A project of the Tantur Ecumenical. Institute, Jerusalem. In partnership with the Centre for. Cultural and Heritage Pres
A project of the Tantur Ecumenical Institute, Jerusalem. In partnership with the Centre for Cultural and Heritage Preservation, Bethlehem.
Friends Newsletter
September 2012
Greetings from Bethlehem! The three-year term of the Bethlehem Icon School has begun and is now in full swing! The first classes of the iconography certification program for local Christians began on Friday, September 7. Here are some photos from the first few weeks. For more updates and information on how to help, visit
Left, the school’s patron, The Most Rev. Archbishop Youssef-Jules Zerey, Greek Catholic Patriarchal Vicar General of Jerusalem, paid a visit to the school on Sept. 8. Right, Zerey says a prayer of blessing over the Bethlehem Icon School, the school’s director and students, and the school’s many generous patrons. Zerey also urged the students to remember the school’s patrons in the prayers they will say while working on their icons.
Left, the earliest classes of the icon school have focused on background information, such as the history of iconography and Christianity in the region, in addition to technical artistic skills. Right, the students and director pose with Archbishop Zerey, who is holding an icon written by the school’s director, Ian Knowles, given to him at this meeting as a sign of thanks for his patronage.
The future site of the icon school is a building and courtyard from the Ottoman era, generously donated for the school’s use by a French-born Palestinian. For funding and permit reasons, the necessary renovations to the building are currently on pause. In the meantime, classes are held in the workshop of the Coptic Orthodox sisters near the Milk Grotto in Bethlehem, generously offered by Mother Maria of the Coptic Sisters, who is also a student at the school.
Left, inspirational graffiti messages cover the inside of the wall around Bethlehem. Right, school Director Ian Knowles offers helpful criticism of some of student Mother Maria’s recent work. Mother Maria is the leader of the Coptic Sisters near the Milk Grotto in Bethlehem and has generously offered the Sisters’ workshop as a temporary location for the school until the permanent location is finished renovating.
Left, Archbishop Atallah Hanna from the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate came to see Director Ian Knowles to offer his support and encouragement for the school. Also pictured is the archbishop’s secretary, who is a student at the school. Right, school Director Ian Knowles takes a moment to enjoy an early birthday celebration with students from the school. Happy birthday, Ian!