Jul 1, 2011 - Digital Assistant (POA). ... The main objective of BioSecure Signature Evaluation ... extent a forgery sample gets "close" to the target signature.
BioSecure Signature Evaluation Campaign (ESRA'2011): Evaluating Systems on Quality-based categories of Skilled Forgeries 1
N. Houmani , S. Garcia-Salicetti \ B. Dorizzi , J. Montalva0 , J. C. Canut0 , M. V. Andrade , Y. Qia0 , 4 8 8 6 5 7 X.Wang , T. Scheidat , A. Makrushin , D. Muramatsu , J. Putz-Leszczynska , M. Kudelski , 9 10 io 10 M. Faundez-Zanuy ,J. M. Pascual-Gaspar ,Y. Cardenoso-Payo , C. y'Ivarach0-Pascual , l2 l2 ll E. Argones Rua , J. L. Alba-Castro I I, A. Kholmatov , B. Yanikoglu l
Institut TELECOM; TELECOM SudParis; Dept EPH, Evry, France 2 Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil 4
TECNED Tecnologias Educacionais, Brazil
Shenzhen Institutes ofAdvanced Technology, China
5 Brandenburg
6 8
University ofApplied Sciences, Germany
0tto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany 7 Seikei
University, Japan
Warsaw University of Technology / Biometrics and Machine Learning Group, Poland 9 Escola Universitaria Politecnica de Mataro, Spain JO Universidad de Valladolid, Spain JJ University of Vigo, Spain f2 Sabanci University, Turkey
Abstract In this paper, we present the main results of the BioSecure Signature Evaluation Campaign (ESRA '2011). The objective of ESRA '2011 is to evaluate through two different tasks the resistance of dffJerent online signature systems to skilled forgeries categorized automatically according to their quality. Task 1 aims at studying with only coordinate timefimctions the injluence of acquisition conditions (digitizing tablet vs. PDA) on systems' peiformance. The two BioSecure Data Sets DS2 and DS3 make this possible, since they contain data from the same 382 people, acquired respectively on a digitizer and on a PDA. Task 2 then aims at assessing the contribution of the five time functions available on a digitizer (coordinates, pressure, pen inclination) on systems' resistance to different qualities of skilled forgeries. Results of the 13 systems involved in this competition are reported and analyzed for both tasks in this paper. We observe that the best system in terms of performance on forgeries of "bad" quality is not necessarily the most resistant to an increased quality of skilled forgeries. Also, we note that mobile conditions are still threatening independently of the quality of forgeries. Finally, when adding pen inclination timefimctions to pressure and coordinates, wefind that the gap between systems in terms of performance is wider than when only pen coordinates and pressure are considered.
978-1-4577-1359-0111/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
In the online signature verification field, four international signature competitions have already been conducted in the last ten years, for comparing different systems on the same databases and with the same evaluation protocols: SYC'2004 [I], BMEC'2007 [2], ICDAR'2009 [3] and BSEC'2009 [4]. In all such competitions, online signature verification systems were evaluated on databases containing different "types" of forgeries: "random forgeries" [1,2,3,4], "skilled forgeries" [1,2,3,4], and "synthetic" forgeries [2]. In this competition, we focus on skilled forgeries in order to assess the influence of their quality on state-of-the-art systems' performance. Indeed, skilled forgery quality can greatly vary depending on: the ability of an impostor to stick to the genuine signature; the difficulty for the impostor in reproducing a target signature; the nature of the information available to the impostor about the target signature (dynamic or static information). The originality of this competition (ESRA'20II) [5] is to refine verification systems performance assessment by considering attacks of different quality levels. Such levels gather skilled forgery samples of different qualities, by means of a Hierarchical Clustering procedure [6] applied on a quantified forgery quality measure proposed by the organizers for online signatures [26]. Such quality measure actually exploits the Personal Entropy measure [7]
associated to the target writer. The principle of the forgery quality measure is to quantifY to what extent the local estimated probability density functions (PdFs) of a forgery sample stick to the target local PdFs (those of the target writer). To this end, we compute the dissimilarity measure between the target' Personal Entropy and the Entropy of the forgery sample estimated with the target model [26]. This competition is carried out on the two largest existing databases containing the same persons, namely on BioSecure Signature Corpus DS2 and DS3 [8,9], respectively acquired on a digitizing tablet and a Personal Digital Assistant (POA). Such two corpuses allow involving two different protocols for skilled forgeries' acquisition. The main objective of BioSecure Signature Evaluation Campaign ESRA'2011 is to provide to the scientific community a new benchmarking methodology for performance assessment, through an increased quality of attacks. ESRA'20II was divided into two tasks with the following challenges: The first challenge is to evaluate the impact of mobile acquisition conditions and particularly of the skilled forgery acquisition protocol on systems' performance, considering only coordinate time functions; The second challenge is to study the impact of different time functions among coordinates, pen pressure and pen inclination, on the resistance of systems to attacks. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the retrieval of skilled forgery categories based on their quality. Section 3 describes the datasets used in this competition. Section 4 details the two tasks of the competition and the corresponding test protocols. Section 5 presents some statistics on the retrieved skilled forgery categories. In Section 6, the participants are described. Experiments are analyzed in Section 7 and Section 8 offers a brief conclusion. 2.
coordinate-based representation of signatures. As the forgery quality measure is computed on a given feature representation of signatures, it can quantifY to what extent a forgery sample gets "close" to the target signature in terms of different descriptions of a signature. Therefore, for each person, the labeling of skilled forgeries into "good" and "bad" quality will change according to the chosen representation of signatures.
��;l L�AI�)xl Target signatures
(a) Skilled forgery of "Good" quality
(b) Skilled forgery of "Bad" quality
Figure1: Examples of target signatures and their associated skilled forgeries of (a) "good" and (b) "bad" quality.
Two datasets containing the same writers were used in this competition [8,9]: DS2 and DS3. OS2 dataset contains two sessions, acquired on a fixed platform (digitizer) two weeks apart, each containing 15 genuine signatures per writer. For skilled forgeries, at each session, a donor is asked to imitate 5 times the shape of the signature of two other people after several minutes of practice. DS3 subset is acquired on the mobile platform PDA HP iPAQ hx2790. This dataset contains two sessions, acquired 4-5 weeks apart. Each writer has, per session, 15 genuine signatures and 10 skilled forgeries of "mixed" type, namely static and dynamic at the same time, thanks to a particular acquisition interface displayed on the POA touch screen. The impostor could visualize on the PDA touch screen the writing sequence of the target signature and then in a second step, directly sign on the resulting image of the stylus trajectory. Such two steps of the forgery acquisition protocol allowed the impostor to stick simultaneously to the shape and the dynamics of the target signature. For this competition, two development datasets of 50 people from respectively BioSecure DS2 and DS3 were distributed to the participants [5]. Note that the 50 people are the same in the two development datasets. Such datasets are called in the following DS2-50 and DS3-50. The two test datasets of this competition, from BioSecure OS2 and OS3, contain signatures of the same 382 writers. Such two test datasets were kept sequestered by the organizers [5] and are called in the following OS2-382 and OS3-382.
Skilled forgery quality categories
Signature verification systems submitted to this competition are evaluated on two categories of skilled forgeries, namely of "bad" quality and of "good" quality generated following a given signature representation. Indeed, for each person, we cluster his/her skilled forgeries into two categories by applying a Hierarchical Clustering [6] on forgery quality values associated to his/her skilled forgeries. Then, performance evaluation of different verification systems is carried out on the two retrieved forgery quality categories. Figure I displays examples of target signatures and of skilled forgeries of "good" quality and "bad" quality, when the forgery quality measure is computed on a
Tasks and evaluation protocol
function of the decision threshold for the best systems, when switching from "bad" quality to "good" quality forgeries. It is noteworthy that for all experiments we used a parametric function [27] in order to compute a marginal error (confidence interval) on FAR (t) and FRR (t) for a value of the decision threshold t corresponding to the EER. We found thatfor all experiments the confidence interval is lower than 0. 0 J.
