Bioprocess Engineering: - Continuing Professional Development

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Bioprocess Engineering: Fundamentals in Bioreaction Engineering: Monday 24 February – 28 February 2014. Design and Operation of Bioreactors: Monday 3 ...
Continuing Professional Development Programme Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment

Bioprocess Engineering: Fundamentals in Bioreaction Engineering: Monday 24 February – 28 February 2014 Design and Operation of Bioreactors: Monday 3 March – 7 March 2014 Course objectives This ten day intensive course will be presented by renowned Prof John Villadsen from the Technical University of Denmark. Prof Villadsen will present a systematic progression of topics from metabolic pathways and networks, thermodynamics of bioreactions and biocatalysis. Following from this, bioreaction kinetics are further explored in the second week and applied in the design and operation of ideal and industrial bioreactors. It is presented as a CPD course for engineers and scientists. It also forms part of the Taught Master’s coursework in Bioprocess Engineering at UCT, contributing to CHE5051Z and CHE5070Z which form 8 and 16 credit courses respectively (with supplementation of this material through a lecture series offered by Prof Sue Harrison) with an exam and assignment.

Course content The course content of these two one-week modules is based on “Bioreaction Engineering Principles” by John rd Villadsen, Jens Nielsen and Gunnar Lidén (3 Edition Springer, 2011). The first week course, Fundamentals in Bioreaction Engineering, consists of the following topics:  Fundamental definitions of rates  Black box stoichiometries  Biochemistry  Repetition of primary metabolic pathways  Stirred tank reactor in steady state (CSTR)  Carbon- and redox balances in black-box models  Essential thermodynamics of bioreactions  Calculation of free energy change from electrochemical cells  Introduction to metabolic flux analysis (MFA)  Metabolic networks  Energetic of metabolic reactions  Biocatalysis, fundamentals and practice  Metabolic control analysis The second week course, Design and Operation of Bioreactors, consists of the following topics:  Kinetics for reactions in microbial cells  Ideal stirred tank reactor  Other bioreactors (plug flow and loop reactors)  Issues in industrial reactors  Design of industrial bioreactors

Course Lecturer The renowned “super professor” John Villadsen, founder and former director of the Centre for Process Biotechnology (CPB), is a member of faculty and previous dean of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and the Biosciences at Denmark Technical University (DTU). As a strong proponent for fundamental research into cell factories and the industrial implementation of bioprocesses, he has established a working collaboration with BioCentrum and the Chemical Engineering Department at DTU to realise these objectives. He has further assisted other universities in introducing new curricula in Bioengineering. During his formidable career has acted as advisor to the Danish Foreign Aid service, Nordic Industrial Fund and UNESCO and consultant to companies such as Monsanto, Dansk Bioprotein and DuPont Engineering and Technology. He has published numerous articles in international journals and conference proceedings in his field as well as serving as editor to Chemical Engineering Science and Biotechnology and Bioengineering journals.

CPD Programme, Engineering Faculty, Menzies Building, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: ++27 (0)21 6505793; Fax: ++27 (0)21 6502669; email: [email protected]; web:

Continuing Professional Development Programme Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment Course Information Who should attend? This course will be of benefit to all that are interested in Biochemical Engineering, Biopharmaceutical Engineering, Bioreactor Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Enzyme Engineering, Fermentation Technology, Food Biotechnology and Metabolic Engineering. Students will be exposed to theory as well as practical considerations in Bioprocess Engineering.

Format The course is presented in an intensive 10 day format, which includes lectures and tutorials. In the first week Fundamentals of Bioreaction Engineering will be covered and in the second week Design and Operation of Bioreactors. Following the course, and completion of supplementing material, students enrolled for the Bioprocess Master’s Programme or CHE5051Z or CHE 5070Z as occasional students will complete an exam and assignment to earn course credits.

Cost The fee for the course for CPD participants will be structured as follows: For only one week’s attendance (5 days) R7,000 For both weeks’ attendance (10 days) R10,500 This fee includes a set of course presentation notes and lunch vouchers.

Certificates and CPD Points A certificate of attendance will be awarded for CPD participants. Participants need to attend 80% of the lectures to qualify for an attendance certificate. CPD participants can also request a formal university transcript, which will show this course as part of a Professional Development Career. Please note: If you are interested in attending this course for credit purposes, you will need to register for the Masters Programme or as an occasional student. If you attend the course as a CPD participant, credit cannot be claimed in retrospect.

Venue New Engineering Building (NEB) Postgraduate Seminar Room, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town

Date and Time Daily lectures: 08:00 – 16h00 Monday 24 February 2014 – Friday 28 February 2014 Monday 3 March 2014 – Friday 7 March 2014

Applications and cancellations (for CPD participants) Application forms can be found on the website In order to ensure a place on the course applicants are requested to send a signed registration form to the course administrators: Heidi Tait or Sandra Jemaar Confirmation will be sent on receipt of an application form Applications close on 20 February 2014 Cancellations must be received one week before the start of the course, or the full fee will be charged.

Administrators Heidi Tait or Sandra Jemaar: CPD Programme, EBE Faculty Office, New Engineering Building, University of Cape Town Phone: 021 650 5793 Fax: 021 650 3082 Email: [email protected] For Masters or occasional student registration, please contact Belinda Davids, email: [email protected] tel: (021) 650 5518 CPD Programme, Engineering Faculty, Menzies Building, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: ++27 (0)21 6505793; Fax: ++27 (0)21 6502669; email: [email protected]; web: