Biotechnology-2012 - OMICS Group

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Sneham Tiwari and Shailendra K. Saxena. Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, India. HIV-1 tat gene is a regulatory gene responsible for initiation and ...
J Biotechnol Biomater 2012, 2:6

3rd World Congress on


September 13-15, 2012 Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India

Prevalence of multi drug resistant E.coli from fast food and environmental samples Pavithra M and Asit Ranjan Ghosh

Centre for infectious diseases and control, SBST, VIT University, India


. coli causing diarrhea is an emerging food-borne pathogen which is gram negative, rod shaped, mostly motile and some of its sero groups has public health impact on humans by causing haemorrhagic colitis (HC) to haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). It is known that these food-borne pathogens are associated with animal reservoirs ie., ruminants and foods of animal origin, especially under cooked meat, unclean vegetables are often involved in outbreaks. In this study, a total of 200 samples, 100 from fast foods like hotdogs, burgers, chicken tikka rolls, sausages and 100 from meat shop samples like swabs from slaughter platform, knife, water, butcher’s hands etc, were collected and processed. From the screened samples 30 isolates were identified as E. coli, by conventional biochemical methods and carbohydrate utilization tests. Out of these 30 isolates, 4 were found to be nonmotile and showed mucoid and stringy colony morphology. When subjected to salt aggregation test with different concentrations of ammonium sulphate solution, most of the isolates were observed to be positive, which shows the presence of cell-surface appendages and their hydrophobicity. All the isolates showed resistance to more than one antimicrobial agent. Hemagglutination assay with human blood of different groups was carried out for all the isolates as the agglutination of erythrocyte is an indirect evidence of the presence of fimbriae and it provides a simple indirect method of testing the virulence of the organism. Pili or fimbriae are non-flagellar filamentous bacterial surface appendages composed of hydrophobic proteins which may be responsible for the aggregation. Occurrence of E. coli in food and environment is an important health concern because of the risk of foodborne outbreaks.These isolated E. coli strains could impose threat on public health. Keywords: E. coli, fast food, drug resistance.

Biography Pavithra M who is 27 years old is a product of VIT University, with her B.Sc (Microbiology), M.Sc (Microbiology) and persuing Ph.D (Medical Biotechnology) with the guidance of Dr. Asit Ranjan Ghosh, (Former Scientist of ICMR), Professor and Asst, Director, Centre for Infectious Diseases and Control, SBST, VIT University. Her research is on the prevalence of E. coli causing diarrhoegenic diseases in the environment. She’ve served as a Teaching cum Research Associate (TRA) in the same University and handled Microbiology, Princilples of Genetics, Immunotechnology, Genetic Engineering and Biochemistry for B.Tech, M.Tech and M.Sc Biotechnology students. She’ve been a co-author for few papers in peer reviewed journals. She has done a project on Anti-retiro Viral Therapy and the Effect of Nutrition on HIV positive Individuals, which was highly recognized and recommended by Ramana Maharishi Rangammal Hospital, Thiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu. [email protected]

Analysis of the HIV-1 Tat Exon 2 gene motifs as a potent candidate for therapeutics against hiv infection Sneham Tiwari and Shailendra K. Saxena Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, India


IV-1 tat gene is a regulatory gene responsible for initiation and elongation of viral transcription through the LTR transactivation, composed of two coding exons yielding a protein of 101 amino acids. Exon 1 (1–72aa) is important for viral transcription and Exon 2 (73–101 aa) is believed to have major role in cell adhesion and cellular uptake of the exogenous Tat and facilitates apoptosis. The aim of our study was to analyse HIV-1 tat exon 2 and to assess its potential for therapeutics against HIV infection. Comparative analysis of nucleotide sequences of HIV-1 patients with Indian reference isolate (HIV-1CIN) showed that samples had ~75% similarity with HIV-1C-IN and phylogenetic analysis showed them falling in close cluster of HIV-1 clade C. The tat exon 2 sequences displayed the presence of conserved RGD motif and ESKKKVE motif. Presence of RNA binding domains was reported, which if undergoes any mutation may alter the binding of the Tat with TAR element, essential for the Tat-mediated trans-activation. Hence making the domain a potential drug target. Further sequence analysis of the samples suggest that in CCMB121 lysine residue was not seen to be conserved at position number 90 which may be hypothesized in downregulating the HIV-1 replication. Even though Tat plays an important role in viral transcription, till date there is no Tat based drugs designed, for this the novel CTL epitope (DPSGSEESK) observed by us can be analysed for posing as drug target. [email protected]

J Biotechnol Biomater ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal

Biotechnology-2012 September 13-15, 2012

Volume 2 Issue 6 - 245