Biology 102 - General Biology II

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Biology 102 - General Biology II. 4 credits. Instructor: Debi Dewey e-mail : debi. [email protected]. Phone: 541-504-3600 ext. 6135 (school) ...
Biology 102 - General Biology II 4 credits Instructor: Debi Dewey e-mail : [email protected] Phone: 541-504-3600 ext. 6135 (school), 541-389-5917 (home) Classroom: Room A116, RVHS Office Hours: M-F 7:00-7:30 am; M-F 2:30-3:00 pm and by appointment Required Text: The Living World – George B. Johnson, McGraw-Hill 2006 (ISBN 0-07-281795) Photo Atlas for General Biology – Strete & Vodopich- McGraw-Hill Laboratory Handouts Students will be expected to review the text and laboratory assignments before coming to class in order to obtain the full benefit of the lecture material and perform laboratory exercises most efficiently.

Course Grading Grades will be assigned by the total number of points you earn throughout the term. The opportunity to earn points will come from lecture examinations, quizzes, and lab assignments. You are expected to be responsible for your own assignments and grade expectations. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated and zeros will be assigned. Any makeup work for missed assignments and labs must be completed prior to the original assignment’s return and before finals week. Extra credit may be earned, as assigned up to 20 points per term. Lecture: 3 exams @ 100 pts. Class assignments Lab: Lab quizzes, assignments and attendance Final Exam (comprehensive portion of final) Total Grading system:

100-93% = A 92-90% = A89-87% = B+ 86-83% = B 82-80% = B-

300 points 50 points 100 points 100 points 550 points

79-77% = C+ 76-70% = C 69-60% = D Below 60% = F

Attendance Attendance is expected in both lecture and laboratory. Make-up work for lecture exams or laboratories are permitted only in cases of an excused absence (e.g., illness, death in the family). Emergency arrangements must be made prior to an exam or assignments due date. Late work will be marked down.