by the authors are now included in figures throughout the text. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-7375-8 Paperback • 550 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: AE, IB, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at:

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Alcamo’s Microbes and Society


Fourth Edition

Jeffrey C. Pommerville Glendale Community College Benjamin S. Weeks, Adelphi University The revised and updated Alcamo’s Microbes and Society, Fourth Edition is intended for liberal arts students taking a foundation course in the life sciences. It discusses the role of microbes in our everyday lives, from food production to their roll in biotechnology and the numerous other ways that microbes contribute to our world. It goes on to explore such topics as the function of microbes in ecological systems and environmental systems. Coverage of bioterrorism, antibiotic resistance, and microbial disease offer students a broad and current perspective of the extensive impact of various microbes. Consistent with Edward Alcamo’s student-friendly writing style, material is presented in a lively format that will engage students and highlight both the positive and negative impact that microorganisms have in our society.

Key Features • Each chapter begins with a “Looking Ahead” section to highlight the important topics covered within that section • New and revised “A Closer Look” boxes present historical insights, interesting asides, or discussion of the direction of current research • New “In the Headlines” boxes discuss recent microbial issues that have become mainstream news.

ISBN-13: 978-1-284-02347-3 Paperback • 480 pages • © 2015 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: AE, IB, PP, TB Learn More at:

Guide to Infectious Diseases by Body System Second Edition Jeffrey C. Pommerville, Glendale Community College

The ideal accompaniment to any microbiology, virology, human biology and allied health course, this guide is a mini atlas of microbial diseases afflicting humans. Organized by body system, each unit presents a brief introduction to the anatomical system and the bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic organisms infecting the system. Full-color anatomical illustrations are labeled with the diseases’ signs and symptoms. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0591-9 Paperback • 33 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: ExpressPDF, CafeScribe, Kno Learn More at:


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LEARNING LIKE NEVER BEFORE Navigate transforms how students learn and instructors teach by bringing together authoritative and interactive content aligned to course objectives, with student practice activities and assessments, study planning and remediation, and learning analytics reporting tools. Navigate empowers faculty and students with easy-to-use web-based curriculum solutions that optimize student success, identify retention risks, and improve completion rates. Using best practices in instructional design, Navigate uniquely focuses on developing students’ cognitive intelligence and practical skills needed for success in the 21st century workforce. Navigate courses and curriculum are instructionally designed and aligned to course objectives to enhance the teaching and learning experience in online, on-ground, or hybrid environments. Navigate eFolio is an exciting alternative for instructors and students looking for a more interactive learning experience than a print textbook provides.

Designed to accompany a textbook, a Navigate Companion Website features interactive and informative learning resources that gauge understanding and help students study more effectively. Navigate Scenario takes the virtual learning experience to a new level by giving students the opportunity to apply knowledge in authentic, contextualized environments.

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historical aspects of virology. Updated throughout to keep pace with this fast-moving field, the text provides a strong, comprehensive introduction to human viral diseases. New material on molecular virology as well as new virus families presented, coupled with chapters on viral diseases of nonhuman animals; the history of clinical trials, gene therapy, and xenotranplantation; prions and viroids; plant viruses; and bacteriophages add to the scope of the text. Chapters discussing specific viral diseases weave in an epidemiological and global perspective and include treatment and prevention information. Contemporary case studies, Refresher Boxes, and Virus Files engage students in the learning process.

Key Features • Contains new material on molecular virology as well as new virus families presented within the text. • Provides a full-color design and rich pedagogy to help students understand and retain key concepts. • Combines molecular, clinical, and historical aspects of virology. • Includes new information on the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic.

Understanding Viruses Second Edition

Teri Shors University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh Written for undergraduate students majoring in biology, microbiology, medical technology, or premed, the Second Edition of Understanding Viruses provides a balanced approach to this fascinating discipline, combining the molecular, clinical, and

ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4892-3 Paperback • 704 pages • © 2013 Additional Formats: CourseSmart, Google eBooks, Kindle, Kno Instructor Resources: AN, IB, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: AN, CW, NV Learn More at:

Encounters in Virology Teri Shors University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh Encounters in Virology engages readers with 14 fascinating and thought-provoking case studies pulled from headline news. Each account describes an individual viral disease, along with the signs and symptoms that accompany it, and asks students to become medical detectives as they move along to identify and diagnose these potentially lifethreatening viral diseases. An ideal supplement to any microbiology or virology course, as well as an entertaining and informative read, Encounters in Virology is sure to bring these realistic medical tales to life as readers race against time to solve these medical mysteries. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7349-6 Paperback • 104 pages • © 2013 Additional Formats: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno


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AIDS Science and Society, Seventh Edition Hung Y. Fan, Ross F. Conner, and Luis P. Villarreal All of University of California, Irvine

The seventh edition of this best-selling text provides readers with a solid overview of AIDS from both a biomedical and a psychosocial perspective. The authors cover the molecular and cellular aspects of the virus and the immune system’s response to it, and examine epidemiology and its role in understanding HIV and AIDS. The use of understandable vocabulary and clear illustrations, along with updated biomedical data and the most current statistics on AIDS available, makes AIDS: Science and Society an engaging resource for students, researchers, and general readers. ISBN-13: 978-1-284-02551-4 • Paperback • 248 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at:


