Biometric Systems Approach Applied to a Conceptual Model to Mitigate the Integrity of the Information *Segundo Moisés Toapanta Toapanta
Mayra Alejandra Mendez Anchundia
Department Computer Science Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) Guayaquil, Ecuador
[email protected]
Department Computer Science Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) Guayaquil, Ecuador
[email protected]
Luis Enrique Gallegos Mafla
José Antonio Trejo Orizaga
Faculty of Systems Engineering Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN) Quito, Ecuador
[email protected]
Centro Ciencias Económico Administrativa (CUCEA) Universidad de Guadalajara Guadalajara México
[email protected]
Abstract- The security of information is important in all public or private institutions or organizations; on this occasion, biometric systems were analyzed as an alternative. The objective is to generate a prototype of the biometric systems applying a conceptual model to mitigate the security of the information. Was used the deductive method for the analysis of the articles reviewed and the exploratory research. Resulted a prototype of the biometric systems (fingerprint, face recognition, iris) from this research applying a conceptual model to mitigate the security of the information with integrity and authenticity. It was concluded that the prototype obtained in this research integrates the necessary safety standards so that the information on fingerprint, facial recognition and iris; maintain their confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, considering these aspects as a priority for the security of information in biometric systems stored in a database. Keywords - Biometrics, integrity, verify, identify, security, authentication.
I. INTRODUCTION The security of the information is indispensable in all the institutions or public or private organizations; because they can be vulnerable in all aspects; it is necessary to mitigate the security of information; for this reason, alternatives are sought through biometric systems that guarantee the security of information with integrity and authenticity. Biometrics is considered an option to solve these problems, because it has the necessary security information stored in the databases so that they cannot be manipulated by unauthorized persons and maintain integrity. There are some types of biometric systems that can be used, such as fingerprints, iris reader, facial recognition, voice recognition, among others [1][2].
978-1-5386-4599-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
Why is it necessary to perform the analysis of biometric systems applying a conceptual model to mitigate the integrity of information? To mitigate the security of information with integrity and authentication in a conceptual model using biometric systems. The objective is to generate a prototype of the biometric systems applying a conceptual model to mitigate the security of the information. The articles reviewed for this research are: Multimodal Biometrics for User Authentication[1], Multimodal biometrics by fusion for security using genetic algorithm[2], Biometric Authentication Fingerprint Minutiae With using Ridge Feature Extraction[3], Finger print authentication for improved Cloud Security[4], A conceptual model for automated attendance marking system using facial recognition[5], Iris based biometric identification system[6], Modeling Multimodal Biometric Modalities for Continuous User Authentication[7], Enhancing Security for Multimodal Biometric using Hyper Image Encryption Algorithm[8], based on Fingerprint Biometric Recognition: A Comparative Study[9], A Simple Model for Biometric Identification Technology Using Fingerprint Scanning[10], Banking Machine Embedded with GSM Technology for OTP[11], Sheming an Efficient Facial Recognition System Using Global and Random Local Feature Extraction Methods[12], as a Human Iris Biometric Identity Verification for[13], A Multimodal and multi-algorithmic Biometric System Combining Face and Iris[14]. .
The method used in this investigation is the deductive for the analysis of the reviewed articles and exploratory research.
that make it not the most feasible, such as voice, ambient noise could affect the overall recognition the voice.
The result obtained is a prototype of the biometric systems (fingerprint, facial recognition, iris) applying a conceptual model to mitigate the security of information with integrity and authenticity. It was concluded that the prototype obtained in this research integrates the necessary security standards so that the information regarding fingerprint, facial recognition and iris; maintain its confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, considering these aspects as a priority for the security of information in biometric systems stored in a database.
B. Biometric structure Biometric consist of several modules, among them we are: x
Registration module: This module subject biometric information is collected in the form of image, voice, and video, to produce their digital presentation.
Feature extraction module: the acquired information is processed in a central database, creating a template of biometric data of the individual.
Matching module: a comparison is made; with enrollment data and template generated in the extraction of data, these must match.
Identification Module: The system accepts or rejects the information issued by levels of match between the biometric information entered by the subject and recorded in the database[7].
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS One of the main functions of the biometric is to identify and verify, these are similar terms but with different meanings, identifying means identify, recognize, show the person by biometric information and verifying means confirm, verify, corroborate that information conveyed is stored in the same database [3]. In the study carried out, the optimal biometry that was used to make the conceptual model applied to the institution was taken into account, the characteristics of each one were taken into account. A. Types of biometric identification Forms for a biometric can identify an individual are the following: x
Fingerprint: This technique has been the most widely used over the years, every human being has fingerprint to a biometric can process footprint, it must have a good quality of recognition for the implementation of simple algorithms, otherwise more complex modules are generated in the model registration and feature extraction[4]. Face Recognition: Believed to be one of the most feasible methods for recognition of a human being, biometric data are obtained according to the shape of the eyes, nose, ears, mouth; these attributes are unique vectors which allow better identification the individual[5]. Iris identification: This method has the lowest error rate is one of the safest due to iris reader and advanced technology, enable greater security[6]. Voice Recognition: As the method of identifying the iris is a high-tech method, but there are many factors
Other systems: other types of biometrics are in body temperature, we recognize lips, ear shape, how to walk or sit, as time passes are considering new ways for security with difficult keys identify.