4.1. Task 1
Participants submitted two systems for this task: one tuned on DS2-50 and the other on DS3-50, considering in both cases only pen coordinates for representing signatures. Meanwhile, other features could be extracted from pen coordinates, as speed, acceleration . . . etc. Indeed, the objective of this task was to assess the impact on the performance of both submitted systems, according to the quality of skilled forgeries. This quality depends greatly on the forgery acquisition protocol, which is different on the fixed platform and the mobile one, and is particularly efficient on the mobile platform since the forger can imitate very thoroughly the dynamics of the target signature and its shape as weI\.
Statistics on skilled forgery categories
In this section, the resulting distribution of skilled forgeries into each quality category is analyzed according to: which session the forgery sample belongs; the time functions used for signature representation. For both DS2 and DS3, the quality of skilled forgeries belonging to the two sessions is measured with regard to the target signatures of Session 1. We notice on Tables I and 2 that the number of skilled forgeries of "bad" quality and "good" quality is similar for forgeries of both sessions. This means that the quality of skilled forgeries of Session 2 is not degraded comparatively to those of Session J with regard to the target signatures of Session 1. For this reason, in order to have enough skilled forgeries to perform a categorization according to their quality, and to be able to assess performance reliably, we mix the skilled forgeries of both sessions.
4.2. Task 2
Participants submitted only one system optimized on DS2-50, considering the 5 time functions available on a digitizer (pen coordinates, pen pressure and pen inclination) for representing signatures. Participants could consider only pen coordinates and pressure or all time functions, and they submitted their best system. The objective of this task is to test each system on the appropriate categorization of skilled forgeries, namely that depending on the chosen representation of signatures of each participant. For this reason, in this task, there will be 2 groups of participant systems: those tested on skilled forgery categories built considering pen coordinates and pressure, and those tested on skilled forgery categories built considering all time functions.
Table 1: Distribution of skilled forgeries of "bad" quality ofDS2 andDS3 on the two sessions
4.3. Methodology for performance evaluation
For both tasks, the evaluation protocol is the following: for each enrolled person, 5 genuine signatures of Session 1 are chosen randomly for the reference set; tests are carried out on the remaining 10 genuine signatures of Session I, on 10 skilled forgeries of Session 1 and on 10 skilled forgeries of Session 2. Note that we did not use genuine signatures of Session 2 as we do not want to deal with time variability issue. In order to have enough forgery samples to perform a categorization according to forgery quality, we needed to mix forgeries of both sessions. Then, for each writer, his/her 20 skilled forgeries were labeled as being of "bad" quality and "good" quality, by Hierarchical Clustering [6] on the 20 forgery quality values of such skilled forgeries. For performance assessment, we plot DET (Detection Error Tradeoff) curves [10]. The Equal Error Rate (EER) functioning point is also explicitly reported. For Task 2, we also analyze the relative degradation of the FAR as a
Bad quality
Session 1 Session 2
Table 2: Distribution of skilled forgeries of "good" quality ofDS2 andDS3 on the two sessions Good quality
Session 1
Session 2
(x,y) I
(x,y,p) 1640 1624
(x,y,p,Az,Alt) 671 676
Note that only a simple categorization into "good" and "bad" quality forgeries seems reasonable given the few number of forgery samples (20 per person). Indeed, if more samples had been available, we could have refined the forgery categorization. Table 3 shows the distribution of skilled forgeries into "bad" and "good" quality depending on the time functions considered for describing signatures.
Note in Table 3 that when dynamic features (pen pressure, pen inclination) are progressively added to the signature representation, the number of skilled forgeries of "good" quality decreases on DS2-382. This reflects the easiness for a forger to imitate only the spatial aspect of a target signature compared to forging also the dynamics. Also, note that it is more dtfJicult for the forger to imitate simultaneously dtfJerent dynamic descriptors of the target signature. Indeed, when pen inclination angles are added to pressure in signatures' description, forgery quality drops significantly: almost 60% of "good" quality samples (1917 forgery samples) switch to the "bad" quality category.
7.1. Results of Task 1 on DS2-382 and DS3-382
7. 1. 1.
4630 3010
(x,v) I (x,V,p) I (x,V,p,Az,Alt) 1347 4100 I 3264 I 6293 3540 I 4376 I
When comparing the number of "good" quality forgeries for DS2 and DS3, by of course considering only pen coordinates (DS3 was acquired on a PDA), we observe that DS3 contains more forgery samples of "good" quality than DS2. This can be explained by the forgery acquisition protocol of DS3, better suited to capturing the dynamics of the target writer. Indeed, the impostor visualized on the PDA touch screen, before forging the target signature, the writing sequence of the target signature and then signed directly on the resulting image of the stylus trajectory (see Section 4). From this analysis on the resulting forgery categories, we conclude that the forgery quality measure used for labeling skilled forgery samples behaves well by giving coherent results. In the following, we confront the resulting forgery categories to the performance criterion. 6.
Performance on DS2-382 with pen coordinates
Experimental results on DS2-382 displayed in Figure 2 and Table 4 show that when confronted to the two quality forgery categories, all systems give better performance on "bad" quality forgeries than on "good" quality ones, as expected. Indeed, at the Equal Error Rate (EER) functioning point, systems' performance get degraded at least by 2.45% ("VIGO system") when tested on skilled forgeries of "good" quality. Such relative degradation can even exceed 20% (see Table 4) at the EER for some systems (Ref, BUAS, SU, SKU).
Table 3: Distribution of skilled forgeries of "good" and "bad" quality onDS2-382 and DS3-382 depending on the signatures' description
Skilled forgeries Good quality Bad quality
Experimental results
False Acceptance Rate (in%) 2
Eleven (11) teams (from academia and industry) showed their interest in participating to this competition. All teams participated to both tasks and some teams submitted two systems for one task. The teams are from 7 different countries (Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, Poland, Spain, and Turkey). Thirteen (13) systems were evaluated together with the BioSecure Reference System of Telecom SudParis [22]. Table 9 gives the characteristics of the submitted systems in terms of the type of features extracted, the nature of the used classifier, and the computation of the final score.
False Acceptance Rate (in%) 2
(b) Figure 2: DET-Curves on DS2-382 with skilled forgeries of (a) "bad" quality and (b) "good" quality.
More precisely, on skilled forgeries of "bad" quality, we observe that the best performance is obtained with the "Reference system" (EER of 2.73%), closely followed by "VIGO system" (EER of 2.78%). This is not surprising since the latter system is also based on Hidden Markov Models and performs the fusion of Likelihood and Viterbi
score" which relies on the difference in the average length of each portion between the test signature and the reference set, portions retrieved when running the Viterbi algorithm with the target HMM [22]. This "Viterbi score" thus detects when a forgery is too far away in terms of signature length from the target signature; but as in DS3 dataset, the forgery acquisition protocol is quite efficient, the factor length is not anymore discriminant towards forgeries, and the "Viterbi score" actually may move closer forgeries to target signatures.
scores, as the Reference System [21,22]. Nevertheless, although "VIGD system" gives the best results at low values of FAR, it gets degraded significantly in terms of FRR for higher values of FAR, in comparison to the "Reference system". Such two systems are then closely followed by a DTW-based system exploiting fusion also, namely the "SKU system" (EER of 2.93%). Table
of systems
considering skilled forgeries of "bad" and "good" quality and their relative degradation (in
when switching from
"bad" to "good" quality forgeries. 20
Task 1 on
Forgeries of
Forgeries of
bad quality
good quality
4 04
:;; �
� .� �
2 1 ----- UFS1
0.2 0.1 0.05
-V1GO ReI �CNED _____ SlAT
_WIlT • •• • MGU • • • • BUAS
........ VOU.EUPMt 0.05 0.1
False Acceptance Rate (in%l 1
(a) 20
Now on skilled forgeries of "good" quality, we clearly observe on Figure 2.b and Table 4 that the best performance is given by "VICD system" (EER of 2.85%). This system thus seems more resistant than others to challenging forgeries of DS2-382: at the EER its relative performance is 30% better than the "Reference System" that follows. On the other hand, the least robust systems to "good" quality attacks are based on global distance-based approaches (MGU, BUAS). In between, we find OTW-based approaches, kernel approaches and vector quantization approaches as well (ordered from best to worst as UFS2, SlAT, WUT, VDU, SU, UFSl, CNED, VOU-EUPMt).
"'"""" CNED
• •• • MGU
• • • • 8UAS
False Acceptance Rate (in%) 1
( b) Figure 3: OET-Curves on OS3-382 with skilled forgeries of (a) "bad" quality and (b) "good" quality.
7. 1. 2.
Performance on DS3-382 with pen coordinates Besides, the intra-class variability of writers increases when acquiring signatures on a mobile platform, as previously shown by the organizers through the concept of Personal Entropy [11]. Indeed, Personal Entropy [7], a measure of the degree of disorder (chaos) in the reference set of a writer, increases when switching from a fixed platform to a mobile one. This phenomenon affects the stability of segmentation in the target signature class, and thus degrades the characterization of the target class by the "Viterbi score". For these reasons, DTW-based approaches are more efficient in mobile acquisition conditions than the two score fusion-based systems relying onHMMs.
Results, displayed in Figure 3 and Table 5, show that also on DS3-382, as expected, all systems give better performance on "bad" quality skilled forgeries than on "good" quality ones. The relative degradation at the EER (see Table 5) between the two quality categories is in between 2.48% and 30.07%. But on OS3 the tendency reverts compared to OS2: HMM-based approaches follow DTW-based ones. Indeed, on DS3, the "SU system", based on DTW approach, is the best system in terms of performance on both forgery quality categories. This could be explained by the fact that such HMM-based approaches exploit a so-called "Viterbi
one hand, for low values of the FAR, " WUT system" gets degraded with regard to other systems. On the other hand, for high values of the FAR, it is "SlAT system" that gets degraded compared to the other systems. The best systems are both kernel-based: "CNED system" and "UFSI system".
Concerning the ranking, the 5 best systems on both "bad" and "good" quality forgery categories are the same: they are based either on OTW or on Gaussian Kernels (ranked from best to worst as: SU, YOU, UFSI, SKU, UFS2). On the other hand, the worst systems on both "bad" and "good" quality forgery categories on OS3 are the same as those on OS2, ranked from best to worst as MGU, BUAS (global distance approaches) and YOU-EUPMt (Vector Quantization). Table
of systems
on DS3-382
considering skilled forgeries of "bad" and "good" quality and their relative degradation (in
when switching from
"bad" to "good" quality forgeries.
�1 · ·
Task 1 on
Forgeries of
Forgeries of
bad quality
good quality
� 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 False Acceptance Rate (in%)
(a) 20
� �
10 5
�1 · ·
: 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05
Now when comparing the results between OS2 (Table 4) and OS3 (Table 5), we observe a clear degradation of EER values on OS3 (roughly by a factor 2), and that on both quality categories of skilled forgeries, even if the systems have been tuned on each database. This indicates that mobile conditions are still threatening for verification systems.