AIDS The Biological Basis, Sixth Edition Benjamin S. Weeks, Adelphi University Teri Shors, University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh

The sixth edition of this award-winning text continues to educate students about effectively controlling the spread of HIV and AIDS. Designed for non-science majors taking a special topics and/or general education course, AIDS: The Biological Basis is a comprehensive and accessible text that explores the history of AIDS, includes the latest information on HIV testing, and provides background material to help students understand the biological basis of this continuing pandemic. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-1488-1 Paperback • 350 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, PP, TB Learn More at:

How Pathogenic Viruses Think Making Sense of Virology, Second Edition Lauren Sompayrac, University of Colorado, Boulder

How Pathogenic Viruses Think covers the essential elements of virushost interactions with descriptive graphics, helpful mnemonic tactics for retaining the information, and brief reviews of important concepts. It is an ideal book to help medical, science, and nursing students make sense of this complex subject. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4579-3 Paperback • 170 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: Kindle, Google eBooks, Nook Learn More at:

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Essential Genetics


A Genomics Perspective, Sixth Edition

Analysis of Genes and Genomes, Eighth Edition

Daniel L. Hartl, Harvard University

Daniel L. Hartl, Harvard University

Designed for the shorter, less comprehensive course, the Sixth Edition presents carefully chosen topics that provide a solid foundation to the basic understanding of gene mutation, expression, and regulation. It goes on to discuss the development and progression of genetics as a field of study within a societal and historical context. The Sixth Edition includes new learning objectives within each chapter which helps students identify what they should know as a result of their studying and highlights the skills they should acquire through various practice problems.

Maryellen Ruvolo, Harvard University

Key Features • Each chapter includes several different types and levels of problems, including: concept, synthesis, and discussion questions, problem solving questions, and application and analysis problems. • The topic of Human Evolutionary Genetics is integrated throughout. • An electronic Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual is available, containing chapter summaries, key terms, and extra study questions, as well as worked solutions for all Concepts in Action problems. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-8688-8 Paperback • 574 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno, Vital Source Instructor Resources: IB, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF, NV, SG Learn More at:


The updated Eighth Edition provides a clear, balanced, and comprehensive introduction to genetics and genomics. It continues to treat transmission genetics, molecular genetics, and evolutionary genetics as fully integrated subjects and provide students with an unprecedented understanding of the basic process of gene transmission, mutation, expression, and regulation. New chapter openers include a new section highlighting scientific competencies, while end-of-chapter Guide to Problem-Solving sections demonstrate the concepts needed to efficiently solve problems and understand the reasoning behind the correct answer.

Key Features • Contains a new chapter on Human Evolutionary Genetics • Includes new section, Telomere Length Limits and Number of Cell Doublings, in Chapter 7. • A new section, CNV with Reciprocal Risks of Autism and Schizophrenia, has been added to Chapter 8. • A new section, Translation Proofreading and Premature Termination, has been added to Chapter 10. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3596-1 Hardcover • 804 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart, Google eBooks, Kno Instructor Resources: AE, IB, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF, NV, SG Learn More at:

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Strickberger’s Evolution


Fifth Edition

Principles and Processes

Brian K. Hall, Dalhousie University

Brian K. Hall, Dalhousie University

Benedikt Hallgrímsson, University of Calgary

Now with a new full color design and art program, the Fifth Edition of Strickberger’s Evolution is updated with the latest data and updates from the field. The authors carefully modified the chapter order in an effort to provide a more clear and student-friendly presentation of course material. The original scope and theme of this popular text remains, as it continues to present an overview of prevailing evidence and theories about evolution by discussing how the world and its organisms arose and changed over time. New boxed features concentrating on modern and exciting research in the field are included throughout the text.

Key Features • New Full color design and art program • Maintains the student-friendly engaging writing-style for which it is known • A reorganized chapter order provides a more clear and accessible presentation of course material. • Chapters on the evolution of biodiversity are now found on the text’s website. • New boxed features highlight new and exciting research in the field.

Written for those with a minimal science background, Evolution: Principles and Processes provides a concise introduction of evolutionary topics for the one-term course. Using an engaging writing style and a wealth of full-color illustrations, Hall covers topics from the origin of universe, Earth, the origin of life, and on to how humans influence the evolution of other species. He brings together the principles and processes that explain evolutionary change and discusses the patterns of life that have resulted from the operation of evolution over the past 3.5 billion years. This overview, coupled with numerous case studies and examples, helps readers understand and truly appreciate the origin and diversity of life. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6039-7 Paperback • 442 pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart, Google eBooks, Kindle, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at:

ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-9192-9 Hardcover • 646 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at:

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Lewin’s CELLS Third Edition George Plopper Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute David Sharp, Albert Einstein School of Medicine Eric Sikorski, University of Tampa

The ideal text for advanced undergraduate and graduate cell biology courses, the Third Edition of Lewin’s CELLS continues to offer current coverage of the structure, organization, growth, regulation, movements, and interaction of cells, with an emphasis on eukaryotic cells. Revised and updated to reflect the most recent research in cell biology, the Third Edition includes expanded chapters on Nuclear Structure and Transport, Chromatin and Chromosomes, Apoptosis, Principles of Cell Signaling, The Extracellular Matrix and Cell Adhesion, Plant Cell Biology, and more. All-new design features and a chapter-by-chapter emphasis on key concepts enhance pedagogy and emphasize retention and application of new skills. Thorough, accessible, and essential, Lewin’s CELLS, Third Edition, turns a new and sharper lens on the fundamental units of life.

