Oct 15, 2016 - Your name and logo on our website, with a backlink to your site. â¢. Your name and logo associated with
Bioscience Careers Festival 15 October 2016 Kings College London Sponsorship Brochure
The Royal Society of Biology Careers Committee is committed to promoting the breadth of careers that are open to life science graduates. Following on from the highly successful Life Sciences Careers Conferences run by the committee for many years, we are delighted to be launching the Bioscience Careers Festival in 2016. The Bioscience Careers Festival will take place at Kings College London on 15 October 2016. It will be the flagship careers event for life science undergraduates in the UK. The programme includes expert speakers from across the breadth of the life sciences, mock interview sessions, networking opportunities, museum tours and science communication performances. The event will launch students on their professional journey. The Bioscience Careers Festival will provide you with a unique opportunity to: • Connect with over 500 life science undergraduates from around the UK • Reach over 5,000 undergraduates through online exposure • Build brand recognition within the life sciences community • Demonstrate your support for the next generation of UK scientists Not for profit organisations receive a 50% reduction on advertised prices. To find out more about the Bioscience Careers Festival and how sponsorship can benefit your organisation, please contact Dan Rowson at dan.rowson@rsb.org or call 020 7685 2558
Gold sponsor Main event sponsor – only two available £1000 Participation as a Gold sponsor offers an excellent opportunity to raise your profile with UK life sciences undergraduates. As a headline sponsor you will receive a range of onsite and online benefits.
Logo on delegate bag
Opportunity to sponsor a session of your choice from the programme.
Your organisation will be acknowledged as the main event sponsors at the start of the event.
Exhibition stand including up to three company representatives at the event
A4/A5 insert in delegate bags
Your name and logo on our website, with a backlink to your site.
Your name and logo associated with the words “Gold sponsor” on all event promotional materials and correspondence.
Full page advert within the programme booklet, given to all delegates.
Silver sponsor £500
As a Silver Sponsor you will be given direct access to over 500 undergraduates in our exhibition area, and will receive a number of online benefits.
Exhibition stand including up to two company representatives at the event.
Your name and logo on our website, with a backlink to your site.
Your name and logo associated with the words “Silver sponsor” on all event promotional materials and correspondence.
Half-page advert within the programme booklet, given to all delegates.
Bronze sponsor £200
For those who would like to reach undergraduates but are unable to attend in person.
Literature stand with no representative present* or A4 or A5 insert in delegate bag.
Your name and logo on our website, with a backlink to your site.
Your name and logo associated with the words “Bronze sponsor” on all event promotional materials and correspondence.
Logo and web link inside the programme booklet, given to all delegates
*Note: literature may be displayed on one table with other literature.
Vendor Package £100 charge on top of Gold or Silver sponsorship package In addition to the benefits of your selected sponsorship package you will have the right to sell merchandise and products at the Festival.
Delegate Items £100 (items supplied by sponsor) Give delegates something to take home to increase your impact. Sponsors can chose to supply delegates with pens, notepads, lanyards or other promotional items supplied by them in the delegate bag.
Additional Options
Booking form Details Company name (to be used on all Bioscience Careers Festival literature and website)
Contact name Contact address Email
Sponsorship opportunities Gold sponsor package £1000 Silver sponsor package £500 Bronze sponsor package £200 Vendor add-on (avail only with Gold & Silver package) £100 Delegate item £100 Please state what item you will provide:
Total (excluding VAT):
Invoice address
Print name Date
Please note: Not for profit organisations receive a 50% reduction on prices.
Please direct any questions and return completed booking forms to: Dan Rowson, Education Policy Officer dan.rowson@rsb.org 020 7685 2558
Charles Darwin House, 12 Roger Street, London WC1N 2JU 020 7685 2550 info@rsb.org www.rsb.org Registered Charity No.277981 Incorporated by Royal Charter VAT Reg. No. 719 0292 38
The Bioscience Careers Festival is organised by the Royal Society of Biology Careers Committee whose members are: