Blow up for a diffusion-advection equation

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Dec 29, 1989 - Blow up for a diffusion-advection equation. Nicholas D. Alikakos. Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996,.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 113A, 181-190, 1989

Blow up for a diffusion-advection equation Nicholas D. Alikakos Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, U.S.A. Peter W. Bates Applied Mathematics, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. 20550, U.S.A. and Christopher P. Grant* Department of Mathematics, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602, U.S.A. (MS received 29 November 1988. Revised MS received 16 May 1989)

Synopsis These results describe the asymptotic behaviour of solutions to a certain non-linear diffusionadvection equation on the unit interval. The "no flux" boundary conditions prescribed result in mass being conserved by solutions and the existence of a mass-parametrised family of equilibria. A natural question is whether or not solutions stabilise to equilibria and if not, whether they blow up in finite time. Here it is shown that for non-linearities which characterise "fast association" there is a critical mass such that initial data which have supercritical mass must lead to blow up in finite time. It is also shown that there exist initial data with arbitrarily small mass which also lead to blow up in finite time.

1. Introduction This article deals with the initial-boundary value problem

ux+f(u) = 0, u(x, 0) = uo(x),

x = 0, 1, 0 Mc and fix time r =



We claim that the solution, u, to (2.1) with initial data u0 blows up by time T. Suppose this is not the case, then u exists and is bounded beyond t = T as noted near the beginning of Section 2. Define z: [0, 1] x [0, T]^> [0, M] by (3 2)


where a = (q - 2)1 (q - 1). We will show that z is a subsolution for problem (2.3). For convenience, let us name the two triangular parts of the domain of z as Aj = {(JC, 0 e [0, 1] x [0, T\. 0 ^ x ^ 1 - t/T},

A2={(x,t)e[0, l]x[0,

T]:l-t/TMc, Lemma 4.3 shows that wy blows up at y = 0 at some time r^T. This contradicts our assumption and thereby proves the theorem. • This theorem by itself does not show that there actually exist initial data with subcritical mass which give rise to solutions which blow up. Theorem 1.2 will be established by exhibiting initial data with arbitrarily small mass which also satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 4.5. Proof of Theorem 1.2. With A € (0, 1] and k > 0 to be determined later, define uo(x) =


(x + kf

with a = (q - 2)/(q - 1). Using this as initial data in (2.1), the corresponding initial condition in (2.3) is

Setting f(x) = v'o(x) + (vo(x))q, we seek to determine the minimum over [0,1]. Using the expression in (4.6) we obtain nX)


3 (x + A) A)3

(x + A)2"

and a short computation shows that / has a unique critical point 1/(2,-3)

Blow up for a diffusion-advection equation


It is clear that for k large and A sufficiently small, jce[0, 1]. Since q > \, it is obvious that /(*)—»+°° as x—* — A+. It is equally obvious that f(x)—>0~ as x—»+°°; therefore, the unique critical point, x, must correspond to a negative minimum of/. One may calculate

and so condition (4.4) of Theorem 4.5 may be written

(kk\a + B(kk\-^^-^ 2 for some choice of M > Mc, where B is the factor independent of kk in f(x). Since a = 2 — q/(q — 1) one sees that (4.7) is independent of A and that for any choice of M> Mc, k may be chosen so large that (4.7) holds. Therefore by first fixing k sufficiently large, and then taking A > 0 arbitrarily close to zero, we find that the mass of « 0 , being vo(l), may be taken arbitrarily small, while still giving rise to a solution which blows up in finite time. • Acknowledgment We are happy to acknowledge here a number of stimulating discussions Fife from which we gained some useful insight. We should also acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation, and the and Engineering Research Council of Great Britain through a grant to Watt University.

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N. D. Alikakos, P. W. Bates and C. P. Grant

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