Key Features • Contains design features specifically intended to enhance pedagogy, including Key Concepts, What’s Next?, and Concept and Reasoning Checks • Features new, more student-friendly illustrations ISBN-13: 978-1-284-02939-0 Hardcover • 1026 pages • © 2015 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: IB, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at:


Principles of Cell Biology George Plopper Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

With a concept-based approach, the text focuses on the underlying principles that illustrate both how cells function as well as how we study them. It identifies 10 specific principles of Cell Biology, and devotes a separate chapter to illustrate each. The result is a shift away from the traditional focus on technical details and towards a more integrative view of cellular activity that is flexible and can be tailored to suit students with a broad range of backgrounds. An informal, narrative writing style makes even the most complex concepts accessible to students new to the scientific field, including eliminating much of the technical complexity that many students find intimidating.

Key Features • Ten Principle-based chapters build on the foundation laid out in the first four chapters of the text, with heavy emphasis on linking concepts across multiple chapters. • New vocabulary terms are introduced gradually, after the concepts have been established, thereby de-emphasizing memorization of names. • Marginal boxes throughout each chapter include studying tips, clarifications of apparent contradictions, explanations of naming schemes, FAQ, and more. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3751-4 Paperback • 510 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: CourseSmart, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF, NV Learn More at:

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Principles of Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology

Burton E. Tropp, Queens College/CUNY

Burton E. Tropp, Queens College/CUNY

Written for the more concise course, this text is modeled after Burton Tropp’s successful Molecular Biology: Genes to Proteins and is appropriate for the sophomore level course. After an introduction to molecular biology, an overview of protein structure and function is presented, and from there the text covers the various roles of technology in elucidating the central concepts of molecular biology, from both a historical and contemporary perspective.

Newly revised and updated, the Fourth Edition is a comprehensive guide through the basic molecular processes and genetic phenomena of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Written for the undergraduate and first year graduate students within molecular biology or molecular genetics, the text incorporates a biochemical approach as well as a discovery approach that provides historical and experimental information within the context of the narrative.

ISBN-13: 978-1-4496- 8917-9 Paperback • 752 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: AN, IB, PP, TB Student Resources: AN, CW

ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0091-4 Hardcover • 1100 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: AE, AN, IB, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: AN, CW, EF, NV

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Genes to Proteins, Fourth Edition

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Molecular Biology Animations Enhance Student Understanding with Interactive Molecular Biology Animations! Appropriate for use with any Jones & Bartlett Learning Molecular Biology text, the Molecular Biology Animations bring fascinating molecular biology concepts to life with a collection of vivid, interactive animations with assessment activities built-in. Animations include: n Eukaryotic Translation n Purification of mRNA n Okazaki Fragment Maturation n And more! ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-8877-6 Online access • © 2014

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Lewin’s Essential GENES Third Edition Jocelyn E. Krebs University of Alaska, Anchorage Elliott S. Goldstein, Arizona State University Stephen T. Kilpatrick University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown

Lewin’s Essential GENES, Third Edition, provides students with a comprehensive overview of molecular biology and molecular genetics. The authors carefully modified the chapter order in an effort to provide a more clear and student-friendly presentation of course material. Chapter material has been updated throughout, including a completely revised chapter on regulatory RNA. The Third Edition’s exceptional pedagogy enhances student learning and helps readers understand and retain key material.

Key Features • Completely revised chapter on Regulatory RNA provides new information in this rapidly advancing field. • The four replication chapters have been completely reorganized and include new sections describing eukaryote cell cycle control of replication. • Concept and Reasoning Checks at the end of each chapter section ask students to pause and assess their understanding. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4479-6 Paperback • 850 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: CourseSmart, Kno Instructor Resources: AE, AN, IB, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: AN, CW, EF, NV

Lewin’s GENES XI Jocelyn E. Krebs University of Alaska, Anchorage Elliott S. Goldstein, Arizona State University Stephen T. Kilpatrick University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown

Lewin’s GENES has long been the essential resource for providing the teaching community with the most modern presentation to this dynamic area of study. Lewin’s GENES XI continues this tradition by introducing the most current data from the field, covering gene structure, sequencing, organization, and expression. It has enlisted a wealth of subjectmatter experts, from top institutions, to provide content updates and revisions in their individual areas of study. A reorganized chapter presentation provides a clear, more studentfriendly introduction to course material than ever before.

Key Features • Updated content throughout to keep pace with this fast-paced field. • Expanded coverage describing the connection between replication and the cell cycle is included, and presents eukaryotes as well as prokaryotes. • Available with the interactive Molecular Biology Animations. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-5985-1 Hardcover • 940 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: AN, IB, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: AN, CW, EF, NV Learn More at:

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Exploring Bioinformatics

Raymond S. Ochs, St. John’s University

A Project-Based Approach, Second Edition

Biochemistry is a single-semester text designed for undergraduate non-biochemistry majors. Accessible, engaging, and informative, Biochemistry is the perfect introduction to the subject for students who may approach chemistry with apprehension. Biochemistry’s unique emphasis on metabolism and its kinetic underpinnings gives the text up-to-the-minute relevance for students investigating current public health concerns such as obesity and diabetes. Biochemistry will encourage students to explore the basics of chemistry and its influence on biological problems.

Key Features • Introductory material at the beginning of each chapter that contextualizes chapter themes in real-life scenarios • Vocabulary terms defined at the end of each chapter as well as in a comprehensive glossary • Synthesis questions at the end of each chapter encourage students to make connections between concepts and ideas, as well as develop critical thinking skills • Online supporting materials with further opportunities for research and investigation ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-6137-3 Hardcover • 414 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: AE, IB, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF, NV Learn More at:

Caroline St. Clair, North Central College Jonathan E. Visick, North Central College

The updated Second Edition is intended for an introductory course in bioinformatics at the undergraduate level. Through hands-on projects, students are introduced to current biological problems and explore and develop bioinformatics solutions to these issues. Each chapter presents a key problem, provides basic biological concepts, introduces computational techniques to address the problem, and guides students through the use of existing web-based tools and software solutions. This progression prepares students to tackle the On-Your-Own Project, where they develop their own software solutions.

Key Features • Offers a flexible approach to understanding key bioinformatics algorithms with exercises that can be used with or without programming. • Includes more substantive web-based projects for a more comprehensive, handson introduction to bioinformatics. • Contains updated material reflecting changes in how bioinformatics is used: next-generation sequencing, metagenomic analysis, statistical methods, etc. ISBN-13: 978-1-284-03424-0 Paperback • 360 pages • © 2015 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: SC Student Resources: CW, SC Learn More at:

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An Introduction to Zoology

Sixth Edition

Investigating the Animal World

Terry A. Vaughan, James M. Ryan, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Joseph Springer and Dennis Holley

Nicholas J. Czaplewski, University of Oklahoma

Thoroughly updated, the Sixth Edition explains and clarifies the subject as a unified whole. The text begins by defining mammals and summarizing their origins. It moves on to discuss the orders and families of mammals with comprehensive coverage on the fossil history, current distribution, morphological characteristics, and basic behavior and ecology of each family of mammals. The third part of the text progresses to discuss special topics such as mammalian echolocation, physiology, behavior, ecology, and zoogeography. The text concludes with two additional chapters, previously available online, that cover mammalian domestication and mammalian disease and zoonoses.

Key Features • Presents a more thorough use of phylogenetically-based mammalian relationships to reflect the recent extraordinary activity in mammalian biology. • Includes new thought-provoking boxes throughout to illuminate current mammalian topics, including platypus electroreception, the origin of Eutherians, terrestrial pollination syndrome, Echidna reproductive anatomy, and many more. ISBN-13: 978-1-284-03209-3 Paperback • 750 pages • © 2015 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: DQ, IB, PP Learn More at:


Written for the one-term, undergraduate course, An Introduction to Zoology: Investigating the Animal World provides students with an accessible and engaging look at the fundamentals of zoology. This student-friendly text is driven by the underlying concepts of zoology rather than the memorization of terminology from the field. The authors take care to write in a style students can relate to as to not overwhelm them with encyclopedic passages. They provide Connects sections at the end of each chapter which discuss how the animals in the chapter connect to students from an economic, ecologic, medical, and cultural perspective, to emphasize how the animal world and the human realm are intimately intertwined.

Key Features • Based on current educational research • Student-friendly, accessible writing style • Connects sections detail how animals in the chapter connect to the students economically, ecologically, medically, and culturally. • End-of-chapter questions include many creative and critical thinking questions that challenge and engage students. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4891-6 Hardcover • 614 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: CourseSmart, Google eBooks, Kindle, Kno Instructor Resources: AE, IB, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at:

5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 |


Essential Invitation to Oceanography

Invitation to Oceanography

Paul R. Pinet, Colgate University

Paul R. Pinet, Colgate University

Intended for the more concise course, Essential Invitation to Oceanography provides a thorough introduction to oceanographic concepts while omitting advanced topics that some courses do not require. Written for the non-science student, this text lets readers explore how the oceans work while explaining their relevance within the four major divisions of ocean science— geology, chemistry, physics, and biology. A student-friendly writing style and rich pedagogy help students fully understand and retain the important concepts at hand, and feature boxes throughout engage them with the fascinating discoveries in oceanography.

