This college prep course is a continuation of Algebra I. Topics of study include
solving ... The classroom grade for each term is broken down as follows. (This is
subject to ... On your first unexcused tardiness to class, you will be given a
B.M.C. Durfee High School College Prep Algebra II Course Syllabus 2013-2014 _____________________________________________________________ Teachers: Room: E-Mail: School Phone Ext:
Mr. Palermo and Mrs. Boucher 444 Mr. Palermo:
[email protected] Mrs. Boucher:
[email protected] Mr. Palermo: 508-675-8100, x Mrs. Boucher 508-675-8100, x2288
Textbook: Pearson Algebra II Textbook Website: Course Description: This college prep course is a continuation of Algebra I. Topics of study include solving and graphing equations and inequalities, solving and graphing linear and non-linear functions, as well as solving exponential equations using the properties of logarithms. A scientific calculator is required. Prerequisite: A passing grade in Algebra I and Geometry is required. Students who have passed Integrated Math III may use it as a prerequisite for this class as well. Classroom Requirements: You are required to have the following items with you in class on a daily basis: · Pencils with erasers · 3-Ring Binder with a notebook or lined paper and dividers (Your binder will be graded!) · Scientific Calculator (This will be used on a daily basis.) Additional Recommended Supplies: · Highlighters · Markers / Colored Pencils · Ruler Responsibilities of Students: · Come to class prepared and ready to learn. · Treat all people in the classroom with common courtesy and respect. · Remain quiet and in your seat until you are dismissed by the teacher at the end of class. · Try your best. · In no way participate or give the appearance of contributing to any cheating, copying, or plagiarizing. · Do not work on other subjects during class.
Grading: The classroom grade for each term is broken down as follows. (This is subject to change based on changes to the school/department policy. You will be notified immediately of any changes made to the grading procedure.) · · · · ·
Tests = Quizzes = Projects = Classwork / Homework = Do Now / Exit Slips =
40% 20% 20% 15% 5%
Your grade for the year is broken down as follows: · · · · · ·
Term I = Term II = Midterm Exam = Term III = Term IV = Final Exam =
20% 20% 10% 20% 20% 10%
Homework: Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. Please check the homework board in the classroom every day for your assignments and write them down in your agenda. All homework missed due to an excused absence must be turned in within two days after returning to school unless it is an extended absence and you have made arrangements with your teachers. When completing homework assignments, you must show your work in order to receive credit. Make-Up Work: All students will have their own individual folder in a crate in the back of the classroom. If notes or an assignment are missed, they will be placed in the folder. It is the student’s responsibility for checking his or her folder after an absence. Tardiness Policy: On your first unexcused tardiness to class, you will be given a warning. After two unexcused tardies, you will be required to stay after school with the teacher the following day to make up the time that you have missed in class. If tardiness becomes a repeat offense, you will be referred to the office. Electronic Devices: In accordance with school policy, Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices Any electronic items visible during the school day, 7:45 am until 2:40 pm, will be confiscated and held in the grade office for one week or until a parent or guardian comes into the school and retrieves
the items. If a parent does not wish to leave the building with the device, it will be held in the office for student pick-up after school hours. In addition, repeat offenders may be required to serve office detention. Students who refuse to comply with this regulation will face further consequences that could include Saturday/Wednesday School, or in-school/out-of-school suspension. As such, the following regulations will apply: · Cell phones, iPods, DVD players, radios, cameras, camera phones, camcorders, laser pointers, and other electronic devices identified by the school administration must not be visible during the school day and must be turned off. Phone calls of an emergency nature will take place in the nurse’s office or through the respective grade offices.
· ·
Electronic devices shall not be used for exchanging information, personal e-mail, playing games, or chatting unless sanctioned by a classroom teacher as part of an instructional exercise. Students who wish to bring these items to school do so at their own risk.
Please note: As this handbook goes to print, the current guidelines for the use of cell phones and other electronic devices are being considered and may be revised, with the approval of School Committee, to align with an updated district policy on the responsible use of such devices.
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating will not be tolerated. Copying work, looking at another person’s test/quiz paper, asking for help during a test or quiz are all forms of cheating. Consequences for academic dishonesty include a zero on the assignment, notification of your parent/guardian, and documentation in your student file. Repeat offenders will be referred to the Vice Principal for disciplinary action.
B.M.C. Durfee High School College Prep Algebra II Course Syllabus 2013-2014 _____________________________________________________________ Please sign and return only this page of the syllabus. If you do not return this page signed within one week, you will receive a zero for a quiz grade and your parent/guardian will be contacted. I have read all of the information in the course syllabus and agree to abide by all of the items listed. I agree to take notes in class, participate in class, complete the class work, and do all homework assigned to me. I understand that failure to do my work will result in a failing grade for this course.
____________________________________ Student Signature
_______________ Date
I have read all of the information in the course syllabus. As a parent/guardian, I understand that it is my responsibility to motivate my child in putting his/her best effort into the challenging study of Algebra II.
_____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature
_______________ Date
______________________________________ E-Mail Address
_______________ Phone Number