avoidance behavior) than on motivo, or readily available. Furthermore, the crime and, in many cases, to actually ganized, and efficacious self- amall scale of ...
t·eur ot" crinu~ ho:-1 ht~en fountJ lo hn tho ~ir1"le moHl poWt!rl 111 1•redlctor uf' neiMhlu1rl1oocf diHsnliHlnutiou 1timout.t ur-
ludP•!•I. H r••t.:enl New York 'l'ilnei11 poll •>f N.,w York Vily """; -
h1u1 tlwolh!r.q.
dt!nlli indlcrtlPtl lh11l erimo Mt 1tH?11liu11t!cl thrc'! tuuuH 111ur1? nl l•?U lht11u it't clnH•?Hl
rlvAI, hou:-tl111;.
lhnl clly's mo:-1t
lrnportunt prohlo!IU. Y~t t'e111• ol uri111t~ nmy hnve l•!SM tu do with 11ctunl rnl"s of viclimiiMllon thnn wHh rt!~1ilfP11U1' 1u~rt•t!1•tiotHt ot' HOHllll cuulrol iu lht!ir cu111mu11Hy. 'l'hi>t Hot.duJ cout r11I llM.V he t?Jtt!rci:·m•I
holh i111'orn111lly hy 11l!ifthhu1·11 111ul tor mully by bh.H!k ttSHfU?iO llOflR 1111d utlu~r· voluntt1ry or~1111h~;1I iorHi, HR well n!i b.V vollce. In Hfl•lili1111, nrimt? t~ 1uH• ·· c-.~lvud UR ht?illH i11t~11C;lrit!t1bty tttuy,lc·•I with ti llt?lWorlhysle1al ctnVil'Onment, CO 1•11ycholo~lc11I t'11ctor11, l!IUOh 88 hi~h levul11 of fe11r, and C:U demoilr11phlc oh11r11cterietlo11 which Involve the vulnerability of certain l't111lc.h111t11, 8Uch 11e wo1nen or the elderly. lJnt'ortunately. m08l of this reseitrch hall shud mure llKh' on p11s11lve and debUltallv., perKorud coneequencee or crime 1tnd victimization (e.g •• •votdance behavior) th11n on active, or1111nlzed, and efficacious 11C111'prot11ctton. It llf the latter "publlc-mlndod" re11pon11ot to which l(mllr. Durkheim relttl'red in RUIUl"RllttK lh1tt crirne 1111lloM sorne cornmunllh!B BK11i11Rt tliu vlol11l1011 ot' accepted norms. Other coinmunilles m11y, i11 contrMRt, rl!1tcl with ·"priv1ttoml11ded" l'eRr 1111cl is•1l11li•m. 't'ho lmpllc11llon ol' thlA for• crhnh111I ju,.llee policy, r1111c11rch, 111rcl pructrr:e IA thut wo noo
morn elT
orlma vrav e ntlon haa Included clUz m1 p11tc-ol11, "block Wll~h" prorirllm11, prop erty id entlflcallon, 1outh projlrnm11, an•I elluort 11ervlcea for women mrcl th" o.ldo rly. "1'he11e prokra 1n11 11avc .:oner111ly been found to reduoe reetdenle' lenr of crime aud, In mllnJ c11eoa, to actually lower local etreet orlme and app11re11t 11l1tnfl 01· community dleorder. Thuy h11.ve hocm mo1tl euccueeful wh11re the
1Jn1. Chn11f"• nmin. lllcll. and Wnmlrt1man tur tltr ,.rnlr>r '"''""""'",.