The updated Sixth Edition provides a modern, comprehensive, and student-friendly introduction to oceanography. Its content spans the four major divisions of ocean science— geology, chemistry, physics, and biology—while maintaining the conversational voice for which it is acclaimed. It includes new content on oceanographic research, oceanographic exploration, Pacific Ocean circulation, and the deep-sea bottom, as well as numerous updated and expanded feature boxes.

Key Features • An accessible writing style provides a clear introduction to important concepts in oceanography. • Provides students with the latest data and discoveries in this fascinating field. • Environmental Issues sections ask students to think critically about real-world oceanographic problems facing society. • Online access code for the companion website included with every new printed text. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-8643-7 Paperback • 486 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF, NV

Sixth Edition

Key Features • A rich pedagogy provides numerous feature boxes, end-of-chapter assessments, and an integrated student companion website to assist in student understanding and retention. • New and revised figures keep pace with the latest data in the field. • Updated feature boxes include: Killer Whales, Large Sharks, Collapse of the New England Fisheries, Red Tides, and many more. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4802-2 Paperback • 620 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, IM, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF, NV Learn More at:

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MARINE SCIENCE environments in which they live. The authors present selected groups of marine organisms to develop an understanding of biological principles and processes that are basic to all forms of life in the sea. To build on these basics, they present information that discusses the taxonomy, evolution, ecology, behavior, and physiology of these groups. The tenth edition also includes the most recent coverage of breakthroughs in research and technology, and maintains the accessible, studentfriendly style for which it is known.

Key Features

Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life Tenth Edition

John Morrissey, Sweet Briar College James L. Sumich, Grossmont College Thoroughly revised and updated, the tenth edition of Morrissey and Sumich’s classic text, Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life, provides a clear and engaging introduction into the exciting world of marine organisms and the extraordinary

• Every chapter has been reviewed and updated with the latest data in the field. • Includes new chapters that cover warm- and cold-bodied vertebrates. • New end-of-section summaries within every chapter reinforce key concepts. • Questions for Discussion and Review, which encourage further in-depth exploration of covered topics, have been revised and updated. • Chapter 13 contains state-of-the-art updates about global fisheries and landings, aquaculture, and the prognosis for the future ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8160-6 Paperback • 472 pages • © 2012 Additional Formats: CourseSmart Kindle, Kno Instructor Resources: AN, IB, IM, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, LM Learn More at:

Laboratory and Field Investigations in Marine Life, Tenth Edition Gordon H. Dudley, Grossmont College James L Sumich, Grossmont College Virginia L. Dudley, Grossmont College This laboratory manual further engages students in the excitement and challenges of understanding marine organisms and the environment in which they live. This edition boasts an enhanced pedagogy and includes new expanded labs and a more thorough examination of the topics through observation and critical thinking activities ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0501-8 Paperback • 222 pages • © 2012 Additional Formats: CafeScribe, CourseSmart Learn More at:


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An Introduction to Marine Mammal Biology and Conservation

Marine Environmental Biology and Conservation

E.C.M. Parsons, George Mason University

Marine Environmental Biology and Conservation provides an introduction to the environmental and anthropogenic threats facing the world’s oceans, and outlines the steps that can and should be taken to protect these vital habitats. It begins with a brief overview of the essentials of marine biology and oceanography necessary to understand the conservation material. The book then moves through the different habitats in the marine environment, such as coastal ecosystems, the open ocean, and the deep sea, exploring the organisms that live there, and what conservation dangers and solutions affect these areas.

Intended for the upper-level undergraduate or graduate student within biology, marine biology, or conservation/environmental science, An Introduction to Marine Mammal Biology and Conservation provides a broad introduction to marine mammal biology using cutting edge information and student-friendly learning tools. The text begins with chapters on the evolution and classification of marine mammals and their general biology. It moves on to discuss the behavior and ecology of different groups of marine mammals, such as polar bears, otters, and cetaceans. Part 3 dives into many different conservation issues facing marine mammals, as well as discussions on how they can be addressed. Closing chapters provide information on how scientists study marine mammals, how society can enjoy observing the animals while making sure they are preserved, and a word to students looking to pursue a career with marine mammals.

Key Features • Helpful Sidebars are included throughout to refresh basic biological information. • Includes hot topic discussion boxes written by top researchers in the field. • Point/Counterpoints on controversials issues make for great in-class discussion.

Daniel Beckman, Missouri State University

Key Features • Cover such vital topics as endangered species, overfishing, and current legislation that protects marine environments. • Includes chapter summaries and objectives, with an emphasis on critical thinking, and boxes addressing special topics of student interest. • Provides readers with a comprehensive look at modern threats facing today’s oceans. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7350-2 Paperback • 452 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: IB Learn More at:

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8344-0 Paperback • 350 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: IB Learn More at:

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Dynamic Earth

Earth’s Evolving Systems

An Introduction to Physical Geology

The History of Planet Earth

Eric H. Christiansen, Brigham Young University

Earth’s Evolving Systems: The History of Planet Earth is intended as an introductory text that examines the evolution of the Earth and its life from a systems point of view. It covers major topics like the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere, and discusses how these systems interacted with each other and evolved through geologic time.

W. Kenneth Hamblin

Designed for introductory courses in Physical or Introductory Geology found in departments of Geology, Earth Science, or Physical Science, Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology offers solid coverage of the two major energy systems of Earth: the plate tectonic system and the hydrologic cycle. The text fulfills the needs of professors with current content and a striking illustration package, while exposing students to the global view of Earth and teaching them to look at the world as geologists do.

Key Features • Contains up-to-date information on major geologic events, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, floods, and more. • Includes the most contemporary climatic data to keep pace in this ever-evolving field. • Utilizes digital topographic maps to help readers see the detail of the sea floor and continental topography. These maps serve as a visual study aid for students. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-5984-4 Paperback • 775 pages • © 2015 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at:

Ronald Martin, University of Delaware

Key Features • Presents the Earth as a continuously evolving and dynamic planet whose history consists of a succession of vastly different worlds very much unlike our modern Earth. • Discusses the scientific method in Chapter 1, emphasizing how historical geology differs from the standard “scientific method” presented as the paradigm of experimental sciences and of all science. • Bridges traditional historical geology texts by discussing historical information in the context of the interaction and integration of Earth systems through geologic time by using the tectonic (Wilson) cycle as a unifying theme. • Discusses rapid climate change and anthropogenic impacts in the context of a continuously evolving Earth whose environments are now being altered by anthropogenic climate change. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4890-9 Paperback • 700 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at:


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Environmental Geology Today

Earth’s Natural Resources

Robert L. McConnell, Professor Emeritus, University of Mary Washington

Earth’s Natural Resources provides a thorough overview of the subject and details how natural resources relate to individuals and our society. It discusses how the Earth’s natural resources form and change over time, how they are extracted for human use, and how we can continue to sustainably use them with our ever-growing global population. In each section, the author discusses the science of the element under consideration, as well as any environmental and sustainability concerns that have arisen as humans have harvested the resources with increasing effectiveness.

Daniel C. Abel, Coastal Carolina University

Designed for the undergraduate, introductory environmental geology course for majors and non-majors alike, Environmental Geology Today presents the core geological principles and explores the effects of humanity on the physical environment. Contemporary case studies throughout encourage students to use their critical thinking skills to dissect data and the subject matter as part of their overall analysis. Using simple math, graphing, and critical thinking, the authors challenge students to analyze aspects of the data, honing their basic math and analytical skills.

Key Features • Numerous contemporary case studies engage students in the material and maintain their interest. • Math is introduced in a non-threatening, step-by-step manner, allowing students to identify their own errors early in the process, thereby gradually building confidence in their mathematical abilities. • Features global, national, and regional issues, but also shows students how to retrieve and use information to address critical local issues like population growth and development, air and water pollution, land use, and waste disposal. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-8487-7 Paperback • 824 pages • © 2015 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: IB, PP, TB Student Resources: CW

John V. Walther, Southern Methodist University

Key Features • Provides a thorough overview of our natural resources and how society affects these resources • Includes discussion of where natural resources occur, how they are concentrated, how they are extracted, and the extent of their supply and usage • Contains content on the latest alternative energy resources • Offers end-of-chapter material including, chapter summaries, key term listings, problems, and references ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3234-2 Paperback • 434 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: AE, IB, PP Learn More at:

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Environmental Science

Environmental Science

Ninth Edition

Systems and Solutions Fifth Edition

Daniel D. Chiras Director, The Evergreen Institute

The updated Ninth Edition provides a comprehensive, student-friendly introduction to the environmental issues facing society today and offers numerous solutions for how we can create a more sustainable way of life. It focuses on the underlying cause of environmental problems and presents both sides of the issue at hand. Each chapter highlights critical analysis to help students determine how to approach these complex topics and determine the merits of the debates for themselves. The Ninth Edition includes updated and expanded coverage of environmental economics, ecology, and the application of science and technology as it applies to environmental concerns.

Key Features • New and updated Go Green marginal notes provide helpful, inexpensive, and practical tips which will help us all build a sustainable future. • Chapter 15, Foundations of a Sustainable Energy System, includes new content on energy-conservation options, fuel efficiency standards, electric cars, and ‘green buildings’. • Stresses critical thinking skills by urging students to analyze complex issues and make rational decisions on key topics. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4531-1 Paperback • 672 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, IM, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF, NV

Michael L. McKinney, University of Tennessee Robert Schoch, and Logan Yonavjak

The updated Fifth Edition explains the concepts and teaches the skills needed to understand multi-faceted, and often very complex environmental issues. The authors present the arguments, rebuttals, evidence, and counterevidence from many sides of the debate. The Fifth Edition includes new Science in Action boxes which feature cutting-edge case studies and essays, contributed by subject matter experts, that highlight recent and ongoing research within environmental science. With an “Earth as a system” approach the text continues to emphasize Earth’s intricate web of interactions among the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere, and how we are central components in these four spheres

Key Features • Revised and updated to reflect current trends and statistics within Environmental Science. • New content on renewable energy, solar panels, and compact fluorescent light bulbs. • The latest information on Hydropower and the advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectric energy. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-6139-7 Paperback • 696 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at:

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GameScapes for Environmental Science A Personalized Learning Journey Where Students LEARN by BEING Navigate Scenario: GameScapes for Environmental Science are “day-in-the-life” learning simulations that immerse students in photo-realistic settings with interactive video-characters and engaging storylines. In this GameScape, students must work to implement solutions that are environmentally safe and socially beneficial to a fictitious town using critical thinking skills after they have explored, researched, and interviewed key characters. Each episode is mapped to key course learning objectives. Creativity, quick thinking, and deductive reasoning play a key role in students’ ability to successfully analyze the situation, and a game-like point system will both measure performance and provide a sense of competition.

Key Features of Navigate Scenario: GameScapes for Environmental Science: n Online

Learning Simulation immerses students in the roles of key players

n Presents

‘day in the life’ situations students can expect to encounter in their career

n Interactive

videos, characters and storylines engage students in the story and content

n Uses

content mapped to Learning Objectives for an introductory environmental science course

n Game-like

point system measures performance so students can track their comprehension of the content

Navigate Scenario: GameScapes for Environmental Science is an ideal, engaging, and interactive compliment to your Introductory Environmental Science course. Talk to your account specialist for bundling Navigate Scenario: GameScapes for Environmental Science with Environmental Science, Ninth Edition (ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4531-1) or Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions, Fifth Edition (ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-6139-7) View a brief video at

Contact your Account Specialist to learn more and to schedule a personal live demo. Sign Up to Receive Updates and Special Offers:



Principles of Environmental Chemistry Third Edition

James E. Girard American University Appropriate for students with a general chemistry background, Principles of Environmental Chemistry, Third Edition helps students understand environmental issues and the underlying chemistry. It emphasizes that all parts of the environment are made up of chemicals, and that the natural processes continuously occurring in the environment all involve chemical reactions. With this textbook, students will see the connection between natural environmental processes and human behavior.

Key Features • Includes a new chapter on Green Chemistry • Reintroduced the chapter discussing soil and agriculture • Includes additional chemical equations throughout • A new key term glossary is now included at the end of the text as well as additional chemical equations throughout the text. • A downloadable student study guide and problem solving solutions manual is available

ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-9352-7 Hardcover • 712 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno, VitalSource Instructor Resources: AE, PP Student Resources: CW Learn More at:

Restoration Ecology Sigurdur Greipsson Kennesaw State University

This text opens with a look at ecological perspectives of restoration, including nutrient cycling and factors that regulate ecosystem function. The text then moves on to discuss the ecological theories that have shaped restoration ecology, and moves on to sections devoted to restoration in practice, providing accounts of real restoration of various ecosystems. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4219-5 Paperback • 408 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart, Kno Instructor Resources: PP Learn More at:


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An Introduction to Plant Biology, Fifth Edition James D. Mauseth University of Texas, Austin The updated and revised Fifth Edition provides a modern and comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of botany while retaining the important focus of natural selection, analysis of botanical phenomena, and diversity. Students are first introduced to topics that should be most familiar (plant structure), proceed to those less familiar (plant physiology and development), and conclude with topics that are likely least familiar to the introductory student (genetics, evolution, and ecology). The text provides the latest material on molecular biology and plant biotechnology to keep pace with these advancing areas of study. All sections are written to be self-contained, allowing for a flexible presentation of course material.

Key Features • Includes new content on molecular biology, plant biotechnology, and the most recent coverage of taxonomy and phylogeny of plants. • Now available with a new electronic laboratory manual. • Plants Do Things Differently boxes help students understand and compare plant biology with human biology.

• End-of-chapter study guide includes nearly 50 or more questions in each chapter, urging students to test themselves on the most important points in the chapter. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-6580-7 Hardcover • 696 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, IM, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF, LM, NV Learn More at:

Botany A Lab Manual Stacy Pfluger, Angelina College

Botany: A Lab Manual is designed to provide students with a hands-on learning experience that will enhance their understanding of plant biology. It includes a detailed examination of plant structure, plant groups, genetics, classification, and other topics pertinent to understanding plants. In addition, this manual includes added labs that move beyond the standard plant anatomy and plant group exercises and are incorporated into all botany laboratory sections. This additional content enables instructors to customize their instruction by choosing those labs that best match the emphasis in their individual course.

COMBINE & CUSTOMIZE Botany, Fifth Edition with Botany: A Lab Manual with PUBLISH. See page 6 for more information.

ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-6568-5 ExpressPDF • 328 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: VitalSource Instructor Resources: AE, IB Learn More at:

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Plants & People

Plant Biochemistry

James D. Mauseth, University of Texas, Austin

Florence Gleason, University of Minnesota

Plants play a role in the environment, in food, beverage, and drug production, as well as human health. Written for the introductory, non-science major course, Plants & People outlines the practical, economical, and environmental aspects of plants’ interactions with humans and the earth. It provides comprehensive coverage of plants in the environment – global warming, deforestation, biogeography – as well as the role plants play in food, fiber, and medicine.

