Mar 12, 2014 - Processing, 2nd Edition. Kayvan Najarian and Robert Splinter,. CRC Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4398-. 7033-4 (Hardback). xxv + 385 pages,.
Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, 2nd Edition
ayvan Najarian and Robert Splinter, CRC Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-43987033-4 (Hardback). xxv + 385 pages, US$89.45. It is difficult to find a book that covers both biomedical image processing and biomedical signal processing that also has good coverage of the physics of biomedical signal acquisition techniques and biomedical imaging. This book, which contains much information in the field of signal and image processing techniques (the first edition appeared in 2005), has perfectly achieved this goal. The authors introduce concepts at a level appropriate for senior undergraduate- or graduate-level students. Additionally, the text has many homework and programming questions to review the explained concepts. The publisher also provides a Web site where more than 200 examples of signals, images, and exercises can be downloaded. This book has 18 chapters distributed in three parts, which are listed as follows: ▼▼ Part I: “Introduction to Digital Signal and Image Processing”—This part of the book provides a detailed description of the main signal and image processing and pattern recognition techniques, as well as the main computational methods in other fields of study, such as information theory and stochastic processes. ■■ Chapter 1, “Signals and Biomedical Signal Processing,” explains the main fundamental concepts of signal processing. ■■ Chapter 2, “Fourier Transform,” defines and describes the applications of continuous and digital Fourier transforms. ■■ Chapter 3, “Image Filtering, Enhancement, and Restoration,” discusses different techniques for filtering, enhancement, and restoration of images. ■■ Chapter 4, “Edge Detection and Segmentation of Images,” deals with
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPUL.2013.2296811 Date of publication: 12 March 2014
76 ieee pulse ▼ MARCH/APRIL 2014
different techniques for edge detection and segmentation of digital images. ■■ Chapter 5, “Wavelet Transform,” is dedicated to wavelet transforms and their use in signal and image processing applications. ■■ Chapter 6, “Other Signal and Image Processing Methods,” deals with other advanced signal and image processing techniques, including the basic concepts of stochastic processes and information theory. ■■ Chapter 7, “Clustering and Classification,” provides an introduction to pattern recognition methods, including classification and clustering techniques. ▼▼ Part II: “Processing of Biomedical Signals.” This section of the book introduces the major one-dimensional biomedical signals, with its main focus on the physiology and diagnostic applications of the biomedical signals. ■■ Chapter 8, “Electric Activities of the Cell,” presents a review of the electrical activities of the cell and is an introduction to the other chapters of this part of the book. ■■ Chapter 9, “Electrocardiogram,” Chapter 10, “Electroencephalogram,” and Chapter 11, “Electromyogram,” are devoted to the analysis and processing of the main biomedical signals (electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, and electromyogram, respectively). ■■ Chapter 12, “Other Biomedical Signals,” discusses other biomedical signals including blood pressure, electrooculogram, and magnetoencephalogram. ▼▼ Part III: “Processing of Biomedical Images.” This last part deals with the main biomedical image modalities, covering the physical principles of imaging modalities and describing its applications in biomedical diagnostics. ■■ Chapter 13, “Principles of Computed Tomography,” presents the main ideas and formulations of computed tomography (CT). This chapter is essential to understand many biomedical imaging systems and technologies such as X-ray
CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and ultrasound. ■■ Chapter 14, “X-Ray Imaging and Computed Tomography,” is devoted to X-ray imaging, X-ray computed tomography, and the techniques used to reconstruct and process these images. ■■ Chapter 15, “Magnetic Resonance Imaging,” covers the physical principles of magnetic resonance and describes the techniques relevant to MRI. ■■ Chapter 16, “Ultrasound Imaging,” describes different types of ultrasound imaging technologies and how to produce and analyze these images. ■■ Chapter 17, “Positron Emission Tomography,” describes the physical and physiological principles of PET and its main applications in medical imaging and diagnostics. ■■ Chapter 18, “Other Biomedical Imaging Techniques,” deals with anatomical imaging methods not covered in previous chapters such as regular optical microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, confocal microscopy, near-field scanning optical microscopy, electrical impedance imaging, electron microscopy, and medical infrared imaging. The chapter ends with a brief overview of biometrics. As already indicated, the chapters have practical examples and exercises (with biomedical data downloadable from the CRC Press Web site asp) to help students gain hands-on experience in analyzing biomedical signals and images. The Web site is also useful for generating lecture note slides that can be used as a teaching aid for classroom instruction. This very complete book should be considered a must-use textbook in any biomedical signal and image processing course. David Moratal Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain