Cornelian cherry dogwoods. - - X X X X - -. Prunus mume. Japanese apricots. - -
X X X -. Leucojum vernum. Spring snowflakes. - - X X - - - - -. Primula. Primroses.
P. M. Eckel, Research Scientist, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, ... ADVENTIVES AND GARDEN WEEDS ..... *Alopecurus pratensis L., Meadow Foxtail.
locust). Edible legumes commonly grown in the home garden include cowpeas (such as black-eyed beans), lima beans, peas,
Missouri Botanical Garden ... Gabon and for many years the booming oil business postponed its ... cascades and small to larger caves around the range.
It is gametophytically distinct in the small plants with ovate-lanceolate to spathulate, red- awned ... Plantae sparsae vel gregariae vel laxe caespitosae. Folia.
Mar 15, 2015 - Apple Bay locality, Vancouver Is., British Columbia, Canada, .... Paleocene, Ludlow Member of Fort Union Fm., ND, SD, megaflora, ..... 2006; W. yakimaensis- middle Miocene, Grande Ronde Basalt of the Columbia River.
The Bibliography provides the full citation for the article or ... entry in the Bibliography, one can derive the full ...... Lohia Avadh University, Faizabad, U.P., India.
(Bradford & Barnes 2001). The australly-distributed genus ... the specimens as new species of Weinmannia (Ron Liesner and Jason Bradford, pers. comm.).
Your membership provides critical support for our international and local plant ... The Children's Garden is free to you
word in my community about the importance of ..... this five-day special sale. October Owls & Orchids Sale ..... gif
X X X -. Aesculus flava. Yellow buckeyes. X. Aesculus glabra. Ohio buckeyes. - - -
- ... X X X X -. Cercis chinensis. Chinese redbuds. - X X X -. Chaenomeles.
Bloom Times by Plant or Plant Group Plant Achillea Aconitum Aesculus flava Aesculus glabra Aesculus hippocastanum Aesculus parviflora Aesculus pavia Agapanthus Agastache Ajuga reptans Alchemilla mollis Allium Allium giganteum Amelanchier Amsonia Anemone Anemone hupehensis Anemone nemorosa Anemone x hybrida Aquilegia Aronia arbutifolia Aronia melanocarpa Asclepias Aster Astilbe
Common Name Yarrows Monk's-hoods Yellow buckeyes Ohio buckeyes Horse chestnuts Bottlebrush buckeyes Red buckeyes Lilies of the Nile Hyssops Bugleweeds Lady's mantles Ornamental onions Giant onions Serviceberries Blue stars Windflowers Japanese anemones Wood anemones Japanese anemones Columbines Chokeberries Black chokeberries Milkweeds Asters Astilbes
Fringe trees Glory of the snow Yellowwoods Clematises Sweet pepprbushes Autumn crocuses Lilies of the valley Tickseeds Flowering dogwoods Kousa dogwoods Cornelian cherry dogwoods Corydalises Winter hazels Green hawthorns Crinums Crocuses
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Bloom Times by Plant or Plant Group R-S Rhododendron Ribes odoratum Robinia pseudoacacia Rosa Rudbeckia Salvia Sanguinaria canadensis Scabiosa Scilla Scilla amoena Sedum Silene Solidago Sophora japonica 'Regent' Spiraea Spiraea japonica Spiraea thunbergii Stachys macrantha Stewartia pseudocamellia Stokesia laevis Styrax Symphytum Syringa
Common Name Azaleas and rhododendrons Clove currants Black locusts Roses Black-eyed Susans Salvia Bloodroot Pincushion flowers Scillas Scillas Stonecrop Catchfly Goldenrods Japanese pogoda trees Spireas Japanese spireas Spireas Big betonies Japanese stewartias Stoke's asters Snowbells Comfreys Lilacs
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Bloom Times by Plant or Plant Group T-Z Thalictrum Thymus Tiarella Tilia cordata Tradescantia Tricyrtis Trillium Tulipa Vaccinium corymbosum Verbascum Veronica Veronicastrum Viburnum Vinca minor Viola Vitex agnus-castus Weigela Wisteria sinensis X Heucherella X Pardancanda