Raymond Chollet University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Key Features • Written in a conversational style that is accessible to non-science majors. • Botanical phenomena, such as annuals vs. perennials, or herbaceous plants vs. woody, are illustrated with plants familiar to most students. • Each chapter discusses terms of critical global issues such as climate change, deforestation, pollution, and more. • Where appropriate, plant and human biology are compared. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-5717-8 Paperback • 502 pages • © 2013 Additional Format: CourseSmart, Kno Instructor Resources: IB, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, LM Learn More at:

Written for the upper-level undergraduate and graduate course, Plant Biochemistry provides a comprehensive, studentfriendly introduction to this fascinating area of study. It opens with a discussion of perhaps the most important biochemical processes on the plant: Photosynthesis and carbon fixation in plants. An introduction to carbohydrates, their usage and their storage, is followed by a discussion of primary cell wall structure and synthesis, as well as coverage of the metabolism of inorganic nutrients such as nitrogen and sulfur. To ensure full student comprehension and retention, the text introduces basic metabolic pathways for the synthesis of lipids, steroids, and aromatic amino acids before discussing natural products such as lignin, flavonoids, and alkaloids.

Key Features • Offers a student-friendly, accessible, and simplified introduction to plant biochemistry. • A complete ancillary package provides the pedagogical tools essential for student learning. • Covers the latest findings in the field. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6401-2 Paperback • 248 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: PP Learn More at:


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Understanding the Atmosphere, Fourth Edition

Third Edition

Steven A. Ackerman University of Wisconsin-Madison

Anthony J. Vega, Clarion University

John A. Knox, University of Georgia

The updated Fourth Edition engages students with real-world examples and a captivating narrative. It includes new content on recent meteorological topics including geomagnetic storms, normal temperatures, extreme rainfall, flooding, global-scale winds, tornado outbreaks and debris, air pollution in China, the hole in the ozone layer, ocean acidification, and many more engaging topics. New sections on Superstorm Sandy and Cyclone Forecasting, the tornadoes of 2011, and conceptual models of frontal systems have been added making the Fourth Edition the most up-to-date and invaluable resource available.

Key Features • Mathematical details are provided in an easy-to-understand manner accessible to non-majors. • Uses conceptual models, visualization of life cycles, and engaging narrative to make weather phenomena come alive. • Learning Applets are integrated into the text and appeal to today’s visually-oriented students in an interactive, game-like virtual environment. The Learning Applets have been updated to HTML5 and are compatible with mobile devices. ISBN-13: 978-1-284-03080-8 Paperback • 576 pages • © 2015 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: EF, IB, IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF Learn More at:

Robert V. Rohli, Louisiana State University

The thoroughly updated Third Edition provides students with a comprehensive foundation of the climatic system. It includes a discussion on air/ sea interactions to assist readers in understanding this critical aspect of the earth/atmosphere system. Using a regional approach, discussions progress to more advanced concepts, such as microscale processes; climatic water balance; global atmospheric circulation; climatic classification; the spatial variability of climates; and much more. With additional quantitative and paleoclimatology material, Climatology, Third Edition encourages readers to think critically about the climate system while developing a sense of social responsibility.

Key Features • Without the use of calculus, quantitative treatment is included where necessary to provide students with detailed explanation of the processes discussed that is needed at this upper-level. • A revised art program offers enhanced clarity and gradation of all maps, climographs, and images to better illustrate the diversity of climate within varying climate types. • Provides greater emphasis on current topics, including the “shale revolution,” the behavior of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, the weakening or possible reversal of “global dimming” in the 21st century and more. ISBN-13: 978-1-284-03230-7 Paperback • 470 pages • © 2015 Additional Format: CourseSmart Instructor Resources: IB, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at:

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In Quest of the Universe Seventh Edition

Theo Koupelis, Edison State College Designed for the non-science major, In Quest of the Universe, Seventh Edition provides a comprehensive, accessible introduction to astronomy, while taking students on an exciting trek through our solar system and beyond. Updated throughout, the author unfolds historical and contemporary theories in astronomy to provide a clear account of how the science works. His student-friendly writing style and clear explanations acquaint students with our own solar system before moving on to the stars and distant galaxies. The rich pedagogy engages students and motivates them to think critically and develop basic reasoning skills in their studies.

Key Features • Update throughout with the latest discoveries in the field, with new and expanded content found in each chapter. • Additional critical thinking and problem solving exercises are included at the end of each chapter. • New Comparative Planetology boxes and data tables throughout examine the similarities and differences in the geology, evolution, and atmospheres of all planets in our solar system.

• To increase understanding and clarity, sample calculations have been added to mathematical sections. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-8775-5 Paperback • 614 pages • © 2014 Additional Format: CourseSmart, CafeScribe, Kno Instructor Resources: EF, IB, IM, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, EF, NV, PS Learn More at:

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