FalsI! Acceptance Rate (in%)
( b) Figure 4: OET-Curves on OS2-382 with (x,y,p) on skilled forgeries of (a) "bad" quality and (b) "good" quality Table 6: EER values (in
7.2. Results of Task 2 on DS2-382
relative degradation (in
In this task, performance analysis is carried out on two different forgery categorizations: when coordinates and pressure are used in signature representation; when pressure and pen inclination are both considered additionally to coordinates for signatures representation. In each case, we analyze performance of the systems exploiting the corresponding signature representation. Note that the test database varies in function of the set of time functions considered. 7. 2. 1.
of systems on DS2-382 on
forgeries of "bad" and "good" quality with (x,y,p) and their
when switching from "bad" to
"good" quality forgeries Task 2 on
Forgeries of
Forgeries of
bad quality
good quality
In order to analyze the robustness of the best systems to "good" quality forgeries, we display in Figure 5 the relative degradation of the FAR when switching from "bad" to "good" quality skilled forgeries. We notice that "CNED system" is more robust to skilled forgeries of "good" quality than "UFS1 system", since for most values of the decision threshold, its relative degradation is lower than 50%.
Performance with pen coordinates and pressure
In this task, 4 systems exploited pen coordinates and pressure: WUT, SlAT, CNEO and UFS systems. In Figure 4, we note that OTW-based systems (WUT and SlAT) do not behave well for low or high values of FAR: indeed, on
200 150
1-- --
100 ---50 ---- - -.---- - 0
-t==== O�4
0.6 0.8 Decision Threshold
(a) UFS1
As in Task I on OS2, the least performing systems are "MGU system" and "BUAS system", both based on global distance approaches. Also, as in Task I on OS2, the score fusion-based "VIGO system" relying onHMMs gives the best results on both quality categories of skilled forgeries (see also Table 7 for the EER functioning point). Such system is then followed by the OTW-based "SKU system". The robustness of such two systems to "good" quality skilled forgeries differs as shown in Figure 7: note that although "VIGO system" is the best in absolute terms, its relative degradation (see Figure 7(a)) in the most critical region (low values of the FAR), is more important than that of "SKU system" that follows (see Figure 7(b)).
m 1
Decision Threshold
(b) Figure 5: Relative degradation of the FAR as a function of the decision threshold of (a) "CNED system" and (b) "lJFSt system", when switching from "bad" to "good" quality skilled forgeries.
7. 21
Performance with pen coordinates, pressure and pen inclination
In this task, 6 systems exploited all time functions: BUAS, MGU, SKU, VIGO, Ref, VDU-EUPMt systems. When considering all time functions available on the digitizer, we notice on Figure 6 that the gap between systems in terms of performance is widened.
Decision Threshold
(a) 3200 3000 2700
2400 :;: �2100
� i
1800 1500
� 1200 • � 900 600 300
o,,�=�=�==co�::::":+--+---.J Decision Threshold
( b) 0.050.1 0.2 0.5
False Acceptance Rate (in%)
( b)
:;:,§. 1200
Figure 6: DET-Curves on DS2-3S2 with (x,y,p,Az,AIt) on
� � l
skilled forgeries of (a) "bad" quality and (b) "good" quality,. Table 7: EER values (in
of systems on DS2-3S2 on
forgeries of "bad" and "good" quality with (x,y,p,Az,AIt)
1000 800
600 400 200
and their relative degradation when switching from "bad" to "good" quality forgeries. Task 2 on
Forgeries of
Forgeries of
bad quality
good quality
(c ) Figure 7: Relative degradation of the FAR as a function of
the decision threshold of (a) "VIGO system", (b) "SKU
system" and (c) "Reference system", when switching from "bad" to "good" quality skilled forgeries.
Finally, note in Figure 6(b) that "Reference system" gets substantially degraded on "good" quality forgeries with regard to the two above mentioned systems. Figure 7(c) then confirms this result, showing a relative degradation of "Reference system higher than 400% for most values of the decision threshold.
