Biomass Production, Retention of Nutrients, and ...

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Aug 20, 2010 - highest heavy metal retention (303.2 mg Pb m−2, 29.4 mg Zn m−2, ... gustifolia), club-rush (Schoenoplectus lacustris) and common reed ( ..... Pinney, M.P.; Westerhoff, P.K.; Baker, L. Transformatsions in dissolved organic car-.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health

ISSN: 1093-4529 (Print) 1532-4117 (Online) Journal homepage:

Cattail Population in Wastewater Treatment Wetlands in Estonia: Biomass Production, Retention of Nutrients, and Heavy Metals in Phytomass MARTIN MADDISON , KAIDO SOOSAAR , KRISTA LÕHMUS & ÜLO MANDER To cite this article: MARTIN MADDISON , KAIDO SOOSAAR , KRISTA LÕHMUS & ÜLO MANDER (2005) Cattail Population in Wastewater Treatment Wetlands in Estonia: Biomass Production, Retention of Nutrients, and Heavy Metals in Phytomass, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 40:6-7, 1157-1166, DOI: 10.1081/ESE-200055624 To link to this article:

Published online: 20 Aug 2010.

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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 40:1157–1166, 2005 C Taylor & Francis Inc. Copyright  ISSN: 1093-4529 (Print); 1532-4117 (Online) DOI: 10.1081/ESE-200055624

Cattail Population in Wastewater Treatment Wetlands in Estonia: Biomass Production, Retention of Nutrients, and Heavy Metals in Phytomass Martin Maddison, Kaido Soosaar, Krista Lohmus, ˜ ¨ Mander and Ulo Institute of Geography, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia The aim of this article is to evaluate and compare common cattail (Typha latifolia) biomass production and annual accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, and heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) in phytomass in 3 treatment wetland systems in Estonia. The biomass samples (roots/rhizomes, shoots with leaves, and spadixes) and litter were ¨ collected from 1 × 1 m plots—15 plots in Tanassilma seminatural wetland, 15 plots in ¨ P˜oltsamaa constructed wetland, and 10 plots in Ha¨ ademeeste constructed wetland. ¨ The highest average total cattail phytomass was 2.54 kg DW m−2 in Ha¨ ademeeste. ¨ In Tanassilma and P˜oltsamaa this value was 2.3 and 2.11 kg DW m−2 , respectively. The average total aboveground biomass production and roots/rhizomes phytomass was not significantly different in three studied wetland systems. We have found significantly less ¨ ¨ spadixes and litter in Tanassilma than in P˜oltsamaa and Ha¨ ademeeste. In P˜oltsamaa, the N and P content in all plant fractions were higher than in other test areas. The Cd concentration in all samples (shoots, spadixes, litter) varied from