C. Biometric analysis When considering biometrics as one of the most reliable for safeguarding information methods, we must know as how these and how can we do so that the information in them stores cannot be altered or modified, maintaining its integrity and authenticity. According to information obtained in the study of various articles, it was concluded that to mitigate information in an effective manner is desirable to include more than one recognition method. According to the algorithms we studied biometrics fingerprint, facial recognition and iris are those offering greater safety and integrity of information and are optimal to be implemented in the institution [8]. 1)
Biometric Fingerprint
In the diagram below the structure of the biometric fingerprint it is shown. In this model, low-cost devices are implemented to mitigate the combining access password and fingerprint identification to avoid the possibility of attack, misuse, and
abuse of information proposed information. The entry of the fingerprint, the system records the key points of the fingerprint or also called ridges, that the segmented into subtypes, may be flat or rolled, the identification is considered as terminations or curvatures of each line formed in our footprint[1][9]. Then the flow diagram is made considering biometric authentication and password.
In Fig. 1 the flowchart shows the model which incorporates the recognition biometric in fingerprint and traditional income security key, shows a combined model for mitigating security information provides greater security, better authentication and integrity[10]. 2)
Biometric Face Recognition
Facial recognition is considered one of the novel, interesting and above all with minimal error margin methods[5][11], which can be applied effectively to mitigate information security. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which involves removing some images of parts of the whole face, was considered in the flowchart, which explains a way to improve security is to pick specific facial features and segments random; and the images chosen to apply the PCA algorithm[12][7].
Fig. 2 Diagram user identification process through facial recognition
Biometric Iris Recognition
The complexity of this method iris recognition, making it one of the safest when being implemented [13], the algorithm considers is the verification algorithm Daugman, the goal is to assign the sequence corresponding bits segmenting into circle patterns of the iris and pupil, is considered the Hamming distance to verify and stored template with which you are entering[14]. Eye image may contain specular reflection and since the intensity values at specular region are normally higher than any other regions in eye image it can be easily detected by Thresholding.
Fig. 1 diagram fingerprint authenticator flow and digital key
The flow diagram of a biometric system for iris is described below.
Description of prototype The user: x Register your information, personal data and biometric information. x Once registered, access the biometric identifier, which will have to identify the three proposed ways: fingerprint, facial recognition and iris recognition. Biometric system: x It performs the extraction of biometric information x You will pass its algorithm implemented x You access the database for verification Data base:
Fig. 3 Diagram of the identification process of the iris
III. RESULTS The result obtained is a prototype of the biometric systems (fingerprint, facial recognition, iris) applying a conceptual model to mitigate the security of information with integrity and authenticity. Different algorithms are responsible for safeguard the security and integrity of stored data, in this case the comparison between templates and recorded images must match.
x It will verify the storage base and identification checking if the data entered are correct. x If the input data and template match, the user shall enter the password you proceed. If the whole process without any fault flows can have a successful access. Include algorithms in the conceptual model helps mitigate the security of the information contained in the databases of biometric systems, proposing that the integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of the information does not run any risk. IV. DISCUSSION
The model provides for acceptance testing and applications, leaving consideration the ongoing study to improve the model and managed to get better security for institutions requiring use, eliminating the vulnerability in a user authentication.
In this research, a prototype of the biometric systems was obtained in a conceptual model as an alternative to mitigate the integrity of the information. In this phase the experiment is not carried out in view that it is an approach of the biometric systems defined in a conceptual model that is an alternative to mitigate the security of the information. The result is a prototype of biometric systems (fingerprint, face recognition, iris) that applies a conceptual model to mitigate the security of information with integrity and authenticity is related to the results obtained in the reviewed articles; in view that for all is the priority is the integrity of the information using different alternatives with the algorithms that are defined [5] [11]. The prototype obtained through a conceptual model can be used as a reference in project of information security as an alternative to mitigate the integrity regardless of the technological infrastructure available.
Fig. 3 Prototype of biometric systems in a conceptual model
It is concluded that the prototype obtained in this investigation considers all the standards of biometric systems of fingerprints, facial recognition and iris as an alternative to mitigate the integrity of the information.
Recognition System Using Global and Random Local Feature Extraction Methods.”
V. FUTURE WORK AND CONCLUSION Perform an analysis of existing technologies prior to implementation as an alternative security biometric systems that can be a safe and reliable technique when implemented; to mitigate the integrity and authenticity of information. It was concluded that the prototype obtained in this research integrates the necessary security standards so that the information regarding fingerprint, facial recognition and iris; maintain its confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, considering these aspects as a priority for the security of information in biometrics systems stored in a database. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The authors thank CUCEA of Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, Program IT PhD Information Technologies, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador, to the research group of the Guayaquil Headquarters "Computing, Security and Information Technology for a Globalized World" (CSITGW) created according to resolution 142-06-2017-07-19 and Secretaria de Educación Superior Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Senescyt). REFERENCES [1]
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