[2] [3]
Conclusion [4] [5] [6]
In this paper, we presented the most recent online signature competition, namely ESRA'2011, held in conjunction with the international Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB'2011). This competition was focused on the evaluation of online signature systems on skilled forgeries of different quality levels available on the two BioSecure Data Sets DS2 and DS3 containing the same 382 persons, acquired respectively on a fixed platform and a mobile one. In this competition two different tasks were defined: Task 1 evaluates the impact of mobile acquisition conditions and particularly of the skilled forgery acquisition protocol on systems' performance, considering only coordinate time functions; Task 2 assesses the impact of different time functions among coordinates, pen pressure and pen inclination, on the resistance of systems to different qualities of attacks. 12 participant systems from 11 teams from academia and industry are involved in this competition. The results show that the best system in terms of absolute performance is not necessarily the most resistant to an increased quality in skilled forgeries. In Task 1, we first noted a global degradation of performance on DS3 compared to DS2; secondly, we noted that the ranking of systems in terms of performance is not the same on DS2 and DS3: indeed, "Vigo system" is the winner on DS2, and "SU system" is the winner on DS3. In Task 2, forgery categories differ according to the time functions used for representing signatures. We noted that when introducing pen inclination time functions additionally to pressure and coordinates, the gap between systems in terms of performance is wide. In this case, the winning system ("Vigo system") outperforms significantly the others even in terms of resistance to attacks of increased quality.
[8] [9]
We would like to thank the BioSecure Association for putting at our disposal the BioSecure DS2 and DS3 Signature Datasets and its support to this evaluation.
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9: Description
of the systems System description
System SlJ
Sabanci University, Turkey WlJT
Warsaw University of Technology / Biometrics and Machine Learning Group, Poland SlAT
DTW distance
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, China VOlJ
Universidad de Valladolid,Spain SKlJ
Seikei University, Japan MGU
Other distances
Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg,Germany
- 11 local features extracted from the 5 time functions. - Weighted sum of 2 scores: likelihood score of a HMM-Universal Background Model, and Viterbi score of a user specific HMM [21,22]. - 25 local features extracted from the 5 time functions - Score: fusion of likelihood score and segmentation score generated by Viterbi algorithm [22].
Escola Universitaria Politecnica de Mataro and Universidad de Valladolid, Spain lJFS 1
Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil Isotropic Gaussian Kernels
- Local features: y coordinate, pressure and time derivative of pen coordinates (dx,dy). - Average DTW distance between the test and the 5 reference signatures. - Mean vector computed on the reference signatures considering as local features: the 5 time functions, pen direction and velocity. - Score based on a fusion model generated by combining many perceptrons, relying on the reference set, using Adaboost algorithm [12,13]. - 131 features extracted from the 5 time functions - Feature selection: sequential forward search algorithm (SFS) - Score based on a Hamming distance [16,17]
University of Vigo, Spain Ref
- Speed along x and y directions, pressure. - Score computation: normalized distance.
- 131 features extracted from the 5 time functions - Biometric Hash algorithm - Score based on a Canberra distance [18,19,20]
Telecom SudParis, France Vector
- Time derivative of coordinates, pressure and signature length. - Global and local classifiers [14,15]. - Employment of an abstract representation of a person's signatures estimated from the available enrollment signatures.
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences,Germany
- Pen coordinates and number of extra points in DTW alignment - Score computation: average DTW distance between the test and the 5 reference signatures with user-based normalization taking into account the mean of reference set signatures to the rest and the variation [23,24].
lJFS 2
Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil CNED
TECNED Tecnologias Educacionais,Brazil Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil
- 11 local Features derived from coordinates, pressure and time stamps. - Vector quantization [25].
- 7 local features derived from coordinates and pressure - dispersion optimized by a cross validation strategy - Likelihood score. - 5 local features derived from coordinates and pressure - Only k nearest neighboring Gaussian Kernels. - Likelihood score. - 4 local features derived from coordinates and pressure - Only k nearest neighboring Gaussian Kernels. - Likelihood score.