Biomass combustion steps (1) - EcoHousing

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Source: English Handbook for Wood Pellet Combustion,. Page 7. 7. Biomass combustion steps (2). Source: The Handbook of Biomass Combustion and Cofiring ...
RigaTehniskā Technicaluniversitāte University Rīgas Faculty of Energy and Electrical Engineering Enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas fakultāte I tit f Energy Eīb un Systems S siltuma t and Environment E i institūts VidInstitute Vides aizsardzības i t ofd ilt sistēmu i dtē i titūtt

Energy Efficient and Ecological Housing (ECOHOUSING) Biomass combustion processes Aivars Žandeckis, Ph.D., researcher and lecturer


Topics     

Biomass conversion technologies Combustion process Combustion products Secrets of g good combustion Problems and probable reasons


Biomass conversion technologies

Source: R.Fakhrai, KTH


Biomass conversion technologies g

Source: Renewable Energies and CO2, 2012


Stage g of development p

Source: Renewable Energies and CO2, 2012


Biomass combustion steps (1)

Source: English Handbook for Wood Pellet Combustion,


Biomass combustion steps (2)

Source: The Handbook of Biomass Combustion and Cofiring


Combustion air

Source: English Handbook for Wood Pellet Combustion,


Biomass fuel and combustion products

Source: English Handbook for Wood Pellet Combustion,


Please name harmful emissions from biofuel combustion      

CO (carbon monoxide) NOx (nitric oxides) SOx (sulphur oxides) PAH ((polycyclic l li aromatic i h hydrocarbons) d b ) TOC (total organic compounds) Dust (PM or particle matter)


Comparison of CO2 emissions, g/MJ

Source: English Handbook for Wood Pellet Combustion, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment


Comparison of CO emissions, mg/MJ

Source: English Handbook for Wood Pellet Combustion,


Comparison of SO2 emissions, g/MJ

Source: English Handbook for Wood Pellet Combustion


Comparison of NOx emissions, mg/MJ

Source: English Handbook for Wood Pellet Combustion,


Comparison of TOC emissions, mg/MJ

Source: English Handbook for Wood Pellet Combustion,


Comparison of dust emissions, mg/Nm3

Source: English Handbook for Wood Pellet Combustion

Fundamentals for good combustion (1) Effective mixing of fuel and combustion air in proper amounts

Source: Environmental Monitoring laboratory, RTU


Fundamentals for good combustion (2) High temperature environment in the combustion chamber for the combustion p process to p proceed

Source: Environmental Monitoring laboratory, RTU


Fundamentals for good combustion (3) Well organised system for ash removal

Source: Environmental Monitoring laboratory, RTU


Problems and probable reasons A lot of ash in the boiler

Slagging in the boiler

→ fuel contains biomass with high ash content (bark, seed residues, leaves, needles etc.) → biomass is contaminated with sand & dirt → contains waste products → fuel contains biomass with low melting lti ttemperature t (bark, (b k seed d residues, leaves, needles etc.) → biomass is contaminated with sand & dirt → contains waste products → not proper technology


Problems and probable reasons


Deposits and corrosion → fuel contains “not clean” biomass, high content of sulphur & chlorine → contains waste products Poor combustion → too high content of dust → too t high hi h moisture i t content t t → air supply is too low

Visual combustion control: smoke None, or only quite thin, visible smoke White smoke, that quickly di disappears iin open air i


Good combustion with a sustainable pp y of air supply The smoke contains water vapour from ffuel el moisture moist re

Visible greyish or dark smoke. Can occur visible carbon particles

The smoke contains ash particles. Can be controlled through the primary and secondary air supply. Possibly the air speed is too high through the boiler

Thick, dark smoke with a smell of tar

Bad combustion with high amount of un-burnt carbon. Ensure that the air supply l fit fits th the amountt off fuel f l being b i burned Source: English Handbook for Wood Pellet Combustion,


Contacts Riga Technical University Institute of Energy Systems & Environment K Kronvalda ld b boul. l 1 1, Riga, Ri L Latvia t i Aivars Žandeckis Ž [email protected] +37167089943